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Corona Kavach Insurance Brochure

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Kavach Policy, Star Health

A-Adult | C-Child
Age Band Premium Chart for Base Cover in Rs. (Excluding GST)

Sum Insured

Sum insured of Rs.5,00,000/- is available for the entire family (2A+1C)

in yrs /


3½ Months 6½ Months 9½ Months

Sum insured of Rs.5,00,000/- is available for the entire family (2A)


(Only one sum insured is available for the entire family) and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd.
Insured in Above Above Above
0-45 46-65 0-45 46-65 0-45 46-65

Total Premium when policy is opted on floater basis is

Total Premium when policy is opted on floater basis is

Rs. 65 65 65
Coverage opted on family floater basis with

50,000 350 420 546 420 504 655 473 567 737

Note: Premium rates specified in the above illustration are standard premium rates without considering any loading. Also, the premium rates are exclusive of taxes applicable.
Premium 1,00,000 525 630 819 630 756 983 709 851 1,106

1,50,000 683 819 1,065 819 983 1,278 921 1,106 1,437



overall Sum insured

2,00,000 819 983 1,278 983 1,179 1,533 1,106 1,327 1,725
2,50,000 942 1,130 1,469 1,130 1,356 1,763 1,271 1,526 1,984


3,00,000 1,055 1,266 1,646 1,266 1,519 1,975 1,424 1,709 2,222
3,50,000 1,160 1,392 1,810 1,392 1,671 2,172 1,566 1,880 2,444
4,00,000 1,253 1,504 1,955 1,504 1,805 2,346 1,692 2,030 2,639

(if any)


4,50,000 1,341 1,609 2,092 1,609 1,931 2,510 1,810 2,172 2,824
5,00,000 1,408 1,690 2,196 1,690 2,027 2,636 1,901 2,281 2,965
Age Band Premium Chart for Optional Cover in Rs. (Excluding GST)
in yrs /
Sum 3½ Months 6½ Months 9½ Months
premium for
all members
Premium or

of family

Insured in Above Above Above


Benefit Illustration in respect of policies offered on individual and family floater basis


Rs. 0-45 46-65 0-45 46-65 0-45 46-65

65 65 65
50,000 19 23 30 23 28 36 26 31 41
1,00,000 54 65 84 65 78 101 73 87 113
1,50,000 81 97 126 97 116 151 109 131 170
Sum Insured

2,00,000 108 129 168 129 155 202 145 174 227


Sum insured available for each family member is Rs.5,00,000/-

Sum insured available for each family member is Rs.5,00,000/- 2,50,000 135 162 210 162 194 252 182 218 284
(Sum insured is available for each member of the family)
multiple members of the family under a single policy

Rs.3,380/-, when they are covered under a single policy.

Rs.4,506/-, when they are covered under a single policy.

3,00,000 162 194 252 194 233 302 218 262 340
Coverage opted on individual basis covering

3,50,000 188 226 294 226 271 353 254 305 397
Total Premium for all members of the family is

Total Premium for all members of the family is

4,00,000 215 258 336 258 310 403 291 349 454
4,50,000 242 291 378 291 349 454 327 393 510



Illustration 1

Illustration 2


5,00,000 269 323 420 323 388 504 363 436 567

“IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or
investment of premiums. Public receiving such phone calls are requested to lodge a
police complaint”
(if any)



Shield Yourself



Against the Invisible Threat

Coverage opted on individual basis covering
each member of the family separately (at a

Corona Kavach Policy, Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd.
Sum insured available for each individual is Rs.5,00,000/-

Sum insured available for each individual is Rs.5,00,000/-

Rs.3,380/-, when each member is covered separately.

Rs.4,506/-, when each member is covered separately.

