In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements in Educ-611 Current Issues and Problems in Education
In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements in Educ-611 Current Issues and Problems in Education
In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements in Educ-611 Current Issues and Problems in Education
MAED-Educational Supervision
Submitted to:
Subject Professor
1. Site and discuss some educational reforms of Duterte Administration
During this time of Duterte’s Administration there are many educational reforms being
proposed and later approved by the President himself. One of the biggest trend for the past 4
years is the 12 year basic education cycle. A total of 13 years in basic education from
kindergarten up to grade 12. Learner who will be moving up in grade 10 will choose different
track and strands in the senior high school like GAS, HUMS, STEM, ARTS AND DESIGNS,
and TVL.
For the TVL track students can choose ICT, HE, AGRI-FISHERY and INDUSTRIAL ARTS.
This tracks helps learner nurture their skills and as soon as they will graduate senior high school
they will be receiving National Certificate or NC. This certificate is valid for 5 years and they can
use it in making their own business and even in working abroad.
Another educational reforms and recently approved by the President is the improvement
of the curriculum of the students who want to pursue education, create more plantilla positions
for teachers, craft a communication plan on quality education, and harness the use of technology
in teaching. This is of course for the good of every learners, teachers and administrators.
2. Enumerate the interventions made by your school administration to curb dropout
The following are the interventions that our school implemented to curb dropout rates.
Engage and Partner with Parents
Cultivate Relationships between students, adminitration, teachers and other stakeholders.
Provide interactive activities to students
Home visitation
Conduct PTA Meeting every quarter
Give credits to student’s achievements and involvement.
Talk to them about career realities.
Don’t pressure them to do too much and give time for recreation.
Administration and Teacher’s must be supportive and involved.
3. How is the present reaching program affect the numeracy and literacy development of your school
Answer: To determine the status of student if they are weak in terms reading comprehension and to
determine also the level of their skill.
4. The use of Mother Tongue in our educational system had been implemented. What is your
assessment of the program?
My assessment in implementing the Mother Tongue in our educational system
children/students learn better and faster in a language they can easily understand.
Children show more interest and they can express themselves in easy way. They
can develop critical thinking. However, students/children must learn English
because it plays an important role in our life. It is very essential in our education.
In learning how to speak and write English it helps us to communicate with nearly
all the people around the world.
Politics really affects educational system of the country. Like the recent news the
government wants to review the education curriculum in the Philippines especially the k-12
program. There are people who says that k-12 is burden to the parents and Family but if you will
look at the long term goal of the program it’s really for the learners.
Another as you can see now a days there have been strikes in public transportation,
closure of schools and high school and colleges along the course of protest. So classes are being
affected by this strikes.
In addition there are politicians perhaps don’t value quality education, lack of classrooms,
teachers, supplies etc. Will I believe that there is quality education once there is a conducive
learning environment?
6. Describe external and internal stakeholders in your school and their contribution to the organization
Answer: The aim of our stakeholders in our school to give their appropriate action through the
implementation of better electricity and proper guidance of the student not to join fraternity and free from