In Hong Kong, buildings accounted for more than 90% of the total
electricity consumption 1 . Around 27% of the total electricity of the territory was
consumed by residential buildings. Enhancing the energy performance of residential
buildings forms an important part of the Government’s overall strategy towards the
achievement of a more environmentally friendly and sustainable built environment.
The Buildings Department (BD) commissioned a consultancy study on the design and
construction requirements of residential buildings for energy efficiency (Consultancy
Study) in 2010. This practice note promulgates the measures formulated in the Consultancy
Study and sets out the procedures to implement the measures for improving the energy
efficiency of residential buildings.
/4. …
Hong Kong Energy End-use Data 2021 published by the Electrical and Mechanical Services
(a) the RTTV of wall (RTTVWall) and roof (RTTVRoof) should not
exceed 12.5 Watt/m2 (previously 14 Watt/m2) and 3.5 Watt/m2
(previously 4 Watt/m2) respectively;
(b) the OTTVRRF should not exceed 21 Watt/m2 (in case of a building
tower) or 50 Watt/m2 (in case of a podium) as calculated in
accordance with the CoP;
(d) glass forming part of the building envelope such as curtain wall,
cladding, skylight, window and door of the residential building
and RRF should have a VLTGlass of not less than 50%3 and an
ERGlass of not more than 20%.
/Procedures …
It was promulgated by the Environment Bureau in May 2015 requiring that RTTV standards
for residential buildings would be reviewed twice before 2030 (
The visible light transmittance requirement is only applicable to the glass installed in the
prescribed windows referred to in regulations 30 and 31 of the Building (Planning)
7. It is recognised that the design of the façade of a building may not have
been finalised when the building plans are first submitted to the Building Authority (BA)
for approval. Accordingly, the BA would accept that the first submission of building
plans need not be accompanied by the information and calculations as required in
paragraph 6 above. However, the plans should include a statement indicating that the
proposed development should comply with the requirements of RTTVWall, RTTVRoof,
OTTVRRF, VLTGlass and ERGlass under this practice note. The plans should also be
accompanied by a letter from the developer or owner undertaking to submit to the BD a
provisional energy efficiency report (EE report) and a final EE report, as described more
fully in paragraphs 8 and 9 below.
8. After the approval of general building plans and prior to the application for
consent to the commencement of the building works, a provisional EE Report should be
submitted to demonstrate compliance with paragraph 6(a), (b) and (d) above. The
provisional EE Report should include the following information:
11. If building materials other than those listed in the Guidelines and the CoP
are used, their RTTV and OTTV related properties should be obtained from reliable
sources. It would facilitate the processing of the consent or OP application if full
background of the source of information and the suitability of the materials for use in
local conditions are detailed in the submission.
/Sunshading …
12. Genuine sunshades that are conducive to the reduction of RTTV and
OTTV are not accountable for GFA and shall not be included in site coverage
calculations. In case the sunshades project more than 750 mm from the external walls,
quantitative assessment should be submitted to the BA for consideration. It is not
envisaged that sunshades would project more than 1.5 m from the external walls.
13. In addition, sunshades with a projection of not more than 750 mm are
regarded as not causing obstructions to prescribed windows.
14. Sunshades will not be allowed to project over streets under section 31(1) of
the BO, but exemptions may be considered in individual cases if special circumstances so
15. To promote the adoption of the Guidelines for enhancing energy efficiency
of residential buildings and increase the transparency of information to the public, the
information on RTTV (including RTTVWall and RTTVRoof) together with OTTVRRF of
individual residential developments will be uploaded onto the BD website after issuance
of the OP.
16. The extent of compliance with the NVTC requirements as set out in the
Guidelines is collected for further research with a view to formulating a benchmark for
NVTC design in the long run. Such information will not be uploaded onto the BD website.
17. The revised RTTV specified in paragraph 6(a) above are applicable to all
new building plans or major revision of building plans for development proposals submitted
for approval on or after 31 December 2022. For the avoidance of doubt, the revised
standards are also applicable to building plans which have been previously disapproved and
are resubmitted for approval on or after 31 December 2022.
18. This practice note does not apply to alteration and addition works or change
in use not resulting in a new residential building.
/Way …
Way Forward
19. Similar to the control on OTTV under the Building (Energy Efficiency)
Regulation, the benchmark values for RTTVWall, RTTVRoof and OTTVRRF in this practice
note will be subject to periodic review to keep pace with advancement in building design
and technological development.
( YU Po-mei, Clarice )
Building Authority
Ref. : BD GR/1-150/62
BD GR/1-50/84 (IV)
Notes :
** Weighted by area
Notes :
1. Please tick in the box as appropriate
2. Window and skylight data should represent the major proportion of its use in the development.