Pre-Comm Sow Sogtrev0

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Document : Biding Instruction and Information

RFQ Title : Provision of Pre-commissioning Services
Project : Transportation, Installation Work and Pre-commissioning of


PETRONAS through the exploration activities of its PS Contractors has discovered several
large Oil & Gas fields in deep waters offshore Sabah. In order to evacuate the Oil & Gas
production from these fields for sale and export, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. (PCSB) is
undertaking the Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal Project (SOGT) to receive, process, store,
meter and export the oil and gas production from these fields.

The SOGT project will involve the design and construction of a new oil & gas terminal in
Sabah. The terminal will be sited at Kimanis Bay, which is located about 65 KM southwest
of Kota Kinabalu. The terminal will be designed to receive and process a total of 300 Kbd
of dehydrated and stabilized crude production from offshore fields.

Crude from the storage tanks will be pumped, metered and exported via two loading
pipelines and their Single Point Mooring (SPM) systems designed for mooring and loading
of Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) tankers.

There will be two (2) SPM off SOGT coastline. One (1) SPM will be dedicated for crude oil
export and the other is shared between crude oil and condensate.

SAMSUNG Engineering Co. Ltd. (SECL) has been awarded as main EPCC Contractor to
PCSB for the development of the SOGT.

SECL has awarded the contract to engineer, design, procure, transportation, installation
and pre-commissioning of pipelines, two (2) PLEMs and two (2) SPMs to ALAM MARITIM
(M) Sdn. Bhd. (AMSB).


The objective of this document is to detail the Scope of Work and specification for the
Pre-commissioning Services for SOGT Project in accordance with the project requirement,
applicable Codes & Standards, drawings and specifications.

It is intended to define the basic scope of work and supply by the designated
Subcontractor and in addition, it will provide technical and Quality Assurance/Quality
Control requirements and procedures to which the Subcontractor must adhere. In no
circumstances will this specification release the Subcontractor from his responsibilities
and obligations with regards to the Codes, Rules and Regulations generally applicable to
the Pre-commissioning Services for SOGT Project


Unless or otherwise authorized by CONTRACTOR, the distribution of this document is

confined to AIT, CONTRACTOR, nominated Subcontractors and approved vendors only.


The following words and phrases shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them except
where the context otherwise requires.

Document : Biding Instruction and Information

RFQ Title : Provision of Pre-commissioning Services
Project : Transportation, Installation Work and Pre-commissioning of

Alliance Integrated - Shall mean Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd & Samsung
Team (AIT) Engineering Company Limited
Contract - [Shall mean the Contract No-To be provided at award.]

Contractor - Shall mean Alam Maritim Sdn. Bhd. performing Work on

the Project for Samsung Engineering Company Limited
under the Contract.
Equipment - Shall mean the equipment designed in compliance with
technical requirements and manufactured for its particular

Project - Shall mean the SABAH OIL AND GAS TERMINAL (SOGT)
PROJECT executed by Alam Maritim Sdn Bhd

Subcontractor - Shall mean a Company performing work on the Project

under a subcontract or purchase order with Contractor

Sub-Subcontractor - Shall mean any entity to whom Subcontractor has Sub-

subcontracted any part of the Subcontract Works or from
whom Subcontractor has purchased any material or
service to be incorporated into the Subcontract
Works/Goods & Services.
Work - Shall mean works or services being conducted by the
Contractor or Subcontractor of any tier.


Abbreviations Description

AIT Alliance Integrated Team (PCSB/SECL)

PCSB Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd
SECL Samsung Engineering Company Limited

Document : Biding Instruction and Information

RFQ Title : Provision of Pre-commissioning Services
Project : Transportation, Installation Work and Pre-commissioning of

Abbreviations Description

SOGT Sabah Oil & Gas Terminal

AMSB Alam Maritim Sdn Bhd
KP Kilometre Post
DOSH Department Occupation, Safety and Health
CIDB Construction Industry Development Board
PMT Project Management Team
QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control
ERP Emergency Response Plan
CRA Construction Risk Assessment
HSE Plan Health, Safety and Environment Plan
TBA To Be Announced
HSEMS Health,Safety and Environment Management System
MDR Master Document Register

1.5 References

1.5.1 Malaysian Government & Local Authority Laws & Regulations

Petroleum (Safety Measures) Act 301, 1984

Peroleum (Safety Measures) (Transportation of Petroleum by Pipeline)
Regulation, 1985
Department of Occupational Safety & Health (DOSH) , Malaysia
ACT 514 Occupation Safety Act ’94 (OSHA ’94)
Royal Malaysian Navy Chart

