Inspiring Leadership and Teambuilding
Inspiring Leadership and Teambuilding
Inspiring Leadership and Teambuilding
Team Building
-a four day learning journey-
This is not merely a program. It is an adventure – to unfold the highest in you, to learn to
inspire leadership and to awaken the art and science of creative leadership & team
building– in a diversity of realities– Corporates, NGOs, Schools, Families and Community.
• Learn practical magic to energize people, teams and the organization through the
art of developing leaders.
• Learn how to build lasting relationships with people - both internal and external to
impact high performance.
• Experience the power of Whole body Learning™.... a technology that has been
used to coach heads of Fortune 50 & Fortune 500 companies.
• Apart from conventional methods like role-plays & team games, learn
breakthrough processes like NLP, Open Space, etc.
• Discover how to make effective leadership and creative team results last... sustain
the momentum and create a learning organization.
• ‘Being’ of a Leader: Leading with Gratitude, self mastery, creativity, values &
vision, empowering mindsets, responsibility, shifting from limiting patterns
(Personas) to a flowing presence (Essence).
• ‘Doing’ of a Leader: The key advanced skills- assertiveness, feedback and
• Group Dynamics and Team Learning: The challenge of learning together and
facilitating groups.
• The Art of Empowerment: How to influence genuinely.
• Organizational Learning: Using Systems Thinking, appreciating complexity as an
interconnected reality. Shifting from the quick fix to enduring change.
• Sustaining momentum: How can learning become a part of an organizational
culture and how can profound change be facilitated and measured.
• Thinking (Mind),
• Feeling (Heart) and
• Being (Essence) which inform
• Conscious Action.
Learning to build and enable powerful relationships out of learning 4 vital attitude-skills:
• Deep Listening (connecting with the heart and world of the other person)
• Authentic Speaking (connecting with one’s own heart and inner reality)
• Curious Questioning (learning to evoke wonder)
• Profound Silence (out of which powerful action is born)
This is then learnt in a very practical way through creative methods so as to enable
participants to discover insight, integration and powerful leadership and team working.
The methodology blends the best of the East & West. Increasingly the boundaries
between the mystical eastern approaches & the practical business paradigms are melting.
Its like being taken on a magical journey and yet having one’s feet on the ground.
• Conventional Methods (role plays, live case studies, team games, energizers
& ice-breakers, lively dialogues)
• Whole Body Learning
• Awakening Meditative Flow & Play
• Outdoor Activities
• Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Expected Participants:
This course is designed for middle and senior level executives and NGO leaders whose
role demands working with and leading a team. This course is also useful to HR people,
trainers, facilitators and counselors.
The Facilitators
Kiran’s programs unfold aliveness and enthusiasm in people and teams which is enduring.
He combines the best of Western practical richness (,, etc) and Eastern wisdom (Taoist, Vedanta, Zen and Sufi teachings)
to bring a very alive experience for the participants.
Kiran believes in continuously enhancing his programs. In the recent past he has
expanded and deepened the program to include: Whole Body Learning™ (Do Visit to know more.), Radical Coaching – The fascinating work of Mike Jay
and the Leadership University ( and and Creating
Learning Organizations. Kiran has been a consultant member of the founding SoL
(Society for Organizational Learning), which is a global community chaired by Peter
Senge . Kiran has been trained by Peter Senge who has been named as one of the 24
people who have had the greatest influence on business strategy in the last 100 years.
To Know more do visit and .
Kiran received a B.Tech from IIT Bombay and MBA from XLRI Jamshedpur. He is a
certified NLP Practitioner by the creator, Dr. Richard Bandler. He has close to 15 years
of experience in training, consulting, marketing and leading change and has previously
worked with ITC’s Packaging and HCL’s InfoTech business.
The best learning session of my life! Kiran, you are the best! I will miss you
and your ‘Hmmm….’ There is some divine mystery in that.
- Reshma Shrestha, Association of INGOs in Nepal (AIN)
Dear Rajendra and Kiran, this training has been very insightful. For me, it
really touched the essence of being with oneself and working with people.
You have been very well able to bridge differences between languages,
cultures and work experiences. Good balance between fun, deep insights,
knowledge and practice of skills. If possible, I will definitely join its second
- Miriam Lindware, Trainer and Coach, Sunflower Coaching
Some of this was not new to me but I’d never seen it as a whole before. As
you know I love making connections & I made many here …between ideas,
between ideas and practice, between ideas and people, between people
and people, between people and books. And also between myself + ideas
+ practice + people and books.
- Tracey Martin, Chief, VSO
I found something inside me has been awakened in these 4 days. I feel like
that I have a great potential in me which I will be exploring to the fullest
after going from here.
- Madhav Chaulagain, Family Health International (FHI)
I found you (Kiran) not only a trainer but an inspiration. I am really inspired
by you.
- Jagat Maharjan, Child Nepal
The first time I think I knew myself. I found that I have a quality of
leadership within me. I only need to initiate it, flow with it.
- Biki Koirala, Helvetas Nepal
Really it was wonderful four days for me and I would like to thank and
express gratitude to Kiran and Rajendra and my organization for this
opportunity. It has helped me to revitalize my knowledge, skill, attitude
and enhanced the professional quality. Please keep your good work for the
betterment of humankind in this world.
- Netra pd. Upadhaya, Plan Nepal
It has been a wonderful journey for me. To share with you frankly, I was in
a very tight schedule, work wise and I was debating about the program.
But I’m very glad that I came to join this journey. I really liked the way you
presented your skills & blessings. I believe that you’re blessed with the
- Pushkar Shrestha, Program Director, Room to Read
The way you facilitated and used different way of dealing difficult situation
and people has given me encouragement. Thank you for sowing seed of
eternal education. I would not be afraid of going deeper and deeper. The
program has given me lots of insights.
- B.K. Shreshta, Director, Global Action Nepal
"I enjoyed your session and found your style and manner to be one of
patience, insight, calm and guided learning. Your passion shows and as
such, it is a joy to watch"
- Stephen Gianotti, Vice President, BM & Associates Inc., USA
"I can tell you the effect of the three days spent together in Bangalore is
profound! Each and every SE was still enthusing not only about the
program, but about their own personal discoveries. The team really
needed this, at so many levels.
On a personal note, I found this to be one of the best programs ever for
me. I also very much enjoyed meeting you, enjoyed our conversations..."
- Eddie Holland, Director, CISCO, Asia Pacific.
"Kiran, we are privileged to acknowledge, has been one of our key partners
in helping us harness the energy within J&J, so productively. He has
pushed, provoked and ignited thought, releasing the much needed energy
to transform the organization."
- Swami Raote, Managing Director, Johnson & Johnson,
"I already used Kiran's techniques - the time I invested … really helped
them discover alternatives in a way that they would not have had I as
usual, simply and quickly laid down the law. Thanks."
- John Jessen, Managing Director, Smith & Jessen, Singapore-
Frankfurt- Zurich- Paris- Istanbul- Dubai- Hong Kong
“…how deeply I appreciate and support all that you have said… As I read
your words, I connected so strongly with them; it was as if it was
something that I had written very long ago. I so much look forward to
being with you. With thanks and greatest respect,”
- Joseph Jaworski, Author, ‘Synchronicity… The Inner path of
leadership’ USA
"That was a very beautiful, insightful and (for me) meaningful session.
I am feeling grateful and at peace at the end of it".
- Arun Wakhlu, Managing Director, Pragati Learning System