3906 Qep Dec11
3906 Qep Dec11
3906 Qep Dec11
The cover illustration used for Quarterly Energy Prices and other DECC energy statistics
publications is from a photograph by Peter Askew. It was a winning entry in the DTI Sports and
Social Association’s 2002 Photographic Competition.
URN: 11D/276d
1 December 2011
Ofgem www.ofgem.gov.uk/
DEFRA www.defra.gov.uk
HM Revenue and Customs www.hmrc.gov.uk
International Energy Agency www.iea.org
Eurostat www.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/
UK Petroleum Industry Association www.ukpia.com
The United Kingdom Statistics Authority has designated these statistics as National Statistics, in accordance
with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 and signifying compliance with the UK Statistics
Authority: Code of Practice for Official Statistics.
Once statistics have been designated as National Statistics it is a statutory requirement that the Code of
Practice shall continue to be observed.
December 2011 2
List of Tables
Table 2.1.1: Retail prices index UK: fuel components in the UK
Table 2.1.2: Retail prices index UK: fuel components, relative to GDP deflator
Table 2.1.3: Retail prices index: fuel components, monthly figures *
Table 2.2.1: Average annual domestic standard electricity bills by home and non-home supplier
Table 2.2.2: Average annual domestic standard electricity bills for UK countries
Table 2.2.3: Average annual domestic standard electricity bills in 2011 for selected towns and cities in the UK
and average unit costs
Table 2.2.4: Average variable unit costs and fixed costs for electricity in 2011 for selected towns and cities in
the UK *
Table 2.3.1: Average annual domestic gas bills by home and non-home supplier
Table 2.3.2: Average annual domestic gas bills for UK countries
Table 2.3.3: Average annual domestic gas bills in 2011 for selected towns and cities in the UK and average
unit costs
Table 2.3.4: Average variable unit costs and fixed costs for gas in 2011 for selected towns and cities in Great
Britain *
Table 2.4.1: Percentage of domestic electricity customers by region by supplier type
Table 2.4.2: Regional variation of payment method for standard electricity
Table 2.4.3: Regional variation of payment method for Economy 7 electricity *
Table 2.5.1: Percentage of domestic gas customers by region by supplier type
Table 2.5.2: Regional variation of payment method for gas
Table 2.7.1: Transfer statistics in the domestic gas and electricity markets *
Table 3.1.1: Prices of fuels purchased by manufacturing industry in Great Britain (original units)
Table 3.1.2: Prices of fuels purchased by manufacturing industry in Great Britain (p/kWh) *
Table 3.1.3: Annual prices of fuels purchased by manufacturing industry (original units)
Table 3.1.4: Annual prices of fuels purchased by manufacturing industry (p/kWh) *
Table 3.2.1: Average prices of fuels purchased by the major UK power producers and of gas at UK delivery
Table 3.3.1: Fuel price indices for the industrial sector in current and real terms excluding CCL
Table 3.3.2: Fuel price indices for the industrial sector in current and real terms including CCL
Table 3.4.1: Prices of fuels purchased by non-domestic consumers in the UK excluding CCL
Table 3.4.2: Prices of fuels purchased by non-domestic consumers in the UK including CCL
Table 4.1.1: Typical retail prices of petroleum products and a crude oil price index
Table 4.1.2: Average annual retail prices of petroleum products and a crude oil price index
Table 4.1.3: Typical retail prices of petroleum products *
Table 5.1.1: Premium unleaded petrol prices in the EU
Table 5.2.1: Diesel prices in the EU
Table 5.3.1: Industrial electricity prices in the EU and G7 countries
Table 5.4.1: Industrial electricity prices in the EU for small consumers *
Table 5.4.2: Industrial electricity prices in the EU for medium consumers
Table 5.4.3: Industrial electricity prices in the EU for large consumers *
Table 5.4.4: Industrial electricity prices in the EU for extra large consumers *
Table 5.5.1: Domestic electricity prices in the EU and G7 countries
Table 5.6.1: Domestic electricity prices in the EU for small consumers *
Table 5.6.2: Domestic electricity prices in the EU for medium consumers
Table 5.6.3: Domestic electricity prices in the EU for large consumers *
Table 5.7.1: Industrial gas prices in the EU and G7 countries
Table 5.8.1: Industrial gas prices in the EU for small consumers *
Table 5.8.2: Industrial gas prices in the EU for medium consumers
Table 5.8.3: Industrial gas prices in the EU for large consumers *
Table 5.9.1: Domestic gas prices in the EU and G7 countries
Table 5.10.1: Domestic gas prices in the EU for small consumers *
Table 5.10.2: Domestic gas prices in the EU for medium consumers
Table 5.10.3: Domestic gas prices in the EU for large consumers *
(Tables marked with * are internet-only)
3 December 2011
List of Charts
Chart 2.1.1: Fuel price indices in the domestic sector in real terms Q3 2008 to Q3 2011
Chart 2.1.2: Fuel price indices in the domestic sector in real terms 1990 to 2010
Chart 2.1.3: Fuel price indices in the domestic sector in real terms 1990 to 2010
Chart 2.2.1: Average UK annual domestic standard electricity bills 2011
Chart 2.3.1: Average GB annual domestic gas bills 2011
Chart 2.4.1: Percentage of GB domestic standard credit electricity customers not with home supplier by
region, September 2011
Chart 2.4.2: Regional variation of payment method for standard electricity, September 2011
Chart 2.5.1: Percentage of domestic standard credit gas customers not with home supplier by region,
September 2011
Chart 2.5.2: Regional variation of payment method for gas, September 2011
Chart 3.1.1: Percentage price movements between Q3 2010 and Q3 2011 for HFO, electricity and gas by
size of consumer for manufacturing industry
Chart 3.1.2: Fuel prices paid by manufacturing industry in cash terms 1990 to 2010
Chart 3.2.1: Average price paid by UK power producers for coal, oil and natural gas Q3 2009 to Q3 2011
Chart 3.2.2: Average price paid in real terms by UK power producers for coal, oil and natural gas 1999 to
Chart 3.2.3: Average price of gas at UK delivery points 1990 to 2010 in real and current terms
Chart 3.3.1: Fuel price indices in real terms (excluding CCL) Q3 2009 to Q3 2011
Chart 3.3.2: Industrial fuel price indices in real terms including CCL 1990 to 2010
Chart 3.4.1: Average UK non-domestic electricity prices Q3 2011
Chart 3.4.2: Average UK non-domestic gas prices Q3 2011
Chart 4.1.1: Typical retail prices of motor spirits December 2009 to December 2011
Chart 4.1.2: Annual average retail price of motor spirit and diesel 1992 to 2011
Chart 4.1.3: Price of unleaded petrol and diesel December 2006 to December 2011
Chart 4.1.4: Typical retail prices of standard grade burning oil and gas oil to November 2011
Chart 4.2.1: Index of crude oil prices November 2006 to November 2011
Chart 5.1.1: Average EU premium unleaded petrol prices in pence per litre November 2011
Chart 5.2.1: Average EU diesel prices in pence per litre November 2011
Chart 5.3.1: Average industrial electricity prices in 2010, EU and G7
Chart 5.4.1: Average industrial electricity prices for EU medium consumers January – June 2011
Chart 5.4.2: Average industrial electricity prices in the EU by size of consumer January – June 2011
Chart 5.5.1: Average domestic electricity prices in 2010, EU and G7
Chart 5.6.1: Average domestic electricity prices for EU medium consumers January – June 2011
Chart 5.6.2: Average domestic electricity prices in the EU by size of consumer January – June 2011
Chart 5.7.1: Average industrial gas prices in 2010, EU and G7
Chart 5.8.1: Average industrial gas prices for EU medium consumers January – June 2011
Chart 5.8.2: Average industrial gas prices in the EU by size of consumer January – June 2011
Chart 5.9.1: Average domestic gas prices in 2010, EU and G7
Chart 5.10.1: Average domestic gas prices for EU medium consumers January – June 2011
Chart 5.10.2: Average domestic gas prices in the EU by size of consumer January – June 2011
December 2011 4
Update Timetable
All tables will be updated in the March 2012 edition with the following exceptions:
5 December 2011
Section 1 – Introduction
1.1 This is the forty-third issue of the ‘Quarterly Energy Prices’ publication, which covers the
price data formerly included in ‘Energy Trends’ and the ‘Digest of UK Energy Statistics’. The
publication, including all the tables as Excel files, is available on the Internet at
http://decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/statistics/publications/prices/prices.aspx. Monthly updates on
the prices of petroleum products are posted at the same address, as are any tables affected by
changes in the GDP deflator.
1.2 There are analyses of provisional Q3 2011 quarterly prices for industrial consumers and
major power producers in this issue. There are provisional annual gas and electricity bills for
domestic consumers in 2011 using our new methodology (for more details see the Energy Trends
article: http://www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/statistics/publications/trends/trends.aspx). There is
also a comparison of prices in the EU and G7 countries with those in the UK for 2010, sourced
from IEA data. The petroleum product prices are provisional December 2011 prices, whilst the
international unleaded petrol and diesel prices are for November 2011.
1.3 This issue also includes analyses of electricity and gas prices in the EU 15 and EU 27
countries compared to those in the UK, by size of consumer. These tables are based upon data
published by Eurostat, the EU statistical office, in their Statistics in Focus series. From January
2008, prices are for the 6-month periods from January – June and July – December for each year.
The tables cover the 6-month periods from January – June 2008 to January – June 2011.
1.4 The next issue, published on 29 March 2012, will present provisional Q4 2011 and annual
2011 energy prices for the manufacturing sector, industrial and domestic fuel price indices, and the
price of fuels for major power producers. There will be final annual gas and electricity bills for
domestic consumers in 2011. The petroleum product prices table will have provisional prices for
March 2012 and there will also be an analysis of international petrol and diesel prices as at
February 2012.
1.5 Data in the tables are mainly in cash prices. However, price comparisons (unless
otherwise stated) refer to movements in data in real terms. These are prices from which the
effects of inflation, as measured by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) market prices deflator,
have been removed. The GDP deflator provides an index of inflation in the whole economy and
therefore is applicable consistently to domestic and industrial prices.
1.6 For most fuels there is a difference in the prices paid by smaller consumers, typically
households, and those paid by larger consumers, usually those in the industrial sector. Indeed,
there are differences in prices between large and small industrial users. In a competitive energy
market, larger consumers can negotiate lower prices. A household’s energy demands may be
more variable through the day and year (and therefore higher in peak price times) than those of
industrial customers who use energy for continuous processes or can load manage. For these
reasons the tables show prices separately for domestic and industrial consumers. Although no
prices are given for commercial consumers, prices for the domestic sector should be fairly close to
those for smaller commercial consumers and industrial prices should provide a reasonable proxy
for larger customers in the commercial sector. The source of all data is the Department of Energy
and Climate Change unless otherwise stated.
December 2011 6
The main points in this edition are presented below:
Overall the price paid for fuel and light in real terms has risen by 8.7 per cent between Q3 2010
and Q3 2011. In that period, domestic electricity prices rose by 4.5 per cent in real terms and
gas prices rose by 9.2 per cent. The price of heating oils increased by 23.8 per cent in real
terms, whilst the price of coal and smokeless fuels rose by 2.8 per cent in real terms.
Provisional 2011 figures show that an average standard credit electricity bill increased by £37,
compared to 2010, to £472. Average direct debit and prepayment bills increased to £436 and to
£483 respectively. The average 2011 electricity bill across all payment types increased by £38
(8.9 per cent), compared to 2010, to £455.
Provisional 2011 figures show an average standard credit gas bill rose by £66, compared to
average 2010 bills, to £747. Average direct debit bills increased by £61 to £700, and
prepayment bills increased by £60 to £743. The average 2011 gas bill across all payment types
rose by £62 (9.4 per cent), compared to 2010, to £720.
At the end of September 2011, 15.8 million (61 per cent) domestic electricity customers and
12.4 million (57 per cent) domestic gas customers were no longer with their home supplier.
Average industrial electricity prices, including the Climate Change Levy (CCL), decreased in
real terms by 1.5 per cent between Q3 2010 and Q3 2011, although larger users may have
seen a price increase. Over the same period, industrial gas prices, including CCL, increased by
17.9 per cent in real terms, while average coal prices increased by 12.5 per cent in real terms.
The inclusion of CCL increases the average price of coal by 5.8 per cent and the average price
of electricity and gas by 3.7 and 3.6 per cent respectively in Q3 2011
In November 2011, average UK unleaded petrol prices, including taxes, were the sixth highest
in the EU27, at 133.2 pence per litre, when presented in a common currency basis. The highest
prices were in Greece at 142.2 pence per litre, whilst the lowest price was in Bulgaria at 100.2
pence per litre. Average UK diesel prices including taxes in November 2011 were the highest
within the EU27, at 140.3 pence per litre, whilst the lowest price was in Luxembourg at 104.6
pence per litre.
In the first half of 2011, UK industrial electricity prices, including taxes, were above the EU15
median for extra large and large consumers, equal to the median for medium consumers, and
below the median for small consumers. UK industrial gas prices were the lowest in the EU 15
for all sizebands of consumer including and excluding tax. UK domestic gas and electricity
prices, including taxes, for medium consumers were the lowest and third lowest in the EU15
The pound has depreciated against the euro by around 22 per cent between the first half of
2007 and the first half of 2011. This means that countries that use the euro will show increased
prices over that period when expressed in pounds sterling.
7 December 2011
Domestic Prices
2.1.2 UK wholesale gas prices have been on an upward trend since the early 2000’s, partly due
to upward pressure on prices in continental Europe, where gas prices are contractually linked to oil
prices. UK Continental Shelf gas production is declining, so the UK gas market is adjusting to
increasing import dependence.
2.1.3 Increases in the price of gas affect electricity prices, as gas is an important part of the UK
generation mix. Electricity prices have also risen as a result of higher international coal prices, the
recovery of wholesale electricity prices from unsustainably low levels, and the introduction of the
EU Emissions Trading scheme in 2005.
2.1.4 Gas prices to domestic consumers in real terms fell each year from 1995 to 2000 due to
the advent of competition, the reduction in VAT from 8 per cent to 5 per cent in September 1997,
and reductions in British Gas’ standard tariffs. Between 2001 and 2009, consumer prices rose
largely as a result of wholesale price increases.
2.1.5 Electricity prices to domestic consumers in real terms fell in every year between 1992 and
2003 with the exception of 1994, when VAT was introduced at 8 per cent in April. The falls were
due to a number of factors including: price controls set by Ofgem; the introduction of full
competition into the domestic supply market; the reduction in VAT in 1997; the reduction in the
Fossil Fuel Levy; and the introduction of the New Electricity Trading Arrangements. Wholesale
prices increases led to the increase in consumer electricity prices seen since 2003.
2.1.6 Heating oil prices typically follow crude oil prices. Between 2004 and 2008, prices
increased strongly, following crude oil price rises, although they began to decrease after a peak in
mid-2008. Since this fall, heating oil prices have started to increase again in 2009 and 2010, along
with crude oil prices.
2.1.7 From 1992 to 2000, prices of fuels used in motor vehicles increased in real terms year on
year. The increases in petrol prices from 1993 through to 1999 resulted chiefly from Budget
increases in the duty payable on petrol and diesel. Prices fell in real terms in 2001 and 2002, and
then started to rise again in 2003 as crude oil prices increased . Prices have continued to increase
in real terms, despite a slight fall at the start of 2009.
2.2.2 All six of the major GB energy companies increased their domestic gas and electricity
prices during the third or fourth quarter of 2011: 4 in the third quarter and 2 in the fourth quarter.
These follow gas price rises from all six companies, and electricity price rises from five of the
companies in the fourth quarter of 2010 or the first quarter of 2011.
December 2011 8
Domestic prices
2.2.3 Provisional average gas bills in 2011 were higher than 2010 bills due to the Big 6 energy
companies increases their gas prices twice in 2011. Provisional average electricity bills in 2011
were also higher than 2010 bills, again due to price rises instigated by all six major GB domestic
energy suppliers. The main impact of the price increases in late 2011 will be seen in 2012 bills.
2.2.4 The tables show gas and electricity customers on direct debit paid, on average, less than
customers on other payment methods. For domestic customers, electricity and gas bills in 2011
are, on average, higher for home suppliers (the original supplier in any given area) than for non-
home suppliers. Final estimates of 2011 bills will be published in the next edition of ‘Quarterly
Energy Prices’ in March 2012.
2.2.5 Average bills in Quarterly Energy Prices are calculated assuming annual consumptions of
3,300 kWh for standard electricity and 18,000 kWh for gas. Consistent consumption over time
enables comparisons of the effects of actual price changes to be made whilst excluding any
change in consumption. Actual average domestic consumption in both gas and electricity changes
from year to year due to changes in weather, energy efficiency improvements, etc. Estimates of
domestic consumption are published in articles in the December issues of Energy Trends:
2.3.2 The average rate of transfers in the domestic electricity market increased by 7 per cent
between Q2 2011 and Q3 2011, with an average of 396,000 transfers per month in Q3 2011,
compared to 370,000 transfers in the previous quarter. The average rate of transfers in the
domestic gas market increased by 17 per cent over the same period, averaging 318,000 transfers
per month in Q3 2011, compared to 271,000 in Q2 2011. Despite increases in the latest quarter,
the number of customers switching supplier has generally decreased in comparison to levels seen
in 2008.
2.4.3 The revised methodology for calculating gas and electricity bills is applied to 2007 data
onwards. For more information about the methodology of calculating domestic bills, see the
‘Domestic energy prices: data sources and methodology’ note on the DECC website at:
9 December 2011
Domestic Prices
2.1 Retail price of fuels for the domestic sector
Chart 2.1.1 Fuel price indices in the domestic sector in real terms Q3 2008 to Q3
The prices paid for all fuel and light
200 rose by 8.7 per cent in real terms
180 between Q3 2010 and Q3 2011.
140 Domestic electricity prices,
Index 2005=100
Q4 2008
Q1 2009
Q2 2009
Q3 2009
Q4 2009
Q1 2010
Q2 2010
Q3 2010
Q4 2010
Q1 2011
Q2 2011
Q3 2011
Chart 2.1.2 Fuel price indices in the domestic sector in real terms 1990 to 2010
December 2011 10
Domestic prices
Chart 2.1.3 Fuel price indices in the domestic sector in real terms 1990 to 2010
20 Heating oils
Source: ONS, Retail prices index
11 December 2011
Domestic Prices
Table 2.2.1: Average annual domestic electricity bills, by home and non-home supplier
Table 2.2.2: Average annual domestic electricity bills for UK countries
Table 2.2.3: Average annual domestic electricity bills for selected towns and cities in the
Table 2.3.1: Average annual domestic gas bills, by home and non-home supplier
Table 2.3.2: Average annual domestic gas bills for GB countries
Table 2.3.3: Average annual domestic gas bills for selected towns and cities in Great
Home suppliers Non-home suppliers All consumers Provisional 2011 figures show that
prepayment customers with a non-
500 home supplier, on average, paid
Standard credit Direct debit Prepayment £35 less than those with their home
December 2011 12
Domestic prices
Chart 2.4.1 Percentage of GB domestic electricity customers not with home supplier
by region, September 2011
At the end of September 2011, 15.8
million (61 per cent) domestic
70 electricity customers had transferred
60 away from their home supplier.
