Surimi Powder

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Incorporation of surimi powder in wet yellow

noodles and its effects on the physicochemical
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Article in International Food Research Journal · January 2012


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3 authors, including:

Nurul Huda Tajul Yang

Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin | UniSZA Universiti Sains Malaysia


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International Food Research Journal 19(2): 701-707 (2012)

Incorporation of surimi powder in wet yellow noodles and its effects

on the physicochemical and sensory properties

Chin, C. K., *Huda, N. and Yang, T. A.

Fish and Meat Processing Laboratory, Food Technology Programme, School of

Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia

Abstract: The aim of this study was to produce a high-protein, wet yellow noodle by the incorporation of
surimi powder as a protein source and evaluate the effects of the physicochemical and sensory properties of the
noodle. The surimi powder was prepared by oven drying the wet surimi at 60oC until the moisture content was
below 10%. Five concentration levels of surimi powder substitutions were used (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%), and
as a result, the noodles showed a trend that significantly increased (P<0.05) in the ash, protein, fat, lightness,
redness, yellowness, stickiness and cooking yield as the levels of surimi powder increased. However, they had
significantly decreased (P<0.05) carbohydrate content, pH, tensile strength, elasticity modulus and hardness.
The results of the sensory study indicated that higher concentrations of surimi powder in the noodles reduced
the acceptance of the color score, taste, aftertaste, hardness and elasticity as well as the overall acceptance.
However, there was no significant difference (p<0.05) in the color, hardness and elasticity between the control
and noodles incorporated with 5% surimi powder. Thus, a value of 5% surimi powder was considered the
maximum concentration acceptable for incorporation into the noodles. The results of this study showed a
potential application of surimi powder in wet yellow noodle production.

Keywords: Surimi powder, noodles, physicochemical properties, sensory evaluation

Introduction Currently, commercial noodles are rich in

carbohydrates, but they are deficient in essential
Noodles are one of the most important foods nutrients, such as proteins, dietary fiber and vitamins.
in Asian cuisine. Approximately 40% of the total For example, the protein deficiency problem could
wheat flour consumed is in the form of noodles in be solved by consuming noodles with foods that are
Asia (Kruger et al., 1996; Hou and Kruk, 1998). In rich in protein or by enriching noodles with protein.
addition to the wheat flour, noodles are made from The protein enrichment can be achieved by the
simple ingredients like water and salt and contain addition of dried meat powders, such as fish surimi
carbohydrates, protein and small amounts of fatty powders, which are protein concentrates (Huda et al.,
acids. The classification of noodles is based on 2000; Park and Lin, 2005). Previous studies on the
their ingredients and processing methods. Alkaline addition of dried minced fish to noodles have been
noodles or yellow noodles are popular foods in performed from Nemipterus sp. and Oreochromis
Southeast Asia, Southern China, and Japan (Ross et mossambicus (Yu, 1990), the supplement of wet
al., 1997). However, a variety of alkaline noodles minced fish and surimi from Decapterus macrosoma
exist, and they are primarily differentiated in the final and Congresox talabon (Peranginangin et al., 1995)
stages of manufacturing, where sheeted noodles are and the incorporation of wet washed fish minced
cut into strands. According to Kruger et al. (1996), from Oncorhynchus mykiss (Setiady et al., 2007).
the most popular types are “wet” or boiled noodles However, to our knowledge, there has not been
(“Hokkien” style), fresh noodles (“Cantonese” style), a study performed on the incorporation of surimi
dried noodles, raw noodles that contain eggs (wonton powder into noodles. Hence, the incorporation of
or wantan), and instant noodles. dried surimi powder (Nemipterus sp) into noodles is
In recent years, various studies on the addition of important to meet a void in research.
different compounds to noodles have been performed
to find a substitute for wheat flour for specified Materials and Methods
purposes. For example, previous studies have focused
on the incorporation of ingredients, such as dried fish Surimi powder preparation
mince (Yu, 1990; Peranginangin et al., 1995; Setiady A threadfin bream (Nemipterus sp.) surimi
et al., 2007), sweet potato and soy flour (Collins block was purchased from a local surimi processor,
and Pangloli, 1997), enriched hull-less barley flour transported to the laboratory and stored at -18°C. The
(Hatcher et al., 1999) and banana flour (Ramli et al., surimi blocks were cut and dried at 60ºC overnight
2009; Chong and Aziz, 2010) in noodles. with a hot-air dryer (AFOS) until the moisture content

