Air Quality Management PDF
Air Quality Management PDF
Air Quality Management PDF
Written by Acknowledgments :
Nick Hodges C Eng Christine Bourbon
Dr Jolanta Obszynska Sylke Davison
Dr Chetan Lad Sef van den Elshout
Ronald Swaton Veronique Ghersi
David Hutchinson
Maria Kazmukova
Karine Leger
Felix van der Meijden
Fabio Nussio
Andy Salkeld
Andrew Whittles
Civitas Initiative
MOST Project and FGM Graz
Welcome to the (Common Information to European Air) Project and it’s Products.
The project was conceived to support Cities and Regions in developing their responses to the Air
Quality Reporting and Air Quality Action Planning requirements of the European Union’s Air Quality
Directives, and to encourage the recognition of the Local Authorities roles in the forthcoming Directive.
Publishing the documents in electronic format ensures that additional contributions may be added
during 2007. Additional Funding has been provided by the INTERREG 3C programme to promote
further workshops; to recruit further cities to the COW; to develop the Forecast Index for use with the
Media; to involve the Members of the European Parliament, the Department Generale Environment
and the European Environment Agency more closely with the CITEAIR initiative to strengthen the role
of the Cities and Regions and encourage the embedding of the concept within the European Air
Quality Management mechanisms.
Technical Manager
Lead Partner
1.1.1 The context of the Air Quality management guidebook 8
A CITEAIR survey of European Cities revealed that many did not expect to achieve the AQD
Objectives for several pollutants.
Key: 9 = objective will met, 2 = objective unlikely to be met, 9/2 = objective will generally be met
but hotspots remain
Refers to 2005 PM10 objective, * 8 hour maximum for ozone
In general the partner cities are confident in meeting the limit values for sulphur dioxide, lead,
carbon monoxide and benzene. However all partners perceive some problems with at least one
objective for PM10, NO2 and Ozone.
The main pollution sources and the problems (Table 2) that the cities have to tackle have been
identified as:
Pollution Sources
City Transport Industrial Domestic Background
Bologna 9 9 9
Bratislava 9 9 9
Brussels 9 9
Coventry 9
Leicester 9
Munich 9 9
Paris 9 9 9
Parma 9 9 9
Prague 9
Rome 9
Rotterdam 9 9
The Hague 9 9
Table 2 Main pollution issues by pollution sources
CITY ANNUAL AIR QUALITY REPORTS - A GUIDEBOOK - discusses strategies for Air
Quality Monitoring and Reporting and proposes an Air Quality Reporting template which will
assist professional users in comparing the performance of their Air Quality Strategy and Action
Common Air Quality Index) for use at the European level, complementing existing local indices.
Differentiating between background and roadside conditions aimed the Index provides easy
access to simple information to enable European citizens to compare their environment with
similar urban areas (see )
THE COMMON OPERATIONAL WEBSITE (COW) - provides an attractive platform to compare
air quality in different participating cities in real time applying the CAQI. (see
AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT – A GUIDEBOOK - is intended to assist the user in completing
the diagnosis of their problems and identifying a selection of tools and/or measures which could
help reduce the problem and improve air quality. The examples used to illustrate a theme are
supplemented by Case Studies already implemented together with signposting or links to
websites where other solutions have been reported.
COMMUNICATING AIR QUALITY - A GUIDEBOOK - provides a strategy for disseminating
information on air quality. It also contains good practices, which could be used as models for the
explains the transfer of experiences in developing a Decision Support System (DSS) that
assesses the environmental impacts of urban traffic in near-real time, from a local scale to a
wide area (regional scale).
The Introduction to the “Air Quality Management“ Guidebook provides a brief overview of the Air
Quality Management Cycle, indicating where CITEAIR products can help. Following the Air Quality
Reporting protocols assists in identifying the problem pollutants and locations of pollution ‘hotspots’.
The chapter on Choosing Air Quality Management Strategies uses extracts from Air Quality Action
Plans to illustrate the Package process. The Appendices include more detailed information on Air
Quality Strategies and Action Planning in several cities supplemented by links to the websites where
the full documents can be consulted. Equipped with an appreciation of the problems and the factors
influencing the local choices, the User can make a “Pick & Mix” selection from the range of measures
outlined in the next chapter. A subjective assessment has been made to illustrate the likely cost and
impact of each measure, using a High/Medium/Low score. The actual score for each user will be
influenced by local circumstances. To assist the user in making their own assessment, detailed Case
Studies of some of the measures are provided in the Appendices to illustrate how their impact may be
assessed or inferred. With the understanding acquired from this reading the User can then use the
links included in each summary of the measures to access further details. Consulting the COW may
encourage the User to contact a particular city, to discuss the implementation of particular measures.
The Guidebook concludes with a Glossary and References.
1.1 Introduction
European Union has taken a firm course of action to combat increasing air pollution leading to
green house effect and global warming. Its legislation is concerned with maintenance of air quality,
which does not harm human health or the environment.
The EU’s main Air Quality Objectives are to provide a clean and healthy environment
regardless of the global growth and its impact on the environment. Air Quality Legislation was first
introduced at the EU level in 1970. Numerous Directives and Regulations have followed regulating air
quality and factors influencing it, such as: emission sources, fuel qualities, monitoring/regulating air
quality and protection of the ozone layer.
Long-term goals were set in the 6th Environmental Action Programme 'Towards Sustainability'
complimented by National Strategies and Action Plans. These typically cover sectors such as :
Industry, Energy, Transport, Agriculture and Tourism. Themes effecting air quality range from Climate
change; Acidification and Air Quality; Urban Environment; Waste Management; and Protection of
Nature and Biodiversity.
Thirteen Council Air Quality Directives and three Council Decisions comprise the core of the air
quality legislation. These Directives and Decisions implemented by National Governments through
Regulations are the tools for directing action by National, Regional and Local Government and others.
They cover four main groups: product control and material handling, ambient air quality standards
(limit values and guidelines), ambient air quality assessment and management; and monitoring and
information exchange.
The development of Europe’s urban centres is linked with the development of sustainable
mobility options. Changes in behaviour, economic growth or recession and structure of the population
are factors that have an immediate impact on transport and mobility patterns. The EU Air Quality
Directives are increasingly devolving responsibility for action to the Cities and regions, where the most
complex challenges in transport and environment need to be solved.
Air pollutants resulting from traffic are a major source of pollution in many of the urban zones.
Local and Regional Authorities implement EU guidelines to reduce the impact of those pollutants on
health and well-being of citizens. Different approaches to implementing EU directives on Ambient Air
quality led to a variety of styles of reporting, modelling and an array of approaches to reduce traffic
related pollution. Air pollution models are used to predict and analyze air quality in particular zones
and can be grouped into following categories: traffic models, pollutant emission models, atmospheric
dispersion models.
The CITEAIR project started in March 2004 will last 46 months. It is led by Leicester (UK),
supported by Paris (FR), Prague (CZ), Rotterdam (NL), Rome (I), the Region Emilia Romagna (I),
Munich (DE), Coventry (UK), The Hague (NL), Bratislava (SK) and Brussels (BE). The project
contributes to the development and implementation of efficient solutions to assess and reduce the
impact of traffic on air quality in large urban areas. Through close co-operation, exchange of
experiences and joint developments between European regions and cities, the project develops
solutions to inform the public and local authorities about the environmental situation in a comparable
and easily, understandable way and offer guidance on efficient measures to reduce environmental
damage mainly caused by transport. Other municipalities are encouraged to contribute to the initiative
via a user network.
Developing and implementing an Air Quality Action Plan is a long and complex process
consisted of many stages and depends on the topography, geographical position and resources of
individual city or region. It is also dependent on the legislations coming from EU as well as from the
national levels. Those legislations are set up to offer guidance and to set the limits to pollutants.
Diagram 1 illustrates the Air Quality Management Cycle and its links with the European Union
Directives and National Regulations and how the various CITEAIR products can assist in
determining sensible and achievable Air Quality Action Plans.
Air Quality Legislation was first introduced at the EU level in 1970. Scientist who carried out
work on the environmental strategy helped to set the basis for the legislations, advising on the
pollution standards. Numerous Directives and Regulations have followed regulating air quality and
factors influencing it, such as: emission sources, fuel qualities, monitoring/regulating air quality and
protection of the ozone layer.
Legislative Tools
These allow to designate competent authorities at both national and regional / local levels.
They also allow to introduce statutory ambient air quality standards and alert thresholds. Central
governments with the use of legislations are able to set more stringent standards and incorporate
them at primary or secondary legislations then those set in the directives.
Local and Regional Authorities implement EU guidelines to reduce the impact of pollutants.
Different approaches to implementing EU directives on Ambient Air quality led to a variety of styles
of reporting. Monitoring of the pollution levels is one of the methods of implementing the directives, a
variety of different styles and types of monitors are implemented throughout the Europe. Modelling
of pollution is also used to predict and analyse air quality in particular zones and can be grouped
into following categories: traffic models, pollutant emission models, atmospheric. The use of
modelling can reduce the number of measuring stations needed to assess large areas. Modelling
also allows to predict future scenarios.
It is a statutory requirement for local government to predict future exceedences of the air
quality objectives where members of the public might be exposed to such exceedences. Scientific
assessment processes are carried out to designate Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) to
address those hot spots where specific air quality objectives are predicted to exceed the future
Once the hot spots have been identified authorities consult with stakeholders, various
organisations and general public, which helps to determine specific AQMA boundaries. Various
professionals within the authority as well as specialists are involved in the process of scientific
assessment process and anticipated AQMA designation. Within the AQMA solutions of reducing the
pollution levels are introduced.
Review Options
The local government body needs to review the options available to it. It needs to identify
what changes are politically acceptable and are going to be accepted by the public, what
improvements will allow for achieving significant impact. What options are feasible based on the
potential the City already has.
Local authority needs to identify who is responsible for what part of AQMA and in what
capacity that person or organisation can act.
Local authority needs to set up an action plan to establish how to integrate decisions to co-
operate with various groups and individuals within and from outside the authority.
The “hot spots” identified in the preliminary stages of AQMA designation need to be
addressed. A range of suitable measures or tools need to be reviewed and appropriate action
selected. The actions undertaken by the authority need to reflect its ability to implement them
effectively and with the support of all involved.
AQ Improvements
The list of improvements that can be implemented to increase the air quality is usually
generated by local authority. The list will contain a variety of schemes designed to reach the
recommended targets set by the air quality directives. The measures that are considered have to be
both politically and publicly acceptable. Measures that have the most significant impact are often the
most difficult to promote to obtain acceptance by the public and/or the politicians.
Cost Effectiveness
The list of possible measures, tools and approaches generated by the local authority to
reduce the air pollution and to minimise pollution at the hot spots may involve both expensive and
cheap options. Those measures need to be reviewed to assess factors such as effectiveness, cost,
acceptability and feasibility. Sadly the measures which have the greatest effect are often the most
difficult to achieve, whilst those which are cheapest and easiest to implement do not often produce
significant reductions. However existing infrastructures, can offer the potential for implementing
measures on a marginal cost basis. For example the London Congestion Charging Infrastructure
offers potential for enforcing a Low Emission Zone at relatively cheaper costs.
Non-Air Quality
Options and measures to reduce air quality, which are not associated with reduction of
congestion and volume of traffic. In some cities where Industrial Emissions dominate the Air Quality
then these might be tackled first or alongside traffic orientated solutions. Introducing green spaces in
inner city, can provide “Breathing Space” as well as enhancing the overall environment.
The selection of actions to improve Ambient Air Quality will depend on the budget, politics,
geographical position, public awareness and commitment and other restrictions. Existing Policies and
Plans may need to be adapted or replaced by new versions. In many cases these policies will need to
cover several years and provide for a phased implementation programme. The “Package Concept”
described elsewhere in this document has been developed by CITEAIR Cities to ensure that the
community can become involved and the investment can be shown to have delivered improvements
to the local Air Quality.
Existing Policies and Plans may need to be adapted or replaced by new versions. Ultimately
some of the major reductions will rely on European and National initiatives such as Vehicle Emission
and Fuel Standards or Inter-regional initiatives for say Ozone. The Local Policies will need to be
drafted to the support required to enable the use hard and soft measures as well as “Package
National Measures
European and National initiatives such as Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards or Inter-
regional initiatives, will be required if significant improvements are to be achieved in the urban
centers, even where a City has adopted major measures.
Hard Measures
Hardest restrictions against vehicle drivers can be taken to enhance air quality in areas with
high levels of air pollution. These measures usually have a high impact but also require big
investments. Examples of such measures are: Low Emission Zone in London, and RUC- Road User
Charging. The use of Air Quality Modelling allows the impact of these to be assessed before the
major investment required is committed.
Groups of measures consisting of hard and soft measures can be implemented in the city or
region to achieve better air quality. The packages can be tailored to the individual needs of the city
or region, depending on the existing potential and budget. The concept is to group together a variety
of measures, some high cost/high impact with some low cost low impact, to achieve identifiable
reductions, whilst at the same time conditioning the public to make “environmentally friendly green
choices” about their life style.
Soft Measures
These types of measures usually are not very costly but also do not have a high impact on
improving the Ambient Air Quality. Usually they involve education of the public to pollution reducing
actions they can take such as walking or cycling to work. They also involve educational schemes at
schools to raise awareness of the environmental issues.
The Quality Action Plan is implemented when the Local Authority has assessed and
consulted on the suitability of different management strategies and has selected those which are
most acceptable to the community and will bring the “best available” impact. The action plan will
confirm the City’s commit to implementing the changes required to improve air quality.
Implementing the measures depend on the many aspect of the city such as
• Topography
• Geography
• Layout of the city
• Existing infrastructure
• Restrictions by politicians
• Restrictions by general public
• Restrictions by budget
All of the above factors will influence the type of measures the local government will implement.
This guidebook allows the user to analyse several measures already implemented by other
cites. The selection of case studies provides a broad spectrum of examples. Both soft and hard
measures are presented and classified into sections for the easy identification. Chapter 3 of this
guidebook contains many examples of schemes that have been implemented and had a positive
impact on the environment. Appendices include case studies of the major cities involved in the
Citeair project. Examples of packages that are to be implemented in the cities that want to improve
their air quality are also provided. The user will then be able to develop an action plan which is
relevant to the local circumstances.
The scientific assessment process and anticipated AQMA designation process involve various
professionals within the authority. Table 2 represents examples of different professionals involved.
The European Community Directive on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and
programmes on the environment (2001/42/EC) regulates assessment of the environmental impacts of
plans and programmes. also known as the SEA Directive.
The objective of the SEA Directive is 'to provide for a high level of protection of the environment
and to contribute to the integration of environmental considerations into the preparation and adoption
of plans with a view to promoting sustainable development' This environmental commitment is broadly
consistent with Government policies and is reflected in other transport planning and appraisal
guidance. SEA will normally be required (in the UK) for new transport plans including Local Transport
Plans and Local (Transport) Implementation Plans, Table 32 illustrates the process.
Setting the context, identifying objectives and problems Document how the plan is affected by outside
and establishing the baseline. factors;
Analyse the environmental protection objectives, Streamline the subsequent baseline
Establish SEA objectives, indicators and targets. description, prediction and monitoring stages.
Collect relevant information on the environmental context Help to identify environmental problems,
Outline the environmental characteristics of areas likely to be objectives and alternatives.
significantly affected.
Outline any existing environmental problems which are
relevant to the plan
Deciding the scope of SEA and developing alternatives. Help ensure that:
Outline the relationship with other relevant plans, the SEA covers key issues.
programmes and their environmental objectives.
Identify relevant alternatives at the strategic level.
Scope the likely significant effects of the plan and
Consult with environmental authorities
Assessing the effects of the plan. Defensible consideration of all likely significant
Forecast the significant effects on the environment of the environmental effects.
chosen strategy taking into account the objectives and Propose mitigation measures where
geographical scope of the plan. appropriate.
Outline the reasons for selecting the alternatives dealt with. Propose a monitoring programme.
Propose measures to prevent, reduce and as fully as
possible offset any significant adverse effects on the
environment of implementing the plan or programme. Such
measures should be costed and deliverable.
Describe the measures envisaged concerning monitoring
Consultation on the draft plan and the Environmental Identify the opinions and concerns of the public
Report. and environmental authorities on
Prepare an Environmental Report in which the likely environmental issues.
significant effects on the environment of implementing the Show how information and opinions on
plan, and reasonable alternatives taking into account the environmental issues have been considered.
objectives and geographical scope of the plan. The
information to be given is listed in Article 5 and Annex 1 of
the SEA Directive.
Give environmental authorities and the public an early and
effective opportunity within appropriate time frames to
express their opinion on the draft plan and accompanying
Environmental Report before the adoption of the plan (Art.
6.1, 6.2).
Take consultation results into account.
Monitor the significant effects of implementing the plan Achieve implementation of the plan in
on the environment. accordance with the outcomes of the SEA.
Decide what needs to be monitored. Ensure that adverse effects of implementing
Identify the information required the plan can be identified and corrective action
Confirm when the remedial action would be required and taken.
identify what remedial actions might be needed. Provide information for future SEAs.
Consider who is responsible for the monitoring activities
Table 3: SEA appraisal stages
The CITEAIR project partnership represents cities with populations of over 250,000 ranging
from provincial cities to large capital cities (See Table 4), hence represents the different levels of
economic and political pressures that cities in Europe would face. The partner cities are also
indicative of the different industrial, geographical and topographical influences on air quality in
Pb CO C6H6 PM10+ NO2 O3
City 1h 24h 1yr 1yr 8h 1yr 24h 1yr 1h 1yr 8h*
Bologna 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 2 2
Bratislava 9 9 9 9 9 9
Brussels 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 2 9 ? 2
Coventry 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 9
Leicester 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 2 ?
Paris 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 9/2 9/2 9/2 2
Parma 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 2 2
Prague 9 9 9 9 9 9/2 9/2 9/2 9/2 9/2 9
Rome 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 ? 2 2 ?
Rotterdam 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 9/2 9 9/2 2
The Hague 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 2 9 2 9
Table 6: Expected compliance of EU Air Quality directives for 2005 and 2010 (assessed in 2004)
Key: 9 = objective will met, 2 = objective unlikely to be met, 9/2 = objective will generally be met but
hotspots remain
Refers to 2005 PM10 objective, * 8 hour maximum for ozone
In general the partner cities are confident in meeting the limit values for sulphur dioxide, lead,
carbon monoxide and benzene. However all partners perceive some problems with at least one
objective for PM10, NO2 and ozone.
The main pollution sources and the problems that the cities have to tackle, have been identified
as listed in Table 7.
Pollution Sources
For a city looking to improve its air quality this guidebook provides a directory to help achieve the
best results. The options available for each individual city depend on factors such as technological
requirements, costs, social and economic make up of the city and already existing schemes. There
Local governments need to tackle the problem, but there is no one uniform solution. Each city or
region has to choose the options, which are most suitable- “mix and match” approach. Below are
several types of packages that can be applied depending on the existing resources.
This scenario or package includes the measures that are low cost (<£500 000), short-term
(assuming funding could be implemented almost immediately) and as such are highly feasible
Land-use Planning
Road Network
Promotion of Alternatives
This scenario or package includes the more costly measures (£500K - £3 million). As before,
they are listed within subgroups
Land-use Planning
Manage network
Promotion of Alternatives
• Improve bus services (frequency, attractiveness, disabled and level access etc)
• Provide improved public transport information
This scenario or package of measures represent the high cost initiatives, less feasible options,
which necessitates them to be implemented over the longer-term.
Emissions from road traffic using the major road network are the most significant source of
nitrogen dioxide in most urban areas. Whilst the air quality assessment work undertaken by the
Council is intended to identify key pollution hot spots, the Action Plan seeks to address the issue of
elevated pollutant concentrations more generally across the city.
The main focus of air quality action planning must therefore be to reduce motor vehicle kilometres
travelled and emissions per motor vehicle kilometre. Of these, emissions from road traffic are the key
air quality issue in the city. Therefore in order to improve air quality within the AQMAs, attention should
be paid to the following variables:-
A. Numbers of vehicles flowing past critical points in the City (i.e. locations where people are
exposed to excessive concentrations of traffic pollutants in the AQMA, over the relevant averaging
B. Vehicle/miles within the Local Transport Plan area.
C. Emissions per vehicle/mile.
Detailed case studies provided by the partners can be found in the Appendices. Summaries of
some case studies have been presented in this chapter to assist with better understanding of the mix
and mach approach of choosing the schemes.
The following sections have shown some of the measures available for targeting specific air
quality problems that relate to specific source of emissions or a small group of users (especially
related to traffic). When trying to meet air quality limit values from the European Directives, these
strategies on their own will not achieve these targets therefore suggesting a combination of these
measures are required. This is particularly important in cities where pollution is not dominated by just
one source. Here an integrated approach to air quality action planning is required.
In Paris planning for 2010 (see text box below) has focused on the effects of improvements
concerned with waste treatment, energy production, rail emissions and transport planning. These
range of measures are predicted to reduce annual average concentrations of NO2 to close to the limit
values for 2010, yet exceedences are still expected at roadside and around the airport.
Within the framework of the development of the Plan of Protection of Atmosphere (PPA), the Regional
Direction for Industrie, Research and Environment (DRIRE Ile-de-France) entrusted to AIRPARIF the
evaluation of the quality of the air in the Ile-de-France region expected for the year 2010. This evaluation was
undertaken for the two pollutants which do not respect in a chronic way the air quality objectives, namely
nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3).
The work consisted in working out the inventory and the spatial distribution of main atmospheric pollutants
emissions for the three base cases: the year 2000 being used as the baseline year, the year 2010 that takes
into account the strategies of control already engaged on national or regional scales and the year 2010+PPA
that takes into account the complementary regional measures proposed in the Plan of Protection of the
Atmosphere of the Ile-de-France region. This was followed by modelling of the concentrations of NO2 and
O3 for the three base cases for two different meteorological years (rather good dispersive conditions like
those encountered in year 2000 or in year 2002; and rather poor dispersive conditions and high temperatures
in summer like those of the year 2003).
The predictions for the base case for 2010 included measures that are already “in the pipeline” based on
European, national or regional regulations. On top of this, the base case 2010 + PPA includes
complementary measures aimed at reducing the emissions suggested within the framework of the PPA.
These measures include:
- waste treatment incinerators located in the so-called “sensitive NOx area” should meet by the
end of 2010 a limit value for NOx emissions at 80 mg/Nm3 (instead of 200 mg/Nm3)
- closure of certain power stations from Electricity of France and changing the operation mode of
one power station
- equipment of low-NOx burners for all the renewed individual boilers
- Equipment of all gasoline distribution equipments delivering more than 1000 m3/year of a
system of vapour recovery of the NMVOC from the pumps
- Reduction of 30% by 2010 compared to 2000 of the emissions of NOx of the rail traffic in Ile-de-
France by an optimization of the conditions of operating of engines
- taken into account of a fall of road traffic corresponding to the realization of part of the
measures registered in the Plan of Urban Mobility
The effect of these strategies shows that for the 2010 base case, NOx emissions are expected to fall by 32%
when compared with 2000. A further 10.1% reduction is expected in 2101+PPA case. For NO2
concentrations a reduction in the maximum value for annual average concentration on the Paris and its
suburbs (except sector of Roissy) would be around 17µg/m3 leading to a maximum value around the limit
value (38 to 44 µg/m3 according to weather configurations by 2010 to compare with the maximum values of
55 and 62 µg/m3 in the baseline cases) in 2010 base case. For 2010+PPA a further reduction of 4 µg/m3 on
the annual average concentrations of NO2 on certain sectors of the agglomeration. A benefit of about 3
µg/m3 would be in particular recorded on Paris and its close suburbs, areas where the exceedence of the
limit value would still be expected in 2010.
In Brussels there has been a slightly different approach based upon Structural Air Quality
Improvement and Global Warming Abatement ( see text box below)
The government of the Brussels Capital Region adopted its Plan d’amélioration structurelle de la qualité de
l’air et de lutte contre le réchauffement climatique (Plan for structural air quality improvement and global
warming abatement). This plan, dubbed the Air-Climate Plan, brings together measures designed to
improve ambient air quality and diminish the emission of greenhouse gases by the year 2010.
The Plan’s measures have been divided into several action areas:
Reducing emissions generated by transport, a big source of urban pollution, through the technological
improvement of vehicles and a policy to reduce motorized traffic. This entails the regulation of parking,
plans to displace companies and improvements in public transport, among others.
Reducing emissions from energy consumption in buildings, which are leading sources of greenhouse
gases, by introducing a policy on the Rational Use of Energy. (RUE)
Promoting renewable energy.
Reducing emissions from industrial activities via a policy for technological progress and the use of products
that generate less pollution. This involves regulations on the use of solvents-base products in companies
that release volatile organic compounds.
Reducing emissions from individual incineration and the household use of solvents (uncontrolled
In addition, with the start-up of the RER, the Brussels-Capital region intends to improve its within mobility,
and this with the modal transfer of car towards the RER; the Area thus hopes to return on a level of traffic
lower by 20% than the situation of 1999. With regard to goods traffic, Brussels-Capital region will take care
to ensure better organization of flows in transport, and will follow a policy of encouragement of the modal
transfers in favour of rail, water way and of inter method water-rail-road; the Area of Brussels-Capital will
also continue the development of the port of Brussels.
It is expected that this 20% drop in traffic volume will enable Brussels to meet its air quality targets for 2010
through 70% drop in SOx, 48% reduction in NOx and 77% drop in NMVOC emissions compared with 2000.
The options available for Air Quality Action Plans are diverse. The topography, geographical
position and resources of individual cities and regions all have an impact on which measures can be
The following short paragraphs give a flavour of the content of the Air Quality Action Plans being
developed by CITEAIR partners which the reader will find in the Appendices.
