An Adaptive Turbulence Model For Swirling Flow
An Adaptive Turbulence Model For Swirling Flow
An Adaptive Turbulence Model For Swirling Flow
Swirling flows are very common in technical applications, especially in hydraulic machinery, and they require rather
sophisticated modeling. At present, an applicative method for simulating unsteady flows is Very Large Eddy
Simulation (VLES). In VLES, large turbulence structures are resolved in time and space, while the small scales are
modeled with an adequate turbulence model. Turbulence model must therefore be able to distinguish between the
resolved and the unresolved scales. In order to accomplish this, the method used in this work employs an adaptive
and dynamic filtering technique, which restricts the turbulence model to only predict the effect of non-resolvable
turbulent scales. The results obtained using the standard k-ε model is compared to those using the extended model of
Chen and Kim with and without the filtering approach. The modified k-ε model of Reif et al. is also investigated in
combination with the filtering approach. The models are implemented in the FENFLOSS and the CALC-PMB CFD
codes. The chosen test cases are swirling flow in a straight pipe and swirling flow through a straight conical
Swirling, unsteady and separated turbulent flows are Governing equations and turbulence modeling
found in many technical applications and they are often
The governing equations for incompressible, viscous and
intricate and complex to investigate. Numerical
time-dependent flow are the incompressible Navier-Stokes
simulations of such flows are very time consuming and
equations. In the RANS approach, these equations are
require high computational power. Additionally, adequate
time or ensemble averaged. The averaging procedure
turbulence modeling is crucial in obtaining an accurate
leads to the following form:
and satisfactory solution.
Turbulence modeling is still one of the fundamental ∂U i ∂U i 1 ∂P ∂τ ij
+U j =− + ν∇ 2U i − (1)
problems of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). ∂t ∂x j ρ ∂x j ∂x j
Application of the classical Reynolds-averaged Navier-
Stokes (RANS) simulation with the standard turbulence ∂U i
models, e.g. k-ε or k-ω model, often gives inadequate =0. (2)
results. The highest accuracy for resolving complete
turbulence is offered by a Direct Numerical Simulation Here, the Reynolds stress tensor, τij, is unknown and has
(DNS). Unfortunately, DNS is in the foreseeable future to be modeled. Until now, the mostly used turbulence
not an option for industrial application, due to the fact that models have been the standard k-ε and k-ω models or
it requires extremely fine grid resolution and is therefore their variations. They are developed for modeling the
very computationally costly. whole range of turbulent scales, from the largest eddies to
Lately, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) has begun to mature the Kolmogorov scales, and it is well known that they
as an applicable technique, despite its need for very large show excessive viscous behavior. In unsteady simulations,
computational resources. With LES, all anisotropic they usually tend to damp the unsteady motion quite early,
turbulent structures are resolved in time and space, which often results in steady solutions.
leaving only the smallest scales to be modeled usually Recently, several hybrid methods have been proposed,
using very simple turbulence models. However, LES is where VLES is one of them. They are all based on the
still time consuming and immoderate for most engineering same idea to represent a link between RANS and LES.
flow applications. The hybrid methods aim to combine the computational
At present, one of the most applicative methods for efficiency of RANS and the potential of LES, where the
simulation of turbulent flows is Very Large Eddy largest turbulent structures are resolved. In VLES coarser
Simulation (VLES). It can be classified as a hybrid grids and higher Reynolds numbers can be considered.
method and is a promising compromise between RANS The main difference compared to full LES is that a
and LES for the simulation of industrial flow problems. In smaller part of the turbulence spectrum is resolved
VLES large turbulence structures are resolved in an (Figure 1) and the influence of a larger part of the
unsteady simulation and the small structures are modeled spectrum has to be predicted by the more advanced
with an adequate turbulence model. Consequently, VLES model. Commonly in VLES two-equation RANS models
requires more sophisticated turbulence models than LES, are used together with an adaptive filter which can
but it still can be made at reasonable computational time distinguish between the resolved and modeled part of the
and cost. turbulence spectrum. Thus, VLES can function as
anything from RANS to DNS, depending on the filter As a suitable filter
(Figure 2).
