Family Puppies v. Kaylor, Jason - Order Granting Judgment
Family Puppies v. Kaylor, Jason - Order Granting Judgment
Family Puppies v. Kaylor, Jason - Order Granting Judgment
'l-his rnattcr having conrc bcfirrc thc Cor"rrt upor-t thc (lonrplaint lLlcd by Plaintiffs Family
Puppics and Davicl C'hLrpp ("Plairrti11.s'") ancl thc accolr;larrvirrg Motion. thc Court hcreby'llnds
that I'}lairrtills' IVlotion bc (iRAN I'l:l). and this ('ourt cntcrs .luc-lgrncnt and iniunctive relief in
[)cl'enclarrts postcd nunrcrous l'alsc anc] cJcl-anraton' statcnrcnts (thc "False Slatements")
regarding Plaintill-s r,r,'ith thc purpose of harnring Plaintiffs'prol'cssional reputation and br-rsiness.
'['hc attacks lalscly'accusc Plaintiffs o1'nriscorrduct ancl violatiot-ts in their business practices. In
response. Plaintill's tilcci their Conrplaint fbr libcl anci libcl pcr sc rclatcd to the False Statcnrents
postcd olt ltLllleroLls w,cbsites. Ilaving rcricwccJ thc Motion. thc supporting bric1. affldavits. and
othcr cvidcntiarn subn-rissions. this Court tlnds Dcl.cndants \\'as propcrly'served and that
Plaintit'l.s arc cntitlecl to.iuclgnrcnt agairrst Dcl'cnclants ats at tlatttcr ol'law on thc cot-tt-tts allegcd irt
thc Cornplatint.
.I LID(; M F]N't
Il' IS III:ltl:llY ORI)lrltlrl). r\[).lt rD(;t:l) r\NI) I)l:('l{trlrD that I)cl..:nclants published
c'lctantaton statelt.lcltts ol'ancl col.lccnting Plaintill.s on thc Irrtcl'lrct tliat arc f-alse and def-amatorv
licclrsccl Anrcrican Kcnncl (llub brccdcr. that Plaintiffh use 1-alse ltalles in their br-rsiness. that
Plaintifls kecp thcir puppics irr bartrs ancl tcrriblc conditions. arrcl othcr lalsc clairr-rs agairrst
Plailrtiffs.'l'hcsc statctlcnts publishccl arbout Plaintil'1.s. vrhich arc Lrrrlirundccl. tblse. incorrect. and
atrc causing danragc to Plaintill.s. inclr-rcic. but arc not linritcd to" thc litllow,ing tJRLs:
I . littp-(wrru.npq.1llgpq.L1.9auA /14!u"b:p!lp!_Lc.sda*:,uayi:c/u@
wc5tr cs-cor-Urna-chupp- t'- I 0893 34:
2. _eluppl'rappance-
250000-bctu ccn-vct- 1 3 72528:
.'). https : // vl'w'lv. )' o r"r t r"r b c . c o ll / vr'g1g!'l v,, 3 [J 3 c G W c C' 0 Y0
4. htlp.:,lltl-p-,rtrct-q[gp-,"9-q-u!p-upp-urri-Uaug[!]lc-$$/lur:q,1agqy-bggrdV-tluea@l-4i
5 . http-ilull-u-.ilpggr-c:r,Jrer-u/bl-ed:-Q0-9-/-021-l-8h-.:u:ir-l.1s:!-Le:I-dqktqanr/ :
6. ht_tps;/lq1-L[art_luuarqqae]_qll:..]_ojdp_Lqts._c_!)u r/_?AaflqZ!&fbs-horn/:
7. http://w'r,r,r,r,'.topir.conr/forurnr/cit)'/nappancc-in/'l'PN35l:M.lCN.lS0KtJ-['9;
8. http://www.conrplaintsboard.corrl/cgnrplaints/I'amil)'-puppie s-puppy-mill-
atlornevs" rcpresclttatiVcs. anci tltt-rsc pcrsons or cntitics in activc coltccrt or participation with
