11 - Hsieh2016
11 - Hsieh2016
11 - Hsieh2016
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This study examines (1) the associations between multiple types of child maltreatment and Internet
Received 19 July 2015 addiction, and (2) the mediating effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on these associations.
Received in revised form We collected data from a national proportionately stratified random sample of 6233 fourth-grade stu-
23 September 2015
dents in Taiwan in 2014. We conducted bivariate correlations and sets of multiple regression analyses to
Accepted 26 November 2015
Available online 12 December 2015
examine the associations between multiple types of maltreatment (5 types in total) and Internet
addiction, and to identify the mediating role of PTSD. The results reveal that being male and experiencing
abuse (psychological neglect, physical neglect, paternal physical violence, sexual violence) were associ-
Internet addiction
ated with increased risk among children of developing PTSD and Internet addiction. Moreover, PTSD
Child maltreatment mediated the associations between multiple types of maltreatment (except maternal physical violence)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and Internet addiction. This study demonstrates (1) the effects of multiple types of maltreatment on the
Neglect PTSD and Internet addiction of children and (2) the importance of early prevention and intervention in
Violence addressing related public-health concerns.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
0747-5632/© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
210 Y.-P. Hsieh et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 56 (2016) 209e214
(American Psychological Association Committee on Professional whereby individuals attempt to avoid a stressor or their reaction to
Practice and Standards, 1998). Research on maltreatment has it. Victims of violence use avoidance to avoid or reduce negative
emphasized physical and sexual violence, often to the exclusion of affect (Littleton, Horsley, John, & Nelson, 2007). They withdraw
neglect (Stith et al., 2009). However, child psychological and from others and block or distance themselves from their own
physical neglect is more prevalent than physical and sexual feelings and thoughts regarding the stressor (Snyder & Pulvers,
violence, and can be extraordinarily harmful to child development 2001). Although avoidance strategies may temperately reduce
(Shin, Miller, & Teicher, 2013). Therefore, we have included multi- psychological distress, they can become maladaptive if individuals
ple types of maltreatment in the model underpinning the current overly rely on them (Snyder & Pulvers, 2001) and can perhaps
study. develop into an addiction. According to the self-medication hy-
Research on child maltreatment has documented the associa- pothesis (Cappell & Greeley, 1987), people who experience abuse
tions between maltreatment and substance addictions (Evren, may use substances to reduce and escape from the intrusive
Kural, & Cakmak, 2006) and behavioral addictions such as symptoms of PTSD (Hruska & Delahanty, 2012). Similarly, Internet
gambling (Hodgins et al., 2010). However, little is known about the addiction can be recognized as a maladaptive avoidance coping
associations between maltreatment and a new form of addictive strategy: children who experience neglect or violence may bury
behaviordInternet addiction. Only one study examined the re- themselves in the cyber world, thereby attempting to avoiddrather
lationships between child maltreatment and problematic Internet than cope withdPTSD.
use among college students (Yates, Gregor, & Haviland, 2012). In fact, both Internet addiction and substance dependence can
Although preliminary studies suggested that harsh parenting, be recognized as addictive behavioral-problem syndromes. They
family conflict, and violence were associated with problematic share such similar characteristics as excessive use, withdrawal
Internet use (Park, Kim, & Cho, 2008; Wolak, Mitchell, & Finkelhor, symptoms, growing tolerance, immobilizing preoccupations, and
2003; Xiuqin et al., 2010), little is known about the relationships functional impairment (Beard & Wolf, 2001; Hall & Parsons, 2001;
between multiple types of child maltreatment and Internet Leung, 2004). In addition, they have similar family risk factors. For
addiction, and the pathway or mechanism of the relationships. At example, higher parenteadolescent conflict and lower family
the same time, research applying direct-effects models to the topic function and monitoring are associated with a higher risk of
of Internet addiction has documented the prevalence, negative Internet addiction among adolescents (Yen, Yen, Chen, Chen, & Ko,
outcomes, and causal aspects of this form of addiction in relation to 2007). In sum, these findings imply that the associations and
Internet usage, personality, and family factors (Chen, Chen, & Gau, pathways between maltreatment and substance use might be
2015; Ko, Yen, Yen, Chen, & Chen, 2012; Servidio, 2014; Young & de similar to the associations and pathways between maltreatment
Abreu, 2010). However, little is known about the mechanisms and Internet addiction.
