Alho Meri
Alho Meri
Alho Meri
This Bachelor’s thesis documents the improvement project of the test automation frame-
work made for Nokia Solutions and Networks. The aim of this thesis was to improve time-
consuming processes related to the test automation framework usage by automating some
of them. The creation process of new Robot Framework test automation libraries was cho-
sen to be the target improvement, since it included a significant number of manual tasks.
Robot Framework is a generic cross-platform test automation framework, and it is widely
used throughout the company.
The primary objective of this thesis project was to study options for carrying out the im-
provement of the Robot Framework library creation process, and to finally develop an im-
plementation for an automated system. The goal of the automated system was to create a
new Robot Framework library into the version control system and to generate all needed
Jenkins jobs for the new library with minimal user input and effort.
The project automation was based on Jenkins, which is an open source automation server
software. The project was divided into smaller sections, which were then divided into sub-
tasks. The two main sections of this project were: creating a template for new libraries with
the Cookiecutter tool, and setting up a Jenkins Pipeline to serve as the basis for the auto-
mation system. Cookiecutter is a software project templating tool. Testing of the solutions
was conducted at all development stages using both unit tests and manual testing.
The system created as the result of this thesis project succeeded well in filling the require-
ments set for the test automation framework improvement. The system is designed to be
easily modifiable, reusable and extendable for future use.
1 Introduction 1
2 Project specification 2
3 Problem definition 14
4 Implementation 23
5 Conclusion 48
References 52
CRL Common Robot Libraries. The name used for Nokia internal Robot Frame-
work test libraries.
Jython Jython is an implementation of the Python language for the Java platform
(Jython Wiki 2018).
PBR Python Build Reasonableness. A Python library that helps manage Python
setuptools-based packaging (OpenStack 2018).
PyPI Python Package Index. A repository of software for the Python program-
ming language (Python Software Foundation 2018).
SSH The SSH protocol, derived from words Secure Shell protocol, is a method
with which one computer can securely login on another remote computer.
The protocol can be used for example for authentication and secure file
transfer. (SSH Communications Security Inc. 2017.)
TA Test Automation. The testing of software done with the help of an auto-
mated testing tool so that no human interaction or input during testing is
tox A generic virtual environment management and test command line tool for
Python made for easing packaging, testing and release process of Python
software. (Holger et al. 2018a.)
UI User interface. The system through which the user controls a computer
program, an operating system or other appliances. In software usually ei-
ther graphical or text-based.
Zip An archive format of data that is used for data compression and encryption.
1 Introduction
The employer for this thesis was Nokia Networks, which is a subsidiary of Nokia Corpo-
ration. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis was to research, plan and implement a so-
lution for a user-friendly way of creating a new Robot Framework test automation library.
The Nokia’s Robot Framework test automation libraries are available company-wide so
the style and structure of the libraries should be uniform. The existing solution for the
creation of the libraries was complicated and time-consuming. The solution also involved
a considerable amount of manually generating boilerplate code which often resulted in
non-uniform structures and styles between the libraries. The goal was to research which
parts of the library creation process could be automated and then plan and implement
an automation solution.
Nokia’s most important fields of operations include hardware and software used in tele-
communications networks, and overall modernization of telecommunications. Nokia’s cli-
entele consists mostly of other telecommunications companies. The Nokia Networks
subsidiary of Nokia Corporation, formerly known as Nokia Siemens Networks, was cre-
ated as a result of a mutual venture with Nokia’s Network Business and Siemens Com-
munications in 2006. Under the name Nokia Siemens Networks, the company made
several acquisitions including the Israeli Ethernet transport systems company Atrica and
the wireless network equipment of Motorola. In 2013 Nokia Corporation became the sole
owner of the subsidiary. Nokia Siemens Networks was rebranded as Nokia Solutions
and Networks and later as Nokia Networks. Now Nokia Networks’ main product is mobile
broadband technology and it has operations in about 120 different countries. (Wikipedia
2017, Wikipedia 2018.)
This thesis is divided into six sections. The first section in chapter two gives background
and introduces the systems, tools and practices used in the process of making this the-
sis. The second section in chapter three defines the existing problem and presents an
objective for solving the problem. Chapter three also includes the planning phase of the
proposed solution. Chapter four describes in detail how the implementation of the solu-
tion was made and how the solution was eventually achieved. The fifth and final chapter
summarizes the process, assesses the implemented solution and presents improvement
and further development suggestions for the created system.
2 Project specification
This chapter introduces the Robot Framework which is a generic test automation frame-
work, and describes its working principles (Robot Framework 2018a). Other automation
tools and techniques, that were used in the process of making this thesis, are also intro-
duced in this chapter. All the described tools are used in unison and together they form
a coherently working test automation framework system.
The Robot Framework is a generic cross-platform test automation framework that is de-
signed for acceptance testing and acceptance test driven development (ATDD). Ac-
ceptance test driven development focuses on software development based on the re-
quirements and needs of all the collaborating teams which usually include the customer,
the development teams and the testing teams. The first version of the Robot Framework
was developed for internal use at Nokia Networks in 2005 based on the ideas presented
in the Master’s thesis of Pekka Klärck. The framework was then later released as open
source software in 2008 under the Apache License 2.0. Today the framework is spon-
sored by the Robot Framework Foundation which consists of companies using and con-
tributing to the framework. (Robot Framework 2018a.)
The concept of the framework is to make software and systems testing easy and more
human-readable with a tabular, keyword-driven syntax. A simple example of the usage
of this syntax can be seen in listing 1. Robot Framework test files can be written in plain
text, HTML, reStructured Text or tab-separated value format and use different suffixes
including .txt, .html, .tsv, .rst or .robot. The framework can be used for multiple types of
testing, including device, software systems and protocols testing. The testing can be
done via various interfaces, for example graphical user interfaces (GUI) and application
programming interfaces (API). A graphical user interface is an interface through which
the user can interact with a computer system or a program using graphically rendered
visual elements. An application programming interface is a set of defined methods
through which different software components can communicate. (Robot Framework
Simple calculation
Push button 1
Push button +
Push button 2
Push button =
Result should be 3
Longer calculation
Push buttons 5 + 4 - 3 * 2 / 1 =
Result should be 3
Push button 1
Push button C
Result should be ${EMPTY} # ${EMPTY} is a built-in variable
Usually Robot Framework libraries are implemented with Python programming lan-
guage, or when running Jython they can be implemented with Java programming lan-
guage. Jython is an implementation of the Python language for the Java platform. The
libraries can also be implement with C programming language when using a specific
application programming interface. Libraries created with these native Robot Framework
languages can also act as wrappers for functionality created with other programming
languages. The simplest way of implementing a new framework library is to create a
module or a class in Python or Java with methods that map directly to keyword names.
(Jython Wiki 2018, Robot Framework 2018b.)
Listing 2 has a simple example of how new Robot Framework library keywords can be
implemented with the Python programming language. In the example in listing 2 the
module contains two functions. These function names are resolved into
keyword names in a Robot Framework test case to find the right method or function that
is implementing the keyword. Keyword names are case-insensitive and do not take
spaces or underscores into account. Listing 3 has an example of how these new key-
words introduced in listing 2 can then be used. The used libraries must be defined in the
settings portion of the robot file so the Robot Framework knows where to look for the
implementation of the keywords. (Robot Framework 2018b.)
def hello(name):
print("Hello, %s!" % name)
def do_nothing():
Listing 2. Example Python library implemented as a module in the file (Robot
Framework 2018b.)
Listing 3. An example how the keywords introduced in listing 2 can be used. (Robot Framework
Multiple supporting tools to ease Robot Framework test editing, running, building and
other tasks are available. Many of these tools are published as open source software
and some of them are integrated in the Robot Framework itself. Both the core framework
and Nokia’s internal testing libraries are implemented using Python. (Robot Framework
Robot Framework testing is extensively used in Nokia and a compilation of testing librar-
ies, named Common Robot Libraries (CRL), is maintained internally by a test automation
team. These libraries are for internal use only and they are not published outside the
company at this point. At Nokia the Robot Framework is commonly used in acceptance
testing of telecommunication server products and solutions.
All Nokia employees are free to use and create new keyword libraries and add them to
the Common Robot Libraries collection for common use. The threshold for doing so,
however, is fairly high because of the multi-phased process. As a result, the form and
structure of the created libraries are often not uniform which complicates the usage of
multiple different test libraries together.
The tools used in the Common Robot Library case are Jenkins continuous integration
and continuous delivery tool, and Gerrit distributed version control (Git) repository and
code review tool. Continuous integration automates the testing and other verifications
either when changes are made to the code or at other, preferably frequent intervals. This
is done so that any errors or bugs in the code can be detected at an earliest possible
phase. Continuous delivery is a software development method which extends on contin-
uous integration. It focuses on a new software build being available for release at any
given time. Git is a version control system that tracks changes in project files and stores
the project in a remote repository. Both Jenkins and Gerrit are easily extensible tools
through various plugins and as such they are highly modifiable to meet the needs of a
software development team. The two tools function cooperatively, namely when a code
modification is submitted to Gerrit, it triggers a designated Jenkins continuous integration
job which runs unit tests and other specified checks.
2.2.1 Jenkins
Jenkins is an open source software automation server that is written in the Java pro-
gramming language. Originally Jenkins project was developed under the name Hudson,
but after a dispute with Oracle Corporation and the principal project contributors in 2010,
it was separated from the Hudson project and its name was changed to Jenkins. Now
Jenkins software is released under the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Li-
cense. The MIT License is a highly permissive software license that lets the user make
changes to the software and use it as they see fit. All software under the MIT License is
free to use and the license gives the software users broad copying and distribution rights.
