Book 4100 PDF
Book 4100 PDF
Book 4100 PDF
Ahmad Rashed
To my family….
First of all, thanks to Almighty Allah for granting me the power and
determination in conducting this research, despite all difficulties.
Finally, thanks and regards to all those who supported me in any respect
during the completion of this work.
List of Contents
Contents Page
Declaration v
Abstract xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Project Management 5
1.3 Quality Management in Project Management 8
1.4 Statement of the problem 9
1.5 Justification 10
1.6 Research Questions 11
1.7 Research Objectives 12
1.8 Constraints and Challenges 12
1.9 Thesis Structure 13
Chapter 2 Literature Review 14
2.1 Introduction 14
2.2 Quality definition 16
2.3 Previous Studies 19
2.4 Quality Assurance and Quality Control 22
2.5 The New Model for TQM 25
2.6 Construction Sector in Palestine 27
2.7 Cost of Quality 30
2.8 Cost of Quality as an Improvement Too 34
2.9 Factors Affecting the Implementation of Quality 36
Management in the Construction Project
2.10 Conclusion 50
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 51
3.1 Introduction 51
3.2 Research Methodology Diagram 52
3.3 The Research Approach 53
3.4 The Sample Size 55
3.5 Designing the Questionnaires 57
3.6 Interviews
3.7 Sampling, Instrumentation and Procedure 58
3.8 Instrumentation 59
3.9 Validity of the Questionnaire 61
3.10 Reliability of the Questionnaire 62
3.11 Study Barriers 63
Chapter 4 Data Analysis 65
4.1 Introduction 65
4.2 Analysis 65
4.3 Results and Discussion 75
4.4 Conclusion 86
Chapter 5 The Framework 89
5.1 Introduction 89
5.2 Framework Development Requirements 90
5.3 The Developed Framework 91
5.4 The Stages of the Framework 93
5.5 Conclusion 102
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendation 104
6.1 Introduction 104
6.2 Conclusions of the Research 105
6. 3 The Research Contribution 108
6.4 Recommendations 109
References 112
Appendix 119
الملخص ب
List of Figures
No. Figures Page
2.1 Okland TQM Model 20
2.2 The Number of the Classified Contracting Firms in 30
2.3 Mechanism of quality cost system 33
2.4 Cost Benefit of Quality Management 35
2.5 Quality Management Saving 36
3.1 Percentage of the executed projects according to the 56
classification degree for the registered classified
contracting companies in West Bank
3.2 Percentage of Classified Contractors with Respect 57
to the Location in the West Bank
5.1 Deming‘ Cycle 91
5.2 Framework for implementing TQM in construction 94
projects in West Bank
List of Tables
No. Tables Page
2.1 Different quality models 27
3.1 Distribution of Sample According to Study 60
Independent Variables of the Contractor
3.2 Distribution of Sample According to Study 61
Independent Variables of the company
4.1 Main factors affecting quality management in 66
4.2 Means and Standard Deviations of the barriers for 67
implementing quality management in construction
4.3 Means and Standard Deviations of the benefits for 68
implementing quality management in construction
4.4 Means and Standard Deviations of the techniques 69
for implementing quality management in
construction projects
4.5 The responses to the knowledge of quality 70
4.6 The Responses According to the data acquisition 73
4.7 Pearson Correlation Matrix between the study 75
4.8 Pearson Correlation Matrix between the study 80
4.9 Pearson Correlation Matrix between the study 84
List of Abbreviations
the world in general and the West Bank. A survey of 300 contracting
companies registered in the Palestinian Contracting Union (PCU) was
conducted to establish the current quality management practices and
Chapter 1
1.1 Overview
phase, the construction phase and the operation and maintenance phase.
This will lead to the coordination and integration need as a vital concept to
deliver this mission successfully. All the aforementioned discussion can
only reason that inhibit the construction industry, and prevent it of being a
prosperous sector. There are other different factors affecting construction
projects performance in Palestine such as poor management and leadership;
performance problem.
Today organizations are competing with each other to produce high quality
output with the minimum budget and be delivered at the right time; the
most appropriate way to achieve this is using project management.
there is a noticeable percent of the projects failure. The project can fail
managers face many challenges and must always be creative and flexible in
order to deal with difficult and sometimes unforeseen circumstances.
Project management is an essential philosophy to attain and sustain the
are varied and the consensus from various studies is that it has been
and satisfy the customer‘s needs, the Total Quality Management (TQM) is
highly being used as a vital tool to achieve this goal, and achieve the
required standards and specifications. The quality management is viewed
1.5 Justification
and even that there are a special characteristics for the construction sector
we can deal with as an excuses rather than characteristics such as
standards that you can follow at every project; each project has its unique
procedures that will not be applicable at the next project. This issue can be
figured out through the project definition, according to the PMI the project
is a series of activities that had a starting and due date and every project is
This study will identify the barriers and the benefits of adopting such
system to overcome the problem in construction practice and improving the
overall performance.
Q1. What are the linkages between the underlying dimensions of total
project management and construction organization performance?
Q3. What are the main factors that affect the contractors' perception of
The main aim of this research can be broken down into the following
They are many constraints and barriers that faced the researcher during the
conduction of the research. The most important barrier was the contractor‘s
unconcern to present their opinions in such subjects. A large number of
them showed lack of cooperation and they delegated the answers to office
engineers. Although the researcher explained first the aim of the research,
they were asked if they can present needed information, a few number of
contractors replied easily and fast without a continuous reminding from the
are not interested. The researcher sent the questionnaire times and times,
phoned most contractors two, three and four times, and visited some of
them more than once, every time she had a new argument, until the
researcher succeeded at last to collect a suitable number of responses.