0 for ∆ ≥ L
f = ∆ (7)
1− for L>∆
is applied, where
u ⋅ ∆t ∆V for 2D (8)
∆ = α ⋅ max with hmax = 3
hmax ∆V for 3D
Figure 1: Modeling approach used in VLES. contains model constant α, in a range from 1 to 5. It
follows that the turbulent length scale L for the whole
spectrum is given as
k 3/ 2
L= . (9)
The modeled length scales and turbulent viscosity are
kˆ 3 / 2
Lˆ = (10)
Figure 2: Principle of filtering and adjustment for adaptive εˆ
kˆ 2
νˆt = c µ ⋅ (11)
The basis of the adaptive model is the extended k-ε model εˆ
of Chen and Kim [1]. It is chosen due to its simplicity and with cµ = 0.09.
capacity to handle unsteady flows better than the standard
The filtering procedure leads to the final equations
k-ε model. The extended transport equations for k and ε
are given by ∂k ∂k ∂ νˆt ∂k ˆ
+U j = ν + + Pk − ε (12)
∂k ∂k ∂ νt ∂k ∂t ∂x j ∂x j σ k ∂x j
+U j = ν +
∂x + Pk − ε (3)
∂t ∂x j ∂x j σk j
∂ε ∂ε ∂ νˆt ∂ε
+U j = ν + +
∂ε ∂ε ∂ ν t ∂ε ∂t ∂x j ∂x j σ ε ∂x j
+U j = ν + + (13)
∂t ∂x j ∂x j σ ε ∂x j ε ε2 Pˆ
c1ε Pˆk − c 2ε + c 3ε k ⋅ Pˆk
(4) k k
ε ε2 P k
c1ε Pk − c 2ε + c 3ε k ⋅ Pk
k k
14 2
44 3 with the production term
additional term
) ) ∂U i ∂U j ∂U i
with following coefficients: Pk = ν t + . (14)
∂x j ∂x i ∂x j
σk = 0.75, σε = 1.15, c1ε = 1.15, c2ε = 1.15 and c3ε = 0.25.
Additionally, these extended k-ε equations need to be For more details of the model and its characteristics the
filtered. In this work applied filtering technique is similar reader is referred to [4].
to one by Willems [2]. The smallest resolved length scale Another turbulence model which is investigated together
∆ used in the filter is, according to Magnato and Gabi [3], with the filtering approach is the modified k-ε model of
dependent on either the local grid size or the Reif et al. [5]. This model is essentially the standard k-ε
computational time step and local velocity. model, where the constant coefficient cµ is replaced by a
According to the Kolmogorov theory, it can be assumed function of the strain and rotation rate tensors. The
that the dissipation rate is equal for all scales. This means functional form of the coefficient allows the modeled
that the filtered dissipation rate must not be influenced be turbulence to relaminarize in the centre of a vortex or in a
the filter, i.e. rotational frame of reference. This quality is a
considerable improvement compared to the standard k-ε
ε = εˆ (5)
model, which is known to be insensitive to rotational
However, the turbulent kinetic energy is dominated by the effects. By allowing the cµ coefficient to vary, the eddy
motion of the largest turbulent scales, which potentially viscosity decreases in the centre of a vortex core and
can be resolved. The filtered (small scale) turbulent hence the damping influence of the turbulence model on
kinetic energy is then obtained by the following the unsteady mean flow is less significant.
kˆ = k 1 − f (6)
Numerical methods algorithms. For any further details the reader is referred to
FENFLOSS (Finite Element based Numerical FLOw APPLICATIONS
Simulation System) is a CFD code based on the finite
element method. It is developed at the Institute of Fluid For testing the performance of aforementioned models
Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of two test cases are chosen. The first test case is swirling
Stuttgart. It uses 8-node hexahedral elements for spatial flow in a straight pipe, for which experimental data are
domain discretization. The time discretization involves a made available by Steenbergen ([11]). The second test
three-level fully implicit finite difference approximation case is a swirling flow through a straight conical diffuser.
of 2nd order. For the velocity components and the Experimental data by Clausen ([12]) are used for
turbulence quantities, a trilinear approximation is applied validation. Both test cases are included in ERCOFTAC
and the pressure is assumed to be constant within each database.
element. For flows dominated by advection, a Petrov-
Swirling flow in a pipe
Galerkin formulation of 2nd order, with skewed upwind
orientated weighting function, is used. The computational domain is a 3D straight pipe with a
For solving the momentum and continuity equations, a constant diameter of 0.32 m, in accordance with the
segregated algorithm is used. The equations are linearized experimental setup of Steenbergen ([11]). The available
and the linear system is solved with a conjugated gradient measurements are used for setting the correct boundary
method BICGSTAB2 with an incomplete LU conditions. The first section of measurements (three
decomposition (ILU) for preconditioning. The pressure is velocity components and Reynolds stresses) is used at the
treated with the modified Uzawa pressure correction inlet. The considered Reynolds number is 300 000 and
scheme [6], which is performed in an inner iteration loop initial swirl intensity S0 = 0.18.
without reassembling the system matrices until the Computations are carried out with the standard k-ε model,
continuity error is reduced to a given order. the k-ε of Chen and Kim and VLES, i.e. the filtered
Afterward, the turbulence quantities are calculated and a version of the Chen and Kim model. As expected the
new turbulence viscosity is gained. The equations of standard k-ε model shows quite poor results in case of
turbulence model are also linearized and solved with the intensive swirling flow. The extended model of Chen and
BICGSTAB2 algorithm. The whole procedure is carried Kim shows a less damping characteristic, while VLES
out in a global iteration until convergence is obtained. In manages to resolve clearly unsteady vortex motion.
an unsteady simulation, the global iteration has to be Figure 3 shows a comparison of the pressure fields
performed for each time step. calculated with the standard k-ε model, the k-ε model of
Chen and Kim and VLES.
