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Ref: NR/L2/TRK/2102
Issue: 7
Date: 05/12/2015
Compliance date: 01/05/2016

User information
This Network Rail standard contains colour-coding according to the following Red–Amber–
Green classification.
Red requirements – no variations permitted

• Red requirements are to be complied with and achieved at all times.

• Red requirements are presented in a red box.
• Red requirements are monitored for compliance.
• Non-compliances will be investigated and corrective actions enforced.
Amber requirements – variations permitted subject to approved risk analysis and

• Amber requirements are to be complied with unless an approved variation is in place.

• Amber requirements are presented with an amber sidebar.
• Amber requirements are monitored for compliance.
• Variations can only be approved through the national non-compliance process.
• Non-approved variations will be investigated and corrective actions enforced.
Green guidance – to be used unless alternative solutions are followed

• Guidance should be followed unless an alternative solution produces a better result.

• Guidance is presented with a dotted green sidebar.
• Guidance is not monitored for compliance.
• Alternative solutions should be documented to demonstrate effective control.
Colour-coding according to the Red–Amber–Green classification cannot be applied directly
to a table itself. The text specifying the table will classified and this classification applies to
the entire contents of the table.
Amendment marks

• First document amendments are presented with a single black line to the right of the
affected text.
• Second document amendments are presented with a double black line to the right of the
affected text.

Where a requirement calls for the agreement of the RAM this shall be documented either as
a specification requirement in the Project Requirement Specification (or equivalent) and/or
recorded as a deviation to design standards in the Approval in Principle submission and
subsequently authorised by the RAM[Track].

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Ref: NR/L2/TRK/2102
Issue: 7
Date: 05/12/2015
Compliance date: 01/05/2016

Issue record
Issue Date Comments
1 Feb 1996 New specification.
2 Apr 1997 Various clarifications and amplifications
3 Aug 1998 Various amendments including steel sleepers; ballast
shoulder widths; temporary rail joints; gauge widening on
4 Jun 2000 Revised to allow for speeds above 125 mph and CEN 60
5 Feb 2002 Inclusion of RT60 S&C; requirements for increase of
speed etc. on existing track; ballast gluing, rail
lubrication, securing of material for lineside safety;
transfer of some text from RT/CE/S/011
6 June 2010 Reformat to Network Rail document, change of title to

Design and construction of track and renumbered to
NR/L2/TRK/2102. Job titles updated to reflect new
organisational structure. Inclusion and expansion of
requirements previously published in NR/SP/TRK/101
and GC/RT5021.
7 Dec 2015 Scope of document limited to 140mph. Updated with the
addition of new requirements on; materials, forces,
requirements for CWR (from NR/L2/TRK/3011),
requirements for geometry design (from
NR/L2/TRK/2049), formation and track stiffness, guard
rails, structures, gradients, design and risk assessment
of S&C layouts, minimum radius of switches, rail depths
through level crossings, use of transition rails, ballast
compaction and shoulder removal, concrete bearers for
cable management, CWR on tight radius curved track,
maximum lengths of rail in jointed track, calculation of
joint closing temperatures, use of semi-fabricated
crossings, types of S&C to be used above 125 mph,
installation of bi-axle grids on S&C renewals, use of anti-
creep devices in S&C, use of bearer ties, maximum
lengths of rails in jointed S&C, conversion of jointed track
to CWR (from NR/L2/TRK/3011), types of S&C suitable
for speeds in excess of 125 mph, conversion of freight
lines to passenger use, decommissioning of redundant


This Network Rail standard is mandatory and shall be complied with by Network Rail
and its contractors if applicable from 01 May 2016 or sooner when briefed.
When this standard is implemented, it is permissible for all projects that have
formally completed GRIP Stage 3 (Option Selection) to continue to comply with the
issue of any relevant Network Rail standards current when GRIP Stage 3 was
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Ref: NR/L2/TRK/2102
Issue: 7
Date: 05/12/2015
Compliance date: 01/05/2016

completed and not to comply with requirements contained herein, unless stipulated
otherwise in the scope of this standard.

Reference documentation
BS EN 13146, Railway applications – Track – Test methods for fastening system
BS EN 13481, Railway applications – Track – Performance requirements for

fastening systems
NR/L2/TRK/001, Inspection and Maintenance of Permanent Way
NR/L2/TRK/0032, Joining Of Rails By Aluminothermic Welding
NR/L2/TRK/0132, Maintenance Arc Welding of Rails, Switches and Crossings
NR/L2/TRK/2049, Track Design Handbook
NR/L2/TRK/2500, Engineering Assurance Arrangements for Track Engineering
NR/L3/TRK/3011, Continuous Welded Rail (CWR) Track
NR/L2/TRK/3038, Longitudinal Timbers – Design - Installation and Maintenance
NR/L2/TRK/3100. Topographic, engineering, land and measured building surveying
– Strategy and general
NR/L2/TRK/3201, Management of Tight Clearances and Track Position
NR/L2/TRK/4040, Level Crossing Surface Systems
NR/L2/TRK/4100, Serviceable Concrete Sleepers for use in running lines and
NR/L2/TRK/4239, Track Bed Investigation, Design & Renewal
NR/L2/TRK/8100, Track Ballast and Stoneblower Aggregate
RT/CE/S/050, Process for Cold-Expanding New Fishbolt Holes by the Split Sleeve
RT/CE/S/051, Process for Cold-Expanding Existing Fishbolt Holes by the Split
Sleeve Method
NR/L3/EBM/089, Asset Management Plan
NR/L3/CIV/005, Railway System Drainage Manual
NR/L3/TRK/4004, Switch & Crossing Assemblies
NR/PS/TRK/029, Wood Sleepers and Bearers and Longitudinal Timbers
NR/SP/CIV/044, Design & Construction of Undertrack Crossings (RT/CE/S/044)
NR/SP/OHS/069, Lineside Facilities for Personnel Safety (RT/CE/S/069)
NR/SP/SIG/19812, Cross Track Cable Management
NR/SP/TRK/9003, Installation and Maintenance of Longitudinal Timbers
RE/PW/572, RE/PW/590, RE/PW/759, RE/PW/2020. Drawings.
RE/PW/1600 and 2000 series drawings for NR56 and NR60 S&C respectively
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RT/CE/P/027, Use of Ballast Gluing to increase the Lateral Resistance of Track

RT/CE/S/002, Serviceable rail for use in running lines and sidings
RT/CE/S/008, Saw and Disc Cutting and Drilling of Rail
RT/CE/S/009, Track Ballast Returned by Automatic Ballast Cleaners
RT/CE/S/021, Steel sleepers
RT/CE/S/030, Concrete Sleepers and Bearers
RT/CE/S/052, Rail and Baseplate Pads
RT/CE/S/061, Pearlitic Rails
GC/RC5633, Recommendations for the Risk Arresting Devices and End Impact
GC/RT5212, Requirements for Defining and Maintaining Clearances
GE/RT8012, Controlling the Speed of Tilting Trains through Curves
GI/RT7016, Interface between Station Platforms, Track and Trains
GI/RT7033, Lineside Operational Safety Signs
GM/RT2141, Resistance of Railway Vehicles to Derailment and Roll-Over
GM/RT2142, Resistance of Railway Vehicles to Roll-Over in Gales
Sectional Appendix

In issuing this document for its stated purpose, Network Rail makes no warranties,
express or implied, that compliance with all or any documents it issues is sufficient
on its own to ensure safe systems of work or operation. Users are reminded of their
own duties under health and safety legislation.

Copies of documents are available electronically, within Network Rail’s organisation.
Hard copies of this document may be available to Network Rail people on request to
the relevant controlled publication distributor. Other organisations may obtain copies
of this from an approved distributor.

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Date: 05/12/2015
Compliance date: 01/05/2016


1 Purpose ................................................................................................................. 11

2 Scope .................................................................................................................... 11

3 Definitions ............................................................................................................. 12

4 Track Design Policy – Business Outputs, Systems & Materials ............................ 25

4.1 Business Outputs ............................................................................................... 25

4.2 Design of New Track Systems ........................................................................... 26

4.3 Materials ............................................................................................................. 27

5 Track System Specification ................................................................................... 28

5.1 General .............................................................................................................. 28

5.2 Track System Specification ................................................................................ 28

5.3 Track Gauge and Flangeways ........................................................................... 28

5.4 Rail Inclination .................................................................................................... 28

5.5 Forces ................................................................................................................ 29

5.6 Rail ..................................................................................................................... 29

5.7 Rail Fastenings................................................................................................... 30

5.8 Sleepers and Bearers......................................................................................... 30

5.9 Switches and crossings ...................................................................................... 31

5.10 Design of Continuous Welded Rail Track Systems .......................................... 33

6 Design and Construction of the Track System ...................................................... 36

6.1 Design Approvals and Acceptance..................................................................... 36


6.2 Formation, Drainage and Cess Paths ................................................................ 36

6.3 Ballast ................................................................................................................ 37

6.4 Ballast Gluing ..................................................................................................... 39

6.5 Non-ballasted Track and Structures ................................................................... 40

6.6 Surveying ........................................................................................................... 43

6.7 Minimum Clearances - Design ........................................................................... 43

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6.8 Switch and Crossing Layouts - Design ............................................................... 43

6.9 Road vehicle access - Switch and crossing layouts ........................................... 45

6.10 Terminal Tracks and Buffer Stops .................................................................... 45

6.11 Level Crossings and Road-Rail Vehicle access points..................................... 46

6.12 Sidings ............................................................................................................. 47

7 New Construction – Design ................................................................................... 47

7.1 Horizontal Alignment – New Construction .......................................................... 47

7.2 Vertical Alignment – New Construction .............................................................. 47

7.3 Switch and Crossing Design – New Construction .............................................. 48

7.4 Stiffness of the Track System – New construction ............................................. 48

8 Geometry Design .................................................................................................. 49

8.1 Speeds ............................................................................................................... 49

8.2 Track Alignments................................................................................................ 51

8.3 Horizontal Alignment .......................................................................................... 52

8.4 Vertical Alignment .............................................................................................. 53

8.5 Curving Design Values ....................................................................................... 53

9 Specification of Rails and Rail Fastenings ............................................................ 62

9.1 Rail Section & Grade .......................................................................................... 62

9.2 Welding .............................................................................................................. 63

9.3 Rail Fastenings................................................................................................... 63

9.4 Transition rails .................................................................................................... 63

9.5 Level Crossings .................................................................................................. 63

10 Specification of Plain Line ................................................................................... 63

10.1 Track Gauge..................................................................................................... 63

10.2 Plain Line - Rails, Sleepers and Ballast Depths ............................................... 65

10.3 Plain Line - Ballast............................................................................................ 66

10.4 Plain Line - Serviceable and Cascaded rail ...................................................... 67

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10.5 Plain Line - Concrete Sleepers ......................................................................... 67

10.6 Plain Line - Hardwood Sleepers ....................................................................... 68

10.7 Plain Line - Steel Sleepers ............................................................................... 68

10.8 Plain Line - Hollow Sleepers for the Conveyance of Cables ............................ 68

10.9 Plain Line - Sleeper Spacing ............................................................................ 69

10.10 Provision of Continuous Check Rails ............................................................. 70

10.11 Plain Line Curved track - General .................................................................. 70

10.12 Rail lengths .................................................................................................... 72

10.13 Temporary Closure rails ................................................................................. 73

10.14 Location of Fishplated Joints .......................................................................... 75

10.15 Joints in CWR................................................................................................. 76

10.16 Rail Joints/Welds in Level Crossings.............................................................. 77

10.17 Adjustment Switches ...................................................................................... 77

10.18 Joints in Jointed track ..................................................................................... 78

10.19 Rail Anchors ................................................................................................... 80

10.20 Rail and Baseplate Pads ................................................................................ 80

11 Specification of Switches and Crossings ............................................................. 80

11.1 S&C - Track Gauge .......................................................................................... 80

11.2 S&C - Choice of Turnout and Junction Layouts................................................ 81

11.3 S&C - Bearers, Ballast Depths and Formation ................................................. 81

11.4 Switches ........................................................................................................... 83

11.5 Crossings ......................................................................................................... 84

11.6 Bearers ............................................................................................................. 86

11.7 Check Rails in S&C .......................................................................................... 88

11.8 Adjustment Switches with S&C ........................................................................ 88


11.9 Joints in S&C .................................................................................................... 89

11.10 Forged Joints in S&C ..................................................................................... 90

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11.11 Minimum rail length in S&C ............................................................................ 90

11.12 Maximum Rail Length in Unstressed S&C ..................................................... 90

11.13 Pre-curving of Rails in S&C ............................................................................ 90

11.14 Signalling Equipment in S&C ......................................................................... 90

12 Conversion of Jointed Track to CWR .................................................................. 91

12.1 Approval for Conversion ................................................................................... 91

12.2 Rail Requirements for Conversion.................................................................... 91

12.3 Preparation for Conversion .............................................................................. 92

12.4 Ballast .............................................................................................................. 92

13 Holes in Rails ...................................................................................................... 93

13.1 General ............................................................................................................ 93

13.2 Retention of Bolt Holes in CWR ....................................................................... 93

13.3 Cold Expanded Jointed Track .......................................................................... 94

14 Geometry Targets & Tolerances ......................................................................... 94

15 Tamping and Dynamic Track Stabilisers ............................................................. 95

15.1 Tamping S&C ................................................................................................... 95

15.2 Geometry Chart Recorders .............................................................................. 95

16 Marking of Geometry Details on Site ................................................................... 95


16.1 High Cant Deficiency Curves ........................................................................... 96

17 Rail Flange Lubrication........................................................................................ 96

17.1 Provision of Lubricators .................................................................................... 96

17.2 Lubrication of Switches .................................................................................... 97

18 Lineside information and signage ........................................................................ 97

19 Raising of Speed or Axle Weight on Existing Track ............................................ 97

19.1 Evaluation of Formation ................................................................................... 99

20 Conversion of Freight Only Lines to Passenger lines ........................................ 100

21 Decommissioning of Redundant Assets ............................................................ 100

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21.1 Redundant S&C ............................................................................................. 100

21.2 Redundant Plain Line ..................................................................................... 100

21.3 Redundant Insulated Joints ............................................................................ 100

21.4 Redundant Adjustment Switches.................................................................... 101

22 Records ............................................................................................................. 101

Appendix A Geometrical track tolerances ................................................... 102
Appendix B Track Categories ...................................................................... 105


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1 Purpose
This standard is intended to control the risk of incorrect materials and components
being specified and to control the required quality of installation of track. It specifies
the design principles and minimum standards for the construction of new or relayed
track, including the materials to be used. It also specifies acceptance criteria for new
or relayed track in terms of workmanship and the track geometry requirements for
both newly installed and existing track.

2 Scope
This Network Rail standard specifies the requirements for the design and
construction of track with line speeds up to 140mph. This includes:
a. the construction of new sections of track, and routes;

b. the replacement of contiguous lengths of track components or switch and

crossing layouts, either singly or in combination, as part of project or renewal
c. the replacement or new construction of trackbed layers, drainage, level
crossings, direct fastening systems, buffer stops or other track fixtures;
d. the replacement of components of the track system, carried out during
maintenance, that significantly changes its design or configuration (for
instance the installation or removal of check rails or the installation of cast
crossings with welded extension legs in place of semi-fabricated crossings);
e. the requirements to be met whenever existing tracks are upgraded to carry
higher speeds or tonnages of rail traffic; and
f. the requirements for the design of track geometry for both newly installed and
existing track.

This standard applies to those who specify, design or supervise the installation of
new track and those who design alignments on existing track.

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3 Definitions
For the purpose of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.

absolute track geometry

See managed track position

adjustment switch
scarf joint installed at the junction of continuous welded rail and jointed track to
accommodate the expansion and dissipate the thermal forces from the continuous
welded rail track.
NOTE Adjustment switches may also be used to permit some types of bridges to expand and
contract without impacting upon the track system, when adjustment switches are used in this
application they are referred to as ‘expansion joints’.

automatic mode (OTM operation)

application of the tamper or other on-track machine with varying down pressure to
remove cross level error.

nominally single-sized granular material of specified properties, placed on the
blanket (where provided), subgrade or structure to provide vertical and lateral
support to the sleepers or bearers.

ballast shoulder
ballast placed at the ends of sleepers and bearers to provide lateral stability to the

bearer tie
a component used to connect concrete bearers, designed such that in service they
behave as one continuous bearer.

bearing change
an abrupt change in horizontal alignment where the connecting straights are not

cant (superelevation, or crosslevel)

the vertical difference in height of the two rails of a track measured at the centre lines
of the heads of the rails. It is positive when the outer rail on a curve is elevated
above the inner rail, and negative when the inner rail on a curve is raised above the
outer rail.

cant deficiency
the difference between the applied cant on the track and the equilibrium cant for the
vehicle at the particular stated speed.

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cant gradient
indicates the amount by which the designed cant (superelevation or crosslevel) is
increased in a given length of track, normally expressed as a rate e.g. 1 in 1200.

cascaded rail
rail that has previously been installed in track and is picked up as CWR and moved
directly to a new site.

Cast centre block

a crossing, the nose(s) and throat (knuckle) of which are made as one casting. The
leg end extensions are attached by flash butt welding and the non-load carrying wing
rails by multiple groove locking (MGL) pins, tension-controlled bolts or similar

cast crossings
cast crossings are manufactured from cast steel either as a complete unit (i.e.
monobloc) or as a cast centre block crossing with welded-on extension leg ends
NOTE: Some cast centre block crossings will have bolted wing rail extensions.

cast vee
crossing in which a cast nose-piece is flash butt welded to pearlitic rail legs and to
which the wing rails are attached by MGL pins, tension-controlled bolts or similar

catch points
trailing switches provided to derail vehicles running in the wrong direction.
NOTE: See also trap points.

S&C using CEN60 rail, examples being RT60 & NR60.

check gauge
distance between the running edge of a running rail and the bearing face of the
opposite check rail, measured at right angles to the rails in a plane 14 mm below
their top surface.

check rail
rail or special section provided alongside a running rail at a specified dimension
inside gauge to provide a flangeway, to give guidance to wheelsets by restricting
lateral movement of the wheels.

circular curve
a curve of constant radius.

co-ordinate geometry design

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design of track alignment and layouts working within a system of three-dimensional

spatial co-ordinates tied to a primary survey reference grid.
NOTE: This is normally achieved based upon a survey using 'total station' techniques, and the
provision of fixed datums used subsequently for setting-out and control of installed position.

common crossing
cast or fabricated portion of the track layout that enables the rails of the two tracks to
cross each other, while still providing support and guidance for smooth passage of
the vehicle's wheels.
there are of four types:
a) Cast crossings, monobloc or cast centre cast;
b) Semi-fabricated with cast or machined nose;
c) Semi-fabricated with electro-slag welded vee; and

d) Fully-fabricated crossings.

compound curve
a curve formed of two similar flexure circular curves of differing radii, which should
normally be connected by a transition curve.

arrangement of rails, switches, crossings, baseplates, bearers and sleepers into a
standard design.

continuous welded rail (CWR)

 rails installed in the track that have been welded together to form a single rail
greater than a nominal 36 m in length;
 track constructed with continuous welded rail.

derailment containment kerb

arrangement to prevent a derailed rail vehicle or train coming in to contact with parts
of a structure that would be liable to severe damage if so struck or to prevent
vehicles falling from a major bridge or viaduct.

design speed
the speed in miles per hour for which a stretch of track or turnout in S&C is to be or
has been designed. Speeds will normally be governed by curvature and its
associated cant. Speeds can also be affected by clearances, signal sighting or other
engineering requirements.

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designed alignment standard deviation

the calculated standard deviation for the designed alignment See also standard

direct fastening
rail fastening system where the rail is fastened directly to its supporting bridge deck
or slab system without a baseplate or chair.

electro-slag welded vee

crossing manufactured from two machined pearlitic rails and an insert bar, which is
then electro-slag welded together and the finished vee machined to profile. Wing
rails are then attached by means of tension-controlled bolts or similar devices.
enclosed flangeway
a flangeway that is enclosed at the bottom and on both sides, e.g. the flangeway
between the vee and wing rails in a cast crossing.

enhanced permissible speed

the highest permitted speed (higher than the permissible speed) applying to a
specific type of train over a section of line operating at cant deficiencies in excess of
those permitted at the permissible speed. There may be more than one enhanced
permissible speed applicable to a given section of line, depending on the
characteristics of the particular train fleet.

equilibrium cant
the cant at a particular speed at which the vehicle will have a resultant force
perpendicular to the running plane of the rails.

equilibrium speed
the speed of a vehicle on a curve with a particular cant such that the resultant force
of the weight of the vehicle and the effect of centrifugal force is perpendicular to the
running plane of the rails. The vehicle is then said to be in equilibrium.

exceptional design values

where the requirements of the business cannot be met by using normal or maximum
design values it is permissible to use exceptional design values. The reason and
implications for their use shall be justified and subject to approval.

expansion joint
 non-insulated fishplated which is designed to accommodate longitudinal
thermal expansion of the rails, also known as ordinary fishplated joint; or
 scarf joint used to permit structures to expand and contract without impacting
upon the track system, see also adjustment switches.

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fish-plated cast monobloc

crossings where the individual constituents (vees, wing rails, legs etc) are cast
together as one piece and attached to the plain rail using a fish-plated connection.

fixed track position

See managed track position

flangeway gap
gap provided to permit the passage of the wheel flanges of rail vehicles, for example
between a check rail and a running rail, or between a level crossing deck and the
running rail.
NOTE: Sometimes referred to as free wheel clearance

material on which the ballast is placed, consisting of the subgrade plus blanket and
other protective layers (if present).

frangible platform
a platform that is designed to collapse in a controlled manner as a result of impact ,
usually from sliding or friction buffer stops.

free wheel passage (at check or wing entry)

dimension between the working face of the crossing check rail or wing rail and the
gauge face of the running rail opposite across the gauge measured at the entry to
check rail or wing rail respectively.

free wheel passage (at crossing nose)

dimension between the working face of the crossing wing rail and check rail opposite
across the gauge.

free wheel passage (in switches)


dimension from the gauge face of the switch rail to the back face of the open switch

Freight only line

track carrying only freight traffic.

full depth switches

switches where both stock and switch rails are manufactured from BR109, BS110A,
BS113A or CEN56 rail sections.

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fully fabricated crossing

crossings made by machining rolled rails to produce a point rail and a splice rail
fastened together with bolts or multi-groove locking pins. The wing rails are produced
from rolled rail and are fastened to the vee by bolts or multi-groove locking pins.

guard rails
additional rail or rails fixed parallel to the running rails and intended to restrain
derailed vehicles.

hand of switches
the “set” of a switch.
NOTE: Observe from the switch fronts looking towards the crossing - if the right hand stock rail has a
set or “kink” to the right it is a right hand turnout. Similarly, a left hand stock rail with a set will define a
left hand turnout. If both stock rails having a very small set in opposite directions the turnout would be
defined as an “equal split”.

See unworked points.

high cant deficiency curves

curves where specific train fleets have permission to run at cant deficiencies in
excess of 150 mm.

jointed track
method of track construction where rails are joined together by ordinary fishplates,
with an expansion gap between rail ends and not exceeding 37m long.

kicking strap
a device attached to a switch rail near to the toe which passes under the stock rail of
a set of switches or under the wing rail of switch diamonds to prevent upward
movement of the switch rail.

lateral resistance plate

generic term applied to devices that are fitted to sleepers or bearers to enhance
lateral resistance to thermal and traffic forces.

length (of a track panel)

length of a track panel normally taken as 60ft or 18288 mm.
NOTE: Used in the context of the number of sleepers per length, 28/L being 28 sleepers per 60ft of

level crossing
intersection at the same level of a road, footpath or bridleway and one or more
railway tracks.

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longitudinal timber
timber parallel to and supporting a running rail.

machined nose block

crossing where the vee is mechanically manufactured from a low alloy wrought steel
block, which is machined and subsequently heat treated. Pearlitic rail leg ends are
flash butt welded to the vee. Distance blocks are also welded directly onto the vee
prior to attaching wing rails by means of MGL pins, tension-controlled bolts or similar

managed (or fixed) track position

generic term for all systems (including the system of “absolute track geometry”
installed on West Coast Main Line) for the upkeep of track geometry and alignment
by reference to datum points fixed in space.
NOTE: It is used to monitor and control the position of the track, rather than the use of relative

new construction
construction of a new railway or the construction of track on previously abandoned

non-ballasted track
track that is not supported on ballast, for example; concrete slab track, track on
longitudinal timbers and directly fastened track on bridges.

NR56 S&C
Network Rail design of S&C using CEN54 shallow depth rail & CEN56 rail sections,
NR56 is an updated version of BS113A Vertical S&C.
NOTE: The design is documented on the RE/PW/1600 series drawings

NR60 S&C
Network Rail design of S&C using CEN60 rail sections.
NOTE: It is based around the family of CEN60 rail sections, the design is documented on the
RE/PW/2000 series drawings.

obtuse crossing
assembly to permit the passage of wheel flanges where two rails intersect at an

obtuse angle.

ordinary or expansion fishplates

non-insulated connection of two rails by means of fishplates designed so that when
assembled as a joint the rails are free to expand and contract within limits.

