Environmental Engineering Lab
Environmental Engineering Lab
Environmental Engineering Lab
List of Experiments:
For Example: The gram equivalent weight of HCl is 36.5 grams. So, if 36.5
grams of HCl is added to 1 litre of water, it gives a solution of 1N
pH and Turbidity
A) Turbidity
Turbidimetric method (photoelectric measurement)
Digital Nephelo Turbidity Meter
Turbidity is the measure of resistance of water to allow the light pass through
it. It is caused by the pressure of suspended and colloidal matter such as clay,
finally microscopic organisms, turbidity should be clearly understood to be
expression of the optical property of sample which causes the light to be
scattered and absorbed rather than transmitted in straight line through the
sample the amount and character of the turbidity will depend on the type of
soil over which the water has seen and velocity of water very finely divided clay
settle very slowly may require month for complete settlement. The standard
method of determination of turbidity has been based on the Jackson Candle
Turbidity Meter. However the lower turbidity which can be measured directly
on this instrument is 25 units with treated water generally falling in the range
of 0-5 units. To estimate the turbidity of such sample can be made using
digital nephelo turbidity meter.
Turbidity measurement by the candle turbidity meter is based on the light path
through suspension which just causes the image of the plane of standard
candle to disappear that is to become indistinguishable against the general
background illumination when the flame is viewed through the suspension.
The longer light pass be the lower the turbidity. Measurements of turbidity
using the photoelectric turbidity meter is based upon comparison of the
intensity of light scattered by standard reference suspension under some
The standard unit of turbidity produced by 1mg of silica (SiO2) in a litre of
water i.e. 4mg of SiO2 per litre =1 unit of turbidity or one part of fullers earth
in 1 litre of water.
Turbidity is measured in Jackson Turbidity Unit (JTU) and Nephelometric
Turbidity Unit.
1. Using standard digital nephelo turbidity operation of instrument
prepares the known Standard turbidity solution say 500, 100 and 50
NTU. Shake this solution well before used for calibration of the
2. Switch on the instrument using power switch and allow 10 to 15 minute
warming up
3. Select the appropriate range 0-100 NTU or 0-50 NTU etc. as per the
standard turbidity solution taken.
4. Insert the test tube with distilled water into cell holder with alignment
mark and cover with light shield.
5. Now using set zero control knobs (coarse and fine control) adjust the
meter indication to zero.
6. Remove the test tube and replace with the test tube containing standard
solution of say 100 NTU.
7. Adjust the reading to 100 using CALIB Knob repeat the steps from 5 to 7
8. The instrument is calibrated to test unknown sample.
9. Insert the test tube containing unknown sample in cell holder and note
down the reading on meter in NTU
Sl. No. Sample used Meter Reading NTU
Turbidity of given sample of water _____________ NTU
B) pH
Using pH paper, pH indicator and pH meter
Digital pH Meter
Reagents Used:
Turbidity free distilled water
pH is a negative logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration.
The pH is a negative logarithm of the reciprocal of hydrogen ion concentration.
The pH scale is used to express the degree of acidity or alkalinity with the
middle value (pH) corresponds to the exact neutrality at 25 0C. The pH value
represents the instantaneous hydrogen ion activity i.e., electrode system which
is the most accurate method and free of interference. The pH paper is specially
prepared one which will show the variation in pH with different color changes.
Thus this method is suitable firmly rough estimation.
1. Follow the manufacture operating instruction.
2. Calibrate the instrument with buffer solution (known pH solution of pH 4
to 7)
3. Dip the electrodes in the unknown water sample and note down the
instrument reading which will give the direct pH value of the unknown
Sl. No. Sample used Meter Reading
pH value of the given sample using pH meter_____________
Expt. No. 2
Instrumental method
Conductivity meter
Reagents used:
KCl, Distilled water
1. Connect the conductivity cell, temperature probe to the socket in the
2. Connect the meter to the power supply and switch on the supply.
3. Allow the meter for few seconds.
4. Dip the conductivity cell and temperature probe in standard KCl solution
5. Calibrate the instrument after placing the standard KCl solution
6. Remove the conductivity cell and temperature probe from the solution
and rinse it with distilled water. Wipe the conductivity cell and
temperature probe with tissue paper.
7. Dip the conductivity cell and temperature probe in water sample and
note down the reading in the display.