Chapter 2
Literature Review
In this chapter, we will review the previous studies regarding the quality
Another section will discuss the main difference between the quality
assurance and the quality control, some models representing the quality
management in construction projects will be discussed, the cost of quality
and the role it act, as an improvement tool to reach a better performance
level in the construction projects will be presented. Finally the main factors
the affecting quality management in construction projects will be
2.1 Introduction
quality of fit, finish, appearance, how does it look like, function, and
performance. The quality of service maybe rated based on the degree of
satisfaction by the customer receiving the service, for example the time
required for satisfying that service, or the level of the customer service,
turn over average will increase due to the bad service, customer
dissatisfaction, bad reputation for the company, even the customer who has
prior a bad experience with the company will communicate his/her
There is more than one definition for quality, in each sector different
definition for this concept can be used. In other words, the definitions of
quality are abounding. For many years there have been attempts to define
the meaning of this concept "quality‖, often in general terms, we attribute
that to the diversity of purposes of this explanation, each side can show its
point of view, some definitions result from authoritative documentation,
while others express experiences, opinions, and conjecture.
Quality can also be defined from the view point of function, by how closely
the project meets to its objectives. Using this definition, a high quality
project can be showed by such terms as easy dealing with, understanding
As every aspect of science has its own leaders, champions and gurus,
the same is for the quality sectors; later in this section we will mention how
these leaders perceive the quality concept. Quality guru Crosby states that
Quality is conformance to requirements (Chandrupatla, 2009).The
preceding definition needs the specifications and requirements to be
already established. The next thing to look for is how much the product is
matching to these requirements. Another frequently used definition comes
from Juran, quality is fitness for use (Chandrupatla, 2009). This definition
concentrates the value of the customer who will use the product.
One more definition that is widely spread for quality is the degree to
which performance meets expectations (Chandrupatla, 2009). This
solve quality problems in the construction industry and to meet the needs of
the client On an ongoing basis (Fung and Wong, 1995; Jido 1996; Kanji
and Wong, 1998; Sommerville, 1994; Wong and Fung, 1999).
are not able to appreciate how much they lose due to poor quality
(Schiffauerova and Thomson, 2006). This shows a real gap between
existing theory and practical application regarding quality management.
the satisfaction at every stage of the needs and expectation of both internal
and external customers, that is shareholders, consumers of its goods and
services, employees and the community in which it operates, by means of
every job, every process being carried out right, first time and every
time"(Latham, 1994).
established long time ago, the principle has become to produce quality
rather than to control it at the end. The new approaches are not only
beneficial to the customer but also to the manufacturer as cost of quality are
optimized to minimize the total loss. The results are less cost per unit of
better quality, more shares in the market and increased profits (Davis et al.,
The terms quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) are
frequently used interchangeably, few people can avoid the mistake to
distinguish between these two concepts. Since quality control is a part of
quality assurance, maintaining a clear distinction between them is difficult
but important and essential. Quality assurance is all planned and systematic
actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a structure, system or
component will perform satisfactorily and conform to project requirements,
standards, and specifications. On the other hand, quality control is a set of
specific procedures involved in the quality assurance process. These
procedures contain planning, coordinating, checking, developing,
scheduling, and reviewing the work. The quality control function is closest
to the product in that various techniques and activities are adopted to
monitor the process and to pursue the elimination of causes and sources,
(Arditi and Gunaydin, 1997).
wide application for a job title called the quality control in the consultancy
firm, or even in the contracting firm, and recently this job title is a
significant and noticeable position in the construction organization' chart,
that is supposed to be existing as a prerequisite criterion to submit to the
The new TQM model provides the basis of excellence in the industry and
covers all angles and aspects of an organization and its operations no
matter what is the sector. It is based on the excellent work done during the
last century. Oakland (2000), presents a new model for TQM that addresses
the hard and soft issues of quality that can improve the performance to
higher level rather than the existing one. As shown in Figure (2.1),
performance is developed by better planning, and the motivation of people
and the management of processes in which they work. These are the keys
to delivering quality products and services to end user. These four Ps are
important in delivering quality products and services to end user. The early
frameworks of TQM contain three Cs, culture, communication and
commitment, which we can never underestimate as they are the bases of the
TQM framework. Oakland adds these are the "soft foundations" which
must encase the hard necessities of planning, people and processes.
There are many models, and each model can provide an idea to any
organization, but there is no model that can provide all the organization
requirements. On the other hand, each organization can create the most
suitable model or framework that has been most suitable for its nature and
conditions Therefore, quality models or quality systems provide a concrete
foundation to communicate as to how an organization should work and
are physical products. But in other ways, construction is more like a service
industry because it does not accumulate significant amounts of capital
when compared with industries such as steel, transportation,
In light of the above and the need for improving the construction
sector in Palestine; developing a quality management approach is a
strategically important goal in Palestine as well as in other countries. We
need to think of the future, being aware of such issue is one way in which
we can guarantee a future with savings in time, cost, and resources that we
require. In addition to that, there is shortage in the researches related to the
TQM implementation in West Bank, so we will try to provide a study that
facilitates the implementation of TQM in construction projects.
