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राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान- तिरुगिरापल्ली

िमिलनाडु - दक्षिण भारि
Telephone/ टे मलफोन : 0431 – 2503000, 2501801
Fax / फैक्स: 0431- 2500133


NAME OF THE WORK Procurement, Installation, Commissioning of the
CCTV Cameras and Video Surveillance Systems
(using Video Management Software) at various
locations in our institute Campus.

Pre-Bid Meeting 18.06.2014, 11.30 AM
Last Date of Submission 25.06.2014, 2.30 PM
Date of Opening 25.06.2014, 3.30 PM
E.M.D Rs.80,000/- (Rupees Eighty thousand Only)
Tender Processing Fee Rs. 150/- (Rupees One hundred and Fifty Only)
Address for Communication Dr. Samson Mathew
Chief of Works
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli-620015,Tamilnadu, India


Sl. No. Description

1. Specific Terms and Conditions of the Tender
2. General Instructions to bidders
3. Technical Specifications
4. Camera - I Specification
5. Camera - II Specification
6. Camera - III Specification
7. Video management software specification
8. Video Analytics specification
9. Server specification
10. Format for Technical Bid
11. Format for Price Bid
SECTION A: Objective of the Project

The purpose of CCTV surveillance on campus is to:

 To protect student’s valuable things, and watch Entry and Exit points.
 Promote a safe environment by deterring acts of harassment or assault /ragging.
 Deter vandalism and assist in the identification of individuals who commit damage to our
institute property.
 Assist law enforcement agencies with regard to the investigation of any crime that may be
 To monitoring day to day operations of the all security points in various important places in our
institute to preventing crimes, it helps you identify how a crime happened and to spot it in action.
 Protecting Faculty/staff/students: – it protects them against false allegations which are very
common depending on the nature of the any office/institution.
 To investigate claims on arising issues at common areas and to have records for evidence or
 All video surveillance can monitor and controlling from CCTV Server/control room, Director
Chamber & Security Office also.
 To make our institute as a “SAFE & SECURE CAMPUS”.

Section B: Specific Terms & Conditions

1. The bidder should be Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or the channel partner of the
OEM engaged in the business of providing CCTV surveillance system.
2. The bidder should have minimum three years of experience in procurement, installation and
commissioning of CCTV cameras and security & surveillance system projects.
3. The vendor / supplier must have supplied and installed at least 3 numbers of CCTV systems
of similar type in a large undertakings like reputed educational institutions/Defence
establishments / Govt. of India institutions / public utilities viz., airport, railway stations etc.,
in India and working satisfactorily for a minimum period of 3 years. Reference list of
supplies along with contact details and satisfactory performance certificates shall be
submitted along with techno-commercial bids.
4. The bidder shall provide project plan for the procurement, implementation. The information
in the technical bid should be complete in itself facilitating full technical scrutiny. The
tenderer must volunteer all information required for this purpose. It must be kept in mind that
no change to Financial Bid, arising out of clarifications on technical bid, is permitted.
5. The design must ensure robust network for connecting cameras and must have 99% uptime.
6. All bids must include survey report done at site and actual Functional Design and
Network Architecture.
7. OEM Authorization Certificate would be mandatory for quoting the Camera models.
8. Third Party (preferably OEM) project inspection/approved by Central/State govt. body would
be mandatory before the handover.
9. The bidder must be committed towards providing effective service.
10. ISO certification or equivalent would be mandatory.
11. The bidder shall be required to survey the work places and the office areas and identify
strategic locations to place the CCTV cameras so as to have maximum coverage of the work
places and other locations which are required to be monitored including the computer
12. The tenderer will have to deploy suitable manpower to supervise the work having knowledge
of CCTV system implementation.

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13. Tenderer shall continue to provide maintenance and support during and after the warranty
period and shall submit the annual maintenance contract for the CCTV system maintenance
after the expiry of warranty period.
14. The contract shall deem to have been concluded by the “acceptance of tender” issued in the
form of a purchase order. The acceptance may be communicated to the Tenderer by fax or
registered/speed post. The Tenderer is required to acknowledge receipt of the acceptance
within 3 working days. However, non-acknowledgement on the part of the Tenderer does not
affect the “acceptance of tender” or the conclusion of contract.
15. All communications by the Purchaser to the Tenderer will be deemed to have been made by
e-mail, fax, or registered/speed post to the number or address furnished by the Tenderer.
16. The purchaser shall not be liable for any obligation, monetary or otherwise, that has not been
expressly stated in the contract.
17. The Tenderer shall deem to have indemnified the Purchaser against all claims by third parties
relating to the contract, including but not limited to intellectual property rights.
18. The Tenderer shall not disclose any information provided to him by the Purchaser except to
the extent required to execute the contract.
19. Specifications: The specifications governing the systems to be supplied may be provided
with the tender enquiry as an enclosure.
20. A quote received against a tender enquiry shall be deemed to commit the Tenderer to those
21. Where an aspect is not covered in the specification, the Tenderer shall be required to conform
to the good quality standards that he had provided in the past to any other buyer.
22. The specification contained in the tender enquiry may be modified if requisite specifications
are not available, by mutual consent in written before the contract is accepted.
23. Hardware: For all cameras, DVRs and other related hardware: In case of defects occurring
to any component during the tender period, the component is to be replaced by the Tenderer
within 24 hours free of cost. Similarly, onsite support shall be provided by the Tenderer by
way of stationing 1 technician at NIT Tiruchirappalli within the project cost, during the
period of tender i.e. 4 weeks.
24. Price: When quoting against a tender enquiry, all components of the price of such as the
basic price and different types of taxes and charges shall be listed separately. Where only
‘rates ‘are applicable, they shall be explained clearly. The proposed cost by the tenderer shall
include procurement, implementation, and commissioning and post warranty annual
maintenance contract. The tenderer should submit separate annual maintenance contract with
details of the service to be provided including cost.
25. For Financial Bid: The cost shall include supply, installation and commissioning of CCTV
cameras with appropriate cabling work with material.
26. Number of locations and number of CCTV cameras likely to be increased or decreased
without assigning any reason.
27. Payment will be calculated on the basis of actual work done in terms of no. of cameras
including required hardware and software.
28. Penalty for downtime: Institute may make a complaint about the equipment/service through
letter, fax, e-mail, phone, SMS or any other convenient means. On receiving complaint about
equipment/service, the tenderer will respond and repair/replace or provide required services
within 24 hours, if failed, penalty shall be levied Rs. 500/- per day.
29. Warranty / Guarantee: 5 years Warranty / Guarantee to be provided by the bidder.
30. Terms of Delivery and Payment: As per current practices, no advance payment is
permissible. However, to ensure cash flow, commensurate with progress of the project and
the deliverables, mile stone payment may be agreed mutually.
31. Financial Bid: The Financial Bids are to correspond to the Technical Bids and contain all
costing details. Financial Bids of only technically qualified tenderers will be considered. The
information in Financial Bid must be in unitized form so that Financial Bid of all firms can be
properly compared and L1 tenderer can be clearly established. Competent authority of NIT

