Interpon D1000 Sable TDS
Interpon D1000 Sable TDS
Interpon D1000 Sable TDS
Film properties Mechanical, chemical and durability tests carried out on chromate conversion coated aluminium panels.
All tests were performed on panels coated with 50 -70 microns of a gloss finish powder coating stoved for 10 minutes
at 200ºC (metal temperature).
Reduced gloss finishes may show lower values for mechanical performance.
Chemical Durability Salt Spray AS3715 Section 2.5.10 Pass 1000 hours
Tests* - no creep more than 2mm from scribe
Humidity Resistance AS3715 Section 2.5.7 Pass at 1000 hrs
- no blistering or loss of adhesion
Distilled water BS3900-F7 at 40ºC Pass – no blistering or loss of gloss after
Immersion 240hrs
Exterior durability Excellent - pass AS3715 after 12 months continuous exposure with no film
breakdown or reduction in protective properties.
Colour stability Excellent for continuous exposure up to 120ºC.
Pre-treatment For optimum coating performance the following pre-treatment is recommended prior to the application of
Interpon D1000 Sable. The pre-treatment should be used in accordance with the supplier’s recommendations.
A. Aluminium Multistage chrome chromate or chrome phosphate
B. Galvanised Steel Multistage zinc phosphate or chromate
C. Steel Multistage zinc or iron phosphate
Application Interpon D1000 Sablé powder coatings can be applied by manual or automatic electrostatic spray equipment. To
ensure the highest consistency of metallic coatings the powder should always be applied from a fluidised hopper.
Unused or over-sprayed powder coating can be reclaimed up to a maximum of 20% using suitable equipment and
recycled through the coating system. Frequent, small additions of reclaim powder to the hopper are recommended.
For mixed colours and certain special finishes, advice must be sought from Akzo Nobel as to the suitability or
otherwise of the product for recycling.
Interpon D1000 Sable
Additional Product performance warranties are available with the Interpon D1000 Sable range through accredited
information applicators. For further information on the available warranties and the applicable terms and conditions, please
contact your local AkzoNobel sales office.
AkzoNobel Pty Limited has a policy not to use lead or other heavy metal based pigments in our range of powder
coatings. As a result of this policy, the use of bright and deep colours such as Yellows, Oranges and Reds are not
recommended for severe outdoor exposure where long-term colour fastness is required.
Interpon D1000 Sable powder coatings as supplied by AkzoNobel contain no organic solvents and can
contribute toward satisfying the IEQ credits in the following Green Star® rating tools:
Note: Products are not reviewed or certified under the Green Star® rating system. Green Star® credit requirements
cover the performance of materials in aggregate, not the performance of individual products or brands. For more
information on Green Star®, visit
Safety Precautions This product is intended for use only by professional applicators in industrial environments and should not be used
without reference to the relevant health and safety data sheet, which AkzoNobel has provided to its customer. If for
any reason a copy of the relevant health and safety data sheet is not immediately available the user should contact
AkzoNobel to obtain a copy before using the product. Minimum safety precautions in dealing with all powder coatings
are as follows. All dusts are respiratory irritants. Therefore, inhalation of the dust or of the vapors resulting from the
cure should be avoided. Take steps to prevent skin contact, but should contact occur, wash skin with soap and
water. In case of eye contact flush immediately with clean water and seek medical advice. Dust clouds of any finely
divided organic material can be ignited with an electric spark or open flame. Dust and powder should not be allowed
to build up on surfaces or ledges. Dust collection equipment should be used which has provision for adequate
explosion release. All equipment should be electrically earthed to prevent build up of static. Users are recommended
to follow the guidelines laid down in AS3754:1990, “Safe Application of Powder Coatings by Electrostatic Spraying”.
Disclaimer IMPORTANT NOTE: The information in this data sheet is not intended to be exhaustive and is based on the
present state of our knowledge and on current laws: any person using the product for any purpose other
than that specifically recommended in the technical data sheet without first obtaining written confirmation
from us as to the suitability of the product for the intended purpose does so at his own risk. It is always the
responsibility of the user to take all necessary steps to fulfill the demands set out in the local rules and
legislation. Always read the Material Data Sheet and the Technical Data Sheet for this product if available. All
advice we give or any statement made about the product by us (whether in this data sheet or otherwise) is
correct to the best of our knowledge but we have no control over the quality or the condition of the substrate
or the many factors affecting the use and application of the product.
Therefore, unless we specifically agree in writing otherwise, we do not accept any liability whatsoever for the
performance of the product or for any loss or damage arising out of the use of the product. All products
supplied and technical advices given are subject to our standard terms and conditions of sale. You should
request a copy of this document and review it carefully. The information contained in this data sheet is
subject to modification from time to time in the light of experience and our policy of continuous
development. It is the user's responsibility to verify that this data sheet is current prior to using the product.
Unless otherwise agreed by us in writing, any contract to purchase products referred to in this brochure
and any advice which we give in connection with the supply of products are subject to our standard
conditions of sale. The information contained in this data sheet is liable to modification from time to time in
the light of experience and our policy of continuous product development.
* Typical minimum specifications. Performance may vary slightly between individual products.
Brand names mentioned in this data sheet are trademarks of or are licensed to AkzoNobel
Copyright © 2014 Akzo Nobel Powder Coatings Ltd. Interpon is a registered trademark of AkzoNobel
Product Name - Issue #002
Issued: July 2016