Conceptual Framework and Background
Conceptual Framework and Background
Conceptual Framework and Background
Conceptual framework
and background
2.1 The power sector supply chain and regulatory
environment of smart grids – 8
2.2 The role of regulation and technological progress
for the development of electric power systems – 10
2.3 Smart grids – promising technological innovations – 13
References – 16
G. Brunekreeft et al. (Eds.), Regulatory Pathways For Smart Grid Development in China,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-08463-9_2, © The Editors and the Authors 2015
8 Chapter 2 • Conceptual framework and background
Chapter at a glance
1 – The study’s conceptual framework is presented. ancillary services.2
Power Logistics: the transmission, distribution,
– This chapter illustrates the role of regulation and
2 technological progress for the development of the storage, and metering of electricity.
electric power system and introduces the energy Power Trade & Retail: purchasing, trading, and
selling electricity, as well as retail and billing
policy triangle covering the three main energy
3 policy goals reliability, affordability, and sustain- services for end consumers.
ability. Power Consumption: the end use of electricity
4 – The concept of and the motivation for smart grids by different end-user segments, e. g. rural and
are introduced. urban households, industrial and commercial
5 – Fundamental premises highlighting the role of the consumers.
government and new market actors in the smart
grid development process are presented. To capture the importance of ICT for transform-
6 ing the traditional power sector into a smart grid, a
2.1 The power sector supply chain
and regulatory environment
of smart grids
corresponding fifth element is added to the model:
Information & Communication: operating,
monitoring, and controlling power system
components, as well as power system-related
information exchange between various market
The supply chain model of the electric power actors with the help of ICT along all four stages
9 sector The delivery of electricity from generation of the power sector supply chain.
sources to end consumers involves a multitude of
10 technologies, actors, and processes, especially in the The government plays a pivotal role in the smart
context of the development of an intelligent future- grid development process (see ▶ Sect. 2.3) as a guid-
oriented power grid infrastructure. Therefore, it is ing and supervising key player affecting processes
11 useful to employ a supply chain model of the electric and businesses across all five supply chain elements.
power sector (or electricity system) to structure the
12 debate on smart grids. The regulatory environment of smart grids In
In this study, a smart grid supply chain model the remainder of this study, six regulatory areas will
(see . Fig. 2.1) is used to structure the discussion be used to describe the regulatory environments of
13 on China’s and Germany’s power systems along with China’s and Germany’s power systems.
their most pressing problems and challenges as well
as their particular approach of how to promote the
development of smart grids. The model subdivides
all activities/processes, technologies, and actors of
The six regulatory areas are:
Policy Setting and Fundamental Institutions:
Government leadership in form of policies,
laws, and regulation is essential to promote
the power sector supply (or value) chain into four smart grid development. To practice such a
basic elements:1
Power Generation: the technical generation of
leadership, a governance structure with clearly
assigned roles and responsibilities for the field of
electricity using various kinds of primary en-
ergy sources (such as coal, gas, nuclear, hydro,
- (smart) grid regulation is of crucial importance.
Market Structure: The (market) structure of
the electric power sector is characterized by all
the companies involved in the various stages electricity prices have the power to directly
of the power sector supply chain from Power affect the patterns of electricity consumption of
Generation and Power Logistics to Power Trade end users. The formation of electricity prices is
& Retail (vertical market structure), the mar- heavily affected by the market structure and the
ket composition and competitive conditions at underlying market design, the latter of which is
different stages of the supply chain (horizontal generally defined by the government. Feed-in
market structure), and the roles and responsi- tariffs for RES and associated regulations are
balancing electricity generation and consump- It is common to distinguish two related goals of
1 tion in the short term are described. Many monopoly regulation [3] which are both typically
smart grid-related technologies facilitate the tasks for the regulator, like the Federal Network
- balancing of generation and consumption.
