Planetary Plant Correspondences

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plant correspondences of the moon

Adder�s tongue FA, Z, C2

Agnus castus A
All gourds (melons, cucumbers, squashed, etc.) D&Ph
All white or purple lily-flowered plants D&Ph
All-seed J
Aloe W, C2, Aloes C&C
Anise Z
Arrach FA
Arrowhead Z
Artemisia D&Ph
Atriplex J
Bachu C2
Balm, lemon C2
Banana Z
Barley Z
Bay D&Ph
Bay Laurel Z
Bayleaf Z
Beans D&Ph
Bladderwrack C2
Brankursine FA
Brassicaceous plants J
Breadfruit Z
Cabbage W, Z, C2
Cabbage-lettuce J
Cabbages, all J
Calamus C2
Caltrops Z
Camellia W, C2
Camphor D&Ph,W, F, C1, C2, C&C, Z
Canthus J
Carob D&Ph
Cedar Z
Chestnut, water J
Chickweed FA, Z, C2, J
Chintosa A
Clary FA
Cleavers FA, J
Clubmoss C2
Coconut W, C2, Coconut palm D&Ph
Colewort FA
Coralwort FA
Corn poppy J
Cotton W, C2
Cuckoo-flower FA, Cuckoo flower J
Cucumber FA, W, Z, C2, J
Cyclamen Z
Daisy J
Dog-s Tooth Z
Duckmeat FA
Duckweed J
Dulse C2
Endive Z
Eucalyptus D&Ph, W, C2
Fennel Z
Fleur de lys FA
Florentine Iris J
Fluellin FA
Forget-me-not Z
Galbanum D&Ph, Z
Galium J
Gardenia W, C&C, C2
German Iris J
Ginseng C&C
Goose grass J
Gourd W, Z, C2, J
Grape W, C2
Hawkweed J
Hazel D&Ph
Honesty C2
Honeysuckle Z
Hyacinth D&Ph
Hyssop A, Z, J
Iris D&Ph
Iris, Florentine J
Iris, German J
Iris, pale
Irish Moss C2
Jasmine D&Ph, W, C1, C2, K, C&C
Laburnum D&Ph
Lady�s Smock Z, J
Lemon balm C2
Lemon C1, C2, C&C
Lentils D&Ph
Lettuce FA, W, Z, C2
Lily of the Valley Z
Lily W, C1, C2
Lily, white J
Lily, yellow Z
Lime tree J
Loosestrife FA, C2
Lotus W, C&C, Z, C2
Mallow C2
Mango Z
Melon C1, Z
Mesquite W, C2
Moneywort J
Monk�s pepper J
Moonwort C2
Moonwort FA, C&C, Z, J
Mouse-ear FA, Z, J
Mushrooms (various) W, C&C, Z
Myrrh W, F, C2
Myrtle F
Narcissus D&Ph
Notchweed J
Nutmeg Z, J
Olibanum Z
Olive tree A
Opium poppy J
Orache J
Orphine Z
OrpineFA, J
Orris root D&Ph, Z
Pale iris J
Papaya D&Ph, W, C2, J
Passion flower C2
Pea C2,Peas D&Ph
Peach C2
Pear C2
Pearl-trefoil FA
Pellitory of Spain FA
Periwinkle J
Poppy W, C&C, C2
Poppy, white Z
Potato W, C2
Privet J
Psylocibe musroom Z
Pumpkin Z, J
Purslane C2
Rattle-grass FA
Rattlegrass Z
Rhubarb Z
Rose, white Z
Rose, yellow Z
Rosemary A, Z
Sandalwood W, Z, C2
Saxifrage FA, J
Seaweed Z
Sedum J
Selenotropion A
Sorrel Z
Sour-sap Z
Speedwell J
Stonecrop FA, Stonecrop, sharp J
Stonecrop Z
Sugarcane Z
Tilia J
Trefoil Z
Turmeric J
Turnip D&Ph, W, Z, C2
Vetches D&Ph
Wallflower FA, J
Wall-pepper J
Water caltrop FA
Water chestnut J
Water flag FA
Watercress FA, Z, J
Waterflag Z
Water-lily FA, Z, Waterlily J
White lily FA, J
Willow W, K, C&C, Z, C2, Willow tree FA,D&Ph, Willow, all kinds J
Wintergreen D&Ph, W, C2, Z
Yam D&Ph
Yellow Lily Z
Ylang-ylang D&Ph

