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Abstract Introduction: We assessed the feasibility and cognitive effects of a ketogenic diet (KD) in partici-
pants with Alzheimer’s disease.
Methods: The Ketogenic Diet Retention and Feasibility Trial featured a 3-month, medium-chain tri-
glyceride–supplemented KD followed by a 1-month washout in clinical dementia rating (CDR) 0.5,
1, and 2 participants. We obtained urine acetoacetate, serum b-hydroxybutyrate, food record, and
safety data. We administered the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale and
Mini–Mental State Examination before the KD, and following the intervention and washout.
Results: We enrolled seven CDR 0.5, four CDR 1, and four CDR 2 participants. One CDR 0.5 and all
CDR 2 participants withdrew citing caregiver burden. The 10 completers achieved ketosis. Most
adverse events were medium-chain triglyceride–related. Among the completers, the mean of the Alz-
heimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale score improved by 4.1 points during the diet
(P 5 .02) and reverted to baseline after the washout.
Discussion: This pilot trial justifies KD studies in mild Alzheimer’s disease.
Ó 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Association. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease; Cognition; Ketogenic diet; Low-carbohydrate diet; Medium-chain triglyceride
immediately after the baseline visit (just before starting the to quantify and characterize feasibility of the intervention.
diet); at months 1, 2, and 3; and during washout visits to Normality of the dependent variables was assessed through
characterize dietary intake before, during, and after the die- Q-Q visualization of residual models. Paired t-tests were
tary intervention. used to analyze differences in dietary macronutrient intake
before and during the diet intervention. We constructed
2.4.2. Biomarker, safety, and anthropometric assessments linear mixed models and tested mean differences with
Participants self-monitored urine ketones daily, in the post-hoc pairwise comparisons for cognitive data and serum
early evening, using urine acetoacetate test strips (Ketostix, biomarkers, with the exception of serum BHB where resid-
Bayer, Germany). Daily urine ketone status was recorded as ual assessment indicated the use of Friedman tests with Con-
either negative, trace (5–14.9 mg/dL), small (15–39.9 over post-hoc pairwise comparisons. Statistical analyses
mg/dL), moderate (40–79.9 mg/dL), or large (801 mg/dL) were performed using R (v. 3.3.2; R Foundation, Vienna,
in a provided diary. Days in which participants did not mea- Austria). Statistical tests were two-tailed, and significance
sure the ketone levels were conservatively tallied as a “nega- was set at P , .05. For the cognition analysis, our null hy-
tive” ketone response. pothesis assumed that a VHF-KD would not affect the cogni-
All serum biomarker and safety lab tests were collected af- tive performance of participants with AD.
ter a 12-hour fast. Full lipid and metabolic panels were
collected at the baseline and month 3 (end of diet intervention)
3. Results
visits, and these assays were performed by the KU Hospital
clinical laboratory. Serum electrolytes, renal function tests, Fifteen participants enrolled in the study over a 31-month
liver function tests, and glucose levels were measured by period (December 2013–July 2016). The mean age and educa-
the KU Hospital clinical laboratory at the baseline and month tion levels were 73.1 6 9.0 and 15.0 6 2.7 years, respectively.
3 visits. Serum BHB and insulin levels were measured at all Seven were male. To enroll these 15 participants, we contacted
visit time points (baseline, month 1, month 2, month 3, and 298 individuals. During the first 19 months, 72 potential partic-
washout) by the KU Hospital clinical laboratory. Homeostatic ipants were contacted by the study coordinator via letter or
model assessment 2-insulin resistance (HOMA2-IR) values phone call, and nine enrolled in the study. From months 20
for each participant were calculated using a HOMA2 Calcu- through 31, we invited 185 participants, by letter, to one of
lator (v. 2.2.3; University of Oxford, United Kingdom). two different ketogenic cooking demonstrations at the KU Clin-
At each visit, we queried the participants and their care part- ical Research Center Demonstration Kitchen. Thirty-eight total
ners for adverse symptoms. Also at each visit, we further potential participants attended one of two cooking demonstra-
encouraged the participants and their care partners to contact tions; attendance was limited by space limitations and not by
the study dietitian for any symptoms or medical complaints invitee interest. These two cooking demonstrations resulted
they thought might relate to their participation in the study. in the enrollment of six new participants. Supplementary
As part of an additional safety measure, participants received Figure 1 depicts recruitment and participant flow.
baseline and month 1, 2, and 3 electrocardiogram assessments. Five participants did not successfully implement the VHF-
Height, weight, and body composition were measured for KD, withdrew from the study within the first month or shortly
all subjects. BMI (kg/m2) was calculated using weight and after the first month (dropout rate of 33%), and provided only
height measurements. Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry baseline data. Four of the dropouts had moderate AD (CDR 2),
was used to attain and quantify body fat percentage, lean and the other had very mild AD (CDR 0.5) (Table 1). The part-
body mass, fat mass, and bone mass at baseline and month 3. ners of the participants that withdrew from the study uni-
formly cited caregiver burden as the reason for
2.4.3. Cognitive testing discontinuing. The remaining 10 participants were compliant
A trained psychometrician administered the Mini–Mental with the VHF-KD intervention, although one participant dis-
State Examination (MMSE) and the Alzheimer’s Disease continued cholinesterase inhibitor therapy and was therefore
Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale (ADAS-cog) at baseline, technically protocol noncompliant. This was the only partic-
at the end of the intervention (month 3), and after the 1-month ipant in whom we documented cognitive decline.