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Tiruchirappalli reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason.
Rates quoted must be inclusive of all taxes.
32. Time Frame: The tenderer should ensure the completion of the work within three working
weeks (excluding holidays) from the date of awarding of the contract
33. Arbitration Clause: If at any time, any question of difference or dispute whatsoever arises
between two parties hereto or in relation to a part thereof, either of the party may give to each
other notice in writing of the existence of such a question or dispute or difference. Efforts
will be first made to resolve the differences/ disagreements amicable by mutual discussions.
However, if it still persists, the same shall be referred for award to an arbitrator, to be
nominated by the Director of the Institute. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and
binding on both the parties.
34. The vendor will be required to survey the work places and the office areas and
identify strategic locations to place the CCTV cameras so as to have maximum
coverage of the work places and other locations which required before installation.
35. The vendor to be inspects for calculating distance for cable laying works/civil work and
find out distance.
36. If the Prices are in foreign currency, it should be C.I.F. Chennai Airport basis, Currency
37. If the rates are quoted in Indian Rupees, the rates should be quoted on Door Delivery
(F.O.R. N.I.T.T.) Basis.
38. The successful bidder shall have to furnish Performance Bank Guarantee equivalent to 10%
of the Purchase order value.
39. The vendor / supplier should have adequate qualified manpower to undertake erection &
commissioning of the system, the manpower details shall be furnished in the techno-
commercial bid.


1. The vendor will be required to survey the work places and the office areas and identify
strategic locations to place the CCTV cameras so as to have maximum coverage of the work
places and other locations which required to be monitored.

2. Please send the tenders in a sealed envelope superscribed as “QUOTATIONS AGAINST

TENDER NOTIFICATION NO: 01/CCTV/2014/Item No. 01:” Supply, Installation of CCTV
cameras and VMS software in various places in our NITT campus” so as to reach “Dr. Samson
Mathew, Chief of Works, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli - 620 015,
Tamilnadu, India” on or before 25.06.2014 at 02.30 p.m. along with a Softcopy of the
Technical Compliance form & Quotation Forms in MS-Excel or MS-Word file format in a
CD/DVD or USB drive.

3. For any further clarifications, contact by written request to “Dr. Samson Mathew, Chief of
Works, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli - 620 015”.

4. Tender applications can be downloaded from our institute website The EMD
amount of Rs.80,000/- and the tender processing fee of Rs 150/- can be had in the form of
Demand Draft drawn in favour of “The Director, NIT Tiruchirappalli” and payable at SBI,
NIT Tiruchirappalli Branch.

5. Date of Pre bid meeting: 18.06.2014 at 11.30 AM in NITT Administrative Building.

Last Date for Receipt of Tender at NIT-T : 25.06.2014 up to 02.30 PM. Opening Date for
Tender : 25.06.2014 at 03.30 PM

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6. The tenders will be opened on 25.06.2014 at 03:30 PM in the presence of the vendors present
with authorization letter from the respective companies / firms. Suppliers intending to attend the
tender opening should intimate us in advance.

7. All offers should indicate the taxes and duties applicable, if any. Additional charges for packing,
forwarding, freight, insurance etc., if any, should be clearly mentioned. Clearance at Customs
will be arranged by us.

8. NIT-T is paying concessional Customs & Excise duty under Government of India Notification
No.51/96 for Central Customs and 10/97 for Central Excise Duty vide Certificate No.TU/V/RG-
CDE(183)/2011 dt.10.10.11. Currently the purchaser is paying 5% Basic Customs Duty and 4%
Import additional Duty. In addition to that NITT is paying 2% Educational Cess and 1% Higher
Education Cess on Basic Customs Duty and Import Duty.

9. The Institute is not authorized to issue C and D forms of Sales tax certificate.

10. In case the offered items are to be imported, the rates should be quoted in foreign currency on C
& F Chennai Airport.

