Computational Intelligence
Computational Intelligence
Computational Intelligence
Figure: Relationships between the genetic algorithm and the fuzzy system in the
evolutionary fuzzy rule system.
Adaptation of Genetic Algorithms
Static genetic algorithm; that is, its parameters are fixed during the course of running
the GA. The performance of a genetic algorithm depends on the relationship between
exploration and exploitation, that is, the selection of its parameters.
Example: The crossover operation facilitates exploration (global search) and the mutation
operation facilitates exploitation (local search).
A global search is generally favored at the beginning of the search process, and
A local search is favored at the end.
A simple and straightforward approach is to use crossover with a relatively large
crossover rate and mutation with a relatively small mutation rate at the beginning of the
search process.
The crossover (mutation) rate is then linearly decreased (increased) over the course of the
search process.
This strategy can frequently result in getting caught in local optima. Ideally, the crossover
and mutation rate should be nonlinearly, dynamically adjusted to avoid local optima while
retaining the ability to fine-tune the near-global optimum resolution.
The adaptation of genetic algorithm can occur on four levels:
1. Environment,
2. Population,
3. Individual, and
4. Component
Environment Level:
The adaptation, the environment itself is changed over the course of the search process,
and the fitness function, which measures how well an individual fit into the environment, is
adapted to reflect the altered environment.
Population Level:
Figure: Relationship between the fuzzy system and the genetic algorithm in fuzzy
The output from the fuzzy system can be parameters being adapted or changes to the
parameters being adapted.
The parameters normally include the crossover and mutation rates, but other
parameters of genetic algorithms are also sometimes used.
The adaptation is usually conducted at the population level because of the significant
increase in computation cost at the individual level or component level.
The input to the fuzzy rule system is based on the performance measurements, which
can reflect the parameters of the genetic algorithm directly or indirectly.
Uses of Fuzzy Adaptation
When a fuzzy rule system is used to adapt the parameters of the genetic algorithm, the
genetic algorithm, generally speaking, can have better performance.
Fixed parameters or a simple and fast parameter adjustment approach should be adopted
instead. when the computation cost of the evaluation of individuals is much higher than that
of a fuzzy rule system, however, we suggest that you develop a fuzzy rule system or other
adaptive approach to dynamically adjust the parameters of the genetic algorithm.
The main run file contains only two items: the names of the GA run file
and the fuzzy rule system run file. An example of the contents of the main run file is
The file is the same as that in the evolutionary fuzzy rule system, and the file is
almost the same as that in the evolutionary fuzzy rule system except that two lines have been