Percentage (%)
South Wales
Southern Scotland
Northern Scotland
East Midlands
North East
South West
North West
South East
South Wales
Southern Scotland
Northern Scotland
East Midlands
North East
South West
North West
South East
13 December 2011
Domestic Prices
2.5 Domestic gas competition
Chart 2.5.1 Percentage of domestic gas customers not with home supplier by
region, September 2011
At the end of September 2011, 12.4
million (57 per cent) domestic gas
customers in Great Britain had
60 transferred away from their home
Percentage (%)
South Western
North Western
West Midlands
North Eastern
North Thames
South Eastern
Chart 2.5.2 Regional variation of payment method for gas, September 2011
At the end of September 2011, 31
per cent of gas customers in Great
Britain paid by standard credit, 56
per cent paid by direct debit, and 13
Percentage (%)
North Western
West Midlands
North Eastern
North Thames
South Eastern
December 2011 14
Table 2.1.1 Retail prices index: fuel components
United Kingdom
Coal Fuel Petrol Fuel, light RPI
& smoke- Heating and and petrol all
less fuels Gas Electricity oils(4) light oil and oil(5) Items
Current fuel price index numbers 2005=100
1981 41.4 41.0 54.2 37.3 47.0 35.5 40.6 39.0
1982 44.4 51.1 59.5 42.4 53.5 38.3 45.5 42.3
1983 47.2 57.3 61.7 47.9 57.5 41.0 48.6 44.3
1984 50.9 59.3 62.6 48.1 59.2 42.4 50.2 46.4
1985 54.2 61.7 64.6 52.2 61.7 45.1 52.9 49.3
1986 55.8 62.8 65.9 44.9 62.5 39.2 50.1 51.0
1987 56.3 62.3 65.6 41.5 62.0 39.6 50.1 53.1
1988 56.9 62.8 69.2 37.8 63.6 39.1 50.6 55.7
1989 57.7 65.4 74.2 40.7 67.1 41.9 53.8 60.0
1990 59.9 69.9 80.2 53.0 72.5 46.9 58.9 65.7
1991 63.7 74.8 88.3 51.0 78.3 50.4 63.5 69.5
1992 66.2 74.6 92.8 44.9 80.0 51.8 65.1 72.1
1993 66.5 71.8 92.5 47.7 79.0 55.9 66.8 73.3
1994 70.8 76.1 95.6 47.7 82.4 58.5 69.8 75.1
1995 72.0 78.7 96.9 47.7 84.2 61.5 72.2 77.7
1996 72.7 78.7 96.5 52.5 84.4 64.6 74.0 79.5
1997 73.3 78.0 91.9 51.2 81.7 71.0 76.1 82.0
1998 74.0 75.3 87.7 42.9 78.2 74.5 76.4 84.8
1999 75.5 74.9 86.5 48.0 77.8 80.8 79.7 86.1
2000 76.7 73.0 84.8 67.3 77.5 91.5 85.3 88.7
2001 80.4 75.0 84.0 65.5 78.2 86.8 83.0 90.3
2002 84.5 79.7 84.4 61.8 80.6 84.0 82.6 91.8
2003 86.3 81.2 85.3 68.5 82.2 87.1 85.0 94.4
2004 90.8 87.1 90.4 77.9 88.0 91.9 90.3 97.2
2005 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2006 107.5 131.9 121.7 113.2 124.6 105.5 114.0 103.2
2007 115.2 142.1 131.4 114.2 133.4 108.4 119.5 107.6
2008 137.2 170.1 151.9 164.9 158.7 124.7 139.2 111.9
2009 161.3 193.5 158.8 126.4 168.6 114.7 129.0 111.3
2010 161.3 182.0 154.9 161.2 164.0 134.1 128.2 116.5
% Change
2009-2010 0.0 -5.9 -2.5 +27.5 -2.7 +16.8 -0.6 +4.6
2009 Q3 158.4 191.2 155.5 124.4 165.8 119.0 129.5 111.6
2009 Q4 163.1 190.8 155.0 136.4 166.2 122.7 131.5 113.0
2010 Q1 163.5 187.1 155.0 155.9 165.5 129.0 128.4 114.2
2010 Q2 160.4 179.4 154.7 160.0 162.8 137.2 128.8 116.4
2010 Q3 157.3 179.4 154.7 154.4 162.1 133.2 126.4 116.9
2010 Q4 163.9 182.2 155.0 174.3 165.5 136.8 129.5 118.2
2011 Q1 167.1 189.6 159.4 199.4 173.2 148.9 130.4 120.3
2011 Q2 166.4 190.4 161.0 206.0 174.7 155.6 129.9 122.4
2011 Q3 166.1 201.3 166.1 196.3 181.0 155.2 131.9 123.0
% Change
Q3 2010-Q3 2011 +5.6 +12.2 +7.3 +27.2 +11.6 +16.5 +4.4 +5.2
Source : Office for National Statistics
(1) Series are annually weighted. Figures include VAT where applicable. The VAT rate for coal and
coke, gas, electricity and heating oils was 8% from the 2nd quarter of 1994 and 5% from the 4th
quarter of 1997 (the rate changed during the 3rd quarter, on 1st September.)
(2) Rebased to 2005 by DECC from original ONS indices.
(3) Monthly figures are available in Table 2.1.3 on the DECC website.
(4) Including bottled gas and domestic heating oils, but excluding paraffin from February 1986.
(5) Data for the aggregate series fuel, light, petrol and oil have been recalculated using a chained index
calculated by ONS, constructed by weighting together the unpublished, within-year series for each
of the 5 component series and chain linking the resulting aggregate to obtain a long run series.
Previously this series had been derived by DECC weighting together published chain linked series.
Table 2.1.2 Retail prices index: fuel components, relative to GDP deflator (1)(2)(3)(4)
United Kingdom
Coal Fuel Petrol Fuel, light RPI
& smoke- Heating and and petrol all GDP
less fuels Gas Electricity oils(5) light oil and oil(6) Items deflator
Fuel price index numbers 2005=100 relative to the GDP deflator
1981 102.1 101.3 133.9 92.0 116.1 87.6 100.3 96.2 40.5
1982 102.1 117.5 136.8 97.4 123.1 88.0 104.5 97.3 43.5
1983 102.9 124.7 134.4 104.3 125.4 89.2 106.0 96.5 45.9
1984 106.0 123.6 130.4 100.2 123.3 88.3 104.7 96.8 48.0
1985 106.6 121.5 127.1 102.8 121.5 88.7 104.2 97.0 50.8
1986 106.3 119.7 125.6 85.5 119.1 74.7 95.5 97.1 52.5
1987 101.7 112.7 118.7 75.1 112.1 71.6 90.5 96.0 55.3
1988 96.8 106.7 117.6 64.3 108.1 66.6 86.1 94.7 58.8
1989 91.4 103.5 117.4 64.4 106.2 66.3 85.1 94.9 63.2
1990 88.0 102.8 117.9 78.0 106.7 68.9 86.6 96.6 68.0
1991 88.0 103.3 121.9 70.4 108.1 69.5 87.7 96.0 72.4
1992 88.0 99.2 123.5 59.7 106.3 68.9 86.5 95.9 75.2
1993 86.0 92.8 119.7 61.7 102.2 72.3 86.4 94.8 77.3
1994 90.2 96.9 121.8 60.8 105.0 74.5 88.9 95.6 78.5
1995 89.3 97.6 120.2 59.2 104.4 76.3 89.6 96.3 80.6
1996 86.9 94.2 115.4 62.8 100.9 77.3 88.5 95.1 83.6
1997 85.5 91.0 107.2 59.7 95.4 82.9 88.9 95.7 85.7
1998 84.5 86.1 100.2 49.0 89.4 85.2 87.3 97.0 87.5
1999 84.6 83.9 97.0 53.8 87.3 90.6 89.3 96.6 89.2
2000 85.4 81.3 94.4 74.9 86.3 101.8 95.0 98.8 89.8
2001 88.2 82.3 92.2 71.9 85.8 95.3 91.1 99.1 91.1
2002 90.5 85.4 90.4 66.2 86.3 90.0 88.4 98.3 93.4
2003 90.4 85.0 89.3 71.7 86.1 91.2 89.0 98.9 95.5
2004 92.7 89.0 92.3 79.6 89.9 93.9 92.2 99.3 97.9
2005 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2006 104.1 127.6 117.8 109.6 120.6 102.1 110.4 99.9 103.3
2007 109.0 134.4 124.3 108.0 126.2 102.5 113.1 101.8 105.7
2008 126.0 156.2 139.5 151.4 145.7 114.5 127.8 102.7 108.9
2009 145.6 174.6 143.3 114.1 152.2 103.6 116.4 100.5 110.8
2010 141.7 159.9 136.1 141.6 144.1 117.8 112.7 102.3 113.8
% Change
2009-2010 -2.6 -8.4 -5.1 +24.1 -5.3 +13.8 -3.2 +1.9 +2.7
2009 Q3 142.4 171.9 139.8 111.8 149.1 107.1 116.4 100.4 111.2
2009 Q4 146.4 171.3 139.1 122.5 149.2 110.2 118.1 101.4 111.4
2010 Q1 144.8 165.8 137.3 138.1 146.6 114.2 113.7 101.2 112.9
2010 Q2 141.6 158.3 136.6 141.2 143.7 121.1 113.7 102.7 113.3
2010 Q3 138.0 157.3 135.7 135.4 142.2 116.9 110.9 102.6 114.0
2010 Q4 142.5 158.5 134.8 151.6 143.9 119.0 112.6 102.8 115.0
2011 Q1 144.7 164.2 138.0 172.6 150.0 129.0 112.9 104.1 115.5
2011 Q2 143.3 164.0 138.6 177.4 150.5 134.1 111.9 105.4 116.1
2011 Q3 141.9 171.9 141.8 167.7 154.5 132.5 112.6 105.1 117.1
% Change
Q3 2010-Q3 2011 +2.8 +9.2 +4.5 +23.8 +8.7 +13.4 +1.6 +2.5 +2.7
Source : Office for National Statistics
(1) Series are annually weighted. Figures include VAT where applicable. The VAT rate for coal and coke,
gas, electricity and heating oils was 8% from the 2nd quarter of 1994 and 5% from the 4th quarter of
1997. The rate changed during the 3rd quarter of 1997, from 1st September.
(2) Rebased to 2005 by DECC from original ONS indices.
(3) Deflated using GDP (market prices) deflator.
(4) Monthly figures are available in Table 2.1.3 on the DECC website.
(5) Including bottled gas and domestic heating oils, but excluding paraffin from February 1986.
(6) Data for the aggregate series fuel, light, petrol and oil have been recalculated using a chained index
calculated by ONS, constructed by weighting together the unpublished, within-year series for each of
the 5 component series and chain linking the resulting aggregate to obtain a long run series.
Previously this series had been derived by DECC by weighting together published chain linked series.
Table 2.2.1 Average annual domestic standard electricity bills(1)(2) by
home(3) and non-home supplier(4)
United Kingdom Pounds
Standard credit Direct debit(5) Prepayment Overall
Home Non- Home Non- Home Non-
supp- home All cons- supp- home All cons- supp- home All cons-
liers suppliers umers liers suppliers umers liers suppliers umers UK
Cash terms
1995 .. .. 299 .. .. 295 .. .. 319 ..
1996 .. .. 297 .. .. 291 .. .. 317 ..
1997 .. .. 285 .. .. 277 .. .. 302 ..
1998 .. .. 268 .. .. 258 .. .. 285 ..
1999 266 245 264 255 233 253 281 270 281 ..
2000 260 241 257 249 231 245 275 273 274 ..
2001 255 237 250 245 227 239 268 262 267 ..
2002 256 233 249 247 223 237 270 256 265 ..
2003 258 237 250 248 226 238 268 261 266 ..
2004 265 243 257 257 231 244 281 264 274 ..
2005 295 272 285 283 256 269 309 297 304 ..
2006 343 332 338 327 302 313 355 365 359 ..
2007(7) 391 361 378 370 333 348 397 389 394 366
2008 452 414 435 431 379 400 460 447 454 421
2009 469 425 448 441 391 409 470 444 457 430
2010 456 415 435 426 383 398 458 434 446 417
2011 p 489 457 472 457 424 436 501 468 483 455
% Change
2007-2011 +25.1 +26.6 +24.9 +23.5 +27.3 +25.3 +26.2 +20.3 +22.6 +24.1
2010-2011 +7.2 +10.1 +8.5 +7.3 +10.7 +9.5 +9.4 +7.8 +8.3 +8.9
Real terms (6)
1995 .. .. 382 .. .. 377 .. .. 407 ..
1996 .. .. 366 .. .. 358 .. .. 390 ..
1997 .. .. 342 .. .. 332 .. .. 362 ..
1998 .. .. 314 .. .. 302 .. .. 334 ..
1999 305 281 303 293 268 290 323 310 323 ..
2000 295 274 292 283 262 278 312 310 311 ..
2001 283 263 278 272 252 266 298 291 297 ..
2002 276 251 268 266 240 256 291 276 286 ..
2003 270 248 262 259 236 249 280 273 278 ..
2004 271 248 262 262 235 249 287 269 280 ..
2005 295 272 285 283 256 269 309 297 304 ..
2006 333 322 328 317 293 304 344 354 348 ..
2007(7) 368 340 356 348 314 328 374 367 371 345
2008 414 379 398 394 347 366 421 409 415 385
2009 424 383 404 398 353 369 424 401 413 388
2010 400 363 381 373 336 349 402 380 391 366
2011 p 418 390 403 391 363 372 428 400 413 388
% Change
2007-2011 +13.6 +14.7 +13.2 +12.4 +15.6 +13.4 +14.4 +9.0 +11.3 +12.5
2010-2011 +4.5 +7.4 +5.8 +4.8 +8.0 +6.6 +6.5 +5.3 +5.6 +6.1
(1) Bills up to (and including) 2006 relate to total bill received in the year, e.g. covering consumption from Q4 of
the previous year to Q3 of the named year. Bills up to 1998 relate to home supplier only.
(2) All bills are calculated assuming an annual consumption of 3,300 kWh. Figures are inclusive of VAT.
(3) Home supplier denotes the former public electricity suppliers within their own distribution areas.
(4) Non-home suppliers are new entrant suppliers and the former electricity suppliers outside of their own areas.
(5) Direct debit as a payment method not widely available for earlier years.
(6) Bills deflated to 2005 terms using the GDP (market prices) deflator.
(7) Bills from 2007 on are subject to a change in methodology. Bills relate to the calendar year, i.e. covering
consumption from Q1 to Q4 of the named year. More information can be found in the methodology note at:
p 2011 bill estimates provided in this table are provisional. Final estimates will be made available in March 2012
Table 2.2.2 Average annual domestic standard electricity bills(1)(2) for UK countries
Standard credit Direct debit Prepayment
England & Northern England & Northern England & Northern
Wales Scotland Ireland Wales Scotland Ireland Wales Scotland Ireland
Cash terms
1995 299 293 346 294 290 346 319 309 373
1996 295 297 362 289 292 362 315 313 389
1997 283 283 352 275 278 352 300 296 375
1998 266 275 326 256 270 317 283 288 345
1999 260 273 326 251 264 317 279 285 345
2000 253 269 308 243 259 299 272 280 314
2001 246 267 317 236 255 307 263 276 329
2002 244 267 325 234 256 315 261 277 321
2003 245 268 325 235 259 315 261 280 320
2004 251 286 329 239 272 319 267 298 325
2005 281 313 338 265 293 325 301 316 330
2006 335 362 360 310 334 346 356 382 351
2007(5) 376 396 377 347 359 363 393 411 367
2008 433 447 456 399 403 438 452 467 444
2009 443 468 514 406 422 495 452 470 501
2010 431 457 496 395 414 477 441 459 483
2011 p 468 489 524 433 448 504 478 505 510
% Change
2007-2011 +24.5 +23.5 +39.0 +24.8 +24.8 +38.8 +21.6 +22.9 +39.0
2010-2011 +8.6 +7.0 +5.6 +9.6 +8.2 +5.7 +8.4 +10.0 +5.6
Real terms(3)
1995 382 374 442 375 370 442 407 395 476
1996 363 366 446 356 360 446 388 385 479
1997 339 339 422 330 333 422 360 355 450
1998 312 322 382 300 317 372 332 338 404
1999 299 313 374 288 303 364 320 327 396
2000 287 305 350 276 294 339 309 318 356
2001 273 297 352 262 283 341 292 307 366
2002 263 288 350 252 276 340 281 299 346
2003 256 280 340 246 271 329 273 293 335
2004 256 292 335 244 278 326 273 304 332
2005 281 313 338 265 293 325 301 316 330
2006 325 351 349 301 325 335 345 371 340
2007(5) 355 373 355 327 338 342 371 387 346
2008 396 409 417 365 369 401 414 427 407
2009 400 423 464 366 381 446 408 424 452
2010 377 400 434 346 363 418 386 402 424
2011 p 400 418 447 370 383 431 409 432 436
% Change
2007-2011 +12.7 +12.1 +25.9 +13.1 +13.3 +26.0 +10.2 +11.6 +26.0
2010-2011 +6.1 +4.5 +3.0 +6.9 +5.5 +3.1 +6.0 +7.5 +2.8
(1) Bills up to (and including) 2006 relate to total bill received in the year, i.e. covering consumption from Q4
of the previous year to Q3 of the named year. Bills up to 1998 relate to home supplier only.
(2) All bills are calculated assuming an annual consumption of 3,300 kWh. Figures are inclusive of VAT.
(3) Bills deflated to 2005 terms using the GDP (market prices) deflator.
(4) Direct debit as a payment method not widely available for earlier years.
(5) Bills from 2007 on are subject to a change in methodology. Bills relate to the calendar year, i.e. covering
consumption from Q1 to Q4 of the named year. More information can be found in the methodology note at:
p 2011 bill estimates provided in this table are provisional. Final estimates will be made available in March 2012
Table 2.2.3 Average annual domestic standard electricity bills(1) in 2011(7)
for selected towns and cities in the UK with average unit costs (2)
Pence per kWh and pounds
Payment type Credit Direct debit Prepayment
Town/city(3) Bill range(4) Unit cost Bill Unit cost Bill Unit cost Bill
Largest 17.06 563 14.96 494 15.78 521
Aberdeen Average 14.52 479 13.68 452 14.71 486
Smallest 14.31 472 12.51 413 14.46 477
Belfast Average(5) 15.86 524 15.27 504 15.46 510
Largest 16.05 530 13.79 455 15.29 504
Birmingham Average 14.20 469 13.06 431 14.38 474
Smallest 13.53 446 12.32 406 13.74 453
Largest 16.09 531 13.88 458 14.99 495
Canterbury Average 13.85 457 12.92 426 14.04 463
Smallest 13.40 442 12.19 402 13.62 449
Largest 15.31 505 14.80 488 15.99 528
Cardiff Average 14.71 485 13.85 457 14.76 487
Smallest 14.53 480 13.32 440 14.56 481
Largest 16.39 541 14.45 477 16.39 541
Edinburgh Average 14.93 493 13.52 446 15.48 511
Smallest 14.02 463 12.80 423 14.24 470
Largest 15.77 520 14.50 479 15.43 509
Ipswich Average 14.13 466 13.04 430 14.30 472
Smallest 13.35 441 12.14 401 13.59 449
Largest 15.95 526 13.76 454 15.18 501
Leeds Average 13.83 456 12.66 418 13.99 462
Smallest 12.88 425 11.67 385 13.32 440
Largest 16.91 558 14.84 490 16.91 558
Liverpool Average 15.30 505 13.70 452 15.94 526
Smallest 14.23 470 13.10 432 14.23 470
Largest 16.00 528 13.93 460 14.73 486
London Average 14.06 464 12.98 428 14.20 469
Smallest 13.88 458 12.93 427 13.91 459
Largest 16.22 535 14.15 467 15.03 496
Manchester Average 14.32 473 13.09 432 14.58 481
Smallest 13.59 448 12.38 408 13.61 449
Largest 15.55 513 13.62 449 15.03 496
Newcastle Average 13.91 459 12.76 421 14.08 465
Smallest 13.21 436 12.45 411 13.31 439
Largest 15.69 518 13.69 452 14.73 486
Nottingham Average 14.10 465 13.03 430 14.35 474
Smallest 13.58 448 12.76 421 13.48 445
Largest 15.14 500 14.84 490 15.78 521
Plymouth Average 14.76 487 13.73 453 14.92 492
Smallest 14.41 476 13.20 436 14.61 482
Largest 16.30 538 14.05 464 15.24 503
Southampton Average 14.00 462 13.17 434 14.23 470
Smallest 13.77 454 12.56 414 14.05 464
Largest in any region 17.06 563 15.27 504 16.91 558
UK(6) Average 14.29 472 13.20 436 14.64 483
Smallest in any region 12.88 425 11.67 385 13.31 439
(1) All bills are calculated assuming an annual consumption of 3,300 kWh. Bills and unit costs reflect the prices of all
suppliers and include standing charges. Figures are inclusive of VAT. Bills relate to calendar year, i.e.covering
consumption from Q1 to Q4 of the named year
(2) Unit costs are calculated by dividing the bills shown by the relevant consumption levels.
