Conversions: Metric Values: Example: Convert 0.15 Kilowatts To Watts. Starting at The
Conversions: Metric Values: Example: Convert 0.15 Kilowatts To Watts. Starting at The
Conversions: Metric Values: Example: Convert 0.15 Kilowatts To Watts. Starting at The
The table below provides a fast and easy means of Example: Convert 0.15 kilowatts to watts. Starting at the
conversion from one metric notation to another. The value “Kilo-” box in the left-hand column, move horizontally to the
labeled “Unit” represents a basic unit of measurement, such column headed by “Unit” (since watt is a basic unit of
as meter, gram, ohm, erg, etc. First, locate the original value measurement), and read 3 . Thus 0.15 kilowatts is the
in the left-hand column. Follow the row horizontally to the equivalent of 150 watts.
vertical column headed by the prefix of the desired value. The Example: Convert 4,500 kilohertz to megahertz, read in the
arrow and figure at this intersection represent the direction in box horizontal to “Kilo-” and under “Mega-” the notation
which the decimal point should be moved and the number of 3, which means a shift of the decimal point three places
places to move it. to the left. Thus, 4,500 kilohertz is the equivalent of 4.5