Emissions from road traffic using the major road network are the most significant source of
nitrogen dioxide in Leicester. Different strategies were assessed with respect to costs, benefits,
feasibility and terms on air quality. It can be determined that the implementation of schemes like
access restrictions, capacity reductions and promotion of public transport are core elements of tackling
nitrogen dioxide emissions. Further information of Leicester’s scheme of tackling traffic caused
pollution can be found in Appendix B.
The City of Prague assessed impacts of the implementation of different measures for improving
the air quality, which are included into the Strategic plan for Air Quality Protection in Prague. Sharing
the experience with the other partner cities, a contribution to an efficient air quality management was
A proposal of 25 measures is directly bound to concrete groups of pollution sources and was prepared
on the basis of a detailed analysis of potential solutions of respective issues. One of the most effective
measures to tackle air pollution are changing in parking policies, extension of road network to enhance
traffic flow, promotion of public transport and capacity reduction schemes for lorries into city centre.
More details about Prague’s Air Quality Action Plan is mentioned in Appendix C.
In Rinjmond the amount of particulate matter is mainly affiliated to sea salt and industry.
Exceedences in nitrogen dioxide are expected to occur especially along major arterial roads at a large
number of locations in future when no further measures will be implemented. Analyses of different
sources of emitters were taken and it became apparent that the concentrations in NOx are caused by
road traffic by about 50 %. Different task groups responsible to chart every possible measure for their
particular 'source', including a breakdown of costs, impact, feasibility and timeframes. As a result 100
measures were carried out. Based on different criteria as the impact on air quality, costs, feasibility,
side effects and timeframe, a qualitative assessment was made. As a main result it was found that
the introduction of shore-side electricity for ships in the port and low-emission zones do have a
positive effect on the local air quality.
How the strategy of Air Quality Action Plan in Rinjmond was prepared can be found in Appendix D.
In the proceeding chapter a number of themes for managing air quality in urban areas were
identified. This chapter will discuss these in further detail and use examples of where such techniques
have been applied. The first 3 sections that deal mainly with road transport based issues highlight the
importance of managing traffic. The wider scope of air quality management and the importance of
creating integrated action plans are highlighted in the following sections.
Since the 1950s, car ownership and road building increased rapidly throughout Europe.
Consequently – along with an uneven growth in the modal share of both passenger and good
transport – for most countries in Europe, major cities and main highways connecting urban centres
suffer from congestion problems that have found to create economic problems for the cities and the
countries as a whole. Since the 1970s efforts have been made to reduce congestion and improve
traffic in particular in cities. Although such schemes are designed with traffic management (and its
economic impacts) in mind, their effect on air quality has only being appreciated recently, as
complementary air quality and traffic monitoring and modelling techniques have been developed. One
of the solutions for traffic congestion was to increase capacity of the existing network of roads and
highways. Such approach created even more congestion because of the increased usage of roads
especially by freight transport.
This section looks at the range of measures that have been designed to reduce urban
congestion and their impacts on air quality.
For many cities, the main traffic management activities are controlled by a central Intelligent
Transport System (ITS) used to optimise traffic flow and minimise congestion in urban areas. In the
UK, this concept is represented by Urban Traffic Management & Control (UTMC) systems UTMC
systems were initially set out to “improve congestion and demand management”, however currently
new initiatives involved air quality effects. The principles of traffic management systems used across
Europe are the same but are based on differing software platforms. The basic requirements are:
This information allows for traffic management by a central control system by a variety of methods.
• Automated fixed plans for traffic light control for different scenarios (based on day of the week
and time of day, as well as special plans for events)
• Automated responsive plans, based on traffic monitoring data to optimise flows
• Manual intervention of traffic light sequences by operators
The City of Leicester has a well-established UTMC system based on SCOOT based traffic
monitoring and optimisation, complemented through the use of CCTV that allows for operator
intervention. Through research collaboration with Leeds University air quality impacts of queue
relocation using has been carried out, utilising the existing system in Leicester (see text box). This was
done as part of a national government and European funded initiatives. The alterations of signal
Impact Cost
High High
Using existing UTC (Urban Traffic Control) system using SCOOT (Spilt Cycle Offset Optimisation Technique)
and air quality monitoring infrastructure. A gating trail was carried out on Narborough Road in Leicester.
The Narborough Road in Leicester is a major radial that becomes increasingly narrow as it approaches the
city centre. Gating has been used here to restrain traffic at the outer end of the radial where there is
relatively little pedestrian activity and the houses are set well back from the road. There are service roads
either side of the dual carriageway and the houses have appreciable front gardens. In contrast, the city
centre end of the road is single carriageway with buildings close to the kerb so that pollutants are trapped by
a canyon effect. The aim is to reduce congestion, and hence emissions of pollutants, at the more sensitive
city centre end of the radial. To reduce congestion at the city centre end of the road it was necessary to
create very large queues at the gating point, the Braunstone Lane junction, which lead to complaints from the
public. The trial was modified to hold somewhat smaller queues at the Fullhurst Avenue junction, the first
junction inbound from Braunstone Lane and reduce the severity of the restraint at the original gate. Two
smaller queues have proved to be more acceptable whilst still improving conditions at the city centre end of
the road. Figure 1 shows the site and the two gating points used.
Imperial Avenue
Fullhurst Avenue
Braunstone Lane Upperton Road
SCOOT junction
Pollution Monitor
The trial successfully demonstrated a reduction in emissions in the protected area. Emissions were reduced
by between 3% and 8%, depending on pollutant. Reductions in the peak ¼ hour were almost twice as great
as reductions in the average values over the two-hour peak. Since a high level of restraint was needed to
gain these reductions, it was found to be more publicly acceptable to have two smaller queues rather than
one very large queue. Outbound traffic was delayed more in the protected area, due to the nature of the two
stage signal. An extra stage, allowing traffic out of the protected area would increase reductions in emissions.
Impact Cost
High Low
In order to improve the air quality in the Rotterdam district Overschie, a pilot experiment has been conducted on the
national motorway A13. As of May 11 , 2002, the maximum speed has been reduced from a 100 to 80 kilometres per
hour in the area where the motorway passes through this district. Research by the Netherlands Research Organisation
(TNO) has proved that traffic moving at a constant moderate speed emits less air pollution in comparison to dynamic
traffic (traffic with frequent speed fluctuations or speeds above 120 km/hr). The 80 km speed limit is only successful if it
is heavy policed. So in addition to new road signs a system taking pictures of vehicles entering and leaving the zone and
calculating the average speed was put in place. The system is connected to an automated fining system for people
driving too fast. Capturing chances are close to 100%.
The findings and the conclusions are based upon the measurements up to and including March 2003 and calculations
up to and including January 2003. The findings can be summarised as follows:
• Trajectory speed control has been effective in reducing the fluctuations in traffic speed on the A13 right across
Overschie and also in not exceeding the speed limits (especially during the night). The traffic now flows more
efficiently through Overschie even while the number of vehicles has remained constant or has even slightly
• As a result of the new speed limit the traffic emissions on the A13 through Overschie (in case of constant
intensity) are estimated to be reduced by about 15-25% for NOx and about 25-35% for NO2 and PM10.
• Concentrations measured at the locations 50 and 200 m to the east of the A13 in Overschie during westerly
winds indicate that the air quality for NO2 has improved by approximately 5 µg/m at a distance of 50 m and by
3 3
3 µg/m3 at 200 m and for PM10 by approximately 4 µg/m at 50 m and by 1 µg/m at 200 m. These results
indicate that the measure has a positive impact on the air quality in Overschie.
• NO2 measurements with passive samplers in Overschie indicate that local traffic affects the spatial variation in
air quality. At a distance of 250 m and more from the A13, the impact of the emissions is no longer detectable
in Overschie.
• Model calculations were used to assess the effect of the on the contribution of the A13 to the air quality in
Overschie as well as the impact on the total air quality. The reduced contribution of the A13 on the air quality
in up to 200-m distance is approximately 25% for NO2 and 34% for PM10. The improvement of the total air
quality at this distance was calculated as 7% for NO2 and 4% for PM10.
The initial development of access control and capacity reduction schemes was not designed as air
quality measures exclusively but such effects now have an impact on the planning process in their
implementation. Usually technological requirements for access control are limited but instead require
the reorganisation of streets and roads. Access control to roads or certain areas of a city has taken
many guises. The types of schemes include:
• Road tolling
• Permit based control
• Low Emission Zones
• Home Zones / Liveable Areas
• Pedestrian Areas
• Parking restrictions
In The Netherlands, the development of ‘woonerf’ concept (’Living Yard’) during the 1970s led to
initiatives that attempt to reduce the domination of vehicular traffic in streets, and share space equally
with other users (cyclist, pedestrians and residents). Notable developments were carried out in Delft
and The Hague. The concept was imported to other European countries and in the UK is represented
by ‘Home Zones’ principle. Such schemes are characterised by the re-design of residential streets to
encourage greater safety and community cohesion by reducing vehicle through-flow and speed.
Cycling and walking are encouraged in these areas. The influence of promoting sustainable living with
sustainable transport in these schemes means there are many overlaps with air quality management.
• Such schemes will not succeed in isolation and therefore must be linked with other
improvements in traffic and transport. (In the examples of London and Rome public transport
improvements and a flat rate parking fee respectively were introduced as an integral part of
the congestion charging and access control schemes).
• Automated schemes have generally higher compliance rates, however must be based on
robust proven technology rather than new experimental technology.
Woonerf developments in The Hague and Delft
Homes Zones in the UK: and
Road User Charging Information:
Progress Project Deliverable D7.2:
The congestion charging scheme in London was introduced in February 2003. The scheme charges a daily
rate for vehicles to enter and travel in the 21 square kilometre charging zone between 7:00 and 18:30 during
weekdays. The scheme is supported by an infrastructure of 203 camera sites, using automatic number plate
recognition (ANPR) technology cameras placed on the 173 entry points into the congestion zone and in
locations within the zone. Vehicles driving in the charging zone during the charging period are charged a flat
rate of £5 per day, subsequently increased by £8 per day. Vehicles exempt from the scheme include licensed
taxis and minicabs, buses, motorcycles, vehicles for disabled persons including “blue badge” holders and
vehicles with 9 seats or more. Residents in the charging zone – of which approximately 40,000 households
own a car – are entitled to a 90% discount of the charge (£2.50 for one week compared to a full charge of £25
for non-residents).
Within the charging zone road traffic flows have decreased by 15 per cent and mean daily traffic speed has
increased by 20 per cent (from 19 km/h to 23 km/h). Congestion in the charging zone has been reduced by 30
per cent. Car trips into the central charging zone has reduced by 65,000 – 70,000 per day. Changes in vehicle
km travelled in the charging zone shows an increase in buses (+20%), an increase in taxis (+13%) and a
decrease in cars (-29%) and heavy goods vehicles (-11%). Bus usage has increased inside and outside the
congestion charging zone.
In terms of air quality, congestion charging in London has been found to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides
and particulates by 12 per cent and carbon dioxide by 19 per cent within the charging zone
Impact Cost
High High
The ACS+RP scheme is applied to central limited traffic zone (ZTL). The pricing zone has an area of 4.6 km and is controlled
through 22 entrance gates. In the scheme access to the ZTL is restricted on weekdays between 6.30 am and 6.00 pm and on
Saturday from 2.00 to 6.00 p.m. to permit holders only.
Residents of the zone receive two free permits per family group and then pay for any further permits required. Non-residents
can receive a permit if they belong to specific categories: doctors, commercial agents, reporters, etc., based on an annual
permit which is worth the equivalent of a 12-month public transport card that is 311.47 Euro, while some other specific
authorised people pay half fare. This access permits are about 20,000. Public offices and other private bodies and
associations are given each a limited number of permits, agreed in advance with the municipal offices. All non-resident owners
of a parking space can receive a circulation only permit. Permits are given to disabled with reduced walking capabilities
certified by one of the national service doctors. Freight operators with their offices in LTZ or with a continuous activity in LTZ
have received permits to access the area in specific time windows, using special parking slots for loading/unloading vehicles.
Time limitations are not valid for transporting food, medicines, press products and some other freight categories. Further,
permits have been distributed among the operators of public services, such as technological services (water, energy, waste,
etc.). In all approximately 200,000 LTZ permits have been issued, of which 28,000 are resident permits (LTZ resident
population 42,000).
Main observed results of the implementation of the system are a 10% decrease in traffic during the day that becomes 20%
decrease in traffic during the restriction period, 15% decrease in the morning peak hour (8.30-9.30), 10% increase of two
wheeled vehicles and a 6% increase of public transport.
The air quality impact of the scheme is difficult to judge, as since year 2000 (before the ACS+RP operations) many actions
have been undertaken to reduce the traffic impacts on air quality including yearly emission control on registered car fleet,
renewal of the public transport bus fleet, access limitation to non-catalysed vehicles and an increase of the Park & Ride
provision. In this period, the access restrictions for non-catalysed vehicles in the whole Rail Ring zone was achieved in the first
part of 2003. However between January 2001 and January 2003 significant improvements have been seen in monitored
benzene concentrations (reductions of 19% - 39%) but the improvement for particulates in the ZTL – the biggest air quality
problem for Rome – were less than expected. This is partly due to the increased use of powered two wheeled vehicles since
the introduction of the scheme.
To improve air quality in London - which is currently among the worst in Europe - the Mayor is
proposing to designate Greater London as a Low Emission Zone (LEZ). The objectives of the
proposed LEZ are two-fold:
• To move London closer to achieving national and EU air quality objectives for 2010
• To improve the health and quality of life of people who live and work in London, through
improving air quality
A LEZ would aim to reduce air pollution by discouraging the most polluting vehicles from driving
in Greater London. These are generally older, diesel engined heavy goods vehicles (HGVs), buses,
coaches, heavier vans and minibuses.
Air pollution affects the quality of life of a large number of Londoners, especially those with respiratory
and cardiovascular conditions. It is estimated that every year some 1,000 premature deaths and a
similar number of hospital admissions occur due to poor air quality in the Capital. Many more people
experience discomfort as a result of pollutants aggravating existing conditions.
Two of these pollutants - particulate matter (PM10) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) - are particularly
harmful to health. Road transport is responsible for around half of all emissions of PM10 and NOx in
The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) would aim to encourage operators to clean up their vehicle fleets
by either replacing or modifying older diesel-engined vehicles that do not meet the proposed LEZ
emissions standards.
Operators of vehicles that do not comply with the proposed standards would have to pay a
substantial daily charge to drive these vehicles within the zone. In order to maximise improvements in
air quality and health benefits, it is proposed that the LEZ would cover all of Greater London and
operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. From 2008, the LEZ would target the most polluting diesel-
engined heavy goods vehicles (HGVs), buses and coaches. From 2010, the LEZ would target heavier
vans and minibuses. These would have to comply with the LEZ emissions standards in order to drive
in London without charge. The standards would predominantly be based on Euro standards. Newer
vehicles would meet these standards but older, diesel-engined vehicles would have to be fitted with
pollution abatement equipment or be re-engined in order to comply with the standards and travel into
London without charge.
The next stage of development is the drafting of a Scheme Order which would implement the
proposed LEZ. This will detail the exact vehicle types, emissions standards and area covered by the
LEZ, as well as registration and enforcement procedures.
In Berlin, the limits of PM10 and NO2 are mainly caused by traffic and exceeded. Therefore
Berlin has to compile an action plan for tackling air pollution between 2005 and 2010.
At this a sustainable and long-dated strategy of reducing air pollution in Berlin is aspired.
The whole urban area of Berlin is declared as a control zone for this Action Plan. Limit
exceeding appears especially close to trunk roads and therefore those areas are study areas. The
action plan includes variance analysis, analyses of causes, development of air quality, development of
measures and the elaboration of this action plan.
Due to vehicle modifications (soot filter, natural gas vehicles) and funding of NGVs by the TUT15
programme the consequence in the light of an air quality improvement can be detected. Moreover
these modifications are an inspiring example for other sectors.
To improve air quality a few short termed measures were adopted. Inherent are speed limits,
congestion relocation as well as information campaigns for public and companies. In addition to the
abovementioned one mid-termed measure with high impacts on air quality will be installed by the year
2008 – the implementation of a LEZ.
The general framework for introducing a LEZ in Berlin has to consider an act on the part of the
government, traffic signs for the LEZ, and fiscal fundings for vehicles with low emissions and enough
lead-time for introduction.
Furthermore the enhancement of parking management systems and the focussing on public
transport can be long-termed measures.
Instant access to parking information and zone restrictions information reduces congestion
created by large queues for car parking space and eliminates unnecessarily travel into restricted
zones. E-Parking has been described as a system which delivers a solution enabling drivers to get
early information on available parking space, make a reservation, access the reserved space and pay
for the service booked upon departure - without ever having to leave the car. There are several
schemes, which use e-parking technology.
14 access 26/09/06
Tausend Umwelt Taxis; programme to fund natural gas vehicles in collaboration between Berlin City Council and a gas
European legislation on vehicle emission standards – the so-called Euro standards – have set
standards for road vehicle manufacturers on emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC),
nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulates (PM).
The Euro emissions standards are enabling graduated reductions in vehicle emissions as each
Euro standard set tighter controls for emissions from new vehicles. This means urban air quality can
improve due to natural vehicle renewal and the removal of older, more polluting cars from the city’s
fleet (however in reality emissions reduction from cleaner cars has been off-set by the increase in the
number of cars). On top this initiatives to use alternative fuels enable emission reductions beyond
what can be achieved from the Euro standards.
The following sections look at how the impact of Euro standards and the uptake of alternative fuels on
a fleet basis.23
European emission standards are sets of requirements defining the acceptable limits for
exhaust emissions of new vehicles sold in EU member states. The standards are defined in a series of
European Union directives staging the progressive introduction of increasingly stringent standards.
Currently, emissions of NOX, HC, carbon monoxide (CO), and particulate matter are regulated for
most vehicle types, including cars, lorries, trains, tractors and similar machinery, barges, but excluding
seagoing ships and airplanes. For each vehicle type, different standards apply. Compliance is
determined by running the engine at a standardised test cycle. Noncompliant vehicles cannot be sold
• Euro 1 (1993) for passenger cars - 91/441/EEC (also for passenger cars and light trucks -
• Euro 2 (1996) for passenger cars - 94/12/EC (& 96/69/EC)
• Euro 3 (2000) for any vehicle - 98/69/EC
• Euro 4 (2005) for any vehicle - 98/69/EC (& 2002/80/EC)
• Euro 5 (2008/9) for any vehicle - (COM(2005) 683 - proposed)
Euro 1† 2.72
Jul-92 (3.16) - 0.97 (1.13) - 0.14 (0.18)
Euro 2, IDI
Jan. 1996 1 - 0.7 - 0.08
Euro 2, DI
Jan. 1996 1 - 0.9 - 0.1
Euro 3
Jan. 2000 0.64 - 0.56 0.5 0.05
Euro 4
Jan. 2005 0.5 - 0.3 0.25 0.025
Euro 5
mid-2008 ? 0.5 - 0.25 0.2 0.005
Petrol (Gasoline)
Jul. 2.72 0.97
Euro 1† 1992 (3.16) - (1.13) - -
Euro 2 1996 2.2 - 0.5 - -
Euro 3 2000 2.3 0.2 - 0.15 -
Euro 4 2005 1 0.1 - 0.08 -
Euro 5 mid-
(proposed) 2008 ? 1 0.08 - 0.060.005b
* Before Euro 5, passenger vehicles > 2,500 kg were type approved as Category N1 vehicles
† Values in brackets are conformity of production (COP) limits
a - until 30 Sept. 1999 (after that date DI engines must meet the IDI limits)
b - applicable only to vehicles using lean burn DI engines
The official category name is heavy-duty diesel engines, which generally includes lorries and buses.
Date Smoke
Test cycle CO HC NOx PM
1992, <
85 kW 4.5 1.1 8 0.612
1992, >
Euro I 85 kW 4.5 1.1 8 0.36
Oct. 1996 4 1.1 7 0.25
Euro II Oct. 1998 ECE R-49 4 1.1 7 0.15
The history of biofuels has less to do with technology advancements and more to do with
political and economical greed. In order to understand the foundation for biofuel technology though, it
is necessary to know the history of the diesel engine. In 1893, a German Inventor named Rudolph
Diesel published a paper entitled "The theory and Construction of a Rational Heat Engine". In this
paper, he described a revolutionary new engine where air would be compressed by a piston to
increase pressure and therefore raise temperatures. (Planet Fuels, 2001) Because of the high
temperatures, it was found that the engine could run off a variety of vegetable oils such as hemp and
peanut oil. In 1911, at the Worlds Fair in Paris, Rudolph ran his engine on peanut oil, and later
described that "the diesel engine can be fed with vegetable oils and will help considerably in the
development of the agriculture of the countries which use it." Rudolph wanted an alternative to
expensive and inefficient steam engine, and his new diesel engine was the answer.
Two years after the Worlds Fair, Diesel was found dead. It was rumoured that the German
government assassinated him in order to keep his new technology out of the UK submarine fleet.
Shortly after this, the Germans introduced diesel engine technology in their U-boats, which contributed
to much of their success during wartime. After his death, the petroleum industry capitalized on this
new engine, altering it to run on the by-product of petrolem distillation called "Diesel #2". (Boyle, 2003)
Also during this time, Henry Ford, creator the Model T and contributor to the advancement of
the assembly line, became convinced that renewable resources were the key to success in the
Pearce, F. Fuels gold; NewScientist 23 September 2006; p 36-41
A Diesel Particulate Filter is designed to remove Diesel Particulate Matter or soot from the
exhaust gas of a diesel engine. Hereby the rate of efficiency reaches the total of about 90 [%].
Different methods of burning off the accumulated particulates are designed. The burning off can either
reached through the use of a catalyst (passive) or through an active technology such as a fuel burner
which heats the filter to soot combustion temperatures.
Basically the filter walls are made of Cordierit, Siliciumcarbid (SiC) or Aluminium Oxide that are all
ceramics. The off-gas stream is forced to pass the porous filter wall. Due to sedimentary deposition of
the particles on the filter wall (filter cake) the differential pressure increases. When a threshold
pressure level is reached the filter regeneration will be initialised to avoid a too high off-gas stream
pressure. For this reason the particles have to be burned off from time to time. This procedure is called
“Regeneration” and is done either passively (by adding a catalyst to the filter) or actively. On-board
active filter management can use a variety of strategies:
· Engine management to increase exhaust temperature
· A fuel burner to increase the exhaust temperature
· A catalytic Oxidizer to increase the exhaust temperature
TZIMAS E. et al; The introduction of alternative fuels in the European Transport Sector: Techno-Economic Barriers and
Perspectives; European Commission DG JRC; Technical Report EUR 21173 EN; May 2004
The Balance Point Temperature which describes the Diesel Particualte Filter inlet temperature
at which the rate of particle oxidation approximately equals the rate of particle collection, is on average
315 [K] lower when B20 (20 [%] Biodiesel 80[%] petrodiesel) is used. Furthermore the use of B20
causes a 2.9 [%] increase in fuel consumption which is consistant with the lower heat value of this fuel.
An installation of the DPF caused a nearly 2 [%] fuel economy penalty for Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel as
well as for B20.
The usage of renewable fuels in private and public sector will gain more importance in future
particularly with respect to sustainability and air quality. The following chapter lists a few examples of
usage of different renewable fuels in the private and pubic sector seperately to gain a better reader’s
Impact Cost USPS Delivers with Alternative Fuel Vehicles30 High High
The United States Postal Service (USPS) runs the largest federal
fleet, with approximately 208,000 vehicles. Of those vehicles, USPS
operates approximately 7,400 alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs). The majority
of these AFVs are converted "long life vehicles" (LLVs), designed with a
1,000-lb capacity and a 24-year life span. By converting a large portion of
these vehicles to compressed natural gas (CNG), the USPS has created the nation’s largest fleet of
Public transport is an integrated part of the modern city. The overall emissions from buses
contribute significantly to the urban pollution. Several schemes have been introduced to combat this
situation and examples of different measures have been listed below.
Impact Cost
Compressed Natural Gas Buses in Barcelona38
Medium Low
In Barcelona, one of the measures to reduce the air pollution consists of the integration of
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses in the urban transport fleet of TMB (Barcelona Metropolitan
Transport), thus promoting more sustainable transport. TMB started trials with CNG buses for the first
Impact Cost
Biofuel use in Cork City Council40
Medium Low
Before the project Cork City Council’s
plant and machinery/vehicle fleet used to consist of approximately 250
vehicles, and the only fuels used by the City Council were petrol (2.5%)
and diesel (duty paid and duty free).
After a preliminary study, it was decided to use Cold-pressed Rape-
Seed Oil as the clean-fuel and in May 2003 Elsbett trained council
employees to convert 16 vehicles of the City Council fleet. After some
adjustments the trial was successful, and a full excise duty exemption for
Biofuels was eventually introduced in Spring 2005.This measure involved
researching various options for converting 5-10% of the City Council Fleet to run on a lower emission
fuel. Conversions would then be carried out on a pilot basis with a view to possible expansion fleet
wide and promotion of the alternatives nationwide, depending on the results of the pilot. The significant
drawback associated with the use of RSO in Ireland related to the relatively high cost of RSO.
Previously, it had been possible to invoke a clause in the Finance Act, which exempted research on
bio fuelled vehicles, from fuel excise duty. Unfortunately this waiver was no longer applicable when the
MIRACLES project was being drafted. However, as a result of lobbying by the budding bio fuel
industry, supported by Cork City Council, a full excise duty exemption for Bio fuels was eventually
introduced in Spring 2005.
