Optimization of Casting Shapes: Technical Paper
Optimization of Casting Shapes: Technical Paper
Optimization of Casting Shapes: Technical Paper
Hironori Tanaka
Kenji Ogawa
A system to create optimum shapes of casting components has been established using a shape optimization
technique, and is reported as reducing costs, while improving strength and casting productivity.
Key Words: Casting, Cast Steel, CAE, Shape Optimization, Solidification Analysis
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Parametric Optimization
[Initial Shape]
Current product
FEM analysis model
Non-parametric Optimization
[Optimization Calculation]
(1) Extraction of minimum/maximum values from
load conditions
(2) Calculation of fatigue evaluation value
(3) Sensitivity calculation of fatigue constraint
Individual surface positions vary value
(4) Shape fluctuation calculation
Shape as a result of
Fig 1 Types of shape optimization
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Principal differences are a variation in the shape of holes to Optimized members (Red)
mitigate stress on hole rims and thinning of wall thicknesses of
base portions that contribute to a reduction in stiffness. Using
the shape obtained in (c) as a reference, CAD in (d) was
created and this model reduced the weight by about 5%.
Initial study of
Final evaluation
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casting plan
Casting riser
Supply path
Casting Plan
Casting riser
Supply path
Section of A-A
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3. Evaluation of Trial Manufacture Introduction of the writers
The studies described above have shown that a structural Hironori Tanaka
improvement can be made with presently-manufactured Entered Komatsu in 2008.
Currently assigned to the Production
components as plotted in Fig. 7. The productivities of the Technology Development Center,
conventional and new components are equal. The new Corporate Production Division.
components were installed in equipment and were evaluated.
In Fig. 7, the results of bench stress tests shown on the right
compared with current components shown on the left indicate
that stresses generated in the new components are not as large Kenji Ogawa
as those on current components. The new components were Entered Komatsu in 1997.
installed on machines for testing and were proven to meet the Currently assigned to the Production
durability target. These results show that shape studies by Technology Development Center,
Corporate Production Division.
optimization are effective.
Ratio with initial values
4. Conclusion
The following was found in the studies of structure and
production of castings by shape optimization through analysis
and equipment evaluation:
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