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Practice Note for Authorized Persons,

Buildings Department Registered Structural Engineers and APP-151

Registered Geotechnical Engineers

Building Design to Foster a Quality and Sustainable Built Environment

There has been rising public concern over the quality and sustainability of
the built environment, including issues regarding building bulk and height, air
ventilation, greening and energy efficiency in buildings. In 2009, the Council for
Sustainable Development launched a public engagement process entitled “Building
Design to Foster a Quality and Sustainable Built Environment” in collaboration with
the Government. The exercise has pointed to a need for putting in place a package of
new measures to foster a quality and sustainable built environment. This practice
note sets out a package of measures, covering the following major elements, to
promote a quality and sustainable built environment:

(a) sustainable building design guidelines (SBD Guidelines) on

building separation, building set back and site coverage of

(b) gross floor area (GFA) concessions, and

(c) energy efficiency of buildings.

Sustainable Building Design Guidelines

2. The Buildings Department (BD) has commissioned a consultancy study

on “Building Design that Supports Sustainable Urban Living Space in Hong Kong”.
Based on the study, a set of SBD Guidelines has been developed to promote building
separation, building set back and site coverage of greenery as promulgated in the
Practice Note for Authorized Persons, Registered Structural Engineers and Registered
Geotechnical Engineers (PNAP) APP-152.

3. To enhance the quality and sustainability of the built environment, the

Building Authority (BA) will take account of the compliance with the SBD Guidelines
as promulgated in the PNAP APP-152, where applicable, as a pre-requisite in
exempting or disregarding green / amenity features and non-mandatory / non-essential
plant rooms and services from GFA and/or site coverage calculations (GFA
concessions) in new building developments. Such green / amenity features and non-
mandatory / non-essential plant rooms and services and the relevant practice notes
promulgating the criteria and requirements for granting GFA concessions are
summarised in Appendix A.

/Overall …..

Overall Cap on GFA Concessions

4. To contain the effect on the building bulk while allowing flexibility in the
design for incorporating desirable green / amenity features and non-mandatory / non-
essential plant rooms and services, an overall cap will be imposed on the total amount
of GFA concessions for these features, except those features described in paragraph 5
below. This cap is set at 10 % of the total GFA of the development. If a
development comprises both domestic and non-domestic buildings or in the case of a
composite building, GFA concessions for features serving the domestic part or the
non-domestic part of the development will be calculated separately such that GFA
concessions for each part will be capped at 10%, based on the total GFA of the
respective part of the development. Features that are subject to this overall cap of
GFA concessions are listed in the table at Appendix A.

5. GFA concessions for the following features, which may have to satisfy
their own individual acceptance criteria, will not be subject to the overall cap:

(a) Mandatory features and essential plant rooms such as refuse

storage chamber, telecommunications and broadcasting rooms;

(b) Communal podium gardens and sky gardens that improve

permeability of a development to its neighbourhood;

(c) Floor space used solely for parking motor vehicles and loading
and unloading of motor vehicles which is separately controlled
given its significant impact on building bulk and height and the
relevant transport, planning and environmental policies;

(d) Voids in front of cinemas or in shopping arcades, etc. with

operational needs in non-domestic developments;

(e) Bonus GFA and / or GFA exemptions relating to dedication

for public passage or surrender for road widening and building
set back in accordance with the SBD Guidelines; and

(f) Hotel concessions granted under regulation 23A of the

Building (Planning) Regulations.

Pre-requisites for Granting GFA Concessions

6. To promote sustainable building designs and energy efficient features in

new developments, compliance with the following requirements will be pre-requisites
for the granting of GFA concessions for all green / amenity features and non-
mandatory / non-essential plant rooms and services provided in a proposed
development as described in Appendix A:

/(a) …..