Sum Insured

Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP21066V012021


Total Premium for all members of the family is

Total Premium for all members of the family is

single point of time)

The information provided in this brochure is only indicative. For more details on the risk
Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation

factors, terms and conditions, please read the policy wordings before concluding sale
Visit our website www.starhealth.in

Buy this Insurance Online at www.starhealth.in and Avail 5% Discount




Call Toll-free: 1800-425-2255 / 1800-102-4477

SMS STAR to 56677 | Fax Toll Free No: 1800-425-5522

BRO / CKP / V.4 / 2021

Email: support@starhealth.in
CIN: U66010TN2005PLC056649 | IRDAI Regn. No: 129
(in yrs)
of the




REGD & CORPORATE OFFICE: 1, New Tank Street,

Valluvar Kottam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034.
2. Rest Cure, rehabilitation and respite care: Expenses related to any admission primarily member. Such change would be subject to acceptance by the Company and payment of
Corona Kavach Policy, Star Health and for enforced bed rest and not for receiving treatment. This also includes: premium (if any).
i. Custodial care either at home or in a nursing facility for personal care such as help with ª Renewals: Not applicable
Allied Insurance Co. Ltd. activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, moving around either by skilled
nurses or assistant or non-skilled persons.
ª Migration and Portability: Not applicable
ª Free Look Period: Not applicable
Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP21066V012021 ii. Any services for people who are terminally ill to address physical, social, emotional
and spiritual needs. ª Claims Procedure
3. Dietary supplements and substances that can be purchased without prescription, · Call the 24 hour help-line for assistance - 1800 425 2255 /1800 102 4477
The impact of COVID 19 not only does shatter the health of individuals but the treatment cost at a medical
facility will drain the savings too. In order to help people to overcome the financial difficulties while they are including but not limited to Vitamins, minerals and organic substances unless prescribed by · Inform the ID number for easy reference
recovering from the COVID 19, STAR Health offers Corona Kavach Policy. An indemnity policy that a medical practitioner as part of hospitalization claim or Home care treatment. · On admission in the hospital, produce the ID Card issued by the Company at the Hospital
covers the hospitalization expenses up to the sum insured arising from COVID-19 treatment procedures. 4. Unproven Treatments: Expenses related to any unproven treatment, services and supplies help desk
for or in connection with any treatment. Unproven treatments are treatments, procedures or · Obtain the Pre-authorization From the Hospital help desk, complete the patient
ª Eligibility
supplies that lack significant medical documentation to support their effectiveness. However, information and resubmit to the Hospital help desk
· Adults:18 yrs to 65 yrs treatment authorized by the government for the treatment of COVID shall be covered.
· Dependent Children: 1 day to 25 yrs · In case of planned hospitalization, inform 24 hours prior to admission in the hospital.
5. Any claim in relation to COVID where it has been diagnosed prior to Policy Start Date.
ª Policy Type: Individual/ Floater · In case of emergency hospitalization information to be given within 24 hours after
6. Any expenses incurred on Day Care treatment and OPD treatment
ª Sum Insured Options: Rs.50,000/-; Rs.1,00,000/-; Rs.1,50,000/-; Rs.2,00,000/-; Rs.2,50,000/-; 7. Diagnosis /Treatment outside the geographical limits of India
Rs.3,00,000/-; Rs.3,50,000/-; Rs.4,00,000/-; Rs.4,50,000/-; Rs.5,00,000/-. · In non-network hospitals payment must be made up-front and then reimbursement will
8. Testing done at a Diagnostic centre which is not authorized by the Government shall not be
be effected on submission of documents
ª Policy Terms: 3½ months (105 Days); 6½ months (195 Days); 9½ months (285 Days) (No recognized under this Policy
annual policy term). 9. All covers under this Policy shall cease if the Insured Person travels to any country placed ª Tax Benefits: Payments of premium by any mode other than cash for this insurance is eligible
under travel restriction by the Government of India. for relief under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act 1961.