1.5.2 Petronas Technical Standards (PTS)

Document No. Title

PTS. Hydrostatic Testing for New Pipeline

PTS. Pre-Commissioning of Pipeline

1.5.3 International Codes & Standards

Hydrostatic Test Water Treatment and Disposal

API 1107
Options foe Liquid Pipeline Systems 1 st Edition 1998

1.5.4 Documents and Procedures

SOGT-ALAM-U- Project HSE Plan

2001 Project Execution Plan
Project Quality Plan
SOGT-ALAM-U- Inspection Test Plan (ITP)


Document : Biding Instruction and Information

RFQ Title : Provision of Pre-commissioning Services
Project : Transportation, Installation Work and Pre-commissioning of


2.0 Scope Of Work

2.1 General

2.1.1 The Pre-commissioning work SOGT project comprise of the following:

Pipelines Destination Purpose

One (1) carbon steel 36” From and including the pig Crude oil
(approx.) 10 Kms export launcher at SOGT to the pig
pipelines receiver at subsea PLEM
One (1) carbon steel 28” From and including the pig Crude/Condensate
(approx.) 12 Kms export launcher at SOGT to the pig
pipelines receiver at subsea PLEM

2.1.2 The scope of work shall include, but not limited to the performance and provisions of
following :

i. Provision of all the necessary supervision and manpower

ii. Provision of all the necessary Pre-commissioning Spread (tools & equipment)
iii. Provision of all the necessary materials and consumables.
iv. Provision of all the necessary works procedures.
v. Provision for the performance of the hydrotest of pipeline & Tie-in spools
vi. Provision of the Pig train for cleaning, gauging & flooding
vii. Provision for the performance of for SPM System leak test
viii. Provision for the performance of Bulk Dewatering of pipeline, spools &

2.1.3 The works anticipated to take place within 24th May 2012 and completed in 24th June
This schedule is issued to SUBCONTRACTOR for bidding purposes only and shall not be
disclosed to any third party without written permission and approval from CONTRACTOR. The
above schedules are tentative and subject to changes and/or confirmation by
CONTRACTOR/AIT. CONTRACTOR shall not be liable for any financial impact due to the revision
of the said WORKS schedule.


2.2.1 Manpower & Supervision

 SUBCONTRACTOR to provide Organization Chart and resumes for all key personnel for
all personnel proposed for the job.

 Mobilization & demobilization of all required personnel to prepare and conduct the
pre-commissioning operation to and from designated mob / demob point.

Upon receipt of COMPANY’s mobilization / demobilization notice, SUBCONTRACTOR

shall mobilize/demobilize its personnel, equipment, consumable etc., to/from the
following mobilization / demobilization points:

Mobilization / Demobilization of
COMPANY’s designated jetty at Labuan or any
personnel, equipment, tools
location specified by COMPANY.
consumable, etc.

Document : Biding Instruction and Information

RFQ Title : Provision of Pre-commissioning Services
Project : Transportation, Installation Work and Pre-commissioning of

In case SUBCONTRACTOR fails to mobilize any portion of its personnel, equipment

and/or consumables to the above mobilization point at the time advised to
SUBCONTRACTOR with agreed prior notice, SUBCONTRACTOR shall be responsible for
mobilization for the personnel, equipment and/or consumables to SITE prior to
commencement of the WORKS at SUBCONTRACTOR’s account.

 The WORKS shall commence on the date when any of SUBCONTRACTOR’s personnel,
equipment or consumables is first mobilized to the relevant mobilization point
designated under Section 5 herein above, and shall complete on the date when any
and all of such personnel, equipment and consumables provided under the
SUBCONTRACT have arrived at the relevant demobilization point designated under
Section 5 hereof and have been cleared therefrom and any and all reports and other
documents required under the SUBCONTRACT have been completed, submitted and
accepted by COMPANY.

 All personnel must possessed a valid safety certificates to work offshore as per
COMPANY’s Health, Safety and Environmental requirement.

 Onshore Work

- SUBCONTRACTOR’s personnel are required to perform the WORK onshore at

SOGT Site at Kimanis during the period pre-commissioning work.
SUBCONTRACTOR shall be available for twenty four (24) hours working per
day (i.e., 2 x 12 hours shifts), seven (7) days per week basis.

 Offshore Work

- SUBCONTRACTOR’s personnel are required to perform the WORK onboard 1

MAS 300 during the period pre-commissioning work. SUBCONTRACTOR shall
be available for twenty four (24) hours working per day (i.e., 2 x 12 hours
shifts), seven (7) days per week basis.

- Subcontractor’s personnel are required to spend minimum of ninety (90) day

offshore continuously. Offshore crew change is only applicable should the
personnel is required to work continuously for more than ninety (90) days.

