Teacher Background: Earth'S Atmosphere: Layers of The Atmosphere
Teacher Background: Earth'S Atmosphere: Layers of The Atmosphere
Teacher Background: Earth'S Atmosphere: Layers of The Atmosphere
The second layer up from the ground is the stratosphere. This layer extends
from about 10-30 miles, and unlike the troposphere, it increases in
temperature with elevation. It starts out from about -60°F at the bottom to
about 32°F, at the top). This is because ozone molecules form here and absorb
the warm ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
The third and middle layer is the mesosphere. This layer extends from 30-50
miles in altitude, and unlike the stratosphere below, it absorbs very little
solar radiation. This layer is incredibly cold, going from freezing at the
bottom to about -130°F at the top.
The next layer up, the thermosphere, is the largest layer, extending from
50-300 miles. Satellites orbit Earth here, and this layer actually increases in
temperature with increasing altitude. The ionosphere is a sub-layer found at
the top of the mesosphere and the bottom of the thermosphere and gets it
because it is ion-rich. This region is a special place in the sky because this is
where displays of light in the sky called auroras occur.
The final layer is the called the exosphere because it is on the outside like an
exoskeleton. This layer begins at about 300 miles from the ground but, as
mentioned before, slowly fades into space, so it's hard to tell exactly where
it ends.
As the Earth continued to cool, the water
vapor found in the atmosphere condensed to
form the oceans and fresh water bodies on the
continents. Early aquatic organisms called
blue-green algae began using energy from the
sun to split molecules of H2O (water) and CO2
and recombine them into organic compounds
and molecular oxygen (O2). This solar energy
conversion process is known as photosynthesis.
Composition of the Present Atmosphere
Greenhouse gas percentages vary daily, seasonally, and annually and have physical
and chemical properties that make them act together with solar radiation and
infrared light (heat) given off from the earth to affect the energy balance of
the planet. This is why scientists are watching the observed increase in
greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane carefully, because even though
they are small in amount, they can strongly affect the global energy balance and
temperature over time.
Atmospheric Circulation
Atmospheric circulation is a major player in the climate of the Earth. The energy
and circulation of the atmosphere can be witnessed by regular wind patterns such
as the trade winds. Locally, we experience this mass movement of air molecules as
a gentle breeze or the rare extreme of a tornado. The wind motion also transfers
water evaporated from the oceans to the continents, providing precipitation
critical to sustain terrestrial ecosystems.
The pattern of rising
moist air near the equator
and the sinking of dry air
in the subtropics is
referred to as Hadley
Circulation, a huge part of
the general circulation of
the atmosphere. It helps
to transport heat from
the equatorial regions to
higher latitudes. Because
of the Hadley circulation
the tropics are warm and
wet, while the subtropics
are warm and dry. As a
result of the atmospheric circulation patterns in the higher latitudes, the mid-
latitudes experience high seasonal contrasts in temperature and rainfall patterns,
while the Polar Regions are usually cold and dry. Rainfall in the mid-latitudes is
controlled in part by the “polar front” or the “storm track.” This expression
refers to the day-to-day variations in the location and strength of the polar
As Altitude Increases,
Air Pressure Decreases
Atmospheric Composition Affects Air Temperature