Electrical conductivity of the given sample __________ ms @ 30oC
Sample methods involves, evaporation, ignition of dried material present in the
given water sample.
1. Evaporating dishes made of porcelain, silicon.
2. Steam bath
3. Hot air oven
4. Desiccator
5. Weighing balance
6. Filter paper
7. Measuring jar
8. Funnel etc.
Part A: Total solids
1. Clean the evaporating dish and place it in an oven at 103 oC for 15 mins.
2. Remove the evaporating dish and place it in desiccator
3. Note down the initial weight of the evaporating dish (W1 grams).
4. Take a known volume of sample i.e., 20 ml or 50 ml in the evaporating
dish and evaporate the sample.
5. Cool the dish in a desiccator and note down the finial weight (W2 grams).
1. Total solids:
Empty weight of evaporation dish (W1) = ________ grams
Weight of evaporation dish after evaporating the sample (W2) = ________ grams
3. Suspended solids:
Suspended solids (SS) = Total solids – Dissolved solids = __________
Sl. No Parameter Analysed Results
1 Total solids _____________ mg/l
2 Dissolved solids _____________ mg/l
3 Suspended solids _____________ mg/l
Expt. No. 3
A) Alkalinity
Aim of the Experiment:
To determine the Phenolphthalein Alkalinity and Methyl orange Alkalinity or
Total Alkalinity of a given sample of water.
The sample is titrated against Standard Acid using Phenolphthalein and Methyl
orange indicator (using titration).
1. 250 ml cap. Conical flask
2. 250 ml cap. Beaker
3. 50 ml Burette
4. 25 ml pipette
Reagents Used:
1. Standard Sulphuric Acid of 0.02 N
2. Phenolphthalein indicator
3. Methyl orange indicator
4. 0.1 N Sodium Thiosulphate
5. CO2 Free Distilled Water
Alkalinity of water is its quantitative capacity to neutralize a strong acid to a
designated pH. Alkalinity is significant in many uses and in treatment of
natural acid and wastewater. It is significant in determining suitability of water
for drinking as well as irrigation purpose. Alkalinity measurements are used in
interpretation and control of water and wastewater treatment process.
Alkalinity is primarily due to salts of weak acids and bicarbonates. Major part
of alkalinity is because of the action of Carbon dioxide on basic materials.
A. Phenolphthalein Alkalinity
1. Pipette out 25 ml of given sample of water into a 250 ml conical flask.
2. Add 1 drop of 0.1 N Sodium Thiosulphate solution to remove free
residual chlorine, if present.
3. Add 2 to 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator.
4. If the sample turns pink in color, then titrate with 0.02N standard
H2SO4, till the pink color just disappears.
5. The end point is when the pink color changes to colourless.
6. Note down the volume of acid is used (V1).
7. If the pink color does not exist it indicates that, Phenolphthalein
Alkalinity is absent. Then continue the titration with Methyl orange
B. Methyl Orange Alkalinity
1. Add 2 to 3 drops of Methyl orange indicator to the sample.
2. If the solution turns yellow, continue the titration with 0.02N
standard H2SO4till the solution turns to faint orange color.
3. Note down the total volume of acid used (V2).
1. Conical Flask : 25 ml of water sample
2. Burette : 0.02N Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4)
3. Indicators : Phenolphthalein and Methyl orange
4. End point : a) Pink to colourless
b) Yellow to Faint orange
Where, P = Phenolphthalein
alkalinity T = Total
Sl. Sample Indicator used Burette Readings Vol. of
No. used FR IR (FR-IR) H2SO4 used
A Sample Phenolphthalein
supplied in
B Sample Methyl Orange
supplied in
A. Phenolphthalein alkalinity as CaCO3
= V1x N x 50 x
1000(mg/l) ml of
sample used
B. Methyl Orange Alkalinity as CaCO3
= V2x N x 50 x
1000(mg/l) ml of
sample used
The sample is titrated against Standard alkaline reagent using
phenolphthalein and Methyl orange indicator (using titration).
1. 250 ml cap. Conical flask
2. 250 ml cap. Beaker
3. 50 ml Burette
4. 25 ml pipette
Reagents Used:
1. Standard NaOH of 0.02 N
2. Phenolphthalein indicator
3. Methyl orange indicator
4. 0.1 N Sodium Thiosulphate
5. CO2 Free Distilled Water
Acidity of water is its quantitative capacity to neutralize a strong base to a
designated pH. Acidity of water is significant in many water supply systems,
because acidity influences certain chemical and biological process in water.
