The Student's Academic Speaking Skill Achievement in Terms of Communication, Personality and Gender
The Student's Academic Speaking Skill Achievement in Terms of Communication, Personality and Gender
The Student's Academic Speaking Skill Achievement in Terms of Communication, Personality and Gender
Compiled by
whether there is significant correlation on them or not. The data that the researchers
gathered in this research are questionnaires and test. The questionnaires were taken to
analyze the level of student’s communication and their personality. The questionnaires
consist of 55 questions which relevant with men and women communication and
personality. The samples that the researchers used were 46 students (26 of women and
20 of men). The student’s communication skill was in high and middle level of
communication. Based on the type of student’s personality, there were two types of
personality; extrovert and introvert (adapted from Eysenck Personality Questionnaire).
The last data was taken from student’s academic speaking test. Furthermore, the
correlation between gender and student’s communication skill was -0,004 (<0,05),
student’s personality and their communication skill at significant level of 0,100 (>0,05)
and student’s personality and gender at significant level of 0,145 (>0,05), it means there
was no significant correlation between student’s communication, student’s personality,
and gender on their academic speaking skill achievement. In sum up, it can be said that
student’s personality and gender will not affect their communication skill.
The university’s role in producing graduates in various fields to fulfill the market needs
does not only focus on academic achievement, but also on generic skills or “soft skills”
required for them to compete in the global market. Furthermore, employers now place great
importance on generic skills and personality in choosing their future employees. Therefore,
local universities now explicitly state generic skills as a requirement in the program
outcome since 2008, consistent with “performance based curriculum” which started the
same year.
The aim of the research is to analyze the correlation of student’s
communication, student’s personality, and gender on their academic speaking skill
achievement. In relation to men and women, the most basic stereotypical expectation is
simply that they will be different rather than the same. Here, the researchers observe
and analyze the student’s academic speaking skill in term of communication,
personality and gender
Before pointing out the differences in men and women during communication,
their stages of development are critical in understanding the various forms of
communication. The first perceptions of communication begin before the ability to
speak. As young children observe the actions of others which help them identify who
they are. Wood (2011) states that, “we are born into a gendered society that guides our
understanding of gender and shapes our personal gendered identities” (p. 160). At a
young age, children begin to form ideas about who they are and how they are supposed
to act based on their observations. Wood discusses the idea of self-as-object, or the
ability to think about, reflect upon, and respond to ourselves as well as the monitoring
what takes place inside of us as we observe and regulate our attitudes and behaviors.
These observations, paired with societal gender norms, shape that we become and how
we perceive ourselves.
Wood (2011) explains that men and women grow in different gender speech
communities and, thus, develop different communication styles. Wood stated, “a speech
community exists when people share understandings about goals of communication,
strategies for enacting those goals, and ways of interpreting communication” (p. 125).
In short, people communicate in different ways. It depends on a lot of things, where
people are from, how and where people were brought up, the educational background,
the age, and it also can depend on gender.
In contrast, Newman et al. (2008) discussed the similarities between man and
women in communication. He said that “contrary to popular stereotypes, men and
women were distinguishable in their references to sexuality, anger, time, their use of
first-person plural, the number of words and question marks employed, and the
insertion of qualifiers in the form of exclusion words (e.g., but, although)” (p.229).
Based on the discussion between men and women differences and similarities in
communication, the researchers would like to discuss the academic speaking skill
achievement in term of communication, personality and gender. In this case, the
discussion focused on students of Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang. Here,
college students as young people who will be in control to develop the nation; they
should be capable of being a superior human to compete with others. So that the
students should have a mentally healthy that will do his duties later.
The aspects of communication consist of four sections (Johnson, 1991). Whereas in the
process of the fourth aspect of communication cannot be separated from one another.
Communication aspects, namely;
3. Aspects of asking for feedback; namely the ability to ask for feedback from
those who sent information or messages. Request feedback can be done verbally is
asked directly, or are nonverbal by using body language.
4. Aspects of giving feedback; is the ability to provide feedback on the message or
information received. It is useful to convey that information has been received and also
to equate the notion of messages sent.
Good communication can improve interpersonal relationships which should have three
factors in it, namely trust (believe), supportiveness (supportive attitude), and open-
mindedness (openness). Believe will determine the effectiveness of communication; it
gained from the trust.First, believe will improve interpersonal communication as open
channels of communication, clarifying the sending and receiving of information, as well as
expanding opportunities to reach the point communicant. If you do not want to disclose
how your feelings and thoughts, so people would not understand who you really are. One
interpersonal perception about yourself will be disrupted. People may have the wrong
interpretation about you. Without trust there will be no understanding. Without
understanding the primary communication failure occurs. Second, the lack of trust in others
will hinder the development of interpersonal relationships that are familiar. If you feel
your friend is not honest and open, you will give the same response. As a result, the
relationship will take place in shallow and deep. Familiarity only happens, if we all are
willing to express their feelings and thoughts. Clearly, without trust there will be a
secondary communication failure. Supportive attitudes will reduce defensiveness in
communication. As a result of interpersonal communication failure occurs. And result
in the failure to create good interpersonal relationships. Openness brings great
influence in the growth of effective interpersonal communication.
Based on the results of the study did not show any significant differences between
the achievements of academic speaking skills of students with introverted or extroverted
personality types, achievement of academic speaking skills with communication skills, as
well as academic speaking skills achievement with gender. Results of the analysis show no
differences in academic speaking skills achievement, both in terms of the type of
personality, communication skills, and gender. Rejection of the hypothesis can be caused
by several factors, both technical and conceptual nature. Technically, it can be evaluated
from the measuring instrument, the students, and research design. Measuring instruments
used to note the extent to which the measuring instrument can distinguish the individual
personality types in the introvert and extrovert personality types.
This article give me a lot of information about Speaking Skill Achievement in
terms of Communication,Personality and Gender,A plan about my research is about the
use of english club to improve speaking communication. This article tells me about the
different culture of people. Means, everyone has their own style in speaking English
especially in communication in personality and gender,The aim of the research is to
analyze the correlation of student’s communication, student’s personality, and gender
on their academic speaking skill achievement. In relation to men and women, the most
basic stereotypical expectation is simply that they will be different rather than the same.
Here, the researchers observe and analyze the student’s academic speaking skill in term
of communication, personality and gender.