Robust Design of Mixing Static and Dynamic Multiple Quality Characteristics

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World Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2015, 3, 72-77

Published Online October 2015 in SciRes.

Robust Design of Mixing Static and Dynamic

Multiple Quality Characteristics
Ful-Chiang Wu
Department of Hotel Management, Vanung University, Chung-Li, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan, China

Received 31 July 2015; accepted 15 October 2015; published 22 October 2015

Increased market competition means that quality, cost and delivery time are crucial elements of
modern production techniques. Taguchi’s robust design is the most powerful method available for
reducing product cost, improving quality, and simultaneously reducing development time. Robust
design aims to reduce the impact of noise on the product or process quality and leads to greater
customer satisfaction and higher operational performance. The objective of robust design is to
minimize the total quality loss in products or processes. The PQL model proposed by this paper
simultaneously optimizes the static and dynamic problems by minimizing the total quality loss.
Using the proposed PQL model and steps for optimization, the method addresses complex para-
meter design, which varies with the properties and objectives of the experimental data, to im-
prove the product quality. The example of an electron beam surface hardening process is provided
to demonstrate the implementation and usefulness of the proposed method.

Robust Design, Quality Characteristic, Quality Loss Function, SN Ratio, PQL

1. Introduction
Quality, cost and delivery time are the main production elements of the modern products due to the stringent
market competitiveness. Taguchi’s robust design [1] is the most powerful method available to reduce product
cost, improve quality, and simultaneously reduce development interval. The Taguchi method has been widely
applied to optimize the industrial parameter design including static and dynamic problems. The static problem is
defined so that the desired output of system has a fixed target. In the dynamic problem, the desired output of the
system depends on the signal factor setting, that is, the dynamic system is the one without a single target but a
response, which is a function of a signal. The optimization involves determining the best control factor levels so
that the output is at the target or desired value to minimize the total quality loss.
Many publications have addressed multiple static quality characteristics problems (see Derringer and Suich
[2], Elsayed and Chen [3], Khuri and Conlon [4], Jean and Tzeng [5] [6]). Several researchers have studied the
problem of robust design concerning the dynamic problems (see Lesperance and Park [7], Nair, Taam and Ye
[8], Wu [9], Jean and Tzeng [10], Jean [11]). However, few studies have been concerned with optimizing the
robust design involving static and dynamic quality characteristics.

How to cite this paper: Wu, F.-C. (2015) Robust Design of Mixing Static and Dynamic Multiple Quality Characteristics.
World Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3, 72-77.
F.-C. Wu

In this paper, we propose a PQL index to convert the multiple quality characteristics into a single characteris-
tic problem by minimizing the total PQL value to obtain the optimal parameter conditions.

2. Quality Loss Function and SN Ratio

The quality characteristics can be divided three types according to the target of problem: (1) the smaller-the-
better (STB) type for static system; (2) the larger-the-better (LTB) type for static system; and (3) the nominal-
the-best (NTB) type, which can be classified as static system and dynamic system.
Taguchi [1] proposed the SN ratio (η) as the quality evaluation based on the quadratic average quality loss
function L ( y ) . Taguchi defined the SN ratio as
  1 n 2
−10 ⋅ log  K ⋅ ∑ yi  STB (static)
  n i =1 
  1 n 2
−10 ⋅ log  K ⋅ ∑ 1 yi  LTB (static)

η= (
−10 ⋅ log L( y ) = )  n i =1  (1)
−10 ⋅ log K ⋅ m 2 ⋅ s 2 y 2
 0 ( )) NTB (static)

−10 ⋅ log  K ⋅ β 0 σ e 
2 2

   NTB (dynamic)
  β2 
K = the loss coefficient (constant)
y = a measurable statistic of quality characteristic
m0 = the target value for static NTB quality characteristic
y = the sample mean of n units
s 2 = the sample variance of n units
β0 = the slope of ideal function for dynamic NTB quality characteristic
β = the estimated slope of regression for dynamic NTB quality characteristic
σ e2 = the error variance of regression for dynamic NTB quality characteristic
The loss coefficient K, m0 and β0 in L( y ) are generally ignored because they have no effect on the optimiza-
tion for a single quality characteristic. In multiple quality characteristics problems, the loss coefficient K plays a
major role in optimal parameter settings to make trade-offs among characteristics. Since log is a monotone func-
tion, minimizing L( y ) is equivalent to maximizing η.

3. Robust Design Model

The analysis of means (ANOM) is used to determine the optimal factor levels in robust design. The ANOM is
used for estimating the main effects of each parameter, and the effect of a factor level is the deviation it causes
from the overall mean response. Let η i , j be the average SN ratio value for the jth level of factor Xi, η i ,0 be
average SN ratio value for the starting conditions of Xi and T be the total average SN ratio value. The effect of
the jth level of Xi is defined as
η i, j − T =
δi, j (2)

( )
Suppose there are q control factors, X = X 1 , X 2 , , X q , in the experiment for a single quality characteristic.
The effects of SN ratios for some parameter conditions and starting conditions are ( δ1, j1 , δ 2, j2 , , δ q , jq ) and
( δ1,0 , δ 2,0 , , δ q ,0 ), respectively. Then, the estimated SN ratio values are presented as follows respectively.
η =T + δ1, j1 + δ 2, j2 +  + δ q , jq (3)

η0 =T + δ1,0 + δ 2,0 +  + δ q ,0 (4)

The relationship between ( δ1, j1 , δ 2, j2 , , δ q , jq ) and ( δ1,0 , δ 2,0 , , δ q ,0 ) is expressed as

( ) ( )
δ i , j − δ j ,0 = η i , j − T − η i ,0 − T =η i , j − η i ,0 (5)

F.-C. Wu

Let L be the quality loss for the some parameter conditions and L0 be the quality loss for the starting condi-
tions. The ratio of L to L0 (proportion of quality loss, PQL) is defined as.
L K ⋅ 10−η 10
= 10 ( 0 )
− η −η 10
PQL= = (6)
L0 K ⋅ 10−η0 10

Consider the effect of each factor in PQL X with corresponding starting PQLηi , j , equation (6) can be re-

written as
( ) (=)
−  δ1, j1 +δ 2, j2 ++δ q , jq − δ1,0 +δ 2,0 ++δ q ,0  10 q
( )
− δ i , ji −δ i ,0 10
( )
− η i , j −η i ,0 10
=PQL X 10  

= 10 ∏
= 10 ∏ PQLη i , ji
=i 1 =i 1 =i 1

Therefore, the optimal parameter conditions Xopt = X 1opt , X 2opt , , X qopt ( ) are minimizing the quality loss

L ( Y ) . That is,
PQL Xopt = Min : ∏ PQLηi , j (8)
i =1

L ( Y=
) L0 ⋅ PQL Xopt (9)

Suppose a product or process has p quality characteristics Y = Y1 , Y2 , , Yp . Let L ( Y ) = L1,0 , L2,0 , , L p ,0 ( ) ( )

be the average quality loss and µ η = η1,0 ,η2,0 , ,η p ,0 ( ) be the predicted SN ratio under the starting conditions.
Therefore, the optimization robust design of multiple quality characteristics are the parameter conditions,
( )
Xopt = X 1opt , X 2opt , , X qopt , by minimizing total quality loss. That is,
Min : L= ∑ L0 i
⋅ PQL Xopt (10)
i =1

If the real quality loss of starting conditions, L ( Y ) = L1,0 , L2,0 , , L p ,0 , can not be obtained, we can take the )
quality loss Lj of quality characteristic Yj as the base to find the proportion of quality loss Li of quality characte-
ristic Yi to Yj. Hence, the proportion fi , j is expressed as
K i ⋅ MSDi K i ⋅ 10 i0
= = = fi , j , i = 1, 2, , p (11)
L j K j ⋅ MSD j K j ⋅ 10−η j0 10

Therefore, Equation (10) can be rewritten as

Min : L= ∑ fi , j ⋅ PQL X opt
i =1

To solve the multiple quality characteristics problems, an optimization procedure is proposed as follows.
Step 1. Compute the SN ratio for each quality characteristic and then calculate the main effect of factors for
each quality characteristic.
Step 2. Estimate the average SN ratio (η0) under the starting conditions for each quality characteristic.
Step 3. Transform the SN ratios into PQL for each quality characteristic.
Step 4. Estimate the quality loss of starting conditions for each quality characteristic and then program a
search module by EXCEL VBA to obtain the optimal parameter conditions.

4. Implementation
The case used is that described by Jean and Tzeng [5] [6] [10], Jean [11]. They studied the static or dynamic
problem in the electron beam surface hardening process. We use the published process conditions and experi-
mental data to demonstrate the proposed method, which can simultaneously optimize the static and dynamic

F.-C. Wu

High energy electron beam is a unique tool for case hardening. The control factors are substrate matrix (factor
A), travel speed (factor B), accelerating voltage (factor C), electrical current (factor D), melted width (factor E),
beam oscillation (factor F) and post-heat treatment temperature (factor G). The signal factor is electron beam
scanning width (factor M). The levels of control and signal factors are listed in Table 1.
There are two quality characteristics for the process. The first is wear volume (STB type) and the second is
microhardness (dynamic type). A L18 orthogonal array is built and the assignment of controls, signal factor, ex-
perimental data and the computed SN ratios (η) for all quality characteristics are shown in Table 2.
The main effect of factors and PQL values for each quality characteristic are shown in Table 3, respectively.
Suppose that the quality loss of starting levels for wear volume and microhardness are L1 and L2 respectively.
The region of L2 L1 corresponding to the optimal parameter conditions using Equations (7), (8) and (12)] are
listed in Table 4.

Table 1. Levels of control and signal factors for electron beam surface hardening process.
Control factor
1 2 3
A. Substrate matrix Ductile Gray
B. Travel speed, mm∙s−1 10 20 30
C. Accelerating voltage, V 10 25 50
D. Electrical current, mA 10 15 20
E. Melted width, mm 5 15 20
F. Beam oscillation Line Circle Ellipse
G. Post-heat treatment temperature, ˚C 25 150 300
Signal factor
M. Electron beam scanning width 5 mm 10 mm 20 mm
a. Starting levels are identified by underscore.

Table 2. Experimental data.

Expt. Factor assignment Microhardness SN ratios

Wear volume
No. A B C D E F G M1 = 5 mm M2 = 10 mm M3 = 20 mm Wear volume Microhardness
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 167 164 171 875 896 921 −44.473 −18.311
2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 219 221 228 712 719 698 −46.954 −18.952
3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 279 289 291 568 546 559 −49.139 −18.832
4 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 159 164 167 876 835 868 −44.263 −18.757
5 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 174 176 177 889 876 849 −44.894 −19.145
6 1 2 3 3 1 1 2 189 199 192 756 732 723 −45.728 −19.104
7 1 3 1 2 1 3 2 195 198 197 901 926 893 −45.875 −18.887
8 1 3 2 3 2 1 3 178 181 183 789 801 776 −45.138 −18.933
9 1 3 3 1 3 2 1 168 172 174 792 786 775 −44.678 −18.937
10 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 199 201 206 686 642 613 −46.108 −19.652
11 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 226 221 231 621 632 645 −47.084 −18.427
12 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 215 221 217 757 723 734 −46.756 −18.959
13 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 206 205 203 812 796 772 −46.221 −19.177
14 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 202 206 211 768 706 615 −46.293 −20.53
15 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 213 208 209 681 723 712 −46.445 −18.458
16 2 3 1 3 2 3 1 165 169 167 856 832 841 −44.455 −18.865
17 2 3 2 1 3 1 2 175 176 177 845 827 831 −44.910 −18.867
18 2 3 3 2 1 2 3 213 217 219 706 675 568 −46.703 −20.539

F.-C. Wu

Table 3. Summary of factor effects for wear volume and microhardness (η and PQL).

Quality characteristics Level

Level 1 −45.682 −46.752 −45.232 −45.309 −46.026 −45.538 −45.258

Wear volume (η) Level 2 −46.108 −45.641 −45.879 −46.234 −45.669 −45.833 −46.003

Level 3 −45.293 −46.575 −46.143 −45.992 −46.315 −46.425

Level 1 0.906603 1.000000 0.734119 0.808140 1.085748 1.000000 1.000000

Wear volume (PQL) Level 2 1.000000 0.774170 0.851935 1.000000 1.000000 1.070381 1.187204

Level 3 0.714623 1.000000 0.979386 1.077194 1.195994 1.308158

Level 1 −18.873 −18.855 −18.941 −18.626 −19.300 −18.892 −19.124

Microhardness (η) Level 2 −19.275 −19.195 −19.142 −19.277 −18.821 −19.561 −18.987

Level 3 −19.171 −19.138 −19.319 −19.102 −18.769 −19.111

Level 1 0.911557 1.000000 0.956030 0.860860 1.117014 1.000000 1.000000

Microhardness (PQL) Level 2 1.000000 1.081846 1.000734 1.000000 1.000000 1.166878 0.969124

Level 3 1.075768 1.000000 1.009621 1.067651 0.971624 0.997091

a. Optimal parameter levels for each characteristic are identified by boldface type.

Table 4. The region of L1 / L2 and optimal parameter conditions.

optimal parameter Predicted SN ratio

conditions Wear volume Microhardness

L2 L1 ≤ 2.700 A1B3C1D1E2F1G1 −42.609 db −18.005 db

2.700 < L2 L1 ≤ 4.346 A1B1C1D1E2F1G1 −44.068 db −17.689 db

4.346 < L2 L1 ≤ 6.066 A1B1C1D1E2F1G2 −44.814 db −17.551 db

6.066 < L2 L1 A1B1C1D1E2F3G2 −45.591 db −17.429 db

5. Conclusion
Robust design is used to determine the optimal levels for the control factors in a product or process so that the
quality loss is minimized. A real problem in a product or process usually has multiple quality characteristics.
This paper presents an effective method based on Taguchi’s quality loss function and SN ratio to simultaneously
optimize the robust design involving both static and dynamic quality characteristics. Using the PQL transformed
from the factor effects of SN ratios as the quality evaluation, we can convert the static and dynamic multiple
quality characteristics into a single characteristic problem to obtain the optimal parameter conditions by mini-
mizing the total PQL value. The implementation and effectiveness of the proposed approach is illustrated
through case study.

This research was financially supported by Ministry of Science and Technology (Republic of China) under Con-
tract MOST 104-2221-E-238-003.

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F.-C. Wu

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