(3) The towns/cities specified indicate which electricity region these bills apply to. (See Table A2 in Annex A)
(4) Largest and smallest bills: Taking a subset of tariffs which are available to all customers within a region and have
been open throughout the year with at least 200 customers - broadly speaking this excludes all fixed tariffs running
from previous years, social and short-term internet tariffs - the largest and smallest bills have been identified as the
maximum and minimum tariff they relate to within that region.
(5) There is only limited competition in electricity in Belfast, therefore no smallest/largest tariffs are available.
(6) For the UK, the largest and smallest bills may relate to tariffs not available within all regions.
(7) 2011 bill estimates provided in this table are provisional. Final estimates will be made available in March 2012
Table 2.3.1 Average annual domestic gas bills(1)(2) by home(3) and non-home
Great Britain Pounds
Standard credit Direct debit(5) Prepayment Overall
Home Non- Home Non- Home Non-
supp- home All cons- supp- home All cons- supp- home All cons-
liers suppliers umers liers suppliers umers liers suppliers umers GB
Cash terms
1995 .. .. 327 .. .. 311 .. .. 347 ..
1996 330 306 330 308 288 308 350 350 350 ..
1997 329 278 328 307 266 307 349 336 349 ..
1998 320 263 315 281 249 277 331 326 331 ..
1999 316 263 305 274 250 268 317 327 318 ..
2000 309 260 295 272 247 264 309 323 311 ..
2001 308 261 293 274 247 266 308 319 309 ..
2002 326 273 310 295 258 281 327 327 327 ..
2003 335 289 320 302 275 292 335 343 336 ..
2004 344 309 333 317 296 309 355 342 351 ..
2005 402 354 386 364 338 353 406 387 401 ..
2006 510 427 474 453 400 424 515 467 498 ..
2007(7) 545 525 536 478 490 485 586 553 573 515
2008 625 624 625 576 581 579 668 630 651 604
2009 715 697 708 665 645 652 755 724 739 683
2010 689 671 681 659 628 639 687 679 683 658
2011 p 760 730 747 732 684 700 762 727 743 720
% Change
2007-2011 +39.4 +39.0 +39.4 +53.1 +39.6 +44.3 +30.0 +31.5 +29.7 +39.8
2010-2011 +10.3 +8.8 +9.7 +11.1 +8.9 +9.5 +10.9 +7.1 +8.8 +9.4
Real terms (6)
1995 .. .. 418 .. .. 397 .. .. 443 ..
1996 406 377 406 379 355 379 431 431 431 ..
1997 394 333 393 368 319 368 418 403 418 ..
1998 375 308 369 329 292 325 388 382 388 ..
1999 363 302 350 315 287 308 364 375 365 ..
2000 351 295 335 309 280 300 351 367 353 ..
2001 342 290 326 305 275 296 342 355 343 ..
2002 351 294 334 318 278 303 353 353 353 ..
2003 350 302 335 316 288 305 350 359 351 ..
2004 351 315 339 324 302 315 362 349 358 ..
2005 402 354 386 364 338 353 406 387 401 ..
2006 495 414 460 440 388 412 500 453 484 ..
2007(7) 514 495 505 450 461 457 552 521 540 486
2008 572 571 572 527 532 530 612 577 595 553
2009 646 629 639 600 582 588 682 654 667 616
2010 604 588 597 577 550 559 602 595 598 577
2011 p 650 624 639 626 585 599 651 622 635 616
% Change
2007-2011 +26.5 +26.1 +26.5 +39.1 +26.9 +31.1 +17.9 +19.4 +17.6 +26.9
2010-2011 +7.6 +6.1 +7.0 +8.5 +6.4 +7.2 +8.1 +4.5 +6.2 +6.9
(1) Bills up to (and including) 2006 relate to total bill received in the year, i.e. covering consumption from Q4 of the
previous year to Q3 of the named year. Bills to 1995 for home supplier only (i.e. British Gas).
(2) All bills are calculated using an annual consumption of 18,000 kWh. Figures are inclusive of VAT.
(3) Home supplier denotes British Gas Trading.
(4) Non-home suppliers are all other suppliers.
(5) Direct debit as a payment method not widely available for earlier years.
(6) Bills deflated to 2005 terms using the GDP (market prices) deflator.
(7) Bills from 2007 on are subject to a change in methodology. Bills relate to the calendar year, i. e. covering
consumption from Q1 to Q4 of the named year. The assumed gas consumption pattern has also been altered
to more accurately reflect real consumption patterns. More information can be found in the methodology note
at: http://www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/statistics/prices/prices.aspx
p 2011 bill estimates provided in this table are provisional. Final estimates will be made available in March 2012
Table 2.3.2 Average annual domestic gas bills(1)(2) for GB countries
Standard Credit Direct debit Prepayment
England & England & England &
Wales Scotland Wales Scotland Wales Scotland
Cash terms
1998 315 313 277 275 331 331
1999 304 307 268 268 318 318
(1) Bills upto (and including) 2006 relate to total bill received in the year, i.e. covering consumption from
Q4 of the previous year to Q3 of the named year.
(2) All bills are calculated using an annual consumption of 18,000 kWh. Figures are inclusive of VAT.
(3) Prior to 1998, average bills for England & Wales and Scotland were all the same as the GB
averages given in Table 2.3.1.
(4) Bills deflated to 2005 terms using the GDP (market prices) deflator.
(5) Bills from 2007 on are subject to a change in methodology. Bills relate to the calendar year, i.e.
covering consumption from Q1 to Q4 of the named year. The assumed gas consumption pattern has
also been altered to more accurately reflect real consumption patterns. More information can be found
in the methodology note at: http://www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/statistics/prices/prices.aspx
p 2011 bill estimates provided in this table are provisional. Final estimates will be made available in
March 2012
Table 2.3.3 Average annual domestic gas bills(1) in 2011(6) for selected towns and
cities in the UK with average unit costs (2)
Pence per kWh and pounds
Payment type Credit Direct debit Prepayment
Town/city(3) Bill range(4) Unit Cost Bill Unit Cost Bill Unit Cost Bill
Largest 4.55 818 4.06 730 4.21 757
Aberdeen Average 4.12 742 3.85 693 4.10 738
Smallest 3.87 696 3.57 643 3.89 700
Largest 4.45 801 4.19 754 4.34 781
Birmingham Average 4.18 753 3.90 702 4.16 750
Smallest 3.87 696 3.66 658 3.89 700
Largest 4.56 821 4.19 754 4.33 779
Canterbury Average 4.18 752 3.92 706 4.13 743
Smallest 3.87 696 3.66 658 3.89 700
Largest 4.61 830 4.14 744 4.22 760
Cardiff Average 4.14 746 3.95 711 4.14 746
Smallest 3.87 696 3.66 658 3.89 700
Largest 4.55 818 4.06 730 4.21 757
Edinburgh Average 4.12 742 3.85 693 4.10 738
Smallest 3.87 696 3.57 643 3.89 700
Largest 4.62 831 4.14 744 4.23 761
Ipswich Average 4.12 741 3.87 696 4.10 738
Smallest 3.87 696 3.66 658 3.89 700
Largest 4.55 818 4.16 749 4.31 776
Leeds Average 4.11 740 3.84 692 4.08 734
Smallest 3.87 696 3.65 657 3.89 700
Largest 4.61 830 4.14 744 4.28 771
Liverpool Average 4.14 745 3.87 696 4.14 746
Smallest 3.87 696 3.66 658 3.89 700
Largest 4.60 828 4.18 753 4.33 780
London Average 4.21 757 3.97 714 4.17 750
Smallest 3.87 696 3.66 658 3.89 700
Largest 4.61 830 4.14 744 4.28 771
Manchester Average 4.14 745 3.87 696 4.14 746
Smallest 3.87 696 3.66 658 3.89 700
Largest 4.49 808 4.16 749 4.31 776
Newcastle Average 4.15 747 3.85 693 4.13 744
Smallest 3.87 696 3.62 651 3.89 700
Largest 4.62 831 4.14 744 4.20 756
Nottingham Average 4.08 735 3.83 689 4.09 737
Smallest 3.87 696 3.59 646 3.89 700
Largest 4.55 818 4.14 744 4.24 763
Plymouth Average 4.14 745 3.91 704 4.09 736
Smallest 3.87 696 3.66 658 3.89 700
Largest 4.59 827 4.20 755 4.35 782
Southampton Average 4.21 758 3.96 713 4.16 750
Smallest 3.87 696 3.74 673 3.89 700
Largest in any region 4.62 831 4.20 755 4.35 782
Great Britain Average 4.15 747 3.89 700 4.13 743
Smallest in any region 3.87 696 3.57 643 3.89 700
(1) All bills are calculated assuming an annual consumption of 18,000 kWh. Bills and unit costs reflect the prices of all suppliers
and include standing charges and VAT. Bills relate to the calendar year, e.g. covering consumption from Q1 to Q4 of the named
(2) Unit costs are calculated by dividing the bills shown by the relevant consumption levels.
(3) The towns/cities specified indicate which gas region these bills apply to. (See Table A2 in Annex A)
(4) Largest and smallest bills: Taking a subset of tariffs which are available to all customers within a region and have been open
throughout the year with at least 200 customers - broadly excluding fixed tariffs running from previous years, social, and short-term
internet tariffs - the largest and smallest bills have been identified as the maximum and minimum tariff they relate to within that
(5) For Great Britain, the largest and smallest bills may relate to tariffs not available within all regions.
(6) 2011 bill estimates provided in this table are provisional. Final estimates will be made available in March 2012
Table 2.4.1 Percentage of domestic electricity customers (1) by region(2) by supplier
type(3), September 2011
Per cent
Credit Direct debit Prepayment All Payment Types
Home Non-home Home Non-home Home Non-home Home Non-home
supplier supplier supplier supplier supplier supplier supplier supplier
West Midlands 37 63 28 72 30 70 31 69
North East 38 62 30 70 25 75 31 69
Yorkshire 37 63 28 72 29 71 31 69
North West 41 59 26 74 32 68 32 68
East Midlands 44 56 30 70 35 65 35 65
East Anglia 45 55 31 69 30 70 35 65
South East 43 57 32 68 40 60 36 64
Merseyside & N Wales 42 58 32 68 46 54 38 62
South West 48 52 34 66 47 53 40 60
London 45 55 38 62 47 53 42 58
Southern Scotland 46 54 41 59 58 42 46 54
Southern 63 37 46 54 54 46 52 48
South Wales 67 33 55 45 75 25 62 38
Northern Scotland 80 20 60 40 67 33 68 32
Great Britain(4) 46 54 35 65 42 58 39 61
Table 2.5.1 Percentage of domestic gas customers by region(1) by supplier type(2)(3),
September 2011
Per cent
(1) The regions used in this table are the local distribution zones of Transco.
(2) Home supplier denotes British Gas Trading.
(3) Non-home suppliers are all other suppliers.
(4) Gas is not yet widely available in Northern Ireland and so the region has been excluded from this table.
Industrial prices
3.1.2 In general, average fuel prices increased each year between 2004 and 2008, fell in 2009,
and rose once more in 2010. The exception was electricity, where average prices rose in 2009
and fell in 2010. Prices of most fuels follow the price of crude oil, which has been on an upward
trend since 2004 apart from a fall in 2009.
3.2.2 Gas wholesale prices were high and extremely volatile during winter 2005/2006, driven by
tightness of supply due to an incident at the UK's largest storage facility, cold weather, and variable
imports through the Interconnector. Prices started to fall in Q3 2006, due to forecasts for a mild
winter, and infrastructure projects coming on-line. By summer 2007, prices were close to, or
below, 2005's prices. However, due to volatile and high oil prices, gas prices in 2008 did not show
their usual seasonal fall in spring/summer, and were considerably above 2006 & 2007 levels,
almost equalling 2005 prices by the end of the year. Prices in 2009 started high but showed the
usual seasonal pattern once more. Wholesale prices in 2010 were above 2009’s prices but below
the highs of 2008. In 2011, gas prices have been high and have not shown the usual seasonal
summer fall.
3.2.3 The sharp rise in gas wholesale prices at the end of 2005 resulted in a number of electricity
generators switching towards coal-fired generation. In 2007 this trend reversed as gas prices fell
and coal prices rose. Wholesale coal prices increased sharply in the last quarter of 2007 and
stayed high in 2008, peaking at over $200/tonne in July before falling towards the end of the year.
25 December 2011
Industrial prices
Coal prices were lower in 2009, although they rose in 2010. Use of coal for generation decreased
each year from 2007 to 2009 but was up slightly in 2010. Gas used for generation increased in
2007 and 2008, fell in 2009, but rose again in 2010 as nuclear generation fell. In the first 3 quarters
of 2011, gas used for generation has fallen as prices have increased. Since 2008, gas has been
the dominant fuel used for electricity generation.
3.2.4 Oil purchased for generation, like all generation fuels, is more likely to be purchased on
longer-term contracts. This, coupled with the mix of oils purchased, means that oil for generation
is less closely related to spot prices than other industrial users’ contracts. Between 2000 and
2010, the price of oil for generation more than tripled.
3.4.1 Gas and electricity prices in the non-domestic sector, both including and excluding CCL,
are presented in Tables 3.4.1 and 3.4.2. The data are available for various sizes of consumer from
Q1 2004 onwards. Note that the sizebands from Q1 2006 onwards are slightly different from Q1
2004 to Q4 2005, with a new extra large electricity size band included from Q1 2007.
3.4.2 Average electricity prices, including CCL, increased in each quarter between the second
quarter of 2004 and the first quarter of 2009, then fell from the second quarter of 2009 onwards,
except for the third quarter of 2010 when they showed a small increase. Average prices in Q3
2011 have risen by 6 per cent on Q2. Average gas prices, including CCL, show prices generally
rising, but showing a slight seasonal decrease in the second and third quarter of each year. This
decrease was not shown in 2008 due to high wholesale gas prices, but showed once more in 2009
and 2010. In Q2 2011 prices were higher than in Q1 2011, which suggested that the usual
seasonal effect may once again be absent, but average prices in Q3 2011 have fallen 8 per cent
on Q2, and are lower than Q1 2011.
3.5.1 Some changes have been made to the Quarterly Fuels Inquiry survey because of the
declining quality of non-gas and non-electricity data. For example, since Q2 2008 the heavy fuel
oil large sizeband has been published without an extra large/moderately large split.
3.5.2 From Q1 2010, we have ceased to publish all but a large user and an average price for
coal. This is due to the continued fall in the number of companies reporting coal data. We will
provide an average price with the provisional figure for each quarter, and add a large user price
when the final figures are published the following quarter, provided the sample size is sufficient.
3.5.3 We will continue to evaluate the viability of the price series and will aim to give notice of our
intent to discontinue any series in the future. Feedback from users on the specific uses of the
series in this table is welcome to assist our planning. If you have any comments please contact Jo
Marvin, 0300 068 5049, jo.marvin@decc.gsi.gov.uk
December 2011 26
Industrial prices
Table 3.1.1: Quarterly prices of fuels purchased by manufacturing industry (original units)
Table 3.1.2: Quarterly prices of fuels purchased by manufacturing industry (p/kWh) *
Table 3.1.3: Annual prices of fuels purchased by manufacturing industry (original units)
Table 3.1.4: Annual prices of fuels purchased by manufacturing industry (p/kWh) *
Chart 3.1.1 Percentage price movements between Q3 2010 and Q3 2011 for heavy
fuel oil (HFO), electricity and gas, by size of consumer, for manufacturing industry
Medium gas
Extra large
Medium elec
Large HFO
Small gas
Small elec
Medium HFO
Large gas
Small HFO
Chart 3.1.2: Fuel prices for manufacturing industry, in cash terms 1990 to 2010
Coal Data for 2010 shows that over
7.0 Gas the past five years (2005 to
6.0 Electricity 2010), average industrial
Heavy Fuel Oil electricity prices have risen by
5.0 54 per cent (35 per cent in real
pence per kWh
27 December 2011
Industrial prices
Table 3.2.1: Average price of fuels purchased by the major UK power producers and of
gas at UK delivery points
Chart 3.2.1: Average price paid by UK power producers for coal, oil and natural gas
Q3 2009 to Q3 2011
Oil Between Q3 2010 and Q3 2011 the
4.5 Natural gas price of coal for power stations has
4.0 Coal increased by 31.1 per cent in cash
terms, whilst the price of gas has
increased by 30.0 per cent. Over
pence per kWh
Q4 2009
Q1 2010
Q2 2010
Q3 2010
Q4 2010
Q1 2011
Q2 2011
Q3 2011
Chart 3.2.2: Average price paid in real(1) terms by UK power producers for coal, oil
and natural gas 1999 to 2010
Compared to 2005, the annual
3.4 average real terms price of natural
3.0 Oil gas used by major power producers
2.8 Natural gas in 2010 has increased by 26 per
Coal cent, whilst the price of coal has
increased by 59 per cent. The
pence per kWh
2.0 annual average cost of oil has
increased by 59 per cent in real
1.4 terms since 2005.
0.8 Oil prices tend to fluctuate more
0.6 than coal and gas prices over the
0.4 year, and increased in 2010 by 53
0.0 per cent in real terms. In
comparison the annual average
December 2011 28
Industrial prices
Chart 3.2.3: Average price of gas(1) at UK delivery points 1990 to 2010 in real(2) and
current terms
160 The average price of gas at UK
Real terms delivery points increased by 59 per
Current prices
cent in real terms between 1990
120 and 2010.
Index 2005 = 100
Between 2000 and 2010, the price
80 of gas increased by 101 per cent
60 in real terms, and it increased by
23 per cent in real terms between
2005 and 2010.
At this time, the price of gas at UK
delivery points for 2009 and 2010
is an estimate.
29 December 2011
Industrial prices
3.3 Fuel price indices for the industrial sector
Table 3.3.1: Fuel price indices for the industrial sector excluding CCL
Table 3.3.2: Fuel price indices for the industrial sector including CCL
Chart 3.3.1 Fuel price indices in real terms excluding the Climate Change Levy from
Q3 2009 to Q3 2011
Average industrial electricity prices
300 excluding the Climate Change Levy
(CCL), fell in real terms by 1.7 per
250 cent between Q3 2010 and Q3
2011, whilst industrial gas prices
Index 2005 = 100
excluding CCL rose by 17.7 per
cent in real terms.
Q4 2009
Q1 2010
Q2 2010
Q3 2010
Q4 2010
Q1 2011
Q2 2011
Q3 2011
Chart 3.3.2: Industrial fuel price indices in real terms including the Climate Change
Levy 1990 to 2010
Compared to 2000, the average
Coal price of heavy fuel oil in 2010 has
Heavy fuel oil increased by 194 per cent in real
200 Gas terms, with an increase of 103 per
Electricity cent since 2005.
price of gas, including CCL, has
increased by 125 per cent in real
terms since 2000, but by only 8 per
cent since 2005.
The average price of electricity,
including CCL, has risen by 69 per
0 cent in real terms since 2000, and
by 44 per cent since 2005.
December 2011 30
Industrial prices
3.4 Gas and electricity prices for the non-domestic sector in the UK
Table 3.4.1: Price of fuels purchased by non-domestic consumers in the UK (excluding the
Climate Change Levy)
Table 3.4.2: Price of fuels purchased by non-domestic consumers in the UK (including the
Climate Change Levy)
Extra Large
Very Large
Very Small
The inclusion of CCL increases the
1.5 average price of gas by between 1
and 6 per cent.