11. If the price quoted is in foreign currency and if the order value is more than US$10,000 then
100% payment will be made through Letter of Credit (LC) at sight on acceptance. If the order
value is less than US$ 10,000, then 100% payment will be through a Telegraphic Transfer (TT).
The bank charges outside India should be borne by the Supplier / Beneficiary. Part
shipment not allowed. If the price quoted is in Indian Rupees, then 50% payment will be made
only delivered the materials, remaining 50% after installation and commissioning all other things
as said above our project.

12. The warranty period should be clearly mentioned. The maintenance charges (AMC) under
different schemes after the expiry of the warranty should also be mentioned.

13. The delivery period and duration of installation should be clearly mentioned.

14. Eligibility: Quotation from registered firms/company’s / manufacturer under TNGST/CST / other
statutory bodies alone be considered. Any Manufacturer / Supplier / Dealer who has been
declared ineligible by World Bank/Government of India shall not be eligible to participate in this
bid. Any fraudulent practices including concealing of facts at the time of submission of bid and
there after shall lead to disqualification. List of beneficiaries especially from Educational
Institutions / R & D Institutions should also be enclosed with the quotations.

15. Complete user, technical and service documentation, and spare parts catalogue are to be provided
along with the supply of the item.

16. Delay / loss in postal transit or due to other reasons will not be NIT-T’s responsibility.

17. We are not responsible for accidental opening of the covers that are not properly super scribed
and sealed before the time scheduled for opening.

18. Authorized signatory should sign on all the pages. Bids without authorized signatures will be

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19. The vendors are informed that they should sign a stamp paper agreement with us, for Warranty,
AMC, etc. as per our terms & conditions. 5% of purchase order value should be provided in the
form of bank guarantee towards performance security if the order value exceeds rupees five lakhs
within the rate contact period of one year. The bank guarantee will be returned to the supplier
after the successful completion of supply, installation, and the warranty period.

20. Vendors are informed that once the companies are shortlisted based on the technical
specification, only then the price bids of the firms that meet NIT-T’s Technical specification /
requirements would be compared.

21. NIT-T reserves the right to change the order quantity or split the orders among multiple vendors
without assigning any reason(s) whatsoever.

22. NIT-T reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons

23. Apart from the above General Terms and Conditions, item-wise terms and conditions are enlisted
in the Technical compliance form and Quotation form.

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The specification provided below shall be considered as base specification and is indicative only.
The parameters specified for each of the item shall be considered as base specification and bidders
are requested to offer similar or better items for enhancing the overall performance of the CCTV
system. The CCTV system shall be designed such that scope exists for future up gradation and
compatibility with other security and access control measures.


Approximate Firm’s Offer

TYPES OF CAMERA required (All the details
Quantity should be specified)
Indoor/Outdoor 20x HD 1080p PTZ ONVIF camera 05
with Pendant arm mount (for outdoor use)
Make /Brand and Model Number
The camera shall be 1080p HD PTZ or approximately 2 megapixels.
Shall have High-resolution, full HD PTZ camera with 1080p25/30(2MP)
resolution and 20x zoom for capturing fine details
The camera shall support Preset positions, each with a label.
Shall have inbuilt Intelligent Video Analytics.
It shall fully support H.264 encoding, bandwidth throttling and
Shall have Enhanced system flexibility with dual recording and dual power
source (High Power over Ethernet (High PoE) / 24 VAC) options
Camera shall be able to get recorded at different resolutions and frame rates
(Eg: 720p at 30fps and 720p at 60fps/480p or 240p)
ONVIF Compliance
Sensitivity (typical) 30 IRE-Day mode-sens up on 0.04lx,Night mode sense
up on 0.005lx.
Aspect Ratio HD: 16:9
Lens minimum 20x optical zoom
Focus One-push (default), Automatic (normal, low), Manual
Iris Automatic with manual override
Field of View
• 1080p Mode 2.9° (tele) to 55.4° (wide)
• 720p Mode 2.0 (tele) to 37.6 (wide)
Gain Control Automatic/Manual (–3 to +28 dB, +2 dB steps/16 steps)
Camera Setup/Control Via Internet Explorer Web browser version 7.0 or
Digital Zoom minimum 12x
Electronic Shutter Speed (AES) 1/1 to 1/10000 s, 22 steps
Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) 86 dB (WDR on)
Day/Night Monochrome, Color, Auto

SNMP v1, RTSP, 802.1x, iSCSI, DynDNS, UPnP, IP v4/6, QoS, SSH,
SSL Advanced Networking: IPv6, QoS
10-Base T/100 Base-TX, auto-sensing, half/ full duplex, RJ45

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Pan Range 360° cont.
Tilt Angle 18° above horizon
Preset Accuracy ± 0.1° typ.
Operating Temperature –40°C to 55°C
Storage Temperature –45°C to 60°C
Operating Humidity 0% to 100% relative, condensing
Memory Card Slot User-supplied SD/SDHC/SDXC memory
card(maximum 2TB – SDXC)
Recording Continuous recording of video and audio
Memory Card Slot User-supplied SD/SDHC/SDXC memory
card(maximum 2TB – SDXC)
Power, Camera RJ-45 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet (High Power over
Ethernet (High PoE)) or PoE
Video and Control RJ-45 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet
Alarm Inputs (7) & Alarm Outputs (4)
Audio 1 x mono line in, 1 x mono line out
If any other special feature? yes means specify in details here.
Warranty Period in years ?
If Any Additional warranty period available?


