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Structures. Internal Memory: Computer Memory System Overview. cache Memory. Input Output:
External Devices. Direct External System Overview
digital electronics Fundamental NAnD NOR and Exclusive—OR operation Boolean Algebra. Number
System and Codes: Primary, Octal Hexadecimal, signed number Codes. Combinational logic Design: K-
map representation Of logical functions and simplification using k-map of 4 and 5 variables.
Multiplexers, decoders, flip-flop: edge triggered flip flop
DATA STRUCTURES Marks: 15 Abstract data types and objects, graphical user
interfaces; language support and OOP: Inheritance, classes and subclasses, header
files, overloading. Programming with Data structures: Stacks. queues, lists, trees
and balanced binary trees, algorithms for searching and sorting and open offce
PROGRAMMING IN C++ Marks: 20 1. Object Oriented Programming: Data hiding,
Data encapsulation, Class and Object, Abstract class and Concrete class,
Polymorphism (Implementation of polymorphism using Function overloading as an
example in C++); Inheritance, Advantages of Object Oriented Programming over
earlier programming methodologies. 2. Implementation of Object Oriented
Programming @ncepts in C++: Members of a class-Data Members AND Member
Functions (methods), inside class definition and outside class definition using scope
resolution operator (::) Objects as function arguments-pass by value and pass by
reference; Constructor and Destructor. Constructor: Dedaration and Definition of a
constructor, Default Construdor, Overloaded Constructors _Destructor. Declaration
and definition Of destructor, Inheritance (Extending Class): Concept of Inheritance,
Base Class, Derived Class. Defining derived classes, Multilevel inheritance and
Multiple inheritance, Data File Handling: Reading and Manipulation of text from an
already existing text File (accessing sequentially); 3. Pointers: