GY403 Structural Geology: Tectonite Fabrics
GY403 Structural Geology: Tectonite Fabrics
GY403 Structural Geology: Tectonite Fabrics
Tectonite Fabrics
Tectonite Fabric
A tectonite is a rock that possess a penetrative
fabric consisting of cleavage, foliation and/or
Tectonite fabrics are associated with directed
stress and metamorphism that occurs proximal
to subduction zones
Cleavage in a rock is a tendency to part along
smooth planes when struck by a hammer
Probably the best example of rock cleavage
would be slates used for roofing or floor tiles
Typically cleavage forms during compressional
tectonic events that produce folding, therefore,
the cleavage is usually axial planar to at least one
generation of folding
Axial Planar Cleavage
Can form at any scale
Axial planar cleavage will typically “refract” from layer-to-layer if
mechanical differences exist
Geometric Rules
If cleavage/foliation is axial
planar the upright limb of an
overturned fold will dip less
than the fabric whereas the
overturned limb will have a
steeper dip
Map Geometry of Cleavage &
In general axial planar cleavage will be sub-
parallel to bedding in the limbs of the fold
In the hinge zone however the cleavage will cut
across bedding
Domainal Structure
Rocks possessing cleavage often display domains
of multiple “S” surfaces S2 cleavage
S1 foliation
Types of Cleavage
Disjunctive: cleavage fabric is interrupted at a
mesoscopic scale
Continuous: cleavage penetrates the rock at a
mesoscopic scale
Slaty Cleavage: associated with very fine grained rocks that
produce the best examples of cleavage parting (i.e. roofing
Phyllitic structure: grains are large enough to reflect light at a
mesoscopic scale producing a “sheen”
Schistosity: medium-grained size where all crystals can be
identified at a mesoscopic scale; porphyroblasts interrupt
parting cleavage
Disjunctive Cleavage
Crenulation cleavage: S2 cleavage cuts (transposes) pre-existing
S1 cleavage
Discrete Crenulation Cleavage: very narrow cleavage domains sharply
truncate microlithons. This type tends to form in finer-grained slates.
Zonal Crenulation Cleavage: S2 cleavage forms zones separating
microlithons containing tight folds of S1 foliation. This type tends to
form in coarser-grained schists.
Spaced Cleavage: parallel partings separated by unaffected
domains at a 1 to 10 cm spacing. Typically the parting fractures
contain styolites with carbonaceous insoluble residue. Spaced
cleavage tends to form in quartzite and/or marble. The cleavage
domains often show apparent offset (but not true offset).
Discrete Crenulation Cleavage
Note sharp truncation of S1 and thin S2 cleavage domain
Zonal Crenulation Cleavage
S2 cleavage domains form zones of measurable
thickness separating microlithons of folded S1
S2 cleavage domain
Spaced Cleavage Example
Discrete cleavage partings separated by 1 to 10
cm unaffected zones
Apparent offset typical along cleavage surface
Spaced cleavage S1
Formation of Cleavage Domains
Mainly a process of dissolution of
quartz+feldspar leaving mica and insoluble
residue (i.e. graphite) in the cleavage domain
This will produce an apparent shear offset that is
not real
Cleavage Domain
Directed stress
Zone of Dissolution
Microscopic Properties of Cleavage
M-Domains: mica-rich
domains in slaty cleavage
QF-Domains: quartz+K-
feldspar domains in slaty
Microscopic Properties of Cleavage
M and QF domains in a
schist from Ducktown
M Domain
QF Domain
Strain Significance of Slaty Cleavage
Slaty Cleavage forms perpendicular to direction
of maximum shortening (Z Axis of the finite
strain ellipsoid).
Shortening is commonly 75% (SZ=0.25).
Fossils, reductions spots, oolites, etc. have been
used to verify that the Z axis of the finite strain
ellipse is perpendicular to slaty cleavage.
Much of the shortening is accomplished through
pressure solution rather than ductile flow.
Strain Significance of Slaty Cleavage
Pressure solution explains alternating M and QF
domains but not the preferred alignment of mica within
the M domain
Sorby (1856) explained the alignment of mica with a
model comprised of a square block of wax embedded
with randomly oriented metal flakes.
Flattening the wax block into a rectangle progressively
rotates the random metal flakes into a preferred
Strain Significance of Slaty Cleavage
Sorby Experiment
Strain Significance of Slaty Cleavage
Mechanical rotation explains mica preferred
alignment but what about the preferred
alignment of quartz and feldspar in QF
Close examination of QF domains reveal “strain
shadows” of precipitated quartz and/or feldspar
around original grains in low pressure zones in
the X-Y plane of the finite strain ellipsoid.
Strain Shadows in Slaty Cleavage
Quartz overgrowths on pyrite grains (opaque
pyrite displays the overgrowths perfectly)