TYPES OF CAMERA Approximate Firm’s Offer

required (All the details should
Quantity be specified)
HD 1080p Day/Night Fixed Dome Camera 20
(for outdoor use)
Make /Brand and Model Number
The camera shall be fixed dome High definition camera with high image
The camera shall multiple streaming features enabling to deliver MJPEG
and other streams.
It shall fully support multicasting, internet streaming and iSCSI
Shall support SD memory card slot
ONVIF Compliance
The camera shall switch from color to monochrome mode automatically
by sensing the illumination level, manually via the alarm input, or
remotely via a web browser.
Power Supply 24 VAC ±10% 50/60 Hz
12 VDC ±10%
Power-over-Ethernet 48 VDC nominal
Video compression H.264; M- JPEG,JPEG
Data rate 99.6 Kbps to 10 Mbps
HD Resolution (H x V) 720p: 1280 x 720, 1080p: 1920 x 1080

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Sensitivity Minimum illumination (30 IRE)-color
mode 0.50 lx, Monochrome tbd lx
Shutter Auto (1/50 [1/60] to 1/50000) automatic
Fixed selectable
Privacy Masking Four independent areas, fully
Audio Streaming Full duplex / half duplex
Audio 1 x mono line in, 1 x mono line out
Alarm 2 inputs, Relay 1 output
Recording Continuous recording, ring recording. alarm/
events/schedule recording

Unit Configuration Via web browser or Configuration Manager

Software update Flash ROM, remote programmable
Protocols RTP, Telnet, UDP, TCP, IP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, DHCP,
Ethernet STP, 10/100 Base-T, auto-sensing, half/full
duplex, RJ45
Data port RS‑232/422/485
Operating Temperature -50°C to +50°C (-58°F to 140°F)

Storage Temperature -30°C to +70°C (-22°F to +158°F)

Operating Humidity 20% to 93% RH
Storage Humidity up to 98% RH
Certifications EN,UL,FCC,CSA

If any other special feature? Yes means specify in details here.

Warranty Period in years ?
If Any Additional warranty period available?


TYPES OF CAMERA Approximate Firm’s Offer

required (All the
Quantity details should
be specified)
1080P High definition Day/Night fixed IP camera 100
Bullet/Box type (for indoor use)
Make /Brand and Model Number

The camera shall be Day/Night 1080 High definition camera with outstanding
image quality.
The camera shall support multiple streaming which shall facilitate integration
with third-party video Management systems.
It shall fully support multicasting, internet streaming and network attached
storage recording.
ONVIF Compliance
It shall have SD card slot for edge recording during network failures
The camera shall confirm specification which guarantees interoperability
between network video products regardless of manufacturer and shall be able
to exchange live video, audio, metadata and control information.
Power Supply 24 VAC 50/60 Hz, 12 VDC ,Power-over-Ethernet
Image format 1/2.7‑inch CMOS

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Video compression H.264 Main Profile (ISO/IEC 14496-10);
Resolution (H x V) 1080p: 1920 x 1080 (30 ips)
VGA: 640 x 480 (30 ips)
Privacy Masking Four independent areas, fully programmable
Synchronization Internal
Audio 1 x mono line in, 1 x mono line out
Alarm 2 inputs, Relay 1 output
Recording Continuous recording, ring recording. alarm/
events/schedule recording

Unit Configuration Via web browser or Configuration Manager

Software update Flash ROM, remote programmable
Protocols RTP, Telnet, UDP, TCP, IP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP,
SNMP, 802.1x, UPnP
Ethernet STP, 10/100 Base-T, auto-sensing, half/full
duplex, RJ45
PoE supply IEEE 802.3at compliant
IP66rated Indoor housing and mounting brackets as per the site
Operating -20°C to +60°C
Operating 20% to 93% RH
Certifications CE,UL,FCC,CSA
If any other special feature? Yes means specify in details here.
Warranty Period in years ?
If Any Additional warranty period available?


Sl.No Software Required Specification Qty

01. Video  The VMS shall be a highly scalable and
Management professional level software solution. 01
Software -  The VMS shall offer a complete video
License surveillance solution that will be scalable
from one to hundreds of cameras that can be
added on a unit-by-unit basis.
 The VMS Software License cost shall be one-
time and future versions should be available
without any additional charges.
 There shall be no maintenance or annual
subscription / renewal fees for VMS licenses.

The VMS Server shall be a system service

providing the following functionality:

 Configuration of all VMS components

 Video surveillance in four modes: Live Viewer, Alarm
Viewer, Archive Viewer, Archive Search
 Archive Search/Exploring
 Map layout
 Alarm Monitoring
 Web Server
 Video Analytics

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 A set of utilities (activation, support, log management,
watermark check)