ª Pre acceptance medical screening: No pre-acceptance medical screening
ª Cancellation: The Company may cancel the Policy at any time on grounds of misrepresentation, ª Discount for Health Care Workers: 5% discount on premium. The discount will be given only for
ª Waiting Period: An initial waiting period of 15 days is applicable from the date of commencement the insured person who is a health care worker even under floater policy. (Health care worker
of this policy non-disclosure of material facts, fraud by the Insured Person, by giving 7 days' written notice.
There would be no refund of premium on cancellation on grounds of misrepresentation, non- means doctors, nurses, midwives, dental practitioners and other health professionals including
ª Family means Self, Legally Wedded Spouse, Parent’s and Parent’s-in-law, Dependent Children laboratory assistants, pharmacists, physiotherapists, technicians and people working in hospitals.)
disclosure of material facts or fraud.
(Upto 25 years of age). If the child is above 18 years of age if financially independent, he/she shall ª The Company: Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd., its operations in 2006 as India's first
not be eligible under family coverage ª Automatic Expiry: The coverage for the Insured Person(s) shall automatically terminate: In the
case of demise of the insured person. However, the cover shall continue for the remaining Insured Standalone Health Insurance provider. As an exclusive Health Insurer, the Company is
ª Coverage: In the event of the Insured Person is diagnosed positive of COVID in a government Persons till the end of Policy Period. All relevant particulars in respect of such person (including commenced providing sterling services in Health, Personal Accident & Overseas Travel
authorized centre, the coverage will be as follows his/her relationship with the insured person) must be submitted to the company along with the Insurance and is committed to setting international benchmarks in service and personal caring.
· Base Cover application. Provided no claim has been made, and termination takes place on account of death of ª Star Advantages
1. Hospitalization Cover: Hospitalization Expenses incurred on treatment of COVID-19 the insured person, pro-rata refund of premium of the deceased insured person for the balance · No Third Party Administrator, direct in-house claims settlement
(including the treatment for Co-morbid conditions) comprising of Room, Boarding, period of the policy will be effective. · Faster and hassle- free claim settlement
Nursing Expenses, Consultant, Specialist Fees, Anesthesia, blood, oxygen, PPE Kit, ª Disclosure to Information Norms: The Policy shall be void and all premium paid thereon shall be · Cashless facility wherever possible in network hospitals.
gloves, mask and such similar other expenses forfeited to the Company in the event of misrepresentation, mis-description or non-disclosure of
2. Road Ambulance subject to a maximum of Rs.2000/- per hospitalisation ª Prohibition of Rebates: (Section 41 of Insurance Act 1938): No person shall allow or offer to
any material fact by the policyholder. allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue
3. Home Care Treatment Expenses: Up to 14 days subject to the following: ª Endorsements (Changes In Policy) an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the
a) The Medical practitioner advices the Insured person to undergo treatment at home i. This policy constitutes the complete contract of insurance. This Policy cannot be modified by whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor
b) There is a continuous active line of treatment with monitoring of the health status by anyone (including an insurance agent or broker) except the company. Any change made by shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such
a medical practitioner for each day through the duration of the home care treatment the company shall be evidenced by a written endorsement signed and stamped. rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the insurer.
c) Daily monitoring chart including records of treatment administered duly signed ii. The policy holder may be changed during the Policy period only in case of his/her demise or Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be liable for a
by the treating doctor is maintained him or her moving out of India. The new policy holder must be legal heir/ immediate family penalty which may extend to ten lakh rupees.