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P2 forces
P2 is a lower frequency peak force caused by the track being pushed down by the
passage of a vehicle generally below 100Hz.

parallel tamping
use of two or more specialist S&C tamping machines, working together to achieve
the simultaneous lining, lifting and packing of adjacent tracks.

part bearer
the portion (A, B or C) of a bearer that has been split into sections and joined
together with bearer ties.

permissible speed
the maximum speed over a section of line that applies to trains not travelling at
enhanced permissible speeds (i.e. not tilting trains).

plain line
track not incorporating switches and crossings.
NOTE The term “plain line” therefore excludes the through route of S&C.

plane of the rails

flat plane projected across the crown of the two running rails of a track.

premium hardened rail steel

any grade of rail steel harder than grade 260R.

Head of [XXXX]
The Network Rail Head of the engineering discipline shown in the brackets.

rail fastenings
any device used to secure running rails into chairs or baseplates or directly to
sleepers, bearers or other rail supports.

raised guard rails

additional rails fixed higher than, parallel to and inside or outside of the running rails.
Intended to prevent vehicles from derailing.

rate of change of cant or cant deficiency

the rate at which a vehicle experiences the change in cant or cant deficiency,
measured in mm per second.

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rate of rotation of vehicle body

the rate of rotation experienced by a passenger on a train, measured in mm per
second; for a tilting train this is the sum of the rate of change of cant and rate of
application of tilt.

reverse curve
a curve formed by two circular curves of opposite hand, which should normally be
connected by transition curves.

RT60 S&C
design of S&C developed by Railtrack as a first step towards introducing S&C based
around the family of CEN60 rail sections.
NOTE: The design has now been superseded by NR60.

running line
line shown as a running line in Table A of the Sectional Appendix.

Sectional Appendix
document that contains details of all permissible and enhanced permissible speeds
for a particular route.

self-tensioning fastenings

fastening system that achieves the required tension through insertion without the
need for any post-tensioning through tightening of screws or nuts, etc.

semi fabricated crossing

semi fabricated crossings made by either:
a) machining and welding rolled rails to produce a crossing vee; or
b) using a cast vee;
which are then fastened to wing rails manufactured from rolled rail using bolts or
multi-groove locking pins.

serviceable rail
rail that has previously been installed in track but has been recovered and re-
manufactured, i.e. taken to a depot, examined, defects removed, and flash butt
welded back together.

slab track
track without ballast supported by continuous reinforced concrete slab.

transverse beam that provides vertical and lateral support to plain line running rails,
rail fastenings and where appropriate check rails, guard rails, conductor rails and
ancillary operating equipment.

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a metal plate fitted at the toes of switches to fix the track gauge and, on power
operated points to control the position of the point operating mechanism relative to
the switch and stock rails.

standard deviation
measure that describes how a set of values are dispersed around the mean value.
NOTE: It is applied to the measurement of track geometry quality, the range of variation in top
(vertical alignment) and line (lateral alignment) over a fixed length, normally an eighth-mile, are set out
as standard deviations. These are then used to monitor the achievement of targets, by speed bands
or ranges.

Standard Track Drawings

drawings of track components or standard designs published under the ‘RE/PW’
series of drawings.

stress free temperature

the rail temperature at which the rail is the same length as it would be in an
unrestrained state and at which, therefore, there is no thermal force present.

stressing (of rails)

the process of extending continuous welded rail (CWR) so that the stress free
temperature of the rails is within a specified temperature range.

strengthened (switches)
prefix added to descriptions of older designs of switches and crossings to reflect that
they were designed to withstand thermal forces, e.g. with stress transfer blocks
secured with 8 high tensile bolts.

strengthening rails
additional rails fixed parallel to the running rails and intended to increase the lateral
resistance and weight of the track to reduce risk of buckling.

stretcher bar
bar that connects together the two switch rails of a set of switches to maintain
flangeway gaps.

lengths of new rail (between 18 and 108m long) flash butt welded typically up to
lengths of 216m for transportation and installation.

something built to support or retain a load.
NOTE: Includes bridges, platforms, viaducts, tunnels and culverts, but excludes earthworks.

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structural adjustment switch

an adjustment switch specifically designed to accommodate additional structural
movement up to +/- 300mm. They are designed with the switch rails as a fixed end
and a moveable stock rail to accommodate extra movement at specific locations.
They can operate over long lengths without affecting the track gauge whilst
maintaining continuity of rail profile and inclination. They are designed and installed
directly across the structure’s expansion joint to suit the direction of movement and
lie in either the facing or trailing direction.

prepared surface of the uppermost layer of naturally-occurring or fill material upon
which the railway is constructed.

switch and crossing (S&C)

track incorporating switches and/or crossings that allows one track to cross another
or diverge from or merge with another.

switch diamonds
set of switch diamonds consists of two obtuse crossings in which the obtuse point
rails are replaced by switch rails and a check rail is not required.

set of switches consists of two fixed stock rails with their two associated moveable
switch rails.

tight joint
non-insulated connection of two rails by means of specially drilled fishplates and high
tensile bolts but without an expansion gap between the rail ends.

track gauge
distance between the running edges of the rails in a track, measured without load at
right angles to the running edges of the rails in a plane 14 mm below their top

track renewals
replacement of plain line or S&C carried out under the domestic track renewals
programme or included in an enhancement or remodelling project.

track system
assemblage of rails, rail supports, rail fastenings, sleepers, timbers or bearers and
ballast, acting together to provide guidance and support for rail vehicles.
NOTE: The term also applies to other types of construction such as non-ballasted track.

Track System Designer

engineer responsible for the design of the track engineering elements of the

infrastructure system.
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general term referring to the ballast, blanket and subgrade.

trackbed layers
general term referring to all layers placed between the subgrade and the underside
of sleepers or bearers.

train operated points

points that are designed for use in running lines with facing movements in the normal
position only.
NOTE: They are operated by the passage of trains in the trailing reverse direction. They are restored
to the normal position by the point operating mechanism after the passage of each train. “Hydro-
pneumatic self restored points” are a type of train operated points.

transition beam
a connecting unit installed between ballasted track and track fastened directly to slab
track or to a bridge deck to provide a gradual change from the stiffness of one form
of construction to that of the other.

transition curve
curve of constantly varying curvature. It is normally provided between two lateral
circular curves of differing radii, or between a lateral circular curve and a straight. If
the variation is linear, the transition is in the form of a clothoid, often approximated by
a cubic parabola. Non-linear forms such as sine and cosine curves are also

trap points
facing switches provided at an exit from a siding or converging/diverging line to derail
vehicles making an unauthorised movement, so protecting the adjacent line.

twist (design)
an intentional discontinuity in rail inclination between vertical and inclined track (twist
rail) or a cross level variation such as a cant transition curve above normal limits.

twist (fault)
a difference in crosslevel over a short distance (usually measured over 3m) that is
greater than a predetermined amount (usually 15mm).
Normally expressed either as an average gradient over 3m or as a dimension in
millimetres by which the crosslevel varies over 3m.

unworked points
points not controlled by the signalling system, other than train operated points.
NOTE: Hand points, runaway catch points and spring operated points are examples of unworked

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vertical curve
curve joining two track gradients in their vertical alignment.

vertical S&C (CEN56)

design of S&C developed by British Rail and introduced in the mid-1960s to replace
earlier bullhead and flatbottom designs.
Current designs of CEN56 Vertical S&C are known as ‘NR56’.
NOTE: It is based around the BS113A rail section (now CEN56) and derives its name from all rails
being without any inclination (i.e. vertical).

virtual transition
the name given to the ‘transition effect’ formed by the bogie centres of a vehicle
when traversing between two elements not joined by a transition. Normally taken as
being 12.2 m long, the bogie centres of a Mk 1 coach.

Welded cast monobloc

a crossing, all of the components of which (vees, wing rails, legs etc.), are cast as
one piece. The structure is made weldable into CWR by the incorporation of flash
butt welded leg end extensions using stainless steel inserts.

’within S&C’
S&C and closure panels with S&C bearers up to 18.288m beyond the switch fronts
and 36.566m beyond the last long bearer.

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4 Track design policy – business outputs, systems and materials

4.1 Business outputs

NOTE: The design, specification and installation of the track system requires the consideration
and balancing of constraints to arrive at a solution that achieves the required business outputs,
eliminates hazards and reduces likely risks from hazards where elimination is not possible.

Where the design is produced by a supplier external to Network Rail, an iterative development
of the design with informed input from the Network Rail client representative will enable the
delivery of an optimal solution which takes account all of the business outputs.

To achieve the business outputs, new track systems, components, and track layouts shall be
developed taking account the interfaces with other railway infrastructure and systems and
Health and Safety considerations.
The following principles should be taken into account during the design
a) be compliant with relevant statutory, legislative, and company standards
and other requirements;
b) be cost-efficient at construction and installation whilst considering the future
ease of maintenance, inspection, operation and upkeep and repair (in
accordance with the company ergonomics policy and standards). An optimal
solution should be targeted at achieving the lowest whole life cost within the
railway system whilst taking account of railway access constraints and costs;
c) have the designed capability and functionality informed by Asset and Route
d) have opportunities for change (enhanced or reduced capability or
functionality), and interdependencies with other asset types identified and
e) be capable of delivering improved reliability and minimising loss of
functionality, performance or capability;
f) minimise the need for human examination and intervention, and separate
these activities from train movements and live electrical equipment;
g) exploit, wherever practicable, standard or “modular” designs, products, and
layout configurations;
h) minimise the identification and application of new products and techniques
to avoid unnecessary diversity and complexities of training and competence
for constructors, operators and maintainers. Alternative products are only to
be used where there are business benefits that outweigh the risks and costs
of diversification;
i) have material specified from sustainable sources in accordance with the
company Corporate Responsibility Policy;
j) where practicable and where required by the route policy, be designed to be
installed in possessions of 8 hours duration;

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k) where appropriate, be designed to enable components to be changed or

repaired and the track restored to line speed in a working time of 4 hours.

Particular attention should also be given to the following aspects in planning for and
during the installation:
l) development of standardised installation methods and techniques, to enable
consistency of approach;
m) make the best use of the available railway access opportunities for
productive work whilst maintaining a consistent high quality of delivery;
n) care in the transportation, handling and storage of materials so that
installed quality is not impaired;
o) information and records of new or renewed assets added to asset
information repositories as soon as the assets are brought into operation or
accepted back on issue of the final completion notice.

4.2 Design of new track systems

4.2.1 General

All systems, sub systems and components shall be designed to comply with
Company Standards, Railway Group Standards, Technical Specifications for
Interoperability and where appropriate European Norms (EN’s).
New track systems should be designed and constructed to achieve the required
business outputs with the minimum of inspection and maintenance.
The design should include a combination of maintenance, refurbishment and renewal
interventions to achieve the lowest whole life cost for track assets. It should include the
interface with existing assets taking account of their condition and design.
Risks to track workers are greatest when they are on or close to the track; therefore
the initiatives to reduce time on track, or at least when it is safer, will also reduce the
overall worker safety risk.
When reviewing systems for acceptance if the designed service life, inspection or
maintenance intervention frequency cannot be achieved the implications should be
recorded and the impact assessed.

4.2.2 Service lives

For product and systems approval, new designs of track and track components

should be developed with the aim of achieving the following service lives.
A design life for Sleepers, bearers, baseplates and rails in normal service conditions
• CEN60 track systems: the lesser of 1200 EMGT or 60 years for plain line and
1000 EMGT or 60 years for S&C;

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• CEN56 track systems: the lesser of 1000 EMGT or 60 years for plain line and
800 EMGT or 60 years for S&C.
Sub-elements, e.g. ballast, rail pads, rail insulators, and rail fastenings, rail
lubricators, switches and crossings, switch rollers, and insulated rail joints may have
a design life of half of the sleepers, bearers and rails.
Formation treatment should have a design life of 60 years.

4.2.3 Inspection and maintenance intervention

A track system comprising of conventional CEN60 ballasted track should be

designed to be compatible with an inspection and maintenance regime as follows:
a) a four-weekly geometry recording;
b) a thirteen-weekly visual track inspection cycle; and
c) a two yearly possession of the line for component and mechanised
maintenance increasing to annual for the last 25% of the service life of the
Switch and crossing systems may receive additional visual inspections, typically
CEN56 ballasted track systems installed in lower category routes should be capable
of similar performance but with less frequent geometry recording, typically eight-
weekly, rising to six-monthly on Category 4, 5 and 6 track.

4.3 Materials

All materials and components used in the design of new track systems shall have
their performance assessed against an operating temperature range of -27° C to
+60° C.
Failure to achieve the required performance levels at the extremes of the
temperature range will not necessarily prevent acceptance. The impact on
performance should be recorded, its criticality assessed, and the need for additional
mitigation determined.

4.3.1 Identification of components


Components used in the track system shall be marked such that the identity of the
component, manufacturer and year of manufacture can be determined.
Identifying marks should be applied in a manner that will not damage the item or
impede its operation. They should be large enough and formed with sufficient clarity
to be readable over the life of the product. They should be positioned (as far as is
practicable) to be readable after installation.
Additional information such as month of manufacture, batch number or individual
serial number may be necessary depending on the criticality of the component.

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5 Track system specification

5.1 General

The minimum engineering requirements for design of the track system are specified
in this section. These apply to the design of both running lines and sidings unless
stated otherwise.

NOTE: Compliance to clause 6 onwards will enable the construction of a compliant asset.

5.2 Track system specification

For the purposes of acceptance of design, any proposed track (system or

component) shall be compared to the standard designs for plain line and S&C,
where the baseline is; CWR, straight track, CEN56 rail, 26 concrete monobloc
sleepers per 60 ft (18.3 m), S&C with concrete bearers at 710 mm nominal spacing,
rail fastenings with a nominal toe load of 6.5 kN and fully ballasted sleeper beds and
Track with rails less than 30 m long shall be considered to be jointed track.
Track not classified as ‘jointed’ shall be deemed to be CWR. It shall be designed in
accordance with 1.1
The standard length of rails in jointed track is 18.288 m and installed with fishplated
expansion joints.
In this standard, the track system comprises the entire track structure, e.g. for
conventional ballasted track, the subgrade, formation, drainage, ballast, sleepers,
rails, fastenings, and the geometry of the track and its relative position (gauge
clearance) to structures, vehicles and other features.

5.3 Track gauge and flangeways

New track system designs shall have a minimum track gauge of 1435 mm, a
minimum flangeway depth of 55 mm and a minimum flangeway width of 60 mm
where back of flange contact is not intended (typically through switches and level
See 5.9 for additional requirements for S&C.

5.4 Rail inclination

In plain line track, rails shall have an inclination of 1 in 20 towards the track centre
In S&C, depending on the design of S&C, rails shall either have an inclination of 1 in
20 towards the track centre line or be vertical.
In two levelling S&C with vertical rails the running rails may, as a result of the two-
levelling, become inclined away from the four-foot relative to the plane of the rails.

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Where rails in S&C are vertical, the rails in short lengths of adjacent plain line may
also be vertical.
Twist rails or twist transition baseplates shall be used to accommodate the change in
verticality from inclined track to vertical track.

5.5 Forces

The track system shall be designed to have performance characteristics capable of

sustaining the following forces:
a. a maximum static axle load of 250 kN (25.5 tonnes);
b. a vertical dynamic force, generated by the static wheel load and the low
frequency dynamic forces P2, of 350 kN per wheel and an occasional isolated
vertical load of 500 kN per wheel;
c. a lateral force generated by a train of 100 kN over a length of 2 m;
d. a lateral force on check rails of 135 kN over a length of 2 m and 50 kN at any one
mounting position;
e. a lateral force on guard rails of 100 kN over a length of 2 m;
f. a longitudinal force of 1200 kN per rail to allow for train acceleration and braking;
g. be capable of resisting thermal forces which may be expected to occur over a rail
temperature range of -14°C to +53°C, without distortion (equal to a tensile force
of 700 kN and a compressive force of 620 kN.

5.6 Rail

Rails shall be designed to provide support taking account of speed, axle load and
The rail section including the head profile shall have compatibility with sections
already existing in Network Rail's infrastructure and wheelset profiles in use.
The metallurgy and manufacturing process for rail shall be subject to acceptance by
Network Rail in order that:
a) the rails are capable of being butt welded together (using a Network Rail approved
b) minimum actions (to be taken upon discovery of defects) can be defined; and
c) withdrawal criteria (for when rails reach their wear limits) can be defined.

NOTE: See RT/CE/S/002 and RT/CE/S/061 for the specification of rail.

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5.7 Rail fastenings

Rail fastenings shall:

a) hold rails securely in the rail seat (unless designed specifically to do otherwise);
b) limit rotation of the rail about the outer edges of the rail foot;
c) minimise longitudinal movement of rails through creep and thermal forces (unless
designed specifically to do otherwise);
d) assist in retention of the track gauge; and
e) not cause damage to the rail.

Additionally they shall;

f) meet the requirements of BS EN 13481;
g) have been tested by methods specified in BS EN 13146; and
h) have Network Rail Product Acceptance.
NOTE: The preferred type of rail fastening is self-tensioning when installed. Non-self-tensioning
types of rail fastening may only be used in special applications.

5.8 Sleepers and bearers


Sleepers and bearers shall be designed with a soffit area, at the specified spacing, to
distribute loads to the ballast without overstressing the ballast, formation or
Sleepers and bearers shall have an end area to provide adequate lateral restraint to
the track.
Rail and baseplate pads in S&C should, as far as possible, replicate the stiffness of
plain line.
NOTE: See RT/CE/S/021, NR/PS/TRK/029 and RT/CE/S/030 for the specification of steel,
timber and concrete sleepers and bearers.

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5.9 Switches and crossings

5.9.1 Maximum and minimum values

The values shown in table 1 shall be applied in the design of new standard designs
of S&C. Installation and maintenance tolerances shall apply in addition to these

Table 1 – Switch and crossings maximum and minimum values

Minimum opening at the toes of switches 100
Maximum free wheel passage in switches 1375
Minimum fixed nose protection 1432 mm gauge S&C 1391
for common crossings 1435 mm gauge S&C 1394
Maximum free wheel passage at 1432 mm gauge S&C 1350
crossing nose 1435 mm gauge S&C 1353
Maximum free wheel passage at check/wing entry 1360
Minimum flangeway width 38
Nominal flangeway width through check rails and wing rails (excluding 41
the knuckle area of obtuse crossings)
In fixed obtuse angle crossings, minimum flangeway clearance 48
between the check rail and the wing rail at the knuckle of the crossing.
Minimum flangeway depth:
 through enclosed flangeways 55
 elsewhere 51
Maximum permissible unguided length in obtuse crossing. As specified in GM/RT2466
Maximum excess height of check rail in obtuse crossings 38
Maximum theoretical cant deficiency at switch toes:
a. Up to 40mph 120
b. Between 45 and 105mph 105
c. Between 110 and 125mph 85
Minimum flangeway gap at the nose of swing nose crossings 85
Free wheel clearance elsewhere through swing nose crossings 1375
NOTE 1: Where switch diamonds are operated by a rail clamp point lock mechanism (clamp lock), it is
permitted to reduce the opening at the toe to a minimum of 85 mm
NOTE 2: Gauge is measured 14 mm below the running surface.
NOTE 3: Manufacturing tolerances are given in NR/L3/TRK/4004, installation tolerances in Appendix
NOTE 4: Cant deficiency at switch toes is measured using a 12.2m chord centred on the switch toe.

The maximum construction depth (bearers, soleplates, baseplates, pads and rail) for
new designs of S&C shall be 405mm.

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5.9.2 Common crossings

Common crossings shall be protected by check rails.

New designs of cast common crossings should comply with RT/CE/S/012 and will
normally have welded legs.
Part-fabricated crossings with welded or cast vees may be used on lower category
lines. Fabricated crossings will normally be restricted to sidings.
See 11.5.2 for the restrictions on the use of fabricated and part fabricated crossings.

5.9.3 Swing nose crossings

Swing-nose crossings shall be used where the angle is flatter than 1 in 35.

5.9.4 Obtuse crossings

Obtuse crossings shall not be used where the line speed exceeds 105 mph.
Cast obtuse crossings shall incorporate check rails to protect the wheel transfer area
of the opposite crossing.
The crown or top of the check rail on cast obtuse crossings shall be raised by 38mm
to provide greater protection.

See 11.5.3 for other restrictions on the use of obtuse crossings.

5.9.5 Check rails

The wheel transfer area between crossing nose and wing rail of fixed crossings shall
be protected on the opposite running rail by a check rail on each route.
The crown or top of the check rail shall not be lower than crown of the adjacent
running rail.
Raised check rails shall only be used with obtuse crossings.
The desirable slope of the main flare should be 1 in x (where ‘x’ is the speed in kph).

5.9.6 Stretcher bars and soleplates

Stretcher bars (or an approved equivalent) shall be used to connect together the two
switch blades of a set of switches.
Their length shall be such that when fitted the designed Free Wheel Passage is
achieved. The number of stretcher bars in standard switch designs shall be as
shown on the relevant standard drawing; there shall be at least two.
At the switch toe, a "kicking strap" shall be provided with between 3 mm and 9 mm
clearance under the foot of the stock rails.
A soleplate or steel bearer (according to the type of point operating mechanism)
shall be provided at the toe position.

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Where the point operating mechanism is positioned on the bearer ends the soleplate
(or steel bearer) shall extend to fix the relative position of the drive and detection
equipment relative to the switch and stock rails.
Stretcher bars and soleplates shall be insulated to meet signalling requirements.

5.9.7 Point operating system

In running lines, the switch rails of turnouts, switch diamonds and the noses of swing
nose crossings shall be equipped with means of detecting that the movable rails are
in their correct position and are locked.
Provision for temporarily securing both the open and closed switch out of use shall
be provided.

5.10 Design of continuous welded rail track systems

5.10.1 Design of CWR - General

Continuous Welded Rail (CWR) shall be stressed to a target Stress Free

Temperature (SFT) of 27° C.
a) the minimum SFT shall be 21° C;
b) the target SFT, achieved by tensor or thermal stressing, shall be 27° C;
c) the target SFT achieved by natural stressing shall be between 24 and 30° C
when clipped down.
CWR on Crimp ended steel sleepers shall have a minimum SFT of 26° C, be
stressed to a target SFT of 32° C and natural stressing clipped down between 29
and 35° C.

5.10.2 CWR - Tunnels

In tunnels longer than 180m CWR, track between two points 40 m into either end of
the tunnel may be fastened down at ambient temperature.

5.10.3 CWR – Slab track

The target SFT for CWR on slab track shall be 21° C.

5.10.4 CWR - Switches and crossings

Any S&C unit incorporated into CWR shall be capable of withstanding longitudinal
thermal tensile and compressive forces.
CWR-compatible S&C shall be welded or fitted with tight-joint or insulated fishplates
approved for use in CWR.

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Units installed with tight-joint fishplates may be subject to limited expansion and
contraction. They should be assumed to experience and withstand the same thermal
forces as units that are welded in.
S&C shall not be present within the stress transition length at the end of a section of
CWR. S&C not isolated from CWR by adjustment switches shall be fully stressed.
Any stress transition length shall commence clear of the S&C.
S&C units not approved for use in CWR, shall be isolated from adjacent CWR by
adjustment switches positioned not more than 40m from the S&C (switch front or last
long bearer).
The distance from the S&C should be taken as the distance from the switch fronts or
the weld / joint at the back of the crossing to the nearest machined section of the
adjustment switch

5.10.5 Switch designs suitable for use in CWR

CWR-compatible Switch designs are of two types with:

1. stress transfer blocks and bolts connecting the switch to the stock rail. Eight
25.4mm (1”) diameter High Tensile Steel (HTS) bolts, tightened to a torque of
880 Nm allow transfer of 70-tonne thermal force; and
NOTE: Only those heel blocks with two bolts, or two pairs of bolts, are deemed to be stress transfer

2. creep monitors. Thermal forces in the stock rails are accommodated as in plain
rail, and those in the closure rails are deemed to dissipate in the same manner as
at the free end of a length of CWR. Longitudinal thermal movement occurs at the
heel of the switch rail; this is indicated by a “ball-and-claw” creep monitor device,
which is not intended to transfer more than 20% of the maximum thermal force.
The following designs of switch are suitable for use in CWR:
a) BS110A/BR109 FB inclined catch point;
b) CEN56 FB inclined catch point;
c) CEN56 FB vertical Full depth:
- BV (strengthened);
- CV to HV inclusive;
- 1:7 to 1:15 strengthened switch diamonds;
- 1:17 to 1:28 switch diamonds;

d) CEN56 FB vertical shallow-depth:

- BVS to HVS

e) RT60 C to H; or
f) NR60 C to H.
Older inclined FB switch designs, Bull Head S&C, all designs of Slip and all designs
of CEN56 Vertical scissors are not suitable for use in CWR.

