A Novel Entity Resolution For Entity Matching Using Mapreduce
A Novel Entity Resolution For Entity Matching Using Mapreduce
A Novel Entity Resolution For Entity Matching Using Mapreduce
The partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science & Engineering
Submitted by
This is to certify that the project entitled “A Novel Entity Resolution For Entity
Matching Using Mapreduce” is a bonafide record of the work done by K.H.Anil Kumar
(14KD1A0568), K.Surya Haritha (14KD1A0569),P.Avinash(14KD1A05A3), M.Babu Nikhil
(14KD1A0590) under the supervision and guidance of Mr. U. Kartheek Chandra Patnaik,
Associate Professor in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from Lendi Institute Of
Engineering And Technology(Affiliated to JNTUK), Jonnada, Vizianagaram for the year 2018.
Mr. U.Kartheek Chandra Patnaik, M.Tech, Prof. A.Rama Rao, M. Tech, (PhD)
Associate Professor Professor
Department of C.S.E Department of CSE
External Examiner
With great solemnity and sincerity, we offer our profuse thanks to our
management, for providing all the resources to complete our project successfully. We express
our deepest sense of gratitude and pay our sincere thanks to our guide Mr. U.Kartheek
Chandra Patnaik,Associate Professor,Department of C.S.E,who evinced keen interest in our
efforts and provided his valuable guidance throughout our project work.
We thank our project coordinators Dr. R. Rajender, Mr. U.Kartheek Chandra Patnaik
and Mr.V.Hima Sankar, who has made his support available in a number of ways and helped us
to complete our project work in correct manner.
We thank our Prof. A.RAMA RAO , Head of the Department of Computer Science &
Engineering who helped us to complete our project work in a truthful method.
We thank our gratitude to our principal Dr. V.V.RAMA REDDY, for his kind attention
and valuable guidance to us throughout this course in carrying out the project.
All of the above we great fully acknowledge and express our thanks to our parents who
have been instrumental for the success of this project which play a vital role.
We hereby declare that the project work entitled “A Novel Entity Resolution for
Entity Matching using MapReduce“ submitted to the JNTU Kakinada is a record of an original
Institute of Engineering & Technology. This project work is submitted in the partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the award of the degree Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science
& Engineering. This entire project is done with the best of our knowledge and is not submitted
Imparting the technical skills necessary for continued learning towards their professional
growth and contribution to society and rural communities.
PEO-1: Graduates will have strong knowledge and skills to comprehend latest tools and
techniques of Computer Engineering so that they can analyze, design and create
computing products and solutions for real life problems.
PEO-2:Graduates shall have multidisciplinary approach, professional attitude and ethics,
communication and teamwork skills, and an ability to relate and solve social issues
through their Employment, Higher Studies and Research.
PEO-3: Graduates will engage in life-long learning and professional development to
adapt to rapidly changing technology.
PO-2 Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles
of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO-6 The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO-8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO-12 Life-Long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability
to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological
Our project titled “A Novel Entity Resolution for Entity Matching using Map Reduce” is mapped
with the following outcomes:
Program Outcomes : PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8,
6.1 Technology Description 30
6.1.1 Ubuntu 30
6 PO12
6.1.2 Java 32
6.1.3 Apache Hadoop 34
6.2 Sample Source Code 37
7 7.1 Introduction PO9,PO12 44
7.2 Test Cases PSO1,PSO2,PSO3 51