The construction sector is one of the key economic sectors and the
main force enhancing the Palestinian national economy. In 1994, noticeable
expansion in the construction sector is occurring. This lead to the
recovery of the construction contracting as a profession and subsidiary
industries; the construction sector has occupied the foremost position
among the rest of sectors, mainly attracting investments and creating new
(Osaily, 2010).
Figure 2-2 The Number of the Classified Contracting Firms in Palestine. (Najmi; 2011).
The concept of Cost of Quality (COQ) has been discussed many years ago.
Dr. Joseph M.Juran in 1951 in his book Quality Control included a separate
section about cost of quality. In 1961, The Quality Cost Committee under
In this book, Crosby divided quality costs into two categories, price of
conformance (POC) and price of non-conformance (PONC). POC includes
the price paid for doing things right, and examples include inspection and
quality appraisal. PONC is the cost of poor quality caused by product and
service failure, such as rework and returns, (Al-Tmeemy, Abdul- Rahman,
and Harun, 2012).
Appraisal costs come from the costs of necessary activities to check, verify,
and determine the actual level of quality achieved relative to the desired
levels of customer satisfaction and organizational quality standards
even rejected by the client. These failure costs can be further detailed into
two sub-groups – internal or external failures.
Internal failures include all the costs resulting from the defects or the parts
that nonconforming the specification that are found before the product or
service shipped to the customer. Examples include scrap, rework, extra
inventory, re-design, salvage, corrective action reports and overtime due to
nonconforming product or service.
External failures are all the costs incurred by the company resulting when
the customer finds the failure or dealing directly with the deficient service.
Examples of these costs include warranty charge, customer complaint
administration, replacement product cost, recalls, shipping costs, analysis
of warranty data, customer follow-up and field service departments that
dealing with the products in the field, claims and dispute, and the worse
thing is the implication of such failure which include the bad reputation,
and losing in the market share, in addition to lose the quality as a major
weapon for reaching and sustaining the competitive advantage. Figure (2-3)
illustrates the categories of cost of quality.
Figure 2-3 Mechanism of quality cost system. (Al-Tmeemy, et. al, 2012).
Quality management has various improvement tools that are used to reach
the level of service that exceeds the customer expectation, or achieve the
efforts and highlights where improvements must be focused (in this stage
we can apply the Pareto principle which states that, for many events, or
problems, roughly estimated 80% of the effects come from 20% of the
causes).Third, it provides a base line measure for evaluating quality
improvement efforts in future projects (this stage is utilized as a
Figure 2-4: Cost Benefit of Quality Management (Pheng and Ke-Wei, 1996).
Few researchers, indicated that there is a group of factors that affect the
implementation of quality management; in any organization whatever its
nature (manufacturing, service sector, or even the construction companies)
(Arditi and Gunaydin, 1997). These factors include leadership and top
management commitment, customer management, training and education,
teamwork, people management and empowerment, supplier partnership,
quality planning and strategy, process management, rewards and
and the top management in the installation process of TQM. TQM requires
a great effort from everyone in the firm to meet the customer needs
Customers are an economic asset. They are not on the balance sheet, but
they should be. Deming calls for total transformation. In the supply
management science the customer is the only source for the profit, because
he is the only party in the supply chain who pays the money in return of the
service or the product. In spite of that, they are not on the balance sheet,
and the customer did not get his/her own whole rights as it is supposed to
plan, do, check and finally act. Plan for the change you intend to make, do
the necessary steps for this change and apply it on a small pilot or a
prototype, check the results and implication you attain from this
your organization if it is good or bad for your objectives and finally, act by
adopt this change or abandon, (Montgomery et. al, 2011).
As any other sector, the training and continuous education and updating the
skills are very essential technique to keep the employees updated with the
not only able to break down barriers within their own firms, depending on
the says ‖set the example you want the other to live by‖ , so, they can also
serve as role models for others who may resist changing.
2.9.4 Teamwork
that you have to empower the people, or the employees who are dealing
directly with the end users, or in construction case they work in the sight
dealing with equipment, materials, and labors. Employee involvement
evolved out of business‘s need to improve performance, due to the direct,
instantaneous remedy to the problem.
employees that we have in the company for problem solving and for
In order for both parties to succeed and their business to grow, and keep
their image strong enough to keep competing and sustain their market
share, a partnership is important, so that companies should deal with their
supplier as long-term business partners. The companies must create and
It is known that the supply chain is starting from the supplier to end
with the customer, so as we emphasize the customer relation management
to attain the level of quality we are looking for, definitely, we have to
manage the supplier relation to enhance the quality management in
s/he violates this level, for sure there are consequences like penalties or
extra charge to pay.
included too many activities. Therefore, if the aim of the TQM initiative is
issues and act under stress and pressure, the same is in a quality system, if
you pass the vision and the purpose of quality to the stakeholders, then, half
of the mission is accomplished. Effective communication is considered the
cement that adhere together the bricks of the total quality process. Crosby
(1979) said that in each department there should be a quality committee, or
a council, which would include a quality professionals and experts who
would act as a regular center for communication relating to the program.
Effective communication is seen as a major means for keeping momentum,
energy and morale for quality improvement process. It is important to
achieve the firm vision to communicate it as clear as you can to reduce the
reluctance to the minimum degree. Effective communication is important
in all the stage of implementing the quality management in construction
and ―do business‖. This change will require direct and clear communication
from the top management, or even from the broad of directors and
executives to all staff and employees, to explain the need to focus on
processes, and final product quality. Everyone needs to know what s/he
supposed to do to reach a higher level of performance and increase the
productivity with a consistent level of quality. The key for motivating the
employees and gaining their commitment to TQM is a face-to-face
communication and visible management commitment (Oakland, 2000).
