C& A Requirements
C& A Requirements
C& A Requirements
Production units rated A and B are those that have no serious violations
as rated against weightings that correspond to each element of our
Supplier Code of Conduct. As an example, the discovery of a serious
issue like insufficient firefighting equipment or repeatedly missing fire drill
will result in a D rating, while the discovery of any zero-tolerance issue
will result in an E rating.
Relationship termination
In cases where suppliers and the factories are on-compliant with our Code
of Conduct, we seek to work with the supplier, factory management and
our internal teams to improve. Unless the non-compliances are serious
and of a zero tolerance nature, we maintain our business relationship to
avoid unintended consequences to workers.
The box below shows the complete list of our zero-tolerance issues and
their rationale:
Category Description
One day off per week Any case where workers work 31 days or
more consecutively
Building safety
Structure and use of the For example, items like incorrect or addition
building are not aligned of floors, number of buildings included in the
with the legally approved legal approval and the roof of the building is
building plan not constructed or used in accordance with
the legally approved building plan.
Business licence not valid The production unit address does not match
the address on the business licence
Fire safety
Industrial generators
and/or boilers are not
isolated from the
production area
In our Supplier Code of Conduct we describe in more detail what C&A
expects from our suppliers regarding legal compliance, labour practices,
environmental performance, and anti-corruption. The provisions in the
Code constitute the minimum, never the maximum standards. These are
different to the zero tolerance issues outlined above. For instance, in the
Supplier Code of Conduct when we outline our expectations for working
hours, our suppliers should meet the following minimum standards :
Suppliers must make use of overtime work responsibly, not request overtime
work on a regular basis, and accept that overtime is voluntary, and therefore
not coerce workers to work overtime.
Working hours must not exceed 60 hours in any seven-day period, except in
truly exceptional, unforeseeable circumstances. And only if all the following
conditions are met: 1) allowed by national law, 2) allowed by collective
agreement, and 3) safeguards are taken to protect workers’ health and safety.
Suppliers must allow workers to take breaks, to have a least on day off in
every seven-day period, and to take statutory holidays.