The Role of Information and Communication:
Integration of ICT with power system compo-
Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post
and Railway (BNetzA) in Germany:
Control of revenues and prices of the networks
3 nents across the supply chain is a key factor in (i. e. network charges)
smart grid development. This regulatory area Secure access to the monopolistic infrastruc-
4 covers the relevance of ICT companies, stan- ture (i. e. the network) to facilitate competition
dardization issues, cyber security, and funding among market actors in the commercial parts
5 of smart grid research. of the electricity value chain (e. g. generation,
trade and retail).
power systems parts of the electric power system:
Negative externalities: the generation of elec-
8 Regulation in the electric power sector Competition, tricity is often connected to emissions of en-
where feasible free from government intervention, is vironmental pollutants. Without government
9 generally considered as a very effective way of reduc- intervention, neither producers nor consumers
ing production costs, improving quality of supply, and of electricity are sufficiently incentivized to
10 increasing product diversity [1], [2]. Yet, competition behave in an environmentally friendly manner.
is not always feasible. Especially where natural mo- Therefore, actions of the government such as
nopolies prevail, competition cannot exist and gov- pollution control laws, energy taxes, and subsi-
11 ernment regulation is necessary [3]. dies for environmentally friendly technologies
Transmission and distribution grids are such are used to reign in commercial activities and
12 natural monopolies. Having an infrastructure of advance the overall societal objectives like en-
overlapping power grids from different competitive vironment protection and sustainable develop-
suppliers would be economically inefficient. Due to
economies of scale, a single supplier (the monopo-
list) is able to offer the services of the electric power
grid at lower costs. However, the monopolistic grid
- ment [1].
Positive externalities: technological progress
critically depends on the creation of new
knowledge. After its creation, knowledge can
operator has a strong incentive to set high prices for be used over and over by various actors with
15 its services or to scrimp on quality. Thus, the price almost no extra costs. From the perspective
and quality of service of the monopolistic grid oper- of the whole society, companies often do not
ator must be regulated to protect grid users against invest enough in knowledge creation because
16 the monopolist’s market power [3].3 a significant portion of the benefits related to
knowledge creation accrues to outside stake-
17 3 Note that, at the beginning of the electrification process,
the power generation sector was also recognized as a
holders, e. g. other companies, institutions, or
citizens. In this light, government actions such
natural monopoly: in the absence of power transmission
as a patent law, a stringent protection of intel-
18 lines, competition between power generation units from
different cities or regions was not possible. With the rather lectual property rights, or the subsidization of
small electricity demand in separated cities or regions, one R&D can be employed to incentivize companies
19 larger power plant was able to provide the electric power at to invest in knowledge creation and innovation.
lower costs than many small competitive power plants due
to economies of scale. However, the gradual deployment
20 of transmission lines allowed competition between large This study adopts a broad understanding of regula-
power plants to evolve in such a manner that power genera- tion and does not only focus on network regulation
tion is no longer considered to be a natural monopoly [3].
2.2 • The role of regulation and technological progress
11 2
but also upon aspects such as RES integration, in- sustainability of the electric power system and many
novation policies, and standardization. governments introduced environmental protection
A stylized history of power system develop-
ment The historical development of electric power The energy policy triangle The schematic his-
systems dates back to the last decades of the 19th tory presented above reveals that different objec-
century in the world’s most advanced countries of tives and regulations were prioritized at different
that era. The electrification process in these coun- development stages of the power system. Whereas
tries was mostly accomplished by the mid-20th cen- the provision of widespread and reliable access to
tury, when almost the whole population had access electricity was often the initial motivation, afford-
to electric power. In less developed regions, the elec- ability of electric power emerged as a second driver
trification process started somewhat later and pro- of energy policy after the initial build-up phase.
gressed at a considerably slower pace. Differences in Finally, the ecological sustainability of the electric
onset and pace of the electrification process between power system has often been formulated as a third
countries can be explained mainly with technologi- important priority.
cal, economic, political, and regulatory reasons [4]. Today, governments strive to incorporate all
In developing their electric power systems, three objectives in their power sector regulation.