 The Client VMS provides access to the

functionality provided by the Server.
 All video streams supplied from analog
cameras or IP cameras shall be digitally
encoded in MPEG-4, M-JPEG, H.264 or
MxPEG compression formats and recorded
simultaneously in real time. The VMS shall
interface with analog-to digital video
encoders and IP cameras, hereafter referred to
as digital video servers (DVS). The VMS
shall support DVS’s from various
 The VMS shall use two independent streams
from camera or IP encoder: one for
visualization and one for recording. All
settings for each stream including resolution,
codec type, frame rate and compression level
may be selected independently without
affecting overall system performance and IP
device functionality.
 Each camera’s bit rate, frame rate and
resolution can be set independently from
other cameras in the system, and altering
these settings will not affect the recording and
display settings of other cameras.
 The VMS shall require no proprietary
recording hardware, no hardware multiplexer
or time division technology for video or audio
recording and monitoring.
 The VMS shall be based on a true open
architecture that allows for use of non
proprietary PC storage hardware that does not
limit the storage capacity and allows for
gradual upgrades of recording capacity.
 The VMS shall be able to use multiple CCTV
keyboards and joysticks (with USB
connection type) to operate the entire set of
cameras throughout the system, including
cameras of various manufacturer’s brands,
including their PTZ functionalities.
 The VMS shall support the latest revisions of
the ONVIF and PSIA standards.
 The VMS shall consist of the Server and
 The Server and Client may be started on the
following operating systems: Windows XP,
Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008,
Windows Vista, Windows 7. 32-bit and 64-bit versions
should be supported.
 Audio and Video storage configuration for the
Server shall either be:

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 RAID configuration and Internal or
external IDE organized
 RAID configuration or Internal or external
SCSI/Fibre Channel organized.
 The Server shall not limit the actual storage
capacity configured per server
 The VMS should support for widescreen
display and touch screen displays.
02. Server The VMS Server is a system service providing
the following functionalities:
 Configuration of all VMS components, video
surveillance in four modes: Live Viewer,
Alarm Viewer, Archive Viewer, Archive
Search (Advanced Archive
Search/Exploring), 3D Map, Event Control
and the System Log, Video Analytics, a set of
utilities (activation, support, log
management, watermark check).
 The Server shall offer the capability to be
installed on several PCs to enable distributed
archiving in a LAN or WAN environment.
The Server shall not limit the number of PCs
which can be networked together to form a
distributed archive server system.
 The Server shall give the capacity to view all
DVS in a network even if the DVS are
assigned to different archive servers.
 The Server, in the case that a camera signal is
lost, shall detect the video loss and alert the
systems administrator.
 If an error occurs on a particular VMS
function, it shall be able to re-launched
without affecting the functioning of the
system overall.
 The Server shall receive all incoming events
(motion detection and triggered digital input
and relay output) in the system and invoke
appropriate actions based on user defined
Event/action relationships.
 The Server shall maintain an event log for
audit purposes.
 The Server shall authenticate users and grant
access to the VMS based on predefined User
access rights, events and user activities.

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The Server shall receive and log all of the
following events:
Alarm Events
 Active / Hot
 Acknowledged and classified by operator
 Missed
Application Events
 Application Lost
Archive Events
 Archiving stopped
Camera Events
 Auto-Start Recording
 Auto-Stop Recording
 Motion on
 Motion off
 Signal Lost
 Signal Recovered
 Digital Input Events
 Digital input opening
 Digital input closing
DVS Events
 Signal lost
 Signal recovered
 Unit discovered
 Unit lost
User Events
 User Logon
 User Logoff
User-defined Events
 User-defined events
Video Analytics Events
 Abandoned object
 Line crossing
 Movement in area of interest (AOI)
 Stopping in area of interest (AOI)
 Loitering in AOI
 AOI entry and AOI exit
 Embedded video analytics from IP cameras
03. Archive Archives configuration and management.
 The Server shall support Windows -
independent file system to avoid
fragmentation of hard drive part intended for
archive use and access of Windows
applications to archive files. Communication
between System Core and archive file system
shall be processed on low level without
involvement of any Windows application.
 VMS video archive can be created at
designated part of the hard drive in existent
partition, at specially assigned partition or at
dedicated hard drive completely reserved for
video archiving.

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 File system used for video archive recording
shall not be affected by hard disk luster/sector
damage and this sector shall be ignored by
System Core for further usage to avoid
possible compromise of archive integrity.
 User shall have possibility to create unlimited
number of virtual archives in the system with
ability to add certain cameras to specific
archives with different recording parameters
without affecting overall system performance,
archiving effectiveness and camera general

04. System Log Search for events based on specified conditions:

time interval of event occurrence, type of event,
key phrase. Four types of events: System heath
event, Error event, Alarm event, Debug
Events are shown in the form: date and time,
type, description.
Export of a list of events to a .txt file.
Ability to quickly jump to video of an event.
Utility for log Management:
settings for archives of external logs and logging
levels of the VMS Server and Client.
Utility for watermark verification
verification of the watermark added during export
of snapshots and video.

05. Client Client connection to the Server.

The Client shall support the following forms of
connections over IP: LAN, VPN.
Secure connection between The Server and Client
Software Application shall be provided via virtual
private network (VPN) technology to avoid
possibility of unauthorized access to data or video
The Client can connect to any available Server.
Authentication must be performed when
attempting to connect to the Server.
Server function continues if the Client is
unloaded: writing to the archive, detection, event
logging, etc. continue.

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Boundaries of the Client interface: users have
access only to the indicated system features.
The computer on which the Client is started must
use a CCTV controller or standard PC keyboard
to control cameras. An unlimited number of
Clients can connect to a single Server.

06. Web Server The VMS Web Server provides remote access to
the Server over the Internet.
 Authentication of users connecting to the
Web Server.
 Video surveillance in two modes: Live
Viewer and Archive Viewer
 Real-time control of PTZ cameras:
presets, optical zoom, control of pan / tilt
angle and positioning speed.
 Digital zoom in both Live and Archive
07. Android and VMS Client for Android and iOS operation
iOs client systems allows connection to the Server via
VMS Internet.
 Android and iOS Clients are free for
download on Google Play and on App
Store respectively.
 Authentication of users connecting to the
Web Server.
 Video surveillance in two modes: Live
Viewer and Archive Viewer
 Shall be able to control PTZ camera on
the mobile client
08. Software Up Software license cost should be one time only
gradation/ without any additional annual recurring
AMC charges
 There shall not be any AMC for the
Software and all the upgrades should be
done free of cost.


01 Video &Audio Video management software video & audio detection/
Analytics list of tools available.
02. Responses  Start recording of the video from the camera
when Alarm (with sound);
Triggers.  Send an SMS-message to one or several phone
 Send an email to one or several addresses;
 Play an audio announcement;
 Send a open/close signal to an actuating device
(relay) connected to the camera;
 Switch to alarm processing mode;
 Rotate the PTZ camera in a given direction.

15 of 23
03. Single camera Allowing the user to set a time range for video footage
simultaneous and get a short video clip of all moving objects in the
archive parts scene. Objects and events captured at different times are
view (Time displayed simultaneously in a condensed "video
Compression/ synopsis".
Synopsis) The total number of objects displayed by video synopsis
function shall be user-definable. Built-in display options
minimize object overlap.
Enabling especially convenient viewing of large
archives that feature a relatively small number of active

4. Advanced Forensic search to perform video analytics on

archive recorded video archive.
g with Forensic
05. Interactive 3D To be capable to connect one or 2 or multiple important
Map places to be quickly viewed upon.

06. Touch screen Video management software allows operation with the
displays widescreen displays and cameras and touch screen

07. Web and Video management software has the web-client and
mobile client clients for mobile devices on the basis of Android and
live view iOS operation systems. These clients allow viewing
live-video and archive when they are Connected to the

01. VIDEO SERVER (with video Analytics, without viewing Monitor)
 Dual INTEL XEON E5-2660 (X64 Bit) 02
 RAM - 16 GB (Minimum), 1600MHz
 Graphic Card – minimum 2GB
 Hard disks – 2x 1TB for Windows and NEXT
 OS – Windows Server 2008
 Network Card – 2x1 Gbit/s Network cards
 warranty period – 5 years on site complete warranty
02. Remote Workplace Client - Workstation
 To view at least 14 cameras with 1080P resolution 02
@ 25FPS
 Processor – Intel Core i7-3770K
 RAM – Minimum 16 GB,1600MHz
 Hard disks – 1 TB for Windows and NEXT
 OS-Windows7, 64bit
 Network Card – 1Gbit/s network card
 Warranty period – 5 years on site complete warranty

16 of 23

Number of locations and number of CCTV cameras likely to be increased or decreased without
assigning any reason.

Sl. No Camera Location type Camera type

01 Institute Main Gate OUTDOOR PTZ DOOM
(to monitor entry & exit vehicle )
02. Quarters Gate OUTDOOR PTZ DOOM
03. Institute Main Gate OUT OUTDOOR PTZ DOOM
(to monitor out )
04. Near Aavin 3 road junction OUTDOOR PTZ DOOM
(Aavin, CSG, hostel office road junction )
05. Admin Portico OUTDOOR DOOM - MEDIUM
(Director car parking area) CONFIGURATION
07. Opal Hostel corner road OUTDOOR DOOM
(3 road junction- near library)
08. Opal Hostel Gate OUTDOOR DOOM
(security point –ROAD SIDE)
09. Civil department Junction corner road OUTDOOR DOOM
(Civil , Hostel road, Sports centre- 3road
10. Transport office entrance OUTDOOR DOOM
(to cover ATM, classic foods entrance,
gallery hall way, and Deans office stair case)
(to cover estate office, power house and
(to cover generators, and yard sides)
13. Chemical department corner road OUTDOOR DOOM
(3 road junction)
14. Opposite to CEESAT road OUTDOOR DOOM
15. Hospital 3 road junction OUTDOOR DOOM
(Hospital, PG Qtrs, Hostel)
16. Shopping complex (RIGHT) OUTDOOR DOOM
17. Shopping complex ( LEFT ) OUTDOOR DOOM
Buhari side
19. TREC – STEP Road Junction point OUTDOOR DOOM
20. Director office lobby INDOOR Bullet/Box type
21. Dean office lobby INDOOR Bullet/Box type
22. Main office portico INDOOR Bullet/Box type
(Registrar office entrance)
23. Main office left side INDOOR Bullet/Box type
24. Main office right side INDOOR Bullet/Box type
25. UG Lecturer Hall Complex Entrance INDOOR Bullet/Box type
Security point
26. UG Lecturer Hall Lobby Ground floor (side INDOOR Bullet/Box type

17 of 23
27. UG Lecturer Hall Lobby Ground floor (side INDOOR Bullet/Box type
28. UG Lecturer Hall Lobby Ground floor (side INDOOR Bullet/Box type
29. UG Lecturer Hall Lobby INDOOR Bullet/Box type
30. UG Lecturer Hall Lobby First floor (side 1) INDOOR Bullet/Box type
31. UG Lecturer Hall Lobby First floor (side 2) INDOOR Bullet/Box type
32. UG Lecturer Hall Lobby First floor (side 3) INDOOR Bullet/Box type
33. UG Lecturer Hall Lobby INDOOR Bullet/Box type