Acidity of water is due to Hydrogen ions (H+) present in a sample of water. As
a result, dissociation of Hydrogen ions is neutralized by titration with
standard solution of a strong base in presence of an indicator. Dissolved
Carbon dioxide is usually the major acidic component of surface water.
Acidity is usually determined by titration with 0.02N solution of Sodium
Hydroxide. The amount of Sodium Hydroxide required for the sample to
reach the pH 4.5 in a measure of Methyl orange acidity and amount to reach
pH 8.3 is a measure of total acidity.
A. Methyl Orange Acidity
1. Pipette out 25 ml of given sample of water into a 250 ml conical flask.
2. Add 1 drop of 0.1 N Sodium Thiosulphate solution to remove free
residual chlorine, if present.
3. Add 2 to 3 drops of methyl orange indicator to the sample. If solution
turns yellow, note down the pH value and stop the experiment. If
the solution changes to faint red color, titrate against 0.02N NaOH
solution up to faint orange color.
4. Note down the volume of titrant used (V1)
B. Phenolphthalein Acidity
1. Pipette out 25 ml of given sample of water into a 250 ml conical flask.
2. Add 1 drop of 0.1 N Sodium Thiosulphate solution to remove free
residual chlorine, if present.
3. Add 2 to 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator.
4. If the sample turns pinks color it means that, phenolphthalein
acidity is absent and stop the experiment.
5. If there is no color change, the titrate with 0.02N Standard NaOH
solution till faint pink color appears. The end point is colourless to
faint pink color.
6. Note down the volume of titrant used (V2).
1. Conical Flask : 25 ml of water sample
2. Burette : 0.02N NaOH
3. Indicators : Phenolphthalein and Methyl orange
4. End point : a) Yellow to Faint orange
b) Colorless to faint pink color
Sl. Sample Indicator used Burette Readings Vol. of
No. used FR IR (FR-IR) NaOH used
A Sample Methyl Orange
supplied in
B Sample Phenolphthalein
supplied in
A. Methyl Orange acidity as CaCO3
= V1x N x 50 x
1000(mg/l) ml of
sample used
= V2 x N x 50 x
1000(mg/l) ml of
sample use
Sl. No. Parameters Analyzed Results
1. Methyl Orange acidity as CaCO3 mg/l
Phenolphthalein acidity as CaCO3
2. Or mg/l
Total acidity as CaCO3
Discussion/Comments on Results:
Expt. No. 4
Mohr’s method (Argentometric), the sample after neutralization is
titrated with Silver Nitrate solution.
1. 250 ml cap. Conical flask
2. 250 ml cap. Beaker
3. 25 ml pipette
4. 50 ml Burette
Reagents Used:
1. Chloride free distilled water.
2. Potassium Chromate (K2CrO4) indicator.
3. Standard Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) solution of 0.0141 N.
Chloride in the form of Chlorine ion is one of the major inorganic
anions. The salty taste produced by Chloride concentration is variable
and dependent on the chemical composition of water.
The Chloride is higher in wastewater than in raw water. Along the sea
costal, Chloride may be present in high concentrations because of
intrusion of salt water into the water and sewage system.
precipitate Ag + Cl AgCl
Part – A (Sample Test)
1. Pipette out 25 ml of given sample into a 250 ml conical flask.
2. Adjust the pH using dilute acid or dilute alkali solution.
3. Add 2 to 3 drops of Potassium Chromate indicator. The color of the
solution turns to yellowish green.
4.Titrate against standard AgNO3 solution of 0.0141N.
5. End point is yellowish green to reddish brown color or brick
red color. 6. Note down the volume of AgNO3 used as V1.
Sl. Sample Indicator used Burette Readings Vol. of
No. used FR IR (FR-IR) AgNO3
A Sample Potassium
supplied in Chromate
Sl. No. Parameter Analyzed Results
1. Chloride in water, as Cl mg/l
Discussion/Comments on Results:
Expt. No. 6
Wrinkler’s method (Azide modification)
1. 300 ml capacity BOD bottle with stopper.
2. 500 ml capacity conical flask.
3. 100 ml measuring jar.