(Techopedia 2018.)
Jenkins can be used in multiple different ways and is highly modifiable with its plugins,
most of which are made by users themselves and distributed under open source li-
censes. Jenkins can be accessed and is easily manageable via its user interface or a
command line interface (CLI). A command line interface is a text-based interface through
which a user can access computer software.
Jenkins offers multiple kinds of jobs and projects that can be defined for continuous in-
tegration and continuous delivery purposes. Different projects have different configura-
tions and purposes and many of these projects require certain plugins to work. The Free-
style project is the most commonly used test automation job in continuous integration.
The view for creating a new item in Jenkins can be seen from figure 1. (Jenkins 2018a)
Figure 1. Different project items in the classic Jenkins user interface. (Jenkins 2018a.)
the code and generates the documentation. Usually also a code coverage report is gen-
erated, which means that the degree at which the unit tests execute lines of the source
code is measured.
Static code checks analyze the source code and check for coding style violations, syntax
errors, bugs and bad coding practices without the need for executing the code in any
environment. Static code checks enforce the uniformity of coding practices and keep the
source code base cleaner since it compels the users to adhere to a certain set of prede-
fined rules. Pylint static analysis is in use for analyzing the Common Robot Libraries
source code. Pylint is a Python source code analyzer. Other linting programs are also
available for Python and of course other programming languages have their own linter
programs. (Logilab et al. 2017)
2.2.2 Gerrit
Gerrit is a free to use, web-based code review and Git repository management software
distributed under the Apache License 2.0. The Apache License 2.0 is a permissive open
software distribution license written by the Apache Software Foundation. This highly per-
missive license allows the use of the software for any purpose, modification of the soft-
ware and distribution of the modified software. All software under the Apache License
2.0 are free to use. (Apache Software Foundation 2017.)
Figure 3. Gerrit repository structure and workflow. (Gerrit Code Review 2018a)
Gerrit makes contributing to a Git-based project repository easier by allowing any au-
thorized user to submit changes into the repositories it houses. This removes the need
for a project maintainer to merge all approved changes manually into the master branch.
The permissions for each user group are of course configurable since Gerrit has a pow-
erful, user group based access control model. After a change has been submitted into
the Gerrit pending changes storage it can be reworked using the same change review
process. This can be done by introducing a special Change-Id into the Git commit mes-
sage based on which Gerrit can then link different versions of the same change together.
Gerrit provides a Git commit message hook for this purpose. Git hooks are scripts that
are executed before or after certain Git events such as a commit or a push. The Git
commit hook will generate a unique Change-Id when the changes are committed. If the
hook is not installed and the Change-Id is not manually taken care of the different ver-
sions of a same change might end up in different change reviews. (Gerrit Code Review
2018a, Gerrit Code Review 2018b, Hudson 2018.)
Each Common Robot Library has its own Jenkins Freestyle job dedicated for pending
code changes submitted to the Gerrit version control. These pending code changes,
seen in figure 3 as pending changes, are in the pre-merge stage which means that they
are not merged into the authoritative repository of the version control yet. Rather they
are still in their own respective branches in the Gerrit pending change storage. Figure 3
shows the repository structure and communication pattern of Gerrit and the continuous
integration build server, which in this case is Jenkins.
The Jenkins pre-merge job that is triggered when a code change is submitted to Gerrit
sends a verification-vote to Gerrit. The vote value depends on the outcome of the job
run. If the Jenkins job completes successfully, like the example pipeline run in figure 4
has done, the verification vote in Gerrit will be set as +1. This means that the code
change has gotten a verified status by the continuous integration. In case of failure,
aborted run or other non-successful outcome of the continuous integration job the verifi-
cation vote will be set as –1, meaning that the pending change is not verified. How the
verify-label's vote is decided is, of course, configurable in Jenkins via the Gerrit Trigger
plugin and in Gerrit by amending user group privileges. Thus, the vote can also be done
manually, but in the case of this project the vote always comes from the Jenkins contin-
uous integration machinery. This way no changes without verified unit test and static
check success can be submitted to the version control master branch. (Gerrit Code
Review 2018a.)
Figure 4. The console output of a simple Jenkins pipeline run example resulting in success.
(Jenkins 2018a.)
In addition to the verified-vote the code change needs a code review vote to pass the
Gerrit review process. This means that a human must check the proposed changes to
see if they conform to the project guidelines and other specifications, and give a vote
manually. The code review vote in Gerrit has a larger range of voting options than the
verified-vote, which has only two options ranging from –1 to +1. The code review votes
range from +2 to –2, with the explanations for different values seen in figure 5.
For the code reviewer’s convenience, the Gerrit web-based interface presents the old
and new versions of the modified files in a simple side by side view. Here the person
who reviews the code changes can make inline comments to specific lines or parts of
the code and discuss the changes overall by leaving a general comment. As seen in
figure 6, Gerrit shows the new pending change version of the file on the right side show-
ing additions made to the file on a green background colour, and the old version of the
file on the left side showing removed contents on a red background. (Gerrit Code Review
Figure 6. Gerrit side by side view of changes. (Gerrit Code Review 2018a.)
As seen from figure 5, the code review votes +1 and –1 indicate merely the reviewer’s
level of opinion on the code change. The +2 and –2 votes on the other hand mean either
allowing or blocking the change altogether. For a Gerrit change proposal to be accepted
it needs at least one +2 vote and it cannot have any –2 votes. The code review votes are
not cumulative even though they are numeric values, meaning two +1 votes do not con-
stitute as one +2 vote. If the change is not accepted with a +2 vote it needs to be re-
worked and go through the verification- and code review processes again. (Gerrit Code
Review 2018a.)
2.2.3 Cookiecutter
Cookiecutter is a Python-based command line utility, that creates software projects from
project templates called cookiecutters. It creates a software project based on a template
and optionally user input. This way all the needed project files are created automatically
in one effort. Cookiecutter supports project templates made in any programming lan-
guage or markup format since it does not execute any of the code inside the template,
but rather only fills the defined values inside the template with user input or with values
defined in a configuration file. (Roy 2017.)
Cookiecutter uses Jinja2 template engine for its templating needs. Jinja2 is a widely used
templating language designed for Python that offers an extensive set of powerful tools
for software templating needs. Cookiecutter supports templating directory names and
filenames in addition to values inside any files. It also supports creating unlimited nested
directories. Listing 2 shows an example of a nested directory with templated directory
names and filenames. (Ronacher 2014, Roy 2017.)
The parameters that are used in creating the template need to be defined in a cookiecut-
ter.json file as strings, like seen in listing 3. The parameter default values can be left
empty by merely leaving the string value empty. All the parameters defined in the file can
then be templated anywhere in the project template in the format of {{
rameter_name}}. For example, by applying the cookiecutter.json file defined in listing 3
to the directory structure presented in listing 2, the result would be the following directory
structure: example/example/
“project_name”: “Example”,
“repo_name”: “example”,
“short_description”: “A Cookiecutter example template”,
“version”: “0.1.1”
By default Cookiecutter prompts input for the keys defined in cookiecutter.json. The de-
fault responses for these prompts are the default values defined for the keys in the cook-
iecutter.json file. Alternative values for these keys can also be defined in a configuration
file commonly named .cookiecutterrc. The configuration file uses a YAML-like indented
block syntax, as seen in listing 4. YAML, the acronym standing for “YAML ain’t markup
language”, is a human-readable data structure standard for all programming languages.
The .cookiecutterrc-file is an additional configuration file, which does not replace the
cookiecutter.json file in itself, but instead replaces the default values defined in it elimi-
nating the need for user input. (Evans 2016, Roy 2017.)
project_name: “Example 2”
repo_name: “example2”
short_description: “An example template with .cookiecutterrc file”
version: “0.2.0”
Templates for Cookiecutter are readily available in different repositories online, but a
custom one can also be made if none of the existing ones meet the requirements of a
certain project. Cookiecutter supports highly flexibly different storage methods for its
templates. Templates can be retrieved either locally, from public and private Git reposi-
tories or other online repositories, and even as zip files. (Roy 2017.)
3 Problem definition
This chapter introduces the base problem that this thesis was created to solve. The so-
lution planning and the decided solution for the problem is discussed in detail in this
chapter. Also, the different tools used and why they were considered for the solution are
Nokia houses a wide collection of Robot Framework libraries on its servers intended for
internal test automation use. The collection of these test automation libraries already
spans over 20 individual libraries and anyone working for the company is free to generate
new ones whenever needed. Generating such a new library, however, is rather time
consuming and requires the user to manually write a significant amount of boilerplate
code. This fact usually keeps employees from creating such new libraries for common
use and often users instead create libraries stored locally and intended only for a single
use case. Creating this kind of single use libraries ultimately consumes many times as
much working hours as creating a new shared library when the hours put into these kinds
of single use libraries are calculated company-wide. One single shared testing library
can fit the needs of multiple use cases and thus save the time of multiple employees.
In the rare case that an employee decides to create a new Common Robot Library it is
done with a dedicated Jenkins job, that creates a Gerrit repository for the new library and
adds only a readme-file to the project. This created readme-file, however, is empty. The
user needs to create the entire content for the project themselves almost from scratch,
since no configuration files are generated. Even if the user is familiar with the regular
Common Robot Library setup and Python packaging needed to distribute them, this step
still requires a significant amount of time. Almost all the required files are boilerplate
code, which means that the content is basically the same in every created project with
only minor differences, such as library owner name and the library name itself. Manually
creating this kind of boilerplate code is not beneficial for productivity and is ultimately
very inefficient.
