Your First Words
Your First Words
Your First Words
There are also several other words you can use when you meet a Norwegian. Here are two
other greetings:
Hallo Hello
God dag "Good day"
You might have discovered already that this isn't as difficult as you thought before you started.
These words are almost totally similar to the English words!
So now you know how to start and end a conversation. Here are some other essential words:
jeg I
du you
han he
hun she
det / den it
vi we
dere you (pl.)
de they
The first verb you learnt, "å være" (to be), is one of the very few irregular verbs in Norwegian.
"Å hete" and "å lære" are regular. You can probably easily figure out the conjugation rule,
which we will give a special name:
The golden rule: To conjugate a verb in the present tense, you simply add -r to the end of it!
Probably you've also noticed that "å" is always in front of a verb in the infinitive. It's called "the
infinitive marker". In English the infinitive marker is "to" (for instance "to be").
It's unnecessary to use a big table for each verb, so from now on we'll just present the verbs like
this; in the first column you find the English translation, the infinitive form is in the second
column, and the present tense form is shown in the third one:
to be å være er
to speak / talk å snakke snakker
to be called å hete heter