B.Ed. Mathematics
Mount Carmel College Of Teacher
Education For Women,Kottayam
The study is an attempt to identify the students who have learning disabilities. For
the study a self-constructed questionnaire was prepared and a survey was
conducted among IXth and Xth standared students of St. Josephs CGHSS, Kottayam.
The result of the survey was analyzed and interpreted. The students suffering from
learning difficulties can be identified through this survey.
Learning disabilities or learning disorder the term for a wide variety of
learning problems. A learning disability is not problem with intelligence or
motivation. Kids with learning disabilities aren’t lazy or dumb. Infact , most are just
as smart as everyone else. Their brains simply wired differently. This difference
affects how they receive and process information. Learning disabilities look very
different from one child to another. One child may struggle with reading and
spelling while another child may have difficulty understanding what others saying
or communicating out load. The problems are very different, but they are all
learning disorders.
The term learning disability refers to a mixed group of disorders
manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening,
speaking, writing, mathematical abilities. Above five percent of the total
population of all school age children receives special education or related services
because of a learning disability.
The important characteristics of children with learning disability are the
They essentially suffer from serious learning difficulties which is visible in the
acquisition and use of language numerical or mathematical ability or social
They show lack of motivation, inattention, inability to generalization,
inadequate ability in problem solving , inadequate ability in information
processing etc.
They often fail to acquire information at the same rate as most people of the
same age. Hence their achievement is less than that would be expected
from children of their grade or age.
They show significant discrepancy between what is expected of them given
their general level of cognitive ability and their actual reading, writing or
mathematical ability or achievement.
A learning disabled child can be identified either by using a non-testing
device or by using a testing device.
This includes techniques like observation, rating scale, check list, interview
etc. By using these devises, steps are taken to identify the learning disabled
in relation to their general personality and particular characteristics.
This includes standardized diagnostic tests, achievement tests, ability
tests, teacher made tests etc. The standard norms given in standard
diagnostic tests for a particular age group will help to assess and compare
the relative educational standard of the children with learning disability.
Ability testes or process tests are tests designed to assess the degree of
ability to understand and learn. A measure of such a test will provide an idea
about the extent of difficulty experienced by the individual in the process of
learning and understanding standardized achievement tests and teacher
made tests will give qualifiable information regarding the learning disability
of individuals.
To provide accommodations that will assist students will overcome
behaviors and reduce their impact at disability on their school experiences.
To provide awareness of the needs and capability of students with
disabilities among students, faculty, staff administration and surrounding
To determine students need and improve the quality through ongoing
assessment of learning disability test.
To assist the students with disabilities in the admission and enrollment
Before understanding any study or research it’s important that the
researcher examines his or her research problem and the major research
questions which need to be classified. So that the appropriate procedure
may be planned. The methodology used for the learning disability survey
was the questionnaire consisting of 50 questions. So students of 1𝑥 was
selected and gave instructions to them. Students answered the questions by
selecting either yes or no. After administrating the survey the result was
analysed and interpect the data which was collected.
Number of
of percentage In degree
Dyslexia 4 8% 28.8
Dysgraphia 7 14% 50.4
Dyscalculia 10 20% 72
20 40% 144
Number of students
10 Number of students
Dyslexia Dysgraphia Dyscalculia No disability
Anderson-educational psychology
Sivarajan-educational psychology
Tick the choice
Name of the student: Age:
1. I am a poor reader Yes/No
2. I does not like reading Yes/No
3. I make mistake when reading like Yes/No
Skipping words or line
4. I read the same line twice Yes/No
5. I have problems remembering what
I read even though I have read the all the words Yes/No
6. I reverse letters where I read [bld, plq] Yes/No
7. I switch letters in words when I read Yes/No
8. My eyes hurt or water when I read Yes/No
9. Words tend to blur when I read Yes/No
10.Words tend to move around the
page When I read. Yes/No
11.When reading I have difficulty understanding
the main ideas or identification important Yes/No
details from a story.
12.I have “messy” hand writing Yes/No
13.My work tends to be messy Yes/No
14.I prefer print rather than writing in cursive Yes/No
15.My letters run into each other or there is no space Yes/No
between words.
16.I have trouble staying with in lines. Yes/No
17.I have problem with grammar or punctuation. Yes/No
18.I am a poor speller. Yes/No
19.I have trouble copying off the board or form a page
in a book. Yes/No
20.I have trouble getting thoughts from my
brain to the paper. Yes/No