2.2.2 Pre-Commissioning Spread (Tools & Equipment)

 Mobilization & demobilization of the complete pre-commissioning spread and equipment

to the vessel deck at designated mob / demob point. Mobilization shall include delivery,
loading, set-up, sea fastening and commissioning of the equipment. Demobilization shall
include removal of sea fastening, off-loading and transportation back to the origin. The
spread shall be inclusive of the followings, but not limited to:

a) Equipment including but not necessarily limited to filling, testing pumps,

compressors, temporary launchers / receivers, intelligent pigs.

b) All material, and consumables required for the pre-commissioning spread shall be
suitable for performing pig test, hydrostatic test, bulk dewatering, intelligent
pigging of the newly laid subsea pipeline. All equipment shall be properly

 SUBCONTRACTOR represents and warrants that all SUBCONTRACTOR’s equipment and

consumable shall be adequate for the WORK.

 SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit complete list of proposed equipment (indicating number

of working and back-up units), their detail specifications and brochures.

Document : Biding Instruction and Information

RFQ Title : Provision of Pre-commissioning Services
Project : Transportation, Installation Work and Pre-commissioning of

 SUBCONTRACTOR shall mobilize sufficient quantity of spares, back-up equipment and

consumable to ensure uninterrupted work in the event of breakdown or loss of any

 SUBCONTRACTOR is required to indicate the spares and backup equipment in its

proposal, which SUBCONTRACTOR proposes to mobilize.

 SUBCONTRACTOR’s equipment shall ensure that all supplied equipment are in good
working condition and have sufficient power and capability to perform the WORK in
accordance with the requirements herein. Such equipment shall be provided with valid
calibration certificates acceptable to CONTRACTOR.

 In case of malfunction of the equipment, SUBCONTRACTOR shall immediately repair or

replace them at SUBCONTRACTOR’s account.

 In case the WORK is interrupted as a result of malfunction of SUBCONTRACTOR’s

equipment solely due to SUBCONTRACTOR’s failure, SUBCONTRACTOR’s personnel and
equipment rates shall not be paid until such time the equipment are fully operational to
CONTRACTOR’s satisfaction.

 The SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide a list of equipment to be used on the project. It is the
responsibility of the SUBCONTRACTOR to ensure that the listing shall form the complete
list and any equipment shortage discovered during the performance of the scope shall be
made available on an immediate basis to site. The cost of transportation due the above
occurrence shall be borne by the SUBCONTRACTOR.

2.2.3 Materials & Consumables

 Materials and consumable to be supplied by SUBCONTRACTOR for the WORK shall be

new and shall be provided with appropriate certificates. The materials and consumables
shall be supplied in appropriate packing / container to prevent deterioration of their
quality during transportation.

 SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit detail list of equipment, materials, consumable to

CONTRACTOR for CONTRACTOR’s application for Direct Importation, if applicable.

Document : Biding Instruction and Information

RFQ Title : Provision of Pre-commissioning Services
Project : Transportation, Installation Work and Pre-commissioning of

2.2.4 Works Procedures

 To conduct all necessary engineering, preparation for procedures, QA documentation and

other documentations as necessary for performing the pre-commissioning operations of
the newly installed pipelines using SUBCONTRACTOR’s equipment. All such documents
shall be submitted to CONTRACTOR/AIT for review and approval. SUBCONTRACTOR shall
take appropriate action on the comments received from CONTRACTOR/AIT and resubmit
the documents until final approval by CONTRACTOR/AIT.

 The following procedures shall be provided by the SUBCONTRACTOR for performing the
pre-commissioning work :

- Safety Manual
- Hydrotest Procedures
- Pipeline Pre- Commissioning Procedure.
- Operating Manuals for all principal equipment
- Valid load, pressure and function test Certification, as appropriate

2.2.5 Hydrotesting

 SUBCONTRACTOR to provide all the necessary items described herein to perform the
hydrotest of pipelines [28” & 36”] and also the Tie-in spools [28” & 36”] until completion.

 The test pressure for the pipeline system (28” & 36”) shall be 60 barg (Design Pressure is
40 barg).

 SUBCONTRACTOR to provide the preservation chemical ( Biocide, oxygen scavenger &

corrosion inhibitor) and fluorescent dye (for leak detection).

 SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide all the temporary blinds & stud bolts and nuts complete
with the necessary spares to ensure smooth performance of the hydrotest & leak test

 CONTRACTOR plans to fabricate the Tie-in Spools on the material barge and likewise the
hydrotest will be performed at the same location. SUBCONTRACTOR to note that the
location of the hydrotest for the Tie-in Spools may change depending on the materials
availability and the timing of the works. In any case, CONTRACTOR will inform the
SUBCONTRACTOR accordingly and within the notice period required.