d) Insured shall be permitted to avail the services as prescribed by the medical
practitioner. Cashless or reimbursement facility shall be offered under homecare Premium Illustration
expenses subject to claim settlement policy disclosed in the website
Sum Insured Opted - Rs.50000/- Policy Period of 3½ months Family Size 2A+2C
e) In case the insured intends to avail the services of non-network provider claim
shall be subject to reimbursement, a prior approval from the Insurer needs to be Age of Self - 46 yrs Age of Spouse - 43 yrs Age of Child 1 - 10 yrs Age of Child 2 - 5 yrs
taken before availing such services
Base Cover Base Cover Optional Cover GST
Benefit covered under this;
Premium Floater Discount Premium after Optional Cover Floater Premium after Gross Policy
a. Diagnostic tests undergone at home or at diagnostics centre
in Rs. for Base Cover discount Premium Discount discount Premium Premium
b. Medicines prescribed in writing A B C D E F G H I
c. Consultation charges of the medical practitioner A-(AxB)=C D-(DxE)=F C+F=G Gx18%=H I=G+H
d. Nursing charges related to medical staff First Member
e. Medical procedures limited to parenteral administration of medicines 420 0% 420 23 0% 23 443 80 523
/ Self
f. Cost of Pulse oximeter, Oxygen cylinder and Nebulizer Premium for
4. AYUSH Treatment: AYUSH treatment expenses incurred as an inpatient for treatment 350 20% 280 19 20% 15 295 53 348
Second Member
of COVID including the treatment for Co-morbid conditions upto the limit of sum Premium for Third
insured in any AYUSH hospital 350 30% 245 19 30% 13 258 46 305
5. Pre Hospitalization: Medical expenses incurred up to 15 days prior to the date of Premium for Fourth
admission. 350 40% 210 19 40% 11 221 40 261
6. Post Hospitalization: Medical expenses incurred up to a period of 30 days after
Total Premium in Rs (Including GST) 1,437
discharge from the hospital
· Optional cover Floater discount
Hospital Daily Cash: The Company will pay cash benefit of 0.5% of sum insured for each Order of member Discount %
completed day of continuous hospitalization subject to a maximum of 15 days per policy period. First member No discount
ª Exclusions: The Company shall not be liable to make any payment under the policy, in respect of Second member 20%
any expenses incurred in connection with or in respect of: Third member 30%
1. Investigation & Evaluation: Expenses related to any admission primarily for diagnostics
and evaluation purposes. Any diagnostic expenses which are not related or not incidental to Fourth and beyond 40%
the current diagnosis and treatment Note: For purpose of calculating floater discount, members will be considered in descending order of age.
2. Rest Cure, rehabilitation and respite care: Expenses related to any admission primarily member. Such change would be subject to acceptance by the Company and payment of
Corona Kavach Policy, Star Health and for enforced bed rest and not for receiving treatment. This also includes: premium (if any).
i. Custodial care either at home or in a nursing facility for personal care such as help with ª Renewals: Not applicable
Allied Insurance Co. Ltd. activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, moving around either by skilled
nurses or assistant or non-skilled persons.
ª Migration and Portability: Not applicable
ª Free Look Period: Not applicable
Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP21066V012021 ii. Any services for people who are terminally ill to address physical, social, emotional
and spiritual needs. ª Claims Procedure
3. Dietary supplements and substances that can be purchased without prescription, · Call the 24 hour help-line for assistance - 1800 425 2255 /1800 102 4477
The impact of COVID 19 not only does shatter the health of individuals but the treatment cost at a medical
facility will drain the savings too. In order to help people to overcome the financial difficulties while they are including but not limited to Vitamins, minerals and organic substances unless prescribed by · Inform the ID number for easy reference
recovering from the COVID 19, STAR Health offers Corona Kavach Policy. An indemnity policy that a medical practitioner as part of hospitalization claim or Home care treatment. · On admission in the hospital, produce the ID Card issued by the Company at the Hospital
covers the hospitalization expenses up to the sum insured arising from COVID-19 treatment procedures. 4. Unproven Treatments: Expenses related to any unproven treatment, services and supplies help desk