thctlt. is nlanclatccl to takc all action" irrclLrcling" but rrot lirritccl to. ru-noving the publications
Irladc about Plaintill-s fl'ortt tlicir t'cspcctivc n cbpagcs on r,i hich thci appcar. irrclr-rding
u Vn i'r ' clkhatrthlrrllzlllcsocc itr'. cotrt. \\'\\'\\'.titpix. cont. ancl ww.\\ conrplaintsboard.cont. ancl
reclttcsting rct"noval fl'om thc Intcrnct scarch cngincs inclr-rding Google via its court order
submission wcbpagc at
rtorclcr&rd ,l " ancl Yahoo! and I) ing r,'ia thcir rcr-no'u'aI rcclucst page at
&lo!^ltig-q!r:Lu&qq!4- Q000 11672283 15550" ancl that Plaintifl.s nrar, also do so olt Def'endant's
bchalt'as nccdcd. to retttor,'c and rcclttcst rcmor,'al or all delarlatory" disparaging" libelor-rs. apd
f-alsc statcmcnts abor.rt Plaintilh that l)ef-crrdants posted on thc Intclnct. incllclinH. but pot limited
t. ]:Up./Wy@icport.conr/r"/f-an-rily-puppics-dave-wa),ne/nappanee-indiana-
55 0/ l'anr i l),-pu pp ic s -d a vc- vva)'n e -dar,,c -c h u p p -c1a'u'cs- p up s- rny- lovab le -
rvcst i es-cori rtna-chupp- I - 1 0[i 93 3il :
2. btp_./r1yll_u.L_ipq1l_epg4_!._c__qq1[-.JprtVditr i-d:c_l]!pp/niq2pance-ipdjana-
250000-bctwccn-vct- 1 3 72528:
.'). hltpVuuyf o u t u b c . c o nr A\, atc h/r i I J_]qQ_&gQy__Q
T, httpSlUlu.nfgslup. c alvplpp)::1tt]leuarylsgslm c s sa gc s/bo ard s/thre adl9 7 1,1 3
5. http_./luu$Jagsrts_,selr/blqg/20Q_9/_0:ll8lu,-:ru:illqtctlastee$/ :
7. httUllt_u__u.lopu=c_lurr/fu&uu/d1Vrcppau_qet:11ll_llN35l:M.lC_,N.rS0KtJ't'9;
fl. [!p://w'n'u.conrplaintsboard.conr/corlplaints/f'anril]'-pLrppies-pupp,v-mill-
nlandatcd. as it is fbrcseeablc that tlre above-ref-erenced tJRLs and the statements contained
thcrcott r,iill bc copiccl or rcl'crcnccd orr additional wcbpagcs in the firtr-rrc. including but not
lirrtitcd to irtdcr" clirectorl'. anci scarrch rcsults pagcs. to takc rcasonable actions. inclr-rding
rcclr"testing rclnoval 1l'onr thc Intcrrrct scarch urgincs Googlc" Yahoo!. and Bing" to ren-rove. all
and otltcr w'chsitcs rvith sirlilar ciclanraton'contcnt about Plaintil'f. to relnove all associated
wcbpagcs and URLs listed hercitr cc-lrtaining the clel'arnatorv corrtcnt about Plaintills fiom their
Il'IS IrLjlt.l'l IllR OIf DITRI:l). AI).ltJD(il:l) ANI) DI:CItl:l:l) that no danrases are
I'l' IS IrtlR.l'l IlrR ORDI:RI:l). AD.ltlD(il:l) ANI) I)l:CRlrl:l) that all costs of C'ourt
crpendcd or itrcurrccl in this caLrsc arc tarecl against thc partv incr-rrriltg sarltc.
I'l' IS FLllt'l'l IIrR ORDI:ltlrl). AI).ltrDGI:l) ANI) DtrC'Rlllrl) that this C'ourt retains
I'l' IS FLIR t'l IllR ORDI:RI:l). ID(il:l) ANI) DI:C'ltlrlrl) that this Order is the Final
.ludgmcrtt ol'this Court" atrcJ iill rclicl-pravcd lbr b1 an1'part\ but not hcrcilt cxpresslv grar-rted be
July 10, 2018