P E N F G: Lanning OF Lectrical Etwork FOR Uture Rids
P E N F G: Lanning OF Lectrical Etwork FOR Uture Rids
P E N F G: Lanning OF Lectrical Etwork FOR Uture Rids
Demand for electrical energy is increasing every day at a faster rate and it
becomes engineers’ responsibility to increase the production to meet out the
requirement. Electric power cannot be generated near to the load centers due to
various reasons like environment constraints, resource availability and different
power generation methods (Hydro Electric Generation, Wind Power Plant,
Nuclear Power Plant etc.). So it becomes essential to transmit the generated
electrical power from remote areas to the load centers in an efficient way to
minimize the losses.
High Voltage DC transmission technology is increasingly used nowadays
in many countries as it has more advantages over High Voltage AC transmission
like asynchronous interconnection of different links, lesser number of
conductors to carry bulk electrical power over longer distance, under water
power transmission using submarine cables. Modern semiconductor technology
in converter station (Rectifier and Inverter Station) helps to control different
power system parameters in an effective way which adds to its merit.
Point to point HVDC link have been used everywhere but to meet the
increasing demand at the load centers it becomes a requirement to connect more
and more HVDC links to maintain network reliability and to have economic
benefits. Multi-infeed and Multi-terminal HVDC network operations proved to
be an adequate solution for growing electrical energy demand but control and
operation of these networks are more complex than point to point HVDC link,
as system changes (fault or frequency chances) in one individual link will affect
the entire network operation.
This necessitates an in depth research and analysis of these DC links
(Multi-infeed and Multi-terminal HVDC network) to understand system
behavior during normal and fault condition a vital requirement before going for
implementation. Working of point to point HVDC link is more effective as
changes in voltage and power due to variations in Effective Short Circuit Ratio
(ESCR) or faults can be balanced with converter station control, but in multi-
infeed and multi-terminal HVDC network even a fault or load variation at
remote location will not only affect its own individual link but will also
introduce disturbance and oscillations in the other connected links, thereby
changing the entire system behavior.
Mutli-infeed and multi-terminal HVDC network should be compensated
with real and reactive power using FACTS controller to suppress the oscillation
and maintain system reliability and stability during fault or load variation
condition. Otherwise, network malfunction or failure will result in huge
financial loss since the cost associated with converter station and generation of
power is too high. Network voltage and power should be maintained at a
constant level before and after the occurrence of fault or load changes, which is
more important for maintaining system stability. This can be achieved with the
help of FACTS controllers.
To resolve the shortfalls in HVDC network in an effective way, a
complete analysis of Multi-infeed and Multi-terminal HVDC network behavior
for different system condition (AC system strength and fault) is essential.
Researchers across the world are working on the association of HVDC system
with FACTS controllers. The connection of FACTS controller is alone not
enough as mismatch of real and reactive power compensation will introduce
further oscillations in the network. Hence, proper compensation of real and
reactive power is crucial.
Combination and control of different HVDC links with FACTS
controllers helps to build super grids which will make the network reliable for
any system changes.