for or in connection with any treatment. Unproven treatments are treatments, procedures or · Obtain the Pre-authorization From the Hospital help desk, complete the patient
ª Eligibility
supplies that lack significant medical documentation to support their effectiveness. However, information and resubmit to the Hospital help desk
· Adults:18 yrs to 65 yrs treatment authorized by the government for the treatment of COVID shall be covered.
· Dependent Children: 1 day to 25 yrs · In case of planned hospitalization, inform 24 hours prior to admission in the hospital.
5. Any claim in relation to COVID where it has been diagnosed prior to Policy Start Date.
ª Policy Type: Individual/ Floater · In case of emergency hospitalization information to be given within 24 hours after
6. Any expenses incurred on Day Care treatment and OPD treatment
ª Sum Insured Options: Rs.50,000/-; Rs.1,00,000/-; Rs.1,50,000/-; Rs.2,00,000/-; Rs.2,50,000/-; 7. Diagnosis /Treatment outside the geographical limits of India
Rs.3,00,000/-; Rs.3,50,000/-; Rs.4,00,000/-; Rs.4,50,000/-; Rs.5,00,000/-. · In non-network hospitals payment must be made up-front and then reimbursement will
8. Testing done at a Diagnostic centre which is not authorized by the Government shall not be
be effected on submission of documents
ª Policy Terms: 3½ months (105 Days); 6½ months (195 Days); 9½ months (285 Days) (No recognized under this Policy
annual policy term). 9. All covers under this Policy shall cease if the Insured Person travels to any country placed ª Tax Benefits: Payments of premium by any mode other than cash for this insurance is eligible
under travel restriction by the Government of India. for relief under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act 1961.
ª Pre acceptance medical screening: No pre-acceptance medical screening
ª Cancellation: The Company may cancel the Policy at any time on grounds of misrepresentation, ª Discount for Health Care Workers: 5% discount on premium. The discount will be given only for
ª Waiting Period: An initial waiting period of 15 days is applicable from the date of commencement the insured person who is a health care worker even under floater policy. (Health care worker
of this policy non-disclosure of material facts, fraud by the Insured Person, by giving 7 days' written notice.
There would be no refund of premium on cancellation on grounds of misrepresentation, non- means doctors, nurses, midwives, dental practitioners and other health professionals including
ª Family means Self, Legally Wedded Spouse, Parent’s and Parent’s-in-law, Dependent Children laboratory assistants, pharmacists, physiotherapists, technicians and people working in hospitals.)
disclosure of material facts or fraud.
(Upto 25 years of age). If the child is above 18 years of age if financially independent, he/she shall ª The Company: Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd., its operations in 2006 as India's first
not be eligible under family coverage ª Automatic Expiry: The coverage for the Insured Person(s) shall automatically terminate: In the
case of demise of the insured person. However, the cover shall continue for the remaining Insured Standalone Health Insurance provider. As an exclusive Health Insurer, the Company is
ª Coverage: In the event of the Insured Person is diagnosed positive of COVID in a government Persons till the end of Policy Period. All relevant particulars in respect of such person (including commenced providing sterling services in Health, Personal Accident & Overseas Travel
authorized centre, the coverage will be as follows his/her relationship with the insured person) must be submitted to the company along with the Insurance and is committed to setting international benchmarks in service and personal caring.
· Base Cover application. Provided no claim has been made, and termination takes place on account of death of ª Star Advantages
1. Hospitalization Cover: Hospitalization Expenses incurred on treatment of COVID-19 the insured person, pro-rata refund of premium of the deceased insured person for the balance · No Third Party Administrator, direct in-house claims settlement
(including the treatment for Co-morbid conditions) comprising of Room, Boarding, period of the policy will be effective. · Faster and hassle- free claim settlement
Nursing Expenses, Consultant, Specialist Fees, Anesthesia, blood, oxygen, PPE Kit, ª Disclosure to Information Norms: The Policy shall be void and all premium paid thereon shall be · Cashless facility wherever possible in network hospitals.