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5.10.6 CWR full depth switches – lateral resistance plates

Lateral Resistance Plates are to be fitted on all Full depth timbered S&C installed as
CWR as a minimum on every bearer over the length of the stock rail from the first
heel block to six timbers beyond the toes. The fitment of lateral resistance plates is
to be in accordance with manufacturers instructions.
Lateral End Resistance Plates (LERP) conforming to drawing RE/PW/736 shall not
be used for new installations.
A castellated beam may be proposed as an alternative.

5.10.7 CWR trap and catch points

Trap or Catch points in running lines shall be CWR-compatible B or C design, with

concrete bearers or hardwood timbers.
AV switches may be used in sidings or where space is limited.
Trailing, unworked catch points shall be strapped in accordance with RE/PW
drawings (worked catch points are subject to less lateral thrust and need not be

5.10.8 Crossings suitable for use in CWR

All cast common or obtuse monobloc crossings or crossings with a cast centre and
welded-on legs are suitable for use in CWR.
Unless the crossing has welded-on legs, the joints between the casting and the
adjacent rails shall be formed by tight-joint fishplates with four 29mm (1 ⅛") diameter
HTS fishbolts torqued to 1020 Nm.
Wing rails on Part-fabricated common crossings shall have each wing rail secured to
the adjacent vee rail by at least eight 25.4mm (1") diameter MGL pins or HTS bolts.
Fully-fabricated crossings shall not be used in CWR.

5.10.9 CWR switch diamonds

Switch diamonds that are not CWR-compatible shall be protected by adjustment

switches installed on all sides positioned not more than 40m from the knuckle.

5.10.10 CWR - mixing sleeper types

The inclusion of more than 4 timber sleepers within a length of concrete or steel
sleepers shall require adjustments to the critical rail temperature.

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5.10.11 Short lengths (less than 180m) of plain line between items of S&C

Plain line between S&C if welded or fitted with tight-joint or insulated fishplates shall
be stressed.
S&C suitable for use with CWR can be used as part of an anchor length (but not
within a stress transition length) for stressing the length of plain line. If the
recommended anchor lengths are not available the length of track shall be stressed

6 Design and construction of the track system

NOTE: Compliance to clause 6 onwards will enable the construction of a compliant asset.
6.1 Design approvals and acceptance
Designs of layouts and special track forms are subject to the approval processes
specified in NR/L2/TRK/2500.
All materials, components and certain processes (e.g. rail welding) used in Network
Rail's infrastructure are subject to product acceptance by Network Rail, and procured
against any relevant Network Rail standards.
Components and assemblies that are the subject of Network Rail standard drawings
shall conform to those drawings.
Contractors and suppliers should be responsible for compliance of materials,
components, processes and assemblies with the relevant specifications or drawings.
Site specific professional responsibility statements may be prepared when deemed
necessary by Route Asset Managers or Heads of, for unique designs of track, for
example S&C on swing or lifting bridges.

6.2 Formation, drainage and cess paths

6.2.1 Formation

The design of the formation should take account of the subgrade material and the
expected traffic loading. The formation should be stable and provide adequate
support to the ballast layer to enable the required standard of track geometry quality
to be maintained.
Formation treatment should be designed to prevent ballast contamination by the
migration of subgrade material and to direct water to the track drainage system.
Where non-ballasted track designs are adopted the formation design should be
carefully designed as subsequent adjustment of the slab after settlement can be
difficult and costly. The design of any non-ballasted track should take the interface
with existing assets and the provision of adequate transitions into account to
minimise changes in vertical deflection under loading.

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6.2.2 Stiffness of the track system

Consideration should be given to rates of change of stiffness in the design of the
track system where there is a change in support conditions. This includes interfaces
between ballasted track and direct fastened track and changes in ground conditions.
Further guidance is provided in NR/L2/TRK/4239.
See 7.4 for system stiffness values for new construction.

6.2.3 Formation stiffness

For track renewals the formation for ballasted track shall be designed to achieve a
minimum stiffness of:
a) Track category 1A, 1 & 2 - 45 MN/m²;
b) Track category 3 to 6 - 30 MN/m²; and
c) Sidings in track category 5 & 6 - 15 MN/m².
See 7.4 for formation stiffness values for new construction.
NOTE: See NR/L2/TRK/4239 for the specification of formation design and transition stiffness.

6.2.4 Track sub-grade, formation, drainage

Prior to new construction or renewal involving ballast replacement the existing

formation and drainage shall be confirmed as being fit for purpose.

NOTE 1: See NR/L2/TRK/4239 for how to undertake an assessment of the existing trackbed.
The results of the assessment enable a suitable standard treatment to be selected that takes
into account the category of line, the drainage characteristics of the site, and the condition of
the formation.

A new drainage system shall be installed where the existing drainage arrangements
are inadequate in any new or renewed track.

NOTE 2: See NR/L3/CIV/005 for drainage policy, design and practice.

6.2.5 Cess paths

Where cess paths are renewed or newly constructed consideration should be given
to the drainage requirements of the ballast and formation and future maintenance of
track drainage.

NOTE: See NR/SP/OHS/069 Lineside facilities for personnel safety.

6.3 Ballast

6.3.1 General

Sufficient depth and width of ballast should be specified to:

a) distribute dead and live loads to the formation, subgrade and structures without
overstressing them;

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b) enable the track to be maintained to line and level;

c) provide longitudinal and lateral stability to the track system; and
d) facilitate the rapid dispersal of water.
Ballast retaining walls or boards shall be provided where necessary to retain ballast,
for example at the end of structures.
NOTE: See NR/L2/TRK/8100 and RT/CE/S/009 for the specifications for track ballast.

6.3.2 Construction

Ballast shall be profiled so that no vertical face of any sleeper is visible. Where
sleepers of adjacent tracks are at different levels the ballast shall be heaped at the
end of the higher sleeper.
Ballast shall be kept clear of rails, fastenings, slide chairs/baseplates, flangeways,
electrification equipment, signalling equipment.
Ballast shall be profiled so as to be clear of conductor rail, and of collector shoes.
Ballast should only be heaped in the four-foot as a temporary measure and be no
higher than the plane of the rails when the line is open to traffic.
Arrangements shall be made to re-profile excess ballast to clear the top of the
sleepers and fastenings particularly where the OmniVision PLPR system is utilised to
replace the manual basic visual inspection, BVI regime.
Unless approved otherwise by the RAM [S&T], ballast shall be kept clear of surface
cable troughing routes.
In S&C, ballast between bearers containing stretcher bars or drive equipment may
be kept 100mm below the top of the bearer.

6.3.3 Ballast profile - CWR

The minimum ballast shoulder profiles shown in table 2 shall be applied to CWR
track in the open.
Open CWR track refers to all track including the first 40m into any tunnel.
Table 2 – Dimensions of ballast shoulders
Height of
Minimum width of
shoulder above
Location shoulder a
sleeper top
Straight track, curves over Speed over 125 mph 450 125 in all cases c
2000 m radius Speed up to 125 mph 375
Curved track with radius 2000 m or less 450
Any discontinuity 450
Steel sleeper track with radius 500m or less 600
The width of the ballast shoulder is measured outside the sleeper ends, at sleeper-top level.
Discontinuities include insulated joints, adjustment switches, abutting toes of S&C, and catch points. The
wider shoulder should apply over not fewer than 10 bays each side of the discontinuity.
No greater than 200mm. A minimum clearance of 50mm must be maintained around conductor rail and
insulator pots.

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6.3.4 Ballast profile - jointed track

In jointed track, the minimum width of ballast outside the sleeper ends shall be 300
mm for rails less than 37 m long and 375 mm for rails longer than 37 m.
Where rails are longer than 37m and where extra lateral resistance is required CWR-
type shoulders shall be provided.

6.3.5 Ballast profile - tunnels

Heaped ballast shoulders shall be provided for the first 40 m from either end of the
Beyond 40m ballast should be level to the top plane of the sleeper to the adjacent
tunnel wall and across the six-foot.

6.4 Ballast gluing

Ballast gluing may only be used for increasing the lateral fixity of track where
clearances are restricted or as part of a designed transition between different track
constructions or at structures. It may only be used with the agreement of the
The design should include the transitional arrangements from normal to glued track.
The track shall be consolidated and be to the designed level and alignment before
gluing commences.
Gluing shall be restricted to the shoulders along the sleeper ends to a depth of 200
mm (measured from the top of the sleepers) and a width of 300 mm.
To achieve adequate penetration of the glue shoulder ballast shall be levelled to the
top of the sleeper before gluing
A record shall be made of glued sites and notices erected to warn staff not to attempt
normal track maintenance methods, particularly in respect of alignment.
Gluing should be carried out as specified in RT/CE/P/027 and in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions.

6.4.1 Clearance monitoring

Where ballast gluing has been carried out to maintain sub-standard clearances,
permanent datums shall be established at the time of gluing.
The position of the track shall be monitored at weekly intervals until records show
four consecutive readings with no movement. The monitoring frequency shall then

be monthly for six months. Subsequent monitoring frequencies shall be determined

by the Track Maintenance Engineer.

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6.5 Non-ballasted track and structures

6.5.1 Embedment of rails or sleepers and directly fastened rail systems -


New and reconstructed under bridges and other isolated short lengths of track with
direct fastenings and or continuous support shall be avoided in Category 1A, 1, and
2 track.
Non-ballasted track (including embedded rails, concrete embedment of sleepers,
concrete paved track) should be designed to:
a) provide resilient rail support;
b) maintain track gauge;
c) maintain track position;
d) build in track geometry appropriate to line speed;
e) disperse surface water;
f) permit transition arrangements at the interface with ballasted track;
g) achieve lower sector structure gauge compliance; and
h) allow for future rail replacement and the installation of closure rails in existing
worn rail.

NOTE: The provision of adjustable rail fastenings should be considered.

6.5.2 Longitudinal timbers - design

New and reconstructed structures with longitudinal timber systems shall not be
installed in Category 1A, 1, 2 and 3 track. They can only be installed in Category 4, 5
and 6 track with the approval of the RAM [Track].
Longitudinal timbers are to be avoided whenever possible.
Where required, longitudinal timbers shall be designed and constructed to:
a) provide fixity of the timbers to maintain track gauge;
b) achieve design cross levels;
c) provide fixity for chair/baseplate;
d) provide holding-down arrangements;
e) retain ballast at the interface with ballasted track;
f) permit suitable transition arrangements at the interface with ballasted track;
g) permit examination during routine track inspection.
h) be compliant to NR/L2/TRK/3038.
In order to achieve correct gauge and wheel-rail interaction the design should take
the lateral stability, resistance to roll-over and the inclination of the rails relative to
the plane of the rails into account. Composite artificial timbers should be considered

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which can offer improved mechanical properties, resistance to deterioration and

reduced whole-life costs.

6.5.3 Guard rails on viaducts or other at risk structures and locations – design

When track adjacent to parapets and the edges of embankments with a vertical face
is to be renewed the RAM [Track] shall consult the RAM [Civils] on what is to be
The following factors should be taken into account in the review:
a) Line speed;
b) Curvature;
c) Height of structure;
d) Dead load on the structure;
e) Clearances to structural members;
f) Ballast depth;
g) Consequential risk;
h) Type and frequency of traffic; and
i) Existence of derailment-containment kerbs.

At the approach end, the parallel portion of guard rails shall extend 18 m beyond the
face of the abutment (or the location at risk) and include a set of gathering rails.
Where guard rails already exist and they are removed, the justification for their
removal shall be recorded.
A derailment containment kerb should extend at least 300 mm above rail level. It
should comprise:
j) a structural metallic member; or
k) not less than 450 mm width of brickwork; or
l) not less than 300 mm width of reinforced concrete.
Guard rails should not increase the risk of track buckling.

6.5.4 Track on swing or lifting bridges - design

New swing and lifting structures shall not be installed in Category 1A to 4 track.
The provision of rail joints without fishplates between fixed and moving structures,
typically long steel bridges and swing bridges, shall require site specific design and
acceptance in accordance with NR/L2/TRK/2500.
The rail gap at the ends of swing or lifting bridges shall accommodate the thermal
movement of the structure, typically 15 - 40 mm wide for a span of 40 m.
A maximum permissible speed of 40 mph shall apply for joints wider than 15mm.
Gaps or line speeds in excess of 40mm or 40mph shall require approval from the
Professional Heads [Track] & [Civils].

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Rail joints between fixed and moving sections of track shall be square to each other
at initial construction ±5 mm unless specified otherwise.
Abutting rails, when designed without fishplates, shall be limited to a maximum 2 mm
difference in rail head longitudinal profile when unloaded with the movable span in
the closed position.
Vertical differences in rail level greater than 2 mm may be corrected by shimming. A
maximum of only two shims may be used at any single rail support point between the
structure and the rail.
Design calculations should be retained by the RAM [Civils].

6.5.5 Thermal effects on structures - design

Structures with expansion switches shall have site-specific design and acceptance in
accordance with NR/L2/TRK/2500 and NR/SP/CIV/003.
Standard rail expansion switches shall be positioned to be clear of the moving end of
any structure. They shall be positioned and designed so that the rail fastenings toe
load per rail from the end of the movable portion of the structure and the machined
section of the expansion switch does not exceed 450kN.
Structural adjustment switches are specifically designed to accommodate additional
structural movement up to +/-300mm. They should be designed with the switch rails
as a fixed end and a moveable stock rail to accommodate extra movement at
specific locations. They can operate over long lengths without affecting the track
gauge whilst maintaining continuity of rail profile and inclination. They should be
designed and installed directly across the structure’s expansion joint to suit the

direction of movement and lie in either the facing or trailing direction.

The Building and Civils Engineer should determine whether a structure needs
structural expansion switches. These are typically those with a moving span greater
than 30 m.
Where expansion switches are needed, the track system should be designed to
anchor the rail, resist longitudinal movement from traction forces and accommodate
the thermal movement of the rail relative to the structure.

6.5.6 Clearances between sleepers and bearers to structures - design

The minimum distance between the end of a bearer or sleeper to any part of a
structure or platform wall shall be 100 mm. Catch pits, cable troughing etc. shall not
be installed within 100mm of sleeper / bearer ends.

6.5.7 Loads on structures - design

Any increase in loads on structures due to a change in track type, significant change
of position (vertical or horizontal) or a change in line speeds shall be referred to the
RAM [Civils] for approval.
Ballast mats may be used to reduce vibration, limit impact forces and reduce
damage to ballast. Their specification and application should be approved by the
RAM [Track] and the RAM [Civils].
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The design should take account of the transition arrangements between the structure
and adjoining track and the potential increased loading that this can induce.

6.5.8 Loads on embankments - design

Track position on embankments should not compromise the cess or overload the

6.6 Surveying

On major projects (route enhancements, major remodelling or new construction), a

primary and secondary survey grid shall be used in accordance with the cross-
discipline engineering survey requirements in NR/L2/TRK/3100.
Surveys shall be tied into existing primary or secondary Survey grids. Where no grid
is in place, as part of the survey, permanent ground markers shall be established
which can subsequently be incorporated into a route grid.
Line and level survey for S&C renewals shall extend a minimum of 200 m into
adjacent track. All designs shall finish within a straight or regular circular curve.

6.7 Minimum clearances - design

Horizontal and vertical alignments shall be designed to afford normal structural and
passing clearances (as defined in GC/RT5212) for all vehicles and vehicle gauges
currently published for the route. Vehicles and vehicle gauges envisaged to operate
in the future, as specified in the Gauge Capability Database, shall be considered in
compliance with NR/L2/TRK3201. At platforms, heights and offsets (as specified in
GI/RT7016) shall be achieved. Coping stones shall be adjusted as necessary.
In platform cases, clearances and stepping may be compromised to achieve the
requirements of GI/RT7016. The detail of this compromise shall be agreed with the
Network Rail Senior Gauging Engineer.
Additional clearances for future overhead electrification shall be confirmed with the
Electrification Engineer.
Where it is not practicable to achieve the above requirements, clearances should be
agreed between the RAM [Track] and the Gauging Engineer.

6.7.1 Minimum clearances – track lowering

Where track is to be lowered to increase clearances, the design shall provide normal
structural and passing clearances. Reduced clearances shall only be allowable by
exception and where future maintainability has been taken into account.
Geometry element lengths shall comply with 8.4.

6.8 Switch and crossing layouts - design

Layouts shall be risk assessed using the S&C Design Risk Ranking Tool.

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Schemes should be developed and designed using the minimum number of S&C
units. Existing S&C that is rarely used should be recovered wherever possible.
Layouts should be designed using standard designs and the ‘preferred’ geometries
of S&C. The use of ‘non-preferred’, ‘obsolescent’ or ‘withdrawn’ S&C units should be
Wherever practicable, designs should avoid switches and crossings being placed at
the following locations:
a) bottoms of gradients;
b) within through platforms;
c) on bridges, especially of the longitudinal-timbered type;
d) on horizontal curves, especially transition curves;
e) where there would be negative cant or where the cant exceeds 110 mm;
f) where the turnout radii would be below the exceptional minimum radii for
passenger lines;
g) on vertical curves;
h) within tunnels; and
i) below overbridges.

6.8.1 Switch and crossing layouts – minimum radius

1 in 7 and 1 in 7½ slips shall only be installed on straight track.
Any through line radius applied to 1 in 8 and 1 in 10 slips shall not result in a slip
radius of less than 176 metres.
S&C (of any type or design) shall not be installed on track with a through line radius
of less than 150m.
S&C installed on track with a through line radius between 175 and 150m shall be
subject to a risk assessment.
The risk assessment shall consider as a minimum the:
a) direction of traffic;
b) tonnage;
c) speed;
d) wheel / rail interaction;
e) provision or absence of gauge widening;
f) provision or absence of continuous check rails;
g) inspection regime;
h) environment;
i) access; and
j) consequential risks.

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6.8.2 Stressing of complex switch and crossing layouts

The advantages to be obtained from welding up and stressing of low speed complex
layouts might be outweighed by the difficulty in achieving and maintaining the correct
stress. In such cases consideration should be given to installing the layout as jointed

6.8.3 Switch and crossing layouts - remote condition monitoring

All new S&C shall have remote condition monitoring systems installed unless there is
a documented business case not to do so.

6.9 Road vehicle access - switch and crossing layouts

Consideration should be given to providing vehicle access with off street parking to
all switch and crossing installations when carrying out major remodelling schemes.

6.10 Terminal tracks and buffer stops

6.10.1 Length of tracks

Sidings, bay platforms and terminal tracks shall be long enough for the train intended
to use them. They shall include an allowance for stopping accuracy, signal sighting
and any requirement to split trains.

6.10.2 Provision and purpose of buffer stops

Buffer stops shall be provided at the termination of all running lines and on sidings
adjacent to Network Rail controlled infrastructure.
Buffer stops shall be designed to:
a) protect passengers and train crew in the event of an over-run of a terminal line;
b) protect staff, members of the public, and structures on platform concourses
behind buffer stops from the effect of an over-running train; and
c) protect trains on adjacent running lines in the event of an over-run of a siding.

6.10.3 Design considerations of buffer stops

The requirements of GC/RT5033 shall be complied with when renewing or designing

new layouts that include buffer stops. Risk assessments of buffer stops shall be
carried out in accordance with GC/RC5633.
Energy absorbing buffer stops shall be provided at terminal or bay platforms when
constructing new platforms. They shall be provided during the complete replacement
of a buffer stop or arresting device on a remodelled track or station layout.
The track on the approach to the buffer stops shall be straight for not less than the
length of the longest permitted vehicle.
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Where standard fixed buffer stops are installed, designs including rear bracing rails
(as specified in RE/PW/590) or an approved equivalent shall be used.
The design of buffer stops on passenger lines shall take the following factors into
a) type of rolling stock and buffing arrangements;
b) minimum and maximum train weights;
c) maximum likely impact speed (not less than 10 km/h);
d) average retardation rate of 0.15 g with a maximum of 0.25 g;
e) availability for movement of buffers to absorb energy from impact;
f) track adhesion conditions;
g) approach gradient;
h) station or other structures behind the buffer stops;
i) frangible platforms; and
j) track circuiting.

The design of buffer stops on freight lines shall take the following into account:

k) the type of rolling stock and buffing arrangements; and
l) any structures behind the buffer stops.
The overall design of the end-of-track arrangements may also include speed control
and/or train stop devices, permanent speed restrictions, warning lights and/or
improved illumination to the buffer stops to achieve the required protection.

6.11 Level crossings and road-rail vehicle access points

Proprietary decking systems installed at level crossings and road-rail vehicle access
points (RRAP) shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions
which include specific arrangements for the track system.
Track alignment designers shall consider the road profile at level crossings, they
shall conform to the appropriate regulations and requirements.
Flangeways of 60 mm (nominal) width shall be provided at level crossings and road-
rail machine access points. Where flangeways of less than 60 mm are used, an entry
and exit flare shall be provided.
See 1.1 for the requirements on depths of serviceable rails through level crossings.
NOTE: See NR/L3/TRK/2049 E4 for the selection of level crossing systems and road profiles
across level crossings.

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6.12 Sidings

The requirements for the layout and geometry of sidings shall be as specified in
NR/L2/TRK/2049 A 6.5.

7 New construction – design

The requirements shown below are in addition to those for track renewals.

7.1 Horizontal alignment – new construction

New construction shall make use of normal design values.

The through alignment should be optimised with no virtual transitions.
The minimum preferred radii for plain line running lines shall be 500 m with an
absolute minimum of 400m.

7.1.1 Modelling of geometry – new construction

The curving characteristics, speed and kinematic envelope of vehicles intended to
use the track shall be modelled to determine the optimum combination of cant and
cant deficiency.

7.2 Vertical alignment – new construction

Design of track gradients for new construction shall take account of:
a) braking and traction performance of vehicles likely to use the line;
b) position of signals and operational regime (e.g. the likelihood of a train being

required to start on the gradient or stop at a station or signal);
c) predicted rail adhesion conditions, including the effect of weather; and
d) the combined effect of gradient and horizontal curvature where the gradient
coincides with a small radius horizontal curve;
The normal limiting design values for track gradient for new construction shall be 1 in
80 (12.5 mm/m).
The exceptional limiting design values for track gradient for new construction shall
e) 1 in 50 (20 mm/m) for sections up to 1.9 miles (3 km) in length;
f) 1 in 28.6 (35 mm/m) for sections up to 0.3 miles (0.5 km) in length where
trains are not intended to stop and start in normal operation; and
g) 1 in 28.6 (35 mm/m) for passenger only lines where:
i. i) The slope of the moving average profile over 6.2 miles (10 km) is less
than or equal to 25 mm/m; and
ii. ii) The maximum length of continuous 35 mm/m gradient does not
exceed 3.7 miles (6 km).

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The operation of engineering trains shall be taken into account during the design

7.2.1 Vertical alignment – modelling of operational capacity

When designing the new alignment the combined effect of gradient and curvature on
the drawbar capacity and tractive effort of the proposed services should be
considered. The required tractive effort should not be greater than those listed in
static load tables.
Modelling shall be undertaken to confirm the design where either:
a) static load tables show the trailing loads for current and future trains are within
10% of the maximum; or
b) calculations show that forces in the vehicle couplings are within 10% of the
maximum; or
c) where no performance characteristics currently exist for either the type of train
or the proposed design (i.e. combination of gradient and curve)
Modelling shall be undertaken on a system which has been reviewed and endorsed
by Professional Head [Traction & Rolling Stock].

7.3 Switch and crossing design – new construction

S&C should be positioned on straight track with standard track intervals (6’ & 10’).
Only ‘preferred’ geometries shall be used.
Slips and tandems shall not be used in running lines except in sidings.
A or B switches shall not be used in running lines except in sidings or as trap / catch
The use of C & D switches on running lines should be restricted to lightly used
turnouts to reduce the likelihood of switch wear, the need for subsequent repairs and
the associated derailment risk.
Consideration shall be given to the relative positioning of S&C units with respect to
ease of inspection and mechanised maintenance.

7.4 Stiffness of the track system – new construction

A target stiffness value of 160 MN/m² shall be used for the track system.
The formation for ballasted track shall be designed to achieve a target formation
stiffness of 45 MN/m².
Values for non-ballasted track systems may be different and need to be appropriate
for the specific design of system selected.

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8 Geometry design

8.1 Speeds

8.1.1 Permissible speeds

The permissible speed on a curve shall be calculated taking into account the
a) radius of the curve;
b) applied cant;
c) permitted values of cant deficiency;
d) permitted values of rates of change of cant and cant deficiency on the transition
curves either side of the circular curve; and
e) available structural and passing clearances and ability to control track position.
No upward rounding of permissible speed is allowed and values shall be rounded
down to nearest 5mph increment.
ERTMS (ETCS) measures speed in kilometres per hour (km/h); the Rule Book
presently only refers to speed in miles per hour (mph).

Where ECTS is being implemented and speeds shall be converted from km/h to mph
using the values in table 3.

mph km/h mph km/h

5 10 70 115
10 15 75 120
15 25 80 130
20 30 85 135
25 40 90 145
30 50 95 155
35 55 100 160
40 65 105 170
45 70 110 175
50 80 115 185
55 90 120 195
60 95 125 200
65 105

Table 3 – Miles per hour (mph) conversion to kilometres per hour (km/h)
This can result in speeds that are not rounded down. The speeds shall still remain
within the limiting values.