many countries followed a similar stylized pathway. They (1) want to provide a reliable and secure elec-
At the beginning of the electrification process, the tricity supply for their economies, (2) simultane-
emergence of new technologies and appliances con- ously promote economic development by ensuring
suming electric power led to a rapidly increasing de- affordable electricity prices while (3) also achieving
mand for electricity. Thus, the main objective was to ecological sustainability. The three goals reliability,
connect a growing number of consumers as quickly affordability, and sustainability are commonly re-
as possible to the electric power grid. The build-up ferred to as the energy policy triangle (see . Fig. 2.2).
process took place in a rather uncoordinated man-
ner with only little government intervention. Thus, Conflicting nature of the energy policy trian-
various small-sized companies set up overlapping gle There are inherent conflicts between the goals
infrastructures such as small-sized power plants and of the energy policy triangle. A government forcing
distribution lines. This uncoordinated set-up phase owners of fossil-fuel power plants to install filter
was often associated with low power quality and technologies for the sake of improving air quality,
reliability as well as high costs. Therefore, govern- for instance, is accepting that costs of power genera-
ments started to regulate the electricity sector with tion increase. Another government using expensive
the intention of making power supply more reliable domestic resources for electricity generation instead
and affordable. Formally assigning monopoly rights of lower-priced resources available on world mar-
to power generation companies and grid operators kets accepts higher generation costs for the sake of
created economies of scale, which reduced the over- independent and predictable energy supply.
all production costs of electric power generation The complete and simultaneous achievement
and distribution. After this assignment of monopoly of all three policy goals is virtually impossible.
rights, electricity market regulation became a deci- Therefore, most countries place a priority on one
sive factor to protect consumers against the market or sometimes two policy goals, trying to achieve or
power of the newly installed monopolies. maintain acceptable levels with regard to the non-
When a certain level of wealth and economic prioritized policy goals. In recent years, the Chinese
development had been achieved, the awareness of government, for example, prioritized (1) provid-
environmental protection increased in many societ- ing a reliable and secure electricity supply and (2)
ies.4 Therefore, more emphasis was put on ecological keeping electricity prices for the population at an
affordable level. On the other hand, it has accepted
4 The positive correlation between economic development high levels of environmental pollution. The German
and environmental preferences has been well docu-
government, in contrast, has been placing a strong
mented during the last two decades [18].
12 Chapter 2 • Conceptual framework and background
1 Reliability
Promote a widespread, reliable,
2 stable, and secure access to
6 Triangle
Affordability Sustainability
8 Achieve a low level of electricity Reduce detrimental
prices, for example by means of a consequences for the
11 emphasis on ecological sustainability since the end decrease even more with further technological
of the 20th century. A prominent strategic decision advancement and economies of scale through
12 in this context was the build-up of RES genera- worldwide deployment [6]. Someday, the costs
tion capacities so that currently approximately one of renewably generated electricity will conse-
fourth of Germany’s electricity comes from RES [5]. quently fall below those of electricity gener-
13 The high share of RES in Germany currently leads ated in conventional power plants. From that
to increasing challenges with regard to the policy time on, investments in RES will increase both
14 goals of reliability and affordability. However, both sustainability and affordability of the power
conflicts may be mitigated by means of technologi- system provided that the power system and
15 cal progress as well as smart design of policies and market design allow for a minimizing of grid
16 -
regulatory framework:
In most cases, electricity generated by means
of RES, so-called RES-E, is still more expensive
than electricity generated in fossil fuel-fired
- integration costs.
With a rising of electric power generated by
variable RES, more and more efforts have to
be undertaken to guarantee the high stabil-
17 power plants. This difference in generation ity and reliability of the power system. Below,
costs has contributed significantly to climbing two examples of temporary RES penetration
end consumer prices for electricity in recent in Germany, a power system with electricity
18 years. Nonetheless, RES-E is often already loads commonly ranging from 40 to 80 GW,
cheaper than electricity retail prices (known as are presented: on December 5th 2013, a par-
19 grid parity) depending on the characteristics ticularly windy day, roughly 27 GW of feed-in
of location and end-user segment. The costs was generated by means of wind turbines in
20 of RES-E have decreased considerably dur- Germany [7]. On March 9th 2014, a very sunny
ing the last few decades and are projected to day, photovoltaic (PV) installations alone fed a
2.3 • Smart grids – promising technological innovations
13 2
peak power of almost 22 GW into the grid [7]. It is an electricity network that can intelligently
Technological progress as well as adaptations integrate the actions of all users connected to it –
to the existing design of the electricity market generators, consumers and those that do both – in
in Germany are essential to limit the cost of order to efficiently deliver sustainable, economic
the ongoing transition towards a low carbon and secure electricity supplies.