4. 50 ml Burette.
5. 10 ml pipette.
Reagents Used:
1. Manganese Sulphate solution.
2. Alkali Iodine solution (Azide).
3. Concentrated Sulphuric acid.
4. Standard Sodium Thiosulphate solution of 0.025N
5. Starch solution.
All living organisms are dependent upon Oxygen in one or the other form
to maintain their metabolic process the produces energy for growth and
reproduction. The solubility if atmospheric oxygen in fresh water ranges
from 14 mg/l @ 0 oC to about 7 mg/l @ 25 oC. Solubility varies directly
with respect to the atmospheric temperature. It is one of the most
important test that the environmental engineers use. Oxygen is a
significant factor in the corrosion of Iron and stell, particularly in water
distribution systems.
The analysis of DO is a key test in water pollution control activities and
waste treatment process control. The Winkler’s test remains the most
precise and reliable titrimeteric procedure for DO analysis. The test is
based on the addition of divalent Manganese Sulphate solution followed
by strong alkaline to water sample in a glass stopper bottle. In the
presence of Iodine ions and upon acidification, the oxidized Manganese
prevents to the divalent state with the liberation of Iodine, equivalent to
the original DO content in the sample. The iodine is then titrated with a
standard solution of Sodium thiosulphate.
1. Collect the water sample in 300ml BOD bottle and take care to avoid
contact of sample with air.
2. Add 1ml of Manganese Sulphate solution by a pipette. Insert the
stopper, remove the excess liquid by spilling out by inverting the bottle
and mix thoroughly.
3. Add 1ml of Alkali Iodine (Azide) Solution by a pipette. Insert the
stopper; remove the excess liquid by spilling out by inverting the bottle
and mix thoroughly. Wait for few minutes.
4. After the precipitate is settled, remove the stopper and immediately add
1 ml of concentrated H2SO4.
5. Re-stopper and mix by gentle inversion until the precipitate is dissolved.
6. Measure 201ml of the sample for BOD bottle into a clean conical flask.
7. Add 2-4 drops of starch indicator. The Solution color turns dark blue.
8. Titrate the sample with 0.025 N Na2S2O3till blue color disappears.
9. Note down the volume of Sodium Thiosulphate used (V).
MnSO4 + 2KOH Mn(OH)2 + K2SO4 Mn(OH)2+ 2H2SO4
1. Conical Flask : 201 ml of sample from BOD bottle
2. Burette : Standard Sodium thiosulphate of 0.025N
3. Indicators : Starch solution
4. End point : Blue to colourless
Burette Reading
Sl. No. Bottle No. Vol. of Sample for Vol. Na2S2O3
titration in ml FR IR (FR-IR) used
DO present in a given sample of water
= V X 8 X N X 1000 mg/l
ml of sample taken
Sl. No. Parameter Analyzed Results
1. DO in a given sample mg/l
Discussion/Comments on Results:
Expt. No. 8
Conducting jar test with variable dosage of alum solution.
1. Jar test apparatus
2. Turbidity meter
3. 5ml, 10 ml pipette
4. 1000 ml beakers
5. Turbidity meter
The available raw water must be treated and purified before supplied to
domestic, industrial, commercial or any use. The extent of treatment
required to be given to water depends upon the characteristics and
quality of water. Water must be made safe and good in appearance.
Turbidity of surface water is due to the presence of suspended matter and
other impurities that will not settle in simple sedimentation. It is
necessary to add coagulant to the water to remove the turbidity. The best
of treatment can be first decided in lab on a small scale and can be
implemented in treatment plants. Most common apparatus used for this
purpose is Jar test apparatus.
Coagulants are used in water treatment plant to:
Remove natural, suspended and colloidal matter.
Remove material, which don’t settle by plain sedimentation.
To assist in filtration.
With careful control of coagulant dosage, very clean water can be obtained after
the coagulation. Jar test is a simple device which with helps in determining the
required optimum coagulant dosage. The jar test device consist of jars (5 to 6)
provided with stirrers and peddles. Sample will be taken in jar or beakers
varying dose of coagulant will be added simultaneously to all the jars.
1. Measure the initial turbidity of the given sample of water.
2. Take 6 beakers of 1000ml and measure the sample of water in all 6
beakers and place them in the jar test apparatus. (Check the position of
the stirrers etc. switch on the instrument and adjust the speed of the
peddles to 100- 200 rpm).