The code is parallelized ([7], [8]) and computational
domain is decomposed using overlapping grids. The linear
solver BICGSTAB2 has a parallel performance and the
data exchange between the domains is organized on the
level of the matrix-vector multiplication using MIP
(Message Passing Interface) on computers with distributed
memory and Open MP on the shared memory computers.
CALC-PMB CFD software is developed at the Division of
Fluid Dynamics, Department of Applied Mechanics at
Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg. This
in-house code is based on the finite volume method and
Figure 3: Pressure filed of unsteady vortex in straight pipe
the pressure-velocity coupling is solved using the
calculated with standard k-ε model (up), extended k-ε model of
SIMPLEC algorithm developed by van Doormaal [9]. Chen and Kim (middle) and VLES (down).
Conformal block-structured, boundary-fitted coordinates
are used and the code is parallelized for three-dimensional
flows by domain decomposition. MPI is used for the Swirling flow through a straight conical diffuser
exchange of information between the different
processes/blocks, and two ghost cells are employed at the CFD code CALC-PMB was used for simulating swirling
block interfaces to enable different first and second order flow through a straight conical diffuser. The diffuser has a
discretization schemes. The principal unknowns are the half opening angle of 10° and the Reynolds number of the
Cartesian velocity vector components (U, V and W) and flow is 202 000. The swirl number is 0.3. In the
the pressure (P). To avoid spatial oscillations of the experiment, the exit of the diffuser was open to the
pressure field over the collocated (non-staggered) grid atmosphere. In the calculations, a large expansion is
arrangement, Rhie & Chow interpolation is applied for located at the diffuser exit in order to simulate similar
convections through the cell faces. For the discretized outlet boundary conditions.
(linearized) system of equations, TDMA and conjugated
gradient methods is implemented as the standard
The filtering technique which allows the existence of large
scale turbulence in the solution of the momentum
equations while modeling small scale turbulence is
applied to the standard high Reynolds number (HRN) k-ε
model and the k-ε model of Reif et al. The extended
model of Chen and Kim is also investigated, but in this
case without the filtering approach.
The time-averaged stremwise velocity profiles are shown
in Figure 4. The computations correspond well with the
experimental data. All models show almost identical time-
averaged results, presumably due to the commonly used
wall functions and the relatively weak turbulence level in
the flow. However, there is a big variety in resolved
unsteadiness, visible in the instantaneous solutions. In the Figure 5: Isosurfaces of the second invariant of the velocity
simulations using the Chen and Kim model and the gradient tensor. Helicoidal vortex filaments are found near the
filtered standard k-ε model, the solutions near the diffuser diffuser exit. The filtered turbulence model of Reif et al. has
outlet are characterized by random turbulence. The been used.
solutions obtained using the filtered version of Reif et al.
model suggest helicoidal vortex filaments at the same
location (Figure 5). Besides, this model seems to allow a
higher degree of secondary flow in the diffuser section.
The vortices are visualized by isosurfaces of the second
invariant of the velocity gradient tensor. The unsteadiness
gives rise to pressure oscillations. Fourier transformations
of the wall pressure at a point near the diffuser exit are
shown in Figure 6. The simulation where the non-filtered
standard model is used shows no sign of unsteadiness
whatsoever. Only the solutions obtained using the filtered
version of the standard model and especially the modified
model of Reif et al., show distinct frequencies. In the
simulation using the model of Reif et al. the characteristic Figure 6: Spectral power density of the wall pressure near the
Strouhal numbers (St=fD/U) are 0.22, 0.43 and 0.85. The diffuser exit obtained from different k-ε models on a very coarse
similar peak at St=0.85 is also obtained using the filtered grid. Left to right: Extended k-ε model of Chen and Kim;
model, whereas the two other peaks are somewhat Standard (Jones and Launder) k-ε; Filtered standard k-ε, α=2;
displaced. Filtered modified k-ε of Reif et al., α=2. The figures are based
on 9000 computational time-steps which equals 2.25 s of real
time. Only the simulations using the filtered standard model and
the filtered modified model of Reif et al. show distinct
support of the European Community - Research
Infrastructure Action under the FP6 “Structuring the
European Research Area” Programme.