NOTE: There could be reasons other than track geometry design that restrict the permissible

speed, e.g. the ability to maintain the track to sufficiently high track quality standards, the type
of track installed, the nature of the signalling system, or the strength of structures.

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8.1.2 Enhanced permissible speeds

The enhanced permissible speed shall be calculated for each type of train on each
curve. The speed on each track of a double or multiple line shall be considered
separately. On bi-directional tracks the speed in each direction shall be considered
Enhanced permissible speeds shall not be permitted on the turnout route of S&C.
The calculation of enhanced permissible speed shall take account of the factors
listed in 8.1.1 together with the following:
a) maximum cant deficiency at which the train is designed to travel;
b) dynamic roll-over resistance of the train (see GM/RT2141);
c) maintenance tolerances on cant;
d) maintenance tolerances on curvature;
e) expected local wind conditions;
f) effect of wind on the train, taking into account the characteristics of the train (see
g) the system adopted for controlling the speed of the train and the extent to which
overspeed can occur (see GE/RT8012); and
h) a safety margin equivalent to no less than 50 mm of cant deficiency.
The enhanced permissible speed shall be as such that the likelihood of overturning
is within tolerable limits.
NOTE: See GE/RT8012 for the conditions under which trains are permitted to travel at an enhanced
permissible speed.

8.1.3 Vehicle restrictions for enhanced permissible speeds

The cant and cant deficiency limits for tilting trains shall be as shown in table 4.

Table 4 – Vehicle restrictions for enhanced permissible speeds

Class 390 (Pendolino) Class 221 (Tilting Voyager)
Parameter / Constraints
Maximum Exceptional Maximum Exceptional

Rate of Change of Cant

75 mm/sec 95 mm/sec 75 mm/sec 95 mm/sec
(EPS Tilt)

Maximum Cant Deficiency (EPS

265 mm 300 mm 225 mm 225 mm


Maximum Rate of Change of

110 mm/sec 150 mm/sec 110 mm/sec 150 mm/sec
Cant Deficiency (EPS Tilt)

NOTE: Values shown are applicable to plain line only.

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8.2 Track alignments

Designs for renewal work packages and new construction shall be approved in
accordance with NR/L2/TRK/2500.
Track alignment (both vertical and horizontal) and layouts should be designed
making the best use of the design values given in 8.5.

8.2.1 Co-ordinate geometry designs

Detailed design shall not be undertaken until a full survey has been completed.
A Co-ordinate geometry design shall be prepared and used for the installation of all
new construction, major route upgrades, S&C renewals, and the renewal of track on
sections of route where plain line high output track renewal systems are being used.
At locations where the co-ordinated alignment design is fixed, e.g. on lines
maintained to absolute track geometry principles, the track shall be returned to the
design alignment already defined for the section of route.
Where the design contains errors these should be corrected and approved.
Following approval and installation of the new alignment the recorded design shall
be updated.

8.2.2 Relative position of adjacent tracks

Where the cant is less than 50 mm, adjacent tracks across the six-foot and ten-foot
shall be installed on the same plane and at consistent intervals.
Where vertical clearance or higher cants make this impractical, the difference in the
plane of two adjacent tracks (on a standard track interval) shall be no greater than
150 mm. This dimension may be increased by 1 mm for every 2 mm increase in
track interval. Where this cannot be achieved a ballast retaining structure shall be
provided between the two tracks.

8.2.3 Modelling of geometry

The curving characteristics, speed and kinematic envelope of vehicles likely to use
the track should be taken into account when determining the horizontal curve radii
and the ratio of cant to cant deficiency.
Modelling should also take the geometry for lower speed traffic, such as freight,
which may make up the greatest tonnage over a particular section of route into
Where there are speed changes take the actual breaking and acceleration values of
the traffic into account so that the designed track geometry is optimised for the
achievable speed of traffic and track is not unnecessarily overcanted.
Track intervals and clearances to structures should take horizontal and vertical
curvature into account.

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8.3 Horizontal alignment

On running lines, horizontal alignments shall consist of lengths of straight track and
curves connected by a linear transition. Curves shall consist of one or more circular
curves each of constant radius connected by linear transitions.
The through alignment should be optimised to be as good as possible with no virtual
The number of individual elements (straights or curves) shall be kept to a minimum.
Each element shall be as long as possible, and not be of a length equal to less than
2 seconds at the maximum line speed unless agreed otherwise by the RAM [Track].
See for the requirements for virtual transitions and bearing changes and 6.7
for the requirements for minimum clearances.

NOTE: Restrictions on the location of station platforms in relation to the horizontal alignment of
track are specified in GI/RT7016.

The following principles shall apply to horizontal alignment design:

a) changes in horizontal alignment shall not be coincidental with changes in Vertical
b) cant (except in sidings) shall be assessed and, if necessary, applied to horizontal
curves to take account of curvature, different traffic types and speeds;
c) cant shall vary uniformly on transition curves; and
d) co-ordinated designs shall be prepared on the track centre line.

8.3.1 Horizontal alignment - implementation of designs

When implementing track designs tamping machines shall use the outer rail on
curved track as the datum rail for lining.

8.3.2 Horizontal alignment – existing tracks

The minimum radii on existing track shall be as shown in table 5.

Table 5 – Minimum radii for existing tracks

Minimum radii (metres)

Normal Exceptional

Passenger 200 150

Non-passenger 150 125


Where the existing track has been designed and constructed to radii tighter than that
in table 4, the existing horizontal radii should be improved and not worsened. Where

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site constraints make it not reasonably practicable to comply, the existing horizontal
radii may be retained subject to agreement by the RAM(T).

8.3.3 Tight radius reverse curves

In the design of track layouts, the risk of buffer locking on reverse curves should be
reduced by introducing as much straight track as possible between the two curves.
If one hand of a reverse curve has a radius of less than 160 m, a minimum 3 m
straight should be provided between the curves.

8.4 Vertical alignment

On running lines, vertical alignments shall consist of lengths of track at constant
gradient connected by vertical curves.
Each element (constant gradient) should be as long as possible and not less than 2
seconds at the maximum line speed unless agreed otherwise by the RAM [Track].
Vertical curves shall be at least 25m long.
Changes in vertical alignment shall not be coincidental with changes in horizontal
Vertical Curves may be omitted by agreement of RAM [Track] where the change in
gradient is less than 2mm/m.
See 6.7 for the requirements for minimum clearances.
Each S&C unit should sit on one continuous gradient, extending for at least 20m
beyond the last bearer of that unit. Gradient changes should not be within S&C and
by exception can be within the through bearers subject to their being a vertical curve
of 10,000m minimum radius. Switches should be on one continuous gradient and
may by exception be on concave vertical curves. Switches should not be on convex
8.4.1 Vertical alignment - implementation of designs
When implementing track designs:
a) co-ordinated designs shall be prepared on the low rail on canted track;
b) lift shall be calculated for the low rail on canted track; and
c) tamping machines shall use the low rail on canted track as the datum rail for

8.5 Curving design values

When a design value is quoted without being described as either normal, maximum,
or exceptional, the limiting value shall be used and no exceptional value is permitted.
Exceptional design values shall not be exceeded.
Where possible normal design values should be used for all parameters.

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Where the speed requirements cannot be met by using normal design values,
maximum design values should be used.
Where the speed requirements cannot be met by using maximum design values,
exceptional design values may be used. The reason and implications for their use
shall be justified. They shall be approved in accordance with NR/L2/TRK/2500.

8.5.1 Curving design values – cant

Maximum/minimum values for cant shall be as shown in table 6 and for cant
gradients in table 7.
Each track of a double (or multiple) line shall be treated separately.
On steep gradients slow moving freights might restrict the cant that can be applied.
NOTE: In exposed places, where high winds might be experienced, it is undesirable to apply cant to
the maximum value.
Cant is normally applied to the high rail but may be split between high and low rails
(if the low rail can be lowered).
On curves designed for Enhanced Permissible Speeds that have high cants and
deficiencies consideration should be given to applying the cant by both raising the
high rail and lowering the low rail to avoid rapid changes in mean longitudinal level.
Guidance on the principles of maximum attainable speed on curves

Where no train can attain the published speed, e.g. adjacent to a more restrictive
PSR, designs should consider the cant and cant deficiency to suit attainable speeds
to improve passenger comfort, maintainability and avoid over canted track that can
increase the growth of RCF on the high and in particular the low rail of curves.
Guidance on the principles of modal speed on curves
Where most trains stop and only the minority will attain line speed, e.g. at a platform,
designs should consider cant / cant deficiency limits for both compliance against
maximum limits at line speed but andalso slower speed stopping traffic. Avoiding
over canted track can improve passenger comfort, maintainability and avoid the
potential increase in RCF on the high and in particular the low rail of these curves.

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Table 6 – Cant
Maximum (or Exceptional Design
Normal Design
Minimum) Design Value (where
Parameter / Constraints Value
Value different from Max.)
on existing and upgraded lines 150 mm 150 mm 180 mm (see note 1)
in platforms 110 mm 110 mm 130 mm (see note 2)
Cant Excess at the normal operating
speed of the slowest trains on a curve 110 mm 110 mm
when running under clear signals
Cant (mm) on sharp - i.e. less than
320 m radius - curves
(R-50)/1.5 (R-50)/1.5
(where R is the radius in metres)

in CWR S&C on Concrete bearers

150 mm 150 mm
with 60 mm Free Wheel clearance

in Complex S&C (see note 3) 0 mm 0 mm

in Other S&C 110 mm 110 mm
on fixed obtuse crossings 110 mm 110 mm
Negative Cant - on fixed obtuse
0 mm 0 mm
Negative Cant - on the turnout route
0 mm 80 mm
and adjoining plain line

1. Cants in excess of 150 mm are only permitted where they existed before 1st July 1999.
2. Cants in excess of 110 mm in platforms are only permitted if platforms are to gauge and level.
3. Complex S&C is as listed in NR/L3/TRK/2049. A maximum design value of 50 mm of cant may
be applied on AV or BV(S) switches.

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Table 7 – Cant Gradients

Maximum (or Exceptional Design
Normal Design
Parameter / Constraints Minimum) Design Value (where
Value different from Max.)
Maximum Cant Gradients:-
0 - 60 mph 1 in 600 1 in 500 1 in 400
65 - 95 mph 1 in 800 1 in 600 1 in 400
100 mph and over 1 in 1000 1 in 800 1 in 400
Switch Toes None None 1 in 800
Swing Nose Crossings None None
Turnout Rail opposite Common and
1 in 1200 1 in 600
Obtuse Crossings (See Note 1)
Switch Diamonds None 1 in 1200

Minimum Cant Gradient 1 in 1500 1 in 2500

1. Bearer rake and baseplate thickness shall remain constant through the crossing

8.5.2 Curving design values – transitions

Maximum/minimum values for transitions shall be as shown in table 8.
Cant shall be applied to transitions in proportion to the curvature (i.e. l/radius).

In the exceptional case of curves without transitions, the change of cant shall be
applied over the length of the virtual transition.
On transitions between reverse curves with no intervening straight, the point of zero
cant shall coincide with the reverse point (point of zero curvature).
Virtual transitions should only be used by exception and not in through alignments.
They should only be necessary for the design of track in and around S&C.
Where possible, the rates of change of cant, cant deficiency and curvature should be
the same on either side of the reverse.
Where speed changes occur the design should consider the achievable speeds
limited by breaking and acceleration as well as the theoretical linespeed at these
For permissible speeds up to 50 mph and enhanced permissible speeds up to
70 mph, design of transitions should normally be based upon cant gradient rather
than rate of change of cant.
NOTE: These guideline speeds are based on maximum design values.

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Table 8 – Transitions
Maximum (or Exceptional Design
Normal Design
Parameter / Constraints Minimum) Design Value (where
Value different from Max.)
Minimum Length of Transition (See
30 m 25 m
Note 1)

Maximum Rate of change:

of Cant for Permissible Speed 35 mm/sec 55 mm/sec 85 mm/sec

of Change of Cant for Enhanced

35 mm/sec 75 mm/sec 95 mm/sec
Permissible Speed (See Note 2)

Maximum Rate of Rotation of

140 mm/sec 180 mm/sec 200 mm/sec
vehicle body (See Note 3)

1. Minimum transition lengths are necessary to support the manual control of tampers.
2. Transitions generally need to be designed to accommodate conventional trains travelling at
permissible speeds. They should be checked for tilting trains at enhanced permissible speeds.
3. Maximum rate of rotation is irrespective of vehicle type. Bearing changes and virtual transitions

If a bearing change in straight track is unavoidable a circular curve, with transitions

wherever possible, should be provided between the two straights.

In exceptional circumstances virtual transitions may be used between straights and
curves provided that:
a) they are previously agreed by the RAM[Track];
b) the rate of change of cant deficiency on a 12.2 m virtual transition meets the
requirements for the maximum design rate of change of cant deficiency at the
permissible speed for conventional trains;
c) the rate of change of cant deficiency on a 12.2 m virtual transition meets the
requirements for the maximum design rate of change of cant deficiency at
enhanced permissible speeds up to 31 mph (50 km/h) or through switches and
crossings for tilting trains; and
d) at enhanced permissible speeds over 31 mph (50 km/h) transitions shall be
provided if the change of cant deficiency exceeds 100 mm/s for trains with a rate
of tilt application between 4 and 5 degrees per second (pro rata for other rates of
Transitions are recommended if the change of cant deficiency exceeds 35 mm/s.
Virtual transitions and the ‘curve’ of a bearing change shall be at least 25 m long, be
at least 12.2 m from another virtual transition and 12.2 m from any other alignment

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8.5.3 Curving design values – cant deficiency plain line

Maximum/minimum values for cant deficiency and rates of change of cant deficiency
shall be as shown in tables 9 & 10.
All curves should be designed to operate with cant deficiency to aid steering.
Research into rolling contact fatigue (RCF) has shown that the rate of growth of RCF
can be reduced significantly by increasing the cant deficiency on a curve. The effect
will be greatest in curves in the 1000 m to 2500 m range where vehicles with primary
yaw stiffnesses in excess of 16 MNm/radian operate. In tighter curves the reduction
in RCF is less significant, sidewear can be reduced with increased cant deficiency.
Tighter curves should, where possible, be designed without cant or with the
maximum permissible cant deficiency.
Where rail life due to RCF has been found to be less than 5 years, and where whole
life costs make it economic to do so, then cant deficiencies in excess of cant may be
applied subject to site specific approval.
Values in excess of 100% in plain line CWR at Permissible speeds over 40mph shall
be approved by the RAM [Track].

Table 9 – Cant deficiency – plain line and adjustment switches

Maximum (or Exceptional design
Normal design
Parameter / Constraints minimum) design value (where
value different from max.)

Jointed track 90 mm 90 mm 110 mm (see note 1)

CWR for Permissible Speed 110 mm 110 mm 150 mm (see note 2)

CWR for Enhanced Permissible Speed (EPS) on datum plated curves of radius (see note 3):

700 m and over 265 mm 265 mm 300 mm

400 to 699 m 150 mm 225 mm

under 400 m 110 mm 110 mm 150 mm (see note 2)

Adjustment switches 110 mm 110 mm

1. Applies to passenger type bogie rolling stock with air suspension, maximum 13 tonne axle
weight, all seats full.
2. Applies to passenger type bogie rolling stock, light engines and class 140 to 144 trains
provided that no spring catch point, level crossing, direct fastening structure or other feature
that is likely to contribute to lateral misalignment is situated on the curve or transition where
110 mm cant deficiency is exceeded. Differential speeds may be required to limit the speed of
freight traffic.
3. Enhanced permissible speeds apply to specific trains only. Speeds must be calculated using
cant deficiencies which do not exceed the maximum operating cant deficiency of the particular
train. All values of cant deficiency in excess of 150 mm must also take into consideration the
effects of wind on curves (See GC/RC5521).

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Table 10 – Rates of change of cant deficiency – plain line

Exceptional design
Normal design Maximum design
Parameter / Constraints value (where
value value
different from max.)
Permissible speed 35 mm/s 55 mm/s 70 mm/s

Enhanced permissible speed

35 mm/s 110 mm/s 150 mm/s
(See Notes 1, 2 & 3)

1. These figures are the maximum permitted. Not all trains might be able to run at these values.
2. These rates should be calculated based on a vehicle which has no tilt lag [i.e. ignoring effects
on the leading vehicle(s)]. For transitions where cant deficiency exceeds the value at which
maximum tilt occurs, the average rate of change of cant deficiency over the length of a clothoid
or cubic parabola transition shall be used.
3. See table 3 for vehicle restrictions. Cant deficiency and enhanced permissible speeds

Designs for curved track should be based on permissible speeds and checked for
suitability for enhanced permissible speeds.
Where the speed differential exceeds 20%, curves should be designed for enhanced
permissible speed and checked for compliance against permissible speeds.
In all cases, the alignment and clearances to structures and other tracks shall be
checked at all speeds quoted for tilting, non-tilting and freight trains.
Cant deficiency for tilting trains should not normally exceed 200% of the applied
NOTE: Tilting trains generally run 20% faster on curved track than non-tilting trains. Cant deficiency and tight radius curves


Curves tighter than 500 m should be designed with minimum cant and maximum
cant deficiency. On such curves the rate of gain of cant deficiency should be less
than 55 mm/sec. Cant deficiency and line speed improvements
Where existing routes are considered for line speed increases, cant deficiency
values of up to 50 mm greater than cant (up to a maximum of 110 mm of cant
deficiency) may be applied subject to the rate of change being no greater than
55 mm/sec.
Such application shall be supported with evidence from a vehicle track interaction
model such as Track-Ex to confirm that rail wear and Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF)
propagation will not increase as a result. An assessment of the condition, modernity
of design and fitness for purpose of track components shall also be undertaken.
NOTE: see clause 19 for the requirements for the raising of speed or axle weights on existing tracks.
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Research into rolling contact fatigue (RCF) has shown that the rate of growth of RCF
can be reduced significantly by increasing the cant deficiency on a curve.
The effect is greatest in curves in the 1000 m to 2500 m range where vehicles with
primary yaw stiffnesses in excess of 16 MNm/radian (see NR/L3/TRK/2049) operate.
In tighter curves the reduction in RCF is less significant., Sidewear can be reduced
with increased cant deficiency.
Where rail life due to RCF has been found to be less than 5 years, and where whole
life costs make it economic to do so, then cant deficiencies in excess of cant should
be considered.
Track-Ex should be used to model the benefits of increased cant deficiency.

8.5.4 Curving design values – cant deficiency switches and crossings

For switches and crossings the maximum/minimum values of cant and cant
deficiency shall be as shown in table 11 and the rates of gain of cant and cant
deficiency in table 12.
When switches and crossings are located on curved track, cant shall be applied up
to the maximum, provided that the turnout is of similar flexure to the main line or
through line.
If the turnout is of contrary flexure, the cant to be applied to the main or through line
shall not cause the maximum permitted value of negative cant to be exceeded on the


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Table 11 – Cant deficiency – switches and crossings

Maximum (or Exceptional design
Normal design
Parameter / constraints minimum) design value (where
value different from max.)
Through route of S&C

S&C not designed to withstand

90 mm 90 mm

S&C designed to withstand stressing

with cast centre block common 150 mm
110 mm 110 mm
crossings with welded on legs or tight (see notes 1 & 2)
jointed cast monobloc crossings

Complex S&C (see note 5) and

switches without supplementary 50 mm 50 mm

Turnout route of S&C (see notes 3 & 4)

At switch toes 125 mm

Fixed obtuse crossings 75 mm

Elsewhere in vertical S&C 90 mm

Elsewhere in NR60 S&C 110 mm

1. Cant deficiency above 110 mm in S&C may only be applied when:
a) The S&C is CEN60;
b) the main line radius is flatter than 400 metres;
c) high speed flares have been provided on the check rails and on the facing wing rails on
crossings installed on the low rail;
d) there are no longitudinal bearers, level crossings or direct fastening structures within 20m of
the approach to or exit from the S&C; and
e) and the following have been considered and the assessment recorded with the design
information; degree of track fixity, changes in cant deficiency on the approach to or exit from
the S&C, maintenance regime.

2. The exceptional cant deficiency on the through route of S&C with swing nose crossings is 200
3. Enhanced permissible speeds are not applicable on the turnout route of S&C.
4. On leads which have been designed as ‘split equal’, both routes must be regarded as turnout
5. Complex S&C is as listed in NR/L2/TRK/2049.

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Table 12 – Rates of change of cant deficiency – switches and crossings

Exceptional design
Normal design Maximum design
Parameter / constraints value (where
value value
different from max.)
Through route of S&C

Permissible speed 35 mm/sec 55 mm/sec 70 mm/sec

Enhanced permissible speed (see

35 mm/sec 110 mm/sec 150 mm/sec
Notes 1, 2 & 3)

Turnout route of S&C

BS95RBH S&C 55 mm/sec 55 mm/sec

BR109, BS110A, CEN56E1

55 mm/sec 55 mm/sec
(BS113A) Inclined S&C

CEN56E1 (BS113A) vertical S&C (full

80 mm/sec 80 mm/sec
depth & shallow depth)

RT60/NR60 S&C (see Note 4) 80 mm/sec 80 mm/sec 93.33 mm/sec

It is permissible to disregard the rate of change of cant
Switch toes (all forms of S&C)
deficiency at the switch toes.

1. These figures are the maximum permitted, not all trains are able to run at these values.
2. These rates should be calculated based on a vehicle which has no tilt lag [i.e. ignoring effects
on the leading vehicle(s)].
3. See table 3 for vehicle restrictions.
4. In NR60 transitioned turnouts an exceptional value of 93.33 mm/sec may be applied to the
transitioned part of the turnout line between the heel of the switch and the IP of the crossing.

9 Specification of rails and rail fastenings

9.1 Rail section and grade

The grade of new rail shall not be less than 260R.

Different grades shall not be mixed in curves subject to sidewear.
Premium hardened rail steel may be used on one or both rails where the rail life is
reduced due to surface damage such as RCF or there is a high rate of sidewear, a
significant flattening of the low rail or corrugation.
Where premium hardened rail steel is used, an appropriate maintenance grinding
regime should be implemented.

NOTE 1: Rails with Network Rail-approved coatings are available and are recommended in
locations subject to corrosion, e.g. level crossings and wet tunnels.

The two running rails of the track shall be of the same nominal section.
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NOTE 2: if serviceable or cascaded rail is being used, BS110A and BS113A sections may be
regarded as matching

NOTE 3: BS113A rail and CEN56E1 are considered to be fully interchangeable.

Historic rail sections (for example BS95RBH) may be used where either existing
fastenings cannot accommodate rail sections specified in 10.2 or a short section of
track is being relaid in an area of track with historic rail profiles.

9.2 Welding

A solid phase process e.g. mobile flash-butt welding or gas pressure welding, should
be employed when practicable and cost effective in preference to aluminothermic
welds for site welding.
NOTE: See NR/L2/TRK/0032, NR/L2/TRK/0132, RT/CE/S/130, and RT/CE/S/131 for the
specification of rail welding.

9.3 Rail fastenings

Only Network Rail approved fastening types shall be used.

Where specific tools have been approved or supplied by the manufacturer of the
fastenings, these shall be used for installing and removing the fastenings.
Sherardised or other appropriate coated fastenings should be considered for use in
areas of high corrosion, e.g. wet tunnels, coastal locations, and level crossings.

9.4 Transition rails

Transition rails shall be used when changing from CEN56 to CEN60, or from

BS95RBH (Bullhead) to CEN56 in track categories 1A to 4.

9.5 Level crossings

Where serviceable or cascaded rail shall be used at level crossings. Any head loss
shall be limited to 5 mm at installation so as not to expose the crossing surface to
See 10.14 & 10.16 for the requirements for joints in level crossings.

10 Specification of plain line

10.1 Track gauge

Track gauge for new straight track and curved track over 200 m radius shall be 1435
mm nominal measured at right angles across the track and between the heads of the
rails in a plane 14 mm below their top surface.
Where serviceable concrete sleepers are used 1432 mm nominal gauge is
Tolerances shall be as specified in Appendix A.
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NOTE: Although referred to as “1435 mm nominal”, new sleepers are designed to give gauges
of 1436 (+2/-1) mm for CEN56 rail and 1438 (+2/-1) mm for CEN60 rail.

10.1.1 Track with gauge widening

The nominal track gauge and flangeway in curves of 200 m radius or less are shown
in table 14.