(a) Compliance with the SBD Guidelines on building separation,

building set back and site coverage of greenery in PNAP APP-
152, where applicable;

(b) For domestic or composite development, compliance with the

requirements of PNAP APP-156 on Design and Construction
Requirements for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings,
where applicable;

(c) Submission of the official letter issued by the Hong Kong

Green Building Council (HKGBC) acknowledging the
satisfactory completion of project registration application for
BEAM Plus certification;

(d) Submission of a letter by the developer or owner undertaking

to submit to the BD the following documents:

(i) Result of the Provisional Assessment under the BEAM

Plus certification conferred / issued by the HKGBC to be
submitted prior to the application for consent to
commence the building works shown on the approved
plans (consent);

(ii) Information on the estimated energy performance /

consumption for the common parts (for domestic
developments) or for the entire building (for non-
domestic developments including hotels) to be submitted
in the standard form (Appendix B) prior to the consent

(iii) Information specified in item (ii) above to be updated and

submitted at the time of submitting application for
occupation permit (OP);

(iv) Result of the Final Assessment under the BEAM Plus

certification conferred / issued by the HKGBC, within 18
months of the date of issuance of the OP by the BA;

(v) Provisional energy efficiency report prior to the consent

application in accordance with PNAP APP-156, where
applicable; and

(vi) Final energy efficiency report upon application for an OP

in accordance with PNAP APP-156, where applicable ;

(e) Compliance with the overall cap on GFA concessions as

described in paragraph 4 above, where applicable; and

/ (f) …..

(f) Compliance with the relevant acceptance criteria for the

individual green and amenity features.

Conditions for Granting GFA Concessions

7. In addition to the acceptance criteria and conditions that may be imposed

for granting GFA concessions as detailed in the relevant practice notes for the green /
amenity features and non-mandatory / non-essential plant rooms and services
described in paragraph 6 above, the following conditions may be imposed:

(a) The modification is given in recognition of the undertaking

submitted by the developer or owner as described in paragraph
6(d) above;

(b) Information described in paragraph 6(d)(i), (ii) and (v) above

shall be submitted to the BD prior to the consent application;

(c) Information described in paragraph 6(d)(iii) and (vi) above

shall be submitted to the BD at the time of submitting
application for OP;

(d) Information described in paragraph 6(d)(iv) above shall be

submitted to the BD within 18 months of the date of the OP;

(e) The modification will be revoked if the consent application is

submitted prior to the submission of information specified in
item (b) above.

8. Authorized persons should consult a registered professional engineer

under the Engineers Registration Ordinance of the relevant discipline in assessing the
energy efficiency of the building and in completing the standard form at Appendix B;

Disclosure for Public Information

9. To increase the transparency of information to the public, the following

information will be uploaded onto the BD website after the issuance of the occupation

(a) The estimated energy performance / consumption information

as described in paragraph 6(d)(iii) above;

(b) The results of the Provisional Assessment under the BEAM

Plus certification as described in paragraph 6(d)(i) above,
which will be replaced by the results of the Final Assessment
described in paragraph 6(d)(iv) above, upon receipt; and
/(c) …..

(c) The finalised RTTV and OTTV for RRF as recorded in the
final energy efficiency report.

( HUI Siu-wai )
Building Authority

Ref. : BD GP/BREG/P/49

First issue January 2011

This revision September 2014 (AD/NB1) (paras. 6, 7 and 9, Item 27 in Appendix
A and Appendix B amended and
previous paras. 10 and 11 deleted)
Appendix A
(PNAP APP- 151)