gloves, mask and such similar other expenses forfeited to the Company in the event of misrepresentation, mis-description or non-disclosure of
2. Road Ambulance subject to a maximum of Rs.2000/- per hospitalisation ª Prohibition of Rebates: (Section 41 of Insurance Act 1938): No person shall allow or offer to
any material fact by the policyholder. allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue
3. Home Care Treatment Expenses: Up to 14 days subject to the following: ª Endorsements (Changes In Policy) an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the
a) The Medical practitioner advices the Insured person to undergo treatment at home i. This policy constitutes the complete contract of insurance. This Policy cannot be modified by whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor
b) There is a continuous active line of treatment with monitoring of the health status by anyone (including an insurance agent or broker) except the company. Any change made by shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such
a medical practitioner for each day through the duration of the home care treatment the company shall be evidenced by a written endorsement signed and stamped. rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the insurer.
c) Daily monitoring chart including records of treatment administered duly signed ii. The policy holder may be changed during the Policy period only in case of his/her demise or Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be liable for a
by the treating doctor is maintained him or her moving out of India. The new policy holder must be legal heir/ immediate family penalty which may extend to ten lakh rupees.
d) Insured shall be permitted to avail the services as prescribed by the medical
practitioner. Cashless or reimbursement facility shall be offered under homecare Premium Illustration
expenses subject to claim settlement policy disclosed in the website
Sum Insured Opted - Rs.50000/- Policy Period of 3½ months Family Size 2A+2C
e) In case the insured intends to avail the services of non-network provider claim
shall be subject to reimbursement, a prior approval from the Insurer needs to be Age of Self - 46 yrs Age of Spouse - 43 yrs Age of Child 1 - 10 yrs Age of Child 2 - 5 yrs
taken before availing such services
Base Cover Base Cover Optional Cover GST
Benefit covered under this;
Premium Floater Discount Premium after Optional Cover Floater Premium after Gross Policy
a. Diagnostic tests undergone at home or at diagnostics centre
in Rs. for Base Cover discount Premium Discount discount Premium Premium
b. Medicines prescribed in writing A B C D E F G H I
c. Consultation charges of the medical practitioner A-(AxB)=C D-(DxE)=F C+F=G Gx18%=H I=G+H
d. Nursing charges related to medical staff First Member
e. Medical procedures limited to parenteral administration of medicines 420 0% 420 23 0% 23 443 80 523
/ Self
f. Cost of Pulse oximeter, Oxygen cylinder and Nebulizer Premium for
4. AYUSH Treatment: AYUSH treatment expenses incurred as an inpatient for treatment 350 20% 280 19 20% 15 295 53 348
Second Member
of COVID including the treatment for Co-morbid conditions upto the limit of sum Premium for Third
insured in any AYUSH hospital 350 30% 245 19 30% 13 258 46 305
5. Pre Hospitalization: Medical expenses incurred up to 15 days prior to the date of Premium for Fourth
admission. 350 40% 210 19 40% 11 221 40 261
6. Post Hospitalization: Medical expenses incurred up to a period of 30 days after
Total Premium in Rs (Including GST) 1,437
discharge from the hospital
· Optional cover Floater discount
Hospital Daily Cash: The Company will pay cash benefit of 0.5% of sum insured for each Order of member Discount %
completed day of continuous hospitalization subject to a maximum of 15 days per policy period. First member No discount
ª Exclusions: The Company shall not be liable to make any payment under the policy, in respect of Second member 20%
any expenses incurred in connection with or in respect of: Third member 30%
1. Investigation & Evaluation: Expenses related to any admission primarily for diagnostics
and evaluation purposes. Any diagnostic expenses which are not related or not incidental to Fourth and beyond 40%
the current diagnosis and treatment Note: For purpose of calculating floater discount, members will be considered in descending order of age.
Corona Kavach Policy, Star Health