10.1.2 Gauge transition between CEN60 and 1432 mm gauge track

When CEN60 plain line, gauge 1438mm, abuts with track of gauge 1432mm,
sufficient 1435mm gauge CEN56 sleepers should be used to limit the rate of gauge
variation to 3mm in 1200mm (nominally 2 sleepers or as shown in table 13).
This may be achieved by using 5F40 or 5EF28 sleepers (see Note 2) - or by G44
sleepers configured for CEN56E1 track (see Note 3).
Table 13 –Gauge transition between CEN60 and 1432 mm gauge track

Line speed (mph) Up to 20 25 to 60 65 to 95 100 to 125

Permissible gauge change over 3m 6 mm 5 mm 4 mm 3 mm

Distance for gauge change from 1432 to 1438 3.0 m 3.6 m 4.5 m 6.0 m

Number of 1435mm gauge sleepers required 4 5 6 9

NOTE 1: 5F40 & 5EF28 sleepers have a designed gauge of 1435mm (+/-2 mm).
NOTE 2: G44 sleepers configured for CEN56E1 track have a designed gauge of 1436 mm (+2/-
NOTE 3: G44 sleepers configured for CEN60E1/E2 track have a designed gauge of 1438mm (+2/-1
Table 14 – Gauge widening on curves
Track radius (m) Gauge (mm) Check rail flangeway (mm)
200 - 176 1438 47
175 - 151 1441 50
150 - 126 1444 53
125 - 101 1447 56
≤100 1450 59
1. Gauge widening may be less than shown in this table where approved by Network Rail.
2. Rate of change in gauge and flangeway widening shall not exceed 1 in 400, e.g. 3 mm in
1200 mm (or two sleepers).
3. The dimension from the running edge of the non-checked rail to the inner flangeway face
of the check rail (check gauge) shall be 1391 (+1/-3) mm.
4. Achievement of check gauge shall take precedence over check flangeway (subject to a
minimum 38mm flangeway).

Gauge widened shall be achieved by moving the inner rail away from the designed
track centre line.
Curves fitted with continuous check rails shall be limited to 30mph.

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10.2 Plain line - rails, sleepers and ballast depths

Minimum track construction standards for plain line rails, sleepers and ballast
depths, for use when track is constructed or renewed shall be as specified in table
15. The track categories are as shown in appendix B.
Blanketing and formation treatment may also be required according to local
Table 15 – Plain line - selection of rail, sleepers and ballast
Track ab Sleepers d e and sleeper spacing ballast
Cat. mm depths
1A, 1 New CEN60 CWR b New concrete, 650 spacing, or 600 if 300
cant def. >150 mm
2 New CEN60 CWR b New or serviceable Concrete or new 250
steel, 650 spacing, or concrete at 600 if (concrete)
cant def. >150 mm 200 (steel)
3 Serviceable CEN60, CEN56, Steel 650 spacing or serviceable 200
BS113A, BS110A CWR concrete 700 spacing (concrete)
Serviceable 60ft rails to be cropped. c 150 (steel)
4&5 Serviceable or cascaded CEN56, Steel 650 spacing or serviceable 200
BS113A, BS110A CWR. concrete 700 spacing (concrete)
Serviceable 60ft rails to be cropped. 150 (steel)
6 Serviceable or cascaded CEN56, Serviceable steel, concrete or wood, all 200, 150
BS113A, BS110A or BR109 CWR c at 650 spacing (steel only)
Or serviceable jointed in sidings or if Serviceable concrete or wood. 200
track curvature precludes CWR c All at 760 spacing.
For use of CWR in curved track, see 10.11.
 CEN56 rail may be used for rerailing if the existing sleepers will not accommodate CEN60 and
are not due for replacement.
 CEN60 rail shall be installed on curves where the cant deficiency exceeds 150mm.
Serviceable and cascaded rail:
 Only rail rolled after 1976 may be installed in category 3 track.

 Hardwood sleepers may be used in tunnels or where guard or check rails are required.
 Where sleepers are replaced in advance of rail, they shall be capable of accommodating
CEN60 rail if that rail can be used subsequently.
 Consideration should be given to reducing sleeper spacings by 50 mm where there are special
formation difficulties.
 Serviceable sleepers may only be used in category 2 track with the agreement of the RAM
See clause 10.20 for specification of rail pads.

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10.3 Plain line - ballast

10.3.1 Ballast depths

For concrete and wood sleepers, ballast shall be new or clean recycled. For steel
sleepers, existing ballast may be retained with the agreement of the RAM [Track].
Where a geotextile, grid or geocomposite is associated with a new sand blanket, the
minimum ballast depth below sleeper bottom shall be 250 mm on track categories 2
to 6, and 350 mm on track categories 1A and 1 where future reballasting will be
carried out with ballast cleaners.
On track category 3 to 6 lines where geotextiles, grids or geocomposites are to be
installed and are not associated with a new sand blanket the minimum allowable

ballast depth shall be 200 mm below sleeper bottom;
During construction there shall be a minimum of 180 mm of ballast above the
geotextile, grid or geocomposite prior to tamping taking place.
Ballast depths are measured from the bottom of the sleeper (in the case of steel,
from the bottom of the sidewall). Crossfall of the formation will need additional ballast
to achieve the minimum depth.

10.3.2 Blanketing and formation treatment

The depth of blanketing and formation treatment shall be in addition to the minimum
ballast depths.

10.3.3 Ballast ramps

Ballast ramps shall be installed when ballast is renewed.

The minimum length of the ramp (m) shall be determined by dividing the line speed
(mph) by 6 (minimum length 5 m). If the ballast depth is increased above the
minimum shown in this table, the ramp shall be extended proportionally.
On short lengths of reballasting, it may not be practical to provide full ballast ramps.
Where this is the case alternative measures should be agreed with the RAM[T].

10.3.4 Ballast excavation

Excavation shall be to the designed depth and width of the trackbed. This shall
include the ballast shoulder when:
a) the track bed is not free draining (i.e. not derived from naturally occurring sand or
b) the existing cess level is at least level or lower than the bottom of the proposed
excavation; and
c) there is no obstruction to the excavation.
Where the adjacent track is not to be renewed the excavation shall extend to the
centre line of the ‘six foot’ (to a maximum of 1300 mm from the 6’ rail).

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Compaction of ballast

Bottom ballast shall be levelled using, as a minimum, laser-guided equipment.

For plain line track categories 1A, 1 and 2, compaction may be achieved as follows:
a) using approved vibrating plates, in a single layer for ballast depths up to 480 mm,
or where ballast depths under the sleeper are greater than 480 mm in layers not
exceeding 200 mm;
b) with an approved vibrating roller where the number of passes shall be in
accordance with the acceptance requirements for the roller;

c) by dynamic track stabilisation; or
d) on category 2 track and below, by tamping and lifting through the ballast in layers
not exceeding 100 mm.
The level of compaction should be designed to safely open the line, sustain traffic at
the required speed and achieve the track geometry standard.
Consideration should be given to compaction of the formation or bottom ballast layer
before the required layer of track ballast is installed. A uniform formation stiffness
reduces differential settlement of the track ballast and track roughness, increases
service life and reduces the need for future maintenance
For track categories 3 to 6, compaction is not mandatory. It should be considered to
support the safe opening of the line, sustaining traffic at the required speed and
achieving the required track geometry standard.

10.4 Plain line - serviceable and cascaded rail

Serviceable and cascaded rail shall comply with RT/CE/S/002.

Cascaded rail shall be ultrasonically tested prior to installation, or, if this is not
possible, as soon as the rail head condition permits testing.

10.5 Plain line - concrete sleepers

Concrete sleepers shall comply with NR/L2/TRK/4100.

Concrete sleepers shall only be drilled on site for signalling equipment or other
attachments, providing:
a) a template approved by the sleeper manufacture is used to locate the holes;
b) an approved method of drilling is used that does not cause damage to the sleeper;
c) the fastenings used will not crack or shatter the concrete.
Drilling of concrete sleepers should be avoided as this has been shown to increase
the risk of the sleeper developing longitudinal cracks which can propagate and
reduce the service life of the component.

NOTE: Requirements are specified in NR/L3/TRK/4130.

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10.6 Plain line - hardwood sleepers

Hardwood sleepers should only be used in track category 1A and 1 and at speeds
over 110 mph with the agreement of the RAM [Track].
Hardwood sleepers should only be used only where it is not practicable to use
In CWR, hardwood sleepers shall be fitted with screw-fastened baseplates.

NOTE: The inclusion of more than 4 hardwood sleepers within a length of concrete sleepers
will require adjustments to the critical rail temperature.

10.7 Plain line - steel sleepers

NOTE: These requirements do not apply to cast or fabricated hollow steel sleepers or bearers
installed to provide a cable route.

Steel sleepers shall be:

a) spade-ended;
b) separated from concrete sleepers, longitudinal timbers or switch and crossing
work by four hardwood sleepers; and
c) laid on ballast which is only lightly compacted. Where reballasting is not being
carried out, the existing ballast bed shall be scarified. The track shall be tamped
to provide acceptable track geometry and to fill up the inverted trough of the
sleeper under the rail seats with stone. Further tamping shall then be carried out
until the required track geometry is achieved.
Steel sleepers shall not be used:
d) in 3rd or 4th-rail electrified areas;

e) in jointed track;
f) where cant deficiency exceeds 150 mm;
g) with welded-on housings in curves below 400 m radius, except in Track
Categories 4 and below; or
h) where they are incompatible with electrification systems and track circuits
i) where the annual tonnage exceeds or is forecast to exceed 10 EMGTPA.
NOTE: Where steel sleepers are installed on curves with a radius of 500 m or less, special
requirements apply (see 10.11.2).

10.8 Plain line - sleepers for the conveyance of cables

Approved concrete cable management sleepers may be used with the following
a) They shall not be installed within two sleepers of an insulated, fishplated or
welded rail joint;
b) EG53 and G55 sleepers shall be installed with at least two sleepers of the
same soffit depth either side; and

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c) GV54 bearers shall only be installed in vertical S&C layouts with the same
sleeper soffit depth (including NR56V).

Limitations on the use of fabricated or cast hollow steel sleepers for cables are as
a) Cast or fabricated hollow steel sleepers shall not be installed:

i. for the conveyance of earth bonds or traction power cables; or

ii. in third rail DC electrified tracks except for the housing of point operating
equipment (POE) or hot axle box detector (HABD) equipment;
b) in steel sleepered track;
c) no more than two cast or fabricated hollow steel sleepers shall be installed
consecutively and not less than six normal sleepers shall be provided between
subsequent runs of hollow sleepers;
d) not be installed within two sleepers of an insulated, fishplated or welded rail joint.
e) shallow depth designs shall only be used in softwood sleepered areas where the
line speed is less than 60 mph with the agreement of the RAM [Track].
The choice of bearer should be determined by sleeper type, fastening type,
construction depth (full or shallow depth) and whether a bearer with a removable top
cover is required to install the existing cable runs.
Care should be taken to check that the soffit level of hollow sleepers is consistent
with the adjacent sleeper type.
There is no requirement to provide four timber sleepers to separate hollow steel
bearers from adjacent concrete sleepers, longitudinal bearers or S&C.

NOTE: For more information on the management of cables routes, see NR/SP/SIG/19812.

10.9 Plain line - sleeper spacing

Requirements for sleeper spacing are as follows:

a) sleepers shall be installed with a maximum spacing tolerance on the centre line
of the track ±15 mm;
b) the cumulative error on centre line spacing over 10 consecutive sleepers shall be
no greater than ±75 mm;
c) a maximum skew of ±15 mm measured from the centre line of the track to the rail
foot (gauge side) is permitted;
d) sleepers through public vehicular level crossings shall be installed at 600 mm
centres ±10 mm. The cumulative error on centre line spacing through the level
crossing shall not exceed ±10 mm; and
e) spacing at joints may be adjusted for compatibility between fastenings and

NOTE: See NR/L2/TRK/4040.

10.9.1 Direct fastened track - rail Ssupport spacing

On slab track or structures with direct fastening systems, the tolerance on the
cumulative error on the spacing of fastenings over 10 m shall be ±50 mm.
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NOTE: See NR/L2/TRK/3038 for the spacing of baseplates on longitudinal timbers.

10.10 Provision of continuous check rails

Check rails shall be fitted on:

a) all passenger lines and passenger diversionary lines with a track radius of 200 m
or less; and
b) running lines with a track radius of 200 m or less at a track interval of less than 3.1
m adjacent to passenger lines.

Check rails shall be provided with machined entry and exit splays.
The active parallel portion of a check rail shall be extended to terminate at least 9 m
into straight track or a curve with a constant radius exceeding 200 m. On reverse
curves where both curves are fitted with check rails, the active parallel portion shall
overlap at the point of reverse by at least 6 m.
No fishplated joint or machined part of an adjustment switch shall be located in either
running rail within 2 m of the end of a check rail.
On plain line, hardwood sleepers shall be used where continuous checking is
Decide whether to provide a check rail on curves with radii in the range of 201 m to
300 m where high volumes of traffic can be expected. When assessing these
locations the following should be taken into account:
a) the requirements for the provision of effective lubrication;
b) current and future operations and usage of the route;
c) deterioration history for the curve;
d) likely consequences of any derailment; and

e) surrounding environment.

10.11 Plain line curved track - general

Curves with jointed track with a radius tighter than 500 m shall be installed with rails
of maximum length of 18288 mm.
The minimum radius for ballasted track installed as CWR shall be 250m.
On slab track with CWR curves tighter than 250 m shall only be installed with the
approval of the Professional Head of Track.
The minimum radius of curvature for the installation of new CWR without additional
measures to improve its lateral stability shall be 500 m in the open, and for a
distance of 40 m inside each end of tunnels.
Adjustments shall be made to the CRT if the additional measures shown in 10.11.1
& 10.11.2 are not provided.

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NOTE: In tunnels more than 180 m long (excluding the 40 m at each end), and where a limited
temperature range exists, there is no lower limit on track radius.

10.11.1 CWR in curved track - concrete and timber sleepers and timber bearers

On concrete and timber sleepers and timber bearers, lateral resistance plates may
be installed to avoid adjustments to CRT values. Lateral resistance plates should be
capable of being adjusted to permit tamping and re-alignment, in line with the
manufacturer's instructions.
Where installed, lateral resistance plates on concrete and timber sleepers and timber
bearers shall be configured as follows on curves with a radius between:
a) 500 to 351 m, one lateral resistance plate on alternate sleepers or bearers;
b) 350 to 250 m, one lateral resistance plate on each sleeper or bearer.

When installing lateral resistance plates, the sequence of work should be:
a) tamp to the correct line and level;
b) fit lateral resistance plates;
c) consolidate the ballast around the resistance plates; and
d) stress the track.
Lateral End Resistance Plates (LERP) to drawing RE/PW/736 shall not be used for
track renewals or new construction.

10.11.2 CWR in curved track - steel sleepers

Steel sleepers installed on curves with radii below 500 m shall be installed:
a) at 600 mm spacing:
b) with a 600 mm-wide ballast shoulder; and
c) without any discontinuity within the curve.
NOTE: Discontinuities includes a change of sleeper material (timber, concrete etc.), adjustment
switches and level crossings.
Where steel sleepers are installed on curves with radii between 350 m and 250 m
the following additional requirements and conditions may be applied to avoid
adjustments to CRT values:
d) steel sleepers with additional housings in the four-foot for strengthening rails (as
for guard rails) should be used;
e) sleepers should be installed with the extra housing for strengthening rails
alternating from side to side except around joints in the strengthening rails where
the two sleepers either side of the joint should have housings;
f) two strings of strengthening rails (made up of serviceable rails nominally 18 m
long) should be provided in the four-foot with joints staggered by 9 m;.
g) rail pads and insulators should be used with the strengthening rails; and

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h) strengthening rail joints should have normal fishplated expansion joints.

NOTE: Joints installed in strengthening rails shall be lubricated as for jointed track.

10.12 Rail lengths

10.12.1 Rail lengths in CWR

“Strings” of new 260R rail shall use rails that when rolled are not less than:
a) 108 m for track categories 1A and 1;
b) 36 m in track categories 2 and 3; and
c) 18 m in track categories 4, 5 and 6.
“Strings” of premium hardened rail steel should use rails of the longest available
The strings shall be of the maximum length possible to minimise the number of site

10.12.2 Maximum rail length - jointed track

The maximum length of rail between two fishplated joints shall be 30 m, except in
tunnels subject to a limited temperature range, where lengths of 55 m are permitted.
NOTE: see 10.11 for the maximum length of rails in curved track..
The standard length of rails in jointed track is 18.288 m and installed with fishplated
expansion joints.

10.12.3 Minimum rail length - permanent situation

The minimum length of rail in plain line between any type of rail joint shall be not less
a) 18 m where the linespeed is 90 mph or more;
b) 9 m below 90mph; or
c) in accordance with table 16 where site constraints make this unachievable.
Table 16 – Minimum rail lengths
Welded Insulated a Fishplated b
Between  and  m m m
Welded Track radius below 600 m 9.0 c 4.5 c 4.5
Track radius 600 m or more 4.5
Insulated 4.5 c 4.5 9.0
Fishplated 4.5 9.0 9.0

d d
Adjustment switch 4.5 4.5 5.0 d e
As approved for use in CWR.
Including insulated joints not approved for use in CWR.
In cases of particular difficulty, these distances may be reduced to 3 m with the agreement of the
RAM [Track].

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This distance does not include the machined length of the switch.
Only permitted during construction.

10.13 Temporary closure rails

10.13.1 General – temporary closure rails

When a temporary closure rail is replaced in CWR, the rail shall have its stress
reinstated in accordance with NR/L3/TRK/3011.

Temporary closure rails shall comply with either:

a) 10.12.3; or
b) 10.13.2 and 10.13.3 where short fishplated or clamped closures are used.
Joints shall not be constructed with a rail end gap exceeding 50 mm.
A closure rail shall be of the same nominal section and grade of steel as at least one
of the adjacent rails, and in no worse condition than either. The rail ends shall be
vertical and square with coplanar running surfaces. The two sleepers either side of
each joint shall be in good condition with secure fastenings and not voided.
The installation of closure rails should be planned to minimise the number of residual
NOTE: See table 17 for the maximum speeds where the rail gap is, or has opened up, over 50 mm.

10.13.2 Temporary Joints - Rails 4.5 m or longer

The permitted speed for temporary joints shall be the lowest shown in table 17,
according to the type of joint and the rail end gap involved.
See table 18 for rail gaps greater than 50 mm and fly-fished joints.

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Table 17 – Temporary joints - Rails 4.5 m or longer

Joint type Maximum speed Time limit
Fully bolted with high-tensile  90 mph 14 days, or 28 days when
bolts  125 mph if tight-jointed at both approved by RAM [Track]
ends and in CWR
Temporary joint fishplates d,  80mph 7 days
back-hole bolted with high-
tensile bolts, and centre
clamps d
Back-hole bolted  50 mph 14 days, with extension to
28 days c
Clamped a b  50 mph for gaps up to 10 mm 7 days, with extension to
 20 mph for gaps between 10 21 days c
mm and 50 mm
Joints fitted with emergency clamped fishplates and a Network Rail-approved clamping system
shall be limited to 50 mph.
The speed shall not exceed 20 mph unless all of the following apply:
a) both rail ends have been sawn or disc cut;
b) abutting rail heads are in line;
c) the gap between rail ends does not exceed 10mm (Note that, in order to control the gap, if
the rail temperature changes, it might be necessary to impose more frequent inspection or, in
CWR, to install temporary adjustment switches);
d) there are no voids under the two sleepers each side of the joint (that is four sleepers total);
e) the clamping system is approved by Network Rail for use at 50mph. (G-clamps shall only be
used with emergency fishplates for the clamping of defective welds and rails); and
f) the fishplates are correct in terms of rail section and lift.
Any extension beyond 14 days for backhole joints or 7 days for clamped joints shall be subject to
approval by the RAM [Track]. Approval shall be dependent upon either:
a) removal being planned and dated, and additional controls being implemented and
documented; or
b) speed being reduced to 20 mph for the duration of the extension period.
Fishplates and clamps shall be specifically approved for operation at 80mph. The joint shall be
installed and inspected in accordance with the procedure for their use.

10.13.3 Rails shorter than 4.5 m – use and permitted speed

Rails shorter than 4.5 m between fishplated or clamped joints shall not be used,
except in connection with passing trains over broken or defective rails. In this case
the rail shall be at least 2.0 m long and supported by at least three sound and well-
packed sleepers or bearers.
A speed of 20 mph may be applied provided that:
a) the rail is securely clamped or back-hole-bolted (not fly-fished) to the adjacent rail
at both ends;
b) neither joint gap exceeds 10 mm ; and
c) the fishplates are correct in terms of rail section and lift.
If either gap subsequently exceeds 10 mm, thee speed shall be reduced to 5 mph.
The line shall be blocked if either gap subsequently exceeds 50 mm.

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A speed of 50 mph may be applied if the rail is fitted with fully-bolted fishplated joints
at both ends.
These requirements are subject to a time limit of 48 hours, with a 24-hourly
inspection during that period.

10.13.4 Temporary joints - fly-fished and wide gap joints

The maximum permitted speeds for fly-fished and wide gaps joints shall be as shown
in table 18.

Table 18 – Temporary joints – fly-fished and wide gap joints

Joint type Maximum speed
Clamped  5 mph if gap exceeds 50 mm,
 Line to be blocked if gap exceeds 75 mm
Fly-fished, with gap up to 50mm  5 mph
 20 mph with Watchman,
Fly-fished, with gap over 50mm  Line to be blocked

10.14 Location of fishplated joints

Fishplated joints shall not be installed within level crossings.

The location of insulated rail joints should suit signalling and electrification

10.14.1 Fishplated joints - underbridges

The minimum distance shown in table 19 shall be provided between expansion

fishplated rail joints and the features shown.

Table 19 – Fishplated joint location at Underbridges

Fishplated joint location at Underbridges
End of ballasted bridge deck 2.5 m a

End of direct fastened bridge deck 4.5 m a

End of long timber 4.5 m b

In the case of a skew bridge this distance may be taken along the centre of the four-foot.
May be reduced within a bridge, where two timbers abut. The joint should be at least 2
m from the ends of the timbers wherever practicable.

Fishplated joints should not, as far as practicable, be located on structures.

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10.15 Joints in CWR

Rails with flame-cut rail ends and flame-cut holes in rails or fishplates shall not be
installed in track.

10.15.1 Welded joints in CWR (welds)

Welds in CWR shall be either flash-butt or aluminothermic. They shall comply with
NR/L2/TRK/0032 & RT/CE/S/130.
The two sleepers on each side of a weld (four in total) shall be of the same material
and depth.
Site-made welds shall be made mid-way between sleepers.
Site-made welds should not become located over sleepers or baseplates during
stressing operations.

10.15.2 Insulated joints in CWR

New track designs shall be reviewed to eliminate the need for or minimise the
number of insulated joints in CWR.
Glued joints shall be factory-assembled.
All insulated joints shall be assembled in accordance with the manufacturer's
Where installed on baseplates, the baseplates shall have compatible fastening
positions for the type of joint.
The centre of the joint shall be located mid-way between sleepers. Joints shall not be
moved during stressing operations to a position that prevents the rail fastenings from
being installed.
The two sleepers on each side of an insulated joint (four in total) shall be of the same
material and depth.
In category 1A, 1 and 2 lines or where the cant deficiency exceeds 110 mm,
insulated joints shall be 6-hole shop-prepared glued units.
6-hole glued joints shall not be used where the track radius is below 400 m.

On lower category track and lower cant deficiencies insulated joints should be of a 6-
hole shop prepared glued units type wherever practicable.
Where dry insulated joints are installed at an existing joint, the condition of the rail
ends and the holes should be suitable for continued use.

10.15.3 Tight fishplated joints in CWR

Tight fishplated joints in CWR shall be assembled with the correct:

a) fishplates for the rail sections (allowing for any differential rail wear); and
b) assembly of bolts, nuts and washers.
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There shall be no gap between the rail ends when the rail is drilled.
Fishbolts shall be tightened to the torque values given in table 20.

Table 20 – Torque settings for tight fishplated joints

Type of fishplate Bolt diameter and type Torque to be applied

25.4 mm (1”) -High tensile 880 Nm

Tight joint fishplate
29 mm (1⅛”) -High tensile 1020 Nm

10.16 Rail joints/welds in level crossings

Flash butt welded joints, if located within the crossing, shall permit the crossing deck
units to fit correctly.
No fishplated joints or aluminothermic welded joints shall be located within level
crossings or road-rail vehicle access points.

10.17 Adjustment switches

10.17.1 Provision and siting

Adjustment switches shall be provided:

a) between CWR and jointed track;
b) between CWR and adjacent unstrengthened S&C (see 11.8); and
c) clear of the structural expansion joint of the moving end of any underline bridge
(see 6.5.5).
Adjustment switches shall be lubricated at installation and when the gap is set.
Clamp-plate bolts shall be tightened so that the gap in the spring washer is 1 mm.
The gap and overlap shall be set as specified in table 21.

Table 21 – Setting of Adjustment switches

Rail temperature Overlap of switch rails Gap opening
°C mm mm
-4 to 2 635 125
3 to 7 641 119
8 to 13 648 112
14 to 18 654 106
19 to 27 660 100
Where the gap openings(s) are inconsistent with the overlap dimension, the overlap dimension
takes precedent.

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New adjustment switches shall be welded so that the distance from the machined
portion of the switch to the nearest fishplated joint is not less than 9 m.
Adjustment switches shall not be installed as a permanent feature to overcome
staging or planning difficulties.
Adjustment switches should ideally be sited on straight track. They should be laid
with strap rails and the inside tongues trailing to the dominant direction of traffic.
Lengths of CWR exceeding 120 m should be provided with an adjustment switch at
both ends.