Another problem in multiple different users creating and contributing to multiple libraries
is that there is bound to be variation in the styles and configurations of the libraries.
These differences, especially in the library configurations, can sometimes cause some
of the libraries to be incompatible with each other. This can be a serious issue since
dependencies often exist between different Common Robot Libraries. Differences be-
tween Python versions, especially versions 2 and 3, can cause the libraries to be incom-
patible. Both Python 2.7 and Python 3.5 versions are commonly used in the libraries,
and the syntax and operations between those two versions is significant. It is enough to
obstruct the usage of two different libraries together if the libraries have not been made
compliant for both Python versions. Modifying old libraries to be both Python 2 and 3
compliant takes time and effort, which could have been avoided by unifying the libraries
from the start. Also, the overall style variation of the libraries can be problematic and
trying to create coherent, human readable robot tests with the library keywords can
sometimes be difficult.
After a new Common Robot Library is created into the Gerrit repository and its contents
is ready, there is still a few steps left in the process. Two new Jenkins jobs need to be
created for the new library manually. A pre-merge job, which monitors the changes made
via Gerrit and a multi-configuration ci-job with which the new library is tested against any
possible dependencies that it might have with any other Common Robot Libraries. Addi-
tionally the existing Common Robot Libraries post-merge job in Jenkins must be updated
to include the multi-configuration ci-job.
With having to perform all these steps before even getting to make a single unique con-
tent to the new library itself it is understandable, that employees prefer the local, single-
use test keyword files stored alongside with their tests. Creating a whole Python package
project and a lot of boilerplate code for it does not seem a very compelling choice from
a single employee’s point of view, even though it would be a better option from the per-
spective of the time consumption of the whole company.
In this subchapter the objectives for this thesis project are introduced as user stories in
table 1. User stories are a common way to define goals for software projects using an
agile approach. User stories are short and simple descriptions of a wanted feature, de-
scribed from the user’s or customer’s point of view. In planning an implementation for a
software some acceptance criteria are normally added, which define when the user
story’s objective is reached. The user stories for this project are defined in table 1 as
user story - acceptance criteria pairs. The first user story in table 1 is the main story, that
is the broadest description of wanted functionalities. The other stories, called here user
sub stories, expand the main story to more detailed specifications. (Cohn 2018.)
Project objectives
Table 1. Objectives for the project as user stories with their acceptance criteria.
This subchapter goes through the reason the tools used in this thesis project were cho-
sen. It describes the way the tools were planned to be used for solving the problem that
was described in subchapter 3.1.
The first and foremost improvement idea that drove the whole project to be made into a
thesis was to somehow template the new Common Robot Library creation. Templating
the process would eliminate the need for the user to generate boilerplate code and con-
figure the project from scratch. Templating would also restrict the user input in the Com-
mon Robot Library creation process to a bare minimum, which would mean minimal
overall variation in outcomes of the library structures. Templated new Common Robot
Libraries would have more compatible configurations with any newly created libraries as
well as with the existing Common Robot Libraries.
After some research in available software project templating options the Cookiecutter
seemed to be best suited for the needs of this project. Cookiecutter is written in Python,
it is lightweight and it is very easy to manage. The Cookiecutter package is available in
the Python package index (PyPI), which is a repository of software programs written in
Python. This eased the use of Cookiecutter in the Common Robot Library development
environment, since the package could easily be installed for example by using the tox
command line testing tool. (Python Software Foundation 2018.)
Tox is a commonly used tool in Python package test management. With tox the source
distribution packaging, installing and testing a Python-based project is made very simple.
Tox environments are configured with a tox.ini file where different virtual environments
for running tests can be specified. In the example in listing 7 the tox.ini file has two virtual
unit testing environments configured, py27 and py36. When invoking tox from the com-
mand line all the environments defined in the envlist-portion of the configuration file are
run using the configurations and commands defined in the testenv-portion of the file.
Dependencies defined for each step are installed via a Python package installing tool
called pip. In the example in listing 7, in addition to the regular test environments, an
additional test environment for Cookiecutter is defined. This environment is run only
when specifically invoking it with “tox -e cookiecutter” command on the command line. It
installs the Cookiecutter package and runs the Cookiecutter tool with desired post argu-
envlist = py27, py36
deps =
changedir = {envtmpdir}
deps = {[base]deps}
commands = {posargs:py.test {toxinidir}/tests/}
install_command = pip install --no-cache-dir {opts} {packages}
changedir = {toxinidir}
deps = cookiecutter
commands = cookiecutter {posargs}
Listing 7. An example of a tox.ini file, which includes the Cookiecutter command line option.
By having a dedicated environment for the Cookiecutter in the tox.ini file it can be easily
used in various environments, such as different Jenkins jobs. It can be installed only for
the duration of a Jenkins job run by invoking the environment from the tox.ini file. In
Jenkins jobs individual workspaces are created for every job run. After the run has fin-
ished, the tools that were installed into the job’s workspace are deleted when the work-
space is cleaned. This way there is no need to permanently install tools on the Jenkins
server itself when the tools are only needed for specific Jenkins job runs.
Cookiecutter also has its own pytest testing tool plugin called pytest-cookies. The pytest-
cookies package is also available in the Python package index (PyPI). For tox usage the
plugin should be defined as a base dependency to be installed in every tox run. The
dependencies can be seen in listing 7, in the tox.ini file under base dependencies. The
plugin eases the testing of a new library creation, which could otherwise be somewhat
complicated since a new project needs to be created from the Cookiecutter template
under test to ensure the correctness of the template configurations. The pytest-cookies
plugin provides a cookies-fixture that is a wrapper for the Cookiecutter application pro-
gramming interface (API) for generating projects. This way the Cookiecutter tool itself
does not need to be invoked directly to test the template. An application programming
interface is a set of defined methods through which different software components can
communicate. With the pytest-cookies plugin the functionality and the correctness of a
template-generated project can be verified using unit tests. The plugin also cleans up
the workspace after running the unit tests unless specified otherwise, so no separate
management of template-created projects is needed. (Pierzina 2017.)
With Jenkins being the cornerstone of the continuous integration in the Common Robot
Libraries, in addition to a highly modifiable automation server, it was an obvious choice
to use it as the basis for the whole project. The old implementation for creating a new
Common Robot Library was also executed with a Jenkins job. This existing job was how-
ever, as discussed in subchapter 3.1, too inefficient and did not create enough content
for the project for easy usage. The job still executed valuable steps in creating a new
library straight to the Gerrit version control and thus served as a good starting point for
the planning of the new implementation.
The basic idea behind using Jenkins was to create a Jenkins job that could create the
new Common Robot Library itself as well as all the required Jenkins jobs for it. A Jenkins
Pipeline seemed to be able to handle the all this in a somewhat simplistic way. The
Jenkins Pipeline uses a script to execute all operations that are required from it. The
Pipeline script can be defined in two different ways as can be seen from the Jenkins
Pipeline’s dropdown menu in figure 7. The scripts can be written into the Pipeline con-
figuration itself, as seen in the example in figure 8, or they can be housed in a source
control management repository such as Git as a file, commonly simply named Jen-
Using a Jenkinsfile stored in Gerrit version control repository seemed to be a more suit-
able option for this use case since the pipeline needed to have multiple stages. Creating
the script in the small text box of the Jenkins configuration, which can be seen in figure
8, would have been very problematic. Writing the script straight into the Pipeline config-
uration is better suited for small Pipelines that require only very few stages to be exe-
cuted. The Jenkinsfile contains all the definitions of a Jenkins Pipeline in one text file and
is thus a lot easier to manage using the source control management. The Jenkinsfile
itself could be written in the style of a declarative pipeline or a scripted pipeline. The
differences between these two techniques are not major, but using the declarative pipe-
line seemed like a more simplistically managed option of the two.
As Gerrit is used as the default source control management tool throughout the Common
Robot Library development it was necessary to include it as a part of this project as well.
The new library needed to be created into the Gerrit source control repository via the
Jenkins job that was planned to handle all the stages of the whole library creation pro-
cess, as described in the subchapter 3.3.2.
The existing Jenkins job for creating a new Common Robot Library was a good place to
start planning the solution for its replacement. The existing Jenkins job implementation
included a script with which a new Gerrit repository was created remotely via SSH pro-
tocol using the command line interface options offered by Gerrit. The SSH protocol, de-
rived from words Secure Shell protocol, is a method with which one computer can se-
curely log in to another, remote computer. The protocol can be used for example for
remote authentication and secure file transfer between computers. (SSH Communica-
tions Security Inc. 2017.)
The existing Jenkins script created some empty files, initiated a local Git version control
repository and uploaded the files to the new Gerrit repository using Git commands. This
script was partially reusable in the project, but it needed to be largely expanded. The
new script would have to use the Cookiecutter template and include all the files gener-
ated from it into the repository as well as creating the new Gerrit repository itself. Despite
the restricted content of the existing script it was a good starting point for getting Jenkins
to communicate with Gerrit via an SSH-connection. The new script would have to be a
part of the Jenkinsfile, which was discussed in chapter 3.3.2.