34. PG Lecturer hall complex Entrance INDOOR Bullet/Box type

(Security point)
35. PG Lecturer Hall complex Ground floor I INDOOR Bullet/Box type
36. A2 HALL ENTRANCE INDOOR Bullet/Box type
37. A11/A10 / A13 hall P ATH WAY INDOOR Bullet/Box type
38. PG Lecturer Hall complex Ground floor II INDOOR Bullet/Box type
39. PG Lecturer Hall complex Ground floor III INDOOR Bullet/Box type
40. PG Lecturer hall lobby INDOOR Bullet/Box type
41 PG Lecturer Hall Lobby First floor (side 1) INDOOR Bullet/Box type
42. PG Lecturer Hall Lobby First floor (side 2) INDOOR Bullet/Box type
43. PG Lecturer Hall Lobby First floor (side 3) INDOOR Bullet/Box type
44. PG Lecturer Hall Lobby INDOOR Bullet/Box type
45. Science block entrance I INDOOR Bullet/Box type
46. Science block entrance II INDOOR Bullet/Box type
47. Science block First floor - I INDOOR Bullet/Box type
48. Science block First floor - II INDOOR Bullet/Box type
49. Science block Second floor – I INDOOR Bullet/Box type
50. Science block Second floor - II INDOOR Bullet/Box type
51. Admin Block stair case (reception side) INDOOR Bullet/Box type
52. Admin Block Car Portico INDOOR Bullet/Box type
53. Director Room INDOOR Bullet/Box type
53. Director Visitor’s room INDOOR Bullet/Box type
54 Director office lobby (veranda) INDOOR Bullet/Box type
55. Senate Room INDOOR Bullet/Box type
56. Main office left side wing INDOOR Bullet/Box type
57. Main office right side wing INDOOR Bullet/Box type
58. Dean Academic Left side wing INDOOR Bullet/Box type
59. Dean Academic Right side wing INDOOR Bullet/Box type
60. Dean room s block Left side wing INDOOR Bullet/Box type
61. Dean rooms block Right side wing INDOOR Bullet/Box type
62 Registrar office INDOOR Bullet/Box type
63. Cash counter INDOOR Bullet/Box type
64. Architecture department entrance INDOOR Bullet/Box type
65. Chemical entrance INDOOR Bullet/Box type
66. Physics entrance INDOOR Bullet/Box type
67. CEESAT entrance I INDOOR Bullet/Box type
68. CEESAT entrance II INDOOR Bullet/Box type
69. Chemistry Dept. entrance INDOOR Bullet/Box type
70. Electrical Dept. entrance INDOOR Bullet/Box type
71. Mechanical Entrance I INDOOR Bullet/Box type

18 of 23
74. Mechanical Entrance II INDOOR Bullet/Box type
(Metallurgy Dept)
75. Mechanical Entrance III (Work shop side) INDOOR Bullet/Box type
76. Civil Department (Entrance I) INDOOR Bullet/Box type
77. Civil Department (Entrance II) INDOOR Bullet/Box type
72. Production Dept. INDOOR Bullet/Box type
73. MCA Dept Entrance INDOOR Bullet/Box type
78. Lyceum Entrance INDOOR Bullet/Box type
79. CSE Dept. Entrance INDOOR Bullet/Box type
80. ECE Dept. Entrance I INDOOR Bullet/Box type
81. Silver Jubilee Building Entrance INDOOR Bullet/Box type
82. ICE Entrance INDOOR Bullet/Box type
83. Estate office entrance INDOOR Bullet/Box type
84. Electrical Maintenance office entrance INDOOR Bullet/Box type
85. Agate INDOOR Bullet/Box type
86. Amber -A INDOOR Bullet/Box type
87. Amber -B INDOOR Bullet/Box type
88. Aquamarine-A INDOOR Bullet/Box type
89. Aquamarine-B INDOOR Bullet/Box type
83. Beryl INDOOR Bullet/Box type
90. Coral INDOOR Bullet/Box type
91. Diamond INDOOR Bullet/Box type
92. Emerald INDOOR Bullet/Box type
93. Garnet - A INDOOR Bullet/Box type
94. Garnet - B INDOOR Bullet/Box type
95. Garnet – C INDOOR Bullet/Box type
96. Jasper INDOOR Bullet/Box type
98. Lapis INDOOR Bullet/Box type
99. Opal A INDOOR Bullet/Box type
100. Opal B INDOOR Bullet/Box type
101. Opal C East INDOOR Bullet/Box type
102. Opal C West INDOOR Bullet/Box type
103. Opal D INDOOR Bullet/Box type
104. Opal E INDOOR Bullet/Box type
105. Opal Hostel Security Point INDOOR Bullet/Box type
106. Pearl INDOOR Bullet/Box type
107. Ruby INDOOR Bullet/Box type
108. Sapphire INDOOR Bullet/Box type
109. Topaz INDOOR Bullet/Box type
110. Zircon A INDOOR Bullet/Box type
111. Zircon B INDOOR Bullet/Box type
112. Zircon C INDOOR Bullet/Box type
113. Mega Mess I (Ground Floor) INDOOR Bullet/Box type
114. Mega Mess I (First Floor) INDOOR Bullet/Box type
115. Mega Mess II (Ground Floor) INDOOR Bullet/Box type
116. Mega Mess II (First Floor) INDOOR Bullet/Box type

