Letter of No Confidence
Letter of No Confidence
Letter of No Confidence
This was in my spam report, I am assuming it went in everyone’s, but thought a I should
forward it to you three, and then you can forward to board members
From: l kass
Date: May 23, 2022 at 6:28:21 PM MDT
To: Bryce Williams <Bryce.Williams@slcschools.org>, Jenny Sika
<Jenny.Sika@slcschools.org>, Katherine Kennedy
<Katherine.Kennedy@slcschools.org>, Nate Salazar
<Nate.Salazar@slcschools.org>, Mohamed Baayd
<Mohamed.Baayd@slcschools.org>, Melissa Ford
<Melissa.Ford@slcschools.org>, Kristi Swett <Kristi.Swett@slcschools.org>
Subject: Letter of No Confidence
Dear SLCSD Board Members,
Our primary commitment is to meet the mission and vision of the board. As such,
we have always worked to follow the directives of the superintendent who the
board has selected to lead us. Now that we are almost a full year under the
leadership of the current superintendent, we must voice our no confidence in his
leadership and our current direction.
The past year has seen talented, innovative, highly skilled, and successful leaders
ignored and often stifled. Structures that have taken years to establish have been
dismantled without cause, purpose, or offer of replacement. Institutional
knowledge has been completely devalued or ignored. Disorganization and lack of
communication have become the norm. Building leaders feel unsupported and are
frustrated. Worst of all, so much damage has been done to our organization that
students and families are now suffering the consequences as evidenced by the
chaos of summer school roll-out.
3) This superintendent has brought in several people who lack technical skills and
have been released for ethics violations, fraud, or for job performance (Gwen
Johnson-White, Leeson Taylor, and Kimberly Mackey.) Now there is evidence
that two of them, Leeson Taylor and Kimberly Mackey, along with the
superintendent have violated the Utah Public Officers and Employees Ethics law
and that Kimberly Mackey made fraudulent assertions about her educational
credentials. We have also learned that Gwen Johnson-White lost her
administrative license due to ethical violations in Florida and therefore should not
be eligible for licensure in the state of Utah.
The goal of this letter of no confidence is to ask you to act on the issues we have
outlined above. We care deeply about the students and families we serve. We are
committed to the district's vision and mission, yet fear that the lack of skills and
ethics of the current superintendency is inflicting serious damage on our district.
District and School Administrators