DCPC Manual en
DCPC Manual en
DCPC Manual en
Internet: www.terminal-entry.de
Email: info@terminal-entry.de
1. System requirements
2. Installation
3. Configuration
4. Compile DCP fixed-image
5. Compile DCP movie
6. Enter license key
7. Enclosure
7a. Compile single images of a movie with VirtualDub
1. System requirements
The 32bit version of Digital Cinema Package Creator has the following limitation:
Due to memory limitations, the 4K movie mode is only applicable with a maximum of 4 processes.
2. Installation
Execution of installation program „DCPC-setup-1490-x64.msi“. (here version 64bit)
Follow the instructions of the installation program.
3. Configuration
Explication of options:
Do not delete temporary data: Defines whether temporary J2K video data should be
deleted after compiling (Normally, please do not
Allow J2k source data: Defines to allow existing JPEG 2000 data.
Please respect norm conform J2K data!!
Number of threads: Set up number of CPUs/cores that are available for your workstation.
Set up under „PlayList“ all information to the name of DCP`s and type of DCP`s.
Should DCP be compiled with audio, please activate selection „tone“. An audio data
will be requested automatically afterwards.
You can insert now the first image by using the „Insert-Button“. After insertion of the
image, can enter under „length“ the number of frames the image should be shown. For
confirmation of your entries, please push „Enter“.
Now, additional images can be inserted. By using the button „black“, black pictures can be
inserted between the images.
The length of the black picture will be defined in the same manner as the other images.
The position to the actual edited image can be changed by using the horizontal scrollbar.
Under „Media Data“ the total length of the actual compilation can be found.
In case of a shorter video length than audio data, rest of audio will be cut off automatically.
By using the „Start-Button“, DCP can be compiled once your compilation is ready.
A 3D DCP fixed-image will be compiled in the same manner, by inserting a picture, at first it will be
requested for the left and afterwards for the right picture.
Define under „PlayList“ the information for the name of the DCP and type of DCP.
However, all image data that is available, will be collected in the DCP. When playing,
only the defined section will played. Herewith, in connection to these information of the
audio track, the synchronization of video/audio can be realised, e.g., length of „Starting
Tape“ of audio track and video track divers.
Please select under „Subtitle“ the XML data, in case a subtitle is desired.
You can specify a multichannel (5.1) audio track in the first field. Please use the
first 3 fields resp. the first 4 fields for 7.1 audio, in case of stereo tracks.
Alternatively, mono tracks can also be used. Please subscribe the data in the designed
Caution: A multichannel data cannot be used for 6.1/7.1!
In case you want to use more than one reel, please go to tab „Reel 2“ and make
settings analogical to „Reel 1“.
To finalise, start compiling of DCP with „Start-Button“.
A 3D DCP movie will be compiled in the same manner, however, a picture register for left and right
has to be specified.
6. Insert licence key
The source data will be split in single images with the program VirtualDub. For this, data will be
Then, all images will be calculated and stored – please provide enough memory space, as approx. 6 MB
are needed per picture.