Irrespective of the common general understanding
of smart grids, the specific vision of smart grids dif-
2.3 Smart grids – promising fers substantially from case to case and from coun-
technological innovations try to country. Technologies that are included in one
smart grid concept are not necessarily included in
The concept of smart grids The capabilities of con- another.
ventional power grids to cope with many of today’s
technological challenges, e. g. the integration of a Motivation for smart grids Smart grids are gener-
large share of electricity generated by means of in- ally expected to cope with the most pressing prob-
termittent RES, are limited or can only be maintained lems and challenges of many power systems more
with significant investments. In this light, smart grids effectively and efficiently than conventional grid
represent a promising new technological concept. To- technologies. Smart grids primarily aim at deliv-
day, the general understanding regarding the concept ering enhanced levels of reliability and security of
of smart grids seems to converge on a global level. A supply, facilitating the balancing of electricity gen-
definition of smart grids which has found widespread eration and consumption, increasing the utilization
acclaim in the professional community comes from rate of power system components, and reducing
the International Energy Agency (IEA) [8]: investments in the conventional (primary) grid in-
frastructure. Smart grid technologies can be used,
» An electricity network that uses digital and other
for example, to
monitor and control electric power grids more
advanced technologies to monitor and manage
the transport of electricity from all generation effectively,
facilitate the grid connection and operation of
sources to meet the varying electricity demands of
end users. Smart grids co-ordinate the needs and generators of all sizes and technologies,
help to integrate electricity generated from
capabilities of all generators, grid operators, end
users and electricity market stakeholders to oper- intermittent RES,
ate all parts of the system as efficiently as possible, allow industrial, commercial, and residential
minimizing costs and environmental impacts consumers to play a part in optimizing the
while maximizing system reliability, resilience and operation of the system by adjusting electric-
ity consumption behavior according to supply,
Another explanation of the smart grid concept provide consumers with greater information
comes from the International Electrotechnical Com- on their electricity consumption enabling
mission (IEC) [9]: electricity conservation [9].
» The general understanding is that the Smart Grid The evolutionary character of smart grids Smart
is the concept of modernizing the electric grid. The grids are not built from scratch. Rather, they evolve
Smart Grid comprises everything related to the from conventional power grids which are upgraded
electric system in between any point of generation with different kinds of innovative technologies and
and any point of consumption. Through the addi- components. These technologies and components
tion of Smart Grid technologies the grid becomes will be deployed at different periods in time depend-
more flexible, interactive and is able to provide ing on commercial attractiveness, compatibility
real time feedback. with existing technologies, regulatory policies, and
14 Chapter 2 • Conceptual framework and background
part of the future electric power system and will be regard to existing products or services (e. g. opera-
able to exchange status information with the grid. tors of renewable energy plants or new power retail
companies). New market actors can also expand the
The role of governments in the smart grid devel- vertical market structure by being pioneers offer-
opment process Given the evolutionary character ing products and/or services in new market sectors
of smart grids and the low maturity levels of some or niches (e. g. energy service companies or virtual
smart grid technologies, both a systematic guidance power plant operators5) or in using existing knowl-
and specific government support policies are es- edge and/or infrastructure from other sectors in an
sential to promote the development of smart grids. innovative way upgrading products and services in
Exemplary government policies in this context are:
Setting up a government long-term strategy
for the development of the future electricity
system to reduce investment risks for potential
the electric power sector (e. g. ICT companies).
New market actors offer innovative products
and services that were not supplied by established
market actors before. In a smart grid context, non-
investors in R&D and deployment of smart incumbents create new business models and offer
- grid technologies.
