User Interface Design: Prashamsa Mishra
User Interface Design: Prashamsa Mishra
User Interface Design: Prashamsa Mishra
Date 14 April 2013
The main purpose of the project was to make use of elements of interface design to create
an application. Another purpose was to see how Enoro (customer) Generis system (cus-
tomer’s internal system) merges with the web in particular application. The goal was to
create an application web interface for existing System Monitoring application.
ASP.NET framework with C# programming language, Enoro Generis System and user
interface design elements were used for creating the application. The application serves
Enoro’s customers to monitor their servers and view the result via web interface. The ap-
plication development is still ongoing. The final product was not aimed for this study but
the thesis application well demonstrates the concept of final application.
The application carries good importance to both Enoro and its customers regarding busi-
ness values and system robustness monitoring and immediate problem fixing. The applica-
tion also demonstrates how user interface design influences application’s use. The con-
cept of the application itself is important for users who can easily know what is going on in
their systems regardless of their location and the platform they use.
Glossary / Abbreviations 1
1 Introduction 2
3.1 Usability 15
3.2 Visualization 22
3.3 Functionality 26
3.4 Accessibility 28
3.5 Interface Design Success and Failure examples and reasons behind 30
5 Testing 36
6.1 Requirement 48
6.2 Design 49
6.3 Implementation 52
6.4 Testing 53
6.5 Project Analysis 56
7 Conclusion 57
References 58
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Glossary / Abbreviations
1 Introduction
The thesis project is focused on designing a web interface for existing System Monitor-
ing application. The application monitors servers and sends results to respective users
via email. The main idea of thesis application is to provide users with usable web inter-
face for browsing the results. The report provides general description of interface de-
sign and example application.
The work is done for Enoro whose main business area is energy data management.
The company is a newly found company with integration with other two different com-
panies located at different countries. The Finland branch, previously known as Process
Vision, is twenty years old and is serving its customers well. The thesis’ attempt is to
provide the Enoro’s customers a feature to monitor their system in an easy and effec-
tive way.
During the design and implementation of the application, user interface design ele-
ments will be considered. All study done to seek out possibility to make a usable de-
sign will be put into application development. The project will also demonstrate the pro-
cess of interface design.
The subject area chosen for this topic is very big. There is no one right way to do
things. This area has been in consideration for a long time now yet many web designs
are failing to provide good user experiences. The goal of the thesis is to create a sim-
ple and usable web application and provide users just what they want.
Enoro internal platform, Generis, will be used to create the application which will be
later replicated to web. The application will show how Generis system and web aspect
merge well with each other. The application will help users use Generis without having
to be in the Generis system itself making it platform independent.
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With time and creativity, developments have been part of technology. With creativity
comes advancement and with advancement comes complexity but we still prefer things
to be simple yet advanced. This is when we need to think how to simplify things. We
need simplicity in product development and we need simplicity in product use. We
need something to fulfill this need. User interface design just fits in there. It helps de-
veloper/designer to create end product in logical and sequential way. User Interface
(UI) design has four main elements: Usability, Visualization, Functionality and Accessi-
bility [2]. They are explained in section – Elements of Interface Design.
Design elements can come in use only after we analyze our potential users. If we do
not know who is going to use the system, we do not know what kind of system we
should make. Interfaces should always consider end users’ need and fulfill their de-
mands. In the section below, chapter 2.1, are some user experience design considera-
tions to be made for better UI design [4;5].
For making user experience enjoyable there are some things that should be considered
before jumping into the development process. This will save developer’s time and also
designer’s work will go smoothly. The end result will be usable.
Users do not like inconsistent pages. Inconsistency makes things complex while con-
sistency provides clarity. Some basic elements of an application user interface that
designer should be consistent with are color scheme, style, borders, type and fonts,
size, background images and effects [16].
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Wise choices should be made matching the theme of one’s to be designed interfaces.
For example, if we are designing pages for a coffee shop, use of coffee brown color in
the background might be a good choice instead of using unnecessary bright pink which
would be more favorable in soft toys selling site for little girls. Choices of these ele-
ments are very subjective but can be measured and defined by getting enough infor-
mation on end users will give an idea on what UI patterns to use and how to.
Consistency also means doing similar tasks in a similar way, for example clicking on
home button or the company’s logo in the banner should always take the user to the
home page at all times. Consistent page layout should contain for example header,
footer and body. No matter in what page of the site we are in, we will find these ele-
ments right there.
Consistency helps users remember one’s design. It adds the right feel for users to be
there. Throw users different typography in different pages, different sizes and colors
without any meaning or reason behind, they are going to get bored and never return to
that site again. Consistency can be achieved by a thoughtful design, potential end us-
ers’ research, using master pages and CSS while developing [5].
Example of consistency:
The figure below, Figure 1 Consistent User Interface of Microsoft Office Package,
shows the clear concept of consistency. Making a UI consistent helps user get familiar
with system quickly.
The figure above describes how consistency is maintained in looks and features of
Microsoft-office package. Once the user learns one of the package applications, it be-
comes easy for him to learn the rest as well. He will not have to learn a whole new in-
terface again; he can just learn features meant for a specific application since the rest
is something he has already learnt.
The user might find it very annoying to keep waiting in a site and wonder how to react
to a certain situation. For example, when user submits his information via registration
form, he expects some kind of response from the site that says registration failed or
was successful and navigates to you to a certain page. Instead if he receives a blank
html page with no going back option or no any information of the registration process, it
will have a negative impact on the user’s future usage of the site.
The basic idea of the site being responsive is the site responding to users actions. It
also means giving the users the feeling that we are listening to them. Nobody likes to
talk to a tree. If the page is taking time to load, one can provide some visual graphical
representation or any plain text that suggests that the page is loading or telling them
the progress status. Use of heavy graphics can add to the response time of a web
page. Therefore, minimizing sizes and use of them as little as possible can help mini-
mize the problem. Using alternatives also help, for example, if an image has not loaded
for some reason, alternative text stating what image it is, helps the user to at least un-
derstand the idea behind the problem. [5]
Familiar Metaphors
Use of terms already familiar to users from other existing internet sites helps them to
familiarize with the website faster [5]. For example, words such as products, home (or
desktop in operating systems) and shopping cart are very common to ecommerce
sites. At the same time, in general sites, words such as share, signup and login are
very common, so using them to the newly designed pages will help users to skip un-
derstanding these parts of the site which will help in minimizing the learning process
[5]. One should always be sure to use metaphors taking cultural boundaries into ac-
count [4]. It is easy to get people offended when cultural differences are not well under-
stood. Background research and consult with respective representative should be
made to avoid possible tension and misunderstandings.