underlyingdand the pathways leading todInternet addiction, Research on addictive behaviors has directly linked childhood
particularly where such knowledge would rest on the rigorous use sexual abuse and overall childhood trauma to alcohol-use disorder
of mediation-effects models. Kardefelt-Winther (2014) proposed and PTSD-avoidance symptoms (Müller et al., 2015). The study by
the notion of compensatory internet use to address how online Müller et al. (2015) has also found that PTSD avoidance mediates
activities may compensate for psychological problems and the relationships between childhood trauma and alcohol-use dis-
encouraged further research to explore the mediation and inter- order. In other words, child maltreatment has been linked to PTSD
action effects in the context of Internet addiction. The current study symptoms, which in turn, can lead to substance dependence.
is the first to examine how different types of maltreatment affect Therefore, drawing on the findings about this pathway from child
students' Internet addiction, and how post-traumatic stress disor- maltreatment to substance dependence, the current study exam-
der (PTSD) affects the pathways leading to Internet addiction where ines the pathway from child maltreatment to Internet addiction.
Internet use serves as a coping strategy. In sum, the current study extends previous research by exam-
ining the associations among multiple forms of maltreatment
1.2. Child maltreatment, PTSD, and negative outcomes (psychological and physical neglect, paternal physical violence,
maternal physical violence, and sexual violence) and PTSD and
Child maltreatment has been linked to PTSD and problem be- Internet addiction (as exhibited by school-age children). Our pri-
haviors. Children who experience physical or sexual violence run an mary hypothesis comprises two parts: (1) the more maltreatment a
increased risk of having PTSD (Vranceanu, Hobfoll, & Johnson, child experiences, the higher the level of PTSD symptoms and
2007), mental health problems (e.g., depression, anxiety, suicidal Internet addiction the child will exhibit, and (2) there are mediating
tendencies), and substance dependence across adolescence and effects of PTSD on the associations between multiple types of
adulthood (Fergusson, Boden, & Harwood, 2008; Teicher, Samson, maltreatment and Internet addiction.
Polcari, & McGreenery, 2006; Thornberry, Henry, Ireland, &
Smith, 2010). Among Taiwanese college students, Shen (2009) 2. Method
identified several longeterm associations stemming from child-
hood physical maltreatment and interparental violence to later This study is a part of the Longitudinal Study of Children's and
PTSD and behavioral problems. Longitudinal studies also reveal Adolescents' Family and Social Experiences (LSCAFSE). The Insti-
that child neglect is positively associated with internalizing prob- tutional Review Board of the National Taiwan University Hospital
lems (Bolger & Patterson, 2001). Neglected children are at greater declared that the LSCAFSE was consistent with the protection of the
risk of aggression and juvenile drug and alcohol offenses later in life rights and welfare of human subjects.
(Chen, Propp, deLara, & Corvo, 2011; Kotch et al., 2008; Shin et al.,
2013), and child physical abuse has been linked to problem drink- 2.1. Participants
ing and illicit drug use (Fang et al., 2015; Shin et al., 2013).
We conducted this study in the 2014 spring semester with
1.3. PTSD and internet addiction fourth-grade students. We stratified the sample by geographical
locations across Taiwan (19 counties or cities in total) and randomly
Individuals who suffered from PTSD may use adaptive or mal- selected the districts to increase representation. Of the invited
adaptive strategies to cope. One coping strategy is avoidance, elementary schools, approximately 49% schools (n ¼ 314) agreed to
Y.-P. Hsieh et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 56 (2016) 209e214 211
participate, and the final sample of this study consisted of 6233 frequency of experiencing each symptom during the previous
fourth-grade students (50.3% boys) who had parental consent and month. In order to reduce the length of time needed for completion
whose data were valid. of the questionnaires, we deleted 5 items (items 11, 14, 20, 21, 22)
from the original scale according to the factor-analysis results from
2.2. Procedure the pilot study; therefore, the current study involves only 17 items.
The adolescent version of the Chinese PTSD scale has been vali-
Before administering the questionnaires, trained research as- dated for children in the fourth grade (Chen et al., 2002). We
sistants explained the research purpose and procedures to students determined the PTSD score by computing the means of all 17 re-
and emphasized the voluntary and confidential nature of the sponses. Higher scores reflect greater posttraumatic-symptom
research. The assistants also informed students of their right to severity. The PTSD Scale exhibited strong reliability for the pre-
withdraw from participation at any time. Self-report questionnaires sent sample (a ¼ .89).
were distributed to consenting students in group sessions sched-
uled for a period during or outside of regular class hours. 2.3.5. Internet addiction
We adapted items from the Chinese Internet Addiction Scale
2.3. Measures (CIAS) (Chen, Weng, Su, Wu, & Yang, 2003) to measure Internet
addiction. The subscale of the current study contains 10 items
The questionnaire was first sent to a group of 7 experts for covering 2 domains: core symptoms and related problems. Core
content validity examination (4 child development scholars, 1 so- symptoms comprise compulsion symptoms, withdrawal symp-
ciologist, 1 clinical social worker, 1 statistician) before the measures toms, and tolerance. Related problems comprise interpersonal
were administered to pilot-study participants (n ¼ 726). The problems, health problems, and time-management problems.
LSCAFSE research team modified some measures according to (1) Items were rated on a 5-point scale anchored by 1 (very not true) to
suggestions from scholars and other experts, and (2) the results of 5 (very true). The scores were internally consistent (a ¼ .88).
the pilot study's internal consistency analysis and principal
component analysis. Psychometrics of these measures were 3. Results
examined again after formal data were collected.
Among different types of child maltreatment in the current
2.3.1. Psychological and physical neglect study, psychological neglect was the most prevalent (69%), fol-
We used three modified Neglect Scale items of the ISPCAN Child lowed by physical neglect (66.5%), paternal physical abuse (15%),
Abuse Screening Tool Children's Version (ICAST-C (Zolotor et al., maternal physical abuse (14.7%), and sexual violence (9.2%). Table 1
2009) to define psychological neglect, and four modified items to contains bivariate correlations and means for the major variables in
define physical neglect in the past year. Participants used a 5-point this study. All correlations between the model variables were sta-
scale (0 ¼ never, 1 ¼ seldom, 2 ¼ sometimes, 3 ¼ very often, and tistically significant and in the expected directions. We performed
4 ¼ always) to rate the frequency of parental psychological neglect, Harman's single-factor test to ensure that common method vari-
and used a 5-point scale (0 ¼ never, 1 ¼ 1e2 times, 2 ¼ 3e5 times, ance is not an issue here (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Lee, & Podsakoff,
3 ¼ 6e10 times, and 4 ¼ more than 10 times) to rate frequency of 2003). To test the mediating effect of PTSD on the association be-
physical neglect by their parents. Higher scores indicated more tween parental maltreatment and child Internet addiction, we
severe child neglect. The reliability of the original study's ICAST-C performed a series of multiple regression analyses. According to
Neglect Scale was calculated with a Cronbach's alpha of .83, Baron and Kenny (1986), the following four steps should be present
demonstrating strong internal consistency. to establish mediation: (1) a significant effect of parental
maltreatment on Internet addiction; (2) a significant effect of
2.3.2. Physical violence parental maltreatment on PTSD; (3) an association between PTSD
To define parental physical violence, we used seven modified and Internet addiction when parental maltreatment is controlled
Physical Assault Scale items of the Childhood Experiences of for; and (4) a reduction of the effect of parental maltreatment on
Violence Questionnaire (CEVQ) (Walsh, MacMillan, Trocme , Internet addiction when PTSD is entered into the model. A Sobel
Jamieson, & Boyle, 2008) and the Longitudinal Studies of Child test provides support for partial mediation (Sobel, 1982).