The Python build reasonableness, shortened as pbr, is a library for managing Python
packaging and versioning in a reasonable and consistent manner. Pbr was first consid-
ered for simplifying the version management and packaging needs for the Common Ro-
bot Libraries at the start of the project. Pbr, however, turned out not to be the best option
for the version management at least when using it as is without any modifications. This
was mainly because the version numbering in pbr differed significantly from the conven-
tion used in Common Robot Libraries. Although a viable tool for Python packaging it
would have had to be modified to meet the needs of the Common Robot Libraries. A test
Cookiecutter template was made in which the pbr was used. However, the development
of the template was abandoned as the modifications or wrappers needed for the python
build reasonableness tool were evaluated to most likely to be too time-consuming for the
timeframe of this thesis project.
4 Implementation
This chapter describes how the planned solution, as explained in chapter three, was
implemented for use in a real continuous integration environment. The chapter will spec-
ify all the steps and decisions made to reach a working and suitable solution for the
project. It also covers how testing the different parts of the project was handled.
The first step in this thesis project was to create a custom Cookiecutter template that
filled the needs of the Common Robot Libraries. Ready-made Cookiecutter templates for
Python packages do exist and are freely downloadable from e.g. GitHub, but the tem-
plates differed significantly enough from the basic Common Robot Library package setup
that a completely new template was deemed to be the best option. Also, by internally
managing the library template the changes made to it could be controlled by the Common
Robot Library developer and maintainer team. This new template for the Common Robot
Libraries was created from scratch by using the existing Common Robot Libraries as
examples. Multiple existing Common Robot Libraries were studied to make a general-
ized solution that would best suit new libraries and offer the most compatibility with the
already existing ones.
The structure of the template for the new Common Robot Libraries, as seen in listing 9,
is a somewhat basic Python package. The template itself needs to be housed inside a
Python package, as can be seen from listing 8. Cookiecutter searches for the cookiecut-
ter.json file from the root of the directory and the template directory from the same level
as the cookiecutter.json file. The template is referred to from the Cookiecutter command
line interface with the package name. In the document tree seen in listing 8, only the
{{cookiecutter._repo_name}} directory, hooks directory and the tests directory, along with
the cookiecutter.json file are related to the template. Other files and directories are used
for Python packaging the package itself. Both the top package where the template re-
sides in and the template have similar structures since both follow the packaging guide-
lines of the Common Robot Libraries. They both use setuptools for package manage-
ment, tox for virtual environment testing purposes and Sphinx for generating documen-
├── CHANGES.rst
├── cookiecutter.json
├── {{cookiecutter._repo_name}}/
├── .git/
├── .gitignore
├── hooks
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── .pylintrc
├── README.rst
├── setup.cfg
├── sphinxdocs
│ ├── CHANGES.rst
│ ├──
│ ├── index.rst
│ └── README.rst
├── src/
├── tests/
│ ├──
│ └──
└── tox.ini
├── CHANGES.rst
├── README.rst
├── setup.cfg
├── sonar.project-properties
├── sphinxdocs
│ ├── CHANGES.rst
│ ├──
│ ├── index.rst
│ └── README.rst
├── src
│ └── crl
│ ├── {{cookiecutter._libname}}
│ │ ├── {{cookiecutter._libname}}.py
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ └──
├── tests
│ ├──
│ └── test_{{cookiecutter._libname}}.py
└── tox.ini
Listing 9. The structure of the Common Robot Library Cookiecutter template, which is inside the
cookiecutter-crl-template package.
As seen from listing 9, some of the file and directory names in the template package are
templated with the Jinja2 style so the names will be looked up from the cookiecutter.json
file or alternatively a user defined configuration file. The template has its own tox config-
uration file as well as setup files for Python packaging purposes. The Sphinx configura-
tion files have been generated with Sphinx’s sphinx-quickstart command.
Cookiecutter offers a hook script functionality with which hook scripts can be run before
and after generating a project from a Cookiecutter template if needed. Support for Python
and Shell scripts and for both Unix and Windows systems are built into the Cookiecutter.
Python scripts are preferable to shells scripts because of their portability since the Python
scripts can be run on any platform. The hook scripts should be housed in the hooks/
directory in the project root, as seen in listing 10. The files should be named as for the script run before generating the project and post_gen_pro- for the script run after the project has been generated, with suffixes depending on
the script type. (Roy 2018b.)
├── {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/
├── hooks
│ ├──
│ └──
└── cookiecutter.json
The Jinja2 syntax can be used in the hooks scripts, just like in the Cookiecutter template
itself. With this feature the script that is run before generating the project is perfect for
testing the validity of template parameters. In the Common Robot Library case the pre-
hook is used for checking the validity of the given library name. The Python pre-hook
script, seen in listing 11, checks that the name has the correct prefix and that it does not
contain any special characters other than a hyphen. Also, an empty library name or a
too short name makes the script exit with a non-zero status code which then stops the
project generating process so no files are created. Defining the script’s exit status as
non-zero is needed if the script should stop generating the project when a condition de-
fined in the script is not fulfilled. If the script exits with an exit code of zero the project is
generated from the template so it is important to set correct exit codes.
import re
import sys
REPO_REGEX = r'^[a-z]{3}[-a-z0-9]+$'
repo_name = '{{cookiecutter._repo_name}}'
4.1.3 Configuration
The base parameter declaration file in Cookiecutter, as explained in chapter 2.2.3: Cook-
iecutter, is the cookiecutter.json file. This file establishes all the parameters that are to
be used in the Cookiecutter template. When invoking Cookiecutter from the command
line Cookiecutter will prompt the user for alternative values for the parameters defined in
the cookiecutter.json file. This user prompting presented a problem when using the
Cookiecutter via the Jenkins scripts. There didn’t seem to be a way to ask the user for
so much interactive input in a reasonable manner during a Jenkins job run. Even with an
existing user-made configuration file such as a .cookiecutterrc file where the user can
define new values for either all or some of the parameters introduced in the cookiecut-
ter.json file the Cookiecutter still prompts the user for input. The name .cookiecutterrc for
the configuration file is recommended in the Cookiecutter documentation since the ex-
tension rc, standing for runcom or “run commands”, is a common way in Unix systems
to name configuration files. Files starting with a dot are hidden files and do not automat-
ically show for the user unless specifically requested and naming configuration files with
a preceding dot is a common convention in both Unix and Windows systems. The user
is still prompted even with a .cookiecutterrc file present, because the user-made config-
uration file only replaces the values of the default parameters defined in the cookiecut-
ter.json file, but does not suppress the user prompting in case the user needs to change
some of the parameter values. (The Trustees of Indiana University 2018.)
Two relevant options for the parameter input manipulation were presented in the Cook-
iecutter documentation, as seen in listing 12. Neither of these options, however, were
completely suitable for the Common Robot Library use case. The no-input option, as
seen in listing 12, does not prompt for parameters, but instead only uses the current
content of the cookiecutter.json file. This was not suitable for the use case, because with
this option the values set for the cookiecutter.json file’s parameters would have to be
changed every time a new library was created. It did not seem like a good option to store
the changing parameter values in the cookiecutter.json file, which is housed in the ver-
sion control with the rest of the Common Robot Library template project. The changes
would have always had to be added into the version control or alternatively discarded at
the end of each Jenkins job run. Generating a completely new cookiecutter.json file every
time the Jenkins job was run and not store the file in the version control at all didn’t seem
like a good option either since the file is essentially the backbone of the Cookiecutter
templating. The config-file option was a partially good solution, but as discussed earlier,
did not suppress the user prompting and thus did not fix the current problem of user input
just by itself.
Do not prompt for parameters and only use cookiecutter.json file content
Listing 12. Some of the command line options for Cookiecutter. (Roy 2018a.)
After some research on the internet, a solution for the user prompt problem was found.
This solution was not provided in the Cookiecutter documentation at all so it was not
easily discovered. By using an underscore as the first character in the parameter names,
as seen in listing 13, the parameters would be exempt from the interactive user prompt-
ing. Using an underscore as the first character is a common way in Python to declare
functions, methods, classes and variables as private and only to be used inside the struc-
ture in which they are housed. This rather simple solution combined with a .cookiecut-
terrc file generated within the Jenkins job run proved to be the best solution. The .cook-
iecutterrc file would be created inside the Jenkins job workspace during the job run and
populated with values derived from the parameters required from the user before starting
the job run. The parameters could be manipulated to the wanted form in a shell script
inside the Jenkins job. This way the cookiecutter.json file could be stored in the Gerrit
version control and no manipulation of the Cookiecutter base file would be needed. The
cookiecutter.json file itself contains default values with which the previously discussed
pre-generation hook script fails so no project can be generated with using just the default
values in case the user input for the project name would be missing.
"_repo_name": "new-cookiecutlibrary",
"_repo_path": "new.cookiecutlibrary",
"_libname": "cookiecutlibrary",
"_author_name": "Library Author",
"_author_email": "",
"_version": "0.1.0",
"_short_description": "A library created with cookiecutter template",
"_keywords": "robotframework",
"_python3_minor_version": ""
Jenkins jobs can be configured to be run parameterized in which case the user must
input requested values before the job is run. Figure 9 shows the parameter prompt of the
new Common Robot Library creation Jenkins job. Some of the parameters have default
values set which can guide the user in the right direction or provide values most com-
monly used. In figure 9 the project name prefix is already provided and the user needs
to only add the rest of the library name. The BUILDS_TO_KEEP parameter has a rec-
ommended value of 20, so it offers the commonly used amount, but gives the user the
option to modify it. These parameters can then be used in the Jenkins job runs as needed
with the defined parameter names which can also be seen from figure 9. The use of
these parameters is discussed in more detail in the upcoming Jenkins pipeline chapter
in section 4.2.
Figure 9. The parameterized build prompt in the new Common Robot Libraries creation Jenkins
Testing the functionality of the Cookiecutter template was done with the pytest-cookies
plugin made for the pytest unit testing tool. The unit tests were designed to mainly test
four different things about the template:
all required project files are present and generated with correct names,
the content of the generated files is correct,
the pre-hook script works as expected and
Python packaging of the generated project works.
These four aspects that were designed to be tested are all dependable on each other in
some degree since for example Python packaging is not possible if the configuration files
do not include correct file paths and other parameters. The use cases of the unit tests
could still be divided into these four categories, despite of the internal dependencies of
the functionalities. The unit tests were designed to be run in both Python 3.6 and Python
2.7 environments. Python 2.7 had to be included as a testing environment since some
of the existing Common Robot Libraries can only be run on Python 2.7 environments.
Compatibility with these existing libraries had to be guaranteed in case any dependen-
cies between the existing libraries and a new library were made.
The pytest-cookies plugin provides a cookies-fixture that acts as a wrapper for the Cook-
iecutter’s application programming interface for generating new projects. A pytest fixture
is a defined, reusable baseline upon which unit tests can be repeatedly executed. When
calling the cookies-fixture’s method bake() a new instance of a special Cookiecutter re-
sult type is returned. This result instance includes a lot of useful information of the cre-
ated project, such as an exit code, the exception if one is thrown and finally an object
pointing to the rendered project. (Holger et al. 2018b, Pierzina 2017.)
As the cookiecutter.json file was made for the Common Robot Library template in such
manner that all projects generated with it would fail in the pre-hook script stage, a custom
parameter content for the testing had to be used. Luckily the pytest-cookies plugin ac-
cepts a keyword argument that contains parameter - value pairs with which the values
from the cookiecutter.json file are replaced. In real use for Common Robot Library crea-
tion these values would be created as a .cookiecutterrc file during the Jenkins job run,
but for testing purposes using this extra content injection was an easier and more stable
option than dynamically creating new files on every unit test run. The contents of the
extra context JSON can be seen from listing 14.
extra_context_json = {
"_repo_name": "crl-cookiecutlibrary",
"_repo_path": "crl.cookiecutlibrary",
"_libname": "cookiecutlibrary",
"_author_name": "Library Author",
"_author_email": "",
"_short_description": "CRL library created with cookiecutter template",
"_keywords": "test keyword",
"_python3_minor_version": get_python3_minor_version()
Listing 14. Contents of the extra_context JSON for the template unit testing.
@pytest.mark.parametrize('exp_dirs', [
'crl', 'cookiecutlibrary',
'tests', 'src', 'sphinxdocs'])
def test_dirs_found(cookies, exp_dirs):
with create_template_in_tmpdir(
cookies, extra_context=extra_context_json) as result:
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert result.project.basename == 'crl-cookiecutlibrary'
assert result.project.isdir()
found_dirs, _ = find_all_dirs_and_files(str(result.project))
assert exp_dirs in found_dirs
Listing 15. Extra context JSON and test for checking that all required directories are found.
By parameterizing the tests with the pytest's parametrize functionality multiple expected
values can easily be tested without writing individual assertions or unit tests for all the
individual desired outcomes. Pytest runs the parametrized test as many times as there
are parameters given in the @pytest.mark.parametrize block using the parameterized
values in the test consecutively. Listing 15 contains a unit test that asserts that all five
required directories are present in the project generated from the template using the
extra content JSON. A similar test was made for verifying that all required files exist in
the document tree and that they are all correctly named.
def create_template_in_tmpdir(cookies, *args, **kwargs):
result = cookies.bake(*args, **kwargs)
yield result
def inside_dir(dirpath):
old_path = os.getcwd()
def test_make_project_and_run_tests(cookies):
with create_template_in_tmpdir(
cookies, extra_context=extra_context_json) as result:
assert result.project.isdir()
assert run_inside_dir('python test', str(result.project))==0
Listing 16. The context manager and test for running the tests in the template and testing the
Python packaging.
The tests were run so that the templated project was created into a temporary directory
so it would be possible to run the tests that were inside the project and test Python pack-
aging of the project. This temporary directory usage could be easily done with a Python
contextmanager. The contextmanager yields the pytest-cookies result object and re-
moves the created document tree when the unit test run is complete. These steps can
be seen done in the contextmanager-function named create_template_in_tmpdir in list-
ing 16. Even though the pytest-cookies plugin does cleanup after running tests by default
it could not be used for the unit tests in this case as is. Running the unit tests that were
placed inside the project that was created from the template was not possible without
using a specially constructed contextmanager for creating a directory for them to run in.
Only by using the pytest-cookies plugin via the contextmanager it was possible to test
the python packaging by calling the file from inside the temporary directory in
which the generated project was created, as can be seen from listing 16. The run_in-
side_dir function seen used in listing 16 in the test_make_project_and_run_tests unit test
uses yet another contextmanager, named inside_dir to run the given command inside
the given directory and returns an exit code with which the run completed. The run is
successful when the exit code is zero.
All the unit tests created for testing the Common Robot Library Cookiecutter template
can be seen from table 2. In the table 2 the tests names, parameterization and the cate-
gory for which the test is made are listed. Along these tests helper functions, such as
contextmanagers, as can be seen in listing 16, and file structure search functions were
used to help the testing effort.
File content
extra_context Pre-hook
The pytest-cookies plugin looks for the Cookiecutter template by default in the current
directory so it was necessary to specify a different template location since the unit tests
were run in a custom manner inside a temporary directory. The pytest-cookies plugin
extends pytest to accept a --template parameter for overriding the default Cookiecutter
template lookup location. This template parameter had to be added into the tox.ini file to
the command with which the pytest unit tests are run.
The next phase after finalizing the Cookiecutter template was to create the Jenkins job
that would incorporate all the steps needed in creating a new Common Robot Library.
This job would not only create the new Common Robot Library project and add it into the
Gerrit version control, but it would also create the needed continuous integration jobs for
the project. As discussed in chapter 3.3.2 about Jenkins, the Jenkins Pipeline was cho-
sen for accomplishing all these required steps. The Jenkins Pipeline was configured to
fetch a Jenkinsfile script from the Gerrit version control and to use it as a basis for the
A Jenkinsfile is a text file that defines the actions for a Jenkins Pipeline and is stored in
version control. The Jenkinsfile residing in version control provides a multitude of benefits
over scripting the Pipeline stages straight into the Jenkins configuration via the graphical
user interface. It provides a single source which can be viewed and edited by any mem-
ber of the project with the correct access rights. The Jenkinsfile also must go through the
code review process in Gerrit which keeps the quality of the code on a desired level and
gives other developers the possibility to suggest changes. Finally, in the version control
all older versions of the file are viewable and restorable in case needed. The Jenkinsfile
uses a syntax like the Groovy programming language. Groovy is an object-oriented pro-
gramming language which is based on the Java programming language platform. (Jen-
kins 2018b, Tutorialspoint 2018.)
As no suitable candidates for a template for the Pipeline Jenkinsfile were readily availa-
ble the Jenkinsfile for Common Robot Library creation was built from scratch with the
help of the Jenkins Pipeline documentation. The most important feature in a Jenkins
Pipeline are the stages to which all functionality can be divided into. Listing 17 shows a
simple example of a Jenkinsfile Pipeline script with two stages. This example only prints
a string into the Jenkins console, but it shows very simply how the different stages can
be orchestrated. One or more steps sections are required to be defined inside each
stage. Inside a steps section one or more steps such as printing into the console in the
example in listing 17, must be executed. The steps- and stage sections can contain
multiple other directives and sections which all are more closely explained in the Jenkins
Pipeline Syntax manual. (Jenkins 2018c.)
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage("Hello world") {
steps {
echo "Hello world!"
stage("Hello again") {
steps {
echo "Hello!"
Figure 10. The Create new CRL Library Pipeline stage view in the Jenkins graphical user inter-
In the Jenkins Pipeline script other sections can of course be defined outside the stages
portion. Variables and options defined outside the stages portion apply to all stages.
Variables and options defined inside a stage apply only to the specific stage. If not de-
fined otherwise when one of the Pipeline stages fails none of the upcoming stages will
be executed and the Pipeline run will result in failure. The Pipeline also has a definable
post section in which the actions executed after running the Pipeline stages can be de-
fined. These post options can be defined differently for different Pipeline run outcomes
such as success, failure, unstable and others. Post options most commonly include
sending emails about failed or unstable Pipeline runs and cleaning the workspace. Jen-
kins notifies the user of the failing stage both in the console output and in the graphical
user interface. The notification of the failed stage via the graphical user interface can be
seen in figure 10.
The Jenkins graphical user interface renders all the Pipeline steps separately visible, as
can be seen from figure 10. This view is called the Stage View in Jenkins. Successful
Pipeline runs are showed in green and failed runs are showed in red. Furthermore, the
stage that caused the script to fail is visibly highlighted, as seen in figure 10. The stage
"Create Jenkins jobs for the library" in run number 17 can be seen highlighted as the
failed stage. Run number 16 is shown with a gray background since on this run Jenkins
was unable to run the Pipeline due to syntax errors in the Jenkinsfile. Pipeline runs re-
sulting as unstable are shown on a yellow background in the Pipeline Stage View.