 SUBCONTRACTOR to provide equipment layout for the performance of the hydrotest for
pipelines & the Tie-in Spools

2.2.6 Pigging, Gauging & Flooding

 The pigging sequence for the 28” & 36” pipelines shall be as per the sketch in appendix I.

 SUBCONTRACTOR to provide equipment layout for the performance of the pigging,

gauging and flooding of pipelines.

2.2.7 System Leak Test

 The system leak test of the pipeline system shall be from the valves on the PLEM side to
the Floating Hose assembly.

 The leak test pressure for 36” & 28” shall be 14.08 barg and 12.65 barg respectively.

2.2.8 Bulk Dewatering Of Spool & PLEMS


Document : Biding Instruction and Information

RFQ Title : Provision of Pre-commissioning Services
Project : Transportation, Installation Work and Pre-commissioning of

 The pigging sequence for the 28” & 36” pipelines shall be as per the sketch in appendix

 SUBCONTRACTOR to provide equipment layout for the performance of the bulk

dewatering of spool and PLEMS.


o Transportation of SUBCONTRACTOR’s personnel, equipment and materials, etc.,

between the respective designated mobilization / demobilization points and SITE.

o Lodging, meals, laundry services for SUBCONTRACTOR’s personnel during their stay
onboard CONTRACTOR’s PLB/diving support vessel / workboat (for onshore base
personnel, SUBCONTRACTOR shall be responsible for their own personnel)

o Emergency offshore medical treatment (first aid) to SUBCONTRACTOR’s personnel on

CONTRACTOR’s diving support vessel.

o Electricity, water, compressed air, which may be required for the SUBCONTRACTOR’s
operation of WORK onboard CONTRACTOR’s diving support vessel / workboat.
However, these resources are as available basis and if any special resources are
required, SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide. SUBCONTRACTOR shall advise details of
such services/ resources and quantity, if any, which SUBCONTRACTOR wish COMPANY
to provide, for COMPANY’s evaluation.

o Reasonable use of telephone and telefax facilities on COMPANY’s diving support

However, such usage shall be limited to strictly business use only as approved by
CONTRACTOR’s Construction Manager at SITE and any use thereof which is not
approved by CONTRACTOR’s Construction Manager at SITE, including, without
limitation, non-business use and/or personal use, shall be reimbursed to
CONTRACTOR by SUBCONTRACTOR. Such reimbursable charge may be deducted
from the payment from CONTRACTOR to SUBCONTRACTOR for WORKS at the sole
discretion of CONTRACTOR.

All other required resources/services shall be provided by SUBCONTRACTOR unless

otherwise specifically agreed upon between CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTOR

The WORKS shall commence on the date when any of SUBCONTRACTOR’s personnel,
equipment or consumables is first mobilized to the relevant mobilization point
designated under para 2.2.1 herein above, and shall complete on the date when any
and all of such personnel, equipment and consumables provided under the
SUBCONTRACT have arrived at the relevant demobilization point designated under
para 2.2.1 hereof and have been cleared therefrom and any and all reports and other
documents required under the SUBCONTRACT have been completed, submitted and
accepted by COMPANY.


 SUBCONTRACTOR shall ensure that its employee and / or subcontractors are made aware of
OWNER’s Safety and Health regulations provided by COMPANY. SUBCONTRACTOR shall follow
such safety and health regulation during performance of WORK at SITE under the instruction

 SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide medical examination by COMPANY Approved clinics for all the
SUBCONTRACTOR’s personnel which shall be conducted within twelve (12) months prior to
the date of WORK. Such medical examination shall prove all SUBCONTRACTOR’s personnel

Document : Biding Instruction and Information

RFQ Title : Provision of Pre-commissioning Services
Project : Transportation, Installation Work and Pre-commissioning of

are fit for working offshore. Copy of such medical certificates shall be provided to COMPANY
prior to mobilization to SITE.

 SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide personal safety gear (i.e., safety cap, safety wear, safety
shoes, etc.) for all its personnel.

 Safety training shall be provided to SUBCONTRACTOR’s personnel by SUBCONTRACTOR.


 SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit the following documents:-

- Operating Manual for all principal equipment

- Valid load, pressure and function test certifications.
- Calibration records for hydrotest equipment.
- Hydrostatic test Reports
- Pigging & Cleaning Reports
- System Leak Test Reports
- Equipment Calibration Records


SUBCONTRACTOR shall furnish its deviations / qualifications, if any, to the conditions stipulated
in this RFQ, attachments and OWNER/OWNER specifications.

Appendix I : Pigging, Gauging & Flooding Sequence

Appendix II : Bulk Dewatering of Spool & PLEMs

Document : Biding Instruction and Information

RFQ Title : Provision of Pre-commissioning Services
Project : Transportation, Installation Work and Pre-commissioning of


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