Cbse Class 12 Syllabus 2019 20 Computer Science Old
Cbse Class 12 Syllabus 2019 20 Computer Science Old
Cbse Class 12 Syllabus 2019 20 Computer Science Old
Class XII (Theory) - C++
(Session 2019-20)
Duration: 3 hours Total Marks: 70
Object Oriented Programming: Concept of Object Oriented Programming – Data hiding, Data
encapsulation, Class and Object, Abstract class and Concrete class, Polymorphism
(Implementation of polymorphism using Function overloading as an example in C++); Inheritance,
Advantages of Object Oriented Programming over earlier programming methodologies,
Inheritance (Extending Classes): Concept of Inheritances, Base Class, Derived classes, protected
visibility mode; Single level inheritance, Multilevel inheritance and Multiple inheritance, Privately
derived, publicly derived and Protectedly derived class, accessibility of members from objects and
within derived class (es);
Data File Handling: Need for a data file, Types of data files – Text file and Binary file;
Text File: Basic file operations on text file: Creating/Writing text into file, Reading and
Manipulation of text from an already existing text File (accessing sequentially).
Binary File: Creation of file, Writing data into file, Searching for required data from file,
Appending data to a file, Insertion of data in sorted file, Deletion of data from file, Modification
of data in a file;
Implementation of above mentioned data file handling in C++;
Components of C++ to be used with file handling: Header file:
fstream.h; ifstream, ofstream, classes;
Opening a text file in—in, out, and app modes;
Using cascading operators (>>,<<) for writing text to the file and reading text from the file; open
(), get (), read (), put (), write(), getline() and close() functions; Detecting end-of-file (with or
without using eof() function), tellg(), tellp(), seekg(), seekp();
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Introduction to Pointer, Declaration and Initialization of Pointer; Dynamic memory allocation/de-
allocation operators: new, delete; Pointers and Arrays: Array of Pointers, Pointer to an array (1
dimensional array), Function returning a pointer, Reference variables and use of alias; Function
call by reference. Pointer to structure: De-reference/Deference operator: *, ->; self referential
Introduction to data structure- array, stack queues primitive and non-primitive data structure,
linear and non-linear structure, static and dynamic data structure.
One and two Dimensional arrays: Sequential allocation and address calculation;
One dimensional array: Traversal, Searching (Linear, Binary Search), Insertion of an element in an
array, deletion of an element from an array, Sorting (Insertion, Selection, Bubble)
Two-dimensional arrays: Traversal Finding sum/difference of two NxM arrays containing numeric
values, Interchanging Row and Column elements in a two dimensional array;
Unit 3: Database Management System and SQL (20 Theory + 20 Practical) Periods
Data base Concepts: Introduction to data base concepts and its need.
Relational data model: Concept of domain, tuple, relation, key, primary key, alternate key,
candidate key;
General Concepts: Advantages of using SQL, Data Definition Language and Data Manipulation
SQL functions: SUM ( ), AVG ( ), COUNT ( ), MAX ( ) AND MIN ( ); Obtaining results (SELECT query)
from 2 tables using equi-join, Cartesian product and Union
Note: Implementation of the above mentioned commands could be done on any SQL supported
software on one or two tables.
Binary-valued Quantities, Boolean Variable, Boolean Constant and Boolean Operators: AND, OR,
NOT; Truth Tables; Closure Property, Commutative Law, Associative Law, Identity law, Inverse
Law, Principle of Duality, Idempotent Law, Distributive Law, Absorption Law, Involution Law,
DeMorgan’s Law and their applications;
Obtaining Sum of Product (SOP) and Product of Sum (POS) form the Truth Table, Reducing Boolean
Expression (SOP and POS) to its minimal form, Use of Karnaugh Map for minimization of Boolean
expressions (up to 4 variables);
Application of Boolean Logic: Digital electronic circuit design using basic Logic Gates (NOT, AND,
1. Programming in C++ 10
One programming problem in C++ to be developed and tested in Computer during the examination.
Marks are allotted on the basis of following:
Logic : 6 Marks
Documentation/Indentation : 2 Marks
Output presentation : 2 Marks
Notes: The types of problem to be given will be of application type from the following topics
Arrays (One dimensional and two dimensional)
Class(es) and objects
Stack using arrays and or linked implementation
Queue using arrays (circular) and or linked implementation
Binary File operations (Creation, Displaying, Searching and
2. SQL Commands 05
Five Query questions based on a particular Table / Relation to be tested practically on Computer during
the examination. The command along with the result must be written in the answer sheet.
3. Project Work 05
The project has to be developed in C++ language with Object Oriented Technology and also should have
use of Data files. (The project is required to be developed in a group of 2-4 students)
Presentation on the computer
Project report (Listing, Sample Outputs, Documentations)
* 1 mark is for innovation while writing programme.
4. Practical File 06
Must have minimum 20 programs from the following topics
Arrays (One dimensional and two dimensional, sorting, searching, merging, deletion & insertion of
Class(es) and objects
Stacks using arrays and linked implementation
Queue using arrays & linked implementation (circular also).
File (Binary and Text) operations (Creation, Updation,
Any computational Based problems
15 SQL commands along with the output based on any table/relation:
5. Viva Voce 04
Viva will be asked from syllabus covered in class XII and the project developed by student.
2. Project content
2.1 Project for class XI can be selected from the topics mentioned in the syllabus or domains on the similar
2.2 Project for class XII should ensure the coverage of following areas of curriculum:
Flow of control
Data Structure
Object Oriented Programming C++
Data File Handling
Theme of the project can be
Any subsystem of a System Software or Tool
Any Scientific or a fairly complex algorithmic situation
School Management, Banking, Library Information System, Hotel or Hospital Management
Transport query system
Quizzes / Games;
Tutor, Computer Aided Learning Systems
2.3 It is suggested to prepare a bilingual (English and other Indian language) user manual part of project
2.4 The aim of the project is to highlight the abilities of algorithmic formulation, modular programming,
optimized code preparation, systematic documentation and other associated aspects of Software