*Corresponding author.
Email: © All Rights Reserved
Tel: +604 653 2112; Fax: +604 657 3678
702 Chin, C. K., Huda, N. and Yang, T. A.

was below 10%. The dried surimi was then ground Proximate composition, Color and pH value
to a powder with a blender (Panasonic MX-7995, The noodles were analyzed for moisture, protein,
Malaysia) and filtered using a commercial sieve. The fat and ash content using standard procedures AOAC
surimi powders were then stored in airtight plastic (2000). The color analysis of the partially cooked
packs at 4ºC for further processing (Huda et al., noodles was performed using a Minolta CM-3500d
2001). spectrophotometer (Konica Minolta USA Inc., Japan).
The pH of a cooked noodle slurry was measured
Preparation of noodles using a Hanna 211 microprocessor pH meter (Hanna
The noodles were prepared with different Instruments, Malaysia), which was calibrated using
percentages of surimi powder (SP), i.e., 0% (SP0); buffered solutions of pH 4.0 and 7.0 (Ramli et al.,
5% (SP5); 10% (SP10); 15% (SP15) and 20% 2009).
(SP20), as shown in Table 1. All treated noodles were
analyzed by their physical, chemical, cooking and Cooking properties analysis
sensory properties.
Table 1. Formulations with different levels of surimi powder Cooking yield
incorporated into the noodles (per 158 g) Modifications of a previously published method
Material (g) Formulation
SP0 SP5 SP10 SP15 SP20
(AACC, 1976; Lim, 2006) were made and used to
Wheat flour 100 95 90 85 80 determine the cooking yield of the noodles. Distilled
Surimi powder 0 5 10 15 20 water (150 mL) in a beaker was heated on a hotplate
Kansui 1 1 1 1 1
Salt 2 2 2 2 2 (IKA RCT basic safety control, IKA Works (Asia)
Distilled water 55 55 55 55 55
Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya, Malaysia) until it started
The preparation of the laboratory noodles was boiling. Samples of partial cooked noodles (10 g)
similar to a previously described method (Kruger were weighed with an analytical balance and put in
et al., 1994). A solution of 1% kansui (sodium the beaker. The noodles were cooked in boiling water
carbonates) was mixed with water and then added to for 10 min at a low stirring speed using a magnetic
100 g of wheat flour in a Kitchen Aid mixer (Kitchen stirrer. During the cooking process, the beaker was
Aid Ltd, Benton, MI, USA). The mixture was mixed covered with aluminum foil to prevent evaporation
at speed 1, and the speed level was raised by one per of the water. The cooked noodles were then separated
subsequent minute until speed 6. The speed of the from the cooking water, and the noodles were
mixer was then slowed level by level almost every cooled for 15 min. The weight of cooked noodles
minute and was stopped at approximately the 10th was measured after cooling. The cooking yield was
min (Ramli et al., 2009). The dough was allowed to measured by the equation below:
rest at room temperature in a plastic container for
30 min (Kruger et al., 1996) and then sheeted with
a pasta machine (Home Plus, Quality Homeware, Cooking loss
Malaysia) at an initial gap setting of width 7. The A previously published method (AACC, 1976)
gap width was subsequently changed to widths 6 was used to determine the cooking loss of the noodles.
and then 5 until the desired noodle thickness was The cooking water was separated from the cooked
achieved using the noodle machine, and the noodles noodles, and the cooking water was poured into a 250-
sheet was folded between passes to ensure its mL of volumetric flask; the volume was then topped
uniformity. The noodle strands were cut into square off with distilled water. The volumetric flask was
shapes using the same pasta machine. To prevent shaken to homogenize the cooking water solution.
noodles from sticking together, they were usually A 10 mL aliquot of the solution was pipette into an
coated with a thin layer of wheat flour. The noodles aluminum dish, and the sample was dried in an oven
were pre-cooked in boiling water for 1 min, with a at 105°C until a constant weight was obtained. The
ratio of at least 1:10 noodles to water (Kruger et al., cooking loss was measured by the equation below:
1996; Lim, 2006; Ramli et al., 2009). The partially
cooked noodles were subsequently rinsed with cool
tap water. The cooked noodles were left to cool at where
room temperature, and 5% (w/w) cooking oil was A= weight of aluminum dish + dish + dry cooked
added (Othman et al., 1993) based on the weight of water sample
the noodles produced to prevent the noodles from B= weight of aluminum dish + dish
sticking together. The partially cooked noodles were C= noodles moisture content
then ready for analysis.