The common goal for improving public transport is in increasing public transport’s share of the
demand for travel, specifically through attracting trips from car. The focus of Central Government
Transport Policy and of the Central Leicestershire Transport Strategy is in maintaining mobility while
reducing dependence upon the private car, and this can only be achieved by increasing use of the
bus. Other important policy objectives, such as reducing social exclusion and improving accessibility to
jobs and social opportunities will also be addressed by improved bus services. The commercial
interest of the bus operators is long term growth in profits, which given reduced opportunities for cost
cutting can only come from growth in passenger numbers. But as perceived by the general public, bus
services must improve significantly if they are to achieve these objectives.
The following examples are just selected applications of types of measures that local
governments implemented. In order to improve their fleets to be more environmentally clean. These
examples t show that, with the adequate political engagement, an improvement in the public transport
operation can be made to reduce its impact on environment. These implementations require complete
strategy including the infrastructure. It also shows that only partial evaluation cannot be sufficient to
approach the problem of converting a complete regional fleet
Impact Cost
Low High
Bremen has made Public Transport more
attractive and more environmentally friendly by providing clean transport in the
city as well as the region. The experience shows that an extension of the tram
network is an important element to attract more passengers and influence the
shift in modal split, which leads to improvement in air quality.
The surveys of the recently opened tram line n°4 in the East of Bremen showed an increase in
patronage of Public Transport up to about 40% in comparison to the previous (even more frequent)
bus services. It demonstrates that tram rides are perceived as more convenient – giving also transfer-
free access to the city centre.
The tram network actually ends at the edge of Huchting, a peripheral development of the 60s.
The residents of that area and the peri-urban areas of the neighbouring communities (Stuhr area)
have either to interchange from bus services to the tram or are using Park & Ride. More than 16.000
residents will benefit from a direct and convenient tram connection to the city. There will be a time-
saving of about 6 minute per trip. As there is no new corridor for tram tracks necessary, a very cost-
efficient and innovative solution is feasible. It should be highlighted, that the freight operation can be
maintained. Many of such (underused) tracks have already been closed down in Germany – with the
result that more freight was coming on the road.
There is an increasing trend across Europe for transport fleet to be operated by private sector.
Improvements in those fleets lead to more environmentally friendly buses and cleaner ambient air in
urban areas. Here are some examples of schemas aimed at improving the private sector fleet.
• Development of the Star Trak real time information system (see Operational Improvements)
• Introduction of the “all operator” Flexi ticket (see Integrated Ticketing)
• Bus priority measures in important bus routes (see Operational Improvements)
• Development of a Bus Information Strategy, which will provide improved standards of
information on bus services and times.
• Input to the Local Transport Plan.
Additionally, the bus companies have invested in updating their bus fleets with the introduction of
many new, low floor buses.
The key objective of an integrated transport policy is to create accessible, affordable and sustainable
transport and to optimise the efficiency of the transport information system in the Urban community
Global economy can be enhanced by an improvement in the organisation of transport systems. The
fragmentation of the transport modes– road, sea, rail, air – as well as of transport systems is a rather
costly situation, which can be improved by integration.53
Intermodal Interchange is an integrated part of public and private transport which enhances
passenger’s optimal connection to their destinations. Intermodal Interchange offers the passenger the
option of linking different ways of public transport with individual transport.
A well-installed system can significantly reduce air pollution by limiting the journey time by the
users and encouraging them to use the public transport.
The following chapter lists just a few examples of how Intermodal Interchange can be installed
in a city.
Impact Cost Bike and Ride in Berlin56
Low Low
The aim of this project is to give cyclists in Berlin the option of taking
their bicycles on the train or leaving them at the station. It will allow to
combine their travel with train, underground and the tram. 10% of all
cyclists in the capital already combine bicycle travel and public transport
on a daily basis. Cyclists in Berlin can take their bicycles on regional trains
the underground and the trams at any time. Night bus services also
recently started allowing bikes on board. Single journeys can be
purchased at a reduced price, cyclists who regularly take their bicycle on
public transport have the option of buying a monthly bicycle ticket and
schoolchildren can take their bikes on for free. The state of Berlin has contributed over one million
euros towards these projects. The BVG, the Berlin transit company responsible for the underground,
buses and trams, also plans to improve its facilities for bicycles. As part of the Bicycle Transportation
Strategy for Berlin drawn up by the Berlin senate, the various transport companies have promised to
continue to improve interfaces between bicycle transportation routes and the public transport network.
Andersson T. et al. “Why Integrated Transport Systems?”; The OECD Observer; No.211, April/May 1998
Management Information Systems assist road users maintaining a steadily traffic flow and hence
contribute for a better air quality. Traffic Flow and Speed have a significant correlation as shown in
Figure 4. A method based on the k-means algorithm, a statistical technique demonstrated to be
successful in categorising traffic flow regimes in the urban environments of Leicester City was
developed to classify traffic into four states. From Figure 2 it can be seen that there are four distinct
areas of the speed flow curve that relate to different levels of emissions for quiet, free flow, busy and
congested conditions;
• Quiet (not congested) – characterised by traffic speeds not constrained by the flow levels
• Free flow (slightly congested) – where the speed is constrained by the flow, particularly with
the ability to overtake, but nevertheless traffic remains flowing.
• Busy (moderately congested) - when the flow is approaching and reaching the capacity of the
link. Traffic flow is very unstable, causing short shock waves and, for a given traffic volume,
large variation in speed with acceleration and deceleration events.
• Congested (severely congested) – with flow breakdown speeds are slow and display stop start
There are several systems available on the market that allow a better
coordination and real time information processing of traffic data. Such
information is invaluable for efficient management of traffic. TRAMS is a
Windows® software System Integration package. It works with standard
desktop PCs easily enabling Variable Message Signs limited to configure
and tune bespoke solutions to meet specific traffic management needs.
TRAMS provides clear and concise information to about traffic. It is
suitable for an extensive range of applications and is compatible wit most
of the roadside equipment. The system can be characterised by:
• Flexible & varied communications
• Complete System Integration with:
• Variable message signs
• Access Control
• Bus-lane violation monitors
• Pollution/weather monitors
• Car park information
• Overheight vehicle detectors
• MIDAS vehicle detectors
Applications include: UTMC, Car Park Guidance, and Driver Information. A case study of UTMC in
Leicester (“Queue Relocation in Leicester) is described on page 25.
The latest generation of traffic management and information system is COMET and is the
architectural hub of a modern traffic control centre. It provides co-ordination facilities allowing
operators to control and monitor their urban networks across a range of systems whilst delivering
meaningful timely and accurate information to the travelling public. 59
Comet offers different features like
• Graphical display of map, web data and traveller information
• Control and monitoring of congestion, strategy and time of day
• System logging and auditing
• Incident management
• External system control
Management Information Systems improve the traffic flow in cases of imminent congestion. That
implies a more stable traffic flow and hence the vehicles will emit less pollution. The disadvantage of
these systems is the cost.
• Multiroute signs
These are signs located in Leicester city centre, which gives passengers
‘next bus’ on all routes leaving the city centre. These signs can be used a multi-route terminus.
All stops along a Star Trak route are equipped with plates which have a code associated with the stop.
Passengers can text this code to a national number (84268) and receive the ‘next bus’ information for
their chosen stop.
To test the service out,
• Website
A website has been designed with mapping functionality giving users the ability to find their ‘next bus’
using the website. All of the Star Trak routes appear on the website with other general information
about the routes and the system.
The Star Trak system comprises the following components:
• Bus location – using GPS technology to located the bus at all times along its route
• Intelligent traffic signal priority – to enable a late running bus to have priority through traffic
• Passenger information – bus stop signs, sms and website
• Bus fleet management – for the bus companies to keep track of their buses
• Electronic timetable database – the main part of the system, which says when the bus is on time
or late.
The main objective of a bus lane is to give priority to buses and save
journey time in places where roads are congested with other traffic. There are no
restrictions to the length of the bus lane; they could be very short to reduce
congestion in a particular place. Some cities created separate local road
The effects in the light of air quality are the same as in the example “Bus Lanes” mentioned
above. Independency from traffic indicates an enhancement in public transport and hence an
improvement of air quality.
Examples: Hammersmith and Fullham, in the US, Walking Bus becomes more and more popular.
This chapter includes how regulations in particular for industrial emissions have been
responsible for reducing the most common emissions. Not to be sneezed at is the proper legal
framework as well as the measures to cope with the emissions that are part of this chapter.
Many EU countries already have policy instruments aimed at reducing the sulphur, NOX and dust
emissions that cause "local" environmental degradation and health problems. Because many of these
pollutants have cross-border impacts (e.g. sulphur emissions from the UK causing acid rain in
Scandinavia), the European Commission has introduced a number of directives that will harmonise the
control of such emissions including:
• Large Combustion Plant Directive (LCPD), due to come into force on 1 January 2008,
imposes strict limits on the concentration of SO2, NOX and dust emitted in the flue gas of
industrial plant. The concentration levels differ according to the type, size and age of plant;
• Integrated Pollution and Prevention Control (IPPC) directive, places requirements on
operators of plant to use the Best Available Techniques (BAT) to minimise harmful emissions
to the environment. It was introduced in 1999 and is being phased in to full implementation by
2007; and
• National Emissions Ceiling Directive (NECD) sets national emissions ceilings for SO2, NOX,
VOCs and ammonia to be met by 2010.
Smoke consists of unburnt particles of carbon or soot, tiny tar particles and hydrocarbons.
These particles can penetrate deep into our lungs and cause damage. About 20% of the smoke in our
atmosphere comes from domestic fires. Ordinary coal burnt in open grates can produce up to twenty
times as many tar and hydrocarbon particles as industrial chimneys. Domestic smoke is emitted at a
low level, so does not disperse quickly. Domestic smoke can be a major cause of urban smog.
Although smoke control legislation has cleaned up many towns and cities, some areas still have
problems. The London smog of 1952 lasted for several days and caused at least 4000 deaths,
prompting the implementation of the Clean Air Acts 1956 and 1968.
Although the situation is vastly improved, in areas where solid fuel is widely used dense
domestic smoke can still obscure winter sunshine, contribute to fogs and cause respiratory problems
for children, old people and those with bronchitis or asthma. Open fires are also a source of dust and
grime in the home.
The impact of industrial emissions on the local environment will vary from city to city.
Where there is a significant contribution then the user will consider appropriate measures. These are
not scope of this document.
The impact of smokeless fuel legislation and the move away from coal and brown coal has a
fuel towards natural gas and oil, means that the domestic emissions make a better contribution to the
air quality. Programme of subsidies of the City of Prague for heating systems conversion on the
City territory
The Programme of subsidies of the City of Prague for heating systems conversion on the
territory of the City has been running since 1994. The objective of subsidies provided is to motivate
owners or users of apartments to convert their original heating systems (namely the solid fuel) into
environmentally friendly fuels and renewable sources of energy. The Programme has been accepted
by the public in a very positive manner and also received highly positive response from abroad.
Year Amount paid Max. amount Number subsidy
Registered Duplicities Rejected Granted [Kč / CZK] per apartmen of per apartment
[Kč / CZK] apartments [Kč / CZK]
1994 6 335 54 3 095 3 186 108 220 940 20 000 11 069 9 777
1995 7 036 2 899 575 3 562 83 238 513 25 000 7 840 10 617
1996 2 398 325 381 1 692 55 657 126 25 000 5 071 10 976
1997 2 404 276 151 1 977 59 528 854 20 000 5 641 10 553
Total 22 087 3 571 4 579 13 937 394 844 283 – 38 250 10 434
Table 10: Complete overview of submitted applications for subsidies to the conversion of heating systems in 1994–
The average amount of the subsidy per apartment (see Table 11) following from the Figure 4
above depends mostly on if the conversion was carried out in family houses and apartments with
stand-alone heating system or in tenement houses having more apartments heated by means of a
central boiler room. The central heating system appears as more effective for less portion of power per
individual apartment than in the case of stand-alone heating system.
Table 11: The overview of changes in shares of respective heating categories of apartments (ap.) over the period of the
Programme implementation, 1994–2004
The overview above demonstrates, that the Programme subsidies in 1994–2004 helped
to reduce the number of apartment units heated using solid fuels by approx. 22 % (from 168,000 to
130,000 apartments). The resulting share of apartments heated in full or in part by means of solid fuel
fired systems dropped from 34 % in 1991 to 26 % at the end of 2004. The total share of such
apartments is, in fact, lower because the statistics do not include the cases of the heating system
conversion, which received no subsidy from the Programme.
In 1994–2004 the City of Prague contributed to the conversion of solid or liquid fuel- heating
systems into more environmentally sound heat sources (central heating, natural gas, electricity, or
renewable sources) in 38,250 apartments, which represents approx. 8 % of the total number of
apartments on the Prague territory (according to the census 1991).
The adverse environmental effects of stationary energy sources in Prague have been
significantly reduced over the last decade as shown in Figure 5, pollutants emissions dropped
from three to ten times.
DCH – central heating unit, Source: OIM MHMP
Finally, it may be stated that the Programme of subsidies for conversion of heating systems
adopted by the City of Prague to, along with other programmes for healthier air, have contributed, in
large extent, to the reduction in SO2 concentrations.
The sulphur oxides emissions from stationary energy sources account for 95 % of the total
amount of sulphur emissions and do not pose a critical issue concerning air pollution. The persistent
high air pollution in Prague is caused, mainly, by traffic, which has been producing approx. 80–90 % of
total emissions of critical pollutants (NO2, CxHy, CO).
The developer in conjunction with the local authority has suggested a new development on the
northern quay of the Fishing Port of Scheveningen. These facilities originally included short-stay rental
apartments, shops and an underground parking.
At present the northern quay has no usage because of limited space. New facilities would require the
demolition of these buildings.
Compliance to noise regulations is a decisive issue in terms of project feasibility. The shipping
vessels are equipped with deep freeze storage facilities on board. The power for the refrigeration
system is provided by a diesel engine driven generator. A typical engine will have a capacity of 800
kW. The diesel engine runs 24 hours a day.
Acoustical research has demonstrated that the allowed sound exposure levels on the façade of
adjacent living dwellings will be greatly exceeded, when these vessels are at berth and operational.
The most suitable alternative is shore-connected electricity also known as cold ironing (see Figure 6).
The fishing vessels will have to be modified, if the project is carried out, to accommodate for the
supply of electricity from the quay.
The European Commission drafted a “European Union strategy to reduce atmospheric
emissions from seagoing ships”, COM (2002) 595 final. This has led to a proposal for a revision of
Directive 1999/32/EC regarding the sulphur content of marine fuel.
The Commission proposal did not initially include any provisions for exemptions to the port
requirement (0.1% sulphur when operating at berth). For shore-side electricity an exception was made
in the second reading of the proposal (article 4b). The justification for the amendment is cited below:
The use of low-sulphur marine gas oils in ports is a matter of high priority, and
derogations/exemptions should be avoided to the largest extent possible. The use of shore-side
electricity significantly reduces air and noise emissions in ports and should therefore be promoted.
The environmental and subsequent health effects of cold ironing are local in their nature. Noise
reduction can be achieved by simply creating sufficient distance between the source and the object
(living dwellings) that needs protection.
One of the requirements for the Fishing Port was the flexible use of the quay since the reefer
vessels do not have a fixed berth. This a major difference with regard to existing shore power facilities
like Göteborg.
6 kV-60Hz
10 kV-50Hz
The fuel density (0.850 kg/l) is based on the use of gas oil with a low sulphur content at an ambient temperature of 15 degrees centigrade.
Welcome to the ( Common Information to European Air ) Project and it’s Products.
The project was conceived to support Cities and Regions in developing their responses to the
Air Quality Reporting and Air Quality Action Planning requirements of the European Union’s Air
Quality Directives, and to encourage the recognition of the Local Authorities roles in the forthcoming
Air Quality Directive.
Partners from the HEAVEN (Healthier Environment through Abatement of Vehicle Emissions
and Noise) project concluded that the implementation of the existing EU Air Quality Directives and
guidelines has been fragmented, without any common approach. They felt that there was a need for a
sustainable harmonised EU level approach involving the more efficient implementation of European
legislation with integrated interregional initiatives.Transport has a major impact on urban centres,
bringing problems concerning air pollution, noise, traffic and congestion. CITEAIR is advising the
Regione Emilia-Romagna on the transfer of the Decision Support Systems developed in the Heaven
The European Union has been actively developing policies to protect the environment and require
member states to inform citizens on the state of their ambient air quality, a concept further enforced
by the Aarhus convention. Simple, up to date and comparable information on air quality in Europe is
important for the general public which is increasingly concerned about air pollution, for the media as
well as for local authorities. Currently, this information is not easily available. The internet is commonly
used for publishing air quality in near real-time and often air quality is being presented as an index,
translating measurements into a summary figure for easy interpretation. A review of existing websites
and indices shows that the way air quality is interpreted differs considerably and is not easily
comparable. For air quality specialists air quality information is available at the European scale (e.g.
Airbase, an historic database and Ozone web, near real time but one pollutant only75). These sources
of information are not easily usable by the general public. There was a gap to fill, to provide near real-
time comparative environmental data easily understood by the wider public..
The CITEAIR project started in March 2004 and will last 46 months. Fourteen partners from
seven European countries are involved in the project (see Diagram A 1). These are divided into five
core cities (yellow), five follower cities (green) and a transfer region (red).
Diagram A 1
75 and
The Follower Cities, Bratislava, Brussels, Coventry, Munich and The Hague are responsible
for providing user response to developments. They are complemented by a User Group. Emilia-
Romagna is the Transfer Region who are being assisted in the development of a Transfer
Implementation Plan and its partial implementation. City Subscribers have been recruited for the
Common Operational Website.
Air pollutants resulting from traffic are a major source of pollution in many of the urban zones.
Local and Regional Authorities implement EU guidelines, different approaches to implementing EU
directives on Ambient Air quality led to a variety of styles of reporting, modelling and an array of
approaches to reduce traffic related pollution. Air pollution models are used to predict and analyse air
quality in particular zones and can be grouped into the following categories: traffic models, pollutant
emission models, atmospheric dispersion models.
The project contributes to the development and implementation of efficient solutions to assess
and reduce the impact of traffic on air quality in large urban areas. Through close co-operation,
exchange of experiences and joint developments between European regions and cities, the project
develops solutions to inform the public and local authorities about the environmental situation in a
comparable and easily, understandable way and offer guidance on efficient measures to reduce
environmental damage mainly caused by transport. Other municipalities are encouraged to contribute
to the initiative via a user network.
Consisting of five major components : three technical components plus management and
dissemination, CITEAIR has developed products including: -
CITY ANNUAL AIR QUALITY REPORTS - A GUIDEBOOK - discusses strategies for Air
Quality Monitoring and Reporting and proposes an Air Quality Reporting template which will
assist professional users in comparing the performance of their Air Quality Strategy and Action
Common Air Quality Index) for use at the European level, complementing existing local indices.
Differentiating between background and roadside conditions aimed the Index provides easy
access to simple information to enable European citizens to compare their environment with
similar urban areas ( The CAQI is a pragmatic, bottom-up compromise
between a number of objectives: dynamic and easy to understand for the public (main target
group) and scientifically reasonably rigorous. It was defined after a review of existing indices
and tested through one year data from four CITEAIR cities. A further comparison with other
indices was made from airbase data (de Leeuw and Mol, 200576). The CAQI is split into two
indices representative of two types of exposure: a background and a traffic index. Three time
scales are available through an annual index, a daily index and an hourly index which is
updated each hour in order to provide a dynamic picture enticing people to make repeated
THE COMMON OPERATIONAL WEBSITE (COW) - provides an attractive platform to compare
air quality in different participating cities in real time applying the CAQI. is designed to automatically treat the data from a multitude of European
Cities and calculate the corresponding indices. The process to participate has been made easy:
cities only have to upload their data through an agreed ftp format; easy to use proven
technology (procedure detailed on the website). If cities want to participate in only one of the
indices, can only deliver data on a daily basis, or even only present year average data, they can
join via The purpose of the CAQI and the website is not to replace
more detailed local information nor to check EU regulation compliance (indices are the only
data displayed) but to complement it. The value added is to provide, for the first time, a
European and comparable picture of the air quality, near real-time and understandable by
anybody. The methodological innovation is the provision of separate indices for 2 types of
Leeuw, de F., and Mol, W. Air quality and air quality indices: a world apart? ETC/ACC Technical paper 2005/5.
The inter-relationship between the CITEAIR products and the requirements of the EU Air Quality
Directives are described in the Introduction to Air Quality Management Guidebook (see Diagram 1
and accompanying text). The products aim to assist the user and focus on :-
All the documents are published in electronic format, which ensures that additional contributions
may be added during 2007. The reader is invited to send comments, and details of any measures or
tools, which they believe would enhance the advice being offered to the user, to the Lead Partner ( ).
Additional Funding has been provided by the INTERREG 3C programme to promote further
workshops; to recruit further cities to the COW; to develop the Forecast Index for use with the Media;
to involve the Members of the European Parliament, the Department Generale Environment and the
European Environment Agency more closely with the CITEAIR initiative to strengthen the role of the
Cities and Regions and encourage the embedding of the concept within the European Air Quality
Management mechanisms.
• Campaigns to influence driving style (i.e. to encourage more consistent driving behaviour),
and campaigns to reduce short journeys by car (i.e. through encouraging uptake of cycling,
walking and different school transport)
• Run Seminar/Conference and provide guidance packs for other fleet operators to reduce
• Develop an implementation plan for and investigate funding for SCR to Council Fleet. This
builds upon feasibility studies already undertaken showing retrofitting as the preferred option.
Land-use Planning
Highway Network
Land-use Planning
Manage network
• Reallocation of road space
• Enforcement speed limits access restrictions (short-term)
Promotion of Alternatives
• Improve bus services (frequency, attractiveness, disabled and level access etc)
• Provide improved public transport information
• Implement off-bus ticketing
• Leicester West Park & Ride scheme to proceed with associated corridor improvement
It should be noted that, in its present form, this package does not represent a cluster of
measures that will result in the objective for nitrogen dioxide to be met by the end of 2010.
Clearly, emissions from road traffic using the major road network are the most significant
source of nitrogen dioxide in Leicester. Whilst the air quality assessment work undertaken by the
Council is intended to identify key pollution hot spots, the Action Plan seeks to address the issue of
elevated pollutant concentrations more generally across the city.
The main focus of air quality action planning must therefore be to reduce motor vehicle kilometres
travelled and emissions per motor vehicle kilometre. Of these, emissions from road traffic are the key
air quality issue in the city. Therefore in order to improve air quality within the AQMAs, attention
should be paid to the following variables:-
D. Numbers of vehicles flowing past critical points in the City (i.e. locations where people are
exposed to excessive concentrations of traffic pollutants in the AQMA, over the relevant
averaging periods).
E. Vehicle/miles within the Local Transport Plan area.
F. Emissions per vehicle/mile.
Strategy A B C
Unlike the previous packages described, this package consists of a single list of the specific
measures and options identified as delivering clear improvement to local air quality. All of the options
will affect overall emissions positively, and many will encourage a modal transition from private car
use to other forms of transport
City of Prague would assess impacts of the implementation of different measures for improving
the air quality, which are included into Strategic plan for Air Quality Protection in Prague. Sharing the
experience with the other partner cities will contribute to efficient air quality management.
In accordance with legal requirements, an Integrated Action Plan of City of Prague has been
prepared highlighting the types of air quality management strategies available for air quality
The Integrated Action Plan consist of two documents, the “Integrated Plan for the Pollutants
Emissions Reduction” and “Integrated Plan for Air Quality Improvement on the Territory of the City of
Prague“ . These documents were based on the background material (“Long-Term Concept of Air
Pollution Control on the Territory of the City of Prague”), which provided both detailed analysis of the
current air quality conditions as well as prospective ones, and the analysis of instruments available for
the improving of air quality and the emission reduction. The Programmes solutions were therefore
focused on concrete conditions of the City of Prague.
The crucial part of the Programmes for the City of Prague is a proposal of 25 measures, which
are directly bound to concrete groups of pollution sources or to individual circles of activities affecting
emission load and ambient air quality, respectively. The proposals of respective measures were
prepared on the basis of a detailed analysis of potential solutions of respective issues found within the
framework of the “Long-Term Concept”. Doing so attention was concentrated namely on sources of
such pollutants emissions, in which ambient air quality limits have been exceeded.
The summary information on the measures proposed is given in Table 13 below. The majority of
measures (15) are targeted on transport, five measures are focused on the reduction of emissions
from stationary sources , and the other five instruments are common to all emission sources or circles
of activities, respectively. The measures have been subdivided into short-term ones (to be applied
immediately as the document has been passed), medium-term ones (deadline by 2010), and long-
term ones – permanent (to be gradually implemented over a longer time period). In terms of air quality
benefits the measures have also been classified into three groups as follows:
• decisive measures are such measures, which would have an essential benefit in the emission
reduction and or ambient air quality improvement in one or more pollutants;
• important measures should have their expected air quality effects at the level of percents as
compared with the current state (in the case of a couple of pollutants) and thus contribute in
an important way to compliance with the air quality limits in “hot spot” areas;
• supplementary measures include other measures proposed, which air quality effects would be
less visible.
The Act on Air Pollution Control assumes that, once approved by the competent authorities, both
the Programmes shall become the binding documents for the public administration at the City Hall as
well as at its respective districts and quarters not only for air pollution control but also in land-use
planning, zoning and permitting of new constructions or changes to constructions, which may
substantially affect air quality, or development concepts and development programmes of respective
industries and other activities (see Table 13 A, B and C).
