Fantasy RPG Resource - System Agnostic AMP Equipment and Trade Goods
Fantasy RPG Resource - System Agnostic AMP Equipment and Trade Goods
Fantasy RPG Resource - System Agnostic AMP Equipment and Trade Goods
This is a list of miscellaneous small items: tools, equipment, gear, consumables and so on. No
weapons or valuables are listed here, even though some of the items may definitely be used as
weaponry (albeit with suitable penalties) and can be quite valuable (to the right buyer).
However, all items on the list are designed to be useful, in one way or another, even though they
may require a little improvisation.
• The list is system agnostic, assuming an early Renaissance level of technology. There are
only a few non-mundane items in the list, which may or may not work as intended,
depending on your world. And you can always disregard unsuitable results.
• All prices listed are based on an OSR economy, referencing the Dungeon Crawl Classics
coin exchange rates (DCC rulebook pg. 70).
◦ Copper pieces -> Silver Pieces -> Gold Pieces -> Electrum Pieces -> Platinum Pieces
◦ 100 coins weighs roughly 0.5 kg (or 1 lb., for you imperial peasants).
◦ Economy assumes 5 cp to be the cost of food per day for both animals and people.
• Tables 1-7 are mostly mundane items, and can be used with a d% to randomize found
objects. All items should be fit to be carried on a person.
• Tables 8-12 are miscellaneous, mysterious or large items. If a truly random result is
desired, roll 1d12 to determine table, and then roll again on the table.
Table 1 - Tools
D% D20 Item Value Notes
01 1 Chisel 5 sp
02 2 Crowbar 2 gp Weapon use as club.
04 4 File 5 sp
05 5 Hammer, Small 5 sp
Table 1 - Tools
D% D20 Item Value Notes
06 6 Hand Drill 1 gp
07 7 Hatchet 3 gp Weapon use as handaxe.
08 8 Hoe 1 gp
09 9 Iron Spikes 1 sp each 15 cm long, 5d4 pcs.
15 15 Saw 5 sp
16 16 Shovel 1 gp Weapon use as staff.
17 17 Shovel, Folding 5 gp
18 18 Sledgehammer 1 gp Weapon use as warhammer.
20 20 Tongs 5 sp
Table 1: Tools
22 2 Climbing Harness 3 gp
23 3 Grappling Hook 1 gp
24 4 Pulley Hook 1 gp
25 5 Rope, Elven 10 gp 20 m (~65'), mildly magical.
Table 3 – Light and Fuel
D% D12 Item Value Notes
35 5 Lantern, Hooded 10 gp Easily shut and shielded, comes with 6 hours of oil.
41 11 Tinder 1 cp Can be used to light fires fast and easy, weighs ~250
45 3 Oilcloth Tarp 1 gp 3 m x 3 m.
Table 5 – Carrying and Containers
D% D12 Item Value Notes
54 6 Sack, Small 8 cp Capacity 10 l.
62 2 Cowbell 1 gp
63 3 Dog Whistle 1 gp
Ear Plugs 1 sp 2d6 pcs.
64 4
65 5 Frying Pan 5 sp Cast iron.
77 17 Small Mirror 10 gp
Soap 5 sp 1d4 pcs.
78 18
79 19 Spyglass 25 gp
Table 6 – Miscellaneous Equipment
D% D20 Item Value Notes
80 20 Whistle 5 sp
Table 6: Miscellaneous Equipment
86 6 Compass 25 gp
87 7 Fishing Harpoon 1 gp Short javelin and 5 m (~15’) leather pullstring.
91 11 Holy Symbol 25 gp
92 12 Hourglass 20 gp
93 13 Scissors 5 sp
94 14 Swimming Floaters 3 gp Includes a vest, hand and foot floaters.
Table 8 – Healing and Alchemy
D12 Item Value Notes
3 Black Powder 50 gp 100 g pouch, prone to explode, alchemical item.
5 Field Medic's Kit 20 gp In a satchel, contains tools for field medicine, 2d3 pcs.
12 Vial of Poison 100+ gp 2 dl vial/10 uses, define effect how you wish,
potency affects price, alchemical item.
Table 8: Healing and Alchemy
4 Hex Doll 10 sp
5 Protective Gloves 2 gp Reduces chance to be hit by some traps.
7 Set of Dice 1 gp
8 Skeleton Key 25 gp 20% chance to open mundane locks.
9 Tarot Deck 5 gp
10 Thieves' Tools 25 gp In a leather satchel, includes tools to pick locks
and disarm traps.
Table 9: Thieving and Scams
2 Dwarven Ration 1 gp 100 g, enough for a day, doesn't spoil, 1d4 pcs.
3 Elven Trail Bread 2 gp 00g, enough for a day, doubles healing rate,
Table 10 – Rations and Food
D12 Item Value Notes
doesn't spoil, 1d4 pcs, mildly magical.
4 Iron Ration 5 cp ½ kg, enough for a day, spoils slowly, 1d6 pcs.
8 Donkey or Mule 8 gp
9 Duck or Goose 1 gp
10 Falcon 10 gp Trained to hunt small game, feeds itself.
11 Goat 2 gp
12 Horse 75 gp
13 Horse, War 200 gp
14 Pony 30 gp
15 Saddlebags 2 gp
16 Saddle, Pack 15 gp
17 Saddle, Riding 30 gp
18 Sheep 3 gp
Table 11 – Animals and Husbandry
D20 Item Value Notes
19 Wagon 20 gp
20 Wheelbarrow 2 gp
Table 11: Animals and Husbandry
1 Animal Pelt 1+ gp
Price depends on animal type, determine as you
5 Pouch of Dye 1+ gp each ½ kg bag of dye, certain colours are more valuable.