International Food Research Journal 19(2): 701-707

Incorporation of surimi powder in wet yellow noodles and its effects on the physicochemical and sensory properties 703

Analysis of physical properties

The physical properties of the partially cooked
noodles were determined using a TA-TX2 model where F/t is the initial slope (N/sec) of the graph
Texture Analyzer (Stable Micro Systems. Ltd., (force vs. time), lo is the original length of the noodles
Surrey, UK). The tensile and compression tests were between the limit arms (0.04 m), Ao is the original
conducted using this instrument. The reproducibility cross sectional area of the noodles (m2) and n is the
of the noodles was low; thus, replicate studies were rate of movement of the upper arm (0.003 m/sec).
conducted (10 times), and a duplicate analysis of
another batch of noodles with same formulation Compression test
was also performed. For each analysis, 5 strains of The compression test method (Lim, 2006) was
noodles were selected and measured. Therefore, there modified from a previously published method.
were 10 data readings recorded for each formulation The compression test was conducted, and five
of noodles, and all of the data were used in statistical measurements for each sample were collected. The
analysis. load cell consisted of 5 kg, and the P/36R was used
as probe. The heavy-duty platform was set up and
Tensile test used; the distance of the probe and the force were
The tensile test method was modified, and it calibrated with 2 kg before starting the analysis. The
measured the tensile strength and elasticity of the distance the probe was allowed to move was set at
noodles (Lim, 2006; Ramli et al., 2009). The load 20 mm. The settings of the TA-XT2 were as follows
cell consisted of a 5 kg sample, and the spaghetti/ (Lim, 2006):
noodles rig A/SPR was used. The distance of the rig
was calibrated by 10 mm and the force was calibrated Test mode : Compression
by 2 kg before starting the analysis. The distance the Pre-test speed : 2.0 mm/sec
probe was allowed to move was set at 40 mm. The Test speed : 2.0 mm/sec
settings of the TA-XT2 were as follows (Lim, 2006): Post-test speed : 2.0 mm/sec
Trigger force : 0.1 N
Test mode : Tensile Strain : 75% deformation
Pre-test speed : 3.0 mm/sec
Test speed : 3.0 mm/sec Three strains of partial cooked noodles (15 cm
Post-test speed : 5.0 mm/sec long) were arranged in a straight manner on the
Distance : 75 mm heavy-duty platform. The strains of noodles were
Trigger force : 0.05 N pressed until a deformation of 75% was reached, and
the curve of force/time was obtained. Data pertaining
Each noodle was tested individually by placing to hardness (maximum peak force) and stickiness
one end into the lower rig arm slot and winding the (total negative area under the curve) were obtained
loosened arm sufficiently to anchor the noodle end. from the curves.
The arm was tightened, and the same procedure
was performed to anchor the other noodle end to Sensory evaluation
the upper arm. The tensile test was performed, and Five types of noodle samples were boiled and cut
five measurements for each sample were collected. into 8 cm pieces. The samples were stored in tightly
From the force (Newton)-displacement curve, the covered plastic containers (Chong and Aziz, 2010),
maximum slope was recorded by the software TA which were kept in a food warmer before testing.
exponent 32. The tensile strength was calculated as The sensory attributes of the cooked noodles were
follows: evaluated by 50 panelists consisting of students of
the School of Industry Technology, Universiti Sains
Malaysia. All samples were evaluated using a seven
where F represents the maximum peak force (N) and point hedonic scale, where ‘‘1” equaled ‘‘dislike
A represents the cross-sectional area of the noodle very much” and ‘‘7” equaled ‘‘like very much”.
strand (m2). The width and thickness of the noodle Each noodle sample was served and presented with
was measured using a dial thickness gauge (Mitutoyo chicken soup in a white plastic cup coded with a
MI7305, Japan). The A value was calculated by random set of 3 digit numbers. The panelists were
multiplying the thickness and the width of the given drinking water to rinse their mouths before
noodles. evaluating each sample. The attributes evaluated
included color, taste, aftertaste, firmness, elasticity

International Food Research Journal 19(2): 701-707

704 Chin, C. K., Huda, N. and Yang, T. A.

and overall acceptability (Collins and Pangloli, 1997; The fat content showed a significant increase
Eyidemir and Hayta, 2009; Chong and Aziz, 2010). (p<0.05) in all the noodle samples that had been
supplemented due to the remaining fat in the surimi
Statistical analysis powder. Although most of the fat in the surimi has
The data were analyzed with a Statistical Package already been removed during the washing step,
for Social Science (SPSS) (SPSS 17.0 for Windows, the residual fat in the surimi powder might have
SPSS Incorporated, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.). A one- contributed a certain amount of fat to the noodles.
way analyses of variance (ANOVA) was conducted The ash in the surimi-substituted noodles significantly
to determine the significance difference between each increased (p<0.05) when 15% surimi powder was
of the 5 treatments. Any value that was considered added to the noodles. The ash consisted of minerals
significantly different (P<0.05) was subjected to in the surimi powder, i.e., phosphorus, sodium,
Duncan’s multiple range tests. potassium, and magnesium (Dallas, 2004-2006).
As can be seen in Table 2, the carbohydrate
Results and Discussion content was significantly reduced (p<0.05) in the
noodles. This outcome was due to the carbohydrate
Proximate composition level in the surimi powder, which was approximately
The proximate composition of the noodles, such 16.8-17.5% and was lower than the wheat flour
as the moisture, protein, fat, ash and carbohydrate (74.0%) (Huda et al., 2001). Hence, the addition of
contents, is shown in Table 2. The control noodle surimi powder into noodles will greatly reduce its
sample was similar to commercially available wet carbohydrate level.
noodles in Malaysia in terms of its protein (8.67%)
and carbohydrate (87.67%) contents (Tee et al., 1997). Color properties
The addition of surimi powder into the noodles will The color of the boiled noodles is presented
increase the requirement of water and fat content in in Table 3. The color of the noodles is the most
the noodle to form the dough properly and prevent its vital quality parameter. Alkaline noodles should
strands from sticking together, respectively; thus, the have a clear yellow color without any spots and
control noodle’s formulation was changed. Therefore, discolorations. The yellowish color of the noodles
the control noodle’s moisture and fat contents were is attributed to the presence of natural flavonoid
higher and its ash content was lower than commercial pigments, which are colorless at acidic pH levels
noodles (Kruger et al., 1996; Tee et al., 1997). but turn yellow at alkaline pH levels (Fu, 2008). The
Table 2. Mean (n=6) of proximate composition of color of the partially cooked noodles was analyzed
noodles incorporated with surimi powder after the noodles were produced. Desirable alkaline
Sample Moisture (%) Protein* (%) Fat* (%) Ash* (%) Carbohydrate*(%) noodles have a lightness value (L*) higher than 60 but
no higher than 100; they should show low redness
SP10 63.22±1.69ab 13.60±0.73c 4.69±0.37c 1.51±0.24ab 80.20±0.53c (+a*) values and high positive values for b*.
SP15 64.51±0.49b 15.10±1.66d 4.99±0.20cd 1.60±0.03bc 78.32±1.56b
Table 3. Mean (n=12) of color properties (L*, a* and b*)
SP20 64.65±0.91b 18.11±1.10e 5.15±0.48d 1.69±0.01c 75.04±1.12a
Expressed on a dry basis as the mean ± standard deviation. of noodles incorporated with surimi powder
Mean values with different letters within the same column are significantly different (p<0.05).
Sample Color
L* a* b*
The moisture content of the noodles significantly SP0 70.33±0.79a -2.14±0.21a 19.27±0.80a
SP5 72.05±0.53b -1.64±0.38b 19.74±0.84ab
increased (p<0.05) when the surimi powder reached SP10 72.72±0.66c -1.15±0.24c 19.85±0.33b
15%. The surimi might have increased the levels of SP15 73.06±0.60c -0.49±0.27d 20.06±0.44bc
SP20 74.99±0.51d -0.22±0.14e 20.49±0.32c
water absorption rates due to its water holding capacity *
Data are reported as the mean ± standard deviation.
Mean values; different letters within the same column are significantly different (p<0.05)

(Zayas, 1997) during the mixing and cooking steps. As

expected, the protein content increased significantly As seen in Table 3, the lightness (L*), yellowness
(p<0.05) with the substitution of different levels of (a*) and redness (b*) increased significantly (p<0.05)
fish surimi powder. Similar trends have also been as a function of increasing amount of surimi powder
reported with fish minced noodles (Yu, 1990) as well in the noodles. The color of the different levels of
as with boiled and dry noodles supplemented with surimi powder-substituted noodles was roughly
surimi or minced fish (Peranginangin et al., 1995). distinguished by the eyes. Due to the hygroscopic
The surimi powder primarily consists of myofibrillar property of surimi powder, it might have absorbed
proteins (a good source of protein), while wheat flour much of the free water and lowered the water
contains a lower amount of protein. Hence, surimi activity Aw of the noodles. The decreasing value of
powder could make a significant contribution of Aw decreased the browning activity of the polyphenol
protein to noodles. oxidase enzyme, which is present in noodles; hence,

International Food Research Journal 19(2): 701-707

Incorporation of surimi powder in wet yellow noodles and its effects on the physicochemical and sensory properties 705

it helped lighten the color of the noodles. During the the cooking yield. This result might have been due
washing step, almost all of the red blood cells were to the presence of surimi powder in the noodles.
washed and removed from the surimi. However, some The surimi powder is hygroscopic and might have
blood still remained in the surimi powder, which had the ability to absorb and hold water during heat
might have contributed to some of the red color of treatment (Zayas, 1997). During the cooking process,
the surimi substituted-noodles. A significant increase the surimi content in the surimi-substituted noodles
(p<0.05) in the yellow color was observed when the might have also gelatinized in addition to the starch.
surimi powder reached 10% in the noodles due to The gelatinization of both surimi and starch during
the non-enzymatic Maillard reaction of amino acids the cooking process might have contributed some
between the myofibrillar proteins and the reducing water, which increased the weight of the noodles
sugars from the cryoprotectant. The reducing sugars after cooking.
react with proteins and produce yellow-browning The cooking loss represented the particles that
compounds through the Maillard reaction during diffused out from the noodles into the cooking
mild heating (70-100°C) (Billaud et al., 2004). medium during cooking. The cooking loss property
The yellow-browning Maillard reaction could have reflects the surface characteristics of the noodles.
occurred during the production of the surimi powder, According to Shiau and Yeh (2001), the higher
which contributed to the yellow color of the surimi- the cooking loss is, the stickier the noodle surface.
substituted noodles. High cooking loss is undesirable because it means
that there was a high starch content in the cooking
pH and cooking properties medium and that the noodles had a low cooking
The pH and cooking properties of the boiled tolerance (Chakraborty et al., 2003). As can be seen
noodles is presented in Table 4. The pH of the in Table 4, the cooking loss showed a significant
noodles was significantly reduced (p<0.05) when increase (P<0.05) when the surimi powder reached
supplemented with different levels of fish surimi 15% in the noodles. This result might due to the
powder. A similar trend was reported by Yu (1990). surimi powder; when incorporated into the noodles,
The typical pH value of yellow alkaline noodles the surimi powder might be weaker and disturb the
ranges between 9 and 11 (Kruger et al., 1996). The formation of the protein gluten network. As a result,
pH of surimi is 6-7 (Lin and Park, 1998) or 6.97- surimi-substituted noodles have softer and weaker
7.06 (Sakura et al., 1993). Because the surimi has a internal structures. Once these noodles were cooked,
nearly neutral pH, the pH of the yellow noodles was much finer particles were released from the surface
expected to possibly drop after the surimi powder of the noodles, contributing to a greater value for the
was incorporated. cooking loss.
Table 4. Mean (n=6) of pH and cooking properties (cooking
yield and loss) of noodles incorporated Texture properties
with surimi powder Tensile strength represents the consumption
Sample pH
Cooking Properties quality of noodles, and it also corresponds to elasticity
Cooking Yield (%) Cooking Loss (%)
SP0 8.08±0.05e 187.69±6.05a 12.61±0.69a
and tenacity for the strain of noodles (Chakraborty
SP5 8.03±0.05d 205.24±15.83b 13.51±1.41a et al., 2003), whereas the elasticity modulus refers
SP10 7.94±0.03c 211.54±12.46 bc
15.11±1.52ab to the slope of its stress-strain curve. The addition
SP15 7.88±0.02b 214.88±7.25bc 16.89±2.43b of surimi powder at 10% significantly decreased
SP20 7.76±0.06a 220.86±3.68c 19.45±3.21c
Data are reported as the mean ± standard deviation.
(p<0.05) the tensile strength and elasticity of the
Mean values; different letters within the same column are significantly different (p<0.05)
noodles, as shown in Table 5. This result might be due

The cooking properties were tested and consisted to the softer and weaker internal structures as well as
of the cooking yield and cooking loss. The cooking its molecule binding. When more surimi powder was
yield was defined as the percentage of noodle weight incorporated into the noodles, it might have created
after cooking to the weight of the raw noodles. Hence, more of a disturbance and weakened the protein
it represented the ability of the noodles to absorb gluten network as well as the hydrogen binding of the
water from the cooking medium. A higher value for molecules. As a result, the surimi-substituted noodles
the cooking yield and a lower cooking loss typically were less elastic and easily broke when the strand of
represents good-quality alkaline noodles. A higher noodle was torn.
weight gain of noodles during cooking is negatively The hardness of the noodles was measured based
proportional to the flour protein content (Hou, 2010). on the peak of the compression curve. The addition
As seen in Table 4, the incorporation of surimi of surimi powder significantly reduced (P<0.05) the
powder into noodles significantly increased (P<0.05) hardness of the noodles sample when surimi powder

International Food Research Journal 19(2): 701-707

706 Chin, C. K., Huda, N. and Yang, T. A.

Table 5. Mean (n=10) of tensile strength, elasticity order: SP20<SP15<SP10<SP5<SP0. The increase in
modulus, hardness and stickiness of noodles incorporated surimi powder might have contributed a much fishier
with surimi powder
Tensile Test Compression Test
taste and aftertaste to the noodles as well as a softer
Tensile Elasticity Hardness (N) Stickiness (Nsec) and less elastic texture; these characteristics might
Strength (kPa) Modulus (kPa)
SP0 30.76±8.71c 41.01±11.61c 25.19±2.35b 0.15±0.05a not have been favorable to the panelists, especially
SP5 26.19±6.37bc 34.92±8.50bc 23.72±2.03ab 0.27±0.10b for those who dislike seafood. The reduction overall
SP10 24.54±3.66ab 32.72±4.88ab 23.10±1.35a 0.38±0.06c acceptability of noodles incorporated with surimi
SP15 24.05±2.58 32.06±3.44 22.92±1.32 0.46±0.07d
powder SP5, SP10, SP15 and SP20 compared to
ab ab a

SP20 20.71±4.49a 27.61±5.98a 22.44±1.28a 0.51±0.09d

Data represent the mean ± standard deviation. control (SP0) was 10.14, 17.26, 23.93 and 30.89%,
Mean values; the different letters within the same column represent significantly different
respectively. The overall acceptance data showed

values (p<0.05)

reached 10%, as shown in Table 5. The decreasing that the noodles made with 5% and 10% surimi
value of noodle hardness might have been due to the powder were still accepted by consumers. This trend
water-absorbing property of surimi. The increased was similar to data obtained by Yu (1990), whereas
amount of water absorbed into the noodles might have noodles formulated with 5 and 10% of dried fish mince
weakened the gluten networks that formed the dough; Oreochromis mossambicus and Nemipterus sp. were
thus, a softer noodle was produced compared to the not significantly different from the control. However,
control (SP0). However, when the surimi powder the SP10 noodle texture received a hardness score
exceeded 10% (to 20%), there was an insignificant of 3.82 and elasticity score of 3.90, which were less
reduction (P<0.05) in the hardness of the noodles. preferred than the SP5 noodles (hardness score=4.32
Table 5 also shows that the stickiness significantly and elasticity score=4.30).
increased (P<0.05) when the surimi powder was Table 6. Mean (n=50) of sensory attributes of noodles
incorporated with surimi powder
incorporated. This result might have been due to the Overall
Sample Color Taste Aftertaste Hardness Elasticity
hygroscopic nature of the surimi powder, which tends SP0 5.12 b
5.20 d
5.16 d
4.70 c
4.68 c
5.10 d
to absorb water during the cooking process. Surimi SP5 4.86 ab 4.70 c 4.38 c 4.32 bc 4.30 bc 4.58 c
SP10 4.58 a 4.38 bc 4.12 bc 3.82 ab 3.90 ab 4.22 bc
powder can also act as a humectants’, absorbing SP15 4.42 a 3.90 ab 3.80 ab 3.76 ab 3.84 ab 3.88 ab
moisture from the environment and producing the SP20 4.50 a 3.72 a 3.48 a 3.26 a
‘‘1” equaled ‘‘dislike very much” and ‘‘7” equaled ‘‘like very much”.
3.40 a 3.52 a

sticky surface on the noodles. The higher values of Data represent the mean values (n = 50).
Mean values; the different letters within the same column are significantly different (p<0.05)
stickiness were caused by the higher cooking loss
of the noodles, which resulted because a significant Conclusion
amount of amylose had diffused out from the noodle
surface (Shiau and Yeh, 2001). The incorporation of surimi powder (SP) had
an impact on the physicochemical and sensory
Sensory evaluation properties of noodles. The incorporation of surimi
The sensory evaluation results showed that there powder significantly increased (P<0.05) in the ash,
were significant reductions (p<0.05) in the color, protein, fat, lightness, redness, yellowness, stickiness
hardness and elasticity as noted by the panelists when and cooking yield as the levels of surimi powder
the substitution of surimi powder reach 10% (Table 6). increased. However, they had significantly decreased
The panelists failed to differentiate the color between (P<0.05) carbohydrate content, pH, tensile strength,
SP0 and SP5. A significant reduction (P<0.05) was elasticity modulus and hardness. The sensory
also noted in the taste, aftertaste and overall acceptance evaluation result showed there were reductions in all
of the noodles when the surimi powder reached 5%. parameter with the increasing incorporation of surimi
All sensory attributes of SP0 noodles that served as powder. The level of overall acceptance reduction
the control were significantly the highest (p<0.05) for SP5, SP10, SP15 and SP20 compared to SP0 was
among all samples; the SP20 noodles showed the 10.14, 17.26, 23.93 and 30.89%, respectively. SP5
lowest score among all samples in all sensory noodles represented an acceptable preference in term
attributes except in the color category. Generally the of sensory evaluation based on all individual and
sensory score of noodles prepared in this study was overall sensory attributes compare than SP10. SP15
lower, whether due to the lack of formulation used or and SP20. In conclusion, this study provides useful
the unfamiliar of panelists participated in this study. functional information for the future development of
The overall acceptance score for SP0 was only 5.10 surimi powder-based food products.
(72.86%) compared to higher score 7.0 (100%). The
more surimi powder was added to the noodles, the Acknowledgements
less acceptable the noodles were to the panelists. The
overall acceptance of the noodles was in the following The authors acknowledge with gratitude the

International Food Research Journal 19(2): 701-707

Incorporation of surimi powder in wet yellow noodles and its effects on the physicochemical and sensory properties 707

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International Food Research Journal 19(2): 701-707

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