The Common Robot Library creation Pipeline was divided into five different stages. In
addition to the stages some pre stage actions and post steps were defined. All these five
stages execute a single task so in case the Pipeline run fails the user can easily see
which stage caused the failure. As can be seen from figure 10, the Jenkins Pipeline
Stage View shows seven stages in total. The first stage is in fact the Jenkinsfile being
checked out of the version control and the last stage are the previously explained post
actions. As mentioned in subchapter 4.1.3, the Jenkins Pipeline was defined to be built
with parameters which means that the user must provide values for them before running
the Pipeline. These parameters were defined in the Jenkinsfile in the parameters section,
as can be seen in listing 18. This parameters part of the script is rendered in the Jenkins
graphical user interface into what is seen in figure 9 in section 4.1.3. Other general con-
figurations were made for the Pipeline as well. With the options directive it is possible to
configure the Pipeline from inside the Pipeline script itself. Some configuration options
are available via the Jenkins graphical user interface, but these options are very limited
and the Jenkinsfile offers a much more versatile configuration manipulation platform. In
this case only a few configurations were made via the options section, as can be seen
from listing 18. The configured options were: a timeout period for the Pipeline run, disa-
bling any concurrent executions of the Pipeline and adding timestamps to all console
output generated during the Pipeline run. Some configurations such as a user access
control matrix were made through the graphical user interface. This could also have been
configured from the Jenkinsfile, but the user groups and user IDs would have to be hard-
coded into the script. Not only that hardcoding such information is generally a bad idea,
all the permit configurations would have used a significant amount of lines in the Jen-
kinsfile. The environment section of a Jenkinsfile pipeline, as seen in listing 18, lets en-
vironment variables to be set via the Jenkinsfile script as key - value pairs. These varia-
bles are usable from inside all the stages and steps when defined outside the stages
section of the script. They can also be defined inside a stage in which case they are only
usable inside that specific stage. The environment variables can be used with an "env."
prefix. The parameter variables are used with a "params." prefix. The parameter varia-
bles can be seen used in the environment section of listing 18. Here the variables gotten
from parameterizes user input are manipulated and stored as environment variables.
(Jenkins 2018c.)
options {
timeout(time: 15, unit: "MINUTES")
parameters {
defaultValue: "crl-",
description: "Name of new library in form of 'crl-name'. No "
"special characters allowed except '-'")
name: "SHORT_DESC",
defaultValue: "",
description: "Short description of the project")
defaultValue: "20",
description: "How many builds the Jenkins pre-merge job "
"should store")
environment {
PROJECT_PATH = "${params.PROJECT_NAME}".replace("-", ".")
LIBNAME = "${params.PROJECT_NAME}".substring(4).replace("-", "_")
Listing 18. The pre stage settings for the Common Robot Library creation Jenkinsfile.
The post steps are not taken into account in this stage listing since they differ significantly
from the stages defined in the stages section of the Jenkinsfile script.
configuration. Creating the file was done by invoking a shell script by using the sh method
of the Jenkins domain specific language, as seen in listing 19. A domain specific lan-
guage, shortened DSL, is a programming language meant for use only in a particular
application domain. As listing 19 shows, the file creation was made with a simple Unix
cat command that creates the file and adds the content lines into it. As is usually the
case, the Common Robot Library Jenkins server uses a Unix-based operating system
so all the commands made within the job scripts have to be made in a Unix-style syntax.
The parameter- and environment variables that were discussed before and are seen in
listing 18 can be seen used in the script in listing 19. The username and user email
variables are retrieved from the information of the user who initiated the job by using a
Jenkins plugin called Build User Vars Plugin. The Python 3 minor version is gotten by
invoking a shell script with the command python3 --version. This prints out the current
Python 3 version in use in the continuous integration machinery. The output is captured
and the minor version from the string is extracted. This information is used in the Cook-
iecutter template to provide the newest Python 3 iteration in development use for the
new Common Robot Library’s configuration. This created .cookiecutterrc file is now
stored in the Jenkins job’s workspace so it can be used in the next stage.
sh(script: """
cat << "EOF" > .cookiecutterrc
_repo_name: "${params.PROJECT_NAME}"
_repo_path: "${env.PROJECT_PATH}"
_libname: "${env.LIBNAME}"
_author_name: "${USER_NAME}"
_author_email: "${USER_EMAIL}"
_short_description: "${params.SHORT_DESC}"
_python3_minor_version: "${PY3_MINORVERSION}"
The second stage of the Pipeline is where a new Common Robot Libraries library is
generated from the Cookiecutter template and stored into the Jenkins job’s workspace
for further use. This is done by again using the Jenkins domain specific language’s shell
scripting method. Listing 20 contains the shell script used for this operation. As discussed
in chapter 3.3.1 about Cookiecutter a dedicated virtual environment called cookiecutter
was defined in the tox.ini file of package containing the Cookiecutter template. This way
the Cookiecutter could be installed only for a specific Jenkins job run. This virtual envi-
ronment can now be seen used by invoking it with the tox command in the script in listing
20. The location of the configuration file, i.e. the .cookiecutter file created in the previous
stage is specified and the version control address from where the Cookiecutter template
itself will be retrieved is given. This script creates the files for the new Common Robot
Library project populated with the parameter- and variable values that were introduced
sh(script: """
tox -e cookiecutter -- \\
--config-file=.cookiecutterrc \\
In this second stage the tox virtual environments specified in the newly created project’s
tox.ini file are stored in a variable as a string. The information about these virtual envi-
ronments is later needed when creating the Jenkins jobs for the new library. Storing of
these variables is done by executing a shell script inside the new project directory and
storing capturing the output. The dir method of the Jenkins domain specific language
executes all wanted actions inside the defined directory. The tox -l command lists the
virtual environments defined in the tox.ini file into the console where they can be captured
dir("${params.PROJECT_NAME}") {
script {
TOXENVS = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "tox -l").trim()
Listing 21. Extracting all the environments defined in the tox.ini file to a string.
Stage three simply initializes a Git version control repository for the newly created Com-
mon Robot Library folder. The version control initialization is done with basic Git com-
mands that are run inside the new project directory, again using the shell script method
provided by the Jenkins domain specific language. After initializing the Git version control
for the folder all the files contained in it are added for version control tracking and an
initial Git commit is made. The stage does not push the files into a version control repos-
itory since there is no repository yet defined for the project. The creating of the version
control repository is made in the next stage.
script {
try {
sh(script: """
set +x
ssh -p ${port} ${GERRIT_SSH} gerrit create-project ${PROJECT_WITH_PARENT}
git remote add origin ssh://${GERRIT_SSH}:${port}/${PROJECT_WITH_PARENT}
git push -u origin master
script {
currentBuild.description = """<a href='${GERRIT_HTTPS}/\\
catch(Exception e){
echo "Something went wrong! Caught error: ${e}"
currentBuild.result = "UNSTABLE"
Listing 22. Creating a new Gerrit version control repository via an SSH connection.
Stage four is dedicated for creating a Gerrit version control repository for the new library
and pushing the commit made in stage three into the created Gerrit repository. A shell
script connects to the Gerrit host via an SSH connection, as can be seen from listing 22.
The SSH protocol, meaning Secure Shell protocol, is a method with which one computer
can securely log in to another, remote computer for example for file transferring. Gerrit
has a multitude of command line commands through which projects and user groups can
be created, downloaded and modified. The gerrit create-project command falls under
administrator commands which means that when connecting through the SSH protocol
the user account used has to have proper administrator rights in Gerrit and a matching
SSH-keys stored in the appropriate place in the server and in the Gerrit account. The
command creates an empty repository into the Gerrit version control which means that
the repository does not have any commits in it yet. Now the repository can be retrieved
from Gerrit and an initial commit can be either submitted for review or pushed into straight
into a branch. The script used in the Common Robot Library Pipeline, as seen in listing
22, connects the created Gerrit repository as the remote version control repository for
the project folder and pushes the project contents straight into the Gerrit repository’s
master branch. (Gerrit Code Review 2018c, SSH Communications Security Inc. 2017.)
The script is placed into a try-catch block, as can be seen from listing 22. First the try-
block’s execution is started, but if at any point of the execution an error occurs it is caught
and the execution of the block is ceased. The caught exception is defined here as an
instance of the general Exception-class which is the parent class of all exceptions in
Groovy and Java programming languages. This class catches all possible raised errors.
If any errors are caught actions defined in the catch-block are executed. A more specific
exception could be defined to be caught, but in this case it is safest to catch all raised
exceptions since not all exceptions that could occur are known beforehand. The catch-
block of the script marks the overall Pipeline result as unstable instead of the default
failure so the execution of the Pipeline is continued even in case of an error in this stage.
This stage is configured this way in case during a previous run of the Pipeline a Gerrit
repository was created, but the stage creating the Jenkins jobs for the new library failed
or were not executed at all. This way the job can be rebuilt to create the missing Jenkins
jobs for a Common Robot Library that is already an existing repository in the Gerrit ver-
sion control. This also works in the opposite case where the Gerrit repository was not
successfully created, but the Jenkins jobs for it were. The latter case could be caused
for example by problems with the Gerrit server. The Jenkins job creation in stage five is
configured so that if jobs for the given library name already exist they are not modified
and no new jobs are created.