2.10 Conclusion
3.1 Introduction
analysis, and study limitations are also included. In this chapter, the
methodology is presented in order to develop the framework for
implementing the quality management through the construction projects in
West Bank.
To summarize the methodology used in this research which starts with the
selection of the topic and finish with the conclusion and recommendations,
involving the questionnaire design and the data collection and developing
the framework.
target of this research and to develop the framework, the questionnaire was
modified according to these experts‘ notes and recommendations.
The next step of the research was distributing the questionnaire to collect
the required data that will be analyzed to achieve the research objective.
Around (300) questionnaires were distributed to the research sample.
After that the data was statistically analyzed to perform the required
analysis. The next phase is to develop a framework to enhance and enrich
the implementation of the quality management in the construction projects
in West Bank. The final phase includes the research conclusions and the
related recommendations.
a hypothesis. While the qualitative approach uses the textual results, the
open ended questions, the interviews and focus groups method, and it seeks
to explore phenomena (Creswell, 2009).
about issues, opinions and construct a basis for decision making. For the
purpose of this research the researcher used qualitative method mainly and
quantitative method when needed to help in understanding the status quo.
The mixed method is used in this study for data collection, which
entail a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. The
following strategies were undertaken: ―The sequential transformative
strategy, which has two distinct data collection phases, one following the
other‖ (Creswell, 2009). In this research, the initial phase was qualitative
followed by the second phase which was quantitative that is built in the
earlier phase. The researcher can be able to explore the problem from
diverse perspectives and ends with call for action (Creswell, 2009).
it was found that about 95% of the total projects‘ values in West Bank were
done by the first three degrees of the registered classified contractors (PCU
records). Therefore, the researcher intended to focus on the contractors of
these three degrees because they implement the highest percent of projects
in West Bank, the other classified contractor will be consulted with inferior
priority. Figure (2.2) illustrates the classification of the contractors in West
Figure 3-1 Percentage of the executed projects according to the classification degree for the
registered classified contracting companies in West Bank (PCU, 2003)
Figure 3-2 percentage of classified contractors with respect to the location in the West Bank
(PCU, 2003)
The current situation revealed that there is a lack of awareness towards the
TQM concepts and principles (Osaily, 2010). It became apparent that there
is confusion in understanding the quality philosophy and advantages it can
offer. This led the researcher to present the TQM principles as a
questionnaire to conduct a detailed survey to measure the contractors‘
perception about implementing the quality management in construction
projects in West Bank, to develop the framework to enhance that
implementation. The questionnaire is the basic tool for the field study, and
is used in a large scale by the researchers to get the facts about the
circumstances and methods that already are exist. The main reasons that led
to use of the questionnaire as a tool for field research is to access
records, given enough time for the questioners for thinking before
answering, and the possibility to organize the results and interpret of data.
understood by contractors especially that most of them are not familiar with
English language. It is then translated into English language and it is
available in the Appendix A.
3.6 Interviews
The sample consisted of 300 contractors who work in West Bank in the
2013/2014, the respondents were 230. Those contractors aged from 20 to-
more than 60 years, their qualifications ranged from (Diploma to Ph.D. and
other qualifications). Moreover, the respondents were varied in terms of job
title and years of experiences. The demographic variables are shown in
Tables 3.1 and 3.2.
3.8 Instrumentation
has accomplished so far, the number of employees that the company has
and the number of engineers that the company has), whereas the second
and third ones consisted of the following domains: (critical successes
involved in the pilot study were excluded from the actual research. The
respondents‘ comments and the jury's suggestions were taken into
consideration to modify and improve the questionnaire's content and
The final draft of the questionnaire was given to the contractors who
are 300 to be distributed through the West Bank. It took about six weeks
for the instrument to be distributed, collected, and returned to the
researcher. The total number of the returned questionnaires was 234 and
only 230 were analyzed because 4 questionnaires were excluded as their
responses were neither consistent nor completed.
They are many constraints and barriers that faced the researcher
during the conduction of the research. The most important barrier was
determining the number of the contractors because it is allowed for the
contracting companies to have several classifications in different
The data collected were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social
Science (SPSS) to provide answers to the questions of the study. Means,
frequencies, standard deviations, One-Way Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA), were used to find out descriptive statistical analysis. To analyze
the findings, the researcher used the following scale to represent the
estimation level of contractors' responses: 3.5 and more represent High
level, 2.5-3.49 represents Medium level, and less than 2.5 represents Low
4.2 Analysis
There are 31 items in this section that the contractors were asked, how they
behave and what they believe in critical successes Variables (dependent
and independent) which can have an impact on quality management,
Table 4.1 shows that the total degree of contractors' responses about
the critical successes variables (dependent and independent) which can
have an effect on quality management in the contractor's firm was 3.82
which suggest a high level of attitudes. The highest means was given to the
item ―Skilled work force (I) ―which is scored (4.05 out of 5.00).
On the other hand, the lowest means was given to the item
Table 4.2 shows that the total degree of contractors' responses about
the barriers for implementing quality management in construction projects
was 3.64 which suggest a high level of attitudes. The highest means were
given to the item ―Lack of Knowledge and Skills” which is scored 4.06. On
the other hand, the lowest means were given to the item “Too much of
paper work and documentation” which scored (3.26)
Table 4-3 Means and Standard Deviations of the benefits for
implementing quality management in construction projects
No. Item Means standard Estimation
1. Helps to identify the problems area 3.98 0.93 High
2. Helps in improve cost estimating 4.03 0.76 High
3. Achieve the desired outcomes and 4.02 0.68 High
keep the customer satisfied
4. Improve warranty claims 3.87 0.79 High
5. Attain and sustain the competitive 4.05 0.75 High
6. Keep improving the performance 4.16 0.81 High
7. Maintain a consistent level of 4.01 0.75 High
products and services
8. Improved safety 4.01 0.83 High
9. Increase the firm market share 4.01 0.83 High
10. Develop the firm image and being a 4.07 0.91 High
qualified competitor –market
11. Reduced rework 4.02 0.74 High
12. Improved employee job satisfaction 3.84 0.84 High
13. Lower employee turnover 3.66 0.97 High
14. Improved schedule performance 3.95 0.87 High
Total 3.98 0.59 High
Table 4.3 shows that the total degree of contractors' responses of the
On the other hand, the lowest means was given to the item ―Lower
employee turnover” which is scored 3.66.
Table 4-4 Means and Standard Deviations of the techniques for
implementing quality management in construction projects
No. Item Means standard Estimation
deviations level
1. project quality plan 4.03 0.93 High
2. Daily report 3.86 0.89 High
3. weekly or bi-weekly site 3.75 0.95 High
4. work method statement 3.98 0.80 High
5. inspection 4.10 0.83 High
6. laboratory experiment 4.18 0.85 High
7. direct supervision 3.92 1.07 High
Total 3.97 0.69 High
Table 4.4 shows that the total degree of learners' responses of the
techniques for implementing quality management in construction projects
was 3.97 which suggest a high level of attitudes. The highest mean was
given to the item “laboratory experiment “which is scored 4.18. On the
other hand, the lowest means was given to the item “weekly or bi-weekly
site reports" which is scored 3.75.
Also, the knowledge of quality and the data acquisition method that
the contractors' have about implementing quality management in
construction project in West Bank were tested. Tables 4.5 and 4.6
respectively show the results.
Table 4-5 the responses to the knowledge of quality
Variable Class Frequency Percentage %
Fitness to use 66 28.7
Appearance 18 7.8
Teamwork 15 6.5
value for money 24 10.4
Increase profit 30 13.0
In your opinion, which Satisfying 12 5.2
of these words best customer
define quality? Reliability 32 13.9
Inversely 30 13.0
proportional to
Others. 3 1.3
Contract 84 36.5
What is your Marketing Tool 21 9.1
organizations' Management 62 27.0
perception of quality? Approach
competitive 48 20.9
Others. 15 6.5
Yes 108 47.0
Do you have a quality No 66 28.7
system in your In process 41 17.8
organization? Don't know 15 6.5
Yes 81 35.2
Does your company
No 87 37.8
have a quality
In process 44 19.1
Don't know 18 7.8
Yes 48 20.9
Did your company get No 114 49.6
the ISO certificate? In process 32 13.9
Don't know 36 15.7
Do you think that Strongly Agree 83 36.1
achieving the ISO Agree 114 49.6
certificate is an Disagree 24 10.4
indicator for good Strongly 6 2.6
performance and Disagree
maintaining a consistent Others. 3 1.3
level of quality?
Do you think that Strongly Agree 83 36.1
achieving the ISO Agree 114 49.6
certificate is an Disagree 24 10.4
indicator for good Strongly 6 2.6
performance and Disagree
maintaining a consistent Others. 3 1.3
level of quality?
None 21 9.1
How would you rate the Low 45 19.6
customer satisfaction in
Medium 57 24.8
your company?
High 72 31.3
Very high 35 15.2
Cost 45 19.6
From your point of Time 30 13.0
view which is the most
Quality 98 42.6
Safety 45 19.6
Others. 12 5.2
Will a total quality yes 96 41.7
management TQM No 77 33.5
program be beneficial Don‘t know 57 24.8
to your organization?
Table 4.5 shows that 28.6% of the study sample defined quality term
Finally, the results indicated that 41.7% of the study sample believed
that quality management TQM program will be beneficial to their
Table 4-6 The responses according to the data acquisition method
Variable Class Frequency Percentage %
yes 96 41.7
Do you collect data to measure
No 77 33.5
the performance of operations?
Don‘t know 57 24.8
Not measured 101 43.9
Questionnaire 45 19.6
How do you measure customer By the 75 32.6
satisfaction? number of
Others. 9 3.9
If your company has a quality Yes 155 67.4
system, do you think there is a No 36 15.7
relation between the quality Sometimes 39 17.0
implementation in construction
projects and increasing the
customer satisfaction?
If your company has a quality Yes 149 64.8
system, do you think there is a No 33 14.3
relation between the quality Sometimes 48 20.9
implementation in construction
projects and increasing the
company performance?
Not 36 15.7
Moderately 45 19.6
Do you think that rating the
Slightly 66 28.7
suppliers/subcontractors based
on quality performance is?
Very 44 19.1
Exceedingly 39 17.0
Yes 96 41.7
Are suppliers/subcontractors
No 54 23.5
rated based on quality
Sometimes 56 24.3
Don't Know 24 10.4
Yes 152 66.1
Did the suppliers/subcontractors No 21 9.1
pay for the defects they made in
Sometimes 51 22.2
regard to quality?
Don't Know 6 2.6
Table 4.6 shows that 41.7% of the study sample collect data to
measure the performance of operations. Number of complaint scored the
highest method of measuring customer satisfaction. 67.4% of the study
Hypotheses (1)
Training and
Skilled work
3. achieve the desired outcomes and keep the customer satisfied and
training and education, and people management and empowerment
(critical success factors).
9. Increase the firm market share (benefits) and all paragraphs except for
Project performance (critical success factors).
10. Develop the firm image and being a qualified competitor –market
position (benefits) and all paragraphs (critical success factors).
11. Reduced rework (benefits) and training and education (critical success
13. Lower employee turnover (benefits) and all paragraphs except for
Project performance (critical success factors).
14. Improved schedule performance (benefits) and Training and Education
and skilled work (critical success factors).
These results will be taken under consideration with the framework that we
Hypotheses (2)
In order to test the study, Pearson Correlation Matrix has been used and the
results are shown in Table 4-8.
Table 4-8: Pearson Correlation Matrix between benefits and Barriers
personality and
Lack of proper
equipment and
and Office
Lack of
Lack of
Benefits / Barriers
Helps to Pearson 0.252** 0.065 0.070 -0.017- 0.048- 0.110
identify the Correlation
problems area Sig. 0.000 0.324 0.293 0.793 0.470 0.098
N 230 230 230 230 230 230
** ** **
Helps in Pearson .341 0.235 0.171 -0.014- 0.081 0.152*
improve cost Correlation
estimating Sig. 0.000 0.000 0.009 0.827 0.223 0.021
N 230 230 230 230 230 230
Achieve the Pearson 0.040 0.087 0.048 0.004 0.025 0.196**
desired Correlation
outcomes and Sig. 0.546 0.191 0.469 0.954 0.708 0.003
keep the (2-tailed)
N 230 230 230 230 230 230
Improve Pearson 0.215** 0.346** 0.205** 0.166* 0.197** 0.098
warranty claims Correlation
Sig. 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.012 0.003 0.140
N 230 230 230 230 230 230
Attain and Pearson -0.005- 0.208** 0.105 0.166 0.237**
sustain the Correlation
competitive Sig. 0.939 0.001 0.113 0.012 0.000 0.013
advantage (2-tailed)
N 230 230 230 230 230 230
keep improving Pearson 0.039 0.107 0.062 0.076 0.127 0.179**
the performance Correlation
Sig. 0.559 0.105 0.349 0.251 0.054 0.006
N 230 230 230 230 230 230
maintain a Pearson 0.038 0.213** 0.095 0.282** .234** 0.170**
consistent level Correlation
of products and Sig. 0.568 0.001 0.153 0.000 0.000 0.010
services (2-tailed)
N 230 230 230 230 230 230
Improved safety Pearson 0.016 0.254 0.150 0.146 0.280**
* *
Sig. 0.804 0.000 0.022 0.027 0.000 0.060
N 230 230 230 230 230 230
increase the Pearson 0.034 0.162 0.152 0.195 0.241**
* * **
firm market Correlation
share Sig. 0.610 0.014 .021 0.003 0.000 0.021
N 230 230 230 230 230 230
develop the firm Pearson 0.139 0.237 0.212 0.162 0.205**
* ** ** *
image and being Correlation
a qualified Sig. 0.035 0.000 0.001 0.014 0.002 0.003
competitor – (2-tailed)
market position-
N 230 230 230 230 230 230
Hypotheses (3)
In order to test the study, Pearson Correlation Matrix has been used and the
results are shown in Table 4-9.
Table 4-9: Pearson Correlation Matrix between the Benefits and the
Benefits/ The
quality plan
site reports
weekly or
Helps to Pearson 0.553** 0.280** 0.157* 0.297** 0.270** 0.183** 0.169*
identify the Correlation
problems area Sig. 0.000 0.000 0.017 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.010
N 230 230 230 230 230 230 230
** ** ** ** ** **
Helps in Pearson 0.600 0.429 0.334 0.513 0.403 0.350 0.323**
improve cost Correlation
estimating Sig. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
N 230 230 230 230 230 230 230
Achieve the Pearson 0.406** 0.262** 0.288** 0.430** 0.430** 0.373** 0.181**
desired Correlation
outcomes and Sig. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.006
keep the (2-tailed)
N 230 230 230 230 230 230 230
Improve Pearson 0.463** .216** 0.267** 0.490** 0.256** 0.343** 0.173**
warranty Correlation
claims Sig. 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.009
N 230 230 230 230 230 230 230
** ** ** ** ** **
Attain and Pearson 0.422 0.359 0.288 0.433 0.364 0.350 0.263**
sustain the Correlation
competitive Sig. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
advantage (2-tailed)
N 230 230 230 230 230 230 230
keep improving Pearson 0.352** 0.301** 0.205** 0.304** 0.263** 0.294** 0.210**
the Correlation
performance Sig. 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001
N 230 230 230 230 230 230 230
maintain a Pearson 0.391** 0.414** 0.387** 0.371** 0.416** 0.365** 0.295**
consistent level Correlation
of products and Sig. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
services (2-tailed)
N 230 230 230 230 230 230 230
Improved Pearson 0.554** 0.214** 0.217** 0.452** 0.337** 0.495** 0.207**
safety Correlation
Sig. 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002
N 230 230 230 230 230 230 230
** ** ** ** ** **
increase the Pearson 0.319 0.251 0.268 0.296 0.205 0.255 0.193**
firm market Correlation
share Sig. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.003
N 230 230 230 230 230 230 230
develop the Pearson 0.504** 0.335** 0.456** 0.361** 0.248** 0.303** 0.234**
firm image and Correlation
being a Sig. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
qualified (2-tailed)
competitor –
N 230 230 230 230 230 230 230
contractors consider these two issues are independent from each other‘s.
They said that they conduct the experiment to make sure of the quality of
the materials used in the construction projects rather than developing the
4.4 Conclusion
Depending on the results that we have found after analyzing the data that
According to Table 4.4 that discussed the critical factors that affect
the implementation of quality system in the construction projects, the
highest item with the first rank is the skilled work force with score of 4.05
and this lead to create training program in the construction organizations
for the labor and Technicians to increase their abilities, capabilities and
According to Table 4.5 regarding the barriers that faced the quality
system in construction projects; the highest rank is the lack of the
knowledge and skills which recorded the highest rank with 4.06, in the
same way creation of training and internship will be discussed in the
framework that will be proposed in the next chapter.
beneficial result.
Moreover, daily, weekly and biweekly reports are the least important
technique to enhance the quality issues in the construction project
according to our sample. Perhaps, the contracting companies consider the
documentation issue is an exhausting process with no advantage regarding
the quality.
Chapter 5
The Framework
5.1 Introduction
goals with efficiency and high quality, but without developing a framework
we cannot move to the implementation phase. So basically the framework
serves as a guideline allowing us to implement quality management in
contracting companies had to obey and stick by. Aalbregtse et al. (1991)
provided reasons, justifications why a framework is essential and extremely
needed to implement TQM, such as, illustrating an overview of TQM to
communicate a new vision of the firm, or updating the existing one,
providing an insight into the firm‘s strength and weaknesses to accurately
evaluate the current situation. Finally, one of the most important reason
why a framework is essential to implement TQM support implementation
and to improve the chances that TQM adoption will be successful and to
make such an attempt to be fact rather than a desired wish.
same time not too detailed to be implementable; represent a road map and
planning tools for implementation; Implementable at reasonable cost and
5.3.1 Plan
5.3.2 Do
Implement the plan, execute the process, and make the product, in other
words implementing the plan on a small pilot to check the expected results.
Collect data for charting and analysis in the following "CHECK" and
"ACT" steps.
5.3.3 Check
Reviewing the real results (measured and collected in "DO" above), that
delivered after launching a small pilot, and compare against the expected
results (targets or goals from the "PLAN"), that formulated as milestones in
the plan stage to ascertain any differences. Look for deviation in
implementation from the plan and also look for the appropriateness,
correction actions and completeness of the plan to enable the execution, to
reach the desired end goals.
5.3.4 Act
The main purpose for this research is to develop a framework for the
implementation of TQM in construction projects in West Bank. Figure 5-2
shows that framework, but it should be highly considered that the success
of the construction projects in quality is not based only on the
implementation of this framework, but there are other factors such as career
security, the human factor and the satisfaction of employees…etc. But the
implementation of this framework will raise noticeably the chance of
creating a consistent level of quality through the projects that the company
Figure 5-2 Framework for implementing TQM in construction projects in West Bank
In this phase, the planner should keep in mind that the framework is
a result oriented which means the plan and the implementation should be
the most appropriate tool to reach the desired results; in other words they
keep the results as the engine to motivate them in every single step in this
Standards are the measures that specify if the product or the final outcomes
are accepted or as required, the primary purpose of standards is to protect
the public health and safety (Arditi and Gunaydin, 1997) compliance with
standards should be an issue addressed early in the design phase especially
in the construction projects.
they concern about implementing the quality in their projects. This requires
In this stage we are moving from the planning phase to the implementation
phase, in which a projection from the plans and instruction to the project
site is made, in this phase we have to make sure that there is no deviation
from the approved plans, the agreed direction should be kept, or at least
implement with in-noticeable differences.
After handing over the construction project and the final product, a new
process should be started to check the results of implementing the
aforementioned system, if there is any deviation from the required
implications that we are looking for, or the lunched system is essential and
efficient to be deployed throughout the rest of the firm project, this phase
contain the evaluation process and benchmarking.
the stop decision should be taken right there, before more losses, or at least
using another plan that could be more consistent with the current situation.
On the other hand and if the initial results are satisfied, we have to go Benchmarking
If the results that found through the last two stages are satisfied, then the
quality as dominant tendency in our construction projects must be
The main core for this step is to make the quality management as a
practice rather than an event, a review of the essential elements of TQM,
and based on the questionnaire results exposed a lack of actual, practical
implementation of the processes within the construction sector. The main
factors contains a lack of essential financial capabilities, failure to plan for
quality adequately, insufficient training at all levels except for executives
or senior management positions, and little recognition given to those who
work for quality development on their projects.
5.5 Conclusion
fixed rules that the companies should follow and stick to.
6.1 Introduction
The construction sector in Palestine is one of the key economic sectors and
is the main force enhancing the national economy. While it did not take its
required improvements because of many challenges and obstacles, which
should be well reviewed to be solved and bypass.
structural element in appropriate way since the first time in such way the
contractor saves the time, material and overhead, rather than repeats the
work if the quality is inconsistent or not compliant to the specification.
Based on the results of the research, the main findings that are concluded
over-loaded have many tasks to do, and often been stressed and for sure
that will affect the performance of the project and the overall quality of the
quality system.
_ 42.6% of the respondents rank the quality as the most important factor
among the work factor that affecting the construction project, on the other
hand, 41.7% of the sample believe that the TQM will be beneficial for the
organization; and that insist the importance of creation a framework that
6.4 Recommendations
1. Referring to the Table 4-5, that shows around 43% of the respondents
ranking the quality as the most important component of any construction
projects, so the funder is recommended to introduce polices toward
awarding tenders to the most accurate cost and not necessarily to the lowest
price, the accurate cost for sure will take into account the quality issues.
3. Referring to table 4-1and 4-2 that shows the main factors affecting the
concepts and primarily its benefits. These training programs aim to increase
contractors realizing and understanding of quality importance and to
improve their practices for future quality management.
other firms, evaluate the situation and the condition, if it‘s beneficial or it
will harm the firm interest and damage the quality system of the firm, this
may lead to lose the competitive advantage of being a considerable rival in
the construction sector.
7. The contractors should think deeply about the tradeoff of the projects
component, because the quality is more important than the cost in some
cases to keep the firm reputation, so they have to judge after evaluating the
whole situation rather than thinking based on the cost perspective.
program is to be successful.
Arditi, D., and Gunaydin, H.M. (1997). Total quality management in the
construction process. International Journal of Project Management,
15, 235–243
bottom line"
Chan, A.P and Tam, C.M (2000) ―Factors affecting quality of building
projects in Hong Kong”, International Journal of Quality and
Reliability Management, 17(4/5), 423-441.
Chang, C., (2005). High quality and low costs? An application. Journal
of the Academy of Business and Economics, II, 172–187
Davis, K., Ledbetter, W.B., and Burati, J. (1989). Measuring Design and
Construction Quality Costs. Journal of Construction Engineering and
Management, 115(3), 385-400.
Rao, A., Carr, L., Dambolena, I., Kopp, R., Martin, J., Rafi, F., &
Appendix A
Dear Sir,
3. What are the most important success factors that affect the
implementation of quality management in the West Bank construction
4. What are the most important barriers for implementing the quality
management in construction projects?
5. What are the most important benefits for implementing the quality
management in construction projects?
6. What are the tools and techniques for monitoring the quality issues
within the construction projects?
Dear Sir,
Prepared by
Ahmad Rashed
Diploma Bachelor
Master PhD
20-29 30-39
40-49 50-59
More than 60
Others. Specify………………
10-14 15-19
More than 20
Building infrastructure
Electro-mechanical others
0-9 10-49
100-150 150-200
10-15 15-20
More than 20
9. In your opinion, which of these words best define quality? (Not limited to single
Others. Specify……………….
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
14.Do you think that achieving the ISO certificate is an indicator for good performance
Others. Specify………………
15.Did you motivate your employees and your engineers to keep the quality concept in
mind ?
always never
16.Does your company award the employees or the engineers who maintain the quality
in their performance ?
Yes No
None Low
Medium High
Very high
Cost Time
Quality Safety
Others. Specify………………
19. Below are a number of critical successes Variables (dependent and independent)
which can have an impact on quality management in your firm. Please evaluate how
each one can influence quality management (Please mark just one appropriate box)
5=Strongly agree
construction projects. Please evaluate how each one can influence the implementation of
5=Strongly agree
The Barriers 1 2 3 4 5
Lack of Knowledge and Skills
Product problems
Turnover in company
Lack of consultant supervision
Unrealistic deadline
Worker personality and attitude
Ineffective Communication
Lack of Coordination Between the Site and Office
Too Much of Paper work and Documentation
Problems with Sub-contractors
Difficulties in Understanding the Quality System
Unwillingness of Project Staff to Accept the Quality
Lack of proper equipment and tools
Bad, and hard working conditions
Working with inexperienced people
Awarding the contracts to the lowest bidders
Contractors Union environment
21. Will a total quality management TQM program be beneficial to your organization?
Yes NO
construction projects. Please evaluate how each one can be beneficial for the projects
and for the firm (Please mark just one appropriate box)
5=Strongly agree
The Benefits 1 2 3 4 5
Helps to identify the problems area
Helps in improve cost estimating
Achieve the desired outcomes and keep the customer
Improve warranty claims
Attain and sustain the competitive advantage
keep improving the performance
maintain a consistent level of products and services
Improved safety
increase the firm market share
Develop the firm image and being a qualified
competitor –market position-.
Reduced rework
Improved employee job satisfaction
Lower employee turnover
Improved schedule performance
yes No
Don‘t know
construction projects. Please evaluate how each one can be beneficial for the projects
and for the firm (Please mark just one appropriate box)
5=Strongly agree
The Techniques 1 2 3 4 5
project quality plan
Daily report
weekly or bi-weekly site reports
work method statement
laboratory experiment
direct supervision
26. If your company has a quality system, do you think there is a relation between the
27. If your company has a quality system, do you think there is a relation between the
28.Do you think that rating the suppliers/subcontractors based on quality performance
Exceedingly Significant
Yes No
30.Did the suppliers/subcontractors pay for the defects they made in regard to quality
Yes No
60 59 50 49 40 39 30 29 20
20 19 15 14 10 9 5 5
100 100 50 49 10 9 0
15 10 10 5 5
20 20 15
5 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5
5 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5
5 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5
5 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5
5 4 3 2 1