List of GFA Concessions

Practice Notes Features Features

subject to Subject
compliance to the
with the Overall
pre- Cap of
requisites 10% in
in para. 6 para.4 of
& 7 of PNAP
Disregarded GFA under Regulation 23(3)(b) of the
Building (Planning) Regulations (B(P)R)
1. Carpark and loading/unloading area PNAP APP-2 and
excluding public transport terminus APP-111
2. Plant rooms and similar services
2.1 Mandatory feature or essential plant room, PNAP APP-35 &
area of which is limited by respective PNAP APP-84
or regulation, such as lift machine room,TBE
room, refuse storage chamber, etc. 1
2.2 Mandatory feature or essential plant room, PNAP APP-2 and
areas of which is NOT limited by any PNAP APP-42
or regulation, such as room occupied solely
by FSI and equipment, meter room,
transformer room, potable and flushing water
tank, etc. 2
2.3 Non-mandatory or non-essential plant room, PNAP APP-2 and ✓ ✓
such as A/C plant room, AHU room, etc. 3 APP-42
Disregarded GFA under Regulation 23A(3) of the
3. Area for picking up and setting down persons PNAP APP-40
departing from or arriving at the hotel by
4. Supporting facilities for a hotel PNAP APP-40
Green Features under Joint Practice Notes (JPNs)
5. Balcony for residential buildings JPN1 ✓ ✓
6. Wider common corridor and lift lobby JPN1 ✓ ✓
7. Communal sky garden JPN1 & 2 ✓
8. Communal podium garden for non- JPN1 ✓
residential buildings
9. Acoustic fin JPN1 ✓
10. Wing wall, wind catcher and funnel JPN1 ✓
11. Non-structural prefabricated external wall JPN2 ✓ ✓
12. Utility platform JPN2 ✓ ✓
13. Noise barrier JPN2 ✓
Amenity Features
14. Counter, office, store, guard room and PNAP APP-42 ✓ ✓
lavatory for watchman and management
staff, Owners’ Corporation Office
15. Residential recreational facilities including PNAP APP-2, ✓ ✓
void, plant room, swimming pool filtration APP-42 and
plant room, covered walkway etc serving APP-104
solely the recreational facilities
16. Covered landscaped and play area PNAP APP-42 ✓

17. Horizontal screen/covered walkway, trellis PNAP APP-42 ✓ ✓9
18. Larger lift shaft PNAP APP-89 ✓ ✓
19. Chimney shaft PNAP APP-2 ✓ ✓
20. Other non-mandatory or non-essential plant PNAP APP-2 ✓ ✓
room, such as boiler room, SMATV room 4
21. Pipe duct, air duct for mandatory feature or PNAP APP-2
essential plant room5 & APP-93
22. Pipe duct, air duct for non-mandatory or non- PNAP APP-2 ✓ ✓
essential plant room6
23. Plant room, pipe duct, air duct for PNAP APP-2 ✓
environmentally friendly system and feature7
24. High headroom and void in front of cinema, PNAP APP-2 ✓
shopping arcade etc. in non-domestic
25. Void over main common entrance (prestige PNAP APP-2 & ✓ ✓
entrance) in non-domestic development APP-42
26. Void in duplex domestic flat and house PNAP APP-2 ✓ ✓
27. Sunshade and reflector PNAP APP-19,
APP-67 & APP-
28. Minor projection such as AC box, window PNAP APP-19 &
cill, projecting window APP-42
29. Other projection such as air-conditioning box PNAP APP-19 ✓ ✓
and platform with a projection of more than
750mm from the external wall
Other Items
30. Refuge floor including refuge floor cum sky PNAP APP-2
garden & APP-122
31. Covered area under large PNAP APP-19
projecting/overhanging feature
32. Public transport terminus (PTT) PNAP APP-2
33. Party structure and common staircase PNAP ADM-2
34. Horizontal area of staircase, lift shaft and PNAP APP-2
vertical duct solely serving floor accepted as
not being accountable for GFA
35. Public passage PNAP APP-108
36. Covered set back area PNAP APP-152
Bonus GFA
37. Bonus GFA PNAP APP-108

1 Mandatory feature or essential plant room, area of which is limited by respective PNAP or
regulation, include duct for basement smoke extraction system, lift machine room,
telecommunications and broadcasting room, refuse storage chamber, refuse storage and
material recovery chamber, material recovery chamber, refuse storage and material recovery
room, or similar feature / plant room, and pipe and air ducts which are part of the distribution
network for such mandatory feature or essential plant and contained within such room.

2 Mandatory feature or essential plant room, area of which is NOT limited by any PNAP or
regulation*, include electrical switch room, meter room, transformer room, generator room,
potable and flushing water tank and pump room, sewage treatment plant room, refuse chute,
refuse hopper room, room occupied solely by fire service installations and equipment such as
fire service / sprinkler water tank and pump room, fire control centre, CO2 room, fan for
smoke extraction system / staircase pressurization system, hose reel closet, sump pump room/
pump room for rainwater, soil and waste disposal, or similar feature / plant room and pipe
and air ducts which are part of the distribution network for such mandatory feature or essential
plant and contained within such room.