Short-term measures
Decisive Reduction in particulates emissions from transport
Modifications to rules and principles of the Programme of subsidies of the City of Prague for the
heating systems conversion
Reduction in particulates emissions from stationary sources
Important Parking policy in the centre and in local centres
Limiting sources and destinations of traffic
Operative inspection of emission parameters of vehicles
Programme for public communication and public awareness
Supplementary Organisational measures for public transport preference
Time-organised delivery of supplies
Reduction of emission produced from the public transport buses
Reduction of dust levels by greenery plantation
Medium-term measures
Important Comprehensive support to the use of alternative fuels in traffic
Access charging into designated parts of the Prague territory
Reduction in emissions from the group of sources under the Act on IPPC
Supplementary Demonstration projects of major fuel and energy suppliers
Energy supply concept for the left-bank part of the City of Prague
The completion of the construction of the network of radial roads and ring-roads is the basic
prerequisite for a partial displacement of traffic from the densely populated central part of Prague and
thus to the reduction of the immission load in the most polluted parts of the City. The measure gives
priority constructions, recommends the ranking of implementation of respective sections, and
principles of their preparatory works, etc. See more information in part 3. Examples..
The measure task is to achieve a reduction in traffic volume in the most loaded parts of the City
through effective regulation of parking. It proposes to establish the acceptable traffic capacity levels
for respective parts of the City, which should serve as a basis for the supply of parking lots, to expand
paid parking zones further from the city centre, to install information systems, etc.
The traffic restrictions shall be connected with the support to park-and-ride parkings, which
enable to reduce the individual car traffic volume in the inner part of Prague. The measures proposed
define the rules necessary for the effective functioning of the park-and-ride system and recommend
the sequence of the construction of respective park-and-ride parking facilities.
The target is to eliminate reasons for the reduction of travel speed namely of tramways through
a strict enforcement of law in the case of traffic offences, which are crucial for the reduction in the
road capacity – as the riding on the tramway lane, no respect to bus priority lanes, etc.
The City public transport should provide an effective option to the use of an individual car. The
measures proposed can be classified in the groups as follows:
C 1.6 Restricted access of heavy lorries into the central parts of the city
At present there are two zones limiting the heavy lorry entrance to the central part of Prague.
The measure is aimed, first of all, at further expansion of the zone as the construction of the high-
capacity road network will be advancing. Furthermore recommendations for the control and
information activities are formulated here. See more information in part 3. Examples.
The objective is to formulate such land use development principles, which will be in accordance
with air pollution control against adverse effects of transport caused by the location of new high-
capacity structures as large shopping centres, cultural and sports centres, transport terminals, and
warehouse, etc. The major instrument thereof is the system of limits for new constructions and
establishing of conditions for the location of structures which induce high demand for transport.
The measure objective is to gradually eliminate from operation the vehicles, which do not
comply with emission limit values. It is expected that the application of widely spread inspections
using a new mobile laboratory will significantly support the elimination of non-compliant vehicles,
which contribute to air pollution in Prague in very important manner, out of operation.
One of the factors affecting air quality is the contact of supply delivery vehicles with other
participants of road traffic. The stop-and-start mode of the vehicle operation across the City and the
blocking of traffic contributes to extreme load of roads that are already filled at the limit of their
Although the public transport vehicles’ operation has a relatively smaller share in the Prague’s
air pollution, nevertheless, there is a certain potential here to reduce the emission and immission
loads. Besides, it is appropriate that the City would begin to apply remedial measures, first of all, in
fleets of its own organisations. There are following steps proposed for respective groups of vehicles:
replacing fuel with diesel fuel emulsion (for older bus models) and installing of filters to reduce
particulate emissions, which contribute significantly to the reduction in emissions of other substances
as well.
The measure aim is to spread the utilisation of gaseous fuel in passenger as well as cargo road
traffic as an alternative to the current fuels. Recommendations are formulated to support technical
infrastructure, furthermore, the usage of economic instruments (namely the creation of a programme
of subsidies and alleviations within the traffic regulation), and information campaign.
The measure concentrates on the reduction of dust fluidised by road traffic. In this case the
main remedial tool is the street cleaning and therefore the increased intensity, frequency, and extent
of street cleaning activities has been proposed.
The purposeful greenery plantation has been proposed as an effective measure to reduce the
concentration of suspended particulates PM10, especially in the vicinity of main roads. Moreover, it is
necessary to prevent further reduction of vegetation cover share and to establish requirements for the
new constructions accordingly.
The measure is focused on the reinforcement of the regulation of an access toll into a part
of the City of Prague. The proposal expects namely a decision on the intention at the City Council and
the development of a feasibility study, which shall be followed with further steps.
Some of the key points are:
• Road charging measures are regarded as controversial for the public, businesses and
politicians. Therefore extensive consultations with all parties is required before
implementation and clear information after implementation.
• The effects on traffic (and environment) must be clearly explained
C 1.15 Pedestrian zones and other types of roads with calmed traffic
This is a proposal of principles for further expansion of pedestrian zones. Priority areas and
types of localities for the development of pedestrian zones and a proposal of their implementation are
parts of the measure recommendations.
The measure objective is to create such conditions, so at least a portion of population would
start to use bicycle not just for relaxing activities or sports also for the inevitable trips across the City
(smaller shopping, travel to authorities, to schools, etc.). This means, first of all, to provide for the safe
passage through the entire City (minimisation of car crash accident) and potential for the safe storage
of bicycles.
C 1.17 Reduction in emissions from the group of sources falling under the Act on IPPC
The text formulates recommendations for the issuing of integrated permits in respective
categories of sources. Further concrete measures for two most important stationary sources,
Cogeneration Plant Malešice and Cement Mill Radotín, were developed.
C 1.18 Modifications to rules of the Programme of subsidies of the City of Prague for the
heating systems conversion
This measure proposal is based on the current programme of subsidies to the heating systems
conversion, which have been carried out in Prague since 1994. Respective recommendations are
targeted on the increase in the current subsidy level, classification depending on the type of the new
heating system, support to population communication and awareness, and relations to other sources
of funding. See more information in part 3. Examples.
C 1.19 Energy supply concept for the left-bank part of the City of Prague
The measure concentrates on two groups of pollution sources. The most important group
includes construction sites, heaps and bulk material depots, waste landfills, quarries, etc., and also
large parkings or clay playgrounds, for example. The second group includes selected installations
(quarries, wood mills) where the risk of local immission limit value exceedance was detected.
The measure will promote those projects, which would enable to show to the public approaches
in energy industry and transportation that are extremely sound to air quality. The City role in these
projects is mainly in an active support, in the forms of competitions or contests, for example.
The measure objective is to form basic rules and requirements for the sites, in the initial phase
of the land-use planning either to improve current state or to protect selected location from new air
pollution sources.
C 1.23 Land-use permitting - air quality protection principles for new constructions
The land-use decision making represents the most important preventive instrument of air
pollution control. The measure concentrates especially on setting more precise conditions for the new
constructions and on stricter inspection of the conditions established.
Concerning the long-term point of view, education and awareness are one of the most effective
instruments of environmental protection. For the nearest period the basic circles were selected as
• current state of air quality and the necessity to adopt restrictive measures;
• the use of the City public transport instead of private cars;
• health hazards following from the solid fuel combustion and the municipal waste incineration;
• possibilities for the use of alternative fuels in vehicles.
The proposal includes establishing of conditions of air pollution control, compliance of which will
be inevitable to be able to receive public orders from the City. The measure concerns namely
construction works, building and structure maintenance, supplies of heating systems, etc. The
measure objective is especially to support the organisations, which employ procedures meeting the
stricter conditions of air pollution control.
All measures proposed in “Integrated Plan for Air Quality Improvement on the Territory of the
City of Prague“ were analysed as for the effects on air quality. The air quality limit exceedance in the
area of Prague has been analysed. The results are shown in the Table 15.
>40 µg.m-3
>40 µg.m-3
NO2 yearly
(except of
>50 µg.m-
% of total
PM 10 24h
PM 10
Term of
2010 2005 2005 2005 2012
6,4 7,5 26,4 1,0 28,0 62,3
of Prague area
*) Cost related to 1 year are expressed as investment per 1 year of lifetime + operating costs per 1
In compliance with the Act No. 86/2002 Code on air pollution control the Department of
Environment of the Prague City Hall kept the registration and issued decisions of charges both for
large and extra large air pollution sources as well as for mid-sized ones in 2004.
Within the agenda of charges for air pollution from mid-sized stationary air pollution sources,
there were 3,062 mid-sized stationary air pollution sources, out of that 2,713 combustion installations
and 349 technology installations, as for instance pump stations, paint shops, etc., registered by the
end 2004. Charges for air pollutants emissions to the operators of mid-sized air pollution sources in
2004 totalled the amount of CZK 1,767,000.- which equals about 70,150 EUR.
Within the agenda of charges for air pollution from extra large and large stationary air pollution
sources, there were 463 sources registered by the end of 2004, out of that number 225 were
combustion installations and 238 were technology installations. Charges for air pollutants emissions to
the operators of extra large and large stationary air pollution sources in 2004 totalled the amount of
approx. CZK 5,540,000, which equals to 220 000 €.
C 3.2 The Programme of subsidies of the City of Prague for heating systems conversion on the
City territory
The Programme of subsidies of the City of Prague for heating systems conversion on the
territory of the City has been running since 1994. The objective of subsidies provided is to motivate
owners or users of apartments to convert their original heating systems (namely the solid fuel - brown
coal) into environmentally friendly fuels and renewable sources of energy. The Programme has been
accepted by the public in very positive manner and also received highly positive response from
The Programme development and results are given in Tables and depicted in the graph below.
Figure 7: Subsidies paid and the number of apartments, 1994-2004
The results depends mostly on if the conversion was carried out in family houses and
apartments with stand-alone heating system or in tenent houses with more apartments heated by
means of a central boiler room. The central heating system appears as more effective for less portion
of power per individual apartment than in the case of stand-alone heating system. The total share of
such apartments is, in fact, lower because the statistics does not include the cases of the heating
system conversion, which received no subsidy from the Programme.
In 1994–2004 the City of Prague contributed to the conversion of solid or liquid fuel-fired heating
systems into more environmentally sound heat sources (central heating, natural gas, electricity, or
renewable sources) in 38,250 apartments, which represents approx. 8 % of the total number of
apartments on the Prague territory (according to the census 1991).
The sulphur oxides emissions from stationary energy sources account for 95 % of the total
amount of SO2, nevertheless sulphur emissions do not pose a critical issue concerning air pollution.
C 3.3 Restricted access of heavy vehicles into the central parts of the city
Two zones limiting the access of heavy vehicles to the central parts of
Prague are already established.
In 1999 the first Environmental zone “Restricted access of vehicles over 6 t”
covered the areaof 6 km2 of Prague 1 and a central parts of the Prague 2 . The
main aim is to protect Prague historical preservation area from heavy vehicles
traffic. Exceptionally, the acces of heavy duty vehicles is allowed only by a permit
issued by City Authority. Gradually the area has been extended to 17 km2.
The area of this zone is identical with the zone “Restricted parking of buses”.
Tourist buses are not allowed to stop on the main communication roads and bus
parking is allowed only on the designated parking areas78 ().
Due to the above mentioned regulations the intensity of heavy load traffic dropped in some
central parts of Prague up to 80%. The traffic has been diverted to the newly opened parts of the city
ring road in the southern part of Prague, designed to abate the negative effects of traffic in the centre.
However, the heavy traffic load on the city ring road raised up to 30–50 %.
The combined environmental zone “Limited access of vehicles over 3.5 t” covers area of
Prague 1 and central parts of Prague 2. Exceptionally, parking (outside of designated parking areas)
of vehicles over 3.5 t and buses is allowed with a permit issued by local authorities for limited time79.
The expansion of both zones has been tested for area of Praha 4 and Praha 5 neighbourhood
with the aim to find out what changes occurred in the area after the widening of the Environmental
Zone restriction for goods vehicles over 6 tons both in v olumes and composition of the haulage and
types and directions of trips.
A testing survey was conducted in March 2004 on. The travel volume of heavy haulage inside
the area dropped by 11 %. In August 2004 (after launching the Mrázovka tunnels), the Environmental
Zone restricting the goods vehicles with gross weight over 6 t was extended over a portion of the
Praha 5 area.
As from 2007, a new regulation for the combined environmental zone “Limited acess of vehicles
over 3.5 t” will be valid. The access will be restricted for all vehicles not complying with EURO 2
The information campaign about regulation has been already started to enable suppliers and drivers
adopt their fleets for the new regulation.
A new portion of the City Ring Road has been put into operation in 2003. An impact of diverted
traffic loads to the new portion of City Ring road on on air quality in city of Prague has been evaluated
by ATEM modelling. A study compared the recent development in air quality to the previous situation,
when the parts of City Ring Road between Malovanka and Zlichov (tunnels Strahovsky an Mrázovka)
were not operational. The traffic load data, speed and congestion data for both versions in the whole
territory of Prague were simulated by the Institute of Transport Engineering in Prague.
It is obvious, that the City Ring Road, as any other communication, represents a new source of
air pollution in its adjacent area. Simultaneously, the ring road diverts and reduces traffic from other
local communications. This is how the ring road can contribute to the air quality abatement in other
neighbouring areas. The aim of the study was to compare these two impacts and evaluate the final
effect of the operation of the City Ring Road.
The results of evaluation show that:
• After the part of city ring road got into operation, lower pollution concentration values can be
observed on a bigger part of the city if compared with the situation without a new ring road
Figure 8: Comparison of weighted average values of air quality for citizens in Prague
The results of emission and immission assessment proved that the diversion of traffic into the new
portion of the City Ring road Zlichov-Malovanka has an positive effect on air quality in Prague. Most
significant improvement has been calculated in area of Barrandov and in the centre of Prague. On
opposite, the concentrations have been raised along the ring road and along the South connection
The air quality in Rijnmond, just as elsewhere in the Netherlands, has improved over the last 30
years. Nevertheless, the air quality in the region at present gives cause for concern.
Air pollution has an adverse impact on public health. Among other things, it can lead to respiratory
complaints and premature death. In order to prevent such hazardous effects, European air quality
standards have been drawn up as shown in Table 17. The Air Quality Decree lays down the limit
values which the air quality must meet based on the European legislation and regulations: The limit
values apply anywhere in the open air, with the exception of workplaces.
For particulate matter these took effect from January 2005, those for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) will
come into force on 1 January 2010. The limit for particulate matter is breached on a large scale
across the region and in spite of anticipated improvement, it is expected that in 2010 the limit values
for NO2 will still be exceeded. In order to combat the extensive consequences to public health caused
by air pollution, it is particularly important to implement measures at source.
If insufficient progress is made in tackling air pollution, parts of the Rijnmond region are in danger
of becoming ‘closed off'. Air quality regulations pose a threat to plans and projects. Examples include
the second Maasvlakte and the North section of the A 4, as well as smaller-scale building plans.
This issue is high on the agenda of the various administrative bodies in the Rijnmond region. The
ROM-Rijnmond Executive Council80 In which the various parties are represented has set up a Top
management steering committee on Air, chaired by the Director of the ROM-Rijnmond staff team. This
staff team subsequently commissioned DCMR to devise a package of measures for the region with
which to tackle the problem. This project is carried out in close cooperation with the other parties in
the region and other involved parties (including the business community). The appended report gives
the results of this project.
Particulate matter
The concentrations of particulate matter in the region fluctuate around 40 µg/m3. The exclusion
of 'sea salt' (an adjustment to the Air Quality Decree in August 2005) means that the limit is only
exceeded at a limited number of locations. However, large-scale breaches of the 24 hour /daily limit
value do occur. According to the available models, the daily limit value for particulate matter is
exceeded across a significant part of Rijnmond.81
Includes representatives from: the Ministries of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment; Transport, Public Works
and Water Management; Economic Affairs; Agriculture; Nature and Food Quality; the Province of Zuid-Holland, the City of
Rotterdam, Rotterdam Metropolitan Region, Rotterdam Port Authority, DCMR Rijnmond Environmental Agency and the
Chamber of Commerce
A discussion is taking place on the relationship between the results of model calculations and measurements in the
Rijnmond region. Those involved include the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM),
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP), DCMR, the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment,
and local parties.
In the present situation, the limit value for nitrogen dioxide (which comes into force on 1
January 2010) is exceeded primarily along major arterial roads, in parts of the urban centres and in
the Botlek and Pernis industrial areas. The concentrations show a slight downward trend but it is
expected that - if no additional measures are taken - exceedances will still occur at a large number of
locations in 2010, particularly along major arterial roads.
E 1.3 Sources
Air pollution is a problem that also has a trans-boundary component. The air quality in
Rijnmond is thus only partly determined by sources within the region. By the same token, emissions in
Rijnmond also have an impact outside the region.
Particulate matter
The diagrams below show the emissions (Figure.8) and the concentrations (Figure.9) of
particulate matter in Rijnmond. The emissions are the amounts of air pollution which are released into
the air in Rijnmond. The contribution per source is shown in Figure. 10.
Sources PM10
Road traffic
Figure 9: Contributions from sources to emissions (releases) of particulate matter in the region
If we look at the air quality in Rijnmond (what are the residents of Rijnmond breathing in?) it
appears that a large part of the emissions originates from outside the region. Only about 20% of the
particulate matter in Rijnmond is the direct result of emissions in the region. The remaining 80% is
'background' levels. Within the 20% contribution from the region, road traffic and shipping form the
most important sources. This is shown in Figure 9.
Concentrations PM10
Road traffic
32% Shipping
Background foreign
Background Netherlands
and natural sources
Figure 10: Contributions from sources to ambient concentrations of particulate matter in the region
Sources in the region contribute largely towards air pollution from nitrogen dioxide (NO2). The
regional contribution is about 80%. The most important sources are road traffic and shipping. These
two sources together contribute around two thirds of the concentrations of NO2 in the Rijnmond
region. Other sources are industry and households.
The diagrams below show the contributions from sources in Rijnmond to the emissions
(Figure10 ) and concentrations (Figure11) in Rijnmond:
Sources NOx
24% Industry/Energy
Road traffic
Figure 11: Contributions from sources to emissions (releases) of NOx in the region
Concentrations NOx
Road traffic
7% Shipping
Figure 12: Contributions from sources to the ambient concentrations of NO2 in the region
82 3
Broadly speaking, an average yearly reduction in particulate matter of 0.18 µg/m (i.e. approx. 0.5%) in the model
calculations corresponds to the daily average limit value for particulate matter being exceeded one day less p.a.
For example, in Amsterdam the introduction of low-emission zones (the banning of old, highly polluting lorries from the city
centre) has led in places to 20 - 30 % reductions in concentrations of particulate matter.
On 1 November 2005 the City of Rotterdam published its ‘Approach to Air Quality’. This
approach comprises a considerable number of measures aimed at improving the air quality in the City
of Rotterdam. These measures have all been incorporated into this project. Moreover, coordination
with the Rotterdam approach is assured since the project manager of Rotterdam’s Approach to Air
Quality participated in the Rijnmond Regional Air Quality Action Programme project group.
E 1.5 Regional Air Quality Master Plan; Rotterdam Metropolitan Region and Rotterdam Port
Authority Plans of Approach
In December 2004 the ROM-Rijnmond Executive Council decided on the Air Quality Master
Plan for the Rijnmond region. This includes fourteen measures for the improvement of air quality. In
view of the overlap it was decided to incorporate the elaboration of this in the Air Quality Regional
Action Programme. Moreover, integration is assured since DCMR’s project manager on the Master
Plan also participates in the Regional Action Programme project group.
The project also incorporates the results of the Air Quality Plan of Approach, established 12
Oct. 2005 by the Rotterdam Metropolitan Region. The same goes for the Plan of Approach to Air that
the Rotterdam Port Authority established on 8 November 2005. Again, the project managers for these
two plans participated in the Regional Action Programme project group.
At the Zuidvleugel level, the Province of Zuid-Holland centralizes local and regional authorities’
initiatives. The ambition is to achieve a cohesive, coordinated package for the Zuidvleugel. In view of
the importance to the regional programme of effective coordination with other regions and
municipalities as well as integration at Zuidvleugel level, during the timeframe of the project the
project manager participated in the provincial air quality core team. In addition, the province has been
represented in the project group.
The package of measures in the present report has the status of the most complete overview
possible of measures which could be taken in the Rijnmond region with, where possible, an analysis
of costs, feasibility, implementation and impact on air quality. Based on the expertise of the
participants in the project, a suggestion for a prioritization (which measures do the project participants
consider to be most promising?) has been added to the overview.
The package of measures from the Regional Action Programme provides the administrators in
the region with a basis for reaching agreements through regional cooperation about the measures
which are to be implemented or further elaborated by the various parties.
E 2.1 Organisation
Task groups
The package of measures in the regional action programme has been drawn up primarily by
five task groups (Table 18) chaired by Rotterdam Metropolitan Region, Rotterdam Port Authority and
DCMR Rijnmond Environmental Agency.
The task group chairs have themselves borne the responsibility for putting together the task
groups and have organised the group meetings. A large number of parties have participated in the
task groups, including central government departments (the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and
the Environment and the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management) and the
business community (CBRB, KNRV, TLN, EVO, Railion, etc.). This applies particularly to the road
transport and shipping task groups. Appendix 1 gives an overview of the participants in the various
task groups.
The brief of the task groups is to chart every possible measure for their particular 'source',
including a breakdown of costs, impact, feasibility and timeframes.
The five task groups cover the most important sources of particulate matter and NOx in the
region. There are other sources, however, such as the building sector and agriculture. These have not
been included in the project. Air traffic has also been omitted because it does not make a contribution
to the ambient levels of NO2 and fine particulate concentrations. On the basis of the available know-
how on emissions (see also figs. 1 to 4), however, the sources distinguished by the task groups
account for more than 90% of the emissions in the region.
Project group
The project group receives regular feedback on the activities and results of the task groups. In
addition to the chairs of the task groups, the project group includes representatives from: Rotterdam’s
Town Planning and Housing department (project manager Administrative task Rotterdam), Province
of Zuid-Holland (in connection with its relationship with the Zuidvleugel conference and integration
between the regions) and the ROM- Rijnmond staff team. DCMR (A. de Buck) chaired the project
group. During the period /timeframe of the project the project group convened four times. The
organisation structure is shown in Figure 1284.
text from figure: Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment; Zuidvleugel (coordination Province Z-H),
Rijnmond: ROM-Rijnmond Executive Council+; Top management steering committee on Air (chair ROM-Rijnmond); Measures
Regional Action Programme (led by DCMR); Process and Information (Task group (proposed) (led by DCMR); Policy and
planning (1 draft ROM/JPS); Road traffic (led by SRR); Shipping (led by HbR); Industry (led by DCMR); Households (led by
A large number of parties have made a contribution to the five task groups. This applies in
particular to the shipping and road traffic task groups. In addition to the regional authorities, these task
groups have had active input from central government parties (the Ministry of Housing, Spatial
Planning and the Environment and the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management)
and the business community (in the shipping task group in the form of CBRB (inland shipping) and
KNVR (seagoing shipping), in the road traffic task group in the form of TLN and EVO (the hauliers and
the shippers respectively (responsible for road traffic’s contribution). In the industry task group, the
business community was represented by the trade association Deltalinqs and in the rail traffic task
group the business community was also well represented.
In total around 60 people from about 20 organisations provided input in the five task groups.
The task groups convened on a number of occasions between August and November.
The substantial input by parties (public authorities and market parties) in the task groups has
made it possible to gain a broad insight into the various measures that might be taken and their
consequences. Moreover, the consultation in the task groups has contributed to creating support
among the parties involved. Consultation between the parties has also contributed to a better mutual
understanding and provided tools for reaching joint agreements more quickly.
As far as possible, the measures mapped (or combinations of them) have been assessed
according to their impact on air quality.
The assessment according to impact was conducted by DCMR. Broadly speaking, the filling in
of the models is based on currently available knowledge and data. This has come from a number of
different sources. DCMR was not able to verify all the data during the limited period /timeframe of the
project. Furthermore, the figures used are often fairly rough. For these reasons the assessment
results may contain considerable inaccuracies. The uncertainties are greatest in the case of
particulate matter while assessments for NO2 are generally more accurate. In the assessments for
particulate matter the uncertainty is relatively great for the shipping sector. For this sector, use was
made of emission studies which were conducted between 1994 and 1999. In the Rijnmond region a
E 2.5 Prioritisation
In the project a proposal has been made for the prioritisation of measures. This was devised by
the project group on the basis of insights from the task groups. The aim of the prioritisation was to
attain a preselection of 'promising measures' and serves as a preliminary ‘proposal’ to the
administrators for further elaboration and decision making.
In total approx. 100 measures have been mapped for the five target groups. These are based
on the know-how of the participants in the task groups. The overviews and measures drawn up per
target group can be found in appendix 5a to 5e. Broadly speaking, only a limited number of new
proposals have emerged. The measures mainly comprise already existing ideas and initiatives. These
have been combined in the project, tightened up and further worked out. In view of the large-scale
participation of parties involved in the task groups and the active input which has been provided there,
it may be assumed that the package of measures provides a fairly complete picture of the activities
that can be set in motion in the Rotterdam region to improve air quality. The measures may be
distinguished into:
In the measures an attempt has been made to give an indication of the available instruments,
costs, effects, responsible parties and the period needed for achieving the goals. In most cases it has
not been possible to estimate the costs of the measures to be taken. Impact on air quality was more
frequently able to be estimated. Owing to the limited insight into the costs, it has not proved possible
to work out the cost-effectiveness (costs per amount of reduction of air pollution) quantitatively.
In view of the differences between the various task groups (composition, problems), and the
nature and size of the potential package of measures, each task group followed its own line of action.
A brief description of the most important findings is given below.