3. Add 1 ml of standard alum solution to the 1st beaker, 2ml to the 2nd and
add the alum solution in increasing order to the next beakers.
4. Rapid mix the sample for 1 minute.
5. Bring down the speed to 30-40 rpm and allow for 9 minutes.
6. Switch off the instrument after 9 minutes and allow the liquid for 20
minutes for settling.
Sl. No. Parameter Analyzed Results
1. Optimum coagulant dosage mg/l
Discussion/Comments on Results:
Expt. No. 9
Iodometric method
1. 500 ml cap. Conical flask
2. 250 ml cap.
Volumetric flask
3.10ml and 25 ml
4. 50 ml Burette
Reagents Used:
1. Standard Sodium thiosulphate solution of 0.025 N and 0.01 N.
2. Potassium Iodide (KI) crystals.
3. Glacial Acetic Acid.
4. Starch indicator Solution.
5. Bleaching powdersolution.
Chlorine is widely used for disinfection of water and wastewater to
eliminate disease causing organisms, taste and odor. Since it is a
powerful oxidizing agent and is cheaply available. The chlorine demand
of water is the difference between the amount of chlorine applied and
amount of free combined or total available chlorine at the end of contact
period. The demand varies with amount of chlorine applied, pH and
temperature. The smallest amount of residual chlorine considered
significant is 0.1 mg/l.
In small treatment plants bleaching powder is added as a disinfectant
which obtain in the form of hydro chlorite of calcium which sterilize the
water when chlorine is added to water it reacts with water as follows:
Cl2 + H2O HOCL
(Hypochlorous acid) + HCl
HOCl H + OCl-
The quantity of HOCl and OCl which is present in water is called
available chlorine. The killing efficiency of HOCl is about 40 to 80 times
more than that of OCl. It ruptures the cell membrane of microbes.
Ca(OCl)2 Ca + 2OCl (Hypochloride ions)
OCl- + H+ HOCl (Hypochlorous Acid)
1. Prepare a bleaching powder solution of known concentration of Chlorine.
2. Measure 200ml of water sample for which Chlorine demand has to be
found out in a series of 500 ml cap. conical flask of say 10 Nos.
3. Add 0.2 ml of bleaching powder solution to first flask and then 0.4 ml
bleaching powder solution to second flack and so on in ascending order to
the successive portion in series.
4. Mix the solution in each flask gently and allow for contact time of about 30
min. for potable water and suitably higher for polluted water and
secondary effluents.
5. After the contact period add 5ml of Acetic acid (glacial) and 1 gm. of KI
crystals and mix.
6. Now add 1 ml of starch indicator to each flask. Blue color formation
indicates the presence of excess Chlorine; no color indicates that Chlorine
demand of water is not sufficient.
7. Titrate the sample with 0.01 N Na2S2O3 solution till blue color disappears.
8. Record the ml of Na2S2O3 solution consumed and note down the reading.
Sl. No. Parameter Analyzed Results
Chlorine demand of given mg/l
sample of water
Discussion/Comments on Results:
Expt. No. 11
Aim of the Experiment:
1. BOD bottle (300 ml Capacity)
2. Incubator to control the temperature
3. Volumetric flasks
4. 50 ml Burette
5. 500 ml conical flask
1. Manganese Sulphate solution.
2. Alkali Iodine solution (Azide).
3. Concentrated Sulphuric acid.
4. Standard Sodium Thiosulphate solution of 0.025N
5. Starch solution.
Microorganisms such as bacteria are responsible for decomposing organic matter.
When organic matter such as dead plants, leaves, grass clippings, manure, sewage,
food waste is present in a wastewater, the aerobic bacteria will start the oxidation of
these wastes. When this happens, much of the available Dissolved Oxygen (DO) is
consumed by aerobic bacteria, robbing other aquatic organisms of the oxygen they
need to live. The biochemical oxygen demand is measure of oxygen utilized by aerobic
micro-organisms during biological oxidation of organic matter. Generally, when BOD
levels are high, there will be low DO levels.
Organic matter + O2 CO2 + new bacteria’s + H2O + Heat
Drinking water must have a BOD of less than 01 mg/l and the water is considered
fairly up to 03 mg/l of BOD, but when the BOD value ≥ 05 mg/l the water is doubtful
in purity.