Stage five of the Common Robot Library creation Pipeline creates the two necessary
Jenkins jobs for the continuous integration of the new Common Robot Library created in
the previous stages. This stage uses the jobDSL method which requires the Job DSL
Plugin to be installed to Jenkins. As seen from listing 23, this stage seems very simple
since the configurations for the new Jenkins jobs are defined in separate files containing
Groovy scripts. The names of these scripts are defined in the targets parameter of the
jobDSL method. The contents and function of these scripts will be more closely examined
in the next chapter 4.2.2 Jenkins Job DSL scripts. The next parameter seen in the job-
DSL method of listing 23, named ignoreExisting tells the method that if jobs with the
name specified in the target scripts exist they are not to be updated or modified. Only if
said jobs do not exist they are then created. The lookupStrategy parameter tells how to
interpret the names given to the new jobs created from the target scripts. The parameter
options are seed job and Jenkins root. If it is set as the seed job the path where the new
job will be created is interpreted as relative to the seed job. The seed job refers to the
Jenkins job inside which the jobDSL method is invoked which in this case is the Common
Robot Library creation Pipeline. When the lookupStrategy is set as Jenkins root the
names given for a generated job will be interpreted as an absolute path. The last used
parameter is additional parameters, as seen in listing 23 as additionalParameters. This
defines a map of global variables which the scripts creating the new jobs can access.
(Harmel-Law et al. 2018a.)
node("") {
targets: ["pre_jobdsl.groovy", "ci_jobdsl.groovy"].join('\n'),
ignoreExisting: false,
lookupStrategy: "JENKINS_ROOT",
additionalParameters: [
"pre_jobname": "${params.PROJECT_NAME}-pre-merge",
"ci_jobname": "ci.${env.PROJECT_PATH}",
"project_name": "${params.PROJECT_NAME}",
"gerrit_repo": "${LIB_URL}",
"library_owner_email": "${USER_EMAIL}",
"toxenvs": "${TOXENVS}",
Listing 23. The contents of stage five of the Common Robot Library creation Pipeline.
The Job DSL Plugin for Jenkins offers multiple methods for creating new Jenkins jobs,
views, folders and configuration files. DSL stands for domain specific language which
means that it is a programming language meant to be used inside only a certain appli-
cation’s domain. The scripts using the Job DSL methods are written in Groovy program-
ming language. The methods provided by the Job DSL Plugin are bound to certain Jen-
kins items and the content for them can be defined in very great detail via the methods’
closures. The only mandatory option that has to be defined for the item being created is
a name. The Job DSL Plugin has an application programming interface viewer in which
all the usable methods are documented. The plugin provides methods for the most com-
mon Jenkins use cases, but of course all Jenkins plugins cannot be covered by it, merely
because of the sheer volume of available ones. In cases where there is no dedicated
method for adding a desired functionality into the Jenkins job a configure block can be
used to inject or to modify the information within the config.xml file. Jenkins jobs use the
config.xml file for keeping the all job’s contents described in one file. Some Job DSL
methods have their own configure blocks, but when a dedicated one is not available the
job level general configure block can be used. The configure block offers many useful
ways to manipulate the config.xml file. The Groovy programming language syntax is
used throughout the configure blocks to provide better modifiability. (Harmel-Law et al.
The Job DSL Plugin offers methods for creating different types of Jenkins jobs. The two
types used in the scripts for the Common Robot Library continuous integration jobs are
Freestyle job and Matrix job. The Freestyle job needed substantially more configuration
overall than the Matrix job, but the Job DSL Plugin had methods for most of the configu-
rations needed. This Freestyle job needed to react to all changes made in the library’s
Gerrit repository such as incoming reviews, as discussed in subchapter 2.2.1 about Jen-
kins. Listing 24 shows how the Gerrit trigger is defined with Job DSL methods. The
choosing strategy of the source control management section must be set to gerritTrigger
in addition to defining the trigger itself in a separate triggers block. The events section in
the Gerrit trigger specifies that the job is triggered every time a draft is published into the
repository or a patch set is uploaded to an ongoing review.
job("Merge/${pre_jobname}") {
scm {
git {
remote {
extensions {
choosingStrategy {
triggers {
gerrit {
project("ant:crl/${project_name}", "master")
configure { node ->
node << 'serverName'('gerrit')
events {
buildFailed(-1, null)
buildNotBuilt(-1, null)
buildSuccessful(1, null)
buildUnstable(-1, null)
Listing 24. Defining the Gerrit trigger for a Jenkins Freestyle job.
Listing 24 shows the source control management and Gerrit trigger configuration of the
Jenkins pre-merge job. The usage of the configure block can also be seen from the list-
ing. Since the Gerrit trigger definition block provided by the Job DSL Plugin does not
contain a method or a parameter for separately defining a Gerrit server this has to be
done manually via the configure block. The configure block gets a node passed into it.
This node represents the context of the configure block from where the config.xml file is
parsed. The Gerrit trigger is configured to give Verify votes for the Gerrit review that
triggered the job, as previously explained in chapter 2.2.2 about the Gerrit review pro-
cess. The Job DSL Plugin offers dedicated methods for defining the Gerrit review votes
for different job run outcomes, as can be seen from listing 24. The methods are called
buildFailed, buildSuccessful and so on and they can take in two parameters. The first
parameter is the numerical value from -1 to +1 given for the Gerrit Verify-label vote. The
second one can be a numerical value from -2 to +2 for the Gerrit Code-Review label.
The Code-Review values are set to null in this case since as discussed in chapter 2.2.2,
a human input is required for the Code-Review process in Common Robot Libraries. A
Verify-vote of +1 or -1 is instead given according to the outcome of the job run. (Harmel-
Law et al. 2018c.)
job("Merge/${pre_jobname}") {
configure { project ->
project / 'publishers' << 'hudson.plugins.labeledgroupedtests.La-
beledGroupedTestArchiver' {
'configs' {
'hudson.plugins.labeledgroupedtests.LabeledTestGroupConfiguration' {
parserClassName 'hudson.tasks.junit.JUnitParser'
testResultFileMask 'junit.xml'
Listing 25. A publisher defined for the Freestyle job via a configure block.
Listing 25 shows another usage example of the configure block. This configure block
adds a publisher that does not have a dedicated Job DSL Plugin method for the Jenkins
pre-merge job. The Labeled Test Group Configuration plugin is called by its class path
and configurations for it are added. This plugin publishes the Freestyle job run’s unit test
results from a junit.xml file. This publisher stores the associations between the test result
location the parser that needs to be invoked and the label that is applied to the test
results. (Yahoo! Inc. 2017.)
The Matrix job is a multi-configuration project with which multiple similar steps are built.
It is configured so that build steps do not have to be duplicated as they would be in a
regular Jenkins job. The configuration matrix of the Matrix job lets the user to specify
which steps need to be duplicated. It creates a multiple-axis matrix of all the builds that
need to be created. The multi-configuration job is used in the Common Robot Libraries’
continuous integration when a merge in one of the libraries’ Gerrit repository is initiated.
A continuous integration job runs all the multi-configuration jobs defined for the Common
Robot Libraries to check that any possible dependencies between the modified library
and the old libraries are not affected. (Jenkins 2016.)
Since the Job DSL Plugin method provided for the Matrix job has limited internal methods
available most of the configurations needed to be done via the configure block. In listing
26 the configuring of the Matrix job’s axes with the configure block is shown. The axis
method has its own configure block which passes in an axis node to be configured. As
explained in chapter 4.2.1 about the Jenkinsfile, the tox environments generated for the
created library are stored into a variable while running the Jenkinsfile and then passed
down for the scripts to use by the jobDSL method’s additional parameters list. The tox
environment string variable can now be seen converted into a list in the beginning of
listing 26. The resulting list is then iterated through with a for loop and the items in the
list are added into the Matrix job’s axis values. The config.xml file generated with this
Matrix job creation script is seen in listing 27, displaying the part where the axes values
are defined. As can be seen from listing 26, a plugin for a dedicated tox axis configuration
exists and is called in the script by its class path. Any version control or other triggers for
the Matrix job are not defined in the script since the Matrix jobs are only invoked from a
higher level continuous integration job that starts the execution of all the jobs that are
configured as having dependencies with the Common Robot Libraries.
matrixJob("CI/${ci_jobname}") {
axes {
configure { axes ->
axes << 'jenkins.plugins.shiningpanda.matrix.ToxAxis' {
name 'TOXENV'
values {
for (env in toxenvlist) {
string "${env}"
Listing 26. Axes defined for the Matrix job by a configure block.
Listing 27. The axes of the resulting config.xml file that is generated with the ci-jobdsl.groovy
The Jenkinsfile’s functionality and the proper generating of the new Common Robot li-
brary Jenkins jobs had to be tested somehow before the scripts could be submitted for
a code review process to be eventually taken into real use. Some unit testing frameworks
for testing the Jenkinsfile Pipeline script exist. However, none of these frameworks
seemed to be comprehensive enough to include the Job DSL scripts into the testing and
some lacked support for methods used in the Jenkinsfile script. The easiest way to test
the scripts without a unit testing framework seemed to be by orchestrating an isolated
Jenkins instance inside which the scripts could be run. A local instance would allow for
running the scripts and modifying them without needing to worry about affecting the ac-
tual Common Robot Libraries development environment. A private Jenkins instance was
installed onto a personal virtual Linux machine. The scripts were hosted in the Gerrit
version control, but stored in a separate branch from the master. This way changes to
the branch could be pushed straight into the repository without the Gerrit code review
system. The master branch remained empty since changes to it were planned to be
submitted through the proper review process.
As all the associated scripts were written from scratch without previous knowledge on
the Groovy or Jenkinsfile syntax or their functionality, a lot of trial and failure was involved
in the first phase. This is also one of the reasons why the isolated Jenkins server was
the best option for initial development since testing of different features could be made
without worrying about using too much resources or effecting namespaces on the Com-
mon Robot Library continuous integration server. The negative side of using a dedicated
Jenkins server for this initial testing phase was the smaller disk space that was available
in the personal virtual machines. The smaller capacity prevented installation of some
plugins that were used in the actual continuous integration environment. This was not,
however, a major issue since all the most important plugins did fit into the capacity of the
virtual machine server and the use of the not installed plugins was not crucial in the
testing phase. This initial script development and testing phase was the most time-con-
suming of all the phases involved in creating the whole system.