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Along with the navigation links, streaming also deals with for example minimal usage of
mouse. Users might not want to use the mouse when they are signing in to the web-
site. Setting focus username field of the form or setting focus on submit button instead
of cancel button so that user can login just by clicking enter are some examples of how
users can get easily through the sign in phase. There are always simple ways as men-
tioned above that might make user experience better. [5]
There are other simple ways of making the user experience better. Let us consider an
example of a registration form in a site. If the form has numerous unnecessary manda-
tory fields irrelevant to the site’s purpose, user might not want to fill it up and register.
Minimizing the fields according to need and providing an option to whether or not to fill
in certain fields will get users to feel respected and they might eventually register. If
there is no special need of having different levels of users or whole logging in process,
the registration process should be made optional. Users do not like to be bothered un-
necessarily. Any unwanted thing should be thrown away. Keeping them does not make
the interface or the process any better.
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Designers and developers might come across many reported usability issues after the
site launch if the home work is not done properly. If the design work is being done for
certain target group, research on the targeted users will help solve this problem and if
the design work is being done for general users, research on the products will help.
The goal of the design should never be forgotten and focus should always be kept on
Users should always be able to undo the operation [4;20]. They might just mistakenly
perform a task. They should be given a chance and should be allowed to cancel their
operation. For example, the users might accidentally add a product to their shopping
cart or after putting the product to the cart decide they do not want it anymore. The
users should be able to delete the product from the cart. This helps them feel secure
and not forced to buy any product if they do not want to.
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It is not just enough to think of usability issues that might occur, it is equally important
to direct them to right direction in such issues and respond to their mistakes according-
ly. This concerns error handling or error responding. In earlier paragraphs we dis-
cussed that if user makes an error, he should be helped to overcome the problem.
Here we discuss the error messages that a user might get such as inputting wrong
username that does not match the validity criteria. Also, the page might have taken
more than allocated time for it to load. Error messages should follow simple criteria.
They should be polite; users do not like impolite messages [4]. They should also be
short, meaningful, positive, understandable by the user – geeky terms could be way out
of user’s mind, and the messages should also be consistent [4].
The error messages help user to understand what he or she did wrong and try to cor-
rect it the next time. For example, when user inputs a username that has already been
taken, the system immediately gives an error message saying something like ‘This
username has already been taken, please enter another one’. This will make user re-
consider the username. Error messages can be supported with suggestions. An error
message could be something like ‘Username elephant has already been taken, please
enter another one – some available usernames are elephant001, elep4567hant,
ele2390’. Some help links can also be put along with error messages wherever need-
When design work is being done, designers come across a thousand of possibilities. It
is not possible to please every single user that visits the site [19]. One can provide
some options to ease the usage process to some users but one cannot put in a lot of
features suitable for all possible users. This is where possible end users research
comes in handy. For example, when design work is being done for an ecommerce site,
we cannot make it usable by users of all age groups. We need to find out what age
group is an active internet user group and what group includes ecommerce site active
users. Considering adults being the target group, the main focus of the application de-
velopment should be on them. They should be further limited to normal groups for ex-
ample adults who do not have any near vision problem. The features should be more
inclined towards the former. Extra things can be thought of for latter groups like includ-
ing a simple feature of making the font size bigger or a small graphical representation
that suggests this feature can be put on noticeable part of each page of the site.
The default layouts and design should be always meant for targeted group whenever it
is possible. If not, at least they should be product centered. Target centered designs
are always better options.
Knowing what user interface design is and what key things should be considered to get
the designing work for the users, it is time to think about the process of the user inter-
face design, how it is carried out and what steps are taken to complete it. Time man-
agement is very important for getting the project done. Making the process chart helps
to keep with design and implementation deadline as it becomes helpful to track down
the step one is at. Below is a chart, Figure 2 User interface design process, showing
user interface design process.
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The figure above mentions the basic procedural steps of user interface design. The
steps are described briefly below as a process. Descriptive information on most of the
topics can be found under Elements of Interface Design and Testing.
No user is smaller than the other so, all users’ feedbacks and comments are
equally valuable, be the user in minority or majority [4]. Making a usable appli-
cation is not an easy task. The only thing that assures a usable application is
end users participation. All features that are designed for specific users should
be tested by those specific users. No user should be left out or their thoughts
should not be discarded no matter how simple the idea is as long as they repre-
sent their group of users.
Not only design process is important but it is equally important to keep track of time the
process actually takes so that we do not go over the allowed time limit. It is important to
think the amount of actual time required and time given to predict and calculate / de-
termine time required for each step of process. Gantt chart helps to keep track of what
step to do when and how long it takes to accomplish each task. Figure below, Figure 3
Gantt chart, shows a Gantt chart for the design process discussed above:
The chart above is for a small project which can be done in short period of time of
about 10 weeks. The time is an estimated example time. From the chart with its distinct
use of colors it is clear what step is done in what week and what tasks are ongoing
simultaneously with what other tasks. It helps to keep track of steps and time and in not
going over the time limit.
Note: During the implementation phase, not only user interface design is integrated to
functional design but functional developments and simultaneous unit tests are also
done such as database creation, authentication and authorization logic creation and
other features creation and their implementation.
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Technology has given a lot of different choices today so there is no single way of ac-
cessing data. There are also a lot of options on devices we choose to browse the in-
formation. People are using a lot of time on the internet. The availability of different
devices to perform same task has increased the number even more. In general, devic-
es people use today to interact with web are pc, mobile phones and tablets which also
have different varieties within them. The range of devices users are using creates a
compulsion for designers to design the interface to support cross device usage if they
want more users to use their designed application. This is a service provided to the end
users. There are certain challenges that come across the design process which should
be faced and handled.
Cross device user interface designing is not just an approach designers follow out of
compulsion. Designers want to design rich user experience and add a touch of varia-
tion to traditional approach. There are different ways to implement the cross device
design. Some of them are:
Same content everywhere – The idea is to have same experience throughout all the
designs and just to make the application usable in all digital devices. [7;9]
Unique experience per device – Each device can have different features and / or feel to
make user experience unique across different devices. [7;9]
No matter how high the competition is, it always better to make usability successful in
one device first than having support for multiple device with poor usability. Time always
flies when designing and implementing. So, it is a good idea first to design and imple-
ment support for one system.
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Usability is the key element of interface design. Asking simple questions can help in
making the application usable. The questions could be such as is user able to navigate
from one page to another, can user remember the last page he visited and so on. It
deals with navigation and process of visual and functional aspects [2]. It is the quality
measure attribute that measures the ease of use of user interface of an application or a
web document [1].
Learnability is measured by the learning curve. Learnability defines how easy it is to
learn a system when coming across it for the first time [1]. The basic tasks performance
should be easy in a usable design. Learnability is an important factor. Quicker the user
can learn, better the design is considered which is beneficial for the application or site
owner. The learning curve or learnability relies on following components [25]:
It means how familiar the terms used in a system are. Use of familiar metaphors
is a good example for this which has been explained in chapter 2.1 User Inter-
face design considerations.