In the 'road traffic' sector no “comprehensive” measures presented themselves. The main
benefit must come from relatively small projects (a lot of small contributions add up to one big gain). A
number of actors (problem owners) may (in pairs or as a group) be held responsible in this matter. In
addition, the measures cannot be seen in isolation. This is why a threefold cohesive approach was
opted for: City measures, Ring road measures and Road haulage measures.
• Actors: chiefly Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management / Ministry of
Transport, Public Works and Water Management. Plus various other road maintenance
bodies and other authorities.
• Methods: prevent congestion and promote constant-speed driving.
• Package of measures:
• Dynamic speed regulation on the Rotterdam diamond arterial route
(Lobby for) road-pricing: Probably not achievable before 2010 (Nouwen advisory committee),
but effective in the long term.
• P+R transferia: This also includes the introduction of customised parking rates (parking
policy), linked to ‘clean’ vehicles.
E 3.3.2 Shipping
The measures for shipping have been subdivided into seagoing shipping and inland shipping.
Both sectors operate internationally. When measures are taken these should first of all be adopted in
regulations and/or supported by subsidy instruments. The subsidy instruments may be of a local,
national or European character. For example, the ratifying of international treaties on seagoing
shipping (IMO/MARPOL) and, in addition, EU policy/legislation on inland shipping. Various measures
shown in the matrix point to this. A second consideration is the timeframe for achieving effective
measures. Most measures cannot be implemented in the short term and will therefore not bring about
less emissions from shipping in the short term. Furthermore, just as in the other sectors, measures
have the greatest impact on NOx emissions and less on the emissions of particulate matter.
It is not possible to give an unequivocal picture of which measures (based on our current
knowledge of effects) are the most promising for improving air quality. The following list may be used
as a rough guide:
1. existing and future policy and legislation
2. shore-side electricity for specific categories of ships in the port with high cost-effectiveness
(€/prevented kg NOx of particulate matter)
3. develop (end of pipe) techniques
4. apply existing (end of pipe) techniques
In points 2, 3 and 4 the combination with financial instruments (incentives and subsidies) has a
stimulating effect on the sector. The scope of impact and the environmental effect of measures are
important factors in making choices, in addition to the cost effectiveness of the various measures.
Moreover, it is of major importance that there should be a good fit between incentives from the region
and those from central government.
The budget provided by the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment for the
installation of NOx catalytic converters and soot filters in inland ships is of vital importance to
reducing emissions from inland shipping. However, the budget provided will only be sufficient to take
the necessary emission-reducing measures in a part of the Dutch fleet. In order to achieve an
adequate improvement in air quality it is essential that the scheme should provide sufficient financial
scope to equip the entire Dutch fleet.
E 3.3.3 Railways
In the railways task group, parties from the public sector (regional and central government) and
the business community convened for the first time to discuss the issue of air pollution from rail traffic.
Bottlenecks, possible solutions and preconditions were discussed.
The railways are important in bringing about the ‘modal shift’ so desirable for achieving
improved air quality. Moreover, as a result of international source policy the railways will also have to
become ‘cleaner’. Standardization of emissions from the EU forms the first point of action in this: up to
now, in contrast to goods transport by road, there have been no emissions standards applying to rail
traffic for releases of air polluting substances.
Once the Betuwe Railway Line is fully in operation, there will be opportunities for shifting to
electric transport in the long term. This would eliminate emissions of NOx and particulate matter. An
important element is that the game rules (for entry, use, timeframes and preconditions, etc.) on the
railways ultimately have a positive outcome for the ‘modal shift’ towards rail transport. For the
secondary railway lines there are (in the short term) possibilities for cleaner diesel locomotives.
It is only recently that the impact of the railways on local air quality has been focused on. In this
study, the effect of the Rotterdam Port Railway on air quality has been calculated, based on the
present situation. These show that it is not an obvious move to invest heavily in measures to improve
the railways in the short term.
It is desirable that when the anticipated ‘modal shift’ takes place once the Betuwe Railway Line
is fully functional that a further calculation should be made. This should highlight its differences from
road traffic and concretise the impact of measures on the railways, particularly in the longer term
when the other modes of transport have become cleaner.
Since the seventies, industry has attained considerable reductions in its emissions to air. The
majority of point sources (chimney-stacks) are now fitted with emission reducing facilities. In the near
future a number of major measures will be taken such as the conversion of the refineries to gas
combustion (this results in both a reduction in particulate matter emissions and NOx emissions) and
the implementation of NOx limiting measures in the framework of the NOx emission trade. In this
region, the latter will lead among other things to the placing of an NOx installation on the E.ON-
Maasvlakte power station. Broadly speaking, after taking the above measures industry will satisfy the
present criteria for the ‘current level of technology’.
The NOx emissions from industry are released via chimney-stacks. The impact of a source on
the concentration at ambient level is thus determined to a great extent by the height of the chimney.
The higher the chimney, the less can be perceived at ambient level. In the NOx emission trade
system, it is left to the market to determine where emission reducing measures should be taken. Each
installation has to meet a reference value, the so-called performance standard rate. If a company
releases too much NOx then it can choose to either buy extra rights or to take measures. Since this is
a national system, the regional imposition of extra requirements will be seen as an undermining of the
trade system. This means that it will only be possible to take more far-reaching measures if the
government makes available additional funds. The costs of more far-reaching measures come to
around 5-6 €/prevented kg emission.
Major particulate matter emitters are the refineries and the storage and transhipment of dry bulk
goods. The conversion of the refineries to gas combustion will result in a significant reduction in the
emissions of particulate matter (approx. 90%). In the recent past, in the storage and transhipment of
dry bulk goods good results (emission reductions on the order of 50%) have been achieved through
adopting crust enhancers and control measures (monitoring). These have not yet been adopted by all
the storage and transhipment companies in the region. Enforcement is being tightened up with a view
to ensuring all companies implement these measures. The costs of other further-reaching measures,
such as roofing-in, are disproportionate. Moreover, the greater part of the particulate matter from the
dry bulk sector is relatively coarse and therefore probably has a limited impact on public health.
In addition to the storage and transhipment companies, in isolated cases particle filters could
also be applied to a point source. It needs to be checked whether this fits into the criteria of the
'current level of technology'.
E 3.3.5 Households
Households contain two principal sources: central-heating boilers and fireplaces. As far as
central-heating boilers are concerned, only emissions of NOx are involved. Measures are closely
linked with the energy policy: if households use less heating NOx emissions automatically decrease.
The most important measure is to connect up dwellings to residual heat from industry. The first phase
in this (connection of 50.000 housing units to residual heat from industry) actually went ahead in
November 2005. A second phase in which 500.000 housing units will ultimately be connected up is in
the pipeline. Although major investments are involved in this, the costs can be recovered. The
improvement in air quality in addition to the savings in CO2 emissions offers an argument for working
on the attainment of the second stage of the Warmtebedrijf. As well as connection to residual heat,
measures aimed at energy saving in households (measures as part of renovation, information) are
also important.
Fireplaces form the second relevant source. According to national figures, fireplaces account
for approx.10% of fine particulate emissions in the Netherlands. These figures are not exactly hard,
but they nevertheless provide an indication that fireplaces are indeed an important contributor to
emissions, particularly in the immediate living environment. In the case of fireplaces, too,
communication is an important point of action. The most important measure proposed is that on peak
days (days on which the limit values for air quality are exceeded) citizens should be specifically
advised not to use their fireplaces. This would be the first step towards increased awareness. This
measure forms part of the Rotterdam’s Approach to Air Quality and may be extended across the
region. A second measure is to not build any facilities (chimney flues) for installing fireplaces.
Measures which involve a communication aspect have been investigated for communication
instruments which might be deployed. This exercise is limited to the task groups dealing with road
traffic and households because it is primarily these that contain measures which relate to the public.
In the project an assessment has been made of which measures are the most promising. This
was a qualitative assessment carried out on the basis of five criteria:
Criteria for ‘promising measures’
• impact on air quality
• costs
• feasibility
• side-effects
• timeframe
This selection should be seen as an ‘expert judgement’, based on the broad expertise collected
together in the project, making use of the five criteria listed above. It should be noted here that in view
of the problems with air quality (effects on public health and standstill of spatial developments) a
further analysis would have been desirable, which would have looked specifically at:
• the impact of measures on the numbers of residents in the region and their level of exposure;
• the possible opportunities offered by the measures in the light of the proposed Air Quality Act
and the local net effects approach included in it.
Such an elaboration was not possible within the timeframe of this task, however, partly due to
the uncertainties in the current legislation process: it is still unclear how and on the basis of which
criteria (exposure, concentrations, emissions) the local net effects approach should take place. In
view of the urgency of the issue it was decided to make an initial proposal for prioritisation using the
available know-how .
In total 34 measures were designated as ‘promising’. These were divided among the five target
groups. The ‘promising’ measures include all the measures from ‘Rotterdam’s Approach to Air
Quality’. In addition to these measures, however, various other measures have been incorporated.
The selection of ‘promising’ measures means that approx. 65 other possible measures did not
receive that designation. Among these measures there are a number that could be very useful. It is
certainly important not to lose track of these. But in the context of prioritisation, it is advisable in any
case to get to work on the 34 most promising measures.
The 34 measures distinguished are at different stages of development. Some can be adopted
immediately. Some must first be elaborated. Others require a constant effort.
On the basis of their particular phase of development and the timeframe within which effects
may be expected, the measures may be distinguished into four categories (see Table 19).
3 ‘Clean’ public transport Local > 1.2 million Yes City,
(requirement for granting (Public municipalities
a permit) Transport j
4 Communication/ additional Local P.M. Yes City,
policy (e.g. phased municipalities
traffic lights)
86 87
6 P&R transferia (combined Urban > 5.5 million Yes City,
with customised parking rates) area municipalities
Substantial impact if private vehicle fleets also become ‘clean’
Implementation over a much longer period; combined customised parking rates
Estimate for Rotterdam (for period up to 2010) from Rotterdam’s Approach to Air Quality
Might take the form of: banning old lorries from inner cities; tie-in with measures to stimulate intelligent loading and
Estimate for Rotterdam from Rotterdam’s Approach to Air Quality
Following on from the speed limits already attained on the Terbregseplein/Kleinpolderplein/Overschie section and in relation
to the corresponding road network
32 Communic Broad public campaign Raising P.M. ROM, Rotterdam, SRR, Yes
at-ion and awareness local authorities, DCMR,
innovation HbR and others
Table above is a continuation of the table 20. Measures presented in the table 20 could be further
investigated in 2006 and if the research results are positive converted into a plan of implementation,
to be carried out in 2006/2007.
Estimate for Rotterdam from Rotterdam’s Approach to Air Quality
Category III Measures can be initiated from 2006 with a view to achieving substantial long-term
(>>2010) improvements
1. A large number of measures are possible by means of which a contribution can be made to
improving air quality. These comprise a whole range of measures at different types of sources for
which various parties have primary responsibility.
2. The greatest improvements are to be attained for air pollution through NO2 . As far as particulate
matter is concerned, the air quality can only be improved to a limited extent through measures in
the region. For particulate matter, however, it does apply that small improvements in the air
quality can be sufficient to bring levels near to or even below the limit value. In addition, measures
with regard to particulate matter chiefly affect primary particulate matter (in particular soot
particles) which are the most harmful to the public health of the residents of Rijnmond.
3. Broadly speaking, local and regional measures contribute principally to improving local air quality.
Within the local and regional measures there is no one 'comprehensive' measure: it is best to take
measures at various sources.
4. An important effect on the air quality in the region may come from measures at national level and
the greatest result will be achieved through tightening up the EU source control policy (and IMO).
5. In addition, local and regional measures can have a considerable spin-off effect, partly because
regional incentives can prompt companies to step up the adoption of national subsidy schemes
for the installation of filters or ‘clean’ engines. For example, a measure such as low emission
zones (banning highly-polluting lorries from inner cities) including outside the region lead to a
reduction in environmental burden. The same applies to an additional, stimulating policy in the
region with regard to sectors such as shipping and railways. There can also be spin-off effects in
other areas. Examples include:
• trains which run on electricity instead of diesel, will keep their ‘clean’ image far into Europe;
• dynamic speed regulation also leads to in a reduction in noise nuisance and an improvement
in the safety situation along the Rotterdam diamond;
• measures with regard to oil-fired boilers in refineries and seagoing shipping also contribute to
a reduction in emissions of secondary particulate matter.
6. In the short and long term the best results will be achieved in the region using a combined
approach comprising:
• a package of local and regional measures;
• lobbying central government and the EU for the accelerated introduction of source-based
To this end, a selection of 34 'promising measures' has been made.
7. Using the calculation models currently available (and the level of detail of the input of source data
in them) it is not yet possible to ascertain the extent to which this package of measures will
resolve future bottlenecks for the air quality in Rijnmond.
8. The measures distinguished are at different stages of development. Some can be adopted
immediately. Some must first be worked out in detail. Others require a constant effort.
On the basis of their accumulated know-how and insights obtained, the project group made an
assessment of the most promising measures, based on a number of criteria (impact, costs,
feasibility, side-effects and timeframes). These 34 measures are included in appendix 3. They are
broken down into:
• 5 measures which are already in the process of implementation.
• 6 measures which can be taken in 2006 (in several cases an acceleration of policy already
set in train).
• These will yield their effect before 2010.
• 17 measures for which research is needed in 2006, on the basis of which – if the research
result is positive – actual implementation can begin from 2006/2007.
• These will mostly also yield an effect by 2010.
• 6 measures and initiatives which must be set in train aimed at the longer term (in particular
lobbying and research).
• These will yield an effect in the longer term (>2010/2020).
9. For many local and regional measures the best results will be obtained in regional or
supraregional cooperation. This will also considerably strengthen the spin-off effects.
In response to the research results stated, the project group has come up with the following
With regard to the measures to be taken in the region it is recommended to start with the
overview of ‘promising measures’ set out in this report, which is based on a substantive assessment
of the total number of possible measures in terms of ‘impact’, ‘costs’, ‘feasibility’, ‘side-effects’ and
‘timeframes’. Moreover, to bear in mind that in addition to these measures, the other measures
charted may also be very useful and should not be forgotten.
E 5.3 Measures
On the basis of a substantive assessment of the total number of possible measures, an estimate
of the timeframe in which measures will yield an effect, and an estimate of the possible timeframe for
implementation, the project group recommends the following:
• To implement the measures from category (section 3.6, table 19) in 2006;
• To implement the measures from category II (section 3.6, table 20) in 2006 and, - if the
research results are positive – to convert them into an implementation plan;
• To set in train the measures and initiatives from category III (section 3.6, table 21) in 2006
and beyond with a view to achieving longer term (>>2010) improvements.
E 5.4 Responsibilities
The project group recommends that the leading role in the research and implementation
processes mentioned under point D 5.1. should be allocated to the various parties, and proposes
appointing the ‘responsible parties’ printed in bold in the tables above for this role.
E 5.5 Financing
Joint agreements will need to be made with regard to the financing of the implementation of
measures from the Regional Action Programme, in so far as the costs of research and/or
implementation of measures cannot reasonably be borne by a single party. The project group
proposes that the project leaders should in the short term draw up a (rough) budget of the
implementation costs of ‘their’ measure as well as a proposal for the division of these costs. These
proposals will subsequently be included in agreements to be made (with central government among
others) regarding the financing of the Regional Action Programme.
E 5.6 Calculations
Ensuring the permanent upgrading of the calculation models used including the complete
documentation of the data used. Close coordination of this with the national agencies in this field (ER,
MNP, RIVM). In this way, future explorations will be based on the most up-to-the-minute prognosis so
that the best insight will be gained into bottlenecks and possible measures for resolving them. It is
important that regionally-devised plans should not be included in national prognoses for air quality
background levels (to avoid figures being counted twice). This fits in with the initiatives for setting up a
Regional Air Expertise Centre.
In addition to upgrading the calculation models, undertaking the implementation of
supplementary calculations. This applies among other things to measures which have not yet been
assessed (e.g. the introduction of dynamic speed regulations on the ring road), but also for the
E. 5.7 Synergy between the input from parties and the measures to be taken
With regard to the elaboration and possible implementation of local and regional measures to
work on maximising synergy with the measures at national and EU level. To that end, to ensure close
coordination with the business community, non-governmental organisations and central government.
E. 5.8 Close collaboration in the region and working on coordination and integration in the
context of the Zuidvleugel
The recommendation with regard to most measures is to implement these jointly in a regional
context. In addition, it is useful to coordinate with other regions and municipalities in the Province of
Zuid-Holland in the framework of an integrated Zuidvleugel approach.
Despite considerable improvements in recent years, the air quality in Rijnmond is still giving
cause for concern. According to the available figures, limit values are being exceeded on a large
scale. Air quality can adversely affect public health. The exceeding of the limit values produces a real
risk that spatial and economic developments will be unable to take place. This issue is high on the
agenda of the various administrative bodies in the Rijnmond region. This is why the ROM-Rijnmond
Executive Council (BOR) has taken the initiative to achieve a package of measures for the region to
tackle the problem. These must tie in with the existing plans drawn up by parties from the BOR, in
particular Rotterdam’s Approach to Air Quality (published 1 November 2005), the Air Quality Master
Plan developed by the BOR (7 December 2004), the Air Quality Plan of Approach by the Rotterdam
Metropolitan Region (12 October 2005) and the Plan of Approach to Air by the Rotterdam Port
Authority (8 November 2005). On behalf of the BOR, the ROM-Rijnmond staff team has
commissioned the DCMR Rijnmond Environmental Agency to draw up the package of regional
Five task groups have contributed to creating the package of measures: road traffic (chaired by
Rotterdam Metropolitan Region), shipping (chaired by Rotterdam Port Authority), railways (ditto),
industry (chaired by DCMR) and households (ditto). Within the task groups a large number of parties
have made an active contribution. This applies both to government (local and regional, provincial and
central) [the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment and the Ministry of Transport,
Public Works and Water Management], and to representatives from the business community.
Considering the breadth and the great involvement of the participating parties, it may be assumed that
the package of measures gives a fairly complete picture of the possible measures which could be
implemented through the cooperation of partners in the region. The measures from the plans listed
above have been fully incorporated in the package. Furthermore, every effort has been made to
achieve close coordination with other municipalities and regions in the Province of Zuid-Holland under
the umbrella of the Zuidvleugel.
The efforts of the task groups resulted in 100 possible measures. Based on five criteria [impact
on air quality, costs, feasibility, side-effects and timeframe], a qualitative assessment was made. From
this, 34 measures emerged as ‘promising’. As far as possible the measures have been assessed
according to their impact on air quality. There is no single local or regional measure which might be
called an absolute ‘corker’. Nevertheless, it has been found that local measures such as the
introduction of shore-side electricity for ships in the port and low-emission zones do have a positive
effect on the local air quality. Measures which are primarily undertaken at national or EU level and
lead to source-based measures, such as the subsidising of filters, road-pricing and a stepped up
introduction of the EURO-V norms have more impact on the regional air quality. These measures can
lead (in the long term) to substantial improvements in regional air quality. Moreover, regional
measures can provide an important stimulus to the national policy. For example, a measure such as
low-emission zones (banning highly-polluting lorries from city centres) will prompt transport
companies to accelerate their introduction of ‘clean’ lorries. This will also lead to a reduction in
environmental pressure outside the region. The same applies to an additional, stimulating policy in the
region with regard to sectors such as shipping and railways.
Of the 34 ‘promising’ measures there are:
It is advisable that:
• the ‘leaders’ (the parties who form the main contact in the BOR for the measure concerned)
should, in the short term, draw up a rough budget for their package of measures, including a
proposal for the division of costs. These proposals can be used in agreements with central
government about financing.
• parties should implement measures in cooperation with partners in the region. Cooperation
leads to measures being taken over a larger area (with a broader impact on air quality), so
that they can be elaborated and implemented more efficiently and can be regarded as a clear
and consistent package to the market parties involved. Whenever useful, also work on
cooperation with other municipalities and regions under the umbrella of the Zuidvleugel.
Cooperation and coordination can considerably reinforce the spin-off effect from local and
regional measures.
Efforts should be made to achieve the synergy of measures at local/regional level with those at
supraregional and central government level. Examples include: environmental zoning, ‘clean’ public
transport, ‘clean’ shipping and national support for the communication campaign
As part of the EU project CITEAIR (Common Information To European AIR) supported through
the INTERREG IIIC programme, the project partners aim to develop a “Guidebook for Environmental
Management” that will help cities and regions assess their situation, identify their air quality problems
and share information on air quality abatement measures and strategies.
This document represents a common template for presenting the case study management strategies.
In Rome, modal split is characterised by the dominance of registered private cars (about 2
millions) and motorbikes (about 600.000) despite the lack of parking spaces.
The City Administration has thus developed policies aimed at improving mobility, modifying modal
split in favour of public transport, increasing traffic safety, decreasing air pollution and acoustic
nuisances, regenerating urban spaces, rationalising public space use, safeguarding citizens health,
preserving historical and architectural heritage.
To reach these objectives, the City Administration is implementing long term and short term
activities. In the Urban Traffic General Plan a fundamental role is played by complementary restrictive
measures on traffic regulation and management, such as articulation of parking fares (more
expensive parking charges getting closer to the city centre) and access restriction system to the city
centre, including RP policies.
Access control restrictions were first implemented in the city centre of Rome in 1989. The scheme
was steadily modified with the biggest change being observed in October 2001 when automatic
enforcement of the scheme was introduced. The access control policies are accompanied by flat rate
road pricing (ACS + RP) for the authorised private car users.
The ACS+RP scheme (see Map 1 of ZTL in Rome) is applied to central limited traffic zone (ZTL).
The pricing zone has an area of 4.6 km2 and is controlled through 22 entrance gates. The area hosts
about 42 thousand residents and over 116 thousand workers In the scheme access to the ZTL is
restricted on weekdays between 6.30 am and 6.00 pm and on Saturday from 2.00 to 6.00 p.m. to
permit holders only. The scheme is full scale, applied to all the citizens.
Residents of the zone receive two free permits per family group and then pay for any further
permits required. Non-residents can receive a permit if they belong to specific categories: doctors,
commercial agents, reporters, etc., based on an annual permit which is worth the equivalent of a 12-
month public transport card that is 311.47 Euro, while some other specific authorised people pay half
fare. This access permits are about 20.000.
Public offices and other private bodies and associations are given each a limited number of
permits, agreed in advance with the municipal offices. All non-resident owners of a parking space can
receive a circulation only permit. Permits are given to disabled with reduced walking capabilities
certified by one of the national service doctors. Freight operators with their offices in LTZ or with a
continuous activity in LTZ have received permits to access the area in specific time windows, using
special parking slots for loading/unloading vehicles. Time limitations are not valid for transporting
food, medicines, press products and some other freight categories. Further, permits have been
distributed among the operators of public services, such as technological services (water, energy,
waste, etc.). In all approximately 200,000 LTZ permits have been issued, of which 28,000 are resident
permits (LTZ resident population 42,000).
The City Council of Rome has set objectives to implement sustainable urban development that
include suitable mobility options. The policies and activities for long term planning for mobility are
outlined in the “Mobility Integrated Program – PROIMO” and private demand management policies for
short term planning. The ACS+RP scheme complements both these policies and forms part of
planning strategies for the city’s Urban Traffic General Plan (PGTU – Piano Generale del Traffico
Urbano) and Urban Traffic Plan (PUT – Piano Urbano del Traffico). These objectives have been
supported by EU funded projects most notably through the city’s involvement in the CIVITAS project
The Rome application was the first one for automatic ACS+RP scheme in Italy and the
government Bodies examined it carefully, establishing the parameters for its operation.
Firstly, the equipment used was submitted to the technical evaluation and approval by the
national Ministry of Public Works (July 1999, approved 26 June 2000). Secondly, the Municipality
applied for the authorisation by the Public Works Ministry to install and manage the approved system;
the request specifies the organisation in charge, and the number and location of the equipped gates
to be installed (approved 21/3/01).
Due to the complexity of the procedures related to the use of such automatic equipment to be
made operational on large scale for the first time in Italy, the Decree obliges to a pre-exercise period.
In this period (from August 1st to September 30th, 2001) the system was jointly operated with the
Urban Police at each gate to endorse the violations.
At the end of this period, the Municipality proceeded to the fully operational phase starting from
October 1st, 2001, according to the recommendations contained in the homologation of the system
and its devices
The cost of automating the ACS +RP scheme included 3.8 million Euros for development and
start up and 3.2 million euros per year for operation and maintenance. Some development costs were
covered by EU funding. Revenues from permits and fines amounts to 57.5 million Euros per year. The
running of the scheme involves 49 people employed by STA (Mobility Agency for the city of Rome)
and the Municipality Police. A simplified scheme of the cost and revenues is reported in the following
The organisation is located in STA and is composed by 20 persons of the Municipality Police,
making the final check on the fine, 18 persons working at the complaints department, 1 persons
working on the system monitoring and development and 10 persons working at the citizens front office
for permit management.
Public Perception
The public perception to the new access system (see Figure 13) was assessed through two
surveys carried in 2000 and November 2003 on residents and shop owners in Rome Old Town ZTL.
The respondents acceptance of the access control system did not change significantly in the before
and after scenarios; the only change is represent by a 5% reduction of shop owner perceiving the
Definitely Possibly Just a little bit Not at all
2000 2003 2000 2003
Residents Shop owners
Figure 13: Public Perception figures to the new Access System in Rome
Both categories consider air and noise pollution to be the most serious problem, although traffic
congestion as well as fuel and energy consumption have a significant impact on the Old Town
environment. According to the residents, the greatest concern is the excessive presence of cars, vans
and trucks, but also of motorbikes and mopeds; on the other hand, shop-owners underestimate the
pollution caused by tour buses.
Technological Requirements
The ACS+RP scheme installed in the city centre of Rome (see Diagram 3) is based on a
system consisting of four functional elements, On street “gates”, Vehicles On-board unit (OBU) and
smart card, Communication subsystem and the Control Centre.
The access gates comprise two basic components working, in conjunction with the control
centre, to monitor the access to the historical centre:
• a unit which handles communications between the vehicle (the On Board Unit with smart
card) and the control centre. This unit contains all the relevant information concerning
authorised vehicles. This part of the system is based on the Telepass ™ technology
developed and implemented by Autostrade S.p.A., the main national highway operator; the
extensively proved reliability of this technology has been the main reason to adopt it in the
Rome application.
• a second one, a vision unit/television camera, which acquires and process, via an advanced
OCR, vehicle plate images in any case of violation.
The OBU, composed of a communication unit and a smart card (the permit), allows users to
access the automatic services and their permits to be checked without direct identification. It also
provides a friendly interface (visually, graphically, and acoustically) which informs the driver that he is
activating an operation and the state of the device.
The automation of the ACS+RP scheme that led to its successful application was reliant on
extensive use of ITS (Intelligent Transport System) technologies based around a traffic control centre
installed at STA headquarters. The Integrated ITS deployed in Rome, includes a subsystem dedicated
to the automatic access control (ACS+RP) to the city centre. The System installed consists of four
functional elements, On street “gates”, Vehicles On-board unit (OBU) and smart card, Communication
subsystem and the Control Centre. The system currently installed is composed of 22 access gates,
enclosing the entire area (6 km2) of the ZTL. The system has high reliability with high MTBF (Mean
Time Between Failures) reported. The on-street installations for the system were designed with regard
to minimising their visual impacts on the city’s historic monuments.
Traffic congestion due to the high number of 2-wheels vehicles has always been a problem for
the City of Rome, probably due to favourable weather condition. However, since the activation of
ACS+RP that banned the access of non authorized vehicle within the ZTL, with the exceptions of 2-
wheels and other exempted categories, it has become an even bigger problem. These trends are
strictly related to access restriction policies. Currently, automatic vehicles detection system installed
on the electronic gates are not able to detect 2-wheels, to evaluate the number of mopeds and
motorcycles on-filed measurement campaign needs to be performed. The analysis of the Best
Available Technology (BAT) to control and implement ACS+RP policies for motorbikes and
motorcycles is to be carried out in the running MIRACLES project for the future implementation of new
gates for 2-wheels control. In particular the banning of non-catalysed 2 wheelers will be assessed, as
STA and the Municipality of Rome foresees forced changes in the scooter fleet towards electric and
catalysed scooters due to the serious concerns about PM10 emissions from non-catalysed scooters.
From the beginning of 2003 the yearly check-up of vehicles emissions to compulsory tune–up was
extended also for two-wheel motorcycles and mopeds through the implementation of the Traffic Act’s
so-called "blue badge" for the scooters.
The necessity of integrated ITS systems in Access Control and Road Pricing applications is
given by the results of the ACS+RP scheme application. Before the use of electronic system, the
policy was already set-up, but its application wasn’t achieved. Now the STA centre is ready to
integrate the other ACS+RP schemes expected in Rome in other districts (Trastevere, Villa Borghese)
and also San Lorenzo one with a night ACS+RP scheme similar to Trastevere.
The new EC Directive on road toll interoperability proposes to combine VPS/CN (Vehicle
Positioning System with Cellular Network) with DSRC in the short/medium term and to test its
applicability to buses and coaches from 2008. It focuses on the goal of achieving interoperability
between the different electronic toll systems already in place. VPS systems potentially offer much
more flexibility in defining or refining the charging system because they use “virtual gantries”.
However the requirements for VPS system are very strong, both in terms of signal
reliability/certification and in terms of system management. The use of GPS-based positioning
systems is presently not reliable because of the intrinsic positioning error, lack of certification and the
non-continuous availability of the system, discouraging widespread application. Problems could arise
especially along the cordon where correct position determination is fundamental, where the
enforcement procedure cannot accept position errors. Such application of real Road Tolling has
potential future application by integrating Galileo into the VPS technique (GVPS), permitting the issue
of temporary permits for trips, time, distance, once the reliability of the system is tested in complex
urban situation, especially for specific fleets (tourism coaches, freight deliveries). Hence, it is
considered necessary to draft technical guidelines that are able to ensure the interoperability among
these technologies also in urban toll applications like Rome.
Air quality
Since year 2000 (before the ACS+RP operations) many actions have been undertaken to
reduce the traffic impacts on air quality including yearly emission control on registered car fleet,
renewal of the public transport bus fleet, access limitation to non-catalysed vehicles and an increase
of the Park & Ride provision. In this period, the access restrictions for non-catalysed vehicles in the
whole Rail Ring zone was achieved in the first part of 2003 with results in terms of air quality
improvements already appreciable.
It is therefore not easy to identify the contribution of the scheme implementation. however
between January 2001 and January 2003 significant improvements in the four monitoring stations are
shown in Table 23.
In the ZTL the improvement for particulates – the biggest air quality problem for Rome – were
less than expected. This is partly due to the increased use of powered two wheeled vehicles since the
introduction of the scheme.
Main observed results of the implementation of the system are a 10% decrease in traffic during
the day that becomes 20% decrease in traffic during the restriction period, 15% decrease in the
morning peak hour (8.30-9.30), 10% increase of two wheeled vehicles and a 6% increase of public
transport. The traffic reduction is shown in Figure 14 and shows impressive the similarity between
2001 and 2002.
The morning peak phenomenon is lower than in the past, while the evening one is the highest
of the day and slightly higher than before the activation of the gates. The decrease can be completely
attributed to the activation of the electronic gates, since the traffic outside the restriction window has
remained substantially unchanged.
The lower traffic flows registered during the first year of working ACS+RP system derive mainly
from a strong reduction in illegal traffic entering ZTL, which has diminished from 36% before the
activation of the gates to below 10% after 2 years after activation.
The observed data for total mean flow in October 2000 and 2002 (see Figure 15) inside the ZTL
per hour showed a new peak around 6 pm for transits towards ZTL. The ACS+RP scheme is switched
off at 6pm.
Figure 15:Observed data for total traffic mean flow in October 2000 and 2002
This critical phenomenon was analysed: even the application of a limited fare to access in the
evening the ZTL could produce an impressive limitation of the “crossing” traffic with limited effects on
traffic entering the ZTL as the destination. Such results can be accepted by the shop owners and
retailers in general because only partially affect the people going into the ZTL for shopping/leisure.
Thus, the application of an “evening pure Road Pricing scheme” is under discussion by Rome
The Rome Metropolitan Area (see Map 2), instituted through the National Act 142/90, hosts
about 4 million residents over an area of 5300 km2 and comprises the Rome Municipality (1300 km2).
Rome Municipality is further subdivided into 19 districts (Municipi), but from a functional point of view
five areas can be identified, four internal to the Great Ring Road (GRA, Grande Raccordo Anulare)
according to the Urban Traffic General Plan (PGTU, Piano Generale del Traffico Urbano), while the
fifth is external to the GRA and extends to the city border; all of them have been identified on the
basis of their general characteristics and the planned modal shift between public and private
The historical centre (A), corresponding to the restricted access zone (ZTL, Zona a Traffico
Limitato), has an area of about 6 km2 and shows the highest concentration of business activities in
Rome (21,000 workers/km2): less than 1% of the municipal territory hosts 13% of the total workers,
while population amounts to only 2% over the total (Table 24).
The scheme reported in the Figure 8 shows the general asset of road pricing policies to be
implemented in the city, accompanied by complementary restrictive measures on traffic regulation and
management, such as articulation of parking fares: more expensive parking charges getting closer to
the city center; it aims to encourage the use of peripheral inter-modes nodes and access restriction
system to the city center.
In addition, the Administration carried out in the last years a deep innovation of local Public
Transport organization. Parallel actions are foreseen as mobility manager, car-pooling, car-sharing
and taxi bus services.
In the City of Rome parking is an integral component of the urban mobility system. The basic
tariff strategy states that the system must provide an adequate price range in terms of parking costs in
proportion to the distance from the high demand areas.
Paid parking has become increasingly important, i.e. discouraging people to use cars for
"systematic" journeys to the city centre. STA has created paid parking spaces on roads in its inner
zones and - following an international Tender for Bids - appointed operational management of parking
spaces to private companies.
In 2002, STA took directly the management of the on-street parking system in Rome, integrated
with general strategy of the Municipality to favour the parking outside the Rail Ring Area with the
creation of off-street low cost parking area connected to the main exchange points of the Public
Transport and the always increasing taxation of on-street parking inside the Rail-Ring, including inside
the two inner zones of Rome.
According to this general strategy, STA increased the off-street parking places outside the Rail
Ring to 12.247 with 29 park and ride areas, as per December 2003, and undertakes to continuously
implement new structures along the main railway lines.
STA also coordinates the 250 Auxiliary Traffic Wardens appointed by the Mayor to the
purposes of Paragraph 132, Section 17 of Law 127 of 15 May 1997 (the so-called "Bassanini bis"
Law). The job of these Auxiliaries is to control and verify any irregularities in paid parking areas. The
on-street payment is not due on holidays and it is free-of-charge for the residents in each zone and
other specific categories, according to the Italian Road Code.
On-street parking pricing is based on fixed hourly rates of 1 € for approx. 65.000 parking
spaces distributed in the territory of the Municipality of Rome inside the Rail Ring (see Map 3).
Currently parking policy allow resident citizens having free parking areas with the direct
consequence that only the 20 % of parking places is available for paying users.
At city level the availability of parking places for paying users is diffused, and not concentrated
where would serve, where offices are attracting need of parking (public offices, commerce, etc). Up to
now, the experience acquired has lead to propose modifications to bring to the on-street parking
inside the Rail Ring, in order to improve the conditions of the traffic and environment in the city.
The implementation of a new parking policy is based on the introduction of three different
parking policies and fares (High, Limited, Long Term fares) to be gradually introduced, beginning from
zones that for user characteristics and attractive points can represent a valid experiment of such
The dominance of the private car has led to high levels of congestion and pollution, damaging
both the health of the citizens and the cultural heritage of the city.
The City of Rome aimed to reduce congestion and the impact of air pollution through the
development of automated access restriction systems combined with P&R facilities.
Parking pricing in city centre was implemented and an improvement of the pubic transport can be
Cars are restricted from entering the core of the city except for residents and permit buyers..
The amortisation is under one year of operation.
During 2001 and 2003 significant improvements of air quality have been detected.
As a result of the implemented schemes traffic decreased.
As part of the EU project CITEAIR (Common Information To European AIR) supported through
the INTERREG IIIC programme, the project partners aim to develop a “Guidebook for Environmental
Management” that will help cities and regions assess their situation, identify their air quality problems
and share information on air quality abatement measures and strategies.
This document represents a common template for presenting the case study management
Leicester is a medium sized city located in East Midlands region of the UK. The city has a
population of almost 300,000 people, with the greater urban conurbation (Central Leicestershire)
serving over 500,000 people. There are no major “heavy” industries in the city, consequently road
transport is the city’s main contributor to air pollution. For road transport, the city centre is served by 9
radial routes, 4 of which to the west of the city provide links to the M1 motorway – the main highway in
England, running from London to Leeds.
The city centre sits in a bowl hence air pollution is likely to accumulate in the centre. Winds in the
city are predominately from a west and southwesterly direction; hence the motorway and radial routes
to the south and west of the city contribute to the city centre’s air quality.
Annual mean air quality objectives for NO2 are unlikely to be met by Leicester. The main problems
for air quality are roadside locations in the city centre and along main radial routes into the city. These
areas of the city have been designated Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) as shown in Figure
Cars are the main form of transport into the city centre. The modal share of transport (2003)
shows 42.5% people entering the city centre between 0700 and 1900 is by car, 35.9% by bus.
Congestion is an increasing problem for the city, with the congestion index rising from 0.7 minutes per
vehicle kilometre in 2001 to 1.11 minutes per vehicle kilometre in 2003.
Figure 17: a) Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) in Leicester b) Topography of Leicester
Urban Traffic Management and Control (UTMC) is a programme that is looking at both improved
methods of traffic management and tools to improve the efficiency of systems. Within this programme,
the UTMC03 project has investigated how UTMC methods can be used to control and manage
emissions of pollutants from vehicles in urban areas. These could include fiscal measures (car park
charges), traffic control and enforcement (traffic signal co-ordination), and information provision (traffic
Spilt Cycle Offset Optimisation Technique Urban Traffic Control (SCOOT UTC) is a long-
standing technique to reduce traffic delays in urban road networks controlled by traffic signals.
Efficient traffic signal co-ordination, allow benefits to be seen for all emissions.
Within the UTMC03 project, the SCOOT UTC objective function was modified to minimise
emissions rather than delay even if delays reduction contribute to a reduction emissions already.
In Leicester two trials were carried out, one testing SCOOT gating and fixed time gating and the other
testing the “Emissions SCOOT” modification.
Gating Trials
For the gating trials in Leicester, the sensitive area was Narborough Road (A5460), a major
radial road into Leicester from the M1 (Junction 21) and M69 motorways to the west of the city and
Imperial Avenue
Fullhurst Avenue
Braunstone Lane Upperton Road
SCOOT junction
Pollution Monitor
The trial successfully demonstrated a reduction in emissions in the protected area. Emissions
were reduced by between 3% and 8%, depending on pollutant. Reductions in the peak ¼ hour were
almost twice as great as reductions in the average values over the two-hour peak. Since a high level
of restraint was needed to gain these reductions, it was found to be more publicly acceptable to have
two smaller queues rather than one very large queue. Outbound traffic was delayed more in the
protected area, due to the nature of the two stage signal. An extra stage, allowing traffic out of the
protected area would increase reductions in emissions.
This trial was carried out in Region RA in Leicester, which controls the city end of the busy A6
London Road. Unlike gating, a change in flow should not result when “Emissions SCOOT” is being
used and so changes in flow must be allowed for.
Results are summarised in Table 25:
None of the changes was statistically significant at the 95% level. It cannot be definitely said
from these results alone, that the use of the modified SCOOT will result in a reduction of emissions.
The fact that the results are in line with predictions made in earlier simulation tests does provide some
confidence that benefits, although small, are real.
It should be noted that these small benefits are in addition to those much larger benefits already
provided by ‘normal SCOOT’.
Queue relocation is a useful tool to move some pollution away from sensitive areas. However, it
relies crucially on there being suitable areas for the relocated queues. The queues must be relocated
to roads where the pollution from the vehicle emissions is less damaging and the queues are
politically acceptable. In addition, the relocated queues cannot be too far from the protected area or
the beneficial effect on the protected area will be diluted by other sources of traffic.
Due to the geographical location and the surrounding highways Leicester’s air quality is
affected. Fiscal measures, traffic and enforcement as well as information broadcast are measures to
tackle air pollution caused by traffic in Leicester. Relocation of queues as a measure to reduce air
pollution was a good working method. By means of traffic density monitoring, cars were rerouted to an
other road to city centre. As a result there were two less queues instead of one large.
As part of the EU project CITEAIR (Common Information To European AIR) supported through
the INTERREG IIIC programme, the project partners aim to develop a “Guidebook for Environmental
Management” that will help cities and regions assess their situation, identify their air quality problems
and share information on air quality abatement measures and strategies.
This document represents a common template for presenting the case study management
£320 million start up costs with £64 million pa running High Low
costs. £100 – 110 million pa revenue generated. Technology X
In 2002, the Greater London Authority (GLA) set out the Mayor of London’s Air Quality
Strategy. This predicted that national air quality targets – Air Quality (England) Regulations 2000 –
would not be met for annual NO2 concentrations (see Map 4 ) (40 µg/m3 by 31 December 2005) and
daily PM10 concentrations (50 µg/m3 not be exceeded more than 35 times a year by 31 December
2004). Both objectives were expected to be exceeded along the major road network and, in addition,
the nitrogen dioxide objective is also expected to be exceeded in Central London.
Road traffic is the major source affecting nitrogen dioxide levels in London, accounting for
approximately 60 per cent of emissions, with a further 21 per cent comes from residential and
commercial gas use. Direct and indirect emissions from the city’s main international airport –
Heathrow Airport – are also a significant factor for high NO2 levels in west London
Exceedences above the target value of 40 µg/m3 are expected in central London and around
Heathrow Airport. Seventy per cent of PM10 emissions occurring in London are from road sources but
are only responsible for a third of the PM10 concentration in the city. The other main sources are from
sources outside London, the production of particulate matter through chemical reactions and re-
suspension from roads and construction sites.
The importance of road traffic in achieving good air quality for London is highlighted in the
objectives in the Mayor of London’s Air Quality Strategy. These are:
London is a large and rapidly growing city. Its current population of 7.4 million is predicted to
increase by 700,000 over the next 15 years and a similar level of additional jobs is expected to be
created. As the UK’s capital city it is recognized by the national government that, given London’s
existing levels of pollution, achieving both EU and governmental air quality objectives in the capital will
be very challenging. The government advises that the Mayor’s duties for achieving these objectives
need to be balanced with London’s other priorities.
The congestion charging scheme for London started in February 2003 as a strategy to improve
the chronic traffic congestion in central London, where congestion is six times worst than any other
city in the UK (2002). It was not planned as an air quality strategy however benefits from the scheme
in reducing air pollution in an area of London where air quality is poor have been observed.
The congestion charging scheme charges a daily rate for vehicles to enter and travel in the 21
square kilometre charging zone consisting of mainly of the whole of the borough City of London and
approximately half of the borough City of Westminster between 7:00 and 18:30 during weekdays. This
represents 1.3% of the total 1579 square kilometre area of Greater London (see Map 5). The scheme
is supported by an infrastructure of 203 camera sites, using automatic number plate recognition
(ANPR) technology cameras placed on the 174 entry and exit points into the congestion zone and in
locations within the zone.
In anticipation of the implementation of congestion charging 300 extra buses were provided in the
charging zone to deal with the expected transfer of people to public transport from private vehicles
when travelling into the zone (20,000 people per day). The extra bus space was expected to provide
20% more spaces than the rise in demand. London’s extensive underground tube system was also
expected to adequately cope with the increasing demand (2% increase in passenger numbers,
equivalent to one extra person per tube carriage).
Vehicles driving in the charging zone during the charging period are charged a flat rate of £per
day. Vehicles exempt from the scheme include licensed taxis and minicabs, buses, motorcycles,
vehicles for disabled persons including “blue badge” holders and vehicles with 9 seats or more.
Residents in the charging zone – of which approximately 40,000 households own a car – are entitled
to a 90% discount of the charge (£2.50 for one week compared to a full charge of £25 for non-
Payment of the congestion charge can be made by telephone, online, mobile phone text
messaging, at various retail outlets and petrol stations inside and outside London and at self service
machines located in car parks within the charging zone. The charge must be paid before 10 pm on the
day of travel. If the charge is not paid by 10pm on the day of travel, but is paid between 10.00pm and
midnight, there is a £5 surcharge on the standard charge (i.e. a total of £10). If the charge is not paid
by midnight on the day of travel, an £80 Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) will be sent to the registered
keeper of the vehicle. This is reduced to £40 if paid within 14 days. After 28 days the penalty
increases to £120.If a vehicle has more than three outstanding and unrepresented PCNs, then the
vehicle can be clamped and/or removed until the cost of the PCNs plus appropriate release fee have
been paid. In practice this is likely to be 3 X £120 PCNs + £125 release fee (+£15 per day daily
storage), i.e. minimum of £485 at the Pound, or 3 X £120 +£45 release fee, totalling £405 to remove a
London’s Congestion Charging Scheme was implemented and run by the Greater London
Authority (GLA). This body was restructured in 2000, becoming more autonomous from national
government, including an elected mayor with power to manage the city’s transport system and the
raising of taxes to fund this. The manifesto of the successful mayoral candidate – Ken Livingstone –
included Congestion Charging, however before implementation the scheme was unpopular with not
only local opposition politicians but also with the national government.
The charging zone is situated mainly in the boroughs of City of London and City of
Westminster. It is an area that would be familiar to all visitors to London, as it contains numerous
major tourist attractions, some of Central London’s major retail and leisure districts and the offices of
many international companies and financial institutions.
In the charging zone over 80% of the business units employ less than 10 people, which
together contribute to approximately 15% of the zone’s employment. Large businesses (employing
300 people or more) represent a small proportion of business units but employs 35% of the people in
the zone. The major employment sectors are Finance and Business activities.
Consultation process by Transport for London and surveys by various interest groups were
carried out. In general the scheme was unpopular with smaller businesses and car drivers. Generally,
large businesses were in favour or neutral to the scheme.
Initial start up costs for the scheme was £320 million with estimated running costs of £64 million
per year. Scheme was expected to raise £1.3 billion over ten years (£130 million per year). On
average, TfL report 400,000 non-residential, 90,000 residential and 40,000 fleet payments per week,
generating revenue of around £100 –110 million per year.
By law profits from congestion charging must be re-invested into London’s transport
Technology Used
The system employed to capture and process this information combines the best and most
reliable technology available, chosen specifically to match the needs of this particular scheme. The
power of the system is derived from integrating many standard computer servers on to one system.
This type of distributed architecture is typical of large-scale websites, allowing for the necessary
processing power and speed without reverting to large and expensive computers and having the
ability to improve the system if needed by sourcing more 'off the shelf' boxes and adding them on to
the existing architecture.
A network of 203 enforcement camera sites, not just on the boundary of zone, but sited
throughout the zone. At all entry points to the charging zone except cul-de-sacs. There are a further
10 Mobile Patrol Units which will be despatched to different locations within the charging zone for
enforcement purposes. These cameras use high quality video-stream (analogue) signals to Automatic
Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) computer system, with an estimated capture rate of 90% within the
charging zone. The 203 enforcement camera sites contain 254 colour cameras and 434 mono
All captured images are streamed back in analogue to the ANPR system which pumps out a
data block showing the exact time and date that the images were taken. Images from both the colour
camera and the mono camera along with the information from the ANPR reader are then stored as
back-up in case the information needs to be compared. The main hub site where the camera data
arrives is located in central London. The congestion charging system has been designed so that all
the systems involved in capturing the images store data in this main centre. No image will travel more
than 20 kilometres from any point within the charging zone. Further storage is available at the back-up
site. There are an additional 25 ANPR 'lap-top' units that are deployed at fixed camera locations in the
event of communications failure to these locations. They will operate in the same way as the normal
ANPR system but will be localised at the communication cabinets on the streets. They will be
deployed when there is a communication failure and the media will be collected manually from the
cabinet. These units are ruggidised Industrial Computers with custom cards to capture and read
number plates at a full 50 f.p.s frame rate.
Air Quality
By reducing the overall volumes of traffic within the charging zone, and increasing the efficiency
with which it circulates, congestion charging has been directly responsible for reductions of
approximately 12 percent in emissions of NOx and PM10 from road traffic within the zone (24-hour
annual average day).
Traffic changes on the Inner Ring Road are estimated to have resulted in very small changes to
emissions of NOx and PM10 from road traffic, of less than plus/minus 2 percent respectively. Both
here and in the charging zone, beneficial changes to the emissions performance of the vehicle fleet
between 2002 and 2003 provide additional ‘background’ benefits.
Within the charging zone road traffic flows have decreased by 15 per cent and mean daily
traffic speed has increased by 20 per cent (from 19 km/h to 23 km/h). Congestion in the charging
zone has been reduced by 30 per cent. Car trips into the central charging zone has reduced by
65,000 – 70,000 per day. Of these trips no longer crossing into the charging zone, 50 to 60 percent
have transferred to public transport. Between 20 and 30 percent have diverted around the charging
zone and the remaining 15 to 25 percent have made a variety of other adaptations
Changes in vehicle km traveled in the charging zone shows an increase in buses (+20%), an increase
in taxis (+13%) and a decrease in cars (-29%) and heavy goods vehicles (-11%). Bus usage has
increased inside and outside the congestion charging zone.
Although increased traffic has been observed on the Inner Ring Road, these increases are
somewhat smaller than expected by Transport for London and are not leading to significant
operational problems on this key route
There is no evidence of systematic increases in traffic outside of charging hours on weekdays
or weekends in response to the introduction of the charge. There is no evidence of systematic
increases in traffic on local roads outside of the charging zone in response to the introduction of the
A rise in bus passengers has been observed during charging hours (+34%) in the first year of
congestion charging. In the same period the number buses during the charging period has also
increased (+27%). In the first year of congestion charging underground patronage fell (-8%) for
passengers exiting at stations in the charging zone during the morning peak. A network-wide
reduction (-6%) in Underground patronage was also observed in the same period
Opinions on Congestion Charging have been varied. Generally those living within the charging
zone are positive about the scheme than those living in Inner London but outside the charging zone.
People surveyed living within the charging zone generally believe since the introduction of the
scheme congestion, public transport availability and reliability, noise and pollution have improved. Of
the survey group one third believe the scheme was bad for local business, however generally few
strong opinions were expressed on the scheme’s effect on local business and employment. In fact
there seems to be little correlation between London’s economic progress and congestion charging.
The scheme is seen to be affordable by most frequent travellers surveyed – 6 in 10 – compared with
approximately a quarter who are finding it difficult to afford.