10.17.2 Temporary adjustment switches

When CWR is being extended week by week under cover of a temporary speed
restriction, adjustment switches may be temporarily fishplated to the CWR.

10.17.3 Fastening toe loads – stress transition length

The toe load of clips used in the stress transitioned length approaching an
adjustment switch shall be equal to or less than the toe load of the fastenings in the
first 130 m of the stressed length.
See table 22 for toe loads of commonly used rail fastenings.

Table 22 – Fastening Toe Loads

Clip Type Toe Load – kN per clip
Mills <6.5
SHC 6.5
PR400 series 6.5
e1800 series 9.0
Fastclip 10.0
Vossloh W14 10.0
e2000 series 12.5
e-plus series 12.5
Values are per clip, and assume all components are in a ‘as new’ condition.

10.18 Joints in jointed track

Rails with flame-cut rail ends and flame-cut holes in rails or fishplates shall not be
installed in track.
Fishplated joints shall be assembled with the correct:
a) fishplates for the rail sections (allowing for any differential rail wear); and
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b) assembly of bolts, nuts and washers.

The two sleepers on each side of an insulated joint (four in total) shall be of the same
material and depth.

10.18.1 Forming of joints

When joining two rails by means of a fishplated joint:

a) fishing surfaces of expansion fishplates and all bolts used in fishplates shall be
lubricated during site assembly;
b) any end defects or damage at the rail ends shall be cut back or the rail replaced;
c) different rail profiles and rail depths shall be accommodated by the use of
junction and lift fishplates;
d) the gap required between the rail ends for expansion shall be provided as
specified in table 23; and
e) fishbolts shall be tightened to 475 Nm.

Table 23 – Expansion gap settings for rails

Rail temperature Expansion gap
ºC mm
Below 10 10
10 - 23 6
24 - 37 3
38 or above 0

In an insulated joint, the gap shall suit the thickness of the end-post.

Where rails with differential sidewear are fishplated together the step in the running
edge shall be blended in by grinding as follows:
a) blended length shall be 1.5 m from the joint;
b) the sidewear angle of the more sideworn rail shall be maintained throughout the
blended length;
c) the gauge corner shall be rounded throughout the blended length; sharp or square
edges are not permitted; and
d) a fully-supported grinder (that is mounted on both rails) shall be used; manual
support alone is not permitted.
The centre of the joint shall be located mid-way between sleepers.
Joints shall normally be located opposite each other in the same bay. They may be
located in different bays with the agreement of the RAM [Track].
If joints have been formed at a rail temperature lower than 0° C or greater than 45° C
a joint closure temperature survey shall be carried out as soon as practicable when
the rail temperature falls within the range of 10 to 37° C.
NOTE 1: See also 10.13 for reference to restrictions regarding temporary joints, and section 13 for
reference to cold expansion of bolt holes.
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NOTE 2: See NR/L2/TRK/001 for the requirements for joint closure temperature surveys.

10.19 Rail anchors

Rail anchors shall be specified in locations where rail creep is known to be or is

expected to be a problem.

NOTE: Anchors are not necessary in new CWR track. They might be necessary in jointed track.

10.20 Rail and baseplate pads

Pads shall be provided as required by the design of the baseplate or sleeper.

Older designs of rail pads described as “grooved”, “pimpled” or “dimpled” shall not be
used in level crossings or wet areas of tunnels.
Newer designs of rail pads with cylindrical studs (described as “studded”) may be
used in level crossings and wet areas of tunnels.
On curves above 400 m radius rail pads on concrete sleepers shall be of a “high
impact attenuation” type. Where thin pads are used with serviceable sleepers, they
shall have the maximum impact attenuation obtainable.
On curves below 400 m radius, a stiffer, low impact attenuation, pad shall be used to
prevent any tendency towards rail roll-over.

NOTE: The principal types and performance requirements of pads are specified in

11 Specification of switches and crossings

11.1 S&C - track gauge

Track gauge shall be measured at right angles to and between the heads of the rails
in a plane 14 mm below their top surface.
Nominal track gauge for S&C renewals shall be:
a) 1432 mm for CEN56 Vertical S&C; and
b) 1435 mm for CEN60 S&C.
Where the radius is below 200 m gauge widening shall be provided when:
a) detailed on RE/PW drawings; and
b) on non-standard designs or curved layouts where it is practicable to do so.
See 6.8.1 for the minimum radius for S&C and 10.1.1 for details of gauge widening.

NOTE 1: Tolerances are specified in appendix A.


NOTE 2: When measuring track gauge within the machined area of the switches, the undercut
on the stock rail will give a false reading when measured with a conventional track gauge. If in
doubt determine the gauge by using the field face of the stock rail as reference point.

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11.2 S&C - choice of turnout and junction layouts

NR/L3/TRK/2049 gives details of leads and radii for standard designs of turnouts,
diamonds and junction layouts. Where possible the “preferred” geometries should be

11.3 S&C - bearers, ballast depths and formation

The type and design of switches, crossings, bearers and ballast depths shall be as
shown in table 24.
Blanketing and formation treatment may also be required according to local
Table 24 – Selection of S&C components
ballast Recommended extent
Track a b
Design of S&C Bearers depths c of associated Plain
line d, e
1A g & 1 New Shallow Depth CEN56 Concrete 300 18 m off toes, 36 m off
Vertical for switches CV to FV. h last long bearer, plus
New CEN60 S&C for fittings with ballast ramps
SG, G & H switches
2 New Shallow Depth CEN 56 Concrete 300 18 m off toes, 27 m off
Vertical for switches CV to FV. last long bearer, plus
New CEN60 S&C for fittings with ballast ramps
SG, G & H switches
3 New Shallow Depth CEN56 Concrete 300 18 m plus ramps either
Vertical side of new S&C

4 New Shallow Depth CEN56 Concrete 300 18 m plus ramps either
Vertical, CCB or semi fabricated side of new S&C
5&6 Serviceable or new Shallow Depth Concrete, 250 9 m plus ramps either
Running CEN56 Vertical, semi or fully hardwood side of new S&C
Lines fabricated crossings
5&6 Serviceable or new CEN56 Concrete, 200
Sidings Vertical, semi or fully fabricated hardwood
See NR/L3/TRK/2049 for the Maximum speeds through short switches and complex S&C.
Approved hollow bearers shall be used within switch panels as dictated by the choice of Point
Operating Mechanism.
Depths are measured below bearer.
Extent of associated plain line may be reduced if the existing track has not yet reached its half life.
See 10.3.3 for the requirements for ballast ramps.
See RT/CE/S/063.
Only S&C manufactured using CEN60 rails with concrete bearers shall be installed where line
speeds exceed 125 mph.

Hardwood timbers may be used with CEN56 Vertical S&C where physical
constraints prevent the use of concrete bearers
New or serviceable RT60 or NR60 S&C may be used as appropriate.

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BR109 inclined or bullhead may be used when renewing leads on a like for like basis
on lower category lines.
Renewal of rail and sleepers within the ramp is dependent upon their condition.

11.3.1 S&C - CWR

Where installed in CWR track, S&C units shall be of a CWR-compatible design and
be welded and stressed on installation.
Crossings without welded-on leg-ends shall be joined to the adjacent rails with tight
fishplated joints.
NOTE: See 0 for details of CWR-compatibility of S&C and 11.8 for requirements on the use of
adjustment switches with S&C.

11.3.2 S&C – High cant deficiencies


CEN60 S&C on concrete bearers shall be provided with high speed type E check
rails where the:
a) line speed is greater than 90 mph; and
b) cant or cant deficiency exceeds 90 mm..

11.3.3 S&C – Ballast depths and formation treatment

Ballast profiles in S&C shall be as for plain line (6.3). They shall be kept 100 mm
below the top of the bearer in beds containing stretcher bars, switch drive and
detection equipment.
Point motor extended bearers shall either have full ballast shoulders (as for plain line
6.3) or have the ends supported by a ballast retaining wall.
Ballast compaction and excavation shall be as for plain line (10.3).
Ballast depths in associated plain line shall be the same as the S&C.
A single layer of large aperture bi-axial grids shall be installed under S&C and
associated plain line at the base of the ballast on all installations. They may be
omitted with the agreement of the RAM[T] if it is not practicable to install them in the
possession time available.

11.3.4 S&C – Re-ballasting of S&C

Jointed or timber bearer S&C in category 1A, 1 or 2 track shall only be re-ballasted
with the agreement of the RAM[Track].

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11.4 Switches

11.4.1 Switches - general

The switch rail, stock rail and baseplates in both half-sets shall be a matched set.
They shall comply with RE/PW drawings.
In CWR track switches (other than in switch diamonds) fitted with an anti-creep
device (‘ball & claw’) should be specified in preference to stress transfer blocks.
See 6.8.1 for the minimum radius for switches.

11.4.2 Restrictions on designs of switches

Shallow depth switches shall not be used with handpoints (unworked points) or
mechanical point operation.
Full depth switches (excluding switch diamonds) shall not be installed where the line
speed exceeds 90 mph.
Straight-cut or inset switches shall not be installed in a trailing situation without
approval by the Head of Track.

NOTE: See 17.2 regarding the lubrication of new switches.

11.4.3 Switch diamonds

Switch diamonds shall be provided instead of fixed obtuse crossings where:

a) the line speed is 110mph or greater;
b) the angle of crossing is flatter than 1 in 8 (exceptionally 1 in 8.69 with the
approval of the Head of Track);
c) the cant on either route through the crossing exceeds 100 mm;
d) negative cant occurs on either route through the crossing; and
e) radius of either track is tighter than the minimum shown in table 24.
Strengthened designs are only permitted in angles sharper than 1:15.
A soleplate or approved equivalent shall be provided at the toes to connect opposite
wing rails rigidly and maintain track gauge.
Standard designs flatter than 1:17 are suitable for use in CWR.
Stretcher bars & soleplates
The number of stretcher bars (or approved equivalent) shall be as shown on the
relevant standard drawings.

A "kicking strap" and soleplate (or steel bearer) shall be provided at the toe position.

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11.4.4 Switch securing device

An approved point clip system or switch securing device should be supplied for each
point end on concrete bearer S&C.

11.4.5 Roller and low friction baseplates

Roller baseplates and plastic insert (slippers) shall not be used on train operated
points (for example spring points and hydro-pneumatic points) or handpoints
(unworked points).
Roller or other approved low-friction baseplates shall be provided as shown on the

RE/PW drawings.
Roller baseplates shall be configured according to the manufacturer's

11.5 Crossings

Crossings shall not be located on bearers that change rake through the length of the
Tight jointed fishplates in diamonds and insulated rail joints are the only types of
fishplated joint permitted on the welded-on extension legs of cast crossings.

11.5.1 Crossings - hardness

Austenitic cast manganese steel crossings installed on category of 1A, 1 or 2 track

shall be pre-hardened to a minimum hardness of 320BHN on the running surface
over the full length of the casting.

NOTE: 320BHN is normally achieved by Explosive Depth Hardening (EDH). EDH crossings
need to be specifically ordered and have a longer lead time.

11.5.2 Crossings – restrictions on type

Semi-fabricated crossings shall only be used where the line speed is 90 mph or less.
Fully-fabricated and semi-fabricated crossings shall not be used where annual
tonnage exceeds 15 EMGT.
Fully-fabricated crossings shall only be used where the line speed is 75 mph or less.

11.5.3 Fixed obtuse crossings

Fixed obtuse crossings shall only be installed where:

a) the line speed is 105mph or less;
b) the angle of crossing is sharper than 1 in 8;
c) the cant on either route through the crossing does not exceed 100 mm;
d) there is no negative cant on either route through the crossing; and
e) radius of either track is flatter than the minimum shown in table 25.

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Table 25 – Minimum radii for obtuse crossings

Angle Desirable and minimum radius for fixed obtuse crossing
1 in 5.5 or less Desirable 180 m. Minimum 160 m
1 in 6 Desirable 200 m. Minimum 180 m
1 in 6.5 Desirable 300 m. Minimum 240 m
1 in 7 Desirable 400 m. Minimum 300 m
1 in 7.5 Desirable 500 m. Minimum 400 m
1 in 8 Desirable 600 m. Minimum 500 m

Any track radius through an obtuse crossing shall extend for a minimum of 8 m
beyond each end of the crossing unit.
Raised check rails in obtuse-angle crossings shall not be used in slips or scissors
crossovers in third or fourth rail electrified areas if they could foul collector shoes.
1 in 8 obtuse crossings installed with a similar flexure through alignment shall be
provided with raised check rails. A switch diamond shall be provided if the raised
check would foul third or fourth rail collector shoes.
1 in 8.69 obtuse crossings shall be installed with raised check rails. They shall only
be used in NR60 E12.5 double junctions where the through alignment is either
straight or contraflexure. They shall only be used with the approval of the Head of
Fixed obtuse crossings shall be cast manganese monobloc or cast manganese
centre block in track categories 1A to 4.
Spare obtuse crossings should be provided as directed by the RAM [Track] for
locations where performance is deemed to be critical.

11.5.4 Grinding of crossings following installation

When new crossings are installed they shall be inspected at the frequencies shown
below. They shall be ground or weld repaired if there are signs of damage or wear:
a) 6 weeks (but not more than 8 weeks);
b) 13 weeks (but not more than 15 weeks);
c) 26 weeks (but not more than 30 weeks); and
d) 52 weeks (but not more than 56 weeks).
If necessary, new crossings shall be re-profiled by grinding and/or weld repair.

In all cases, the crossing area should be packed prior to grinding to eliminate voiding
and provide good support.

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11.6 Bearers

11.6.1 Bearers - general

Bearer for turnouts and crossovers shall be in accordance with the relevant RE/PW
For more complex layouts, the following requirements additionally apply:
a) bearer positions shown on RE/PW drawings for turnouts, crossovers, diamonds
and junctions shall be used wherever possible;
b) ends of timber bearers shall normally extend 200 mm from the edge of the nearest
chair, baseplate or conductor rail support; this distance shall never be less than 50
c) bearers may be gapped in the four-foot provided the adjacent bearers in that four-
foot maintain gauge;
d) bearers supporting fixed crossing noses shall not be gapped in the adjacent four-
e) interlacing or joining of shorter than appropriate timber bearers is not permitted;

f) bearers shall normally be at right angles to the main or through track and be at a
nominal spacing of 710mm for CEN56 Vertical S&C or 650mm for CEN60 S&C; and
g) bearers under obtuse crossings shall be positioned at right angles to the centre
line of the diamond.

NOTE: Bearers connected together with a Network Rail bearer tie to RE/PW/2282 or
RE/PW/2288 are not regarded as being “gapped”.

Timber and concrete bearers shall only be mixed in the same unit with the
agreement of the RAM [Track].
Concrete bearers shall not normally be drilled on site to accept rail or baseplate
fastenings, these holes being formed during manufacture. Site drilling shall only be
undertaken where the work has been assessed by the bearer manufacturer and
undertaken by the manufacturer or their approved suppliers.
Concrete bearers may be drilled on site for signalling equipment or other
attachments. Drilling shall be subject to the use of:
a) a template approved by the bearer manufacturer;
b) an approved method of drilling that shall not cause damage to the bearer; and
c) fastenings which will not crack or shatter the concrete.
NOTE: See NR/L3/TRK/4130 for requirements.

11.6.2 Soffit levels in S&C

The bearer soffit levels, relative to rail level, shall vary within individual turnouts by
no more than ±10 mm.

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11.6.3 Bearer ties in S&C

Bearer ties shall not be positioned in the four foot of switch panels.
AWS magnets, TPWS equipment and axle counters shall not be installed in beds
with bearer ties.
Where bearers are split into three ‘parts’ the centre section shall contain at least one
pair of rails across track gauge.
No more than two ties shall be used on a bearer.
S&C containing bearer ties shall have the cant and longitudinal levels designed so
that tracks connected by tied bearers have no difference in the plane of the rails or a
change in gradient within 18 m of a tied bearer.
Bearer ties shall be positioned as shown on RE/PW general arrangement drawings.
For geometries where general arrangement drawings with bearer ties are not
available ties shall be positioned in line with the principles shown below:

a) the number of ties shall be kept to a minimum, short ended bearers shall be used
to reduce the number of ties;
b) bearers shall be shortened on the turnout or crossover route before being
shortened on the through route;
c) ties shall be positioned in the 6’ rather than the 4’;
d) where ties have to be positioned in the 4’ they shall be installed on the turnout or
crossover line in preference to the through route;
e) the number of part bearers supporting only one rail shall be kept to a minimum;
f) the lengths of part bearers shall where practicable be in increments of 75mm;
g) in crossovers spanning parallel tracks (with matching geometry on sides) the
position of bearer ties and bearer lengths shall be mirrored either side of the mid-
point of the crossover.

11.6.4 Lateral resistance plates in S&C

Lateral resistance plates shall be fitted on all CWR full depth timbered S&C as a
minimum on every bearer from the first heel block to six timbers beyond the toes.
Lateral end resistance plates (LERP) conforming to drawing RE/PW/736 shall not be
used for new installations.
A strengthening beam may be proposed as an alternative.

11.6.5 Two-levelling in S&C

Wherever practicable, cant deficiency should be maximised to avoid the need for two

Two levelling, with the crossing either higher or lower, affects the wheel transfer
between wing rail and crossing nose; in most cases leading to high impact forces
which worsen with increasing speed. The effect is more pronounced for sharper
angle crossings.
NOTE: See NR/L3/TRK/2049 for requirements.
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11.7 Check rails in S&C

Check rails shall be provided opposite all fixed common crossings and as part of all
fixed obtuse crossings. They shall have the approved end flares and flangeways.
Raised check rails shall only be used in connection with obtuse crossings or as
otherwise shown on RE/PW drawings. They shall not be used in S&C in third or
fourth rail electrified areas if they would conflict with the collector shoe.
Flame-cut check rail flares shall not be used.
Achievement of check gauge shall take precedence over check flangeway (subject
to a minimum 38 mm flangeway).
Where the location of S&C on curves creates track radii below 200 m, the turnout
and/or through legs of the S&C shall be provided with check rails.

11.8 Adjustment switches with S&C

S&C shall not form part of a stress transition length.

Requirements for adjustment switches between CWR compatible S&C and plain line
are shown in tables 26 and 27.
S&C units which are not CWR-compatible (see 0) shall be isolated from CWR by
adjustment switches.


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Table 26 – Use of adjustment switches at S&C with stress transfer blocks

Requirement for Requirement for
Type of track in Type of track behind
adjustment switch in adjustment switch
front of toes crossing
front of toes behind crossing
Jointed Optional a Both tracks jointed Optional b
Jointed Optional b
CWR Mandatory
Both tracks CWR Mandatory
CWR Mandatory Both tracks jointed Optional b
Not required Jointed Optional b
CWR Not required
Not required Both tracks CWR Not required
“Optional” becomes “Mandatory” if the distance from the crossing joint or weld to the first fishplated
joint in front of the toes exceeds 37 m.
“Optional” becomes “Mandatory” if the distance between the last stress transfer block and the first
fishplated joint in the extension of the stock rail past the crossing exceeds 37 m.

Table 27 – Use of adjustment switches at S&C with anti creep devices (ball and
Requirement for Requirement for
Type of track in Type of track behind
adjustment switch in adjustment switch
front of toes crossing
front of toes behind crossing
Jointed Optional c Both tracks jointed Optional c
Jointed Optional c
CWR Mandatory
Both tracks CWR Mandatory
CWR Mandatory Both tracks jointed Optional c
Not required Jointed Mandatory d
CWR Not required
Not required Both tracks CWR Not required
“Optional” becomes “Mandatory” if the length of rail, without expansion gaps, of which the stock rail
forms part exceeds 37 m.
The length of welded rail, of which the stock rail forms part, shall extend from the switch heel for a
minimum distance of one stress transition length prior to the adjustment switch. If an anchor point
occurs within this distance then the adjustment switch may be omitted.

11.9 Joints in S&C

The requirements of 10.12 to 10.15 and 10.18 also generally apply to S&C. In
a) S&C in running lines shall be welded and stressed except when the design is not
capable of being stressed or local site conditions make stressing impractical;
b) the location of welded joints shall take account of the accessibility for welding and
the fitting of tensors for stressing; and
c) tight-joint fishplates may be used in S&C where welding is not possible. They
shall be stressed and comply with the requirements for maximum rail lengths).
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11.10 Forged joints in S&C

An aluminothermic weld formed in the sleeper-bay adjacent to that containing a

forged transition at the heel of a shallow-depth switch shall:
a) be no less than 1.3 m from the end of the flexing length of the switch rail (i.e.
there shall be at least two intervening fully-fastened rail seats); and
b) Comply with the minimum weld-to-weld and weld-to-insulated joint distances
specified in 11.11.

11.10.1 Insulated rail joints in S&C

Insulated rail joints should normally be positioned as shown on RE/PW drawings.

They should be located in the turnout rails in preference to the through rails.
The location of temporary insulated joints required for staging purposes should be
decided at the design stage so that plans for their inclusion or removal can be made.
S&C designs should avoid:
a) having toe-to-toe switches joined directly at the stock rail fronts by insulated
joints; and
b) joining stock rail fronts directly to the back of crossings by glued insulated joints.

11.11 Minimum rail length in S&C

The minimum length of a welded or jointed plain closure rail within S&C shall be:
a) 4.5 m; or
b) 2.6 m providing it is supported on at least four bearers and has the approval
of the RAM [Track]; or
c) 1.95 m, when it forms one leg of a welded-in shop-made glued insulated joint
providing it is supported on at least three bearers and has the approval of the
RAM [Track].
Extension rails welded to cast crossings are normally 2.6 m (4 beds) or as shown on
RE/PW drawings. Extension legs may be 1.95 m providing they are supported on at
least three bearers and welded at both ends.

11.12 Maximum rail length in unstressed S&C

The maximum length of rails in unstressed (jointed) S&C shall be 37 m.

11.13 Pre-curving of rails in S&C

Below 500 m radius closure rails in S&C shall be pre-curved.

11.14 Signalling equipment in S&C

AWS magnets shall only be used in concrete bearer CEN56 vertical S&C if they are
placed on type R baseplated bearers.

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See 11.6.3 for the requirements for bearer ties and AWS magnets, TPWS equipment
and axle counters.

12 Conversion of jointed track to CWR

12.1 Approval for conversion

All proposals to convert jointed track to CWR shall be approved by the RAM [Track].
Track to be converted shall have a minimum of 24 sleepers per length with the
fastening types shown in table 28.
Anchor lengths and the lateral stability of the track shall be assessed and found to be
satisfactory before granting approval.
See 6.5.7 regarding changing loads on structures.

Table 28 – Fastenings approved for conversion of jointed track to CWR

Concrete sleepers
a) cast-in housings
b) converted F10 sleepers, with PR401A or e clips
c) Pan9 conversion of E1 sleepers, with PR401A clips
d) converted F16 sleepers, with PR401A or e clips
e) E1 sleepers with BH chairs and steel keys (but use wood keys in

Wood sleepers and longitudinal timbers

f) screw-fastened Pandrol baseplates with appropriate pads and clips (e
clips may be used in SG iron baseplates)
g) BH chairs in tunnels with wood keys

Steel sleepers
h) All spade ended steel sleepers are suitable for use in CWR

12.2 Rail requirements for conversion

FB98lb rail shall not be used when converting by re-railing.

Prior to conversion, rails shall be visually and ultrasonically examined. Defects which
would require replacement within 13 weeks shall be removed or repaired.
NOTE: See NR/L2/TRK/001 for defect classifications and removal
Rails for welding shall be at least 12 m long.
NOTE: This allows for the cropping of existing 13.7m (45-ft) rails.

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The minimum radius for the conversion of jointed track by site welding to CWR shall
be 500 m.
Jointed rails converted to CWR should have a minimum of 5 years residual life.

12.2.1 Conversion by aluminothermic welding

In track categories 1A, to 3 rails shall be cropped to remove fishbolt holes. In track
categories 4, to 6, bolt holes may remain, providing the weld geometry requirements
can be met.

NOTE: See NR/L2/TRK/3410 for proximity requirements when cropping rails.

12.2.2 Conversion by mobile flash butt welding

Rails shall be disc cut or sawn to remove fishbolt holes and prepare the rail ends for

12.3 Preparation for conversion

The two sleepers each side of a weld (i.e. four in total) shall be of the same material
and depth.
Replacement sleepers shall comply with table 28.
Rail pads shall be renewed.
The critical rail temperature (CRT) shall be assessed and confirmed when stressed.
Converted track should have any cracked, decayed or ineffective sleepers replaced
prior to conversion. Softwood sleepers should be free of internal decay and of splits
extending into the baseplate area.

12.4 Ballast

Ballast shoulders shall be provided as for new CWR track.

To reduce the risk of buckling all ballast, including shoulder ballast, shall be free of
wet beds and able to permit free drainage. Any voiding shall be assessed and
appropriate adjustments made to the CRT.