A-Adult | C-Child
Age Band Premium Chart for Base Cover in Rs. (Excluding GST)

Sum Insured

Sum insured of Rs.5,00,000/- is available for the entire family (2A+1C)

in yrs /


3½ Months 6½ Months 9½ Months

Sum insured of Rs.5,00,000/- is available for the entire family (2A)


(Only one sum insured is available for the entire family) and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd.
Insured in Above Above Above
0-45 46-65 0-45 46-65 0-45 46-65

Total Premium when policy is opted on floater basis is

Total Premium when policy is opted on floater basis is

Rs. 65 65 65
Coverage opted on family floater basis with

50,000 350 420 546 420 504 655 473 567 737

Note: Premium rates specified in the above illustration are standard premium rates without considering any loading. Also, the premium rates are exclusive of taxes applicable.
Premium 1,00,000 525 630 819 630 756 983 709 851 1,106

1,50,000 683 819 1,065 819 983 1,278 921 1,106 1,437



overall Sum insured

2,00,000 819 983 1,278 983 1,179 1,533 1,106 1,327 1,725
2,50,000 942 1,130 1,469 1,130 1,356 1,763 1,271 1,526 1,984


3,00,000 1,055 1,266 1,646 1,266 1,519 1,975 1,424 1,709 2,222
3,50,000 1,160 1,392 1,810 1,392 1,671 2,172 1,566 1,880 2,444
4,00,000 1,253 1,504 1,955 1,504 1,805 2,346 1,692 2,030 2,639

(if any)


4,50,000 1,341 1,609 2,092 1,609 1,931 2,510 1,810 2,172 2,824
5,00,000 1,408 1,690 2,196 1,690 2,027 2,636 1,901 2,281 2,965
Age Band Premium Chart for Optional Cover in Rs. (Excluding GST)
in yrs /
Sum 3½ Months 6½ Months 9½ Months
premium for
all members
Premium or

of family

Insured in Above Above Above


Benefit Illustration in respect of policies offered on individual and family floater basis


Rs. 0-45 46-65 0-45 46-65 0-45 46-65

65 65 65
50,000 19 23 30 23 28 36 26 31 41
1,00,000 54 65 84 65 78 101 73 87 113
1,50,000 81 97 126 97 116 151 109 131 170
Sum Insured

2,00,000 108 129 168 129 155 202 145 174 227


Sum insured available for each family member is Rs.5,00,000/-

Sum insured available for each family member is Rs.5,00,000/- 2,50,000 135 162 210 162 194 252 182 218 284
(Sum insured is available for each member of the family)
multiple members of the family under a single policy

Rs.3,380/-, when they are covered under a single policy.

Rs.4,506/-, when they are covered under a single policy.

3,00,000 162 194 252 194 233 302 218 262 340
Coverage opted on individual basis covering

3,50,000 188 226 294 226 271 353 254 305 397
Total Premium for all members of the family is

Total Premium for all members of the family is

4,00,000 215 258 336 258 310 403 291 349 454
4,50,000 242 291 378 291 349 454 327 393 510



Illustration 1

Illustration 2


5,00,000 269 323 420 323 388 504 363 436 567

“IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or
investment of premiums. Public receiving such phone calls are requested to lodge a
police complaint”
(if any)



Shield Yourself



Against the Invisible Threat

Coverage opted on individual basis covering
each member of the family separately (at a

Corona Kavach Policy, Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd.
Sum insured available for each individual is Rs.5,00,000/-

Sum insured available for each individual is Rs.5,00,000/-

Rs.3,380/-, when each member is covered separately.

Rs.4,506/-, when each member is covered separately.

Sum Insured

Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP21066V012021


Total Premium for all members of the family is

Total Premium for all members of the family is

single point of time)

The information provided in this brochure is only indicative. For more details on the risk
Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation

factors, terms and conditions, please read the policy wordings before concluding sale
Visit our website www.starhealth.in

Buy this Insurance Online at www.starhealth.in and Avail 5% Discount




Call Toll-free: 1800-425-2255 / 1800-102-4477

SMS STAR to 56677 | Fax Toll Free No: 1800-425-5522

BRO / CKP / V.4 / 2021

Email: support@starhealth.in
CIN: U66010TN2005PLC056649 | IRDAI Regn. No: 129
(in yrs)
of the




REGD & CORPORATE OFFICE: 1, New Tank Street,

Valluvar Kottam High Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034.
Corona Kavach Policy, Star Health

A-Adult | C-Child
Age Band Premium Chart for Base Cover in Rs. (Excluding GST)

Sum Insured

Sum insured of Rs.5,00,000/- is available for the entire family (2A+1C)

in yrs /


3½ Months 6½ Months 9½ Months

Sum insured of Rs.5,00,000/- is available for the entire family (2A)