The information above has been summarised from reports produced by the Greater London
Authority, Transport for London and Environmental Research Group Kings College London
that are now available on their websites. Further information can be found in the following documents:
• Cleaning London’s Air; The Mayor’s Air Quality Strategy, Greater London Authority,
September 2002
• Congestion Charging; Update on Scheme Impacts and operations, Transport for
London, February 2003
• Central London Congestion Charging Scheme; Impacts Monitoring – First Annual
Report, Transport for London, June 2003
• London Congestion Pricing; Implications for Other Cities, Todd Litman, Victoria
Transport Policy Institute, February 2004
• Central London Congestion Charging Scheme; Impacts Monitoring – Second Annual
Report, Transport for London, April 2004
• Central London Congestion Charging Scheme; Impacts Monitoring – Summary Review,
Transport for London, January 2005
• The impact of congestion charging on vehicle emissions in London, Sean D. Beevers &
David C. Carslaw, Atmospheric Environment, 39, 2005, 1-5
Road traffic is the main cause affecting NO2 and PM10 levels in London whereat Heathrow
Airport is responsible for those high levels in the western area. Due to the fact that London’s air
quality is 6 times less than in other European countries congestion charging system for London
started in 2003 to improve the traffic congestion in central London. The system operates with cameras
that computerise data (pictures) into a database supported by ANPR system that allows controlling
the access of vehicles into the congestion charging area. Vehicles are charged with 6 [£] per day and
this payment can be done by different, handy varieties. Is the charge not paid an 80 [£] Penalty
Charge Notice will be sent to the registered keeper of the vehicle.
Introducing this scheme had the effect that congestion charging has been directly responsible
for reductions of approximately 12 [%] in emissions of NOX and PM10. Furthermore the main daily
traffic speed has increased and congestion within the charging zone was reduced. Not to be sneezed
at are the increasing transported passengers with public transport and the reduction of cars as well as
heavy goods vehicles. Public perception was accomplished due to public transport availability and
reliability as well as noise and pollution reduction.
The costs of this scheme are amortised within 3-4 years.
As part of the EU project CITEAIR (Common Information To European AIR) supported through
the INTERREG IIIC programme, the project partners aim to develop a “Guidebook for Environmental
Management” that will help cities and regions assess their situation, identify their air quality problems
and share information on air quality abatement measures and strategies.
This document represents a common template for presenting the case study management
Title The 80 km/h speed limit on the Motorway A13 in Overschie, Rotterdam
A heavy policed 80 km/h speed limit has been imposed on the urban part of the
Brief Description
A13 through Rotterdam’s Overschie district
Final report (in dutch, with english summary): Wesseling et al. 2003.
( )
Links & Contacts Van den Elshout et al. 2003. Deliverable 8.8, Annex C.
%20%20D8.8%20-%20Demonstratior%20Rotterdam%20-%20Annex.pdf )
High Low
The Rijnmond area is located on the west coast of the Netherlands in the province of “Zuid-
Holland” and includes the city of Rotterdam and the harbour industrial area. The Rijnmond area is an
administrative co-operation of eighteen municipalities in the field of spatial planning, housing,
economy, employment, transport, environment, health care, etc. The Rijnmond area consists out of
the following 18 municipalities: Albrandswaard, Barendrecht, Bergschenhoek, Berkel and Rodenrijs,
Pernisse, Bleiswijk, Brielle, Capelle aan den IJssel, Hellevoetsluis, Krimpen a/d IJssel, Maassluis,
Ridderkerk, Rotterdam, Rozenburg, Schiedam, Spijkenisse, Vlaardingen, Westvoorne.
Living, working and recreating in the Rijnmond area have been concentrated is a relatively small
area: 1,2 million people live in an area no larger than 800 km. In this scarce space metropolitan
elements as well as rural elements can be found. Naturally all modes of traffic, especially motorised
traffic, have a great impact on environment and spatial occupation. The region is considered to be the
economic motor of the Netherlands due to the presence of one of the largest harbours in the world,
large-scale industry and about 22.000 medium and small companies. About 80 large industrial
concerns can be found in this area, for example oil refineries, chemical plants, metallurgical factories
and power plants. Companies for Petro- chemical products, transport and storage functions, handling
and incineration of waste materials are amply represented. Moreover the Rijnmond area
accommodates concentration areas for (glass) horticulture and areas have been reserved for nature
and recreation. All these activities cause a substantial movement of people and goods. Although the
air quality in the Netherlands generally complies with the legal standard for NO2 close to the main
roads air quality tends to be a problem.
Due to the harbour, industrial complexes and the motorways situated close to residential areas,
air pollution in the Rijnmond area is a problem. In addition to local pollution sources, air pollution is
also conveyed to the region from the rest of the Netherlands and from neighbouring countries. The air
arriving from the south and east tends to be polluted even before it reaches the Rijnmond area and it
is fairly clean if it arrives over the sea directly from polar regions. Local pollution is related to human
activity within the Rijnmond area. This concerns industrial and domestic emissions and increasingly
vehicle exhaust fumes. Industry, traffic, shipping and the households all contribute to the air pollution
problems in the area. In the past 30 years considerable progress has been made, mainly due to the
reduction of industrial emissions. Recently the pace of progress is very slow because technical
innovation is partly nullified by the increase of both industrial production and traffic intensity.
Although in the Netherlands the air quality generally complies with the legal standards, close to
the main roads, air quality tends to be a problem.. Despite the fact that each individual car is
becoming considerably less polluting, total vehicle emissions are decreasing only slowly due to
increased traffic intensity. Traffic is hard to regulate but there are rules for fuel quality and engine
efficiency. As a consequence, inner-city lead, SO2 and benzene have gone down. Three-way catalytic
converters, which remove nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons from the exhaust fumes, have made a
major contribution. Apart from technical innovation and promoting public transport, the spatial
separation of housing and traffic is one of the few options to limit human exposure to poor quality air.
The Air quality in the vicinity of busy roads is dependent on the local situation (for example traffic
intensity; traffic flow; partitioning persons- and lorry traffic; distance to the road). Along several
motorways the air quality standards from the EU directive for PM10 and NO2 have been exceeded
within a distance of up to 100- 300 m from the road. Short-term solutions for these situations are
sought in traffic-measures, which contribute to lower emissions by traffic on the motorway.
Research has shown that traffic moving at a constant, moderate speed emits less air pollutants
compared to traffic with frequent speed fluctuations or driving 120 km/h or more. Constant speeds can
be achieved by enforcing a “keep your lane” policy or by fixing the maximum speed for all vehicles to
the maximum of the heavy trucks.
In order to improve the air quality in the Rotterdam district Overschie, a pilot experiment has been
conducted on the national motorway A13 (see Map 6). As of May 11th, 2002, the maximum speed has
been reduced from a 100 to 80 kilometres per hour in the area where the motorway passes through
this district. The 80 km speed limit is only successful if it is heavy policed. So in addition to new road
signs a system taking pictures of vehicles entering and leaving the zone and calculating the average
speed was put in place. The system is connected to an automated fining system for people driving too
fast. Capturing chances are close to 100%.
A “trajectory-control” system was set up over a 3-km stretch of the A13 in Overschie. So in
addition to new road signs a system taking pictures of vehicles entering and leaving the zone and
calculating the average speed was put in place. The system is connected to an automated fining
system for people driving too fast. Escape chances for offenders are close to 0%. The area consists
out of 6 to 8 lanes of traffic and several accesses and exits. Research into the impact of the 80km/h-
measure on the air quality of Overschie has been performed by TNO in co-operation with the DCMR
(Environmental Protection Agency Rijnmond). As the concentrations of the air pollutants NO2 and
PM10 exceed the air quality standards more emphasis was laid into research on these two pollutants.
The motorway passes through the middle of a traditional, village-like city district where problems
remain (spatial planning, noise) even if the air quality problem could be solved. The measure taken is
therefore not a permanent solution but it helps reducing the air quality and noise problems a small
The Ministry of Traffic and Water Management and the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning
and Environment introduced the measure in May 2002. The Ministry of Justice was involved as well to
determine the height of fines, how trajectory control would proceed, etc. The local surrounding
governments were involved as well, as the outcome of the pilot was very important for them. TNO
Netherlands Research Organisation and DCMR EPA performed research on the impact of the
The infrastructure is estimated at € 1.5 million and yearly maintenance: € 0.2 million. The
scheme initially generated a lot of income through fines though this money goes straight to the
treasury and cannot be used to repay the investments. Four more sites are currently (2004) under
construction in the Netherlands. Different companies have been invited to make a design and the
costs are likely to come down.
The public in the surrounding areas supports the measure. In fact public pressure from local
citizens groups was essential in convincing national politics that measures are needed to be
adopt.80% of the people in the surrounding neighbourhoods supports the measure. People notice a
larger effect to the air quality and noise pollution than can be measured or explained. The conception
of road-users to the effects measure on congestion and driving time differs considerably. A majority of
passenger car drivers think there is less congestion. A majority of the lorry drivers think there is more
congestion. Police and the road administrator do not report a real difference in congestion. Over travel
time the opinion of the road users differs. About 30% of the car drivers and 40% of the lorry drivers
think there is an increase in travel time due to implementation of the measure.
This measure is fast to implement. Changes to infrastructure are minimal. What needs to be
built is a “trajectory control system”. The speed on the section is controlled by this system. This
means that camera’s are strategically placed over the whole section to measure the speed of a car
throughout the section. Because of this the speed on the section is more constant.
An important aspect of the speed measure is controlling the speed limit of 80 km/h. This is
carried out by co-operation between the Ministry of Traffic and water management, the public
prosecution office and the Rotterdam Rijnmond police department. As a control system an automatic
trajectory control system was chosen. During the first weeks after implementation of the measure
about 6000 people per day were caught speeding. After a while the amount of “speeder” has
stabilised at about 700 to 800 on a working day and 1000 to 1100 on a weekend day ( see Figure
19). The amount of speeders is less than 1% of the total traffic stream.
Continuous monitoring of NO, NO2 and PM10 was performed at three different locations in
Overschie: the first location is located approximately 500 m to the west of the A13 (“background
location”), the other locations are located respectively 50 m and 20 m to the east of the A13 (see Map
Trajectory speed control has been effective in reducing the fluctuations in traffic speed on the
A13 right across Overschie and also in not exceeding the limit speeds (especially during the night). So
traffic flows more efficiently though Overschie even while the number of vehicles has increased. The
measure is estimated to reduce the traffic emissions when compared to the same traffic intensity, with
15-25% for NOx and 25-35% for PM10.
Measurements of the NO2 and PM10 concentrations on locations at 50m and 200m east of the
A13 in Overschie indicate that the air quality has improved during westerly winds for NO2 with 5 µg/m³
(50m) and 3 µg/m³ (200m), and for PM10 with 4 µg/m³ (50m) and 1 µg/m³ (200m). These results
illustrate that the 80 km/h measure has a positive impact on the air quality in Overschie.
Model calculations were used to assess the effect of the on the contribution of the A13 to the air
quality in Overschie as well as the impact on the total air quality. The reduced contribution of the A13
on the air quality in up to 200-m distance is approximately 25% for NO2 and 34% for PM10. The
improvement of the total air quality at this distance was calculated as 7% for NO2 and 4% for PM10.
The reduction of the emissions is due to the fact that the catalytic converter performs best
under constant conditions. Emissions increase briefly but sharply immediately after speed changes as
the engine/catalytic converter system needs to readjust to the new situation. Modern vehicles with
increasingly sophisticated engine management systems minimise these readjustment emissions so
the beneficial impact of the measure depends on the fleet composition and is likely to be reduced in
the future.
It should be noted that the findings are highly specific for the emission conditions (e.g. fleet
composition, emission factors) of the Overschie situation. Elsewhere impacts might be more or less
substantial. Especially fleet composition and fleet age heavily influence the emissions and therefore
the likely impact of this measure.
Information concerning the weather conditions and the traffic flow intensity on the A13 were
obtained respectively from the Meteorological services (KNMI) and the Roads department (RWS).
TNO Automotive provided emission factors specifically derived for the A13 traffic before and after the
measure. The results provide information on the spatial resolution of the air pollution in Overschie
(see Table 26).
Local air quality consists out of the sum of background concentration and the contribution of the
local sources. At the site 50 m to the east of the A13 the distribution of the NO2 concentration is
approximately as follows: 25 % is caused by emission sources outside of the Rijnmond region (large-
scale background), 25% is caused by sources within the Rijnmond region, this region includes
Rotterdam (regional background) and approximately 50% is determined by local traffic emissions. So,
even without traffic on the A13, only 50% improvement in air quality for NO2 can be obtained.
Rijmond is the whole area around the city of Rotterdam including the harbour industrial area.
Due to the geographical location of this area as well as industrial complexes and motorways air
pollution is conveyed to the region and the rest of the country respectively from neighbouring
countries. Salt particles from the surrounding sea are responsible for a higher background PM10.
Technical innovations like the integration of catalytic converters made up a major contribution tackling
NOX out of the exhaust gas. Along the motorways the air quality standards from the EU couldn’t be
achieved. Therefore a “keep your lane” policy was installed. Moving at a constant, moderate speed
emits less air pollutants compared to traffic with frequent speed fluctuations. Fixing the maximum
velocity for all vehicles to the maximum of heavy trucks can set through this policy combined with a
“trajectory control” system. Strategically placed cameras send information to the system that
calculates the average velocity a vehicle covers a distance and if the driver is too fast the system’s
automated fining system will bill a fine to the permit owner. This infrastructure is not be amortised
directly because the receipts go to the treasury directly. This measure is fast to implement and the
expected changes to infrastructure are minimal.
As a result of this measure a reduction by 30 [%] for NOX and PM10 was achieved.
As part of the EU project CITEAIR (Common Information To European AIR) supported through
the INTERREG IIIC programme, the project partners aim to develop a “Guidebook for Environmental
Management” that will help cities and regions assess their situation, identify their air quality problems
and share information on air quality abatement measures and strategies.
This document represents a common template for presenting the case study management
It is estimated that up to 1600 people can die prematurely each year, due to the health problems
caused by breathing London’s’ polluted air. London’s air had long been pollutes. As recently as the
1950’s the capital was frequently engulfed in smogs. Since then government clean air regulations, the
closure of coal fired power stations and increasing use of central heating rather than coal to warm the
houses, has insured smogs are no longer a problem in London.
Pollution is now less visible, but is still damaging to peoples health. Today most pollution in
London comes from road traffic.
The boroughs are legally required to review air quality in their area, assess their ability to meet
government targets, and produce air quality action plans to improve air quality where these targets
are not likely to be met.
Busy roads such as the A2 and A102 Blackwall Tunnel, as well as significant industry and
distribution activities, has prompted the borough of Greenwich to declare its entire area an Air Quality
Management Area.
Greenwich Council carried out a 3 stage review and assessment of air quality in the borough
between 1998 and 2000, as part of the duties under Part IV of the Environment Act 1995. The aims of
the review were:
To assess current pollution levels in respect of the pollutants and standards laid down in the Air
Quality Regulations; and where there was concern in respect of a pollutant.
• To predict future levels of the pollutant against the objectives laid down in the Air Quality
Regulations; and where it is likely that a pollutant will exceed these standards and objectives
• To identify areas where the public are likely to be exposed for a significant period of time
The results of the review and assessment showed that Government objectives for nitrogen
dioxide (annual average) and PM10 particulates (24 hour average) were likely to be breached next to
major roads in the borough. (see Map 8 )
The council declared the borough an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) in 2001. The council
were then legally obliged to prepare an action plan to improve air quality and carry out a further
(Stage 4) review and assessment.
The initial findings of the draft Stage 4 review show that local road transport contributes 28-80%
towards NOx concentrations. For PM10, road transport accounts for 5-40% of emissions, depending on
location, with approximately 60-95%, arising from background sources. Action plan measures:
Transport Strategy, Land Use Planning, Vehicle Emissions Enforcement, Fleet Operations, Green
Travel Plans, Energy & Housing Services, Corporate Procurement, Industrial Regulation, Statutory
Nuisance, Construction Site Dust Control, Air Quality Monitoring and Research, Information &
Declaring the Borough of Greenwich an AQMA has given borough planners some strength when
dealing with development proposals. Greenwich Council understands that the planning system has a
vital role to play in ensuring that land use and other resources are used more sustainable.
Regeneration has presented an opportunity to further the Council’s aim of sustainability, and in
particular that of air quality improvements with air quality management measures incorporated into all
significant planning approvals. Greenwich Council does not see air quality as a bar to development
but a bar to poor quality development. In this sense it is noticeable how developers contemporary
thinking being applied at the planning stage. This approach has seen Greenwich take lead in London
in seeking air quality improvements through the planning process. Greenwich uses the planning
system to improve air quality, whether it be through low emission zones or extracting cash from
developers to fund air quality monitoring equipment through section 106 planning agreements.
Greenwich has been instrumental in using such conditions to help improve air quality, it has entered
into an agreement with the Royal Mail that all its service vehicles will be Euro III by 2006.
106 agreements are those where the developer enters into a legal agreement to fund or
organise initiatives that are necessary to make a development acceptable. The section 106
• Necessary
• Relevant to planning
• Directly related to proposed development
• Fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the proposed development
• Reasonable in all other respects
Section 106 agreements could be used for a number of emission reducing initiatives as well as
fund air quality monitoring equipment
It is now commonplace for developers of larger projects, especially those in areas of poor air quality,
to fund air quality monitoring through 106 agreements. But more frequently, section 106s are being
used for bolder and more imaginative schemes that will improve air quality, directly or indirectly.
Greenwich uses the planning system to improve air quality, whether it be through low emission
zones or extracting cash from developers to fund air quality monitoring equipment through section 106
planning agreements.
In Greenwich, air pollution is also being included in planning application for the warren
development at the Royal Arsenal.
Among other things the scheme will have a low emission zone which will likely oblige all commercial
traffic associated with the scheme to Euro 4 standard, initially moving to Euro 5 and 6 at given future
There are also low emission proposals for the Thames Gateway Bridge. Greenwich’s approval is
subject to a section 106 agreement that will include a provision for a low emission zone on bridge
opening in 2012 based on Euro 4 technology. Measures will have a wider impact than just the bridge
itself. Unlike most measures to reduce traffic a Low Emission Zone (LEZ) would exclude the most
polluting vehicles that do not comply with set emission standards from entering an area of pollution
Greenwich sees three key air quality issues arising from the development
Increased vehicle emissions will come directly from the residents’ cars, and the increased
congestion they create.
But this can be mitigated, says Greenwich, with a low emission zone set up through a section
106 agreement. The zone is proposed to have conditions such as:
• All commercial vehicles accessing the site to conform to Euro 4 emission standard. This standard
will be tightened to Euro 5 at a future date, possibly 2010.
• Residential parking allocation will be reserved for Euro 4 standard vehicles, with a lesser standard
for social housing provision (possibly Euro 2). Again, these standards should be tightened at a
future date, possibly 2010. Exceptions would be made in terms of disabled parking and could
also be considered for vintage cars etc.
• Commercial parking allocation, including the Dome Arena, should give priority, in addition to
disabled allocation, to Euro 4 emission standard vehicles, multi-occupancy and vehicles of 1 litre
engine size or less.
• Bus operators will be encouraged/required to introduce Euro 4 standard vehicles on routes
servicing the Peninsula.
Greenwich Council and the developers will work with Transport for London in examining the
benefits of a complimentary low emission zone on the A102(M)/Blackwall/Silvertown Link crossings.
Greenwich accepts air quality will worsen, but says: “Wider potential benefits will accrue from the
implementation of a low emission zone in terms of the accelerated uptake of cleaner vehicle
technology, both in the borough, regionally and nationally.”
The community benefits because it gets affordable housing and local labour is used.
The vehicle fleet improves, a better air quality monitoring network is set up, a low emission zone and
the benefits go beyond the scope of the designated area.
• Greenwich Council will continue to require ameliorating measures such as green transport plans
and vehicle fleet improvement via section 106 planning agreements
• Greenwich Council will continue to seek financial contributions for air quality monitoring in the
borough via section 106 planning agreements
• Encourage companies to invest in clean fuel fleets, secure bicycle parking (and changing
• Promote improvements in public transport, walking and cycling;
• Specify numbers of parking spaces;
• Targets for the proportions of employee trips made by public transport;
• Encourage companies to operate environmental management systems and air quality strategies,
and encourage the implementation of green travel plans
• Explore a requirement for operators to monitor or model emissions from their premises, practices
or activities;
• Potential requirement of developers to monitor air quality prior to, and following development;
• Potential requirement of developers to install air conditioning in residential property developed in
the most polluted locations
As it mentioned in Case Study #3, most pollution in London is caused by road traffic. The
borough of Greenwich was declared to an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA). Different Action
Plan measures as a variety of actions were set through and Greenwich uses the planning system to
improve air quality, whether it is through LEZ or extracting cash from developers to fund air quality
monitoring equipment through section 106 planning agreements. With Royal Mail all the service
vehicles will be Euro III standard by 2006. In consequence of 106 building regulations AQ Monitoring
will be funded, especially air quality equipment.
This scheme will have a LEZ which will likely oblige all commercial traffic associated with the
scheme to Euro 4 standard, initially moving to Euro 5 and 6 standard. The installation of a LEZ would
exclude the most polluting vehicles that don’t comply with set emission standards.
As part of the EU project CITEAIR (Common Information To European AIR) supported through
the INTERREG IIIC programme, the project partners aim to develop a “Guidebook for Environmental
Management” that will help cities and regions assess their situation, identify their air quality problems
and share information on air quality abatement measures and strategies.
This document represents a common template for presenting the case study management
Beyond the specific episodes of air pollution, the Ile-de-France region suffers from chronic
exceedences of the air quality objectives relating in particular to nitrogen dioxide and ozone.
For nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in background location, the annual mean French objective (40 µg/m3),
which will also constitute the European limit value in 2010, is not respected in the heart of the
agglomeration corresponding to Paris and a portion of the surrounding areas. Near the automobile
traffic, the exceedence of the air quality objective is observed on all the stations of the monitoring
network, and relates to a very broad portion of the regional road network (see Figure 20).
Forêt de Fontainebleau 13
Forêt de Rambouillet 20
Cergy-Pontoise 27
Mantes-la-Jolie 27
Melun 27
Montgeron 33
Garches 33 Objectif de qualité : 40 µg/m3
Versailles 36
Evry 37 Valeur limite 2010 : 40 µg/m3
Tremblay-en-France 37
Vitry-sur-Seine 41
Argenteuil 42
Cachan 43
Bobigny 43 stations trafic
Issy-les-Moulineaux 44 stations urbaines
Gennevilliers 44
stations périurbaines
Paris 6ème 44
Saint-Denis 45 stations rurales régionales
La Défense 46
Paris 1er les Halles 47
Paris 13ème 48
Ivry-sur-Seine 49
Aubervilliers 49
Paris 12ème 50
Neuilly-sur-Seine 52
Paris 7ème 52
Paris 18ème 56
Rue Bonaparte 69
Av. des Champs Elysées 75
Quai des Célestins 82
Autoroute A1 Saint-Denis 96
Place Victor Basch 97
Bd périphérique Auteuil 103
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Figure 20: Monitored Annual Average for Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) at traffic, urban, semi-urban and rural
stations in the Ile-de-France region
The target value relating to ozone (O3) (120 µg/m3 on average over a 8 hours period) required
by the EU Daughter Directive 2002/3) is also not respected over the whole of the Ile-de-France area,
particularly during the year 2003 and in a chronic way on the rural areas.
For the suspended particles (PM10), the air quality objective (30 µg/m3 on annual average) is
achieved in the Ile-de-France region in background location but was not respected in 2003 at
roadside. In addition, the future evolutions will lead to the lowering of the reference values for this
pollutant, which remains particularly sensitive as shown by different recent studies
Within the framework of the development of the Plan of Protection of Atmosphere (PPA), the
Regional Direction for Industry, Research and Environment (DRIRE Ile-de-France) entrusted to
AIRPARIF the evaluation of the quality of the air in the Ile-de-France region expected for the year
2010, taking into account the strategies to control atmospheric pollutants that have already been
engaged and supplementary measures suggested within the framework of the PPA. The question that
arises, in particular, is to know if the predicted intensities of reduction of the emissions make it
possible to respect for the regional territory, the target values for the quality of the air at year 2010
thus satisfying the objective of the Plan of Protection of the Atmosphere.
The evaluation of the quality of the air at the year 2010 was undertaken for the two pollutants
which do not respect in a chronic way the air quality objectives, namely nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and
ozone (O3). The evaluation of the impacts on the concentrations in particles (PM10) could not be
carried out taking into account the complexity of the physico-chemical phenomena brought into play
as well as absence of national prospective scenarios concerning the evolution of their emissions.
The first stage of work consisted in working out the inventory and the spatial distribution of main
atmospheric pollutants emissions for the three base cases: the year 2000 being used as the baseline
year, the year 2010 that takes into account the strategies of control already engaged on national or
The predictions for 2010 were built taken into account the evolutions of emissions which could
be foreseen based on European, national or regional regulations already “in the pipe”, in particular:
• the large burning plants (GIC) which will have to respect certain limit values of emissions by
2010 (EU Directive GIC of the 13/10/01);
• the waste treatment incinerators with a reduction in the limit values for NOx emissions at 200
mg/Nm3 which must be met by the end of 2005 (transcription of the EU Directive 2000/76);
• the gasoline distribution equipments which will have to be equipped with systems of recovery
of the vapours of NMVOC from the tanks and, for those equipments distributing more than
3000 m3/year, of complementary systems to recovery of the vapours of NMVOC from the
pumps (transcription of the EU Directives “stage I” and “stage II”);
• the reduction in the emissions of NMVOC at the industrial and domestic levels by the more
important use of paintings in aqueous phase or low content of solvents (EU Directive 99/13
• the regional rail traffic emissions reductions, coming from the re-motorization of 30 diesel
engines by 2010;
• the airport activity with the assumption of a maintenance of the emissions between 2000 and
2010 (source: General Direction of the Civil Aviation);
• the road transport emissions evolutions with the natural technological turn-over of the running
fleet, the predicted increase of almost 11% of the regional traffic volume and the increase of
the part of light duty vehicles and two wheelers in the running fleet (source: Regional
Direction of the Equipment of the Ile-de-France region).
Predicted base case emissions for 20 with the implementation of the PPA
The complementary measures aimed at reducing the emissions suggested within the framework of
the PPA were transcribed in the emissions calculations of the base case “2010+PPA”( see Figure 21)
in the following way :
• waste treatment incinerators located in the so-called “sensitive NOx area” should meet by the
end of 2010 a limit value for NOx emissions at 80 mg/Nm3 (instead of 200 mg/Nm3) ;
• -closure of certain power stations from Electricity of France and changing the operation mode
of one power station ;
• -equipment of low-NOx burners for all the renewed individual boilers;
• -Equipment of all gasoline distribution equipments delivering more than 1000 m3/year of a
system of vapour recovery of the NMVOC from the pumps;
6.4 6.2
Light Duty Vehicles 13.9 6.9 6.9
14.5 14.3
Figure 21 The effect of 2010 and 2010+PPA measures on NOx emissions in the Ile-de-France region
• Reduction of 30% by 2010 compared to 2000 of the emissions of NOx of the rail traffic in Ile-
de-France by an optimization of the conditions of operating of engines;
• taken into account of a fall of road traffic corresponding to the realization of part of the
measures registered in the Plan of Urban Mobility.
The other actions under consideration in the PPA could not be assumed in the evaluation of the
emissions for the base case “2010+PPA” (example: levelling off of the NOx emissions of all mobile
sources for the large companies, areas of activities, communities or administrations).
The intensities of reduction of the NOx emissions estimated for the base case 2010 (-32%)
should allow an important fall of nitrogen dioxide levels on the Paris and its suburbs by 2010. This
improvement of the quality of the air relating to the NO2 should appear both in terms of maxima
reached and in terms of surface area exceeding the limit value. The reduction in the maximum value
for annual average concentration on the Paris and its suburbs (except sector of Roissy) would be
around 17µg/m3 leading to a maximum value around the limit value (38 to 44 µg/m3 according to
weather configurations by 2010 to compare with the maximum values of 55 and 62 µg/m3 in the
baseline cases).
Taking into account uncertainties associated with the methodology which has been used, it is
nevertheless advisable to remain careful as for the respect of the limit value. The risks of exceedence
would indeed remain relatively high on Paris and its suburbs, in particular for the years with bad
dispersive meteorological conditions. The surface concerned with a risk higher than 25% to exceed
the limit value would vary at base case year 2010 from 95 to 634 km2 according to weather
conditions, these surfaces varying from 746 to 1007 km2 for the baseline situations.
The cumulated intensities of reduction of the emissions of NOx and NMVOC estimated for the
base case 2010 should allow an important fall of the occurrence of the exceedences of the European
target value relating to ozone for the protection of human health (120 µg/m3 over a period of 8 hours
Predicted base case concentrations for 2010+PPA and the benefits of the PPA
The complementary reductions to the emissions of NOx (-10,1%) associated to the PPA
measures would allow a gain up to 4 µg/m3 on the annual average concentrations of NO2 on certain
sectors of the agglomeration. A benefit of about 3 µg/m3 would be in particular recorded on Paris and
its close suburbs, areas where the exceedence of the limit value would still be expected in 2010, in
particular for the bad dispersive meteorological conditions in the base case 2010. The benefit
primarily concentrated on the most problematic areas, makes it possible to very clearly decrease
(from – 10 to – 20 %) the risk of exceedence of the limit value relating to the NO2 in the dense heart
of the Paris and its suburbs. It does not allow nevertheless, for all the weather configurations, to
ensure the respect of the limit value (40 µg/m3) (see Figure 22). In particular, for meteorological
conditions like those of year 2003, exceedences of the limit value would probably be recorded even
Figure 22 The effect of 2010 and 2010+PPA measures on NMVOC emissions in the Ile-de-France region
Solvent uses
73.3 108.8 kt - 0,6 %
108.1 kt
24.0 24.0
Gasoline distribution
Burning (industrial, domestic,
tertiary) 45.6 45.6
3.6 3.1
14.8 14.8
Personal vehicles
4.0 3.9
7.2 7.1
with the set up of PPA measures in background location (maximum of 43 µg/m3 in Paris and its close
suburbs except sector of the Roissy Charles de Gaulle international airport). For such a year, the area
of the Ile-de-France region with a risk of exceedence greater than 25% could still reach 502 km2. For
the years with good dispersive meteorological conditions, the PPA should make it possible to respect
the limit value: maximum concentration in the agglomeration (except sector of Roissy) about 35
µg/m3 and area with a risk of exceedence greater than 25% very limited (43 km2 in the Ile-de-France
region including only 9 km2 in Paris and its outskirts). For such years and by supposing the integral
realization of the measures of the reduction planned, the PPA would thus prove decisive for the air
quality in background locations.
One must be aware that the evaluations of the quality of the air at year 2010 shown so far
relate to background pollution and not to the situation close to the pollutant emissions such as along
the major road axes. It is extremely probable that the limit value relating to the NO2 would still be
exceeded on most road traffic sites by 2010, even with the implementation of the PPA (Figure 23). A
study carried out by AIRPARIF within the framework of the PRQA has indeed shown that a reduction
of 70 to 80% in NOx emissions compared to the baseline situation would be necessary to make road
sites compliant.
A fall of about 45 to 55% of the NOx emissions near the principal road axes of the Paris and its
suburbs could be foreseen by year 2010, which will not be sufficient to respect the limit value relating
to the NO2 in several situations of traffic proximity.
The sector of the international airport of Roissy Charles of Gaulle presents a specific behaviour
at the regional scale but comparable with that of the international airport of Heathrow. The fall
emissions is very limited in this sector by 2010 does not allow notable evolution of the NO2
Evolutions of annual average concentrations for NO2
Limit value 2010
Figure 23 The effect of 2010 and 2010+PPA measures on annual average concentrations of NO2 in the Ile-de-France
The Ille-de-France region is polluted with NO2, NOX and O3 therefore the French ministry
entrusted to Airparif the evaluation of air quality in this region. The inventory and the spatial
distribution of main atmospheric pollutants emissions for three base cases were worked out. These
cases consider large burning plants, waste treatment incinerators, the airport and road transport
emissions as well as a more detailed subdirectory. By means of waste treatment, burning and vehicle
reductions, NOX can be reduced dramatically within 2000 and 2010 in all three studies.
As part of the EU project CITEAIR (Common Information To European AIR) supported through
the INTERREG IIIC programme, the project partners aim to develop a “Guidebook for Environmental
Management” that will help cities and regions assess their situation, identify their air quality problems
and share information on air quality abatement measures and strategies.
This document represents a common template for presenting the case study management
Brief Description Plan for meeting Brussels’ targets for air quality and climate change for 2010
Links & Contacts
High Low
Brussels-Capital (capital of Belgium and also a European capital) numbers more than 950,000
inhabitants (1998). (Area: 161 km2, Average population density per km2: 5,900)
Since it is a major national and international administrative center, the number of commuters in
Brussels has increased by 100% in 20 years. Brussels has effectively become the country's leading
source of employment: it offers almost 636.000 jobs.
The diurnal population of the Brussels – capital region reaches 1.300.000 people.
From 1990 to 2001, in the Brussels – Capital region, power consumptions increased with 19%
in the housing sector, 13% in the tertiary sector and 11% for transport.
Brussels has no heavy industry. Emissions mainly come from car traffic, heating and a number
of other miscellaneous sources. The following observations were made during the drafting of the 2002
Air-Climate Plan:
Transport is the main culprit of air quality deterioration. It is the source of 91% of carbon
monoxide (CO) emissions, 89% of hydrocarbon (HAP) emissions, 57% of nitrogen oxide (NOx)
emissions, 44% of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and 19% of carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions. These pollutants are part of the problems relating to tropospheric ozone peaks (NOx and
VOC) and greenhouse gases (especially CO2).
Heating generates 70% of CO2 emissions, 84% of SOx emissions and 84% of dust emissions.
It is therefore the biggest source of greenhouse gases in Brussels.
Industry, given its limited importance in Brussels, contributes little to air pollution. Only a few
industrial activities emit pollutants, e.g. print shops, car body repair shops, etc., which mainly emit
solvents (COV). If these activities are poorly managed, then can contribute locally to the deterioration
of air quality. These installations are required to apply for an environment permit containing technical
provisions that the operator must comply with to ensure that his activities or installations are not a
nuisance or a danger to the neighbourhood and do not harm the environment.
Incineration installations, the main one located at Neder Over Hembeek, release dioxins and
heavy metals.
Brussels’s most notably reasons for air pollution are incineration, car repair shops, service
stations, dry cleaning, print shops and other sectors that use solvents, without overlooking
refrigeration facilities, which emit substances that deplete the ozone layer.
On 13 November 2002, the government of the Brussels Capital Region adopted its Plan
d’amélioration structurelle de la qualité de l’air et de lutte contre le réchauffement climatique (Plan for
structural air quality improvement and global warming abatement). This plan, dubbed the Air-Climate
Plan, brings together measures designed to improve ambient air quality and diminish the emission of
greenhouse gases by the year 2010.
European directive 2001/81/CE fixes the ceilings of emissions thus to be reached from in 2010
for each Member State ( see Table 27)..
• In terms of air quality, the priority targets seek to reduce emissions of ozone precursors (COV
et NOX), benzene emissions (linked to petrol), fine particulates (PM10 and PM2.5) and
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (mainly linked to the combustion of diesel and heating oil);
• In terms of the amount of pollutants emitted in the Brussels Capital Region, the quantified
targets for reducing emissions by 2010 in relation to 1999 emissions are included in the table
15 below.
The Plan determines for each sector a certain number of actions that must lead to significant
reductions of emission of atmospheric pollutants. See table 28 below.
Any reduction of consumption of fuels or energy obtained will at the same time have a direct
effect on a reduction of the emissions of several pollutants. This is why the Plan will be a sectoral
plan, by great sources of emission, rather than a plan proposing of the specific actions to each
The Brussels Institute for Management of the Environment, IBGE was put in charge of monitoring
and combating air pollution. The IBGE's main mission is to:
• collect data;
• draw up and coordinate the implementation of strategic sectoral plans;
• grant environment permits and ensure that legislation is respected;
• take firm action to raise awareness and provide information.
In 2001, the Research Laboratory in Environment of the IBGE manages a network which counted
10 telemetric stations and 35 sampling stations distributed on the territory of Brussels Capital region in
To control congestion and to reverse the evolution of the traffic, Brussels region Capital will
follow an ambitious policy, in order to support the use of other means of transport, by offering a
credible alternative to the use of the private car:
• To promote a new culture of displacements, and to choose more respectful modes of
the environment; from 2002 to 2010, the modal share of two wheel vehicles should
pass from 1 to 10%, thanks in particular to the creation of cycle roads;
• Creation of pedestrian roads;
• To increase the offer of public transport (quantitative and qualitative);
• To promote the more rational use of the car: through sharing, Co-conveyance,
• To promote the acquisition and the use of clean vehicles.
In addition, with the start-up of the RER, the Brussels-Capital region intends to improve its
within mobility, and this with the modal transfer of car towards the RER; the Area thus hopes to return
on a level of traffic lower by 20% than the situation of 1999. With regard to goods traffic, Brussels-
Capital region will take care to ensure better organisation of flows in transport, and will follow a policy
of encouragement of the modal transfers in favour of rail, water way and of inter method water-rail-
road; the Area of Brussels-Capital will also continue the development of the port of Brussels.
Six industrial sectors were identified to be the subjects of a thorough study of their atmospheric
emissions. This choice results from the crossing between the activities likely to generate pollutants
and the activities represented well in Brussels: they are service stations, dry cleaning, printing works,
body, incinerators, and the fitters of air conditioning systems. The domestic uses of solvents, by their
importance in the emissions, are also taken into account. Incinerators are responsible for emissions of
many pollutants, the other sectors primarily of COV.
Systems HVAC (Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning) a bad refrigerating installation operation
involves emissions by escapes of cooling agents of which hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC),
fluorobromocarbons (halons) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFC). The HCFC contribute to the thinning of
the stratospheric layer of ozone. They appeared to replace CFC which have a potential of thinning of
the layer of ozone more raised and of which the use was limited for this reason by the Protocol of
Montreal (1987). The HFC are fluorinated gases mentioned again in the list of greenhouse gases in
the Kyoto Protocol. Belgium must reduce the emissions of here 2008-2012 (by report/ratio at 1995 for
fluorinated gases for purpose of greenhouse). The inventory of the emissions reveals that the use and
the emissions strongly increase. This phenomenon is due mainly to a progressive abolition of the use
of the substances impoverishing the layer of ozone in various applications for which the HFC
constitute an alternative.
The domestic use of solvents accounts for 23% of the total emissions of COV of the Area. In
addition to this significant part of the emissions of COV, this pollution is important because of its
diffuse character. The content solvent of the domestic products is of federal competence. However
the administrations have the possibility in their schedules of conditions of requiring that the products
used for the realization of work of painting or maintenance be free from solvents or contain some
limited quantities. The use of "burn-all" by the households is as with it a problem of local pollution and
diffusion (without control, any type of waste can be burned there under conditions of bad output of
emissions of high pollutants). The marketing of these "small domestic incinerators" is a federal
Regulations as regards integrated exposure of the population constitute one of the priority axes
as regards improvement structural of the quality of the air. This axis concretises the strategies of
Brussels of the NEHAP (National Environmental and Health Action Plan) within the framework of the
air. They fall under a total strategy, which integrates the concerns of health related to the environment
in a concept of development durable.
The regulations as regards integrated exposure of the population constitute one of the priority
axes as regards improvement structural of the quality of the air. This axis concretizes the strategies of
Brussels of the NEHAP (National Environmental and Health Action Plan) within the framework of the
air. They fall under a total strategy which integrates the concerns of health related to the environment
in a concept of development durable.
• Placement of aluminium foils behind the radiators (25% of the residences with central
• Replacement of the electric heating by gas heating (50% of the residences heated to
• Regular Maintenance of the oil-fired boilers (50% of the residences heated to fuel oil)
• Replacement of 30 % of boilers more than 20 years old.
• Use of a solar heater for the production of domestic hot water (2% of the residences)
• Replacement of incandescent lamps by "economic" lamps (50% of the residences)
Replacement of the refrigerators and the refrigerators by Class A appliances (50% of the
residences, see Table 29)
Is the aim reached? Distance from the aim to reach in 2010
SO2 Yes 5.02%
NOx without un-NOx No -5.99%
NOx with un-NOx Yes 11.76%
NMVOC No -26.56%
CO2 No -7.75%
Table 29: Replacement of the refrigerators and the refrigerators by Class A appliances (50% of the residences)
Brussels has no heavy industry therefore emissions mainly come from car traffic, heating and a
number of other miscellaneous sources. The biggest source of greenhouse gases is heating. The
government of the Brussels Capital Region adopted a plan to improve air quality that brings together
measures to improve ambient air quality on the one hand and on the other hand a diminishment of
greenhouse gases by the year 2010. A reduction of the emissions caused by cars could be achieved
by technological improvements, speed and traffic-flow-control as well as promote cycling and increase
of the offer of public transport. The usage of clean vehicles can take a contribution to enhance the air
quality in Brussels. In the light of goods traffic, transport via rail respectively the utilisation of
waterways will be focused. Furthermore in other sectors where emissions are occurred the
government has different rudiments to tackle emissions.
As part of the EU project CITEAIR (Common Information To European AIR) supported through
the INTERREG IIIC programme, the project partners aim to develop a “Guidebook for Environmental
Management” that will help cities and regions assess their situation, identify their air quality problems
and share information on air quality abatement measures and strategies.
This document represents a common template for presenting the case study management
Brief Description
Author(s) Felix van der Meijden, Department of City Management, The Hague
High Low
A major contractor wants to develop new facilities on the northern quay of the Fishing Port of
Scheveningen (Map 9), in conjunction with the local authority. These facilities originally included short-
stay rental apartments, shops and an underground parking.
The major fishing companies (Jaczon and Van der Zwan) as well as United Fish Auctions have
expressed their desire to have additional warehouses (cold storage) and quay facilities for loading and
unloading the fishing vessels. These facilities would be integrated in the existing plans for the area
At present the northern quay has no usage because of limited space (present buildings are located 3
meters from the waterfront). New facilities would require the demolition of these buildings.
Compliance to noise regulations is a decisive issue in terms of project feasibility. The shipping
vessels are equipped with deep freeze storage facilities on board. The power for the refrigeration
system is provided by a diesel engine driven generator. A typical engine will have a capacity of 800
kW. The diesel engine runs 24 hours a day.
Acoustical research has demonstrated that the allowed sound exposure levels on the façade of
adjacent living dwellings will be greatly exceeded, when these vessels are at berth and operational.
A sound barrier is not feasible because of its sheer size (19 meters high). The existing quay will loose
its functionality to a great extent. Aesthetics are also a major drawback (the local population will never
accept such a solution).
The most suitable alternative is shore-connected electricity also known as cold ironing. The
fishing vessels will have to be modified, if the project is carried out, to accommodate for the supply of
electricity from the quay.
The cold ironing project is closely related to the development of the northern quay. Taking into
account the time required for designing the whole project and the many procedures involved,
construction will not start before 2008, assuming the decision to proceed with the project is taken.
Based on estimates by GTI Marine and Offshore and the Energy supplier (Eneco) the construction
time will take 2 years.
Geographic scope
The environmental and subsequent health effects of cold ironing are local in their nature. Noise
reduction can be achieved by simply creating sufficient distance between the source and the object
(living dwellings) that needs protection. Obstacles (other buildings) act as sound barriers.
The North Sea has been identified in MARPOL Annex VI (entered into force on 19 May 2005)
as a SOx Emission Control Area. This means that at least one the following conditions shall be
• the sulphur content of marine fuels, used by sea-going vessels while being in the
SOx Emission Control Area, does not exceed 1.5%;
• the use of an approved exhaust gas cleaning system to reduce the ship’s total
SOx emission, including both auxiliary and main propulsion engines, to below 6
g/kWh or
• the use of another technological method to reduce SOx emission to below 6
One of the requirements for the Fishing Port was the flexible use of the quay since the reefer
vessels do not have a fixed berth. This a major difference with regard to existing shore power facilities
like Göteborg.
The design discussed below is part of a feasibility study performed by Koppies & Stevens Port
Management Consultants, in cooperation with GTI Marine & Offshore and Ecorys.
The shore supply of electricity is universal (6kV, 60 Hz) using cable reel towers extending
7 meters above the quay. An electro-hydraulic tensile mechanism keeps the electrical cable tight,
adjusting for vertical displacement of the ship relative to the quay caused by changes in vessel weight
during (un)loading and tides.
Emissions from high stacks get attenuated under influence of the wind but contribute, in reduced concentrations, to the
background pollution in a wide area (hundreds of kilometers from the source).
The proposition is part of an amendment in 2000. The North Sea will be formerly designated as an SOx Emission Control
Area, when the amendment enters into force, on the day Annex VI becomes effective.
new quay
Two stations consisting of a transformer, switchboard and frequency modulator are planned,
one on each side of the Fishing Port. One of the stations is fed by the main electricity supply from the
energy provider (primary station). The other station is connected to the primary station by a 10 kV
cable. This solution is the most cost-effective and provides some degree of redundancy.
The best solution is to integrate the primary station with the new superstructures that are planned
alongside the new quay.
The total power supply for each station is 3 MW. This capacity is based on the requirements of
the largest vessel and the simultaneous presence of ships - of all sizes - needing shore power supply.
A rotating modulator provides the necessary conversion from 10 kV with a frequency of 50 Hz to 6 kV
at a frequency of 60 Hz. A 10kV/6kV transformer provides the voltage for those ships using the
standard 50 Hz, common on land.
Facilities and buildings requiring more than 2.4 MW of electrical power need to be fed from a
main power station, using a 10 kV high voltage cable. Considering the peak power requirements of
the vessels, using shore power simultaneously, the use of the existing electrical infrastructure in the
port is not permitted.
The nearest (and most accessible) main power station, operated by energy supplier Eneco, is located
approximately 1,500 m from the primary transformer. The power station must be equipped with a main
connection to supply the shore power electrical network, which requires an investment of € 229,000.
The energy supplier is responsible for the main connection. Considering the high power
demand for the shore power facilities it is conceivable that the secondary power station has
insufficient capacity. Since the energy supplier is legally bound to provide adequate capacity, the
costs of such an expansion do not need to be considered for the cost-benefit analysis of this project (
Table 32).
Total € 6.513
Depending on the destination of the fishing vessels time at sea varies from 3 to 5 weeks. Berth
time is approximately 1 day for every week at sea. Together these vessels remain approximately 700
days a year at berth. This includes the use of the new quay.
The annual combined electricity consumption of the reefer vessels is 10 GWh (see Table 31).
The variable costs are based on the peak tariff of approximately € 0,060 per kWh (from 07.00 - 23.00
hours) and a night tariff of € 0,030 per kWh. The average price for the use of electricity is estimated
at € 0,0437 per kWh. In addition the power user pays a charge of € 0,00112 per kWh for the
maintenance of the electricity network.
The fixed costs for the use of electricity are based on the available capacity of 6 MW and the
maximum average monthly power consumption, estimated at 50% of peak capacity.
The number of running hours of the auxiliary engines will be considerably reduced when shore
power is used while the ship is at berth. This will affect the frequency of engine maintenance. Based
on estimates by the ship-owner the maintenance costs will decrease by € 4 per running hour. In 2013,
based on 700 days at berth (all vessels) the savings will amount to € 69.000.
The ship modifications could result in loss of cargo space. The use of non-permanent electrical
equipment onboard (containers) aims at preventing loss of cargo space. Further investigation is
required (each reefer vessel must be considered separately) to provide the answer. The possible loss
of operational income resulting from reduced cargo space is mentioned as P.M. in the cost-benefit
The direct costs associated with the use of shore power and the savings resulting from reduced
fuel consumption and maintenance are shown in Table 32.
• Fixed € 202.000 € 202.000
• Variable € 189.000 € 474.000
Operational costs € 38.000 € 95.000
Maintenance costs
• Annual € 10.000 € 10.000
• major servicing € 23.000
Crew training € 3.000 € 3.000
Total € 442.000 € 807.000
Savings (+)
Table 32: Direct annual expenditures shore power Fishing Port of Scheveningen
In the first year the costs of using the shore power facilities exceed the benefits. From 2013
onwards the operational costs of shore power are lower than the use of the auxiliary engines onboard.
During the transition period some of the vessels still need to be modified to allow for connection to the
shore power facilities. As soon as all reefer vessels make use of shore power the reduced costs of
fuel and maintenance outweigh the costs of electricity consumption. In this calculation the price of gas
oil was assumed to remain high (price based on bunker market in November 2004) during the lifespan
of the project. The higher refining costs for 0,1% sulphur content in the marine fuel has also been
taken into account (based on BeicipFranlab study).
The feasibility report by Koppies & Stevens Port Management Consultants has taken the use of
4 new additional ships into consideration as a result of the use of the new quay. Assumptions have
been made with regard to the size of these vessels and average time spent at berth.
No independent research was conducted to determine the specific emissions of the reefer ships
in the Fishing Port. This is a costly and time-consuming procedure. A study by Environ for the Port of
Los Angeles has shown that emissions of vessels within a single category may differ greatly.
Furthermore the emissions at the time of the reference year (2010) would not compare to present
monitoring data. The use of readily available average emission factors provided by a recent extensive
study [Entec, 2002] for the European Commission seemed the obvious choice. These emission
factors are differentiated in several ways:
• ship categories, based on the LMUI* Code;
• location (at sea, manoeuvring and in-port);
• engine (slow, medium or high speed diesel) and fuel type;
• origin and destination port.
For determining the emissions in the Fishing Port of Scheveningen the data for vessels
belonging to LMUI (Lloyd’s Marine Intelligence Unit) Code B11 for in-port operation was chosen. This
differentiation takes the emission of the auxiliary engines into account.
It should be noted that the actual annual reduction of emissions will decrease during the
lifespan of the shore power facilities. Gas oil with a 0,1% sulphur content will be in use in the port
starting from 2010. Ships built after 1 January 2000 need to comply with the IMO NOx Code (based
on MARPOL Annex VI). The new nitrogen dioxide limits will apply to 3 ships calling at the port of
Scheveningen. Based on a rated speed of 1800 rpm the NO2-emission of the auxiliary engines on
these vessels may not exceed 10 µg/m3. This is lower than the emission factor used in the Entec-
study. A number of ships will be replaced, further reducing the annual emissions.
The socio-economic benefit of reducing 1 kg of each of the main pollutants is listed in Table 33.
Similarly the socio-economic benefit of reducing 1 dB(A) of noise for each resident living within
the exposed area was determined. Based on literature the value was set at € 21.
This data was then used to make the cost-benefit analysis shown in Table 34. The Net Present
Value covers the entire lifespan of the facilities (15 years). As stated before the emission data is
somewhat inflated. This is particularly the case for the SO2 emissions. PM10 values have an
uncertainty between 20 and 50%.
20% lower 20% higher
In thousands of euro’s Basic investment investment
costs costs
Net Present Value (NPV) € 26.123 € 26.617 € 25.629
Economic Internal Rate of Return
36,4% 43,0% 31,7%
Financial Internal Rate of Return
1,2% 1,6% 1,0%
Table 34: Cost-Benefit Analysis shore power Fishing Port of Scheveningen
The project is technically feasible but requires a large investment in order to provide the flexible
use of shore power facilities. As a result the project is not financially feasible. The cost-benefit
analysis shows that in socio-economic terms, the investment is feasible, even when taking various
uncertainties into account.
CE, 1999 (valuation data corrected to 2004 price level)