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13 Holes in rails

13.1 General

Where required, holes in rails shall comply with RT/CE/S/008 and be:
a) as shown on relevant RE/PW drawings; or
b) as otherwise specified. .
Flame-cut holes are not permitted.
All permanent fishbolt holes factory drilled or site drilled in CWR shall be cold
expanded (see RT/CE/S/050).
Where bond holes are required, they shall not be drilled less than 525 mm from the
rail end, or within 30 mm of a weld. They shall not be closer than 75 mm centres and
shall be located wholly within +15 mm of the level of the fishbolt hole centreline.
Where rails are cropped, bond holes within 525mm of the new cut rail end should
also be removed.

13.2 Retention of bolt holes in CWR

New CWR plain line in track categories 1A, 1 and 2 shall be planned to be installed
without redundant holes greater than 15 mm diameter.
Where the creation of fishplate backholes is unavoidable, they shall be:
a) ultrasonically inspected prior to welding and be free of cracking;
b) cold bolt hole expanded;
c) agreed by the RAM [Track]; and
d) ultrasonically inspected as fishplated joints for the first six months after welding as
specified in NR/L2/TRK/001.

In track categories 3 to 6, and within S&C in all track categories, fishplate backholes
shall be:

a) ultrasonically inspected prior to welding and be free of cracking; and

b) ultrasonically inspected as fishplated joints once within the first twelve months
after welding as specified in NR/L2/TRK/001.
For track categories 3 to 6 and the turnout routes of S&C, backholes satisfying these
requirements do not need to be cold expanded.
Redundant front bolt holes shall not be retained in any track category.

NOTE: These requirements do not apply when jointed track is converted to CWR by site
welding of existing rails. Such conversions require site-specific approval by the RAM [Track]:
see NR/L3/TRK/3011.

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13.3 Cold expanded jointed track

On existing cold-expanded jointed plain line routes all new site-drilled fishbolt holes
shall be cold expanded and marked. Fishbolt holes in replacement serviceable rails,
if not already cold expanded, shall be in accordance with RT/CE/S/051.

14 Geometry targets and tolerances

The geometry and clearance tolerances for track opening to traffic at linespeed
following renewal or any other construction activity where geometry has been
disturbed shall be as specified in appendix A. The achievement of these tolerances
shall be a pre-condition of acceptance by Network Rail of track into maintenance.
The values in table A.1 are for ballasted track, track supported by longitudinal
timbers, short lengths of track (generally less than 30 m) with direct fastenings or
embedded rails.
The values in table A.2 are for track installed as slab track.
The track quality standards required on installed track shall be as specified in table

Band 1 values shall apply to whole ⅛th mile sections of new track for:
a) new construction using new rail;
b) new rail, new or serviceable sleepers, with associated reballasting;
c) new rail on steel sleepers on scarified ballast; and
d) rerailing with new rail on existing sleepers when associated with ballast treatment.

Band 2 values shall apply to whole ⅛th mile sections of new track for:
a) new construction using serviceable rail;
b) serviceable rail, new or serviceable sleepers, with associated reballasting;
c) serviceable rail on steel sleepers on scarified ballast;
d) rerailing with serviceable rail on existing sleepers when associated with ballast
e) all other types of renewals except rerailing which is not associated with ballast
treatment work; and
f) all eighth/quarter mile sections containing plain line within 200 m run in and run
out for any of the above work provided that the work comprises more than 60% of
the length of the eighth/quarter mile.

The target standard deviation for the adjacent existing track shall be the:
a) lower (i.e. higher standard of geometry) of the last recorded value prior to the
renewal; or
b) ‘satisfactory’ target value for the track geometry quality band.

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The designer shall calculate the design alignment standard deviation for each
alignment string using software agreed by Head of Track.

15 Tamping and dynamic track stabilisers

15.1 Tamping S&C

S&C shall only be tamped by machines suitable for the unit being installed. As a
minimum, machines with a third lifting point and extending tamping banks shall be
Parallel tamping shall be used on S&C with bearers through two tracks where
insufficient access is available for the layout to be tamped by a single machine in

one possession, or where machines with a third lifting point are not available.

15.2 Geometry chart recorders

Where fitted, geometry chart recorders shall be used to measure the track geometry
at spate and quality tamps on both plain line and S&C. The data recorders shall be
set up to record the following channels in the following order:
a) cross-level;
b) 3 m twist;
c) track gauge;
d) horizontal geometry (as horizontal versines using lining chord on tamper); and
e) vertical geometry (as vertical versines using lining chord on tamper).

In addition, where geometry chart recorders are fitted to DTS or combinations of

DTS and tampers and regulators:
f) measurement of the increased lateral stability by action of the DTS; and
g) measurement of the vertical load applied by the DTS.
Where the DTS is the last machine to be used prior to the track being opened to
traffic, it shall be applied in “Automatic mode”.

16 Marking of geometry details on site

The start, finish and length of each transition curve and the cant in 5 mm steps shall
be marked permanently on the sleepers. The radius of curvature shall be marked at
the end of the transition. The cant shall be marked at intervals throughout the circular
curve. The lettering shall be black on a yellow background.
Datum marks related to the design alignment, level and cant of new/relaid track shall
be provided:
a) in accordance with NR/L2/TRK/3201, to every structure such as overbridge
abutments and underbridge parapets, platforms, walls etc., where kinematic
vehicle/structure clearances are below 200 mm (up to 3300 mm above rail level)
or 250 mm (above 3300 mm above rail level);
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b) at each overhead line mast and, where practicable, other contact wire supports
on overhead-electrified lines;
c) at suitable intervals to enable maintenance of track geometry on high cant
deficiency curves (i.e. where the cant deficiency might exceed 150 mm); and
d) on all S&C renewal sites by approved monuments.

Datum marks shall be resistant to disturbance. Details of the datum marks and their
offsets shall be supplied to Network Rail Maintenance.

16.1 High cant deficiency curves

High cant deficiency curves (deficiency >150 mm) shall be installed by machines
capable of achieving the design vertical and horizontal alignments and of producing
a post-installation record of the alignment.
All such curves and adjacent transitions shall be marked every 200 m and at each
milepost on the sleeper in the four-foot with a blue plate with the words “HCD” in

17 Rail flange lubrication

17.1 Provision of lubricators

Existing rail flange lubricators shall be reinstated or replaced when track is renewed
or rerailed.

NOTE 1: Where rail flange lubricators are needed to address a series of curves an electric rail
flange lubricator should be provided.

Where no lubricators exist and the track is to be renewed or rerailed, lubrication shall
be specified on all curves:
a) with a radius of 1000 m or less;
b) exhibiting sidewear;
c) with a history of sidewear; or
d) that have been identified as “at risk” due to the introduction of new rolling stock.
All curves fitted with a check rail shall have lubricators fitted and commissioned to
both the high (outer) running rail and the check rail rubbing face.
Lubricators shall be commissioned and working within two weeks of track being
opened to traffic.
NOTE 2: Working is defined as a minimum of ¾ of the grease distribution unit ports clear and
expelling fresh grease upon manual activation and with grease visually observed where wheel
contact is apparent into the main body of the curve/s being served.

Consideration shall be given, and decisions documented, to specifying lubrication on

curves with:
a) a radius of 1500 m or less;

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b) a history of Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF) (in order to help preserve a satisfactory
rail profile); or
c) a history of noise complaint (low rail damage = low rail noise/squeal. Possible low
rail friction management required).

NOTE 3: On long or back-to-back reverse curves, either more than one conventional flange
lubricator or an electric lubricator installation might be needed.

All new lubricator locations shall have a documented location-specific risk


17.2 Lubrication of switches

The machined portion of the gauge face of the high (outer) switch rail shall be
lubricated at installation. Lubricators shall be specified where high wear rates are

18 Lineside information and signage

All Lineside signage relating to operational safety including mileposts, gradient posts,
temporary and permanent speed restriction boards shall conform to GI/RT7033.
Any dimensions, datums, or numbering of stations etc. created for the construction

or renewal shall be removed from structures upon the completion of the works. They
shall be replaced as necessary with permanent datum markers.
Datum Plates to RE/PW/572 or an approved equivalent system shall be used for
displaying offsets, levels and cants on OLE masts, platforms walls and other
Marker plates shall be used for the permanent marking of chainages or stations on
platform walls, retaining walls or other structures. They shall be installed at a
consistent height relative to rail level. Stencils shall be used for painting chainages or
stations on cable troughs.
The permanent marking of dimensions, datums, station numbers (metres, chains, or
miles), and cant data etc. shall not be free hand painted onto platform walls,
retaining walls or any other structure.
NOTE: See 16 for the requirements regarding the marking of track geometry details on site.

19 Raising of speed or axle weight on existing track

The limits given in tables 29 to 33 shall apply where the existing track construction
does not meet the requirements for new track for the proposed speed, axle weight or
tonnage of the proposed traffic.

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Table 29 – Raising of line speed or axle loads – components

Component or system Restriction

Rail CEN56 (BS113A) and lighter Maximum 25 t axle loads
rail sections

Rail Rails lighter than 95 lb/yd 60 mph

Rail BR98lb FB 75 mph or 90 mph for Sprinters (not Class

17X & 18X)

Rail BR109 90 mph

Sleepers Pan 8 baseplates with No increase in speed permitted


Sleepers Crimp-ended steel sleepers 75 mph

Longitudinal timbers 75 mph

Table 30 – Raising of line speed – jointed track

Component or system Restriction

Jointed track 90 mph

Bullhead rail on concrete sleepers 60 mph or 75 mph if there are four wood
sleepers at each joint);

Bullhead rail on softwood sleepers 75 mph

Flat-bottom rail on concrete sleepers with 60 mph or 75 mph if there are four wood
Mills, RNB, AD, RD, CS3 or BJB fastenings sleepers at each joint);

Flat-bottom rail on softwood sleepers with 75 mph

non-Pandrol fastenings

Steel sleepers 60 mph or 75 mph if there are four wood

sleepers at each joint);

Rails less than 60 ft long 60 mph

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Table31 – Raising of line peed – CWR track

Component or system Restriction

Bullhead CWR on softwood sleepers 60 mph

Bullhead CWR on hardwood or concrete sleepers, and flat- 75 mph

bottom CWR with Mills, RNB, AD, RD, CS3 or BJB

Spade-ended steel sleepers 105 mph

Table 32 – Raising of line speed – S&C

Component or system Restriction

Bullhead, and inclined flatbottom on softwood bearers 75 mph

CEN56 vertical jointed (unstressed) S&C 90 mph

Timbered S&C with full depth switch rails: 90 mph

Timber bearers 125 mph

CEN56 vertical S&C 125 mph

Maximum speed for short switches and complex S&C as specified in


Check rail entry flares Compliant for the higher


Table 33 – Raising of line speed – cant deficiency

Component or system Restriction

Cant deficiency to be between 150 mm and 225 mm Sleeper spacing no greater
than 700 mm

Cant deficiency to exceed 225 mm Sleeper spacing no greater

than 650 mm

19.1 Evaluation of formation

The critical velocity of the formation shall be taken into account in areas of ‘poor’ (or
worse) track geometry; see NR/L2/TRK/4239.

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20 Conversion of freight only lines to passenger lines

Freight only lines converted to passenger traffic shall comply with the minimum track
construction standards in clause 19.
NOTE: This applies irrespective of whether the line speeds are to be raised.
Curves below 200 m radius shall be fitted with continuous check rails in accordance
with section 10.10

21 Decommissioning of redundant assets

21.1 Redundant S&C

Redundant S&C in running lines at locations and on tracks where track renewal or
enhancement works are being undertaken shall be plain lined.
All scrap and waste materials shall be removed.
Strategic spares shall be recovered to the extent specified by the RAM [Track]
The associated signalling controls shall be recovered to the extent specified by the
RAM [S&T].
All associated overhead line electrification and direct current third and fourth rail
electrification shall be recovered to the extent specified by the RAM [E&P].

21.2 Redundant plain line

Rails and sleepers in redundant plain line track shall be assessed and categorised
as either serviceable or scrap. They shall be disposed of as specified by the RAM

21.3 Redundant insulated joints

Redundant insulated rail joints generated by track or signalling renewal projects and
enhancement schemes shall be removed from track to the timescales specified in
table 34.
All replacement rails shall conform to the minimum lengths as specified in 10.12.3.
They shall be stressed when installed in CWR.

Table 34 – Timescales for removal of redundant insulated rail joints

Track category Timescale

1A, 1, 2 Remove within 26 weeks

3&4 Remove within 52 weeks

5, 6 No action necessary

NOTE: Timescales for the removal of shop repaired glued 6 hole insulated rail joints may be
extended with the agreement of the RAM [Track].

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21.4 Redundant adjustment switches

When an adjustment switch is removed, stressing shall be carried back 180 m into
the existing CWR.

22 Records

Records of the renewed asset, as-built records and any special maintenance
requirements shall be passed to those with responsibility for maintenance on
completion of the works.
As-built gauging records for clearances shall be checked for compliance to the
design and passed to the Network Rail gauging engineer (see NR/L2/TRK/3201).
Projects shall have a process in place to manage the transfer of records considered
critical for the safe operation of the railway between constructor and maintainer. This
shall include amendments to the records of other assets as a result of knowledge
gained during site surveys, investigations or construction work.
NOTE: Specific arrangements are defined in the asset management plan for the project
prepared as in accordance with NR/L3/EBM/089.
Records shall be retained in the Health and Safety file as required by the CDM
In particular, records of track geometry (for new and relaid track) shall be created
and maintained electronically as follows.
1) Horizontal curves:
a. location of tangent points;
b. radius;
c. cant;
d. transition lengths;
e. cant gradients;
f. permissible speed;
g. enhanced permissible speeds (where appropriate); and

h. the maintenance tolerances on cant and radius used to calculate enhanced

permissible speeds (where appropriate).

2) Vertical curves:
a. location of tangent points; and
b. minimum radius.

3) Gradients. Records of all gradients on running lines shall be maintained.

4) Residual health and safety risks and non-compliances should be recorded and
retained in the Health and Safety file.

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Appendix A Geometrical track tolerances

The tables A.1 and A.2 specify (in mm):
a) the absolute variations and rates of change in variation from vertical and
horizontal design; and
b) the absolute variations, and rates of change in these, for cross level and
gauge that shall not be exceeded, for varying line speeds.
In platforms and where other tight clearances apply, the track shall be placed within
the vertical, lateral and cross level tolerances set by the designer on the Form B.
These tolerances shall replace these values and shall be approved by the Network
Rail Gauging Engineer.
Table A.35 – Geometrical track tolerances for ballasted track, track supported
by longitudinal timbers and short lengths of track with direct fastenings and
embedded rails

Permissible or enhanced permissible speed
Parameter mph
Up to 20 25 to 40 45 to 60 65 to 95 100 to 125 over 125
Vertical alignment (top) a
Absolute variation from design +0, -30 +0, -30 +0, -30 +0, -30 +0, -30 +0, -30

Permissible rate of change

from design, between adjacent
10 m offsets
- in reverses in vertical curves 15 10 8 6 5 2
- elsewhere 25 15 13 10 7 3
Horizontal alignment (line) b
Absolute variation from design
±15 ±15 ±15 ±15 ±10 ±10
Permissible rate of change
from design, either difference
between adjacent 10m offsets
15 10 8 6 5 3
or difference between
consecutive versines on
overlapping 20 m chords
Cross level (cant)
Permissible variation from
±10 ±8 ±8 ±5 ±3 ±2
Twist (applies also when
speed is TSR)
Maximum rate of change of
cross level over a 3 m length
(mm/3 m) on a transition (even 8 8 8 7 6 6
when transition is designed to (1 in 375) (1 in 375) (1 in 375) (1 in 428) (1 in 500) (1 in 500)
steepest limits permitted under
Maximum rate of change of
5 5 5 5 3 3
cross level over a 3 m length
(1 in 600) (1 in 600) (1 in 600) (1 in 600) (1 in 1000) (1 in 1000)
(mm/3 m) elsewhere
Gauge c d
plain line 1435 - 41 1435 - 41 1435 - 41 1435 - 41 1435 - 40 1435 - 40

CEN60 S&C 1435 - 38 1435 - 38 1435 - 38 1435 - 38 1435 - 38 1435 - 37

CEN56 vertical S&C on 1431 - 35 1431 - 35 1431 - 35 1431 - 35 1432 - 35 -
concrete or steel
CEN56 vertical S&C on timber 1431 - 35 1431 - 35 1431 - 35 1431 - 35 1432 - 35 -
Permissible change over 3 m 6 5 5 4 3 2
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Vertical deflection under No visible movement during passage of trains

This applies at any point where vertical curvature reverses without an intervening constant gradient.
In curved track the versine shall not be of opposite hand to the design versine.
Any gauge widening on sharp curves should be added to these values (see 9.1.2).
The lower limit may be reduced to 1432 mm if serviceable concrete sleepers of nominal 1432 mm gauge are used.

Table A.36 – Geometrical track tolerances for slab track and track not
included in Table A.1
Permissible or enhanced permissible speed
Parameter mph
Up to 20 25 to 40 45 to 60 65 to 95 100 to 125 over 125
Vertical alignment (top)
Absolute variation from design
+0, -15 +0, -15 +0, -10 +0, -5 +0, -5 +0, -5

Permissible rate of change

from design, between
adjacent 10m offsets
4 4 3 2 2 2
- in reverses in vertical curves
6 6 5 3 3 3
- elsewhere
Horizontal alignment (line) b
Absolute variation from design
string ±6 ±6 ±5 ±3 ±3 ±3

Permissible rate of change

from design string, either
difference between adjacent
4 4 3 2 2 2
10m offsets or difference
between consecutive versines
on overlapping 20 m chords
Cross level (cant)
Permissible variation from
±5 ±5 ±4 ±2 ±2 ±2
Twist (applies also when
speed is TSR)
Maximum rate of change of
cross level over a 3 m length 6 6 5 3 3 3
(mm/3 m) on a transition
(1 in 500) (1 in 500) (1 in 600) (1 in 1000) (1 in 1000) (1 in 1000)
(even when transition is
designed to steepest limits
permitted under
Maximum rate of change of
4 4 3 2 2 2
cross level over a 3 m length
(1 in 750) (1 in 750) (1 in 1000) (1 in 1500) (1 in 1500) (1 in 1500)
(mm/3 m) elsewhere
Gauge c d 1435 - 38 1435 - 38 1435 - 38 1435 - 37 1435 - 37 1435 - 37
Permissible change over 3 m 3 3 3 2 2 2
Vertical deflection under No visible movement during passage of trains
This applies at any point where vertical curvature reverses without an intervening constant gradient.
In curved track the versine shall not be of opposite hand to the design versine.

Any gauge widening on sharp curves should be added to these values (see 9.1.2).
The values shall be reduced to 1432 mm to 1435 mm if vertical S&C with a designed gauge of 1432 is to be used.

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In addition, the requirements of table A.3 shall be achieved.

Table A.37 – Track quality standards required on installed track
“Q” Speed Band 1 a Band 2 a
Band mph
WT35 AL 35 MT 70 AL 70 WT35 AL 35 MT 70 AL 70
Q1 10 2.0 1.7 2.6 1.8
Q1 15 2.0 1.7 2.6 1.8
Q1 20 2.0 1.7 2.6 1.8
Q2 25 2.0 1.7 2.6 1.8
Q2 30 2.0 1.7 2.6 1.8
Q3 35 2.0 1.7 2.6 1.8
Q3 40 2.0 1.7 2.6 1.8
Q4 45 2.0 1.7 2.6 1.8
Q4 50 2.0 1.7 2.6 1.8
Q5 55 1.7 1.3 2.1 1.4
Q5 60 1.7 1.3 2.1 1.4
Q6 65 1.7 1.3 2.1 1.4
Q6 70 1.7 1.3 2.1 1.4
Q7 75 1.4 1.1 1.6 1.2
Q7 80 1.4 1.1 2.1 1.7 1.6 1.2 2.4 1.9
Q8 85 1.4 1.1 2.1 1.7 1.6 1.2 2.4 1.9
Q8 90 1.4 1.1 2.1 1.7 1.6 1.2 2.4 1.9
Q8 95 1.4 1.1 2.1 1.7 1.6 1.2 2.4 1.9
Q9 100 1.3 0.9 2.0 1.6 1.4 1.0 2.1 1.7
Q9 105 1.3 0.9 2.0 1.6 1.4 1.0 2.1 1.7
Q9 110 1.3 0.9 2.0 1.6 1.4 1.0 2.1 1.7
Q10 115 1.3 0.8 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.0 2.0 1.6
Q10 120 1.3 0.8 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.0 2.0 1.6
Q10 125 1.3 0.8 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.0 2.0 1.6
Q11 130 1.0 0.7 1.3 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.5 1.2
Q11 135 1.0 0.7 1.3 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.5 1.2
Q11 140 1.0 0.7 1.3 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.5 1.2
The design alignment standard deviation value when added to the appropriate value above shall not exceed
the equivalent value for ‘Good’ track quality in NR/L2/TRK/001.

NOTE: These values are based on recordings by approved Network Rail track recording vehicles.
See 13.

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Appendix B Track Categories

Cat 1A
Cat 1
50 Cat 2
30 Cat 5 Cat 3

20 Cat 4
10 Cat 6
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Equated Million Gross Tons Per Annum (EMGTPA)

Figure B.1 – Track Categories

NOTE: The horizontal portions of the track Category boundaries are based on the maximum speeds
of the principal traffic types. The curved portions of the track category boundaries up to 25 equivalent
million gross tonnes per annum (EMGTPA) are based on current and past experience. Above 25
EMGTPA, the curves have been extrapolated to reflect the expected track damage for very heavily
used lines.

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25/05/2010 - Version 1

Standards Briefing Note

Ref: NR/L2/TRK/2102 Issue: 7

Title: Design and construction of track
Publication Date: 05/12/2015 Compliance Date: 01/05/2016
Standard Owner: Professional Head of Track
Non-Compliance rep (NRNC): Professional Head of Track
Further information contact: Brian Whitney Tel: 07990 533 768
Purpose: Scope:
This standard is intended to control the risk of This Network Rail standard specifies the requirements
incorrect materials and components being specified for the design and construction of track with line
and to control the required quality of installation of speeds up to 140mph. This includes:
track. It specifies the design principles and minimum a. the construction of new sections of track, and
standards for the construction of new or relayed routes;
track, including the materials to be used. It also b. the replacement of contiguous lengths of track
specifies acceptance criteria for new or relayed track components or switch and crossing layouts, either
in terms of workmanship and the track geometry singly or in combination, as part of project or renewal
requirements for both newly installed and existing activities;
track. c. the replacement or new construction of trackbed
layers, drainage, level crossings, direct fastening
systems, buffer stops or other track fixtures;
d. the replacement of components of the track system,
carried out during maintenance, that significantly
changes its design or configuration (for instance the
installation or removal of check rails or the installation
of cast crossings with welded extension legs in place
of semi-fabricated crossings);
e. the requirements to be met whenever existing
tracks are upgraded to carry higher speeds or
tonnages of rail traffic; and
f. the requirements for the design of track geometry for
both newly installed and existing track.

This standard applies to those who specify, design or

supervise the installation of new track and those who
design alignments on existing track.
What’s New/ What’s Changed and Why:

NR/L2/TRK/2102 required and has received a fundamental review and update of its structure and
contents. The key changes are as follows:

Scope of document limited to 140mph •

Revised and expanded section 3 on definitions

New requirements on materials (temperature acceptance range) and forces (check rails &
guard rails),
• Inclusion of requirements on design of CWR transferred from NR/L2/TRK/3011,

• Target values included for formation and track system stiffness,

• Requirement for guard rails to be extended to cover the approach to structures,
• Mandated maximum gaps and line speeds on swing or lifting bridges,
• New section on design requirements for ‘new construction’.
• Transfer of requirements for geometry design from NR/L2/TRK/2049,
• Inclusion of design requirements for gradients and assessments of traction performance (to
align with Group Standards),
• New requirements on minimum through line radius for S&C layouts,
• Clarification on minimum rail depths through level crossings,
• Requirement for use of transition rails instead of composite welds in higher track categories,
• Revised requirements for ballast compaction.
• New requirements on shoulder removal,
• Inclusion of requirements for concrete bearers for cable management,
• Amendments to rules for CWR on tight radius curved track,
• Restrictions on maximum lengths of rail in jointed track,
Copyright Network Rail
• Requirement for the calculation of joint closing
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25/05/2010 - Version 1

• Relaxation on the use of semi-fabricated crossings,

• Restrictions on the types of S&C that may be installed where line speeds exceed 125 mph,
• New requirement for the installation of bi-axle grids on S&C renewals,
• Guidance on the use of anti-creep devices in S&C,
• Requirements on the use of bearer ties.
• Limitations on the maximum lengths of rails in jointed S&C,
• Inclusion of requirements on conversion of jointed track to CWR transferred from
• New restrictions on the types of S&C suitable for speeds in excess of 125 mph,
• New requirements on the decommissioning of redundant assets.

A more detailed section by section description of the changes is attached.