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The components in a usable system should be consistent [22,127]. Consistent
design results to familiarity which makes the design usable [25]. More of con-
sistency is described in chapter 2.1 User Interface design considerations.
It is the mixture of consistency and familiarity (not only in terms but navigation /
path) in global level [25]. It is important because people can relate the new sys-
tem with the old and navigate well which increases the usability of the design.
This does not mean the designed system should be a copy of the existing sys-
tems or applications.
Having familiarity, consistency and generalizability does not make a design us-
able. The system should be predictable. The users should be able to predict
what a certain button will do or what a certain link will do or what a certain term
means [24,15]. For example, if there is a link that says help, users expect it to
have some user manual or provide some kind of help. If instead of providing
help, it takes users to products or home page, it will upset them. The designer
might have come up with his own meaning of help, but this should be avoided
because this will scare off the users.
Simplicity is the key to all successful and usable designs. It is easy to make
complex design but is difficult to use it and it is difficult to create a simple design
but easy to use it. It is always better to have fewer features and usable applica-
tion that loading it with hundreds of features too complex to use. To accomplish
a simple design, focus on end users should be maintained. All users should be
able to use the application at least at the basic level.
Efficiency measures the quickness of task performance after the learning phase is
completed successfully for certain features [1]. Users should be able to accomplish the
tasks they want to and get the result they expect to. It then shows if the design is usa-
ble or not.
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The ability of the design that can make user remember the features memorable after
the first visit and first use is known as memorability [1]. The frequency of use of certain
system by a user might not be high; this results into forgetting how the system is used,
how to navigate to desired pages. There are some simple ways of making a user re-
member the system. They are listed below:
Providing some visual identity – human mind relates to visual icons and under-
stand easily compared to just text example if there is a wrench sign, users un-
derstand that it has something to do with their account or profile settings or oth-
er relevant settings and will follow it the designated place
Making the system simple – people tend to forget complex systems
Using familiar metaphors and navigation
Consistency – see consistency and example of consistency in chapter 2.1 User
Interface design consideration
Users tend to make mistakes easily but that is not important. The important part is how
the errors are handled and responded. The system should address the errors and the
users with a lot of patience and politeness. They tend to make mistakes because of
difficult usability. If things are well predefined, people happen to make fewer mistakes.
Even in case they make errors, system should gracefully handle them.
Users should not drive the system, system should drive the users. If the flow of naviga-
tion is smooth, if users get results as they expect, the use of design is pleasant [1] and
interesting. This means the site / system is usable. Users are satisfied with the design
or in other words, the design is satisfactory.
Other than quality sub components of usability, there are other factors that affect usa-
bility of the system. They are described below:
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Application/Site Navigation
It is very necessary to understand the idea of application. What are you doing and what
is the expected result are two very important questions designer might come up with
during application design phase. So, it is a must to have answers of these questions
throughout the design process. It is very easy to get lost when doing bigger tasks. It is
therefore relevant to get some techniques that help us to maintain the connectivity and
flow of the work all the time. Navigation designing is a way to plan the application with
sequence of actions for example if you click button1, picture1 will open. Flow chart is
one of the ways to plan sitemap. Figure 4 Flowchart shows an example of a flowchart
with a simple navigation of a website.
Figure 4 Flowchart
From figure above, we can get the bigger picture of the site navigation. When we are
first in the home page, we have option to go to various other pages as products and
contact. Products page lead us to available products of the site. The application also
has a support for contacting the serving company via contact page. From the arrows, it
is clear that one can get to home page from product 1 page, but cannot go to product 1
page from home page. One has to go to product 1 page via products page.
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When basic navigation logic for whole application is ready, it should be tested with rep-
resentative end users to see if they understand it. If they do, it means this factor will
have fewer chances to cause usability issues. The system/application is usable. If not,
it should be improved. It is very important to note that there should not be any dead
end in navigation [32]. All pages should have options to go back to where started.
Layout Design
The other important factor to be considered for usability is layouts and how they are
designed. When the idea of the application is well understood and sitemap is ready,
rapid prototyping is started. The layouts give the feel of the application/site with naviga-
tion logic. Prototyping or layout designing process should always be broken down to
many pieces. This gives clarity to the divided tasks. A deadline should always be fol-
lowed that was assigned during UI design process in Gantt chart. The steps to be fol-
lowed for a good layout design are presented below:
The figure above clearly shows a basic layout of website. The website
contains a banner, a navigation bar, a content area, a side bar and foot-
er. All pages of a particular application follow this layout unless other-
wise specified.
The figure above has some example text, example color and game’s one of the
main characters. It does not need to be perfect as long as it gives the idea of
the application, what it is doing at current state and how it possibly looks like.
Consistent layout should be designed for all the pages of the application/web
document. Layout should be designed so that it should be possible and easy to
change subjective parameters like colors, typography and position later on us-
ing styling option such as CSS.
Step 2 should be repeated for advanced layout sketching until desired result is
Using the comments and feedbacks from potential end users and client, the
layouts should be made better and made ready to be implemented (merge with
functional aspect).
Step 2 should be repeated for the final design until desired result is obtained.
Note: the design should be tested also after the implementation to make sure
everything is on place.
3.2 Visualization
There are numerous numbers of websites and web applications in use today. An indi-
vidual himself uses a lot and different of them in a day. Making a workable application
is not enough if one wants its application’s usability to increase. It is there where need
for visualization comes in to work. Visualization is used to make the data and content of
an application/system/site clear and presentable. Visualization does not just mean
making an application or a site fancy but also making its content readable and data
understandable easily. We can consider reading a big list of numbers; this might be
sometimes annoying and sometimes difficult to understand. A simple graph might ease
the difficulty. The figure below, Figure 7 Bar graph for data visualization, shows a bar
graph that is used to visualize numeric data - let us suppose increase in smart phone
use per year.
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The figure above clearly shows increase in use of smart phones has increased over
time. One look at it explains the whole logic behind it while if we had to read something
like below it would be difficult (note the numbers below are just an example) –
Number of smart phones used in 2009 is 2876598
Number of smart phones used in 2010 is 4360479
Number of smart phones used in 2011 is 8765420
Number of smart phones used in 2012 is 19876524
Although numbers are good for statistics it is not nice to read them in a very first
glance. It makes more sense to use charts to visualize number or any other data.
Not only by bar graphs but there are several different ways for data visualization. Pie
charts, spread sheets or pictures or animations. Visualization is just story telling in a
better way. The very old saying – a picture is worth a thousand words – explains the
strength of data visualization.