Abuse and Neglect (LONGSCAN) (Runyan et al., 1998). Participants As shown in Table 2, boys were more likely than girls to have
used a 5-point scale (from 1 ¼ never to 5 ¼ more than 10 times) to high levels of Internet addiction (b ¼ .13, p < .001). When we
rate the frequency of paternal and maternal physical violence for divided the data into two gender groups, we found gender differ-
the seven items in the past year. The physical violence scale ences in the relationships between paternal physical violence and
demonstrated strong internal consistency (a ¼ .88). Internet addiction. The more paternal physical violence a girl
experienced, the more likely she was to experience Internet
2.3.3. Sexual violence addiction (b ¼ .07, p < .01). Interestingly, boys exhibited no corre-
We used two modified Sexual Abuse Scale items of the CEVQ sponding statistically significant association. After gender was
(Walsh et al., 2008) to define sexual abuse. Participants used a 5- controlled for, PTSD was found to mediate the associations between
point scale (from 1 ¼ never to 5 ¼ more than 10 times) to rate the four following types of child maltreatment and Internet
the frequency of sexual violence for the two items in the past year. addiction.
The original study reported the two-week testeretest reliability of First, psychological neglect was positively associated with
the CEVQ by using ICCs, ranging from .76 to .92 for all scaled items. Internet addiction (see equation (1) in Table 2, b ¼ .17, p < .001) and
with PTSD (see equation (2) in Table 2, b ¼ .22, p < .001). After PTSD
2.3.4. PTSD was added to the model, psychological neglect significantly pre-
The Chinese version of the UCLA PTSD Reaction Index for DSM- dicted Internet addiction with a reduction in the coefficient (see
IV measures symptoms associated with traumatic experiences equation (3) in Table 2; b ¼ .12, p < .001). The Sobel test supported
(Chen, Lin, Tseng, & Wu, 2002; Steinberg, Brymer, Decker, & our finding that PTSD partially mediated the effect of psychological
Pynoos, 2004). Participants used a 5-point Likert scale (from neglect on Internet addiction (Z ¼ 14.06, p < .001).
0 ¼ “none of the time” to 4 ¼ “most of the time”) to rate the Second, physical neglect was positively associated with Internet
212 Y.-P. Hsieh et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 56 (2016) 209e214
Table 1
Univariate and bivariate statistics for all variables (n ¼ 6233).
Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Psychological Neglect e
2. Physical Neglect .38** e
3. Paternal Physical Violence .26** .32** e
4. Maternal Physical Violence .28** .32** .62** e
5. Sexual Violence .15** .24** .38** .38** e
6. PTSD .31** .24** .27** .27** .20** e
7. Internet Addiction .25** .23** .19** .18** .20** .32** e
8. Child Gender .02 .10** .13** .08** .10** .01 .16** e
Mean 1.93 1.22 .41 .38 .19 1.14 1.82
Note. Gender was dummy coded such that 0 ¼ female and 1 ¼ male. Parental maltreatment comprises psychological neglect, physical neglect, and sexual violence.
PTSD ¼ post-traumatic stress disorder. *p < .05. **p < .01.
Table 2
Testing the mediating effects of PTSD on internet addiction (n ¼ 6233).
Predictors Step 1 (criterion: Internet Step 2 (criterion: PTSD) Step 3 (criterion: Internet addiction)
Note. Each column is a regression equation that predicts the criterion at the top of the column. Gender was dummy coded such that 0 ¼ female and 1 ¼ male. Parental
maltreatment comprises psychological neglect, physical neglect, and sexual violence. PTSD ¼ post-traumatic stress disorder. *p < .05. ***p < .001.
addiction (b ¼ .11, p < .001) and with PTSD (b ¼ .08, p < .001). After Internet addiction. Furthermore, mediating effects of PTSD were
PTSD was added to the model, physical neglect still significantly found between multiple types of maltreatment and Internet
predicted Internet addiction with a reduction in the coefficient addiction. The results of the current study support and extend
(b ¼ .09, p < .001). The Sobel test supported our finding that PTSD earlier work insofar as the current study has found associations
partially mediated the effect of physical neglect on Internet between child maltreatment and not only psychological problems
addiction (Z ¼ 3.95, p < .001). but also behavioral problems. In the present study, children who
Third, paternal physical violence was positively associated with experienced maltreatment in the past year were more likely than
Internet addiction (b ¼ .04, p < .05) and with PTSD (b ¼ .10, their peers to have relatively high levels of PTSD and Internet
p < .001). After PTSD was added to the model, the association be- addiction.