Establishing network regulation for transmis-
sion and distribution grid operators which
incentivizes them to invest in smart grid tech-
new products and services by making use of avail-
able power system information and infrastructure in
an innovative way. To give some tangible examples
for the power sector innovations that may be driven
- nologies.
Promoting a non-discriminatory and tech-
nology-neutral management of and access
to power system data to enable companies to
by third parties, ▶ Sect. 4.4.2 highlights how non-
incumbents in Germany create new business mod-
els in the smart grid development process. Note that
the German evidence elaborated in ▶ Sect. 4.4.2 also
develop innovative business models making demonstrates that new market actors might emerge
- nologies.
Supporting smart grid-related standardization,
defining technical guidelines and regulations
to reduce the costs for deployment and inte-
third parties contribute to an increased level of
competition. Higher competition levels are usually
considered to drive innovation, enable greater ef-
ficiency in the allocation of resources, increase cost
gration of different smart grid components by efficiency of power sector enterprises with regard
- ensuring interoperability.
Promoting the exchange and collaboration
between different government organizations,
to their operations and investments, contribute to
lower retail price levels, and stimulate innovation
resulting in a higher variety of competitively priced
power sector companies, academia, associa-
tions, and other relevant actors to create a
common understanding of smart grids. -
products and services offered to the customer:
With regard to the electric power sector, IEA
analyzed the market liberalization process in
several of its member countries and came to
The role of new market actors in the smart grid the conclusion that higher competition levels
development process In Germany and many other in the electric power sector contributed to a
countries, one important trend associated with the reduction of electricity prices for industrial
migration towards smart grids and the transition to
an electricity system relying to an increasing extent
on RES-E is a rise in the number of market actors
in the electricity sector. New market actors (third
- consumers [10].
With respect to the telecommunication sector,
various empirical studies (including data from
industrial and developing countries) found
parties or non-incumbents) can expand the hori-
zontal market structure by entering into competi- 5 Both new market actors are introduced in more detail in
tion with established companies (incumbents) with Sect. 4.4.2.
16 Chapter 2 • Conceptual framework and background
that high competition levels significantly infrastructure and offer many new possibilities in
1 increased the overall sector performance and grid management and control. Smart grids will be
led to more landline and mobile telephone deployed at different periods in time depending
2 connections, lower tariffs, and more connec-
on requirements of the particular power system,
tion capacity [11], [12], [13] compatibility with existing technologies, regula-
In the general economic literature, the rela- tory policies, and investment frameworks.
3 tionship between competition and innovation Recent evidence has shown that investments in
has been examined in many theoretical and smart grid technologies are economically prefer-
4 empirical studies. It is usually found that there able to conventional grid expansion measures.
is a kind of optimal market structure for R&D- Moreover, smart grids represent a promising con-
5 spending, innovation and diffusion. Neither cept that could increase reliability and security of
very low nor very high competition levels supply, facilitate the balancing of electricity gen-
are an innovation-friendly environment. A eration and consumption, ease the grid integra-
6 competitive market with a limited number of tion of electricity generated from variable RES, and
companies seems to promote innovation best increase the utilization rate of power grid assets.
7 [14]. Given the evolutionary character of smart grids
and the still low maturity levels of some smart
Economic efficiency of smart grids The economic
8 evaluation of smart grids is still ongoing. How-
grid technologies, both systematic guidance and
specific government support policies are essential
ever, early evidence suggests that smart grids are to promote the development of smart grids.
9 an attractive solution compared to conventional New market actors in the electric power sector are
grid expansion measures. A recent study summa- of crucial importance to promote innovation in the
10 rizes the results of twelve smart grid cost-benefit electric power sector and speed-up the develop-
analyses published between 2004 and 2012 in the ment of smart grids.
United States, the UK, the Netherlands, Denmark,
11 and the Czech Republic [15]. This overview shows
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19 technologies in the areas of communication, me- [Accessed May 15,
tering, control, and automation. Smart grid-related 8 International Energy Agency (IEA), “Technology Roadmap:
20 operation concepts, technologies, and compo- Smart Grids,” IEA, Paris, 2011.
nents can be used to upgrade the existing grid
17 2
9 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), “What is
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