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Visualization gives visual thought which plain text cannot do. Visualizing makes it easi-
er to get the knowledge behind the object. It focuses on their meaning. It helps in see-
ing more, understanding more, enjoying more and stressing less. Data visualization is
presentation of meaningful abstract data/information [23]. Visualization helps in com-
munication between statistical data, users and designers. It should be used whenever
possible and needed. It has pretty high importance but that does not mean over doing
is good. The purpose of using visualization is to keep the content easy to understand,
neat and presentable and yet simple. Simplicity is the key to successful user interface
design. Over use will create a mess. Collection of end user data, their likes and dislikes
and testing and evaluating designs with them here helps in determining the quantity
and quality of visualization.
More of data visualization was discussed above. There is also another type of visuali-
zation; content visualization or styling. A very common way to style web documents is
using CSS – cascading style sheets. Using CSS, different aspects such as margins
and position, colors, font size and font style – of a web page can be manipulated to
enhance the look and feel of the site. Styling as discussed above has different aspects
which should be considered when trying to make the visual appearance of the design
more appealing. Some of them are discussed below.
The use of colors in design works is a very subjective choice. The right choice of colors
makes the end result look very elegant whereas a poor choice makes it look miserable.
Potential end users should always be kept in mind while choosing the colors for the
site/application. Human minds react to colors and thus colors are an effective story
telling tools [5]. Depending on the end users and what the selling product is, colors can
be chosen. For instance, if there is an ecommerce site that sells toys and kids wear,
the theme of the site can be very colorful. Even though consistency is required, mixed
colors can be used in a consistent way. Bright colors such as green, pink, blue and
yellow can be used. If we are considering colors for a banking site, we cannot have a
wide choice of colors. The site should have very simple and neat colors. In this case,
color combinations if needed, must consist only of calm colors such as blue and white,
green and white, green white and black.
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The choice of colors made for a site could be changing according to seasons to make it
appear thoughtful. Considering a gift ecommerce site, it can be themed white during
snowy season, red during Valentine’s Day, green on environment day. Colors add a bit
of flavor to any plain thing. There are a lot of ways to play around it. All needed to be
kept in mind for successful use is, simplicity, consistency and thoughtfulness.
Typography has almost as same effect on human perception as colors. It has power of
making things strong/more important or less important. Typography includes typeface,
font size, font weight, line height and spacing between letters, words and paragraphs
[5]. Typefaces carry different importance. Some are designed to have high priority such
as headings and some suitable for body content. Bold letters signify importance while
normal text with no styling signifies normality.
Structuring the pages and content boxes are as important as other styling aspects. An
asymmetrical yet neat structure might represent a modern design while well and sym-
metric structure might be suitable for traditional users [5]. A well structured page layout
can be obtained using margins and position of the content holder. A neat and simple
structure is always appreciated. Users should always be considered when making unu-
sual design choices.
Visualization is so popular and interesting things now that it is very much likely to make
a lot of mistakes when applying it. Some common mistakes are mentioned below.
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Over doing – Too many graphics and over use of different fonts and colors will kill the
actual feel and undermine the effect of original purpose of the application/site.
Under doing it – Some designers do not put enough graphical presentation even when
needed. This will lead to underrating of the built application.
Presenting without story – Designers tend to use visual effects just to make their site
appear bright and fancy without having the actual need of storytelling or without actual
story or data to visualize at all.
Not explaining the interactivity of visually presented data – When designing one nice
site with interactive visualized content, designers forget to put information on available
feature of interactivity which makes the content just static because of unknown feature.
3.3 Functionality
A system consists of visual and functional aspects. Visual aspects improve look and
feel of the aspect whereas functional aspect gets the system running. We can say vis-
ual aspect is a body and functional aspect a brain. All body parts are able to perform
their work because brain is giving directions on what to do and how to do. In the two
earlier sections, most of visual aspects were discussed such as layout designing which
is once again to provide look, feel and structure of a system. In this section, functionali-
ty will be discussed.
We can start with a question; what is functionality? When we enter our credentials on
email system and click login button and it takes us to our email account; that is func-
tionality. On entering a word on Google search field and hitting enter (clicking search),
it gets us numerous data as result; that is functionality. Functionality gives life to a sys-
tem. When we design layout, it itself does not do anything until it is merged with pro-
gramming logic. When we are designing an interface, we are not only designing visual
aspects, we are developing logic behind it too.
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Adding functionality is like telling an object what task it is supposed to do. It is feature
of a system’s visible elements [2]. For example, if a site has help option in a top corner
of the page, that option’s feature is to provide help (by for example redirecting to rele-
vant page or providing user manuals) to the users when asked for. User manual is a
feature that a particular system offers by using the help element. The provided help
system should be meaningful, easily accessible and usable not a compensation for a
bad design [26,539]. It is easy to lose users if they do not get what they want. Providing
a way to contact the person responsible for the content or design (in main level com-
pany) is a nice feature and a good way to listen to users after the application has been
published. This gives users a chance to make complains about the usability issues.
The functional attributes are also used to enhance visual elements. For example, Java
script can be used for data visualization. Not only does it look good and easily reada-
ble, it can have features that are interactive with the users for example having tooltips
that give extra information on hovering mouse over a particular region. The figure be-
low, Figure 8 Functionality for data visualization is an example of such a feature.
The figure above showing climate of Tokyo is an example where JavaScript is used to
visualize the data. The chart shows yearly amount of rainfall and sunshine in a graph-
ical format as well has a chart inside which shows the amount of sunshine compared to
rainfall. It also has an interactive feature. On pointing the mouse on each yellow
dot/circle it shows average temperature for that month, in figure – text showing Oct:
28 (61)
A common and useful functionality is search engines [2] or integrated search fields.
They have search features powered by search engines or are self created. There are
numerous ways of making use of functional aspect of designing but things should be
always kept simple. Overdoing it brings trouble. If there is a click and navigate option
on every other text of the content box, the interface will look terrible. Moreover it no
longer remains usable. On the other hand, things that make using the system easier
should be encouraged such as keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys. Hitting enter to submit a
login form is a nice feature. It saves time and users do not need to think much to find
the mouse pointer and click the go/enter option.
Responding in error situations is also a functional aspect. The system should be pro-
grammed such that it addresses users’ mistakes and provides meaningful and concise
error messages in politely. Rude and complex error messages will get the users mad at
design and designers and force them to leave.
3.4 Accessibility
Designs are not made only for the biggest user group or users with high-tech re-
sources. Not everyone is able to access the system for various reasons. When design-
ing, all kinds of users must be considered and taken care of as much as possible. All
those who do not have as much knowledge on computer as others should also be con-
sidered. Those with slow connections should also be considered during design work.
