The Samurai - A Dungeon World Playbook
The Samurai - A Dungeon World Playbook
The Samurai - A Dungeon World Playbook
The Way
BODY: Old, Muscular, Scarred When you act in the name of justice, mark
EYES: Grey, One Eye, Bold
Max (8+Consitution) Current Courage
HAIR: Shaved, Cut off Ponytail, Long. When you place yourself in real, mortal
danger for the sake of another, mark XP.
SKIN: Tattooed, Smooth, Weathered
When you set aside your own goals to help
your party, mark XP.
The Way of the Blade You are sworn to a master. In return for
When you use your skills in the service of another, pick one from below. your service, you may ask one favor of
For the Honor – When you Defend or Aid, you may spend 1XP to treat a Miss as a 10. them per session.
For the Battle – You always deal damage on a Hack and Slash.
For the Money – Set your price before you give your services, you will be paid, somehow. Dishonored
For Duty – Gain +1 to Defy Danger when you act to save another. You are marked as one who has abandoned
Only one of these can be active at any one time, and stop after you have completed your task or their ideals. Gain +1 forward when dueling
abandoned it. in a ‘fair fight’.
Hirelings will always start with at least 2 Loyalty to you, and will accept training as payment for
their services
Always Learning
When you duel another player to train, roll +DEX. *On a 10+, you both hold 1 *On a 7-9, either you
or they hold 1, you decide. During battle, you may spend this on one of the following;
Both of you deal damage at the same time to the same foe after a Hack and Slash
Lend the other up to 5HP
When Aiding, whoever you aid gains +1 armor till you stop
Family Blade Ancestral Aid
You have earned the right to wield your When you speak the name of an ancestor
family’s weapon. Take The Fighter’s into your blade and ask for a boon, roll
Max Load (8+STR) Current
Signature Weapon move. +WIS. *On a 10+, the spirit of your
You carry something. ancestor appears and grants you a boon, as
Simple Food (4 uses, ration) Mounted Archer best it can. *On a 7-9, it appears but can
When you fire a bow from your mount, roll only speak to you or give you advice.
Traveling Gear (5 uses, 1 weight) +DEX. *On a 10+, you may deal an extra 1d6
A letter of invitation (1 uses) damage or move to an advantageous position The Art
in addition to dealing damage. *On a 7-9, When you create a work of art, choose a
Choose your weapon: choose 1: theme below and ask your GM how long it
Katana (Precise, Close, 2 weight) will take, then roll +CHA. *On a 10+, you
You weren’t paying attention, and have
have the materials to create it. *On a 7-9,
Odachi (Forceful, Reach, 3 weight) ridden to a bad spot
you need something special, your GM will
You drop something, and now its back
Wakizashi and Tanto (Hand, Thrown, 1 tell you what.
weight) You collide with a foe – deal 1d6 damage Battle – Grants you +1 Damage to your
Choose your defenses: but you fall from your horse next attack
Compassion – Grants you +1 to Parlay
Heavy Armor (Clumsy, +1 Armor, 3 weight)
Way of the Shadow the next time you speak
Light Robes (1 weight) When you act with dishonor, tricking a foe Temperance – Can be burned to
during battle, roll +DEX. *On a 10+, inflict a restore your HP
Choose one:
debilitation of your choice. *On a 7-9, your
Yumi and a few arrows (2 ammo, Far, 2 trick succeeds, but at the cost of an allies Honed Training
weight) trust, either lose a bond or -1 loyalty to a Take the starting move you didn’t take.
Trap bag (3 uses, 1 weight)
Blade Catch
Warrior Code When you are caught without a weapon
When it relates to combat or battle, you may and about to be attacked, roll +DEX. *On
Discern Realities with STR. a 10+, you grasp the enemies weapon as it
comes down, breaking it in two. *On a 7-9,
Ninja Tools you still grasp the enemies weapon, they’re
You have trained in the ninja arts, and when not letting go.
you have some time to prepare, you may
build 1 of the following: High Samurai
As long as you own your armor, it loses its
2 Bombs (Near, Forceful)
clumsy tag.
Caltrops (2 uses)
Flash bomb (Near, Stun)