Ordinary domestic sewage may have a BOD of 200 mg/l. As per CPCB standards the
treated or untreated sewage to be discharged into surface water body must a have of
BOD of less than 30 mg/l.
Part A: Dilution
1. Place the desired volume of distilled water in a 05 litre conical flask. Aeration is
done by bubbling compressed air through distilled water.
2. Add 01 ml of manganous sulphate (MgSO4) solution, 01 ml of calcium chloride
(CaCl2) and 01 ml of ferric chloride (FeCl3) solution for every litre of distilled water.
3. In the case of the wastewater samples, which are not expected to have sufficient
bacterial population, add seed to the distilled water. Generally 2 ml of settled
sewage is sufficient for 1000 ml of distilled water as seed.
4. Highly acidic or alkaline samples are to be neutralized to pH of around 7.0.
5. Add 2 or 3 ml of sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) to destroy residual chlorine if any.
6. Take sample as under:
Strong wastes: 0.1, 0.5, or 1%
Settled domestic sewage: 1.0, 2.5, or 5%
Treated effluents: 5.0, 12.5 or 25%
River water: 25 to 100%
7. Dilute the sample with distilled water and mix the contents well.
Part B: Titration
1. Take samples in 02 BOD bottles of 300 ml capacity.
2. Fill another 02 BOD bottles with distilled water (blank).
3. Immediately find initial DO of 01 bottle with distilled water in it and 01 bottle with
diluted wastewater sample in it by modified Azide method or Winkler’s method
(same procedure as used in DO determination).
Incubate the remaining 02 bottles by keeping them in an incubator for 5 days (120
hours) at 200C or for 3 days (72 hours) at 27oC and find out the final DO of the
distilled water and water/wastewater samples by modified Azide method or
Winkler’s method.
1. Initial DO present in diluted wastewater (W0) = mg/l
2.Final DO present in diluted wastewater (W3) = mg/l
3. Initial DO present in distilled water (D0) = mg/l
4. Final DO present in distilled water (D3) = mg/l
Aim of the Experiment:
Titration and Open reflux method.
1. COD digester
2. 250 ml conical flask
3. 50 ml burette
4. Pipettes, etc.
Reagents used:
1. Potassium dichromate solution
2. Ferrous ammonium sulphate (FAS) solution of 0.25 N.
3. Ferrion red indicator
4. Mercuric sulphate
5. Concentrated Sulphuric acid
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is the oxygen required for chemical oxidation of
organics & inorganic impurities by strong oxidizing agents like potassium dichromate
(K2Cr2O7) under acidic conditions. The basis for the COD test is that nearly all organic
compounds can be fully oxidized to carbon dioxide with a strong oxidizing agent
under acidic conditions.
The major advantage of COD test is the short time required for determination of total O2
required for oxidation. COD test requires 03 hours instead of 3 or 5 days as needed for
measurement of BOD. The COD test is much more useful than BOD test for estimating
strength of certain industrial effluents of both organic type (pesticide industries) and
inorganic type (metallurgical industries) which contain toxic chemicals.
1. Take 20 ml of sample in a clean conical flask.
2. Add 10 ml K2Cr2O7 to conical flask and add 30 ml of concentrated H2SO4 slowly
containing Ag2SO4 and mix thoroughly. Add 0.4 gram or pinch of mercuric sulfate
(HgSO4). Mix the contents thoroughly.
3. Transfer the sample into the glass digester of COD apparatus and connect the air
4. Reflux the sample for 2½ hours at a temperature of ±1000C. Allow it for some time
for cooling to room temperature.
5. Dilute the sample with distilled water to make it up to 100 ml.
6.Titrate excess of K2Cr2O7 with 0.25 N FAS as a titrant with 2 to 3 drops of Ferroin
indicator until color changes from greenish blue to wine red indicating the end
point of titration.
7. Note down the volume of titrant used for given sample as V1 ml and for distilled
water (blank) as V2 ml.
Sl. Sample Indicator used Burette Readings Vol. of FAS
No. used FR IR (FR-IR) used
COD= (V1 – V2) x N x 8x 1000 mg/l
ml of sample taken
Sl. No. Parameter Analyzed Results
1. Chemical Oxygen Demand of the given sample mg/l
Discussion/Comments on Results: