Two Pack Non-Yellowing PU Floor Finish
Two Pack Non-Yellowing PU Floor Finish
Two Pack Non-Yellowing PU Floor Finish
Two pack non-yellowing PU floor finish
An extremely tough but flexible, pigmented, chemical and stain resistant, wear-resistant, durable and
non-yellowing coating. Available in Gloss and Low Sheen.
1. Samples and reagents @ 23°C
2. NC = No Change
3. * not DIN ISO 2812
4. ** Removable with Graffiti-Remover FWS01
It is highly recommended that a spill of any chemical must be removed and cleaned as soon as possible.
Head Office
Unit 1, 30 Bluett Drive, Smeaton Grange NSW 2567
EPOXY SYSTEMS T 02 4646 1660 F 02 4647 3700 E W ISSUE NUMBER 120219
• Use xylene for first/priming coat for penetration when required – Temperature and the surrounding atmospheric conditions will
maximum 20%. play a part in the curing process of all epoxy products. Under
• The concrete substrate must be firm, clean and dry with a conditions of low temperatures and high humidity the final cured
compressive strength of 25 MPa and a minimum surface tensile surface finish can be adversely affected potentially resulting in
strength of 1.5 MPa. poor gloss retention, discolouration over time, poor overcoatability
and intercoat adhesion. Quite often these conditions will result in
• New concrete must be allowed to cure for a minimum of 28 days.
the formation of a white film over the surface often evident after
• Remove all surface laitance, contaminants, existing coatings, contact with water. This chemical reaction with the atmosphere is
curing compounds and any weak and loose materials. commonly referred to as “amine bloom” or “amine blush”.
• Prepare the concrete surface by Abrasive Grit Blasting,
If this occurs then the existing coating will need to be abraded
Shot Blasting, Scarifying, Ultra High Pressure Water Jetting
to completely remove the affected surface to ensure the adhesion
or Scabbling to provide the appropriate surface profile for
of subsequent applications. In some cases partial or complete
optimum mechanical keying.
re-priming may be necessary.
• The extent of surface preparation required is dependant upon
but not limited to the thickness of the coating system to be Attention also needs to be paid to the substrate temperature
applied. It is highly recommended surface preparation is carried which should be at least 3°C and preferably 5°C above the dew
out in accordance with industry standards and publications point during the curing phase.
such as NACE 02203 item No. 22420 or ICRI Technical Industry standards recommend the accurate recording of times
Guideline No. 03732. and dates, batch numbers, consumption rates and environmental
Pre-conditioning product conditions including substrate and air temperatures, humidity levels
and dew point readings during both the application and curing
It is important to note that even when the application environment
processes. Full material warranties cannot be provided unless all
is warm, products which have been stored in cold or cooler
the relevant data has been recorded accurately.
conditions should always be pre-conditioned ideally to 20–25°C
to ease mixing, application and help avoid other potential issues If in doubt consult the Hychem technical department for advice.
such as amine bloom or blushing.
Applying a cold product in a warm environment is not
recommended. Epoxy polymer products may cause allergic reactions through skin
contact. Goggles and protective gloves and clothing should be
MIXING worn at all times. Ensure that there is adequate ventilation and air
flow and avoid breathing the vapour.
Head Office
Unit 1, 30 Bluett Drive, Smeaton Grange NSW 2567
EPOXY SYSTEMS T 02 4646 1660 F 02 4647 3700 E W ISSUE NUMBER 120219