3 Non-mandatory feature or non-essential plant room, area of which may be disregarded under
regulation 23(3)(b) of the B(P)R, include plant room occupied solely by machinery or
equipment for air-conditioning or heating system such as AC plant room, air handling unit
room, or similar plant room, and pipe and air ducts which are part of the distribution network
for such feature or plant and contained within such room.

4 Other non-mandatory feature or non-essential plant room, area of which may be exempted under
regulation 23(3)(a) of the B(P)R, include hot water boiler room, filtration plant room for
swimming pool in a hotel or for a water feature in a communal garden/landscape area, SMATV
room, or similar plant room, and pipe and air ducts which are part of the distribution network
for such feature or plant and contained within such room.

5 Pipe duct, air duct for mandatory feature or essential plant room, include pipe duct for
rainwater, soil and waste disposal and individual pipe and air ducts which are part of the
distribution network for such mandatory feature or essential plant as described in notes 1 and
2 above, and located outside such plant room.

6 Pipe duct, air duct for non-mandatory feature or non-essential plant room, include individual
pipe and air ducts which are part of the distribution network for such non-mandatory feature
or non-essential plant as described in notes 3 and 4 above and located outside such plant room.

7 Plant room for environmentally friendly system and feature, area of which may be exempted
under regulation23(3)(a) of the B(P)R, include plant room for rainwater harvesting / grey water
recycling system, battery room for solar panels, or similar system / feature, and pipe and air
ducts which are part of the distribution network for such system and feature.

8 High headroom and void in front of cinema, shopping arcade etc. in non-domestic development
include void in front of cinema, theatre balcony, banking hall, shopping arcade, cockloft floor
for storage within the ground storey in single-staircase building, auditorium, sporting hall,
school hall and religious institution that have operational justifications.

9 Horizontal screen / covered walkway / trellis may be excluded from the overall cap on GFA
concessions subject to provision of greenery to BA’s satisfaction as stipulated under PNAP

* Although the feature or plant room, area of which is not limited by any PNAP or regulation,
only the minimum amount of GFA necessary for accommodating and maintaining the services
and commensurate with the the development would be allowed to be disregarded as stated in


Appendix B
(PNAP APP- 151)

Declaration on Annual Energy Use of a Building Development


Part I: Building Particulars

第一部分: 樓宇詳情

(a) Building name 樓宇名稱 (if known 如知悉): (English)_______________________(中文)_______________

(b) Address of site 地盤地址: (English)__________________________________________________________


(c) Lot number 地段編號: ____________________________________________________________________

(d) Type of building 樓宇類型:

* Domestic Building 住宅樓宇 / Non –domestic Building 非住宅樓宇/Composite Building 綜合用途樓宇

(e) Provision of Central Air Conditioning 提供中央空調 *YES 是 / NO 否

(f) Provision of Energy Efficient Features 提供具能源效益的設施 *YES 是 / NO 否

(g) Please list the * proposed / installed Energy Efficient Features (add separate sheet if necessary)
請列出 * 擬安裝 / 已安裝的具能源效益的設施 (如有需要,請另頁說明)

English 中文

1. _______________________________________ _______________________________________

2. _______________________________________ _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________ _______________________________________

Part II: Predicted Annual Energy Use of * Proposed / Completed * Building / Part of Building
第二部分: * 擬興建 / 已竣工 * 樓宇 / 部分樓宇預計每年能源消耗量

Internal Annual Energy Use of Baseline Annual Energy Use of

Floor Area ② Proposed/Completed Building
Served (m2) Building (m2/annum)
Type of
Location 使用有關裝 (m2/annum) 擬 * 興建/已竣工樓宇每年能源
位置 基線樓宇每年能源消耗量 消耗量
發展項目類型 置的內部樓
面面積 (平方米/年) (平方米./年)
(平方米) Electricity Town Gas / LPG Electricity Town Gas/ LPG
電力 煤氣 / 石油氣 電力 煤氣 / 石油氣
kWh unit kWh unit
千瓦小時 用量單位 千瓦小時 用量單位
Development Central building services

