Property Registration Decree and Related Laws, Justice Oswald D. Agcaoili
Property Registration Decree and Related Laws, Justice Oswald D. Agcaoili
Property Registration Decree and Related Laws, Justice Oswald D. Agcaoili
A. Classroom Rules:
1. Attendance will be checked at the beginning of every meeting.
2. Recitation will be conducted every meeting. Students are expected, therefore, to
come to class prepared and to have read the materials scheduled to be covered
during the meeting. When a student is reciting, the rest of the class is expected to
listen to him. Students are encouraged to participate in the discussion by asking
3. A student who is called to recite is expected to close his book during his recitation.
4. Electronic gadgets are not prohibited during class hours. A student is expected,
however, to turn off his mobile phone or to put it on silent mode as soon as he steps
into the classroom. If the student expects a call during the meeting, he can take the
call by discretely leaving the classroom. Laptops, tablets, and other similar
electronic devices, are not, likewise, prohibited but the students who are called to
recite should close these electronic devices for the duration of their recitation. The
same rule applies to mobile phones that serve as data storage.
5. Any student may discretely leave the classroom if and when absolutely necessary.
When a student is not in the classroom when called for recitation, he will be given a
grade of 5.0 or its equivalent.
B. Grading System:
Recitation - 15
Quiz - 15
Mid-Term Exam - 30
Final Exam - 40
C. Reference/s:
NOTE: NCIP has the jurisdiction to issue CADT/CALT and cancel and
annul the same
Note: at any stage of the hearing the applicant may amend his application
Take note of Article 420 of the CC, those lands cannot be subject of private appropriation
NOTE: certification from the LRA and sheriff shall be conclusive proof
1) only those judgments and processes received by the OSG will bind the government
2) Res judicata applies to a registration cases ( provided all requisites of res judicata
are present)
Section 30. When Judgment becoms final; duty to cause issuance of decree
Section31. Decree of Registration
Addison v. Payatas Estate Improvement, Co. GR No. 39095, September 27, 1934
Director of Lands v. CA and Pastor, GR No. L-47847, July 31, 1981
Mindanao vs. Director of Land, GR No. L-19535, July 10, 1967
Rodriguez v. Toreno, GR No. L-29596, October 14, 1977
Navarro v. Director of Lands, GR No. L-18814, July 31, 1962
NOTE: the ROD is not authorized to make registration if the owner’s duplicate certificate of title
was not surrendered. Mere registration in the entry of book of a voluntary instrument, like a deed
of sale, without the owner’s duplicate certificate of title surrendered or presented does not have
the effect of a conveyance of the property.
Note: the act of entry or registraion of the property in the day book/entry book at the ROD,
operates as conveyance of the property to the registrant.
Note: Object of mortgage. Requisites. Mortgagor must be the owner of the property mortgaged.
Equtable mortgage.
Section 75. Application for new certificate upon expiration of redemption period.
NOTE: so after the period allowed by law that no redemption is made, a new certificate of title
may now be applied by filing a petition with the court for issuance of new certificate of title
Note: It’s the judgment which shall be registerd by presenting the certificat of entry by the COC
to the ROD, who shall then enter a memorandum upon the certificate of title
Note: New certificate of titile will be issued here and the cancellation of the original owner’s
duplicate, and if the owner refuses to surrender the court, on application and notice, enter an order
to the owner to produce his certificate, and the court may enfore the order
NOTE: found in rule 74, section 4 of the Rules of Court. The deed will be registered for the two
year lien to be noted. If after 2 years no claims made to the property, the claims of other heirs
who knows of the deed or has taken part of the extra judicial is now barred but if the persons
claiming does not know of such deed then he cannot be barred except through the statute of
NOTE: It is the Government, through the official issuing the instrument of alienation, grant,
patent, who shall cause the registration of such documents to the ROD by filing said instrument to
NOTE: a certificate of title issued pursuant to a public land patent partakes of the nature of a
certificate of title issued through a judicial proceedings. Once the patent is registered, it becomes
irrevocable and enjoys the same privileges as Torrens Titles. This title cannot be defeated by
adverese possession. But the Director of Lands may still conduct an investigation as to how such
title has been acquired, if the purpose of the investigation is to determine whether or not fruad has
been committed in securing the title. If there is fraudd, the government may file for cancellation
of title and reversion. Remember, public land fraudulently included in patents, no matter how
many years has passed, no prescription will lie against the State. The right of reversion is not
barred by prescription.
1) homestead settlement;
2) by sale
3) by lease; and
4) by confirmation of imperfect or incomplete title
a) by judicial legalization
b) by administrative legalization (free patent)
NOTE: there are also public lands for residential purpose that may be sold to direct buyers
without going through the required bidding or auction. That is found in RA 730 section 1. But the
area must not exceed 1,000 square meters.
1) lands previously declared as military reservations but no longer needed for military
2) lands for education, charitable purposes
NOTE: RA 10023, authorizing the issuance of free patent titles to residential lands, take note of
the areas allowable
NOTE: Either sale or lease, if not approve by the DENR , then it is not valid
1) If there is an allegation of tenancy, the regular courts have no jurisdiction. That is found in
Section 50 of RA 6657, as amended by RA 9700.
“ No court or prosecutors’ office shall take cognizance of cases pertaining to the implementation
of the CARP except those provided uner Section 57 of RA 6657, as amended. If there is an
allegation from any of the parties that the case is agrarian in nature and one of the parties is a
farmer, farmworker, or tenant, the case shall be automatically referred by the judge or the
prosecutor to the DAR which shall determine and certify within 15 days from referral whether an
agrarian dispute exists.
2)all cases involving the cancellation of registered emancipation patents, certificates of land
ownership award, and other titles issued under any agrarian reform are within the exclusive and
original jurisdiction of the Secretary of the DAR. But if the award or titles are already registered
with ROD, the jurisdiction is with the DARAB.
NOTE: Under RA No. 6657, any sale, lease, or any disposition of private lands executed by the
orignal landowners shall be null and void. All Rod are required within 30 days to inform the DAR
of any transaction involving agricultural lands in excess of five(5) hectares.
NOTE: Any sale of all tenanted lands requires a clearance from the DAR
Note: any alteration and amendment to be made on the CT must be upon order of the
court, so to do that a petition must be filed with the RTC, but the court has no jurisdiction
to reopen the judgment or decree of registration.
NOTE: take note of the grounds for petition for amendment or alteration of CT
1) the registered under oath shall send a notice to the ROD of the loss or destruction
of the duplicate certificate, this is made through affidavit of loss, this will be
annotated to the original title kept in the ROD
2) a petition is then filed with the court where the land is located
3) said petition shall state under oath the facts surrounding the loss or destruction
4) the court shall set the petition for hearing after all interested parties are notified,
no publication but other courts sometimes requires it to be sure.
5) after hearing, if the court finds the evidence sufficient, the court may now direct
the issuance of a new duplicate certificate, which shall contain a memorandum of
the fact that it is issued in place of the lost or destroyed duplicate
NOTE: the one lost or destroyed is the original title kept in the ROD. The governing law
for this is RA No. 26. It is not the ROD who should file the case but the party in interest,
the ROD may oppose if the allegations in petition is not true.
NOTE: take note of the sources of document in cases of restoration, it must be in the
order stated. The requirement of publication, posting and mailing is jurisdictional,
absence of the each will make the decision null and void since the court did not acquire
Take note that reconstitution may be barred by laches.
Republic v. El Gobierno del las Islas Filipinas, GR No. 142284, June 8, 2005
Republic vs. IAC, GR No. 71835, April 30, 1991
Puzon v. sta. Lucia realty, GR No. 139518, March 6, 2001
It is the LRA who decides the petition filed through the ROD, but said decision is
not subject to res judicata