washout. The MMSE is a brief, 30-point questionnaire de- Most participants preferred to mix their MCT oil with
signed to identify cognitive impairment. The ADAS-cog con- either food or beverages and used this strategy to enhance
sists of 11 tasks that measure changes in memory, language, MCT tolerability. Participants who completed the interven-
praxis, and attention. Total incorrect answers and cued re- tion generally consumed 1.5–3 tablespoons of MCT oil per
minders are reported as the cumulative score, thus higher day, which constituted 60–80% of the target MCT volume.
scores on the ADAS-cog reflect greater cognitive impairment. No one reached 100% of the MCT target volume.
Self-reported urine ketone assessments from the 10 com-
pleters revealed each achieved ketosis, although the depth
2.5. Statistical analyses
and consistency of ketosis varied. On average, completers
Continuous variables were described using their means detected the presence of at least some degree of urine acetoa-
and standard deviations. Descriptive statistics were utilized cetate on 54.5 6 29.0 days (60.6%) of the 3-month dietary
M.K. Taylor et al. / Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions 4 (2018) 28-36 31
Fig. 1. Urine and serum BHB values. (A) The figure indicates the percentage of days in which each participant’s self-reported urine acetoacetate analysis re-
vealed ketosis, as well as the depth of ketosis achieved. (B) Serum BHB values for each subject. Subject 15, who reported only trace urine acetoacetate for only
24.2% of the intervention, is shown by a yellow line. (C) Mean serum BHB values 6 SD. ***P , .001. Abbreviations: BHB, b-hydroxybutyrate; SD, standard
deviation; ADAS-cog, Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale; CDR, clinical dementia rating.
M.K. Taylor et al. / Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions 4 (2018) 28-36 33
Fig. 2. ADAS-cog scores. (A) Waterfall plot showing the difference between the baseline and 3-month VHF-KD ADAS-cog scores for the 10 participants who
completed the diet intervention. Subject 15 was CDR 1. (B) The ADAS-cog scores for each participant who completed the diet intervention (baseline score, after
3 months on the VHF-KD, and after a 1 month washout period) are shown. One of the CDR 0.5 participants did not complete washout testing and so an ADAS-
cog washout value is not available for this participant. (C) Mean change 6 SD ADAS-cog data for all participants who completed the VHF-KD intervention. (D)
Mean change 6 SD ADAS-cog data for the protocol-compliant participants. *P .05; ***P , .005. Abbreviations: ADAS-cog, Alzheimer’s Disease Assess-
ment Scale-cognitive subscale; VHF-KD, very high-fat KD; CDR, clinical dementia rating; SD, standard deviation.
restricted or high-carbohydrate diet and found memory test KDs and ketone bodies have protean physiologic effects.
performance improved in the carbohydrate-restricted KDs can increase ketone body levels and ketone utilization,
(n 5 12) but not in the high-carbohydrate intervention [19]. reduce brain glucose consumption, lower insulin, alter insu-
Although the authors did not formally refer to their lin signaling, increase long- and medium-chain fatty acids,
carbohydrate-restricted diet as a KD, they did show that cogni- affect lipid handling, and reduce inflammation [11,31–37].
tive improvement positively correlated with ketone body Ketone bodies change bioenergetic infrastructures in
levels. Two studies report that simply consuming an MCT sup- neurons and astrocytes, mediate glia-neuron interactions,
plement outside of a KD context, which also boosts serum affect energy homeostasis, post-translationally modify pro-
BHB levels, at least temporarily improves cognition in AD teins (directly and indirectly) to influence their function,
subjects [21,22]. In a case report, Newport et al. noted modify gene expression, and act as signaling molecules
administering a BHB-promoting ketone monoester to an AD [31,38–42]. Our study does not address the mechanisms
patient coincided with cognitive improvement [30]. through which a KD might influence cognition. It does not
Table 3
KDRAFT cognitive test scores
All participants Protocol compliant participants
Parameter Baseline (n 5 10) Month 3 (n 5 10) Washout (n 5 9) Baseline (n 5 9) Month 3 (n 5 9) Washout (n 5 8)
ADAS-cog 25.5 (5.9) 21.4 (4.4)* 25.3 (5.4) 26.6 (5.1) 21.3 (4.7) 25.3 (5.7)
MMSE 25.5 (1.5) 26.3 (0.5) 25.1 (1.8) 25.2 (1.3) 26.3 (0.5)z 25.4 (1.7)
Abbreviations: KDRAFT, Ketogenic Diet Retention and Feasibility Trial; ADAS-cog, Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale; MMSE,
Mini–Mental State Examination; KD, ketogenic diet; SD, standard deviation.
NOTE. Values are Mean (SD).
*P 5 .02, Baseline vs. KD by linear mixed model.
P 5 .001, Baseline vs. KD by linear mixed model.
P 5 .05, Baseline vs. KD by linear mixed model.
M.K. Taylor et al. / Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions 4 (2018) 28-36 35
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