31 December 2011
Table 3.1.1 Prices of fuels purchased by manufacturing industry in Great Britain
Excluding the Climate Change Levy
Original units
2009 2010 2011
Size of 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd
Fuel consumer quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter p
Coal(6)(10) Small 4.57 4.60 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
(£ per GJ) Medium 2.97 3.11 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Large 1.92 2.11 2.14 2.40 2.38 2.53 2.51 2.72 ..
All consumers: Average 2.10 2.29 2.38 2.61 2.60 2.74 2.71 2.97r 3.03
median(2) 3.92 3.83 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Heavy fuel oil Small 411.3 454.7 491.2 526.6 514.1 510.5 589.5r 634.0r 632.9
(£ per tonne) Medium 391.3 428.8 456.4 468.9 450.3 468.3 494.2 571.8r 570.2
Large 388.1 433.2 443.3 471.7 468.1 494.1 538.9 583.8r 578.5
Of which: Extra large .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Moderately large .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
All consumers: Average 392.3 434.5 454.1 477.9 467.9 487.2 530.0r 586.3r 582.7
median(2) 387.4 440.3 468.5 495.4 494.3 492.1 556.9r 599.5r 601.5
Gas oil Small 517.9 581.4 580.8 625.1 605.1 659.8 746.7 798.0r 796.2
(£ per tonne) Medium 507.2 539.8 590.1 636.9 595.8 662.2 762.9 778.5r 772.2
Large 475.5 508.9 563.1 583.2 568.5 639.1 702.6r 760.2r 744.0
All consumers: Average 481.4 515.3 567.6 592.3 573.5 643.1 712.6r 763.8r 749.6
median(2) 501.2 537.9 578.2 621.2 593.7 652.1 746.4r 784.5r 782.6
Electricity Small 9.76 9.53 8.86 8.93 8.70 8.69 8.48 8.85r 9.02
(Pence per kWh) Medium 8.73 8.20 7.59 7.44 7.42 7.48 7.62 7.54r 7.55
Large 6.17 6.14 6.10 5.63 5.82 6.31 6.32 6.39r 6.34
Of which: Extra large 4.84 5.12 5.35 4.81 5.00 5.55 5.58 5.64r 5.73
Moderately large 7.20 6.92 6.68 6.26 6.45 6.90 6.90r 6.96r 6.81
All consumers: Average 7.02 6.85 6.64 6.27 6.39 6.74 6.77 6.82r 6.80
10% decile(2) 5.98 6.15 6.12 5.82 6.05 6.44 6.49 6.56 6.60
median(2) 9.37 8.48 7.91 7.69 7.75 7.62 7.68 7.90r 7.88
90% decile(2) 12.65 12.44 11.28 11.11 10.56 10.21 9.53 9.85r 10.14
Gas(4) Small 2.884 2.634 2.724 2.845 2.977 2.763 2.742r 2.820r 2.988
(Pence per kWh) Medium 2.470 2.389 2.255 2.220 2.287 2.241 2.279r 2.481r 2.523
Large 1.507 1.632 1.658 1.479 1.560 1.822 1.957 2.032r 1.993
All consumers: Average 1.590 1.738 1.778 1.590 1.630 1.894 2.031r 2.098r 2.043
Firm(5) 1.630 1.797 1.870 1.703 1.747 2.016 2.137r 2.192r 2.151
Interruptible 1.558 1.685 1.668 1.467 1.536 1.783 1.918 2.001r 1.958
10% decile(2) 1.375 1.375 1.492 1.492 1.510 1.748 1.866 1.971r 1.974
median(2) 2.546 2.468 2.237 2.280 2.337 2.297 2.293r 2.477r 2.642
90% decile(2) 5.229 2.237 4.148 2.337 4.717 4.145 3.992 4.054 5.385
Table 3.1.3 Annual prices of fuels purchased by manufacturing industry in
Great Britain excluding the Climate Change Levy
Original units
Size of consumer 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Coal(6)(10) Small 62.69 73.85 78.21 79.58 95.83 120.19 ..
(£ per tonne) Medium 52.99 63.13 62.68 61.95 74.03 82.23 ..
Large 35.09 41.17 40.03 43.43 57.44 54.82 65.46
All consumers: Average 37.88 44.57 43.63 46.49 60.31 59.60 70.90
Heavy fuel oil(3)(6)(9) Small 167.6 236.7 297.6 300.5 483.0 421.9 506.9
(£ per tonne) Medium 157.4 215.6 255.4 275.1 425.9 378.6 461.0
Large 147.8 188.5 254.5 258.3 348.2 376.5 469.6
Of which: Extra large 146.8 182.6 254.8 249.8 .. .. ..
Moderately large 149.5 199.4 254.1 273.8 .. .. ..
All consumers: Average 153.7 204.3 260.5 269.7 392.9 383.2 471.5
Gas oil(3) Small 273.1 357.5 429.8 430.0 632.8 507.6 618.6
(£ per tonne) Medium 261.0 346.1 414.3 427.4 617.8 506.0 620.4
Large 249.4 318.1 387.1 394.5 588.0 481.8 588.0
All consumers: Average 251.7 323.3 392.2 400.3 593.6 486.0 593.6
Electricity Small 4.634 5.631 6.964 7.574 8.661 9.817 8.804
(Pence per kWh) Medium 3.574 4.663 6.138 6.600 7.366 8.836 7.484
Large 2.835 3.964 5.154 4.850 6.490 6.484 5.964
Of which: Extra large 2.666 3.742 4.687 3.982 5.533 5.078 5.180
Moderately large 2.966 4.137 5.514 5.521 7.230 7.571 6.570
All consumers: Average 3.126 4.237 5.507 5.449 6.836 7.270 6.512
Gas(4) Small 1.357 1.650 2.307 2.438 2.896 2.931 2.793
(Pence per kWh) Medium 1.175 1.539 2.084 2.081 2.379 2.534 2.242
Large 0.922 1.360 1.754 1.370 2.056 1.797 1.642
All consumers: Average 0.961 1.387 1.804 1.474 2.114 1.906 1.738
Firm 1.019 1.458 1.853 1.644 2.205 2.000 1.861
Interruptible 0.912 1.327 1.763 1.332 2.038 1.827 1.635
For notes see notes page
Notes for Tables 3.1.1 to 3.1.4
(1) Average prices paid (exclusive of VAT) by respondents to a Department of Energy and Climate Change
(DECC) survey of some 800 manufacturing sites. The average price for each size of
consumer is obtained by dividing the total quantity of purchases, for each fuel, into their total value.
Prices vary widely around the average values shown (see footnote 2). Purchases of fuels used as raw
materials in manufacturing are excluded. For further details, see Annex A.
(2) The 10% decile is the point within the complete range of prices below which the bottom 10% of those
prices fall. Similarly the 90% decile is the point above which the top 10% of prices occur. The median is
the midway point. Thus, these values show the spread of prices paid. The deciles and the median are
calculated by giving equal 'weight' to each purchaser, whereas the average prices, for each size-band
and all consumers are given 'weight' according to the quantity purchased. The 10% and 90% deciles
are not published from Q1 2005 onwards, except for gas and electricity.
(3) Oil product prices include hydrocarbon oil duty. From 1 September 2009 the effective duty rates per tonne
are £104.94 for Heavy Fuel Oil and £124.52 for gas oil.
(4) Covers all supplies of natural gas including, for example, those purchased direct from onshore/offshore
gas fields. Respondents purchasing more than one type of supply (firm contract and interruptible
contract) are treated as separate entities in respect of each type of supply.
(5) From Q1 1998 tariff gas prices are not collected separately and are included in the firm contract prices.
The 90% decile and average firm contract price will be affected by contributors who previously had
separate contracts for tariff and firm contract gas. In Q4 1997, tariff gas represented a weight of around
1% of the sample.
(6) It should be noted that prices for these fuels are drawn from small samples.
(7) Excludes breeze and blast furnace supplies.
(8) Following a consultation with users, this data is no longer published.
(9) Extra-large and moderately large splits are no longer published (from Q2 2008)
(10) Only large and average prices are published (from Q1 2010). Average prices will be produced with the
provisional prices, large prices with the final prices.
Prices are shown for various sizes of consumers. These sizebands are defined in terms of the approximate annual
purchases by the consumers purchasing them, as shown in the table below
Range of annual purchases of which:
Fuel Large Extra large Moderately Medium Small
Greater than Greater than Less than
Coal (tonnes) 7,600 n/a n/a 760 to 7,600 760
Heavy fuel oil (tonnes) 4,900 15,000 4,900 to 15,000 490 to 4,900 490
Gas oil (tonnes) 175 n/a n/a 35 to 175 35
Electricity (thousand kWh) 8,800 150,000 8,800 to 150,000 880 to 8,800 880
Gas* (thousand kWh) 8,800 n/a n/a 1,500 to 8,800 1,500
*Respondents purchasing more than one type of supply (firm contract and interruptible contract) are
treated as separate entities in respect of each type of supply.
The Climate Change Levy (CCL) came into effect in April 2001. Information on the operation of the CCL
is available on the HM Revenue and Customs web site at http://www.hmrc.gov.uk
Although data from the Quarterly Fuels Inquiry cannot currently be used to produce estimates of the amount
of levy paid by size of consumer, it has been used to give an estimate of the average amount of levy paid
for coal. Data from suppliers has been used to produce estimates of the average amount of
levy paid on gas and electricity.
Table of the average amount of Climate Change Levy paid by fuel type(i)
Fuel Full rate of Levy(ii) Average amount paid (iii)
Q4/10 Q1/11 Q2/11 Q3/11
Coal £13.21/tonne £5.8/tonne £5.8/tonne £6.0/tonne £6.0/tonne
Electricity 0.485p/kWh 0.26p/kWh 0.27p/kWh 0.29p/kWh 0.30p/kWh
Gas 0.169p/kWh 0.08p/kWh 0.08p/kWh 0.09p/kWh 0.09p/kWh
LPG £10.83/tonne .. .. .. ..
(i) The full levy rate for coke is £12.81 per tonne, however, in practice most use of coke by manufacturers is
exempt from the levy.
(ii) The levy rates shown here are the rates from April 2011. Previous rates are shown in Annex A
(iii) estimated
Table 3.2.1 Average prices of fuels purchased by the major UK power
(1) (2)
producers and of gas at UK delivery points
United Kingdom
Major power producers(1) Natural gas at UK delivery points(7)(8)
Coal(3) Oil(4)(5) gas(6) Including levy(9) Excluding levy(9)
£ per pence £ per pence pence
tonne per kWh tonne per kWh per kWh pence per kWh pence per kWh
1992 45.84 0.660 57.76 0.481 .. 0.595 0.549
1993 42.44 0.611 55.91 0.472 0.706 0.556 0.523
1994 36.35 0.528 67.90 0.526 0.667 0.588 0.564
1995 35.11 0.500 81.12 0.684 0.643 0.584 0.561
1996 35.22 0.507 84.15 0.709 0.628 0.592 0.571
1997 33.74 0.474 89.75 0.746 0.647 0.593 0.576
1998 30.17 0.421 71.87 0.599 0.656 0.560 0.560
1999 29.01 0.405 85.84 0.715 0.613 0.468 0.468
2000 29.35 0.406 120.96 1.010 0.595 0.534 0.534
2001 32.20 0.444 118.59 0.981 0.664 0.647 0.647
2002 29.66 0.409 127.92 1.061 0.609 0.601 0.601
2003 28.11 0.389 158.40 1.308 0.682 0.650 0.650
2004 32.61 0.450 145.60 1.205 0.761 0.706 0.706
2005 36.07 0.497 233.45 1.932 1.015 0.973 0.973
2006 38.06 0.523 254.61 2.117 1.284 1.264 1.264
2007 41.16 0.566 240.27 1.984 1.236 1.047 1.047
2008 65.57 0.929 287.36 2.373 1.644 1.481 1.481
2009(11) 54.42 0.784 268.32 2.220 1.403 1.200e 1.200e
2010(11) 62.30 0.901 419.48 3.487 1.461 1.360e 1.360e
Per cent change(10) +14.5 +15.0 +56.3 +57.1 +4.1 .. ..
2009 1st quarter 60.76 0.875 209.02 1.730 1.870 .. ..
2nd quarter 49.42 0.712 296.33 2.452 1.384 .. ..
3rd quarter 49.99 0.720 392.56 3.248 1.188 .. ..
4th quarter 54.15 0.780 344.89 2.854 1.259 .. ..
2010 1st quarter 59.71 0.863 396.62 3.297 1.466 .. ..
2nd quarter 58.75 0.849 422.22 3.510 1.325 .. ..
3rd quarter 61.09 0.883 431.27 3.585 1.404 .. ..
4th quarter 68.05 0.984 433.93 3.607 1.700 .. ..
2011 1st quarter 78.78 1.139 493.68 4.104 1.873 .. ..
2nd quarter 82.75 1.196 525.65 4.370 1.926 .. ..
3rd quarter p 80.06 1.157 565.14 4.698 1.825 .. ..
Per cent change(10) +31.1 +31.1 +31.0 +31.0 +30.0 .. ..
(1) Companies that produce electricity from nuclear sources plus all companies whose prime purpose is
the generation of electricity are included under the heading “Major Power Producers”. A list of these
companies is given in Annex A.
(2) The series represents gas supplied by UKCS licensees to the UK (i.e exports are excluded) and gas
imported from the Norwegian sector of the continental shelf.
(3) Includes slurry.
(4) Includes oil for burning, for gas turbines and for internal combustion engines (other than for use in road
vehicles). Excludes any natural gas liquids burnt at Peterhead power station.
(5) Includes hydrocarbon oil duty.
(6) Includes sour gas.
(7) A quarterly series consistent with the annual series is available back to quarter two 1987. An article
describing this series was published in Energy Trends in November 1996.
(8) Quarterly data is not available from Quarter 2 2004 onwards.
(9) The levy is the Government's tax on indigenous supplies introduced in 1981 and abolished on 1 April
1998. The levy was reduced from 4 to 3 pence per therm for 1997/8 .
(10) Percentage change relates to the corresponding period a year earlier. The annual percentage change
varies depending on the units used as the calorific values change each year. For further information
see Annex B.
(11) The 2009 and 2010 Beach gas prices are curently estimates.
Table 3.3.1 Fuel price indices for the industrial sector in current terms
excluding the Climate Change Levy
United Kingdom
Unadjusted Seasonally adjusted
Heavy Total Total
Coal(1) fuel oil(1) Gas(2) Electricity(2) fuel(3) Gas(2) Electricity(2) fuel(3)
1983 115.2 68.7 65.4 76.2 74.2 .. .. ..
1984 115.3 81.7 67.5 76.1 77.7 .. .. ..
1985 119.9 82.9 72.1 79.1 80.9 .. .. ..
1986 113.9 39.9 62.9 79.9 70.9 .. .. ..
1987 109.2 42.7 59.3 77.6 69.9 .. .. ..
1988 97.0 31.5 56.4 81.7 70.8 .. .. ..
1989 94.8 34.3 54.5 87.6 74.6 .. .. ..
1990 97.4 37.3 55.5 87.4 74.7 .. .. ..
1991 96.0 32.8 56.0 90.3 76.5 .. .. ..
1992 97.2 31.5 56.3 95.3 80.9 .. .. ..
1993 91.3 33.6 54.2 99.8 82.7 .. .. ..
1994 90.2 36.3 53.1 96.2 80.1 .. .. ..
1995 84.6 42.4 49.6 95.3 79.6 .. .. ..
1996 80.4 46.8 37.9 92.0 78.2 .. .. ..
1997 78.6 44.8 39.2 86.8 72.3 .. .. ..
1998 80.4 37.4 41.3 86.0 71.0 .. .. ..
1999 79.2 42.8 41.1 86.5 72.6 .. .. ..
2000 79.3 61.9 44.7 80.2 69.7 .. .. ..
2001 81.4 61.8 59.9 73.4 67.8 .. .. ..
2002 83.4 64.7 56.6 70.7 66.4 .. .. ..
2003 76.4 74.7 59.0 68.4 67.7 .. .. ..
2004 85.1 75.2 65.8 74.6 72.9 .. .. ..
2005 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .. .. ..
2006 95.7 127.5 124.7 134.3 130.5 .. .. ..
2007 111.2 132.0 100.6 137.9 130.0 .. .. ..
2008 144.2 192.3 151.6 169.7 170.5 .. .. ..
2009 135.7 187.6 130.5 183.0 173.0 .. .. ..
2010 157.3 230.8 123.7 166.2 171.6 .. .. ..
Per cent change(4) +15.9 +23.0 -5.2 -9.2 -0.8 .. .. ..
2009 3rd quarter 127.8 192.0 102.5 177.4 164.8 115.7 180.0 169.0
4th quarter 139.1 212.7 121.0 177.1 172.3 113.3 171.4 167.4
2010 1st quarter 144.7 222.3 124.5 172.8 174.0 113.5r 170.0r 170.4r
2nd quarter 158.7 233.9 110.5 161.6 167.0 118.9r 167.3r 172.0r
3rd quarter 157.6 229.1 122.2 164.1 169.6 135.0r 166.0r 173.0r
4th quarter 165.9 238.5 137.5 166.3 175.6 127.4r 161.6r 170.9r
2011 1st quarter 164.4 259.5r 149.1 166.7 181.8r 135.8r 164.2r 178.0r
2nd quarter 180.8r 287.0r 149.6 166.2r 187.1r 159.4r 171.6 192.2r
3rd quarter p 183.7 285.2 147.8 165.7 186.2 162.7 167.7 189.9
Per cent change(4) +16.6 +24.5 +20.9 +1.0 +9.8 +20.5 +1.0 +9.8
(1) Indices based on a survey of the prices (excluding VAT) of fuels delivered to industrial consumers in
Great Britain, as shown in Table 3.1.1.
(2) Indices based on the average unit value (excluding VAT) of sales to industrial consumers.
(3) Total fuel indices are annually weighted.
(4) Percentage change relates to the corresponding period a year earlier.
Table 3.3.1 Fuel price indices for the industrial sector in real terms(1)
excluding the Climate Change Levy
United Kingdom
Unadjusted Seasonally adjusted
Heavy Total Total GDP
Coal(2) fuel oil(2) Gas(3) Electricity(3) fuel(4) Gas(3) Electricity(3) fuel(4) deflator
1983 251.0 149.8 142.4 166.0 161.6 .. .. .. 45.9
1984 240.3 170.3 140.7 158.5 161.9 .. .. .. 48.0
1985 235.9 163.2 142.0 155.6 159.2 .. .. .. 50.8
1986 216.9 75.9 119.8 152.1 135.1 .. .. .. 52.5
1987 197.5 77.1 107.2 140.2 126.4 .. .. .. 55.3
1988 165.0 53.6 95.9 139.0 120.3 .. .. .. 58.8
1989 150.0 54.2 86.2 138.6 118.0 .. .. .. 63.2
1990 143.3 54.8 81.6 128.5 109.8 .. .. .. 68.0
1991 132.6 45.2 77.3 124.7 105.7 .. .. .. 72.4
1992 129.3 41.9 74.9 126.7 107.5 .. .. .. 75.2
1993 118.1 43.4 70.1 129.2 107.0 .. .. .. 77.3
1994 114.9 46.3 67.6 122.6 102.0 .. .. .. 78.5
1995 104.9 52.6 61.5 118.3 98.7 .. .. .. 80.6
1996 96.2 56.0 45.3 110.1 93.6 .. .. .. 83.6
1997 91.7 52.3 45.7 101.3 84.4 .. .. .. 85.7
1998 91.9 42.7 47.2 98.3 81.1 .. .. .. 87.5
1999 88.8 47.9 46.1 96.9 81.4 .. .. .. 89.2
2000 88.3 68.9 49.8 89.3 77.6 .. .. .. 89.8
2001 89.3 67.9 65.8 80.5 74.4 .. .. .. 91.1
2002 89.3 69.3 60.6 75.7 71.1 .. .. .. 93.4
2003 80.0 78.2 61.8 71.7 70.9 .. .. .. 95.5
2004 87.0 76.9 67.2 76.2 74.4 .. .. .. 97.9
2005 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .. .. .. 100.0
2006 92.6 123.4 120.7 130.0 126.3 .. .. .. 103.3
2007 105.2 124.9 95.2 130.4 123.0 .. .. .. 105.7
2008 132.4 176.6 139.2 155.9 156.5 .. .. .. 108.9
2009 122.5 169.3 117.8 165.2 156.1 .. .. .. 110.8
2010 138.2 202.8 108.7 146.1 150.8 .. .. .. 113.8
Per cent change(5) +12.9 +19.8 -7.7 -11.6 -3.4 .. .. .. +2.7
2009 3rd quarter 114.9 172.7 92.2 159.6 148.2 104.0 161.9r 152.0 111.2
4th quarter 124.9 190.9 108.6 158.9 154.7 101.7 153.9 150.3 111.4
2010 1st quarter 128.2 196.9 110.3 153.1 154.2 100.5r 150.5r 150.9r 112.9
2nd quarter 140.0 206.5 97.5 142.6 147.4 104.9 147.6r 151.8r 113.3
3rd quarter 138.3 200.9 107.2 144.0 148.8 118.4 145.6 151.7 114.0
4th quarter 144.3 207.4 119.6 144.6 152.7 110.7r 140.6 148.6r 115.0
2011 1st quarter 142.4 224.6 129.1 144.3 157.4r 117.6r 142.1r 154.1r 115.5
2nd quarter 155.7r 247.2r 128.9 143.2r 161.2r 137.3r 147.8 165.5r 116.1
3rd quarter p 156.9 243.6 126.2 141.5 159.0 139.0 143.2 162.2 117.1
Per cent change(5) +13.5 +21.2 +17.7 -1.7 +6.9 +17.3 -1.7 +6.9 +2.7
Table 3.3.2 Fuel price indices for the industrial sector in current terms
including the Climate Change Levy
United Kingdom
Unadjusted Seasonally adjusted
Heavy Total Total
Coal(2) fuel oil(3) Gas(4) Electricity(4) fuel(5) Gas(4) Electricity(4) fuel(5)
1983 104.5 68.7 63.2 72.8 71.5 .. .. ..
1984 104.6 81.7 65.3 72.6 75.1 .. .. ..
1985 108.7 82.9 69.7 75.5 78.0 .. .. ..
1986 103.3 39.9 60.8 76.2 67.8 .. .. ..
1987 99.1 42.7 57.2 74.0 66.9 .. .. ..
1988 88.0 31.5 54.5 78.0 67.6 .. .. ..
1989 86.0 34.3 52.7 83.6 71.3 .. .. ..
1990 88.4 37.3 53.6 83.4 71.4 .. .. ..
1991 87.1 32.8 54.1 86.2 73.2 .. .. ..
1992 88.2 31.5 54.3 91.0 77.2 .. .. ..
1993 82.8 33.6 52.3 95.3 79.1 .. .. ..
1994 81.8 36.3 51.2 91.9 76.6 .. .. ..
1995 76.7 42.4 47.9 91.0 76.2 .. .. ..
1996 73.0 46.8 36.6 87.9 75.0 .. .. ..
1997 71.3 44.8 37.9 82.9 69.4 .. .. ..
1998 72.9 37.4 39.9 82.1 68.0 .. .. ..
1999 71.8 42.8 39.6 82.6 69.6 .. .. ..
2000 71.9 61.9 43.1 76.6 67.1 .. .. ..
2001 83.1 61.8 60.7 74.0 68.4 .. .. ..
2002 84.9 64.7 58.9 72.5 67.9 .. .. ..
2003 78.6 74.7 61.0 70.2 69.1 .. .. ..
2004 86.5 75.2 67.1 76.3 74.0 .. .. ..
2005 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .. .. ..
2006 96.1 127.5 123.8 133.0 129.6 .. .. ..
2007 110.2 132.2 99.8 135.9 128.7 .. .. ..
2008 140.2 192.3 149.7 167.2 168.6 .. .. ..
2009 132.7 187.6 129.8 180.5 171.3 .. .. ..
2010 152.3 230.9 122.8 164.3 170.2 .. .. ..
Per cent change(6) +14.8 +23.1 -5.4 -9.0 -0.7 .. .. ..
2009 3rd quarter 125.5 192.0 102.0 174.6 163.0 115.2 177.2 167.2
4th quarter 135.7 212.7 120.2 175.0 170.9 112.5 169.4 166.0
2010 1st quarter 140.9 222.3 124.2 170.8 172.7 113.2r 167.9r 169.0r
2nd quarter 153.5 233.9 110.7 159.8 165.9 119.1r 165.5r 170.9r
3rd quarter 152.5 229.1 120.5 162.1 168.1 133.3r 164.0r 171.4r
4th quarter 160.1 238.5 135.9 164.3 173.9 125.8r 159.6r 169.3r
2011 1st quarter 158.7 259.5r 148.5 164.4 180.2r 135.2r 161.8r 176.3r
2nd quarter 173.5r 287.0r 148.5 164.3r 185.7r 158.3r 169.7 190.7r
3rd quarter p 176.2 285.2 145.9 164.0 184.7 160.8 166.0 188.5
Per cent change(6) +15.5 +24.5 +21.1 +1.2 +9.9 +20.6 +1.2 +10.0
(1) The levy came into effect in April 2001 (Q2). The full rates of levy from 1 April 2011 are:
coal 13.21£/tonne, gas 0.169p/kWh, electricity 0.485p/kWh; discounts and exemptions are available.
(2) Indices based on a survey of the prices (excluding VAT) of fuels delivered to industrial consumers in
Great Britain, as shown in Table 3.1.1, but with the inclusion of an estimation of the amount of CCL paid.
(3) Indices based on a survey of the prices (excluding VAT) of fuels delivered to industrial consumers in
Great Britain, as shown in Table 3.1.1.
(4) Indices based on the average unit value (excluding VAT) of sales to industrial consumers.
(5) Total fuel indices are annually weighted.
Table 3.3.2 Fuel price indices for the industrial sector in real terms(1)
including the Climate Change Levy (2)
United Kingdom
Unadjusted Seasonally adjusted
Heavy Total Total GDP
Coal(3) fuel oil(4) Gas(5) Electricity(5) fuel(6) Gas(5) Electricity(5) fuel(6) deflator
1983 227.6 149.8 137.6 158.5 155.8 .. .. .. 45.9
1984 217.9 170.3 136.0 151.3 156.5 .. .. .. 48.0
1985 214.0 163.2 137.1 148.6 153.6 .. .. .. 50.8
1986 196.7 75.9 115.7 145.2 129.2 .. .. .. 52.5
1987 179.1 77.2 103.5 133.9 120.9 .. .. .. 55.3
1988 149.7 53.6 92.7 132.7 115.0 .. .. .. 58.8
1989 136.0 54.2 83.3 132.3 112.8 .. .. .. 63.2
1990 130.0 54.8 78.8 122.7 105.0 .. .. .. 68.0
1991 120.3 45.2 74.7 119.1 101.1 .. .. .. 72.4
1992 117.2 41.9 72.2 121.0 102.7 .. .. .. 75.2
1993 107.1 43.4 67.7 123.3 102.3 .. .. .. 77.3
1994 104.2 46.3 65.2 117.0 97.5 .. .. .. 78.5
1995 95.2 52.6 59.4 112.9 94.5 .. .. .. 80.6
1996 87.3 56.0 43.8 105.1 89.7 .. .. .. 83.6
1997 83.2 52.3 44.2 96.7 80.9 .. .. .. 85.7
1998 83.3 42.7 45.6 93.8 77.7 .. .. .. 87.5
1999 80.5 47.9 44.4 92.6 78.0 .. .. .. 89.2
2000 80.1 68.9 48.0 85.3 74.7 .. .. .. 89.8
2001 91.2 67.9 66.6 81.3 75.1 .. .. .. 91.1
2002 90.9 69.3 63.1 77.6 72.7 .. .. .. 93.4
2003 82.3 78.3 63.9 73.5 72.4 .. .. .. 95.5
2004 88.4 76.9 68.5 77.9 75.6 .. .. .. 97.9
2005 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .. .. .. 100.0
2006 93.0 123.4 119.9 128.8 125.4 .. .. .. 103.3
2007 104.3 125.1 94.4 128.6 121.7 .. .. .. 105.7
2008 128.7 176.6 137.5 153.5 154.8 .. .. .. 108.9
2009 119.7 169.3 117.2 162.9 154.6 .. .. .. 110.8
2010 133.8 202.9 107.9 144.4 149.5 .. .. .. 113.8
Per cent change(7) +11.8 +19.8 -7.9 -11.4 -3.3 .. .. .. +2.7
2009 3rd quarter 112.9 172.7 91.7 157.0 146.6 103.6 159.4 150.3 111.2
4th quarter 121.8 190.9 107.9 157.1 153.4 101.0 152.0 149.0 111.4
2010 1st quarter 124.8 196.9 110.0 151.3 153.0 100.3r 148.8r 149.7r 112.9
2nd quarter 135.5 206.5 97.7 141.0 146.4 105.1 146.1r 150.8r 113.3
3rd quarter 133.8 200.9 105.7 142.2 147.4 116.9 143.8 150.3 114.0
4th quarter 139.2 207.4 118.2 142.9 151.3 109.4r 138.8 147.2r 115.0
2011 1st quarter 137.4 224.6r 128.6 142.3 156.0r 117.0r 140.1r 152.7r 115.5
2nd quarter 149.5r 247.2r 127.9 141.5r 159.9r 136.4r 146.2r 164.3r 116.1
3rd quarter p 150.5 243.6 124.6 140.1 157.8 137.3 141.7 161.0 117.1
Per cent change(7) +12.5 +21.2 +17.9 -1.5 +7.0 +17.4 -1.5 +7.1 +2.7
(1) Deflated using the GDP implied deflator at market prices.
(2) The levy came into effect in April 2001 (Q2). The full rates of levy from 1 April 2011 are:
coal 13.21£/tonne, gas 0.169p/kWh, electricity 0.485p/kWh; discounts and exemptions are available.
(3) Indices based on a survey of the prices (excluding VAT) of fuels delivered to industrial consumers in
Great Britain, as shown in Table 3.1.1, but with the inclusion of an estimation of the amount of CCL paid.
(4) Indices based on a survey of the prices (excluding VAT) of fuels delivered to industrial consumers in
Great Britain, as shown in Table 3.1.1.
(5) Indices based on the average unit value (excluding VAT) of sales to industrial consumers.
(6) Total fuel indices are annually weighted.
(7) Percentage change relates to the corresponding period a year earlier.
Table 3.4.1 Prices of fuels purchased by non-domestic consumers
in the United Kingdom (excluding the Climate Change Levy)
Pence per kWh
2009 2010 2011
Size of 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd
Fuel consumer quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter quarter
Electricity Very Small 12.05 11.85 11.97 12.02 12.14 11.94 11.01 11.41 11.78
Small 10.11 9.74 9.78 9.70 9.78 9.59 9.65 9.56 9.75
Small/Medium 9.06 8.22 8.24 8.17 8.15 8.07 8.09 8.23 8.39
Medium 7.98 7.39 7.30 7.11 7.16 7.27 7.46 7.40 7.46
Large 7.73 7.26 7.04 6.59 6.50 6.56 6.93 7.24 7.07
Very Large 7.72 7.23 6.83 6.34 6.43 6.57 7.03 7.01 6.64
Extra Large 6.61 7.06 7.11 6.24 6.64 6.40 6.96 6.58 6.98
Average 8.85 8.52 8.47 8.15 8.21 8.14 8.13 8.06 8.12
Gas Very Small 3.458 3.116 3.205 3.322 3.326 2.857 3.120 3.388 3.313
Small 2.184 2.079 2.357 2.314 2.323 2.173 2.263 2.409 2.518
Medium 1.869 1.803 1.940 1.742 1.742 1.863 1.982 2.094 2.012
Large 1.700 1.653 1.775 1.568 1.642 1.827 1.933 2.072 1.939
Very Large 0.998 1.224 1.418 1.361 1.593 1.840 1.959 2.091 1.933
Average 1.860 1.935 2.151 1.927 1.898 2.057 2.204 2.288 2.144
Annual Consumption
Electricity MWh Gas MWh
Very Small 0 -20 Very Small <278
Small 20 - 499 Small 278 - 2,777
Small/Medium 500 - 1,999 Medium 2,778 - 27,777
Medium 2,000 - 19,999 Large 27,778 - 277,777
Large 20,000 - 69,999 Very Large 277,778 - 1,111,112
Very Large 70,000 - 150,000
Extra Large >150,000
The Climate Change Levy (CCL) came into effect in April 2001. More information is available on the HM
Revenue and Customs web site athttp://www.hmrc.gov.uk. From 1 April 2011 the full rate of levy for electricity
is 0.485p/kWh and for gas 0.169/kWh. Previous rates are shown in Annex A
Oil and petroleum product prices
4.1.2 In the early 1990s, margins on retail motor fuel sales were around 4 to 5 pence per litre, but
competition in the mid 1990s lead to margins falling as low as 1 pence per litre. Since 2000,
margins have fluctuated from as high as 9 pence per litre to as low as 1 pence per litre.
4.1.3 Chart 4.1.3 shows the movement in the price of ULSP and ULSD excluding VAT and duty.
In recent years prices have been affected by duty rate changes, as listed in Annex C, and also by
changes in the general rate of VAT (decreased from 17.5% to 15% from 1 December 2008,
reverted to 17.5% on 1 January 2010, and increased to 20% from 4 January 2011). In the March
2011 Budget the road fuel duty increase due on 1 April was postponed to 2012, the duty rate was
reduced by 1 pence per litre from 23 March, and the fuel duty escalator was abolished until 2015.
4.1.4 Standard grade burning oil and gas oil have duty rates considerably lower than those on
ULSP and ULSD, and VAT is charged at the lower rate of 5%. The retail prices of these fuels are
therefore more directly influenced by the price of crude oil.
4.2.1 A price index for crude oil is presented in Tables 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 for comparison against the
prices of petroleum products.
4.2.2 OPEC’S 160th Meeting took place on 14 December 2011 in Vienna, Austria. The
Conference reviewed recent oil market developments as well as the outlook for 2012. The
Conference noted that the heightened price volatility in 2011 is predominantly a reflection of
increased levels of speculation in the commodities markets, exacerbated by geopolitical tensions,
rather than a result of supply/demand fundamentals. Downside risks facing the global economy
continue to include: the sovereign debt crisis in the Euro-zone; persistently high unemployment in
the advanced economies; and inflation risk in the emerging economies. Planned austerity
measures are also likely to contribute to lower economic growth in the coming year. The
Conference therefore decided to maintain the current production level of 30.0 million barrels per
4.2.3 Movements in the price of crude oil affect the prices of various domestic and industrial
fuels, as well as petroleum products. The price of crude oil can change for a variety of reasons,
such as: oil shortages (1973); political uncertainty (1990/1); over-supply and weaker Far East
demand (1998); Hurricanes (Katrina and Rita in 2005); geopolitical tensions and a weak dollar
(2007-8); and the global recession (2009 - current). In July 2008, average monthly crude oil prices
reached a new high in real terms, 10.5% higher than during the ‘oil shocks’ in the late 1970’s.
Prices fell back sharply in the latter part of 2008, but rose once more in 2009 and 2010, rising to
over $100 in the last quarter of 2010 due to concerns over the global economic recovery and
renewed Middle East tensions. In 2011 prices have stayed above $100/barrel, mainly due to
concerns that unrest in Libya would spread to other oil-producing countries in the Middle East, the
financial situation in Europe and the USA, and a fluctuating dollar.
41 December 2011
Oil and petroleum product prices
Table 4.1.1: Typical monthly retail prices of petroleum products and a crude oil index
Table 4.1.2: Average annual retail prices of petroleum products and a crude oil price index
Table 4.1.3: Typical retail prices of petroleum products 1975 to 2008 *
Chart 4.1.1: Typical retail prices of motor spirits from December 2009 to December
In mid December 2011 a litre of
150 ULSP was on average 132.5
pence, a fall of 0.6 pence on the
previous month and 10.9 pence
130 per litre higher than a year ago.
pence per litre
Diesel prices were 141.0 pence
110 per litre, 12.1 pence per litre
100 higher than a year ago.
Premium Unleaded/ULSP
Chart 4.1.2: Annual average retail price of motor spirit and diesel 1992 to 2011
Provisional 2011 prices of
ULSP and ULSD have reached
140 new record highs, respectively
130 14.0 per cent and 16.3 per cent
120 higher than the previous peak in
pence per litre
December 2011 42
Oil and petroleum product prices
Chart 4.1.3: Price of unleaded petrol and diesel excluding taxes December 2006 to
December 2011
The price of unleaded petrol,
70 excluding tax, reached a new
peak in May 2011, 8.8 per
60 cent higher than the previous
50 peak in July 2008. Since
pence per litre
The price of diesel, excluding
taxes, is lower than the peak
10 Premium Unleaded/ULSP
in July 2008, by 5.3 per cent.
In December 2011 the price
differential between ULSP
and diesel, excluding tax, is
7.0 pence per litre, compared
to the high of 11.9 pence per
litre in November 2008.
Chart 4.1.4: Typical retail prices of standard grade burning oil and gas oil November
2006 to November 2011
The price of SGBO in
80 November 2011 is 9.3 per cent
lower than in July 2008, which
was the highest level since our
60 records began in 1989. The
price is 24.1 per cent higher
pence per litre
than a year ago.
43 December 2011
Oil and petroleum product prices
Table 4.1.1: Typical monthly retail prices of petroleum products and a crude oil index
Table 4.1.2: Average annual retail prices of petroleum products and a crude oil price index
Chart 4.2.1: Index(1) of crude oil prices November 2006 to November 2011
The average cost of crude oil
240 acquired by refineries in
November 2011 has risen since
the low of December 2008 by
Index 2005 = 100
(1)The index represents the average price paid by refineries High prices in the second part
for the month and is calculated in sterling on a cif basis, see Annex A. of the year meant that 2010
prices were 32.6 per cent above
2009. Annual 2009 prices were
24.8 per cent below 2008.
December 2011 44
Table 4.1.1 Typical retail prices of petroleum products and a crude oil price
United Kingdom
Motor spirit(1)
Table 4.1.2 Average annual retail prices of petroleum products and a crude oil
price index
United Kingdom
Motor spirit(1) Crude oil
4 star/ Super Premium Standard grade acquired by
(2)(8) (3) (1)(4) (1)(5) (1)(6) (7)
LRP unleaded unleaded Diesel burning oil Gas oil refineries
Pence per litre 2005 = 100
1978 16.77 .. .. 18.46 8.39 8.42 ..
1979 22.66 .. .. 23.65 10.89 10.90 ..
1980 28.32 .. .. 29.67 14.78 14.77 ..
1981 34.29 .. .. 34.01 18.01 17.51 ..
1982 36.62 .. .. 35.86 20.75 20.11 ..
1983 39.28 .. .. 37.30 21.19 20.71 ..
1984 40.62 .. .. 38.33 19.67 20.44 ..
1985 43.14 .. .. 41.94 21.12 21.58 ..
1986 37.35 .. .. 35.60 13.95 13.77 ..
1987 37.90 .. .. 34.58 12.55 13.16 ..
1988 37.38 .. .. 34.00 10.65 10.88 ..
1989 40.39 .. 38.29 36.18 12.04 11.64 ..
1990 44.87 .. 42.03 40.48 15.56 14.64 ..