Affected documents:
Reference Impact

NR/L2/TRK/2102 ISSUE 6 Superseded

Briefing requirements: Where Technical briefing (T) is required, the specific Post title is indicated. These posts have specific responsibilities
within this standard and receive briefing as part of the Implementation Programme. For Awareness briefing (A) the Post title is not mandatory.
Please see for guidance.

Briefing Post Team Function

T SDE/DE/ADE, SPE/PE/APE - Track All Regions/Programmes Investment Projects
T RAM (T) Track Routes
T Works Delivery Design Teams Track Routes
T Principal Engineers Track/RVE STED
A Senior Engineers/Engineers Track/RVE STED
A Principal Engineers Systems Engineering/M&E STED
T Supplier Design Lead Engineers - External
T Senior Renewal Engineers Track Routes
T Senior Asset Engineers Track Routes

*NOTE: Contractors are responsible for arranging and undertaking their own Technical and Awareness Briefings in accordance with their own processes and procedure

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NR/L2/TRK/2102 Issue 7December 2015

Section by section description of changes

Document Structure.

The document follows the existing structure except that new sections have been introduced
where necessary:

o Sections 2 to 6 – no change.
o New Section 7 – New Construction - Design.
o New Section 8 – Geometry Design (transferred from ‘2049).
o Previous section 7, 8, & 9 renumbered to 9, 10 & 11.
o New Section 12 – Conversion of Jointed Track to CWR (transferred from ‘3011)
o Previous section 10 renumbered to 13.
o Three new sections 14, 15 & 16 on Geometry Targets & Tolerances, Tamping and
Dynamic Track Stabilisers and Marking of Geometry Details on site have been
created from the previous section 11.
o Previous sections 12, 13 & 14 renumbered 17, 18 & 19.
o New Section 20 on Decommissioning of Redundant Assets.

Section 2 - Scope

The scope of the document has been amended to restrict it to track with line speeds up
to and including 140mph (currently the standard has no upper speed limit). The
restriction to 140mph is in line with Railway Group Standards and specifically ‘5021 –
Track System Requirements.

The Infrastructure Technical Specification for Interoperability applies above 140mph.

Section 3 - Definitions

The definitions have been updated, changes and additions to definitions have not been
marked as a change.

Section 4 - Policy

Minor change only:

4.1 – Business Outputs

Sub clause (i) – time to change components reduced to 4 hrs. This reflects
feedback from routes on the likely possession times for maintenance on the core

4.2.1 – Design of new Track Systems – General

New requirement that sub-systems and components will be designed to comply

with Company, Railway Group, TSI’s & EN standards.

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New clause - when reviewing systems for acceptance if the designed service life,
inspection or maintenance intervention frequency cannot be achieved the
implications shall be recorded and its impact assessed. This reflects the changes
made to clause 4.3.

4.3 - Materials

A temperature range of -27° C to +60° C has been set for all materials used in the
track system. Previously the only reference to temperature was in the section on
forces where -14 to + 53 was quoted.

Guidance added to the effect that failure to achieve the required performance
levels at the extremes of the temperature range should not prevent acceptance,
but the impact on performance shall be recorded, its criticality assessed and the
need for additional mitigation considered.

4.3.1 – Identification of Components

New requirement for all components to be marked such that they can be identified
and the manufacturer and year of manufacture established, includes guidance on
how to mark components.

This incorporates requirements contained in a letter to NDS from the PH(T) dated
December 2011. The action was part of our Potters Bar action plans.

Section 5 – Track System specification

Minor changes:

5.2 Cross reference to the new requirements for the conversion of jointed track.

Rails less than 37 m long shall be considered to be jointed track

5.5 – Forces, figures quoted for the designed loading on check rails (taken from EN
13481-7) and for guard rails from recent research and review of existing systems.

5.9.1 – Maximum and minimum values through S&C:

Clarification of the minimum flangeway depth through S&C, separate figures

quoted for open and enclosed flangeways.

Note that cast blocks in S&C often fall foul of 55mm flangeway depth
clearance (as designed new) if 15mm of head wear is permitted. The
preferred solution is to limit the head wear in S&C in running lines to 10mm.

In practice this will have little effect in S&C installed in running lines as the
majority of machined components will be replaced before head wear
exceeds 10mm.

Recommend amending NR/L2/TRK/001 to limit the maximum head wear in

S&C in running lines to 10mm.


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Values included for the maximum cant deficiency at switch toes from GC/RT5021.

5.9.2 Common Crossings

Requirement added that all common crossings shall be protected by a check rail
(was missing), requirements that cast crossings shall comply with RT/CE/S/012.

5.9.3 Swing nose Crossings

Previous mandatory requirement that swing nose crossing are required above
125mph deleted. TSI permits fixed common crossings up to 280km/h, Railway
Group Standards do not mandate swing nose crossings on track up to 140mph.

Work is required to review forces associated with the shorter crossings running at
speeds in excess of 125mph.

5.9.4 Obtuse Crossings

New requirement for cast obtuse crossings to incorporate a 38mm raised check.

5.9.5 Check rails

Guidance added on the desirable length of the main flare – 1 in x, where ‘x’ is the
speed in kph.

No rule exists at present. This aligns with the proposed words for EN13232-3

5.10 Design of CWR

Clauses transferred from ‘3011, text reviewed and clarified as necessary. No

changes to requirements.

An additional clause setting the SFT for slab track at 21° C has been included,
previously not mentioned. The lower than normal SFT reflects the fact that Slab
track is not likely to buckle and a lower SFT reduces the forces on the track and
the risk of breaks during cold weather. 21 degrees is the lowest value of the
acceptable range of SFT for ballasted track.

Section included to cover stressing of short lengths (less than 180m) of plain line
between items of S&C;

Plain line between S&C if welded or fitted with tight-joint or insulated fishplates
shall be stressed. S&C suitable for use with CWR can be used as part of an anchor
length (but not within a stress transition length) for stressing the length of plain line.
If the recommended anchor lengths are not available the length of track shall be
stressed naturally.


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Section 6 – Design and Construction of the Track System

6.2.2 Stiffness of the Track System.

Values included for minimum track stiffness for different track categories when carrying
out track renewals have been included.

For track renewals the formation for ballasted track shall be designed to achieve a
minimum stiffness of:

• Track category 1A, 1 & 2 - 45 MN/m².

• Track category 3 to 6 - 30 MN/m²
• Sidings in track category 5 & 6 - 15 MN/m²

The values have been provided by Peter Musgrave.

6.3.2 - Construction

Requirement that ballast may only be heaped in the four foot as a temporary
measure and at no time shall it be higher than the plane of the rails.

6.3.4 – Ballast Profile – Jointed Track

In jointed track, the minimum width of ballast outside the sleeper ends shall be 300
mm for rails less than 37 m long and 375 mm for rails longer than 37 m.

Where rails are longer than 37m and where extra lateral resistance is required
CWR-type shoulders shall be provided.

6.4 – Ballast Gluing

Section expanded to allow the use of ballast gluing for designed transitions.

Ballast gluing may only be used for increasing the lateral fixity of track where
clearances are restricted or as part of a designed transition between different track
constructions or at structures, it may only be used with the agreement of the

The design should include the transitional arrangements from normal to glued track.

6.5.3 – Guard Rails

Existing requirements for placing of guard rails on the approach to structures

clarified. Where they are required on a structure they shall commence 18m from
the face of the abutment and include a set of gathering rails.

Further work is required on the criteria for installing guard rails and the
standard designs of guard rails. In due course new RE/PW drawings will
need to be prepared and published.

6.5.5 – Thermal Effects on Structures - design

Additional requirement for the total toe load per rail of rail fastenings between the


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movable portion of the structure and the machined section of the expansion joint
does not to exceed 450kN.

The requirement is necessary with the move to high toe load fastenings, otherwise
there is a danger that the expansion joint will not work as designed.

6.5.6 Clearances between sleepers & bearers to structures - design

New requirement for a minimum distance of 100mm between sleepers or bearers

to any point of the structure.

Requirement requested and included following an incident on SE.

6.5.7 – Loads on Structures - design

Any changes of load on a structure due to a change in track type, significant

change of position (vertical or horizontal) or a change in line speeds shall be
referred to the RAM [Civils] for approval.

Additional guidance included on the use of ballast mats to reduce vibration on


6.7 Minimum clearances - design

New requirement included for Normal Structural and Passing Clearances to be

provided to allow for routine maintenance tamping in the future.

This requirement is to prevent track being installed with no clearance for

maintenance tamping. The amber requirement may be relaxed by the Track [RAM].

The requirement to achieve 100mm clearance, this has been amended to ‘Normal’
as normal is 100mm.

6.7.1 Minimum clearances – Track Lowering

New requirement that clause 6.7 also applies to track lowering, which must also
comply with the rules on minimum geometry lengths.

6.8 Switch and Crossing Layouts - Design

New requirement for layouts to be risk assessed using the S&C Design Risk
Ranking Tool.

6.8.1 S&C Design – Minimum Radius

New clause - minimum radius at which switches may be installed.


Included following the Liverpool St Derailment where the inclusion of switches on a

125m radius curve resulted in a gap in the continuous check rail and contraction of

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the designed gauge widening. The limitations for slip switches were previously
published in ‘2049.

1 in 7 and 1 in 7½ slips shall only be installed on straight track.

Any through line radius applied to 1 in 8 and 1 in 10 slips shall not result in a slip
radius of less than 176 metres.

S&C (of any type or design) shall not be installed on track with a through line
radius of less than 150m.

S&C installed on track with a through line radius between 175 and 150m shall be
subject to a risk assessment, the assessment shall consider as a minimum:

• Direction of traffic
• Tonnage
• Speed
• Wheel / rail interaction
• The provision or absence of Gauge widening
• The provision or absence of continuous check rails
• Inspection regime
• Environment
• Access
• Consequential risks

Note that the requirements do not differentiate between running lines and sidings.

Slips are subject to tighter controls as only a very limited amount of gauge
widening can be provided and checking is not possible.

6.8.2 Stressing of Complex S&C layouts

Guidance that the advantages gained from welding and stressing complex S&C
may be outweighed by the difficulty in achieving the correct stress, such sites may
be better installed as jointed layouts.

6.8.3 S&C layouts - Remote Condition Monitoring

New requirement mandating RCM on S&C sites unless a business case is

prepared not to do so. Follow up to a Track ERM action.

6.10.3 Design considerations of Buffer stops

Amendment to the likely impact speed, was ‘normally 10km/h’, now not less than
10km/h - now aligns with Group Standard.

Addition: Provision of Frangible platforms to be taken into consideration.


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Section 7, New Construction - design.

New section containing additional requirements for ‘New Construction’. These are
aimed at producing a railway that uses standard components and is easy to maintain.


Minimum radii – The minimum preferred radii for plain line running lines shall be
500 m with an absolute minimum of 400m. This is included to try and get designs
to increase the minimum radii to 500m where possible.

Modelling to determine optimised cant / cant deficiency ratios.

Design of gradients must take into consideration the position of signals and likely
traction performance. Values quoted for gradients align with Railway Group

S&C to be positioned on straight track with standard track intervals. Only

‘Preferred’ geometries shall be used. Slips & tandems not to be used in running
lines, use of C & D switches to be minimised – to limit issues with switch wear.

Target values included for the track formation and overall system stiffness for new

Section 8 – Geometry Design

Section 8.1.1 included covering permissible speeds including conversion of mph to

km/h as ERTMS (ETCS) measures speed in kilometres per hour (km/h); the Rule Book
presently only refers to speed in miles per hour (mph).

A table is included to cover where ECTS is being implemented and speeds are
converted from mph to km/h to avoid restrictions being increased due to only rounding

8.4 Vertical Alignment, green clause included to the effect that changes in vertical
alignment should not be coincidental with changes in horizontal alignment, good
practice – simplifies machine maintenance operation.

8.5 Curving Design Values


Section included to clarify that when a design value is quoted without being described
as either normal, maximum, or exceptional, the limiting value shall be used and no
exceptional value is permitted.

Exceptional design values shall not be exceeded.

Where possible normal design values should be used for all parameters

Transfer of requirements sheets B.1.1, B.2.1/2, B.2.3, B.2.4, B.2.5 from

NR/L2/TRK/2049 plus existing requirements on alignment previously contained in 6.7
at speeds previously contained in section 6.9,

Some rewording to simplify text.

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Existing ‘2049 data sheets have been split into a number of smaller tables:

B.1.1 definitions – have been included in section 3 – ‘Definitions’.

B.2.1 – Curving Design Values – Cant & Rate of Change of Cant split into:

• Table 4 – table included to cover cant and cant deficiency limits for tilting trains
• Table 6 – Cant
• Table 7 - Cant gradients.

B.2.2 – Curving Design Values – Cant Deficiency split into:

• Table 8 – Transitions
• Table 9 - Cant Deficiency Plain Line & Adjustment Switches.

B.2.3 – Curving Design Rules – Rate of Change of Cant Deficiency split into:

• Table 10 – Plain Line

• Table 11 – Switches and Crossings
• Table 12 - Rate of Change of Cant Deficiency – Switches and Crossings

B.2.4 – Guidance on Circular Curves – text moved to appropriate sub section.

B.2.5 - Guidance on Transitions – text moved to 8.5.2.

Section 9 – Rails and Rail Fastenings

9.4 - Transition rails to be used when changing from CEN56 to CEN60, or from
BS95RBH (Bullhead) to CEN56 in track categories 1A to 4, avoids the use of
composite welds.

9.5 - Serviceable rails installed in level crossings to have head wear restricted to 5mm
to avoid damage to level crossing units.

Section 10 - Specification of plain line

10.1.2 – Gauge transition

Statement that Gauge widened shall be achieved by moving the inner rail away
from the designed track centre line – aligns with Group Standard.

New requirement that curves fitted with continuous check rails shall be limited to
30mph. If track is installed as CWR and run with 150mm cant deficiency then it is
technically possible to achieve 40 mph on checked track. A 30mph limit is unlikely
to have any impact given traditional application of the rules.


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10.3.1 – Ballast depths

Clarification on ballast depths in association with geo-textiles or geo-composites.

10.3.2 - Blanketing & Formation treatment

Clause included clarifying that the depth of blanketing and formation treatment is in
addition to the minimum ballast depths.

10.3.4 – Ballast Excavation

New requirement added for ballast excavation to include shoulder and to centre of
6’ to avoid creating ‘canals’ when ballast cleaning with wording included as follows;

Excavation shall be to the designed depth and width of the trackbed. This shall
include the ballast shoulder when:

a) The track bed is not free draining (i.e. not derived from naturally
occurring sand or gravels)

b) The existing cess level is at least level or lower than the bottom of the
proposed excavation

c) There is no obstruction to the excavation.

Where the adjacent track is not to be renewed the excavation shall extend to
the centre line of the ‘six foot’ (to a maximum of 1300 mm from the 6’ rail).

10.3.5 - Compaction of ballast

Section revised around compaction of ballast layers;

For plain line track categories 1A, 1 and 2, compaction may be achieved as
a) using approved vibrating plates, in a single layer for ballast depths up to 480
mm, or where ballast depths under the sleeper are greater than 480 mm in
layers not exceeding 300 mm

10.4 - Plain Line - Serviceable and Cascaded rail

Clause to specify that serviceable and cascaded rail shall comply with
RT/CE/S/002 and that pre-1976 rail should not be installed as serviceable rail in
any Track Category.

Cascaded rail to be ultrasonically tested prior to installation, or if this is not possible

after installation, as soon as the rail head condition permits testing.

10.7 – Steel sleepers

Previously steel sleepers could not be installed at joints in jointed track, amended
to say that steel sleepers cannot be installed in jointed track.

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10.8 Sleepers for the conveyance of cables

Text amended to include the newer concrete cable management sleepers and

Guidance included clarifying that there is no need to provide four timber sleepers to
separate hollow steel bearers from adjacent concrete sleepers, longitudinal
bearers or S&C.

10.10 Provision of Continuous check rails

Scope of fitting continuous check rails extended to include freight lines with a
radius below 200m that are at a track interval of less than 3.1m to a passenger
running line.

It is not logical to check a passenger line but leave the adjacent freight line with the
same radius unchecked. Any derailment on the freight line is likely to obstruct the
passenger line.

Guidance added stating that consideration should be given to providing a check rail
on curves between 200 and 300 m radius where high volumes of traffic can be
expected, it also says that modelling will help inform the decision.

10.11 Plain line curved track - General

New requirement that jointed track with a radius tighter than 500m shall be
installed with rails no longer than 18.288m. Note that clause 10.12.2 says that the
maximum length of rails in jointed track is 30m

Curves tighter than 250 m can be installed as CWR on slab track but only with the
approval of the Professional Head [Track].

New requirement permitting adjustments to be made to the CRT if ‘additional

measures’ (LRP’s, strengthening rails, ballast shoulders etc) are not applied. This
opens up the option for installing CWR without the expense of LRP’s but applying a
lower CRT(W)/CRT(20) value.

10.12.2 - maximum length of rails in jointed track limited to 30m.

Reflects move in recent years to cease installing track with 36m rails and reduce the
risk of buckling in tighter radius jointed track.

10.13 – Temporary Closure Rails.

Section re-titled ‘Temporary Closure Rails’ was previously just ‘Closure Rails’ when
in fact the section is all about temporary conditions.

10.13.1 – General - temporary closure rails.

Text amended to include the requirement that when temporary rails are replaced in

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CWR the track shall be re-stressed.

10.15.1 – Welded joints in CWR (welds).

Clause added requiring that two sleepers on each side of a weld (four in total)
should be of the same material and depth. This has been in the welding standards
for some time but is in fact a construction requirement for new track. There is little
the welders can do to rectify the situation once it has been created.

Guidance added that ‘site-made welds shall be made mid-way between sleepers
and should not during stressing operations become located over sleepers or

10.15.2 – insulated joints in CWR.

Clause added requiring that insulated joints should not move during stressing
operations to a position that prevents the rail fastenings from being installed.

10.17 – Adjustment switches.

Existing clause split into three; Provision and Siting, Temporary Adjustment
Switches, Fastening toe Loads – Stress Transition length.

10.17.3 – Fastening toe loads – Stress transition Length.

Table added showing the toe loads for the commonly used fastenings.

10.18.1 – Forming of joints

New requirement for a Joint Closure Temperature Survey to be carried out if the
joints are formed at temperatures lower than 0° C or greater than 45° C.

Aligns with the current requirements in TRK/001.

Section 11 - Specification of Switches and Crossings

11.1 – S&C Track Gauge.

New requirement for gauge widening to be provided below 200m when so detailed
on RE/PW drawings and on non-standard designs or curved layouts when
practicable to do so.

Note inserted reminding the reader to refer to 6.8.1 for minimum radius of S&C.

Table 24 – Selection of S&C

New note stating that only CEN60 S&C shall be installed where the line speed

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exceeds 125 mph.

Where possible the ‘notes’ to table 24 have been moved to individual clauses:

Note ‘a’ becomes 11.3.1

‘b’ 11.3.2
‘c’ 11.6.2
‘d’, ‘e’ & ‘f’ 11.3.3
‘l’ (Steel bearer S&C) has been deleted, steel bearer S&C has been removed from
the table (currently no approved designs).

11.3.3 Ballast depths and formation treatment.

New requirement –

A single layer of large aperture bi-axial grids shall installed under S&C and
associated plain line at the base of the ballast on all installations. They may be
omitted with the agreement of the RAM[T] if it is not practicable to install them
in the possession time available.

This was included try and achieve lower maintenance costs and improved
geometry retention at minimal cost.

This was originally drafted as mandatory but was reduced to optional if possession
times are insufficient as its use will compromised modular installation in 8 hr

11.4.1 Switches – General

Good practice note added saying that switches with ‘ball & claw’ are preferred to
those with stress transfer blocks.

11.4.4 Switch securing device

Requirements amended to say that an approved ‘point clip system or switch

securing device should be supplied for each point end.

Previously it said that ‘a switch securing device’ must be supplied. Requirements

relaxed as we have become aware that the SSD does not fit all applications.

Further guidance on how to secure points out of use and selecting and fitting the
correct types of clip and scotch with reference to NR/GN/TRK/7001/TWI2S052 [
Issue: 2 ]

11.6.3 Bearer ties in S&C

New requirements for bearer ties included to reinforce the use of standard designs
and provide rules for the use of ties in non-standard designs.

Red requirements:

Bearer ties shall not be positioned in the four foot of switch panels.

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To stop people splitting switch bearers into two halves.

AWS magnets, TPWS equipment and axle counters shall not be installed in
beds with bearer ties.

AWS, TPWS and axle counters have not been checked to confirm that
the mass of the bearer tie does not interfere with the signalling


Where bearers are split into three ‘parts’ the centre section must contain at
least one pair of rails across track gauge.

Helps the achievement of relative levels across the width of the


No more than two ties shall be used on a bearer.

Double junctions require two ties per bearer, at this time this is
considered to be the maximum number that should be used in a single

Amber requirements:

S&C containing bearer ties shall have the cant and longitudinal levels designed
so that tracks connected by tied bearers have no difference in the plane of the
rails or a change in gradient within 18 m of a tied bearer.

Ensures that the track is co-planer on the approach to the ties.

Bearer ties shall be positioned as shown on RE/PW general arrangement


For geometries where general arrangement drawings with bearer ties are not
available ties shall be positioned in line with the principles shown below:

The reminder of the requirements are guidance for the use of ties in
non-standard layouts:

a) The number of ties shall be kept to a minimum, short ended bearers shall
be used to reduce the number of ties.
b) Bearers are to be shortened on the turnout or crossover route before being
shortened on the through route.
c) Where possible ties are to be positioned in the 6’ rather than the 4’.
d) Where ties have to be positioned in the 4’ they shall be installed on the
turnout or crossover line in preference to the through route.
e) The number of part bearers supporting only one rail shall be kept to a
f) The lengths of part bearers shall, where practicable, be in increments of

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g) In crossovers spanning parallel tracks (with matching geometry on sides)
the position of bearer ties and bearer lengths shall be mirrored either side of
the mid point of the crossover.

11.6.5 – Two-levelling in S&C

New clause giving guidance on whether to utilise two-levelling. This has been
included in response to the problems encountered at Shalford Junction.

The ‘rules’ for two-levelling remain in ‘2049.

Wherever practicable cant deficiency shall be maximised to avoid the need for
two levelling.

Two levelling, with the crossing either higher or lower, affects the wheel transfer

between wing rail and crossing nose; leading to higher impact forces - which
worsen with increasing speed. The effect is more pronounced on shorter
angled crossings.

11.9 – Joints in S&C

Previous section 9.9 on ‘Joints in S&C split into three parts:

11.9 – General requirements.

11.10 – Forged joints in S&C

11.10.1 – Insulated joints in S&C, which now includes two guidance clauses to
manage problems relating to stressing S&C.

S&C designs should avoid:

a) having toe-to-toe switches joined directly at the stock rail fronts by insulated

b) joining stock rail fronts directly to the back of crossings by glued insulated

11.12 - Maximum Rail Length in Unstressed S&C

Maximum length of rails in unstressed (jointed) S&C 18.3 m, included to match plain
line requirements for jointed track..

11.14 - Signalling Equipment in S&C

New clause to manage the fitting of AWS magnets in S&C, when installed on Full
depth bearers they sit above the plane of the rails, AWS magnets must be installed on
type R bearers, which in CEN56 Vertical S&C requires baseplates.

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Section 12 – Conversion of Jointed to CWR

Text copied over from ‘3011, simplified and brought up to date.

Section 19 – Raising of speed or axle weight on existing track.

Section recast, the previous long list of restrictions has been reformatted into tables.

Two new restrictions added, both in S&C to align with the recently issued National
TNC (13089) pending standards change :

S&C with timber bearers – maximum 125mph.

CEN56 Vertical S&C – 125mph.

New clause 19.1 calling for Critical Velocity of the formation to be considered in areas
of ‘Poor’ or worse track geometry.

Section 20 –conversion of freight only lines to passenger lines

New section requiring freight only lines to be brought up to passenger standards when
converting to passenger traffic.

No requirements have been included with respect to POE as Signalling standards

have jurisdiction in this area.

Freight only lines converted to passenger traffic shall comply with the minimum
track construction standards in section 19 irrespective of whether the line speeds
are to be raised.

Curves below 200 m radius shall be fitted with continuous check rails in
accordance with section10.10.

Section 21 – Decommissioning of Redundant Assets.

New section that includes the previous requirements on recovery of redundant IBJ’s
with the following additions;

Redundant S&C to be plain lined when undertaking track renewal or enhancement


Consideration was given to full recovery but this was felt to be too onerous.

Signalling controls to be recovered as specified by RAM(S&T).

OLE & DC 3rd rail electrification to be recovered to the extent specified by the

Redundant plain line to be assessed for use as ‘serviceable’ and recovered as

specified by the RAM(Track).

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When recovering redundant adjustment switches stressing shall be carried out
back 180m into the existing CWR.

Section 22 - Records

Minor amendment calling for projects to include amendments to the records of other
assets as a result of knowledge gained during site surveys, investigations or
construction work.


Nothing significant.


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