Eurocode 2 and Eurocode 3 requires frame and member imperfections (global and local) be accounted
for either in the analysis stage or in the design stage.
Accounting global and local imperfections in the analysis stage of a numerical model can be done by
Accounting global and/or local imperfections in the analysis stage by modelling the frames and
members unstraight or crooked, although can be done, will be impractical and time consuming.
Similarly, applying horizontal UDL on vertical members to account for local imperfection is only
practical when checking the effect on a single vertical element. These methods will not be discussed
In EC2 and EC3, global imperfections can be accounted for in the design stage as ECC (eccentricity) on
isolated vertical members. Local imperfections in EC3 are accounted for in the design stage by using
the relevant buckling shape factors in member buckling check.
This technical note discusses on how to account for imperfections in ETABS 2016 and SAP2000 v19
The most convenient way to account for global imperfections is to consider it as an ECC in design of
isolated vertical members. This method is available in ETABS 2016 and SAP200o v19 for EC2 design,
but not currently available for EC3 design. This will be included for EC3 design in the future software
θi = θ0 αh αm
θ0 = is the basic value given as 0.005 (= 1/200) ; [Please check your NDP value]
αm = 1
αh = 2÷√l ; 2/3 ≤ αh ≤ 1
ei = θi l0/2
The eccentricity ei shall be equal or bigger than code specified minimum eccentricity:
emin = h/30 ≥ 20 mm
The resulting geometric imperfection moments, Mi2 and Mi3, will be added to analysis first order
moments in a single direction at a time:
Setting Concrete Frame Design Preference to account for global imperfection in ETABS 2016 and
SAP2000 v19 for EC2 column design:
Global imperfection can be accounted for in analysis stage as EHF defined as notional loads in ETABS
2016 and SAP2000 v19.
This is done by defining notional load patterns for all dead load and live load pattern in both x and y
Add a new notional load pattern for each dead and live load patterns for x and y directions. Specify
the Load Ratio as the value of calculated θi, or conservatively use 0.0005.
The value of Load Ratio to be used in defining the EHFs is equal to inclination θi from equation below:
θi = θ0 αh αm
θ0 = is the basic value given as 0.005 (= 1/200) ; [Please check your NDP value]
αm = number of vertical members contributing to the horizontal force
αh = 2÷√l ; 2/3 ≤ αh ≤ 1
l = height of building
Click on Define>Load Combinations… and modify/create design load combinations to include the
generated EHF load cases with the appropriate load factors. Use positive and negative values for
opposing directions.
ETABS 2016 and SAP2000 v19 automatically accounted for local imperfection effect by the relevant
buckling and imperfection factors as per EC3 in the design for buckling resistance of vertical steel
members. This is done automatically and no additional input is required.
V. Using Buckling Mode Shape as Modified Geometry to Account for Global and/or
Local Imperfection in Analysis Stage
As per EC3, the assumed shape of global imperfections and local imperfections may also be derived
from the elastic buckling mode of a structure in the plane of buckling considered.
The deformed geometry of any Buckling Analysis load case can then be used as modified geometry of
the structure to account for global and/or local imperfections.
This method requires engineering judgment and experience in selecting which buckling load case
and mode to use. This may also mean that a single structure will have to be saved in multiple
models with different deformed geometry for analysis and design.
After running the buckling analysis load cases, click on Analyze>Modify Undeformed Geometry…
Select the buckling load case and one of its mode shape to be used to modify the initial geometry.