Those with disabilities should also be considered. This needs to be done so that some
kind of alternative is provided to them [2] so that specific users can still enjoy the con-
tent as much as others. There are certain ways how accessibility can be achieved. Be-
low is a list of users for who are benefitted by accessible system:
Visual impaired people, Hearing and speech impaired people
People with temporary or permanent injury preventing them use of
Touch screen users
PDA and web-enabled phones users
People with problems like dexterity and cognitive
29 (61)
When there is a problem there is also a solution. Below is a list of some of the possible
solutions to achieve accessibility:
Alternative texts to all graphical objects [30] – Sometimes because of various reasons,
graphical objects such as image are not loaded. People will miss out the meaning of
the image on that particular space. Providing alternative texts helps users know what
the image is about. It is always better to put some descriptive text than just saying it is
a kid. Instead, a kid playing with colors makes more sense. It is better not to use any
image links or they must be provided with alternative description text when used.
Alternative page to page with controls and applets [30] – If a web page contains a lot of
controls and applets that require additional software, it is better to have an alternative
page that contains plain text and simple graphics only. Not all users like to install extra
software on their machines.
Alternative pages without table – Sometimes complex tables are likely to be ignored so
it is safe to have alternative pages that contain no tables, just table information in plain
text. This was there will be no problem if an html table is ignored. [30]
No compulsory need of style sheets – In cases where there is no support for style
sheets for example using CSS3 in Internet Explorer where all features are not being
supported, it is better to confirm that the page is usable without CSS too. If not, users
should have option of alternative pages without CSS. [30]
30 (61)
Possibility of increasing the text size and zooming options on maps and pictures –
There should be option that increases the text size and zooming options should be
available for maps and pictures for people who have difficulty in reading small texts or
Closed captions, Screen readers and Volume control – It is good to provide closed cap-
tions should be provided for important audio visual contents when possible. An alterna-
tive to closed captions could be transcripts for the audio contents. Screen readers
should be implemented for those readers who are unable to read properly. An option of
volume control should be available in all audio contents. It will help those who have
some sort of hearing impairment. [30;31]
3.5 Interface Design Success and Failure examples and reasons behind
Interface design is a difficult job when aimed to make it simple and to get more users to
use the application/site. It is easy to just put design elements together without thought
and let users bear all the trouble. It is easy always easy to make bad designs. Nobody
aims at making a design bad but in the process because of not considering things be-
forehand designs turn out being unusable. On the other hand, good designs are well
planned. They are simple, well navigated and well structured. They follow all interface
design considerations and take into account all the design elements thoughtfully. Below
are presented some good and bad web design examples. The examples contain my
personal analysis on the design.
- A lot of flashy animations: This makes it difficult in focusing on what one wants.
Eventually users leave the page without even trying to go to the relevant page.
This also makes it difficult for users to trust that the site is genuine.
- Inconsistent: Not all the pages have footer information. The site is consistent at
is using unnecessary graphics.
- Use of more than 3 font styles: This causes fonts not mixing well with each oth-
er creating an effect on user not to trust the page anymore.
- Too small fonts where needed and too large where not
- Focused on features outside main purpose: The main purpose of site is leasing
cars, not allowing users play games. These side features should be minimized.
- Too much information on one page: Not everything should be put on the same
page. Different tabs are created so that right things can be put under right
I myself would not visit the site again. Eyes start getting tired after a couple of
minutes of visit. Lesser is always better unless there is need for more. Having un-
necessary focus shifts and graphics will not make a site usable or even worth visit-
Eyes do not get tired even after hours of use of the site. Clear and simple design
make the experience better. It has all aspects needed for a design to be considered
32 (61)
Access control is an important design factor of an application which limits and controls
who can access what resources in a certain application or a system or a geographic
location [8]. Web access control restricts access to web application resources. It pre-
vents wrong user or group from entering the application and accessing specific data. It
can be categorized into two parts when talking about web applications, authentication
and authorization.
Authentication refers to identification of a certain application user to get through to the
application or system. The very common way of authentication includes username and
password verification, figure example (Figure 9 Authentication process) is presented
below. This way right group of people are provided with right user access rights.
The figure above shows a login process. Username and password for a registered user
are stored in the application database and they are matched when user inputs his in-
formation and clicks the ‘Login’ button. When the match is true access is allowed oth-
erwise access is denied and user is asked to login again or application responds ac-
cording to its programming.
33 (61)
Getting in to the system varies according to the need of the system. Usually the login
process is a way to get into web systems. Taking an example of real world, getting into
home needs key and keys are only provided to those who are applicable of receiving
keys. They need to meet some criteria before they can get it. Similarly, in web applica-
tions, users need to meet some requirements and pass through tests to get through the
authentication process. For obtaining login credentials, users need to provide their
identity, detail of identity data varies according to system, during registration process.
For a net banking system, bank provides user credentials only after users are verified
by providing their name, home address, telephone number and social security numbers
while an ecommerce site may not ask for so many details but email address to register
and shipping address to ship the product where needed.
It is important to make sure no stranger gets to our homes but it is also important that
our guests do not have access to our personal matters. Authorization deals with such
matters. It is explained in the section below.
Authorization refers to the right provided to specific authenticated users to use different
resources. The rights can be different based on the users and user groups. An exam-
ple can be two common user groups in an e-commerce site, admin and general users.
An admin gets authorized access to all general users’ information and all product in-
formation of the site, can modify them, delete them or add a new one, accept or deny
users requests while general users get access to only browse the products and place
orders. System’s or applications’ administration decide what rights to give to what user,
full or limited or none. Authorization allows specific resources to be used by specific
Authentication and authorization both are ways to provide security to the application
system. Authentication assures that no any unverified user gets in to the system. The
choice of verification is different and authorization assures no wrong user get access to
resources he is not allowed to get. Other security concerns and their preventive
measures are discussed in the chapter Security below.
34 (61)
4.2 Security
There are many possible threats to our systems or applications that might ruin our
businesses. Things like leaking our supposed confidential information and breaking our
application data base is not pleasing news to hear. There are many such security is-
sues that should be taken care of. The chart below, Figure 10 Application vulnerabili-
ties, shows the application vulnerabilities population in 2013.
From chart it is clear that cross site scripting (XSS) is the most common one followed
by info leakage, session management, authentication and authorization and others.
Details of the most common issues and their prevention measures are written below:
Cross site scripting – Cross site scripting is a way of executing script (usually JavaS-
cript) and running harmful codes from external site by tricking the application users and
either stealing information or pushing malicious software to user’s computer. The at-
tackers are able to steal authentication cookies and manipulate them against users.
The best way to prevent this is to filter and validate user input, allowing only safe data
from users. [15]
35 (61)
Attackers need to have active sessions for using their ID’s. In order to prevent attack-
ers from using the active IDs it is better to set session time out after certain period,
shorter the better. Users should also be given an option of manual session ending, i.e.
log out option. This will not leave user’s session hanging in ready to be attacked. Even
though sessions are ended, some information can still be accessed via web browser
cache. To prevent browsers to cache information, the http headers should contain no-
cache or no-store information. If web browser cache should be used, they should not
be allowed to store session identity numbers.
