Tnu TT 10 Pro DWG 003 Sheet 7 of 9
Tnu TT 10 Pro DWG 003 Sheet 7 of 9
Tnu TT 10 Pro DWG 003 Sheet 7 of 9
Certified Company
Electrical Substation Design,
Testing and Commissioning Procedure
This highly-interactive training course will introduce you to the By the end of this training course,
equipment that makes up an electric substation. It will explain participants will be able to:
how each type of equipment operates and guide you through the
control and wiring diagrams that control equipment operation. • Design, install, commission, test, operate, control and
maintain HV/MV substations in a professional manner
Recent technological developments have had tremendous impact • Identify the various types of substations covering its parts,
on all aspects of substation design, operation, maintenance, equipment and major components
safety, and grounding, testing and troubleshooting. A substation • Recognize over current protection for phase and earth faults
is a high – voltage electric system facility. It is used to switch as well as the recommended grading intervals
generators, equipment, and circuits or lines in and out of a system. • Employ proper commissioning covering pre and cold
It is also used to change AC voltages from one level to another, commissioning, start-up, hot commissioning, start of
and/or change alternating current to direct current or direct current production, performance test and acceptance of plant
to alternating current. • Perform testing procedures and basic calculations
• Illustrate medium voltage switchgear and oil circuit breakers
Knowledge of equipment condition allows you to target your
maintenance efforts to reduce equipment failures and improve
substation reliability. Applying predictive maintenance methods
can reduce your costs and improve the performance of your WHO IS THIS TRAINING COURSE FOR?
maintenance program. This AZTech training course will show you
methods and case studies that illustrate how to incorporate these This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of
new methods and testing techniques to improve reliability and professionals but will greatly benefit:
optimize your existing maintenance program. You will study the
latest testing technologies and how to apply them to determine the • Those who are involved in the design, installation,
condition of oil and gas insulated transformers, circuit breakers, commissioning, maintenance, testing, control and operation
and other electrical equipment. of electrical substation equipment
• Industrial, utility or plant engineers
Electrical substation safety is an important issue in utility networks • Maintenance supervisors
as well as large industrial installations and requires adequate • Consulting engineers
attention in the stages of system planning, design, installation, • Electric utility engineers
operation and maintenance. In this training course, we will take
a look at the theoretical aspects of safety as well as the practical
and statutory issues.
This training course will feature: BE PRESENTED?
• Latest diagnostic testing techniques for assessing the This AZTech training course will utilise a variety of proven
condition of substation equipment such as transformers, adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding,
circuit breakers, load tap changers, switches, and associated comprehension and retention of the information presented. This
equipment includes lectures, workshops & work presentations, case studies
• Application of predictive diagnostic testing to reduce & practical exercises, videos and software & simulators.
equipment failures and extend equipment life
• Aspects of safety as well as the practical and statutory issues
• Maintaining, testing, and inspection a proper grounding
system for the electrical power substation
20 - 24 October 2019
Day One: Types of Substations and Test
Dubai, United Arab Emirates Requirements
• Division of Responsibility
• Power System Studies
• Substation Control & Automation
• System Elements and Requirements
• HMI-Based and RTU-Based Topologies
• Substation Automation Functionality
Hotel accommodation is not included in the
20 - 24 Oct 2019 Dubai - UAE $4,950 Registration Fee. A reduced corporate rate and a
limited number of rooms are available for attendees
wishing to stay at the hotel venue. Please make
REGISTER NOW your request for accommodation at least 3 weeks
prior to the commencement of the course.
This fee is inclusive of Documentation, Lunch and Refreshments may be subjected to 5% VAT
Complete & send by fax/mail to address given below. We reserve the right to cancel or postpone a seminar
Please use BLOCK CAPITALS. or related event, change venue, substitution of the
Instructor and alter the course content at our sole
REGISTRATION DETAILS discretion. If this occurs, our responsibility is limited
FAMILY NAME: to a refund of any registration fee(s) already paid.
We are not responsible for airline tickets, hotels
costs, other tickets or payments, or any similar fee
POSITION: COMPANY: penalties or related or unrelated losses, costs and/
MAILING ADDRESS: or expenses registrant may incur or have incurred
as a result of any trip cancellations or changes.
AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who
PLEASE INVOICE ME attend and complete the training course