plant correspondences mercury

Acacia Z, All kinds of Acacias J
Agaric W, C2
Almond D&Ph,W, C2
Amara-dulcis Z
Angelica D&Ph,W
Anise J
Aspen D&Ph,W, C2
Azalea J, Azaleas Z
Bamboo W
Basil, wild J
Bean W, C2
Benzoin C1
Bergamot D&Ph, Z
Bergamot mint C1
Bergamot, orange C2
Birch D&Ph, K
Bitter-sweet FA, Bittersweet C2, J
Bracken W, C2
Brazil nut W, Z, C2
Bryony J
Buckbean J
Cactus W
Calamit FA, Z, J
Caraway FA,W, C1, C2, C&C, Z, J
Carrot Z, J
Cascarilla bark Z
Cashew Z
Castor palm D&Ph
Celery seed Z
Celery W, C1, C2, J
Chicory Z, J
Cinnamon F
Cinnamon wood Z
Cinquefoil A
Clary Sage C1
Clove D&Ph,W, F
Clover C2
Coltsfoot Z, J
Corn Z
Costmary C1
Cubeb pepper J
Digitalis J
Dill FA,W, C1, C2, C&C, Z, J
Dragon�s wort Z
Elecampane FA, Z, C2, J
Endive J
Eucalyptus C1
Fennel FA, D&Ph, W, C1, C2, C&C, Z, J
Fenugreek Z, C2
Fern FA,D&Ph, W, C2
Fern, male Z, C2
Filbert C2
Five-leaved grass (cinquefoil) A
Flax W, C2
Foxglove, red J
Fumatory A
Galbanum F
Garlic cress FA
Germander FA, J
Goat�s rue C2
Golden maiden-hair FA
Gum Arabic D&Ph, W,
Gum mastic K
Harefoot J
Hazel A, Z
Hazel J
Hazelnut FA
Hedge mustard J
Herb mercury (dog�s mercury) A
Honeysuckle FA, J
Hop trefoil J
Hopclover J
Horehound FA, W, Z, C2, Horehound, white J
Houndstongue FA,Hound�s tongue J
Jasmine Z
Lads love Z
Lavender FA,D&Ph, W, C1, C2, Z, J
Lemon Verbena C1, C2
Lemongrass D&Ph, C2
Licorice Z, J, Liquorice FA
Lily of the valley FA, C1, C2, J
Lime Z
Linden Z
Liquid storax D&Ph
Lombard poplar D&Ph
Lungwort Z
Mace D&Ph, W, F, C&C, Z, C2
Magnolia D&Ph
Maiden hair Z, Maidenhair J
Mandrake D&Ph, W, C&C, Z, C2, J
MarjoramFA, D&Ph, W, C1, C2, C&C, Z, J
Marsh trefoil J
Mastic D&Ph, C&C, gum mastic K
May apple C2
Mercury, annual J
Mercury, perennial J
Mint W, Z, C2, J
Mountain balm J
Mulberry C2
Mulberry tree, black J
Mulberry tree, white J
Mulberry treeFA, D&Ph, W
Myrtle tree Z, Myrtle J
Nailwort FA
Niaouly C1
Oats FA, Z, J
Orange D&Ph
Oregano Z, J, Origanum J
Papyrus W, C2
Parsley FA,D&Ph, W, C1, C2, Z, J
Parsnip FA, Z, J
Pecan W, C2
Pellitory of the wall FA,D&Ph, Wall pellitory J
Peppermint W, C1, C2
Peyote W
Pimpernel A, C2
Pine Z
Pistachio D&Ph, C2
Poison nut J
Pomegranate W, C&C, Z, C2
Red foxglove J
Sandalwood Z
Sauce-alone FA
Savory FA, Z, J
Savory, summer C2
Scabius FA
Selfheal (pimpernel) A
Senna C2
Smallage FA, Z
Southernwood FA, Z, C2
Southerwood J
Spearmint C1
Spikenard D&Ph
Star anise D&Ph
Stillengia D&Ph
Storax F ,C&C, Styrax D&Ph
Sweet Pea C1
Tansy Z
Thyme Z
Trefoil, hop J
Trefoil, march
Valerian FA, Z, J
Verbena Z
Vomit or poison nut J
Wall rue FA
Walnut D&Ph, Z
Wax plant C2
White maiden-head FA
White sandal C&C
Wild basil J
Wild carrot FA
Woodbine J
Wormwood J
Yellow sandalwood D&Ph

plant correspondences of venus

Adam and Eve C2
African violet C2
Alder C2
Alehoof FA
Alfalfa C2
Alkanet FA
Aloes, wood C2
Ambergis A
Apple D&Ph,W, C1, C2, J
Apricot C2
Archangel bean FA
Arrach, wild FA
Artichoke FA, J
Aster C2
Avocado W, C2
Bachelor�s buttons C2
Balm of Gilead W, C2
Banana W, C2
Barley W, C2
Bean, dwarf J
Bean, running J
Bedstraw, fragrant C2
Beech D&Ph
Benzoin C&C
Betula pendula, sive verrucosa, a kind of birch J
Betula pubescens, sive alba, a kind of birch J
Birch W, C2
Bishop�s weed FA
Black or Common alder tree FA
Blackberry W, C2
Bleeding heart C2
Blites FA
Blue flag C2
Bramble FA
Buckwheat W, C2
Bugle FA, J
Burdock FA, C2, J
Burr fruit J
Camomile C1
Caper W, C2
Cardamom D&Ph,W, C1, C2
Catmint FA
Catnip W, C1, C2, J
Cherry W, C2, Cherry tree FA
Chestnut J
Chick-pea J
Chickpease FA
Cinchona D&Ph
Clover sorrel J
Coltsfoot FA, C2
Columbine FA, D&Ph, C2, J
Common fig D&Ph
Coriander A
Corn W, C2
Cotyledon J
Cowslip FA, C2
Crab�s claw FA
Crocus C2
Crossword FA
Cudweed FA
Cukoo-flower C2
Cyclamen D&Ph, C2
Daffodil W, C1, C2
Daisy FA, W, C2
Datura W
Devil�s bit FA
Digitalis J
Dittany of Crete W, C2
Dog mercury FA
Dropwort FA
Dwarf bean J
Dyer�s alkanet J
Earth chestnuts FA
Elder D&Ph, W, K, C&C, C2, J
Eringo FA , Eryngo C2
Featherfew FA
Feverfew C2
Figwort FA
Foxglove FA, D&Ph, W, C2
Foxglove, red J
Freesia C1
French mercury FA
Fuller�s thistle or weed J
Gardenia C1
Geranium D&Ph, W, C1, C2, C&C, J
Golden rod FA, Goldenrod J
Goldenrod W, C2, Golden rod FA
Gooseberry FA
Gromel FA
Gromwell J
Ground ivy FA, J
Groundsel FA, C2, J
Gum ladanum (rock rose) A
Hawthorn D&Ph
Heather C2
Herb Robert J
Herb-robert FA
Hesperus (myrtle) A
Hibiscus D&Ph, W, C2
Huckeberry C2
Hyacinth D&Ph, W, C1, C2, C&C
Indian paint brush C2
Iris W, C1, C2
Ivy, ground FA, J
Jasmine F
Kidneywort FA
Ladies� mantle FA, J
Lady�s mantle C2
Larkspur C2
Lemon D&Ph
Lemon verbena D&Ph
Licorice D&Ph, W, C&C, C2
Lilac W, C1, C2
Lime D&Ph
Lucky hand C2
Magnolia W, C1, C2
Maidenhair A
Marshmallow FA, J
Mint FA
Mints, all kinds J
Moneywort FA
Morelly cherry J
Motherwort FA, J
Mugwort FA, W, C1, J
Musk A
Musk F
Myrtle A
Myrtle D&Ph, W, C&C
Narcissus C1
Navelwort J
Nep FA
Oats W
Orange D&Ph
Orchids, all kinds J
Palmarosa C1
Parsley piert FA
Parsnip FA
Passion flower W
Pea W
Peach W, J
Pear D&Ph, W, J, Pear tree FA
Pennyroyal FA
Periwinkle FA, D&Ph, W
Plantain FA
Plum tree FA
Plumeria C1
Pomegranate A
Poppy FA
Primrose FA, W, J
Privet FA
Purslane FA
Queen of the meadows FA
Ragwort FA
Red foxglove J
Red rose D&Ph
Red sandalwood D&Ph, C&C
Red storax D&Ph
Rose W, F, C1, K, C&C, J
Running bean J
Rye FA
Sagebrush W
Sandalwood A, C&C
Sanders (sandalwood) A
Sanicle FA, J
Self-heal FA
Siamese benzoin D&Ph
Soap plant J
Soapweed J
Soapwort FA, J
Sorrel FA, J, Wood sorrel, clover sorrel J
Sour cherry J
Sow-thistle FA
Spearmint D&Ph, W
Spicknel J
Spider Lily C1
Spignel FA
Strawberry D&Ph, W, FA
Strawberry, wild
Strawberry, wood J
Sweet cherry D&Ph
Sweetpea W
Tansey FA
Tansy ragwort J
Tansy W
Teasel FA, J
Thyme W, C1, A, C&C
Thyme, garden J
Thyme, wild J
Tomato W
Tonka beans D&Ph
True-love FA
Tuberoe C1
Tulip D&Ph, W, C1
Valerian D&Ph, W, A
Vanilla W, C1
Vervain FA,D&Ph, W, A, J
Vetivert D&Ph, C1
Violet W, F, A, J
Wheat FA, W, J
White ginger C1
Wild anemone D&Ph
Wild arrach FA
Wild strawberry J
Wild thyme J
Willow C2
Wood aloe C1
Wood sorrel J
Wood strawberry J
Woodsage FA
Wormwood J
Yarrow W C1, J
Ylang-Ylang C1
Yohimbe W

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