SQL injection – SQL injection is a way of injecting potentially harmful SQL queries to
database and damage it. Having deleted a table containing all products detail would be
a nightmare but it is possible to prevent SQL injections. Even though the chart above,
Figure Application vulnerabilities, showed very less percentage for SQL injection at-
tackers still attack as implementers fail to implement the preventive measure and test
it. A simple way to prevent this is validating users input before saving them to data-
36 (61)
5 Testing
Testing is one of the most important parts of any application design and implementa-
tion. It can be divided into two main sections: User Interface Testing and Functionality
Testing. But before going through them, it is very important to know the main need for
testing and what kind of tests do we need to carry out in order to assure the quality.
The main aim of testing is quality assurance for a bug and usability issue free applica-
tion/system. The other need of testing an application before it is in use for all is to be
cost effective. The issues found in application untested in early phases are expensive
to resolve than those found and resolved before publishing. A tested solution with
known issues is always better than untested ones without problems. Untested solution
will eventually come up with issues that were unknown earlier.
To carry out successful testing, a proper test plan is needed. Some sort of process is
needed to make sure all components have been tested and tested effectively. Testing
Process Design is a topic that deals with it and it is explained in chapter 5.3. For mak-
ing testing easier testing tools are available for help. Testing tools are explained in
chapter 5.4.
User interface testing is about testing the application interface via user’s point of view.
User interface testing mainly includes testing the overall appearance (look and feel)
and the sequential navigational flow of the system. There is still some detailed testing
that should be done to assure not broken and issue proof interface. The main aspects
that should be minutely tested are navigation, browsers compatibility and layout and
content [35]. They are described below:
37 (61)
Navigation Testing
During navigation testing, all links of the design layout must be clicked and checked
that no page is orphaned (page which does not have links in other pages to be redi-
rected to it). It is of no point to have information in a page which cannot be accessed by
any links of the entire system. Thus it should be checked many times by the designer
and representative users that there is no such things found. It should also be checked
that there is no dead end (dead end - no option to go back to previous page or any
other page). If this happens, this might irritate the users and there are chances that
they will never revisit or use the system.
Navigation should be smooth and pleasant i.e. usability testing has been passed. This
will assure there are less or ideally no errors. Navigation testing confirms that all links
go to the right direction and navigation is usable i.e. it is predictable and obvious when
clicking on something will result expected result [24,12]. This test also assures that
there are no two pages displaying same content and linked differently. This is likely to
happen when working for big projects without proper planning and record keeping. Im-
portant thing to note is with each test meeting with the end users, the design should be
improved based on their feedback and comments. This will improve the quality of the
design. In navigation testing, if all implemented keyboard shortcuts are working or not
should be checked. All possible paths should be followed and tested and no flaw
should just be left just like that if found. It should be fixed.
Content testing includes confirming information accuracy including spelling and gram-
mar check [35]. The information put in the site is authentic or not should be checked
from the client. Checking information accuracy is not very much designer’s job, it is
client’s job but since designer puts in all the effort to create a usable site, it is his or her
duty as well to confirm if the information is correct or not what client gave.
The size of the application should be tested on different devices. The size should al-
ways be relative so that it fits in with the browser and different sized devices according-
ly. If the application has been designed for mobile devices also, it should be tested in
different devices commonly used: computers, tablets, pads and mobile phones and
make sure that it works smoothly in all of these devices.
39 (61)
Functionality testing shows how well the logic of the application works. Developing an
application is not enough. We need to know how well it works already before the real
users start to use the application. It is more of a quality assurance process. It checks of
it meets all the specified functional requirements in the Specification/Requirement doc-
ument [34]. There is a list of tests to be done in order to confirm that the application
works perfectly. They are Links Accessibility Testing, Forms Field Validation Testing,
Cookies and Session Testing, Server Communication Testing, Security Testing, Data-
base Testing and Performance and Stress Handling Testing [35]. They all are de-
scribed below:
Security Testing
Security testing includes checking if any attempt that is harmful to the application or
system is being made. If yes, they should not be allowed. We can assure a secure sys-
tem by validating the user inputs, doing session managements correctly and testing all
other possible security threats define in chapter 4 Security. Basically we need to try to
input all possible threats / perform negative tests and see how fault tolerant has the
system been designed and implemented. Implementation should be well done before
starting any of such tests.
Database Testing
Database testing is testing the connection between application and database. We need
to check for example all products are loaded in the product page in an ecommerce site
and on checking specific product details, it is returning results. This means there is
communication between the application and database. The other thing to check is if
some links has been missing between tables or incorrect data has been stored in the
database [35].
There should be no problem in browsing, adding them to cart or buying products. Simi-
larly, for admin there should be no any issues while adding a new product or modifying
or deleting them. If any issues occur, they should be fixed immediately. The main idea
is to ensure that data integration, data update and retrieval in database via user inter-
face, work correctly. [35;33]
41 (61)
Stress should be well handled by the application. Stress test is done to check how an
application system recovers from crashes caused by the stress [33]. Stress testing is
important to assure no external user intending harm to system or confidentiality of sys-
tem is able to become successful in his bad intentions.
There are several ways and to test an application. The basic idea remains the same;
how to test all aspects of the application. Following the simple steps can make the test-
ing process smooth and successful. Testing process does not go one after another;
there can be parallel tests ongoing along with development and other tests. Testing
process design is a well documented design plan containing ways on how to proceed
with testing or in other ways how to test the created solution. Main steps are described
Planning is a very important step in testing process. It determines how much in flow the
whole process goes. Test process design with improper planning lead to failing applica-
tions. There are certain elements which should be planned before moving to actual
tests; use cases, user representative, user observation, questionnaires, interviews,
surveys [21]. All of them are explained below:
42 (61)
Use cases
The first thing to do before moving into tests is plan what things are needed for
us to be able to complete the tests successfully. Possible scenarios should be
thought over. They should be well written and documented for future use. The-
se scenarios which explain the system’s or application’s behavior on certain us-
er actions are called the use cases. Sets of such scenarios should be created
Based on created use cases, test cases should be created. These test cases
are smaller and detailed version of use cases. Use case defines a bigger sce-
nario while test case defines smaller and concise scenario or a use case done
for a specific set of data [17]. All possible cases must be written down. It is pos-
sible to miss some cases which can be added later when found later during
testing or even during end user interactions and studies.
User observation
It is indeed an important thing to know about the possible users of the design. It
will help to make the design better with their opinions on different things, their
perspective, their likes and dislikes, their way of doing things, their choice of
equipments precisely electronic devices. To get the information on these mat-
ters it is sensible to find them and study them in their place of work. Their be-
havioral study will give hints to better system design of their choice.
User observations should be made at the beginning of the design process. This
will ensure that on results based on observations, tests can be carried out effi-
ciently. For example, test questionnaire will contain questions that can be un-
derstood by the users as questions will be made according to their knowledge
and skills. It is fairly possible to misinterpret collected information or to miss out
important information despite careful observation so a guideline while planning,
field study and analysis processes should be followed in order to avoid these
problems [26,122-125].
User representative
It is not quite professional or good to test everything by the same person who
has designed or developed the application. When one knows too much about
expected results, one tends to miss out possible human errors which could
have been made when trying out things differently. It is always a good idea to
find other people who can test the solution for the designer/developer. When
they know nothing about it, they are more like the users who will be using the
application after it has been published.
To be more specific, set of potential end users should be gathered. They will
fairly represent the users who will use the developed product. It is also possible
to include the customer or the boss himself to the group. Different people come
up with different ideas. More ideas and more feedback will help making a good
application. Different minds do the things differently, so there will be variety of
test results. This will give the designer and developer the chance to improve the
design and logic to fit in their needs.
Questionnaires are one of the ways of getting answers to usability related ques-
tions in testing process. It contains a set of questions that asks about the user
interface and application logic. The idea of asking users to answer application
related questions as they go along each aspect of application is to find out how
they react to the application and they find their way out in the new system.
44 (61)
Users might always not understand the question so they should always be as-
sisted and helped to understand it. They should not just be handled the ques-
tionnaire and left them unattended. This might leave them feel left out and they
might become unmotivated to complete the test. They should always be ac-
companied throughout the test, made comfortable and help should be offered
whenever needed.
Interviews are always a way to get more feedback from users. This can be part
of user observation process or interface and logic design evaluation process.
Interviews allow us to understand the feeling of users towards the system which
may not have been reflected fully through the questions in the questionnaire set
by designers.
In situations when there are large group of users, there is no time for interviews
or personal interaction with the users is being avoided, online surveys are a
good way to get information from users. This will also give users some privacy
and comfort that they are not around the designers and do not have to feel
pressurized of feeling bad on telling actual facts. It is always better to get the
surveys anonymously. There are many people who do not fill in survey ques-
tions because they are scared that what they thought about certain matter will
be discovered later. There are many free online surveys creating applications
such as Google Consumer Surveys. They also create visualized form of the re-
sults such as bar graphs. This will help to analyze the results.
45 (61)
Unit testing
Unit testing includes testing the features and functional logic of application usually dur-
ing development process. Smallest block of functionalities and features of the applica-
tion are isolated from other functionalities and features and tested separately and seen
how they work individually [12]. They should be able to perform alone to pass the tests.
Interface testing
This testing includes testing the user interface of the application. It has been discussed
in detail in the chapter 5.1 User Interface Testing.
Integration testing
Features and functionality of the application are combined together. All blocks tested in
unit testing are put together to see if they merge well. The integration of the elements
should work as well as they did alone. User Interface design is also merged with logical
aspect and checked if they work. Integration testing helps confirm the working whole-
ness of the application.
The saved documents should be analyzed in order to get to next step of design and
logic improvement, design refinement [22,339] and noticed problems solving. Enough
time should be allocated for this purpose. No conclusions can be fully meaningful which
is extracted out in a rush. If there is some problem in understanding user’s point of view
on something, it is better to discuss with someone else too without breaching confiden-
tiality of content.
46 (61)
Issues Fixing
Issues fixing is not directly part of testing process but is indirectly related to it. When
tests are done, results might have some bugs or implementation issues which should
be fixed in order to get the application fault proof. After the fix, tests are iterated. This
kind of forms a connected cycle. Issues fixing is thus considered as an indirectly con-
nected part of test process as without it, testing cannot get the right pace.
Regression Testing
When issues are resolved, the tests to check the fix should be implemented again. This
is regression testing. Regression tests should be quick and for the same test case used
to find the problem; this will help in keeping the testing process moving. During the
tests it should also be checked that no other bugs or problems are found. If there are
problems, they should be found and fix should be tested again until issue free results
are obtained. It is not good to leave a known problem making a faulty or a buggy sys-
tem as systems already have unknown problems that might trouble in the future.
The testing process is also shown in a visual form below; Figure 11 Testing Process:
The above figure clearly shows connection between each testing step. The arrows
show the inter-connectivity between them. It shows how most of the steps are not just
occurring after completion of one but are occurring simultaneously or in a parallel man-
ner. For example, unit testing and interface testing can be done at the same time. They
do not need to be waiting for another to finish first. On contrary, in order to carry out
integration tests, part of both unit tested result and interface tested results are needed.
It is also possible to skip out unit and interface testing and directly jump into integration
tests but this will end up in pretty complex test scenario as all smaller tests that have
been done on other two should be repeated here. The chances are testing will never
get done or full proof results are hard to obtain.
Load and Performance Test Tools – This tool tests load handling and perform-
ance of the application. Example tools in market: Telerik Test Studio, HttpRider,
Loadtracer, AppViewWeb
Link Checkers – This tool checks that there are no orphan pages in the applica-
tion. Example tools in market: W3C Link Checker [3], LinkScan
HTML Validators – It validates html tags and CSS. Example tools in market:
W3C Markup validator [3], Site Check, Html Validator, WDG HTML Validator
Cross-browser Testing Tools – It checks browser compatibility. Example tools in
market: CrossBrowserTesting, TestingBot
Web Functional/Regression Test Tools – It helps in functional aspects testing
and in regression testing as suggested by its name. Example tools in market:
Jubala, FuncUnit
Web Site Security Test Tools – It tests security issues. Example tools in market:
Vega, Seeker
48 (61)
Enoro (the company for which the thesis work is done) supports an automatically
scheduled system monitoring job which notifies users via email about all the failed and
successful jobs running on a server. The application generates a log file and a monthly
statistics report. The only way to get the information outside of the application installed
system is via email. The System Monitoring Application does not have a web interface.
The idea for this thesis came up when web interface for the application was to be de-
signed so that users can easily log onto their respective systems and keep track of all
their servers’ jobs statuses without having to browse through all the emails in the past.
The designed interface also allows viewing results of different servers under one com-
mon platform. The current system is missing this feature and thus further design and
development was needed. Detailed information on features of the application is in ap-
plication development process. The application development process consisted of Re-
quirement definition, Design and Implementation phases and Testing.
6.1 Requirement
System Monitoring Web Application’s main requirement is – “Users must be able to see
Monitoring result from a website”. The main purpose is to enable users to keep track of
monitoring result via web interface. The requirement must be accomplished fulfilling
certain criteria. They are listed below:
The application should be based on Enoro’s existing System Monitoring appli-
cation which is installed to client server.