The scripts were gradually built up and expanded until all the three scripts were assessed
to be in a stage where they could be tested on the real Common Robot Libraries Jenkins
server. By testing on the actual Common Robot Libraries server all functionalities offered
by the real environment would be available. The scripts were still not configured fully as
they were intended to be used in the Common Robot Libraries development since cre-
ating an actual Gerrit repository every time the Pipeline was tested was not a good prac-
tice. Thus, the Gerrit repository creation stage was omitted from the Jenkinsfile script for
testing the Pipeline in the Common Robot Library continuous integration server. Also,
the path to which the new Jenkins jobs were created with the Job DSL Plugin was set as
seed job unlike the value used in the actual Pipeline so test jobs would not populate the
pre-merge and ci-job locations. More about the Job DSL Plugin’s job paths are explained
in chapter 4.2.1 about the Jenkinsfile. This live server testing was done in a folder dedi-
cated only for testing of the Pipeline so other jobs residing on the server would not be
affected. As the Job DSL Plugin’s path was set to seed job the new Jenkins jobs were
created into the dedicated testing folder. This second testing and development phase of
the Pipeline scripts was significantly shorter than the first phase since the scripts did not
need any major modifications at this point. When the testing on the Common Robot Li-
brary server was deemed to be sufficient the scripts were submitted to the Gerrit code
review process for improvement proposals.
The second testing phase on the real Common Robot Libraries server did run for some
time in parallel with the Gerrit code review process since proposed changes for the
scripts and other parts of the project also had to be tested to make sure the correct
functioning of the finished product. This parallel testing was executed so that a separate
version control branch was still used for testing the scripts. The files submitted for the
code review and the files in the master branch were kept similar in every other way ex-
cept for the Gerrit project creation and Job DSL Plugin paths.
The deployment process for the Common Robot Library Pipeline for creating a new li-
brary started with submitting the scripts and the Cookiecutter template to Gerrit code
review. The Cookiecutter template and the scripts for the Jenkins Pipeline were housed
in the same project in Gerrit. Separate projects for these components could have been
made since they are not dependent on each other, but they were connected to the same
use case so storing them together was a good solution for future modifications. A pre-
merge Jenkins job was created for the Gerrit project so that all included unit tests and
other checks such as Pylint would be run every time a change was submitted for a Gerrit
review. Unlike regular Common Robot Libraries a post-merge job for this project was not
specified since it does not need to be uploaded into the internal Python package index,
PyPI, after merging it into the master branch of the Gerrit project. The pre-merge job
already checks that the project passes Jenkins gating and send a Verified-label vote to
Gerrit. Gerrit also does not let changes with merge conflicts to be submitted into the
master branch if used properly through the code review process. A few patch set itera-
tions for the project’s code review were made to correct problems and suggested im-
provements. After all the improvements suggested by a code reviewer were completed
the changes were committed into the master branch of the project.
When the code review process was done a Jenkins Pipeline into the correct location in
the Common Robot Library Jenkins server was made. The actual Pipeline has the same
configurations as the testing Pipeline with the exceptions that the actual Pipeline creates
a Gerrit repository for each new library that is generated and the path where new Jenkins
jobs are created is set to Jenkins root for correct placement in the server’s job structure.
The old Jenkins job for creating a new Common Robot Library was left as is, but with
deprecation notification added into its description.
The final step of the deployment process was to document the functionality of the new
library creation system in the officially used channels. The Common Robot Libraries de-
velopment is documented in the company intranet in the Common Robot Libraries De-
velopers Guide. This page included links into the documentation of the old Common
Robot Library creation and some other old information regarding the process. These old
pages were updated to match the new system’s functions. With these steps executed
the new implementation was ready for company wide use.
5 Conclusion
In this final chapter the outcome and effects of the thesis project is evaluated. The value
that this project has added to the processes used in the Common Robot Libraries devel-
opment are discussed. Also, possible improvement suggestions for future development
of the project are examined in this chapter.
The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis project was to implement an improvement solution for
the company’s test automation framework. The processes used in creating new Robot
Framework test libraries was targeted as the subject of this improvement since they in-
cluded many manual tasks and were overall very inefficient. The goal of the planned
improvement was to create an automation system that could create a new Common Ro-
bot Library and to generate the Jenkins jobs needed for it, preferably as a one-click sys-
tem with minimal user input.
The template for the Common Robot Libraries was chosen to be generated with Cook-
iecutter which is a command line based software project templating tool. The project was
automated with the Jenkins automation server. The Jenkins Pipeline item was chosen
as the tool to be used in the Jenkins automation since the Pipeline offered versatile op-
tions for modifying it to best suite the need of the new automation system. The system
was tested thoroughly in all stages of development. Pytest for Python was used for unit
testing the Cookiecutter template and manual testing was conducted for the Jenkins
The project was divided overall into two major parts: the Cookiecutter templating part
and the Jenkins Pipeline creation part. These bigger parts were then divided into smaller
tasks and the tasks were tracked with a ticket system. The tasks were timed so that first
the parts with no dependencies were created and only after those were ready the other
parts of the system were developed.
The whole thesis project was done very independently after setting the goals for it with
the test automation framework team’s lead. The tools and processes used in develop-
ment of the system could be chosen freely. However, Common practices for the Com-
mon Robot Library development were followed in all steps of the project. Of course, help
in problem situations was always provided as needed and the project’s progress was
reported and assessed in a weekly meeting and reviewing session with the Common
Robot Library team. The ticket system was also used for tracking the project’s progress.
In chapter 3.2 the project's objectives were established as a table of user stories. Here
we will reexamine these user stories, as seen in table 3, and see how many of the ac-
ceptance criteria were fulfilled by the automation system that was produced as the result
of this thesis. All actualized acceptance criteria are marked with a green tick symbol in
table 3, and the unsuccessful ones are marked with a red arrow symbol. The overall
success of the user story is indicated in the background color of the story itself. As seen
from table 3, all but one user stories have succeeded with a hundred percent rate of
filling the acceptance criteria. These successful user stories are indicated with a green
background and the partially successful user story is indicated with a yellow background.
The only unsuccessful user story acceptance criterion is: “The user does not have to
modify any configurations.” Even though marked as not successful in table 3, this ac-
ceptance criterion is still considered fulfilled for the most part since most of the configu-
rations the user needed to make in the old system are now removed and replaced with
automatically generated configurations. The reason for highlighting this criterion is that
the adding of the new library’s continuous integration job into the Jenkins’ Gerrit post-
merge job still needs to be done manually by the user. Overall, the system that was
created as the result of this project succeeded very well in filling the requirements defined
in the project's objectives.
Project objectives
As a Robot Framework test automation user I want a simple and fast way of cre-
User main
ating a new Common Robot Library so I can concentrate on the contents and not
the framework of the library.
User sub As a creator of a new Common Robot Library I want to save time by not having
story to create boilerplate code and configurations for the library from scratch.
A template for the Common Robot Libraries exists that generates all the boil-
Acceptance erplate code when creating a new library.
criteria The template includes all necessary configurations for the library to work.
The template is immediately ready to use and Python packageable.
User sub As a creator of a new Common Robot Library I want to save time by having the
story necessary Jenkins jobs for my new library created automatically.
A Jenkins seed job exists that automatically creates the necessary new Jen-
kins jobs for the new library.
The new Jenkins jobs are created to the right location.
The new Jenkins jobs are preconfigured.
The user does not have to modify any configurations.
User sub As a Robot Framework test automation user I want to be able to create a new
story Common Robot Library even if I do not know about Python packaging.
The created library structure has all necessary configurations for Python
Acceptance The user needs to only know how to run unit tests and other test environ-
criteria ments through tox.
The user does not need to make configurations or set an initial version for
the library.
User sub As a Common Robot Library user I want the new libraries to be uniform for them
story to be more easily used together.
Table 3. Objectives for the project as user stories with their acceptance criteria.
The system that was implemented as the project’s result significantly decreases the time
a Common Robot Library developer needs to use for creating new Robot Framework
libraries. It also lowers the threshold for creating new Common Robot Libraries for com-
pany-wide use since the user does not need to make any configurations. Since time
management is always important in any size companies the time saved from auxiliary
processes such as creating new libraries increases the amount of time that is available
for the actual software development. When observing the time savings company-wide it
can cumulate into significant amounts. One of the purposes of implementing an easier
Common Robot Library creation system was to increase the overall development of new
libraries and encourage new users to make their libraries public on the company level.
This effect, however, can’t be observed yet with the system only just finished.
As discussed in chapter 5.1 about the unfulfilled user stories’ acceptance criterion, add-
ing the new library to the Jenkins post-merge job must still be done manually. At this
point there is no way of doing this with methods that the Jenkinsfile scripting offers since
the configuration blocks do not allow for appending values into a field that is already
populated with values. If no improvement in the Jenkins plugins is implemented for this
in the future the option to do this automatically would be to parse the config.xml file gen-
erated for the post-merge job by Jenkins and to append the new value with Groovy pro-
gramming language string manipulation.
As discussed in chapter 3.3.4 about the Python build reasonableness tool it could be
added to the Common Robot Libraries for simplifying library version management and
for more easily generating the changelog. This would, however, require modifications or
wrappers made for the pbr tool. Still it can be considered a viable option for further ex-
amination. With using the pbr a new Cookiecutter template configured specifically for use
with pbr would also be needed.
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