Research Methodology: Class Note BSW - II - Dr. Narendra Thagunnna
Research Methodology: Class Note BSW - II - Dr. Narendra Thagunnna
Research Methodology: Class Note BSW - II - Dr. Narendra Thagunnna
Full Marks-100
Theory 75+Practical 25
Group A (Theory):
What are the causes of aggression and violence? How do we remember things, what causes us to
forget, and how can memory be improved? What are the effects of stressful environments on
health? How do early childhood experiences affect later development? What are the best ways to
treat depression? How can we reduce prejudice and intergroup conflict? Curiosity about
questions such as these is probably the most important reason that many students decide to take
courses in the behavioral sciences. Scientific research provides us with the best means of
addressing such questions and providing answers.
Research in a common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. It is a scientific and systematic
search for pertinent information on a specific topic. It is a scientific investigation.
“Research is a careful investigation or inquiry specifically through search for new facts in any
branch of knowledge.” Advanced learner’s Dictionary.
“Scientific research is a step by step logical, organized and rigorous method to identify problems,
gather data, analyze the data and draw valid conclusions there from”. Sekaran.
A systematic and organized research is known as scientific research. It is a movement from the
known to unknown. It is actually voyage of discovery. Research is an academic activity and as
such the term should be used in a technical sense.
The systematic approach concerning generalization and the formulation of a theory is also called
The research is the process of obtaining the answers to questions: What, Why, When, How,
Where and Who?
"Research holding the torch of knowledge" (1896) by Ervin Coritana. Library of Congress,
Psychological researcher generally follows a scientific approach. This involves the logic of
testing hypotheses produced from falsifiable theories. Hypotheses need to be precisely stated
before testing.
Scientific research is a continuous and social activity, involving promotion and checking
of ideas amongst colleagues.
Researchers use probability statistics to decide whether effects are 'significant' or not.
Research has to be carefully planned with attention to design, variables, samples and
subsequent data analysis. If all these areas are not fully planned, results may be
ambiguous or useless.
Some researchers have strong objections to the use of traditional scientific methods in the
study of persons. They support qualitative and 'new paradigm' methods which may not
involve rigid pre-planned testing of hypotheses.
Overall, the research has some theoretical and practical objectives. They are:
Finally, research helps removing ignorance, social welfare, social progress, social control,
development of social sciences etc.
Types of Research: Research may be classified roughly according to its major intent or the
Disadvantages: Disadvantages:
o It does not study things in a natural setting or o It is very difficult to determine the validity
discuss the meaning things have for different and reliability of linguistic data.
people. o More subjectivity involved in analyzing the
o A large sample of the population must be data.
studied for accurate results. o Data overload and time consuming.
o It ignores the context of study.
5. Other Types:
All other types of research are variations of one or more of the above stated approaches, based on
either the purposes of research or the time required to accomplish the research.
One time or longitudinal Research: One time research is confined to a single time period
whereas longitudinal research is carried on over several time periods.
Field setting, Laboratory and Simulation Research: It is depending upon the environment
in which it is to be carried out.
Clinical or Diagnostic Research: Such research follows case study methods or in-depth
approaches to reach the basic casual relations. It uses very small samples and very deep
probing data gathering devices.
Exploratory vs. Formalized research: The objective of exploratory research is the
development of hypothesis rather than their testing. Whereas formalized research studies are
those with substantial structure and with specific hypothesis to be tested.
Historical Research: It is that which utilizes historical sources like documents, remains etc. to
study events or ideas of the past, including the philosophy of persons or groups at any
particular time. It provides a comprehensive picture of historical trends. It uses existing
information. It provides evidence of ongoing trends and problems. It is time consuming in
Conclusion oriented and Decision oriented Research: While doing conclusion oriented
research, a researcher is free to pick up a problem, redesign the inquiry as he /she proceeds and
is prepared to conceptualize as he/she wishes.
Decision oriented research is always for the need of a decision maker and the researcher in this
case is not free to embark upon research according to his own inclination. Operations research
is an example of decision oriented research. It is a scientific method of providing executive
department with a quantitative basis for decisions regarding operations under their control.
Class note BSW_II_ Dr. Narendra Thagunnna
Research Process: (Steps)
Research process consists of series of actions or steps necessary to effectively carryout research
and the desired sequencing of these steps:
Review Concepts
& Theories
Lewin, K. (1951) Field theory in social science; selected theoretical papers. D. Cartwright (ed.).
New York: Harper & Row.
Stanovich, K. (2007). How to Think Straight About Psychology: 8th Edition. Boston, MA:
Allyn & Bacon.
Popper, K. (1959). The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Basic Books, New York, NY.