tween physical violence and Internet addiction became insignifi- It is important to understand how such maltreatment can affect
cant (b ¼ .01, n.s.). This finding indicates that PTSD fully mediated mechanisms leading to Internet addiction. Children exposed to
the effect of paternal physical violence on Internet addiction. maltreatment may experience PTSD and then tend to bury them-
However, maternal physical violence did not predict IA, although selves in the cyber world to avoid or reduce negative affect and
such violence was linked to PTSD. PTSD symptoms. Similar to substance use (Hruska & Delahanty,
Finally, sexual violence was positively associated with Internet 2012), Internet addiction can be a maladaptive form of avoidance
addiction (b ¼ .11, p < .001) and with PTSD (b ¼ .08, p < .001). After coping strategies and a self-medicating behavior. Another expla-
PTSD was added to the model, sexual violence still significantly nation is that perhaps neglect and abuse can weaken children's
predicted Internet addiction with a reduction in the coefficient trust in parents and others in the real world and can strengthen
(b ¼ .09, p < .001). The Sobel test supported our finding that PTSD children's temptation to cope with PTSD by means of alternative
partially mediated the effect of sexual violence on Internet addic- Internet-based social networks. In turn, the children find that they
tion (Z ¼ 6.74, p < .001). In sum, multiple regression analyses are increasingly reliant on maladaptive coping strategies such as
supported the hypotheses that children would report higher levels pathological Internet use. Neglect and abuse could also reduce
of PTSD and Internet addiction when experiencing multiple types children's access to effective support, leaving them alone to deal
of maltreatment (with the exception of maternal physical violence), with significant psychological distress, in turn bolstering their
and the same analyses identified the mediating effects of PTSD on reliance on Internet addiction as a coping tool.
the associations between maltreatment and Internet addiction. Because Internet addiction and substance dependence share
similar characteristics and family risk factors (Beard & Wolf, 2001;
Yen et al., 2007), the association between maltreatment and sub-
4. Discussion stance abuse might be similar to the association between
maltreatment and Internet addiction. Such similarities might also
The present study is the first national epidemiologic study to emerge between the two associations' respective underlying
comprehensively examine the associations between multiple types mechanisms. Children who experience abuse and neglect are more
of child maltreatment and Internet addiction among children in likely to engage in later illicit substance use and alcohol depen-
Taiwan. We identified main effects of psychological neglect, phys- dence (Teicher et al., 2006; White & Widom, 2008). Also, our study
ical neglect, paternal physical violence, and sexual violence on
Y.-P. Hsieh et al. / Computers in Human Behavior 56 (2016) 209e214 213
consistently found associations between child maltreatment and stratified random sampling design has honed our representation
Internet addiction. Similar to other research findings (Ullman, and generalization of the issues at hand.
Relyea, Peter-Hagene, & Vasquez, 2013) on how PTSD mediates In sum, we have concluded that multiple types of maltreatment
the association between interpersonal trauma (including sexual constitute important factors in predicting PTSD and Internet
abuse) and substance use, the findings of our current study suggest addiction in middle childhood. Sets of regression models reflect the
that PTSD mediates the association between multiple types of child mediating effects of PTSD on the association between maltreat-
maltreatment and Internet addiction. ment and Internet addiction, and support the assertion that
Unexpectedly, although maternal physical violence predicted maltreatment is an important predictor of Internet addiction risk.
PTSD in our study, such violence did not predict Internet addiction;
by contrast, paternal physical violence predicted both PTSD and Acknowledgments
Internet addiction. These results imply that, in general, the effects
of maternal versus paternal physical violence work differently on The NTU Children and Family Research Center funded this study
children's risk for developing Internet addiction. Moretti and Craig (CFRC1501). The authors thank all the participating schools and
(2013) found no direct association between paternal abuse and students for their contribution.
depressive symptoms, whereas maternal abuse was associated
with adolescents' reports of depressive symptoms. Moretti further References
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design impeded the inferences we drew about causal links among Fu, K., Chan, W. S., Wong, P. W., & Yip, P. S. (2010). Internet addiction: prevalence,
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