(Only one sum insured is available for the entire family) and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd.
Insured in Above Above Above
0-45 46-65 0-45 46-65 0-45 46-65

Total Premium when policy is opted on floater basis is

Total Premium when policy is opted on floater basis is

Rs. 65 65 65
Coverage opted on family floater basis with

50,000 350 420 546 420 504 655 473 567 737

Note: Premium rates specified in the above illustration are standard premium rates without considering any loading. Also, the premium rates are exclusive of taxes applicable.
Premium 1,00,000 525 630 819 630 756 983 709 851 1,106

1,50,000 683 819 1,065 819 983 1,278 921 1,106 1,437



overall Sum insured

2,00,000 819 983 1,278 983 1,179 1,533 1,106 1,327 1,725
2,50,000 942 1,130 1,469 1,130 1,356 1,763 1,271 1,526 1,984


3,00,000 1,055 1,266 1,646 1,266 1,519 1,975 1,424 1,709 2,222
3,50,000 1,160 1,392 1,810 1,392 1,671 2,172 1,566 1,880 2,444
4,00,000 1,253 1,504 1,955 1,504 1,805 2,346 1,692 2,030 2,639

(if any)


4,50,000 1,341 1,609 2,092 1,609 1,931 2,510 1,810 2,172 2,824
5,00,000 1,408 1,690 2,196 1,690 2,027 2,636 1,901 2,281 2,965
Age Band Premium Chart for Optional Cover in Rs. (Excluding GST)
in yrs /
Sum 3½ Months 6½ Months 9½ Months
premium for
all members
Premium or

of family

Insured in Above Above Above


Benefit Illustration in respect of policies offered on individual and family floater basis


Rs. 0-45 46-65 0-45 46-65 0-45 46-65

65 65 65
50,000 19 23 30 23 28 36 26 31 41
1,00,000 54 65 84 65 78 101 73 87 113
1,50,000 81 97 126 97 116 151 109 131 170
Sum Insured

2,00,000 108 129 168 129 155 202 145 174 227


Sum insured available for each family member is Rs.5,00,000/-

Sum insured available for each family member is Rs.5,00,000/- 2,50,000 135 162 210 162 194 252 182 218 284
(Sum insured is available for each member of the family)
multiple members of the family under a single policy

Rs.3,380/-, when they are covered under a single policy.

Rs.4,506/-, when they are covered under a single policy.

3,00,000 162 194 252 194 233 302 218 262 340
Coverage opted on individual basis covering

3,50,000 188 226 294 226 271 353 254 305 397
Total Premium for all members of the family is

Total Premium for all members of the family is

4,00,000 215 258 336 258 310 403 291 349 454
4,50,000 242 291 378 291 349 454 327 393 510



Illustration 1

Illustration 2


5,00,000 269 323 420 323 388 504 363 436 567

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(if any)



Shield Yourself



Against the Invisible Threat

Coverage opted on individual basis covering
each member of the family separately (at a

Corona Kavach Policy, Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd.
Sum insured available for each individual is Rs.5,00,000/-

Sum insured available for each individual is Rs.5,00,000/-

Rs.3,380/-, when each member is covered separately.

Rs.4,506/-, when each member is covered separately.

Sum Insured

Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP21066V012021


Total Premium for all members of the family is

Total Premium for all members of the family is

single point of time)

The information provided in this brochure is only indicative. For more details on the risk
Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation

factors, terms and conditions, please read the policy wordings before concluding sale
Visit our website www.starhealth.in

Buy this Insurance Online at www.starhealth.in and Avail 5% Discount




Call Toll-free: 1800-425-2255 / 1800-102-4477

SMS STAR to 56677 | Fax Toll Free No: 1800-425-5522

BRO / CKP / V.4 / 2021

Email: support@starhealth.in
CIN: U66010TN2005PLC056649 | IRDAI Regn. No: 129
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