1991 48.48 47.31 45.07 43.82 14.11 13.65 38.9
1992 50.28 48.38 46.07 45.01 13.06 12.49 36.7
1993 54.12 52.91 49.44 49.20 13.64 13.42 38.3
1994 56.87 55.98 51.58 51.53 13.37 13.27 35.1
1995 59.70 58.55 53.77 54.24 13.80 13.87 36.9
1996 61.63 63.67 56.52 57.71 15.93 16.53 45.3
1997 67.22 71.31 61.82 62.47 14.36 15.45 39.8
1998 71.11 77.80 64.80 65.50 11.25 12.47 26.0
1999 77.20 82.92 70.16 72.49 12.73 13.89 37.3
2000 84.89 87.32 79.93 81.34 20.57 21.51 63.8
2001 79.71 82.74 75.72 77.84 18.13 19.12 57.4
2002 77.03 79.79 73.24 75.46 15.66 15.93 55.4
2003 79.94 81.36 76.04 77.92 17.57 18.58 60.0
2004 84.42 85.75 80.22 81.91 21.26 21.96 69.6
2005 .. 93.40 86.75 90.86 29.03 30.53 100.0
2006 .. 98.05 91.32 95.21 33.66 36.58 118.4
2007 .. 100.40 94.24 96.85 35.03 40.03 122.6
2008 .. 113.47 107.08 117.51 51.05 58.42 175.5
2009 .. 105.71 99.29 103.93 36.15 44.00 131.9
2010 .. 123.83 116.90 119.26 45.45 54.14 175.0
2011p .. .. 133.31 138.74 .. .. ..
(1) Estimates are based on information provided by oil marketing companies until December 1994. From January
1995, data from super/hypermarket chains have been included.
(2) From October 1999, Four Star prices represent 'Lead Replacement Petrol' (LRP). Pump prices for both petrols
are broadly the same.
(3) From April 2001, Premium unleaded prices represent Ultra Low Sulphur Petrol (ULSP), which now accounts for
virtually all Premium unleaded sold. The pump prices for both fuels were broadly the same.
(4) From July 1999, diesel prices represent average prices for Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel which now accounts for
virtually all diesel sold. Prices for the period March - June 1999 represent a mixture of both types of diesel
as companies switched to only selling ULSD. Pump prices for both diesels are broadly the same.
(5) These estimates are for deliveries of up to 1,000 litres; such deliveries attract 8 per cent VAT from 1 April
1994. With effect from 1 September 1997 the rate of VAT has been reduced to 5 per cent.
(6) These estimates are for deliveries of 2,000 to 5,000 litres; such deliveries attract 8 per cent VAT from 1 April
1994. With effect from 1 September 1997 the rate of VAT has been reduced to 5 per cent.
(7) Price index for supplies received by refineries in the UK from both indigenous and imported sources. It
represents the average for the month calculated in sterling on a cif basis.
(8) The LRP series has been discontinued from September 2005 due to the low volume of sales.
International comparisons
5.2.1 Diesel prices in the UK are the highest in Europe including tax but amongst the lowest
excluding tax. The tax component is around 58 per cent, generally the highest rate in Europe.
5.4.1 Eurostat data in Tables 5.4.1 to 5.4.4 shows that, for January to June 2011, UK industrial
electricity prices were above the EU15 median for large and extra large consumers including and
excluding tax. Small and medium consumers were at or below the median including tax and above
the median excluding tax.
5.5.1 IEA data in Table 5.5.1 shows that the UK has historically been above the EU median for
domestic electricity. In 2010, the UK was below the median including tax but above the median
excluding tax.
5.6.1 Eurostat data in Table 5.6.2 shows that, for January to June 2011, UK domestic electricity
prices for medium consumers were below the EU15 median including and excluding tax.
5.8.1 Eurostat data in Tables 5.8.1 to 5.8.3 shows that, for January to June 2011, UK industrial
gas prices including and excluding tax were the lowest in the EU15 for all sizebands of consumer.
5.9.1 IEA prices in Table 5.9.1 show that the UK has historically been below the EU median for
domestic gas. In 2010, the UK was below the EU/G7 median including tax and at the median
excluding tax.
5.10.1 Eurostat data in Tables 5.10.2 shows that, for January to June 2011, UK domestic gas
prices for medium consumers were the lowest in the EU15 including and excluding tax.
47 December 2011
International comparisons
Chart 5.1.1 Average EU premium unleaded petrol prices in pence per litre as at
November 2011
140 Tax and Duty In November 2011 average UK
130 Excluding Tax and Duty unleaded petrol prices,
110 including taxes, were the sixth
100 highest in the EU at 133.2
pence per litre
Bulg aria
Es tonia
Czech Rep
Chart 5.2.1 Average EU diesel prices in pence per litre as at November 2011
140 Tax and Duty Average UK diesel prices
130 Excluding Tax and Duty including taxes in November
120 2011 were the highest within the
100 EU at 140.3 pence per litre,
whilst the lowest price was in
pence per litre
80 Luxembourg at 104.6 pence per
60 litre.
The high UK Diesel price is
20 mainly due to the taxes levied,
10 which formed 58 per cent of the
total price for diesel in
Czech Rep
December 2011 48
International comparisons
Table 5.3.1: Industrial electricity prices in the EU and G7 countries including and excluding
EU15 and G7 median price.
EU15 & G7 median (including taxes)
8 Prices in the UK excluding taxes
6 were the fifth highest in the EU15,
4 third highest in the G7, and were
11.6 per cent above the EU15
and G7 median price.
Czech Rep
Notes: Data are not available for Austria, Germany, Malta, and Spain.
The excluding tax price for the USA has been estimated using a weighted average of general sales taxes and fuel taxes
levied by individual states.
49 December 2011
International comparisons
5.4 Average industrial electricity prices in the EU by size of consumer
Table 5.4.1: Average industrial electricity prices for small consumers in the EU *
Table 5.4.2: Average industrial electricity prices for medium consumers in the EU
Table 5.4.3: Average industrial electricity prices for large consumers in the EU *
Table 5.4.4: Average industrial electricity prices for extra large consumers in the EU 15 *
Chart 5.4.1 Average industrial electricity prices for medium consumers in the EU 15
for January – June 2011
Average UK industrial electricity
12 prices including taxes for medium
Tax Component Price (excl tax) consumers for the period January to
10 EU15 median (including taxes) June 2011 were the eighth lowest in
the EU15 and were equal to the
8 estimated EU15 median.
pence per kWh
The UK prices for medium
consumers excluding taxes were
the sixth highest in the EU15 and
2 were 8.2 per cent above the median
Data for January – June 2011 is not
Medium consumers are defined as having an annual consumption of 2,000 – 19,999 MWh per annum.
Source: Eurostat Statistics in Focus Electricity prices for EU Industry January – June 2011
Chart 5.4.2 Average industrial electricity prices(1) in the EU for small, medium and
large consumers January – June 2011 (ordered on medium sizeband)
16 Medium
14 Large
Pence per kWh
Czech Rep
Source: Eurostat Statistics in Focus Electricity Prices for EU Industry January – June 2011
December 2011 50
International comparisons
Table 5.5.1: Domestic electricity prices in the EU and G7 countries including and excluding
Chart 5.5.1 Average domestic electricity prices (including taxes) in 2010, EU and G7
25 In 2010, average UK domestic
Tax Component
electricity prices, including
20 Price (excl tax)
taxes, were the fifth lowest in
EU15 & G7 Median (including taxes)
the EU 15, fourth highest in the
15 G7, and were 8.1 per cent
pence per kWh
Czech Rep
The excluding tax price for the USA has been estimated using a weighted average of general sales taxes and fuel taxes
levied by individual states.
51 December 2011
International comparisons
5.6 Average domestic electricity prices in the EU by size of consumer
Table 5.6.1: Average domestic electricity prices for small consumers in the EU *
Table 5.6.2: Average domestic electricity prices for medium consumers in the EU
Table 5.6.3: Average domestic electricity prices for large consumers in the EU *
Chart 5.6.1 Average domestic electricity prices for medium consumers in the EU 15
for January – June 2011
The average UK domestic electricity
price including taxes for medium
Tax Component
consumers for January to June
25 Price (excl tax) 2011 was the third lowest in the EU
EU15 median (including taxes) 15 and was 24.6 per cent below the
pence per kWh
20 median price.
The UK price excluding taxes was
10 the seventh lowest in the EU15, and
was 0.8 per cent below the median
5 level.
Over the past 6 months, most
Notes: Medium consumers are defined as having an annual consumption of 2,500 -4,999 kWh per annum.
Source: Eurostat Statistics in Focus Electricity prices for EU households, January – June 2011
Czech …
Source: Eurostat Statistics in Focus Electricity Prices for EU households January – June 2011
December 2011 52
International comparisons
Table 5.7.1: Industrial gas prices in the EU and G7 countries including and excluding taxes
Tax component In 2010, average UK industrial
Price (excl tax) gas prices, including taxes where
3.5 not refunded, were the lowest in
3.0 EU15 & G7 Median (including taxes) the EU15, third lowest in the G7,
2.5 and were 32.5 per cent below the
pence per kWh
Czech Rep
Notes: Data are not available for Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Latvia, and Malta.
The excluding tax price for the USA has been estimated using a weighted average of general sales taxes and fuel
taxes levied by individual states.
53 December 2011
International comparisons
Table 5.8.1: Average industrial gas prices for small consumers in the EU *
Table 5.8.2: Average industrial gas prices for medium consumers in the EU
Table 5.8.3: Average industrial gas prices for large consumers in the EU *
Chart 5.8.1 Average industrial gas prices for medium consumers in the EU 15 for
January – June 2011
Average UK industrial gas prices
Tax Component
for the period January to June
2011, including taxes, for
Price (excl tax)
medium consumers were the
5.0 EU15 median (including taxes) lowest in the EU15 and were
pence per kWh
32.5 per cent below the median
Notes: Prices are not available for Austria, Cyprus, Greece and Malta.
Medium consumers are defined as having an annual consumption of 2,778 – 27,777 MWh.
Source: Eurostat Statistics in Focus Electricity prices for EU Industry January – June 2011.
8.0 small
7.0 medium
6.0 large
pence per kWh
Czech Rep
Source: Eurostat Statistics in Focus Electricity Prices for EU Industry January – June 2011
December 2011 54
International comparisons
5.9 Average annual domestic gas prices, EU and G7
Table 5.9.1: Domestic gas prices in the EU 15 and G7 countries including and excluding
Chart 5.9.1 Average domestic gas prices (including taxes) in 2010, EU and G7
Czech Rep
Notes: Data are not available for Cyprus, Japan, Latvia, and Malta.
Prices for Finland are for district heating, not central heating as is the case in other countries.
The excluding tax price for the USA has been estimated using a weighted average of general sales taxes and fuel taxes
levied by individual states.
55 December 2011
International comparisons
Table 5.10.1: Average domestic gas prices for small consumers in the EU *
Table 5.10.2: Average domestic gas prices for medium consumers in the EU
Table 5.10.3: Average domestic gas prices for large consumers in the EU *
Chart 5.10.1 Average domestic gas prices for medium consumers in the EU 15 for
January – June 2011
Average UK domestic gas prices,
11 including taxes, for medium
Tax component
10 consumers for the period January
9 Price (excl tax)
to June 2011 were the lowest in
the EU 15 and were 27.8 per cent
lower than the median.
pence per kWh
Notes: Prices are not available for Cyprus, Finland, Greece and Malta.
Medium consumers are defined as having an annual consumption of 5,557 – 55,556 kWh per annum.
Source: Eurostat Statistics in Focus Electricity prices for EU households, January – June 2011.
14 large
Pence per kWh
Czech Rep
Source: Eurostat Statistics in Focus Electricity Prices for EU households January – June 2011
December 2011 56
Table 5.1.1 Premium unleaded petrol prices in the EU
(September, October and November 2011)
Table 5.2.1 Diesel prices in the EU
(September, October and November 2011)
Table 5.3.1 Industrial electricity prices in the EU and the G7 countries
Pence per kWh(1)
Excluding taxes Including taxes(2)
2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010
EU 15
Austria 4.24 5.47 6.96 + + 5.60 6.70 8.40 + +
Belgium +/- + + 8.16 7.17 +/- + + 8.91 8.06
Denmark + + 6.25 6.18 6.74 + + 7.06 7.10 7.40
Finland 3.56 3.91 5.07 6.02 5.91 3.87 4.07 5.28 6.25 6.14
France 2.43 4.11 5.13 6.15 6.14 2.74 4.65 5.71 6.85 6.86
Germany(4) + 5.44 7.03 +/- +/- 4.62 5.44 7.03 8.95 +
Greece 3.68 - 6.12 6.96 6.37 3.68 - 6.12 7.31 7.37
Ireland(3) 5.47 7.44 10.13 10.85 8.88 5.47 7.44 10.13 10.85 8.88
Italy 7.52 9.03 12.51 13.94 12.89 9.57 11.83 15.80 17.73 16.70
Luxembourg .. .. 6.02 8.39 6.87 .. .. 6.68 9.28 7.89
Netherlands + + 6.81 7.81 6.79 + + 7.61 9.04 7.96
Portugal(3) 5.39 6.18 7.16 8.18 7.78 5.39 6.18 7.16 8.18 7.78
Spain 4.36 4.26 6.49 6.30 - 4.58 4.47 6.82 6.62 -
Sweden - - 5.15 5.27 6.19 - - 5.19 5.31 6.23
UK 4.56 6.28 7.73 8.34 7.57 4.77 6.49 7.97 8.61 7.84
Rest of G7:
Canada + - - 3.42 4.12 + - - 3.77 4.52
Japan + 5.36 7.02 9.39 9.24 6.75 5.52 7.58 10.13 9.99
USA(5) 3.15 3.04 3.54 4.16 4.18 3.31 3.20 3.71 4.37 4.39
EU 15 & G7 Median 4.46 5.44 6.65 7.81 6.79 4.70 5.52 7.05 8.39 7.81
UK relative to:
EU 15 & G7 Median(%) +2.2 +15.5 +16.2 +6.8 +11.6 +1.6 +17.6 +13.1 +2.6 +0.4
EU 15 rank 8 9 12 11 11 8 8 11 8 8
G7 rank 4 6 6 5 5 5 6 6 4 4
Bulgaria .. .. 4.26 5.24 5.06 .. .. 4.30 5.30 5.25
Cyprus .. .. 12.78 11.88 13.61 .. .. 12.96 12.07 14.02
Czech Republic 4.13 5.76 8.14 9.38 9.21 4.13 5.76 8.23 9.47 9.30
Estonia .. .. 3.95 4.87 5.01 .. .. 4.34 5.42 6.03
Hungary 5.13 6.66 9.17 10.16 8.39 5.18 6.71 9.25 10.24 8.58
Latvia .. .. 5.55 7.61 7.40 .. .. 5.55 7.61 7.40
Lithuania .. .. 6.83 7.88 8.80 .. .. 6.83 7.88 9.05
Malta .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Poland 3.11 3.76 6.04 7.27 7.36 3.41 4.12 6.49 7.68 7.79
Romania .. .. 7.26 7.46 7.24 .. .. 7.22 7.46 7.24
Slovakia(3) 4.57 7.67 9.82 12.50 10.95 4.57 7.67 9.82 12.50 10.95
Slovenia .. .. 6.82 8.23 7.12 .. .. 7.06 8.63 7.86
EU 27 Median 4.56 5.97 6.82 7.88 7.24 4.70 6.34 7.06 8.39 7.85
UK relative to:
EU 27 Median% 0.0 +5.1 +13.3 +5.8 +4.7 +1.5 +2.4 +12.9 +2.6 -0.1
EU 27 rank 9 11 19 18 17 11 10 18 14 13
Source: Derived from the International Energy Agency publication, Energy Prices and Taxes
(1) Prices converted to pounds sterling using annual average exchange rates.
(2) Prices include all taxes where not refundable on purchase.
(3) There is no tax.
(4) Some ex tax data is missing.
(5) Prices excluding taxes have been estimated using a weighted average of general sales taxes and fuel
taxes levied by individual states.
- DECC estimates that the price is likely to be below the relevant median.
+/- DECC estimates that the price is likely to be around the relevant median.
+ DECC estimates that the price is likely to exceed the relevant median.
The relevant median is the EU15/G7 median for EU15 and G7 data and the EU27 median for EU 27 data
Table 5.4.2 Industrial electricity prices in the EU for medium consumers
(Excluding taxes)
Pence per kWh(2)
Table 5.4.2 Industrial electricity prices in the EU for medium consumers
(Including taxes)(5)
Pence per kWh(2)
Table 5.5.1 Domestic electricity prices in the EU and the G7 countries
Rest of G7:
Canada 3.75 - - 4.96 5.64 4.16 - - 5.42 6.12
Japan 9.69 8.23 10.48 13.66 14.03 10.39 8.82 11.21 14.61 15.02
USA(3) 5.20 5.07 5.84 7.03 7.14 5.92 5.32 6.13 7.39 7.49
EU 15 & G7 Median 7.22 7.95 10.18 11.49 11.18 9.73 10.67 11.93 14.21 14.02
UK relative to:
EU 15 & G7 Median(%) +8.2 +31.0 +18.1 +9.5 +9.8 -15.7 +2.4 +5.8 -7.1 -8.1
EU 15 rank 9 12 12 9 12 5 8 8 5 5
G7 rank 4 6 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 4
Bulgaria .. .. 5.11 6.10 5.89 .. .. 6.13 7.32 7.06
Cyprus .. .. 13.11 12.14 13.92 .. .. 15.27 14.18 16.48
Czech Republic 4.56 6.13 8.67 10.27 9.89 5.42 7.29 10.42 12.32 12.00
Estonia .. .. 4.99 6.05 5.81 .. .. 6.37 7.94 8.22
Hungary 6.39 7.84 10.18 10.79 11.23 7.91 9.41 12.22 13.22 14.14
Latvia .. .. 6.93 8.52 8.17 .. .. 7.28 9.38 9.00
Lithuania .. .. 5.97 7.13 8.54 .. .. 7.04 8.55 10.33
Malta .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Poland 4.53 5.82 8.15 8.40 9.07 5.89 7.54 10.50 10.75 11.59
Romania .. .. 7.22 7.26 7.33 .. .. 8.60 8.64 8.91
Slovakia 6.26 8.84 10.44 12.45 11.58 7.46 10.52 12.42 14.82 13.78
Slovenia .. .. .. 9.23 9.04 .. .. .. 11.75 12.00
EU 27 Median 6.65 7.84 10.04 10.68 10.02 8.27 10.67 11.89 13.21 13.33
UK relative to:
EU 27 Median% +17.4 +32.8 +19.9 +17.8 +22.5 -0.8 +2.4 +6.2 0.0 -3.4
EU 27 rank 13 16 21 20 22 8 12 17 13 13
Source: Derived from the International Energy Agency publication, Energy Prices and Taxes
(1) Prices converted to pounds sterling using annual average exchange rates.
(2) Prices include all taxes where not refundable on purchase.
(3) Prices excluding taxes have been estimated using a weighted average of general sales taxes and fuel
taxes levied by individual states.
+ DECC estimates that the price is likely to exceed the relevant median.
+/- DECC estimates that the price is likely to be around the relevant median.
- DECC estimates that the price is likely to be below the relevant median.
The relevant median is the EU15/G7 median for EU15/G7 data and the EU27 median for EU27 data
Table 5.6.2 Domestic electricity prices in the EU for medium consumers
(Excluding taxes)
Pence per kWh(2)
(1) Medium consumers: consuming 2,500 - 4,999 kWh per annum, for periods
January - June and July - December each year.
(2) Prices converted to sterling using exchange rates in the appropriate period.
(3) Source: DECC. See paragraphs A38 to A45 in the Technical notes for an explanation of the
estimating methodology.
(4) Median price is based upon the available data, including those cases where DECC have
estimated the position of prices relative to the EU median.
(5) Prices include all taxes where not refundable on purchase.