19 of 23


Name and address of the bidding firm/ agency/ company (as per
certificate of incorporation)
Year of commencement/ incorporation
Specify your firm/ Company is a manufacturer/ authorized dealer /
distributor / Agency
Name, Address and designation of the Authorized Person (Sole
Proprietor/ Partner/ Director)
Details of EMD furnished
DD Number
Date of DD
Issuing Bank
Details of Tender application money furnished
DD number
Date of DD
Issuing Bank
Has the firm ever been blacklisted by the Government/ PSU/ University/
MNC/ Corporate
Whether registered with any Central/ State Government Agency (If yes,
attach registration certificate)
Is the firm authorized dealer of OEM CCTV camera supplier? Letter
from OEM CCTV camera supplier to be attached as the proof.
Annual Turnover during the last three years (enclose Annual Accounts
duly certified by Chartered Accountant)
Service Tax Registration Number (attach documentary proof)
CST/ VAT Registration Number (attach documentary proof)
Income Tax PAN Number (attach documentary proof)
Whether the firm has a full-fledged office and workshop in Trichy or
anywhere in Tamil Nadu? If so furnish address of the same
Whether list of clients along with their contact persons name, telephone
numbers and address attached? (Bid will not be considered without
this information) The vendor / supplier must have supplied and installed
3 numbers of CCTV systems of similar type in large undertakings like
Defence establishments / Govt. of India institutions / public utilities viz.,
airport, railway stations etc., in India and working satisfactorily for a
minimum period of 3 years. Reference list of supplies along with contact
details and satisfactory performance certificates shall be submitted along
with techno-commercial bids.

20 of 23


PRICE (Taxes
Price Qty and duties to
Name of the Item for be indicated
each (Approx)

Indoor/Outdoor 20x HD 1080p PTZ ONVIF 05

camera with ARM Mount (for outdoor use)
HD 1080p Day/Night Fixed Dome Camera
2. 20
(for outdoor use)
1080P High definition Day/Night fixed IP Price for
camera per unit - bullet/box type
(for indoor use) 1 to 50 =
3. 100
Price for above
50 =
Portable CCTV camera trailer setup unit
4. 1


VIDEO SERVER (with video Analytics, without viewing

 Dual INTEL XEON E5-2660 (X64 Bit)
 RAM - 16 GB (Minimum), 1600MHz
5.  Graphic Card – minimum 2GB 2
 Hard disks – 2x 1TB for Windows and NEXT
 OS – Windows Server 2008
 Network Card – 2x1 Gbit/s Network cards
 warranty period – 5 years on site complete warranty
Remote Workplace Client - Workstation
 To view at least 25 cameras with 1080P resolution @
 Processor – Intel Core i7-3770K
6.  RAM – Minimum 16 GB,1600MHz 2
 Hard disks – 1 TB for Windows and NEXT
 OS-Windows7, 64bit
 Network Card – 1Gbit/s network card
 Warranty period – 5 years on site complete warranty
Network-attached storage (NAS) + iSCSI storage – The
archive to store
7.  Above 50 cameras/480P/25FPS/H.264
 For 30 days, 24 hours per day is 18 TB and above


Video Management Software – License

8. 01
** If free software means to mention it

9. Camera Licenses if any As req.

21 of 23
10. Server License, if any As req.

11. Enterprise or Base License, if applicable As req.

12. Video Analytics or VCA License As req.

Forensic Search or Video Archive Search
Important Note:
 Software license cost should be one time only without any additional annual
recurring charges.

Outdoor dome enclosure & wall mount bracket suitable
14. for Mount Dome PTZ Camera.
Outdoor dome enclosure & wall mount bracket suitable
15. for Mount Dome Camera.
Outdoor dome enclosure & wall mount bracket suitable
16. for fixed IP camera.
Suitable powder coated/Normal (rust free) Pole for
17. Mounting Cameras. If any requirement As req.
Suitable fastener
18. As req.
Suitable armored network cable (cat 5/6) with connectors
19. (RJ45) As req.
Suitable armored network cable laying work with **
material to connect all cameras.
Price per meter
As req.
(Necessary GI pipes to be use for road crossing areas)
Suitable Power Cables for each camera
21. As req.
Suitable VGA and HDMI cables
22. As req.
LCD SCREEN TELEVISION with wall mounting
(46”) inch HD Resolution 1920 X 1080 or equivalent
Suitable audio and video support
AC-100-240V, 50hz
Touch screen - optional
Price for any other optional item
24. (if necessary) As req.


Installation of poles including labour and materials As req.

(digging, filling and fixing)
Civil work labour including of all materials
26. (if necessary) As req.

22 of 23

27. Supply of Online Ups for servers 5 KVA with 01

Battery backup ONE HOUR.
Providing suitable MCB/Main switch for both
28. input/output for ups Installation including As req.

Ground earthing (copper plate) for UPS

29. 03
installation as per normal Electrical standard.
Price for any other optional item
(if necessary)
Warranty period – All the equipments supplied
should have minimum 3 years comprehensive
33. onsite warranty. Any fault in the equipment
should be replaced with free of cost for
complete three years.

34. Cost for additional warranty period in years

(if any)

Cost of Annual Maintenance Contract for

35. complete CCTV system after warranty period is
over. Mention the rates for three years after the
warranty period per year basis.
Cost for minimum two on-site engineers to
maintain the system during the warranty period
36. and during AMC period.
(if yes means you should mention the details
year wise)

37. Is software training provided for our institute

maintenance engineers?

38. Any other optional terms?

(if yes means you should mention in details)

23 of 23

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