Comma Separated Value (CSV) interface should be defined and designed for
current application output (current application supports a log file overwritten per
run and monthly statistics XML file)
The System Monitoring application for web should primarily run on Enoro’s
Generis system which later will be replicated to web.
There should be support for importing defined CSV data model
The data model should be imported and saved using Generis Time Series
Products and Time Series Product Instances via Generis Functions and Ad-
vanced Search queries
User interface should be designed using Enoro Control Display
The created Control Display should be replicated to web
49 (61)
6.2 Design
Design of the System Monitoring Application changes (CSV file output from ex-
isting application)
Existing system monitoring application has output support only of an overwritten log
report file per run and monthly statistics XML file. The need is to have a CSV file per
scheduled run of the application. A decision to use CSV file was made because it is
easy to read by Generis and to save the file data to the system. What information from
system monitoring application is to be extracted to new CSV file was also decided. The
CSV file format is designed which will be used to import monitoring result to a common
Generis system regardless of customer system.
Design of the CSV files import, Time Series Products and Instances Creation
After the SM application exports desired CSV output file, the next step is to import it to
the Generis system. It is done by Generis functions. SM application creates the output
file on a certain output folder. The file is put to a certain input folder either manually or
automatically via FTP transfer. Allocated Generis IFM job detects the file on the input
folder and executes the function responsible for reading and saving the file data to da-
tabase. The function then reads the file, verifies the information, creates time series
products (TSP) and instances (TSPI) and saves the file information to them. The TSP
and TSPI are designed based on the data model.
50 (61)
Design of the Control Display web replication for the Generis Control Display
The idea of Control Display Web Replication is to run a light weight user interface and
from devices which do not have Generis installed in them or, in general running it on
web so that it does not require specific platform such as Windows OS to view it. This
feature is provided by Control Display Web Replication Application which works in the
following way:
1) The web application sends a request to the WCF (Windows Communication
Foundation) service and asks for available Control Displays
2) The WCF service queries the database and returns a list of available Control
4) The WCF service returns a list of components from Control Display to the web
6) The user selects something in the CD and the web application sends a request
to the WCF service about it
7) The WCF service updates the CD and starts again from point 4
These five main steps of application design can be visualized through system architec-
ture. The figure below, Figure 13 application architecture below, shows the whole pro-
cess of application design and implementation.
The figure above has steps of System Monitoring Web Application development. SM
application sends CSV file output to client server location which then either manually or
automatically by FTP transfer is put to common server location. Generis IFM jobs and
function read and import the file and data to Generis which are saved to Generis time
series products and instances. Generis Control Display interface is designed and de-
veloped which by CD web replication is sent to Web. The web application consists of
usable user interface consisting of features defined in the design phase.
6.3 Implementation
The design work is implemented for each design part. The implementation work for
each part is explained below:
Implementation of the data model of System Monitoring data (CSV file import,
Time Series Products and Instances Creation)
To check presence of CSV file in the designated input folder, Generis IFM job is cre-
ated. The job is linked to file import function. The function reads the file and imports it
to the system. The function creates respective TSP and TSPI. TSP object model is
created. Without the TSP object model, TSP and TSPI cannot be created where re-
spective CSV file imported data is stored.
Implementation of the Control Display web replication for the Generis Control
Display layout
Application for replicating the Control Display web replication is made. This has already
been implemented before hand by developers. CD web replication includes only testing
in this thesis part.
6.4 Testing
For testing, test cases are written based on requirement and application design. The
test cases are then executed in units and in integrated form. After that a regression
testing is performed. The test cases are written below for each designed and imple-
mented steps.
Testing of the System Monitoring Application changes (CSV file output from ex-
isting application)
To make a full proof design, use cases and test cases should be thought of before-
hand. Some basic test cases for full accomplishment of designing the SM application
changes are listed below.
Test cases:
- System Monitoring application exports correct CSV file
- the application is stable i.e., it does not crash on generating the report in new
- good performance i.e., the report generation does not take more than reasona-
ble time
54 (61)
Testing of the data model of System Monitoring data (CSV file import, Time Se-
ries Products and Instances Creation)
This step should also be tested in order to verify the functionality. Basic test cases are
listed under Test cases.
Test cases:
- the function imports the file correctly
- time series products and instances are created
- the function saves the SM result to system as specified
- negative tests for quality assurance i.e., on purpose inputting wrong file and
making sure system gives error
Testing of the Control Display web replication for the Generis Control Display
Control Display Web Replication should also be tested so that the final working Control
Display from Generis works in web as well. Basic test cases are listed below.
Test cases:
- CD Web replication API testing i.e., making sure that the CD web replication
API works by creating a simple CD in Generis using only list control and combo
box, no error should be generated
- no error when using labels in Generis CD – note: replicated Control Displays do
not support labels; they are rendered as invisible to cause no error
- cross browser tests
55 (61)
The final part is to test all of these parts combined. Overall usability of the application
should be tested and the tests should be passed.
56 (61)
The overall application development process was a good experience. The application
had some good results and also some short comings. Some improvisations are re-
quired in the future versions. The project was not the final product (final product was
not aimed for thesis) and has been accepted by the supervisor at work as well as the
supervisor for the thesis. General analysis of project/application is below:
Valuable learning experience was gained through this project. This will be used in de-
sign and implementation for future versions of the application and to accomplish a suc-
cessful and usable product.
57 (61)
7 Conclusion
The project work was done to see how user interface design and implementation pro-
cess can be benifitted to create a usable design. The other motive was to see how well
web and Enoro’s Generis system interact. For core application, Generis system was
used. For other web aspects, ASP.NET framework was used with C# programming
language and web application for System Monitoring was developed.
The use of Generis system for main application made it easier to build the application
with its inbuilt functions. The only problem which occurred due to use of Generis sys-
tem was that more time was consumed to understand what the functions do and how
are they used. The same thing happened with Generis internal jobs and Control Dis-
plays. Generis Control Display was used for creating interface for the monitoring re-
sults. The process became smooth after understanding the Generis system and its
elements. During the application development, use of ASP.NET framework was also
studied and so was programming with C# in the framework. Help for using Generis
elements was provided by company personnel and Enoro wiki. For ASP.NET, Microsoft
MSDN library was also quite helpful along with other online resources.
The final product for the thesis was not the final product of the Enoro application. The
other versions will be done in the future and they are ongoing at the moment. The the-
sis provides the users with the idea of how the final application and functionality will be
like. The application possesses business value for the company.
Using the interface design elements helped much in accomplishing the goals decided
for the project. It broke down tasks in small pieces making it easier to read and do. The
overall project was successful. Designing interface is not an easy job but not as difficult
when right processes and methods are used.
58 (61)
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