(6) Some ex-tax data is missing
Table 5.6.2 Domestic electricity prices in the EU for medium consumers (1)
(Including Taxes)(5)
Pence per kWh
Table 5.7.1 Industrial gas prices in the EU and the G7 countries
Pence per kWh(1)
Excluding taxes Including taxes(2)
2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010
EU 15
Austria .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Belgium .. .. 2.53 2.07 1.92 .. .. 2.62 2.30 1.97
Denmark .. .. .. 1.87 - .. .. .. 4.15 +
Finland 0.78 1.03 1.59 1.67 1.79 0.90 1.15 1.74 1.84 1.95
France 1.50 1.71 2.76 2.31 2.57 1.56 1.78 2.85 2.42 2.70
Germany(5) +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- + 1.89 2.68 2.81 +
Greece(3) 1.48 1.89 3.02 2.43 2.88 1.48 1.89 3.02 2.43 2.88
Ireland(3) 1.77 + 2.89 2.67 2.40 1.77 + 2.89 2.67 2.40
Italy 1.43 + 2.70 2.70 2.34 1.66 2.11 3.03 3.08 2.69
Luxembourg .. .. 1.89 2.51 2.46 .. .. 2.05 2.56 2.50
Netherlands - - 2.40 2.54 2.08 +/- 2.28 2.52 2.77 2.30
Portugal(3) 1.61 1.84 2.57 2.67 3.09 1.61 1.84 2.57 2.67 3.09
Spain(3) 1.20 1.63 2.28 2.39 2.17 1.20 1.63 2.28 2.39 2.17
Sweden .. .. 3.10 2.69 3.07 .. .. 3.64 3.23 3.69
UK 1.36 1.39 2.05 1.74 1.65 1.41 1.43 2.09 1.78 1.69
Rest of G7:
Canada(4) 1.31 1.01 1.59 0.91 0.85 1.39 1.08 1.67 0.95 0.89
Japan 1.81 1.86 + + + 1.90 1.86 + + +
USA(4) 1.47 1.20 1.65 1.08 1.10 1.54 1.26 1.74 1.13 1.15
EU 15 & G7 Median 1.45 1.67 2.53 2.41 2.26 1.55 1.84 2.60 2.56 2.50
UK relative to:
EU 15 & G7 Median(%) -5.9 -16.9 -19.0 -28.1 -26.9 -8.9 -22.3 -19.3 -30.4 -32.5
EU 15 rank 4 3 3 2 1 3 2 3 1 1
G7 rank 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3
Bulgaria .. .. 1.78 2.19 2.15 .. .. 1.783 2.19 2.15
Cyprus .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Czech Republic 1.29 1.68 2.78 2.81 2.85 1.29 1.68 2.87 2.91 2.95
Estonia .. .. 2.05 2.05 2.20 .. .. 2.11 2.16 2.36
Hungary 1.55 2.46 3.44 3.28 2.33 1.61 2.51 3.53 3.37 2.42
Latvia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Lithuania .. .. 2.68 2.16 2.59 .. .. 2.68 2.16 2.59
Malta .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Poland(3) 0.94 1.61 2.49 2.39 2.53 0.94 1.61 2.49 2.39 2.53
Romania .. .. 1.53 1.14 1.10 .. .. 1.78 1.47 1.42
Slovakia 1.31 2.02 3.00 2.79 2.86 1.31 2.02 3.02 2.85 2.98
Slovenia .. .. .. 2.90 3.01 .. .. 3.072 3.151 3.34
EU 27 Median 1.36 1.71 2.55 2.41 2.37 1.48 1.87 2.65 2.56 2.53
UK relative to:
EU 27 Median% 0.0 -18.8 -19.6 -28.1 -30.4 -4.4 -23.4 -21.0 -30.4 -33.2
EU 27 rank 7 3 5 3 2 6 2 5 2 2
Source: Derived from the International Energy Agency publication, Energy Prices and Taxes
(1) Prices converted to pounds sterling using annual average exchange rates.
(2) Prices include all taxes where not refundable on purchase.
(3) ThereDerived from the International Energy Agency publication, Energy Prices and Taxes Q3 20
is no tax.
(4) Prices excluding taxes have been estimated using a weighted average of general sales taxes and fuel
taxes levied by individual states.
(5) Some ex tax data is missing
+ DECC estimates that the price is likely to exceed the relevant median.
+/- DECC estimates that the price is likely to be around the relevant median.
- DECC estimates that the price is likely to be below the relevant median.
The relevant median is the EU15/G7 median for EU15/G7 data and the EU27 median for EU27 data.
Table 5.8.2 Industrial gas prices in the EU for medium consumers
(Excluding taxes)
Pence per kWh(2)
(1) Medium Consumers: consuming 2,778 - 17,777 MWh per annum, for
periods January - June and July - December each year.
(2) Prices converted to sterling using exchange rates in the appropriate period.
(3) See paragraphs A38 to A45 in the Technical notes for an explanation of the estimating
(4) Median price is based upon the available data, including those cases where DECC have
estimated the position of prices relative to the EU median.
(5) Prices include all taxes where not refundable on purchase.
(6) There is no tax.
Table 5.8.2 Industrial gas prices in the EU for medium consumers
(Including taxes)(5)
Pence per kWh(2)
The relevant median is the EU15 median for EU15 data, and the EU27 median for accession countries.
Table 5.9.1 Domestic gas prices in the EU and the G7 countries
Pence per kWh(1)
Excluding taxes Including taxes(2)
2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010
EU 15
Austria 2.47 2.94 3.53 4.26 3.88 3.45 4.02 4.80 5.75 5.27
Belgium +/- +/- 4.21 4.01 3.86 +/- +/- 5.24 5.00 4.86
Denmark 2.97 + + 3.59 3.98 5.92 + + 7.34 8.06
Finland(3) 1.04 1.23 1.85 1.98 2.09 1.41 1.65 2.44 2.62 2.76
France 2.38 2.87 3.67 3.99 4.03 2.79 3.37 4.31 4.68 4.81
Germany(5) +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- 4.45 5.66 6.23 5.45
Greece 2.61 3.94 5.22 5.27 5.47 2.84 4.29 5.69 5.75 6.04
Ireland 2.74 4.16 4.27 4.95 4.03 3.11 4.72 4.85 5.61 4.58
Italy 2.42 - 3.69 3.88 3.80 3.89 4.36 5.40 5.85 6.09
Luxembourg 2.13 - 3.76 3.61 3.44 2.26 - 4.07 3.93 3.75
Netherlands 2.47 2.99 3.62 3.95 3.25 3.79 4.43 5.81 6.42 5.57
Portugal 4.34 4.40 4.76 5.04 4.97 4.56 4.62 5.00 5.30 5.24
Spain 2.79 3.21 4.15 4.41 4.09 3.24 3.73 4.81 5.11 4.78
Sweden .. .. 4.53 4.72 5.24 .. .. 7.91 8.27 9.10
UK 2.17 3.08 3.69 4.20 3.95 2.28 3.24 3.88 4.41 4.15
Rest of G7:
Canada(4) 1.91 1.97 2.28 2.09 3.11 2.03 2.09 2.40 2.19 2.40
Japan 5.61 5.06 + + + 5.89 5.32 + + +
USA(4) 2.22 2.05 2.38 2.45 2.28 2.33 2.15 2.50 2.57 2.39
EU 15 & G7 Median 2.47 2.99 3.76 4.01 3.95 3.11 4.16 4.92 5.45 5.05
UK relative to:
EU 15 & G7 Median(%) -12.0 +3.0 -1.7 +4.7 0.0 -26.7 -22.1 -21.2 -19.1 -17.8
EU 15 rank 4 9 6 9 7 3 3 2 3 3
G7 rank 2 6 5 6 4 2 3 3 3 3
Bulgaria .. .. 2.47 3.05 2.85 .. .. 2.97 3.66 3.42
Cyprus .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Czech Republic 1.59 2.09 3.34 3.78 3.69 1.89 2.48 3.97 4.50 4.43
Estonia .. .. 2.30 2.74 2.58 .. .. 2.84 3.38 3.33
Hungary 0.99 2.20 2.92 3.23 2.88 1.14 2.64 3.51 3.95 3.60
Latvia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Lithuania .. .. 2.64 3.45 3.29 .. .. 3.11 4.14 3.98
Malta .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Poland 1.52 2.42 3.58 3.63 3.52 1.86 2.96 4.37 4.42 4.30
Romania .. .. 1.73 1.43 1.27 .. .. 2.66 2.50 2.37
Slovakia 1.60 2.66 3.21 3.62 3.29 1.91 3.16 3.82 4.31 3.916
Slovenia .. .. .. 4.39 4.13 .. .. 4.97 5.57 5.36
EU 27 Median 2.03 2.90 3.64 3.88 3.80 2.56 3.73 4.58 4.84 4.68
UK relative to:
EU 27 Median% +6.7 +6.2 +1.4 +8.2 +4.0 -22.2 -13.1 -15.4 -8.9 -11.3
EU 27 rank 8 13 16 17 16 7 7 8 9 9
Source: Derived from the International Energy Agency publication, Energy Prices and Taxes
(1) Prices converted to pounds sterling using annual average exchange rates.
(2) Prices include all taxes where not refundable on purchase.
(3) Prices for Finland are for district heating not central heating as is the case in other countries.
(4) Prices excluding taxes have been estimated using a weighted average of general sales taxes and fuel
taxes levied by individual states.
(5) Some ex tax data is missing :
+ DECC estimates that the price is likely to exceed the relevant median.
+/- DECC estimates that the price is likely to be around the relevant median.
- DECC estimates that the price is likely to be below the relevant median.
The relevant median is the EU15/G7 median for EU15/G7 data and the EU27 median for EU27 data
Table 5.10.2 Domestic gas prices in the EU for medium consumers
(Excluding taxes)
Pence per kWh(2)
Table 5.10.2 Domestic gas prices in the EU for medium consumers (1)
(Including taxes)(6)
Pence per kWh
The relevant median is the EU15 median for EU15 data and the EU27 median for accession countries.
Technical Notes
A2. Quarterly data is published three months in arrears. Any revised data is marked with an “r”.
Provisional annual data is published in the March edition of QEP, with final data being published in
A3. Coal and smokeless fuel (coal and solid fuels) - Retail prices of one standard grade of
household coal and of the boiler/room heater grade of smokeless fuel sold by the retailer, obtained
from local retailers in up to 146 areas throughout the United Kingdom.
A4. Gas and electricity - The indices are calculated using published tariff information from
British Gas (and since April 1996 other suppliers), the Public Electricity Supply Companies and
Northern Ireland Electricity (NIE). When prices change in an area (including discounts and lump
sum rebates), an index is re-calculated for a selection of the tariffs in use in that area at typical
levels of consumption at each tariff. Electricity area indices are weighted together using the total
receipts of each Public Electricity Supply Company and NIE from their sales to domestic
consumers under each tariff. Gas companies are weighted by customer numbers. Both indices are
calculated using mainly credit tariffs only.
A5. Heating oils - This comprises bottled gas and paraffin until January 1986, and domestic
heating oils. Prices of heating oil are provided by the main suppliers.
A6. Petrol and oil - Retail prices of the different grades of motor spirit and engine oil are
obtained from garages in more than 180 areas throughout the United Kingdom.
A7. Tables 2.2.1 and 2.3.1 show representative gas and electricity bills by payment type in
each of the 15 Public Electricity Supply (PES) areas in the UK and 12 gas Local Distribution Zones
(LDZ) in Great Britain. The unit cost represents the total cost to the consumer per unit consumed
71 December 2011
Technical Notes
and is calculated by dividing the bill shown by the number of units consumed (18,000 kWh for gas,
3,300 kWh for electricity). The electricity PES areas and gas LDZ associated with each of the
towns and cities are shown in Table A2:
A8. Provisional annual data is published in the December edition of QEP, with final data being
published in March.
A9. Bills and unit costs are based on published prices and include standing charges where
applicable. No allowances are made for introductory offers or non-cash benefits that may be
available from new suppliers. Both electricity and gas bills and costs reflect the prices of all
suppliers. This basis is used for all the domestic bills and cost data used in Tables 2.2.1 to 2.3.3.
The bills shown relate to the total bill including VAT in cash terms received during the calendar
year, for the tariff type shown, including all tariff changes and rebates. Averages are weighted by
the number of domestic customers. For electricity, an annual consumption of 3,300 kWh is used
whilst the equivalent figure for gas is 18,000 kWh.
A10. The weighted average of all supplier gas bills are based on equivalent tariffs of British Gas
and other gas supply companies. From 2007 onwards, due to a methodology change, the
estimates are based on bills received during the calendar year. As part of the methodology
change, it is now assumed that, of the 18,000 kWh of gas consumed per annum (see A9), 7,200
kWh are consumed in the first quarter, 3,600 kWh in Q2, 1,800 kWh in Q3 and 5,400 kWh in Q4.
A11. Internet tables 2.4.2, 2.4.3 and 2.5.2 show data for ‘Economy 7’ tariffs, where a lower unit
cost is applied to off-peak (night) consumption. For the total consumption of 6,600 kWh, off-peak
consumption has been taken as 3,600 kWh.
A12. Internet tables 2.2.4 and 2.3.4 are experimental statistics, used together with modelled
energy consumption in the calculation of household notional energy bills for use in the modelling of
the level of fuel poverty in England. These data are not suitable for calculating the average bills of
low use consumers. The data reported is an average of the fixed and variable costs across the
four quarters in the year. In the calculation, more weight is given to costs in Q1 and Q4, when it is
assumed that more electricity and gas is consumed (and hence the price at this time should
contribute more to the average). Therefore, these values should not be used to determine current
average bills. For more information see the Fuel Poverty Methodology Handbook, available on the
DECC fuel poverty webpage at:
http://www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/statistics/fuelpov_stats/fuelpov_stats.aspx .
December 2011 72
Technical Notes
Table 2.6.1
A13. Household final consumption expenditure comprises household expenditure in the United
Kingdom on the fuels specified and fuel purchases by foreign tourists. It excludes expenditure on
fuels by businesses. VAT was levied on domestic fuels at 8 per cent in April 1994, reduced to 5
per cent in September 1997, and is included in the table from 1994 onwards. For coal, coke and
petroleum products it was assumed that all consumers paid VAT from the date of its introduction.
For electricity and gas an estimate was made that 5 per cent of electricity sales and 4 per cent of
gas sales were covered by customers pre-paying their bills to avoid VAT in 1994 and 1995.
Figures for total consumers’ expenditure are also shown for comparison.
A14. Solid Fuels – Household final consumption expenditure on these fuels is based on
estimates of inland sales of solid fuels to domestic consumers. Expenditure in Northern Ireland is
estimated based on values of colliery despatches of house coal to Northern Ireland.
A15. Gas - Personal consumption in the United Kingdom is taken as sales to domestic premises.
Estimates of the quantity and value of liquid gases purchased by domestic consumers are provided
by the petroleum industry. The average price used is the average revenue per kWh for public
supply sales of gas to domestic consumers.
A16. Electricity - Sales from the public electricity supply system to domestic consumers in the
United Kingdom plus estimates of the domestic element included in sales to dual use premises.
Sales are valued at the average revenue per unit for electricity sold to domestic consumers, which
takes into account discounts and lump sum rebates.
A17. Liquid fuels (domestic heating and lighting oil) - For fuel oils and heating oils, information
is available from the petroleum industry on quantities delivered to domestic consumers. The figures
for domestic consumption are then valued using monthly prices collected by the department from
oil companies.
A18. Vehicle fuels and lubricants (petrol, diesel, LPG, oil and lubricants, brake and other
fluids, coolants) – Estimates of the quantity and value of lubricating oil purchased by domestic
customers are provided by the petroleum industry. For motor spirit and diesel, estimates of
business purchases of the fuels are made and deducted from total deliveries to arrive at purchases
by domestic consumers. The figures for domestic consumption are then valued using monthly
prices collected by the department from oil companies.
Table 2.6.2
A19. Figures for Internet Table 2.6.2 are taken from the Expenditure and Food Survey (EFS)
conducted by the ONS. The figures are estimates based upon a representative sample of
households. The averages in the table have been calculated on the basis of consuming
households, i.e. only those households who consumed the particular fuel in question are included
in the calculation of the average expenditure. These estimates therefore differ from those
published by the ONS in the report, "Family Spending", where the total of all households is used to
calculate average fuel expenditure. After the publication of data for 1993 the survey moved to a
financial year basis until 2005/06, then returned to a calendar year basis from 2006. The data
presented on expenditure on fuel as a proportion of total expenditure in table 2.6.2 are based on all
households, not just those consuming the fuel or other commodity, for ease of comparison.
73 December 2011
Technical Notes
Tables 3.1.1 to 3.1.4
A20. Prices are derived from information collected via the Quarterly Fuels Inquiry on fuel
purchases from a panel of about 600 establishments within manufacturing industry (which
excludes electricity generation). The panel consists of companies purchasing fuels in small and
large quantities. To maximise the coverage of each fuel type and minimise the burden on
business, larger users are surveyed proportionally more than smaller users.
A21. Provisional quarterly data is published three months in arrears, with final data being
published six months in arrears. Any revised data is marked with an “r”. Provisional annual data is
published in the March edition of QEP, with final annual data being published in June. The entire
year’s quarterly data is reviewed in June to ensure that each of the contributors who supply data
have been placed in the correct size band based upon their actual annual consumption. This
means that there can be revisions made to data from Q1 to Q4.
A22. For each size of consumer the average price for a fuel (exclusive of VAT) is calculated by
dividing the total quantity of purchases into their total value. The "all consumers-average" price
uses base weighting and weights the prices for each size band according to purchases by
businesses in the size band recorded in the 1984 Purchases Inquiry. (This is a large scale survey
conducted every 5 years until 1989, and conducted annually for a rotating selection of industries
from 1994 to 1999. From 1999 the inquiry has once again covered all industries, providing
information on the purchases of materials and fuels by the whole of UK industry.) The weights will
be reviewed when comprehensive up-to-date purchases data are available. The size bands are
defined, for each fuel individually, according to the approximate range of annual purchases
covered. (See Table A3).
A23. As described above the prices given are representative market prices. This means trades
that, because of their size or dominance of total consumption would produce an unrepresentative
price, are excluded. For example, coal purchased by the iron and steel sector is excluded, as is
gas purchased for electricity generation.
A24. For some fuels, the relative size in volume terms of the largest users can have the effect of
moving the weighted average more towards the large user price. This is true for gas where,
because of the growth in consumption, the weights provided by the 1984 purchases survey may be
out of date. Therefore, for some fuels (e.g. gas and gas oil), the median price (the price at which
50 per cent of the prices paid are higher and 50 per cent lower) may be another useful guide to
average prices.
A25. From Q1 2010, for coal only average prices and prices for large consumers are available
due to the small number of companies reporting data. Data for medium fuel oil, liquefied petroleum
gases and hard coke were discontinued from Q1 2005, and there was no sub-division into size
bands due to the small number of sites purchasing each of these fuels. The small sample sizes
reflect the small overall consumption, relative to the major fuels covered, which meant that,
although the prices were still representative, they could be subject to more sample effects than the
other fuels (e.g. if a relatively large purchaser switches fuel).
A26. To enable coal prices to be calculated in common units, companies record the calorific
value of the coal they purchase. Conversion factors for fuel oil (both heavy and medium), gas oil,
liquefied petroleum gas and hard coke are given in Annex B.
A27. The 10 per cent and 90 per cent deciles and the median price for each fuel are presented in
addition to the prices for each size band. The 10 per cent decile is the point within the complete
range of prices below which the lowest 10 per cent of those prices fall. Similarly, the 90 per cent
decile is the point above which the highest 10 per cent of the prices occur. These values give
some indication of the spread of prices paid by purchasers. The deciles and the median are
calculated by giving equal "weight" to each purchaser, but are scaled to represent the mix of fuel
users by size in the industrial population that the panel represents. From Q1 2007, decile
information is only published for gas and electricity.
December 2011 74
Technical Notes
Table A3: Range of annual purchases for the Quarterly Fuels Inquiry
Large Of which: Medium Small
Extra large Moderately
Fuel Greater than Greater than Less than
Coal (tonnes) 7,600 .. .. 760 to 7,600 760
Heavy fuel oil (tonnes) 4,900 15,000 4,900 to 15,000 490 to 4,900 490
Gas oil (tonnes) 175 .. .. 35 to 175 35
Electricity (thousand kWh) 8,800 150,000 8,800 to 150,000 880 to 8,800 880
Gas(1) (thousand kWh) 8,800 .. .. 1,500 to 8,800 1,500
(1) Respondents purchasing more than one type of supply (firm contract and interruptible contract) are
treated as separate entities in respect of each type of supply.
Table 3.2.1
A28. The prices for fuels used in electricity generation are collected via a quarterly inquiry of
electricity generators in the United Kingdom. This covers companies that produce electricity from
nuclear sources plus all companies whose prime purpose is the generation of electricity. The
companies are: AES Electric Ltd., Barking Power Ltd., Centrica plc., Coryton Energy Company
Ltd., Derwent Cogeneration Ltd., Eggborough Power Ltd., E.On UK plc., Fellside Heat and Power
Ltd., Fibrogen Ltd., Fibropower Ltd., Fibrothetford Ltd., GDF Suez, International Power, Premier
Power Ltd., Rocksavage Power Company Ltd., RWE Npower plc., Scottish Power plc., Scottish
and Southern Energy plc., SELCHP Ltd., Spalding Energy Company Ltd.
A29. The data reported are the value and volume of fuel purchased during the quarter and may
not always reflect the fuel actually used (i.e. there can be stocking and destocking, especially of
coal). The prices reported are typically for long-term contracts, with price escalator factors, some
of which may have been entered into some time ago. As such, the prices can be higher than those
paid by large industrial users who typically negotiate contracts each year.
A30 Provisional quarterly data is published three months in arrears, with final data being
published six months in arrears. Any revised data is marked with an “r”. Provisional annual data is
published in the March edition of QEP, with final data being published in June.
A31. The gas beach price series is derived from gas sales by licensees in the UKCS to delivery
points in the UK. It excludes exported gas and is adjusted to include imported gas. It is calculated
as follows:
where the UKCS sales value and volume data are derived from DECC’s statistical inquiry into oil
and gas extraction (PQ1100). Returns from the inquiry give the value and volume of gas sold by
each licensee from a particular field (or group of fields). Data from the inquiry on sales and
expenditure by licensees are covered and further explained in Annex G of the internet version of
the Digest of UK Energy Statistics. Trade data are supplied by Revenue and Customs and
published in the internet version of the Digest in Annex G, Chart G1.0.
A32. The gas levy applied to gas purchased under certain contracts originally entered into before
July 1975. The cost of gas under these pre-July 1975 contracts had historically been substantially
less than the prevailing market price. Gas sold under these contracts was not subject to Petroleum
Revenue Tax (PRT) because the contracts were classified as "tax-exempt" when PRT was
introduced in 1975. Instead, under the Gas Levy Act 1981, the purchaser of gas subject to the
relevant contracts had to pay a levy on every therm of such gas that they purchased. The purpose
75 December 2011
Technical Notes
of the gas levy was to capture for the Exchequer the bulk of the economic rent which would
otherwise accrue to the purchaser from purchasing this gas at below market prices. However,
current and expected future gas market prices are now below the average cost of this gas (even
before adding the cost of the levy). The gas levy was abolished from 1 April 1998.
A33. Provisional quarterly data is published three months in arrears, with final data being
published six months in arrears. Any revised data is marked with an “r”. Provisional annual data is
published in March, with final data being published in June. The entire year’s quarterly data for
coal and HFO is reviewed in June to ensure that each of the contributors who supply data to the
Quarterly Fuels Inquiry have been placed in the correct size band based upon their actual annual
consumption. This means that there can be revisions made to data from Q1 to Q4.
A34. The Climate Change Levy (CCL) came into effect in April 2001. The rates were increased
in April 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2011. The rates are shown in the table below.
April 2001 April 2007 April 2008 April 2009 April 2011
Coal £11.7/tonne £12.01/tonne £12.42/tonne £12.81/tonne £13.21/tonne
Electricity 0.43p/kWh 0.441p/kWh 0.456 p/kWh 0.470 p/kWh 0.485 p/kWh
Gas 0.15p/kWh 0.154p/kWh 0.159 p/kWh 0.164 p/kWh 0.169 p/kWh
LPG £9.60/tonne £9.85/tonne £10.18/tonne £10.50/tonne £10.83/tonne
A35. The prices for gas and electricity consumed by non-domestic users in the United Kingdom
are collected via a quarterly inquiry of gas and electricity suppliers. The data reported are the
value and volume of energy sold during the quarter, for each of the sizebands below:
Table A4: Range of annual purchases for the Price Transparency survey
Annual consumption Annual consumption
Electricity Very Small 0 - 20 Gas Very Small <278
Small 20 - 499 Small 278 – 2,777
Small/Medium 500 - 1,999 Medium 2,778 – 27,777
Medium 2,000 - 19,999 Large 27,778 – 277,777
Large 20,000 - 69,999 Very Large 277,778 – 1,111,112
Very Large 70,000 – 150,000
Extra Large >150,000
A36. The data published are national average prices calculated from prices supplied by all major
motor fuel marketing companies. Prior to 1977, price data were collated from a variety of sources,
mainly the published scheduled wholesale prices of the oil companies to which retailers margins
were added. The results of various consumers’ surveys were also taken into consideration in
arriving at a typical price. Users of the table should bear in mind that, because of the multiplicity of
petroleum marketing companies operating in the United Kingdom and the diversity of their pricing
policies, prices differ from dealer to dealer and from area to area. From January 1995 sales by
super/hyper markets are included in the price estimates.
A37 Crude oil prices are shown in Table 4.1.1 as an index based on a “basket” of both
indigenous and imported crude oil prices that are used as an input, along with other fuel prices, for
December 2011 76
Technical Notes
the Producer Prices Index (produced by ONS). The index represents the average price paid by
refineries for the month and is calculated in sterling on a cif basis.
A38. Provisional monthly prices are usually revised in the month following their original
publication, with revisions being marked with an “r”. Provisional annual prices are published in
December with revisions being made during the following two months as more data becomes
A40. For the analysis of annual electricity and gas prices (Tables 5.3.1, 5.5.1, 5.7.1 and 5.9.1),
the data used are collated and published by the International Energy Agency in ‘Energy Prices and
Taxes’. Individual countries supply data to the IEA, so methodology can vary between countries.
A41. The data presented in Sections 5.4, 5.6, 5.8 and 5.10 are derived from Eurostat’s Statistics
in Focus series.
A42. Eurostat changed the methodology used to compile the Price Transparency data shown in
sections 5.4, 5.6, 5.8 and 5.10. From 1st January 2008, data shows average prices over 6-month
periods (January - June and July - December), and each sizeband covers a range of consumption.
Previously, the Price Transparency data was for a single point in time (1st January and 1st July),
and each sizeband was represented by a single consumption figure.
A43. The change to the methodology has created a discontinuity within the price series. We
have published the new methodology prices within the same tables, with a clear distinction
between old and new data. Whilst prices using the old and new methodologies will not be
comparable, the UK ranking and UK price relative to the EU median should be broadly comparable
across the old and new data. The sizebands for consumers from January 2008 onwards are
defined as follows:
77 December 2011
Technical Notes
A44. Eurostat publishes data on gas and electricity prices six months after the end of the
reference period. Prior to 2005, the Eurostat data was mainly for selected cities in the EU, but
from 2005 onwards national prices are used.
A45. It is important when comparing international prices to keep in mind the impact of exchange
rates (as the data are presented in a common pound sterling basis, the changing level of the
pound will cause some changes in relative prices) and inflation rates in individual countries. The
relative strength of the pound in 1997, 1998 and 1999 (e.g. sterling appreciated by 21 per cent
against the German Mark between 1996 and 1999) to some extent will have had an adverse effect
on comparisons of UK data. The pound depreciated against the euro by around 22 per cent
between the first half of 2007 and the first half of 2011. This means that countries that use the
euro will show increased prices when expressed in pounds sterling.
A46. For tables 5.3.1 to 5.10.3, where data is not available, we have estimated the price in
relation to the EU 15 median. A ‘+’ indicates that the price is likely to exceed the median and is
given a high price, ‘+/-‘ indicates that the price is likely to be around the median, ‘-‘ indicates that
the price is likely to be below the median price and is given a low price. This methodology is
intended to give a better indication of the UK position when compared with those countries where
up-to-date data is not available.
December 2011 78
Calorific values and conversion factors
79 December 2011
Calorific values and conversion factors
B2: Estimated average gross calorific values of fuels 1980, 1990, 2000
and 2007 to 2010
GJ per tonne (gross)
1980 1990 2000 2007 2008 2009 2010
All consumers (1)(2) 25.6 25.5 26.2 26.3 26.1 25.7 25.8
All consumers - home produced plus imports minus exports (1) .. .. 27.0 27.0 26.9 26.8 27.0
Power stations (2) 23.8 24.8 25.6 25.3 25.4 24.9 24.9
Power stations - home produced plus imports (1) .. .. 26.0 26.2 26.2 26.0 25.8
Coke ovens (2) 30.5 30.2 31.2 32.8 32.6 32.6 30.5
Coke ovens - home produced plus imports (1) .. .. 30.4 30.5 30.5 32.6 30.5
Low temperature carbonisation plants and
manufactured fuel plants 19.1 29.2 30.3 29.4 30.5 28.8 30.2
Collieries 27.0 28.6 29.6 29.8 29.7 29.4 29.3
Agriculture 30.1 28.9 29.2 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0
Iron and steel industry (3) 29.1 28.9 30.7 30.4 30.4 30.4 30.4
Other industries (1) 27.1 27.8 26.7 27.2 27.0 27.5 27.7
Non-ferrous metals .. 23.1 25.1 25.4 25.4 25.0 25.4
Food, beverages and tobacco 28.6 28.1 29.5 30.4 30.4 28.7 28.6
Chemicals 25.8 27.3 28.7 26.7 26.7 26.7 26.7
Textiles, clothing, leather & footwear 27.5 27.7 30.4 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5
Pulp, paper, printing, etc. 26.5 27.9 28.7 29.4 29.4 23.9 24.1
Mineral products (4) .. 28.2 27.0 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.6
Engineering (5) 27.7 28.3 29.3 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5
Other industry (6) 28.4 28.5 30.2 28.5 26.1 31.6 27.7
House coal 30.1 30.2 30.9 30.5 30.5 29.7 29.8
Anthracite and dry steam coal 33.3 33.6 33.5 33.8 34.7 34.7 34.7
Other consumers 27.5 27.5 29.2 29.3 29.3 26.4 25.5
Transport –Rail .. .. .. 30.5 30.1 30.0 30.3
Imported coal (1) .. 28.3 28.0 27.3 27.2 27.3 27.9
of which Steam coal .. .. 26.6 26.5 26.5 26.5 26.5
Coking coal . .. 30.4 30.4 30.4 30.4 30.4
Anthracite .. .. 31.2 32.7 30.9 31.0 31.0
Exports .. 29.0 32.0 32.5 32.6 33.0 33.2
of which Steam coal .. .. 31.0 32.2 32.2 32.2 29.8
Anthracite .. .. 32.6 32.5 32.6 33.0 33.2
Coke 28.1 28.1 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8
Coke breeze 24.4 24.8 24.8 24.8 24.8 24.8 24.8
Other manufactured solid fuels (1) 27.6 27.6 30.8 32.6 32.6 32.6 32.6
Crude oil 45.2 45.6 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7
Liquefied petroleum gas 49.6 49.3 49.1 49.3 49.3 49.2 49.2
Ethane 52.3 50.6 50.7 50.7 50.7 50.7 50.7
LDF for gasworks/Naphtha 47.8 47.9 47.6 47.7 47.7 47.5 47.8
Aviation spirit and wide-cut
gasoline (AVGAS & AVTAG) 47.2 47.3 47.3 47.4 47.4 47.4 47.4
Aviation turbine fuel (AVTUR) 46.4 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2
Motor spirit 47.0 47.0 47.0 47.1 47.1 47.1 47.1
Burning oil 46.5 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2
Vaporising oil 45.9 45.9 .. .. .. .. ..
Gas/diesel oil(9) 45.5 45.4 45.6 45.3 45.3 45.2 45.3
Derv (9) .. .. .. 45.6 45.6 45.7 45.6
Fuel oil 42.8 43.2 43.1 43.6 43.6 43.5 43.3
Power station oil 42.8 43.2 43.1 43.6 43.6 43.5 43.3
Non-fuel products (notional value) 42.2 43.2 43.8 43.2 43.1 43.1 43.1
Petroleum coke .. 39.5 35.8 35.8 35.8 35.8 35.8
Natural Gas (8) .. 38.4 39.4 39.7 39.7 40.0 40.1
December 2011 80
Calorific values and conversion factors
The following prefixes are used for multiples of joules, watts and watt hours:
1 kilogramme (kg) = 2.2046 pounds (lb) 1 cubic metre (cu m) = 35.31 cu ft
1 mile = 1.6093 kilometres
1 kilometre (km) = 0.62137 miles
1 scale degree Celsius (C) = 1.8 scale degrees Fahrenheit (F)
For conversion of temperatures: °C = 5/9 (°F - 32); °F = 9/5 °C + 32
81 December 2011
Calorific values and conversion factors
Aviation turbine fuel 274 1,247 Bitumen 217 987
Burning oil 274 1,244 Petroleum coke * *
Petroleum waxes 260 1,184
DERV fuel: Industrial spirit 274 1,247
0.005% or less sulphur 262 1,191 White spirit 280 1,271
Note: The above conversion factors, which for refined products have been compiled by DECC using data
from UK Petroleum Industry Association companies, apply to the year 2010, and are only approximate for
other years.
* Denotes commercially sensitive, as too few companies are producing this to be able to report it.
December 2011 82
Effective rates of duty
83 December 2011
Effective rates of duty
Date from which duty Aviation Gas for use as Fuel oil Gas oil(6)(7) Kerosene(6)
effective gasoline(2) road fuel (2)(8)
13 June 1979 8.100 4.050 0.660 0.660
26 March 1980 10.000 5.000 0.770 0.770
10 March 1981 13.820 6.910
2 July 1981
9 March 1982 7.770 7.770
15 March 1983 8.150 8.150
13 March 1984 8.580 8.580 zero
19 March 1985 8.970 8.970
19 March 1986 9.690 9.690 1.100
17 March 1987
15 March 1988 10.220 10.220
14 March 1989
20 March 1990 11.240 11.240 0.830 1.180
19 March 1991 12.930 12.930 0.910 1.290
10 March 1992 13.900 13.900 0.950 1.350
16 March 1993 15.290 15.290 1.050 1.490
30 November 1993 16.570 16.570 1.160 1.640
29 November 1994 17.630 33.140 1.660 2.140
1 January 1995 18.070
28 November 1995 19.560 28.170 1.810 2.330
15 May 1996
26 November 1996 20.840 21.130 1.940 2.500
2 July 1997 22.550 2.000 2.580
17 March 1998 24.630 2.180 2.820
9 March 1999 26.440 15.000 2.650 3.030
1 October 1999
21 March 2000 27.340 2.740 3.130
7 March 2001 9.000
15 June 2001
9 April 2003 3.820 4.220
1 October 2003 28.100
3 December 2004 4.820 5.220
6 December 2005 6.040 6.440
7 December 2006 28.840 10.810 7.290 7.690
1 October 2007 30.030 13.700 9.290 9.690
1 December 2008 31.030 16.600 9.660 10.070
1 April 2009 19.260 10.000 10.420
1 May 2009 33.340
1 September 2009 34.570 22.160 10.370 10.800
1 April 2010 38.350 23.600 10.550 10.990
1 October 2010 25.050 10.740 11.180
1 January 2011 26.150 10.880 11.330
23 March 2011 37.700 24.700 10.700 11.140
(3) From 14 March 1989 until 20 March 1990, the rate of duty for 2-star and 3-star leaded motor spirit was 21.220 pence per litre.
(4) With the separate duty rate abolished, duty on these fuels is now charged at the rate appropriate to unleaded petrol or ultra low
sulphur petrol, dependent upon the sulphur and aromatic content of the fuel.
(5) Duty now charged at the rate appropriate to ultra low sulphur petrol.
(6) For industrial and commercial consumers these fuels became liable to the standard rate of VAT on 1 July 1990 (see note 2),
recoverable by the majority of such consumers. These fuels attracted VAT for domestic consumers from 1 April 1994 at an initial
rate of 8%. This was reduced to 5% from 1 September 1997.
(7) AVTUR (aviation turbine fuel) attracted the gas oil rate until 18 March 1986 after which it was zero-rated.
(8) From 29 November 1994 this duty is priced in pence per kilogram as the relative calorific values of the different types of road fuel
gases are very similar when related to mass (kilogram).
(9) Duty now charged at the rate appropriate to ultra low sulphur diesel
December 2011 84
Explanatory notes
Notes to tables Symbols used in the tables
• Figures for the latest periods .. not available.
and the corresponding - nil or less than half the final digit shown.
averages (or totals) are
p provisional.
provisional and are liable to
subsequent revision. r revised; where a column or row shows ‘r’ at the beginning, most,
but not necessarily all, of the data have been revised.
• The figures have not been
adjusted for temperature e estimated; totals of which the figures form a constituent part are
or seasonal factors except therefore partly estimated.
where noted.
Conversion factors
• Due to rounding the sum of
1 tonne of UK crude oil = 7.55 barrels All conversion of
the constituent items may not fuels from original
equal the totals. 1 tonne = 1,000 kilograms units to units of
1 gallon (UK) = 4.54609 litres energy is carried out
• Percentage changes relate on the basis of the
to the corresponding period a 1 kilowatt (kW) = 1,000 watts gross calorific value
year ago. They are calculated 1 megawatt (MW) = 1,000 kilowatts of the fuel.
from unrounded figures but 1 gigawatt (GW) = 1,000 megawatts
are shown only as (+) or (-) 1 terawatt (TW) = 1,000 gigawatts
when the percentage change
is very large. Conversion matrices
• All figures relate to the
To convert from the units on the left hand side to the units
United Kingdom unless
across the top multiply by the values in the table.
otherwise indicated.
To: Thousand Terajoules GWh Million
toe therms
Abbreviations From Multiply by
GDP Gross domestic product Thousand toe 1 41.868 11.630 0.39683
Terajoules (TJ) 0.023885 1 0.27778 0.0094778
UKCS United Kingdom Gigawatt hours (GWh) 0.085985 3.6000 1 0.034121
Continental Shelf Million therms 2.5200 105.51 29.307 1
VAT Value added tax To: Tonnes of oil Gigajoules kWh Therms
From Multiply by
Tonnes of oil equivalent 1 41.868 11,630 396.83
Gigajoules (GJ) 0.023885 1 277.78 9.4778
Kilowatt hours (kWh) 0.000085985 0.003600 1 0.034121
Therms 0.0025200 0.105510 29.307 1
Note that all factors are quoted to 5 significant figures
“QUARTERLY ENERGY PRICES”, which began in mid 2001, is a quarterly publication produced
by the Department of Energy and Climate Change. This replaces the energy prices information
formerly available in the monthly publication “ENERGY TRENDS” and the annual “DIGEST OF
UK ENERGY STATISTICS”. It contains tables, charts and commentary covering energy prices to
domestic and industrial consumers for all the major fuels, as well as presenting comparisons of
fuel prices in the European Union and G7 countries. Information on production and consumption
of energy continues to be available in the new quarterly editions of “Energy Trends”, and the
annual “Digest of UK Energy Statistics”.
UK Energy in Brief
Available from the Publications Orderline