R.R. Rojo and Associates
R.R. Rojo and Associates
R.R. Rojo and Associates
Common Data:
Color Code:
Bldg. Classification Category = II (Table 1.5-1 Risk Category) Input Results (Do not Change)
Basic Wind Speed, V = 116.23 m/s (User Define Wind Speed) (260mph) Notes
Wind Direction = Parallel (Normal or Parallel to Building Ridge, see plan view)
Exposure Category = B (Section 26.7)
Topographic Factor, Kzt = 1.00 (See Figure 26.8-1)
The Topographic Factor, Kzt, accounts for effect of wind speed-up over isolated hills and
escarpments (Secttion 26.8 and Figure 26.8-1).
Kzt = (1+K1*K2*K3)^2 (Eq. 6-3), where:
H = height of hill or escarpment relative to the upwind terrain, in feet.
Lh = Distance upwind of crest to where the difference in ground elevation is
half the height of hill or escarpment, in feet.
K1 = factor to account for shape of topographic feature and maximum
speed-up effect.
K2 = factor to account for reduction in speed-up with distance upwind or
downwind of crest.
K3 = factor to account for reduction in speed-up with height above local terrain.
x = distance (upwind or downwind) from the crest to the building site, in feet.
z = height above local ground level, in feet.
The effect of wind speed-up shall not be required to be considered (Kzt = 1.0) when H/Lh <
0.2, or H < 15' for Exposures 'C' and 'D', or H < 60' for Exposure 'B'
Velocity Pressure:
qz = 0.613*Kz*Kzt*Kd*V^2 (Eq. 27.3-1)
qh = 5680.63 N/m^2 qh = 0.613*Kh*Kzt*Kd*V^2 (qz evaluated at z = h)
Ratio h/L = 0.15
Gust Factor, G = 0.850 (See Section 26.9)
If the structure is "rigid", then the minimum of either the calculated value of 'G' for "rigid"
structures or 0.85 is used. If the structure is "flexible" then the calculated value of 'G' is (Sec 27.4.7)Note:
used. The wind load to be used in the design of the MWFRS for an enclosed or
(See calculations on page 3.) partially enclosed building shall not be less than 16 lb/ft2 (0.77
f= 1.538 hz. kN/m2) multiplied by the wall area of the building and 8 lb/ft2 (0.38
kN/m2) multiplied by the roof area of the building projected onto a
The Design Net External Wind Pressures area as follows (based on Section 27.4): vertical plane normal to the assumed wind direction. Wall and roof
p = qz*G*Cp - qi*(+/-GCpi) for windward wall (N/m^2), where: qi =qh (Eq. 27.4-1) loads shall be applied simultaneously.
p = qh*G*Cp - qi*(+/-GCpi) for leeward wall, sidewalls, and roof (N/m^2), where: qi = qh (Eq. 27.4-1)
Parallel to Building Ridge Wind Load Data for MWFRS - Buildings of Any Height
qz p = Net Design Press. (N/m^2)
Wall Surface User Input Height? Yes Kz Cp
User Defined (m.) Generated (m.) N/m^2 (w/ +GCpi) (w/ -GCpi)
Windward Wall 0 0.576 4052.561 0.80 -368.60 5880.09
5 5 0.700 4924.725 0.80 224.47 6473.16
10 10 0.719 5059.230 0.80 315.93 6564.62
15 15 0.807 5680.626 0.80 738.48 6987.17
Notes: 1. (+) and (-) signs signify wind pressures acting toward & away from respective surfaces.
2. Per Code Section 27.4.7, the minimum wind load for MWFRS shall not be less than 0.77 kN/m^2.
Gust Effect Factor, G:
a. Simplified Method:
G= 0.85
1 (A) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE/SEI 7-10), Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
2 (M) Mehta, Kishor C., Coulbourne, William L., Wind Loads: Guide to the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE7-10
3 (S) Simiu, Emil, Design for Buildings for Wind: A Guide for ASCE7-10 Standard Users and Designers of Special Structures