(excluding Hotel) installation
住用發展項目 (不 中央屋宇裝備裝置
Non-domestic (central building services

Development installation)
平台 (中央屋宇裝備裝置)
(including Hotel)
(non - central building services

(包括酒店) installation)
平台 (非中央屋宇裝備裝置)
(central building services
塔樓 (中央屋宇裝備裝置)
(non - central building services
塔樓 (非中央屋宇裝備裝置)
Note: In general, the lower the estimated “Annual Energy Use” of the building, the more efficient the building in terms
of energy use. For example, if the estimated “annual energy use of proposed building” is less than the estimated “annual
energy use of baseline building”, it means the predicted use of energy is more efficient in the proposed building than in
the baseline building. The larger the reduction, the greater the efficiency.
註 : 一 般 來 說 , 樓 宇 的 預 計 每 年 每 平方米能 源 消 耗 量 愈 低 , 樓 宇 的 能源消耗愈有效。例如,如果擬興建樓
宇的預計每年能源消耗量少 於 基線樓宇預計的每年能源消耗量,則表示擬興建樓宇的預 計 能源使用較基線樓宇

Part III

The following installation(s) * is / are * designed / completed in accordance with the relevant Codes of Practice published by the
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department:-
以下裝置乃按機電工程署公布的相關實務守則 設計 / 完成:-

Type of Installations 裝置類型 YES 是 NO 否 N/A 不適用

Lighting Installations 照明裝置

Air Conditioning Installations 空調裝置

Electrical Installations 電力裝置

Lift & Escalator Installations 升降機及自動梯的裝置

Performance-based Approach 以總能源為本的方法

Please () where appropriate 請在適當方格內填上()號

____________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature 簽署 Signature簽署#
(Registered Professional Engineer註冊專業工程師/ Registered (Authorized Person 認可人士)
Energy Assessor 註冊能源效益評核人)

______________________________________ _____________________________________
Certificate of Registration No. 註冊證書編號 Certificate of Registration No. 註冊證書編號#

______________________________________ _____________________________________
Date of expiry of registration 註冊到期日# Date of expiry of registration 註冊到期日#

Company Chop公司印章/ Signature of applicant申請人簽署

In accordance with the registration record 根據註冊記錄
* Delete whichever is inapplicable 請刪去不適用者


The predicted annual energy use per m2 per annum, in terms of electricity consumption (kWh) and town gas/LPG consumption (unit) of the
development by the internal floor area served, where:-
預 計 每 年 每 平方米能 源 消 耗 量 〔 以 耗 電 量 ( 千瓦小時)及 煤氣/石油氣消耗量用量單位〕計算), 指 將 發 展 項 目 的 每 年 能 源 消 耗 總
(a) “total annual energy use” has the same meaning of “annual energy use” under Section 4 and Appendix 8 of the BEAM Plus for New Building
(current version); and
每年能源消耗量”與新建樓宇BEAM Plus標準(現行版本)第4節及附錄8中的「年能源消耗」具有相同涵義;及
(b) “internal floor area”, in relation to a building, a space or a unit means the floor area of all enclosed space measured to the internal faces of
enclosing external and/or party walls.

“Baseline Building” has the same meaning as “Baseline Building Model (zero-credit benchmark)” under Section 4 and Appendix 8 of the BEAM
Plus for New Building (current version).
“基線樓宇”與新建樓宇BEAM Plus標準(現行版本)第4節及附錄8中的“基準建築物模型(零分標準)”具有相同涵

‘Central Building Services Installation’ has the same meaning as that in the Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation
issued by the electrical and Mechanical Services Department.

Podium(s) normally means the lowest part of the development (usually the 1owest 15m of the development and its basement, if any) carrying
different use(s) from that of the tower(s) above. For development without clear demarcation between podium(s) and tower(s), the development, as a
whole, should be considered as tower(s).
平台一般指發展項目的最低部分 (通常為發展項目最低15米部分及其地庫(如適用)),並與其上的塔樓具有不同用途。對於



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