Steering Platform
Adria Fung
William Parker
Submitted to:
Professor Kenneth Stafford (advisor)
Adria Fung
William Parker
The Enhanced Ackermann Steering Platform project team would like to thank the following
Our advisor, Ken Stafford, for his unwavering guidance and applicable feedback.
Bob Boisse, for his generous contribution of supplies and for letting the team use his shop.
Joe St. Germain, for printing our cam-pulleys and for his supply of VEX parts.
FIRST Team 190, for letting us borrow their 2011 season robot, 2k11 for driver testing.
Finally, we would like to thank Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) and the Robotics
Engineering Department for giving us an opportunity to apply theory to practice.
Table of Contents
Abstract i
Acknowledgments ii
List of Figures v
List of Tables vii
Executive Summary viii
1. Introduction 2
1.1. Problem Statement 2
1.2. Ackermann Steering 3
1.3. FIRST Robotics 3
1.4. Project Goals 5
2. Background 8
2.1. Optimal Driveline Robot Base Project 8
2.2. Steering Mechanisms 9
2.2.1 Ackermann Linkage 9
2.2.2. Non-circular gears 11
2.2.3. Swerve Steering 12
2.2.4. Pros and Cons 12
2.3. Driver Interfaces 13
2.3.1. RC Airplane Controller 14
2.3.2. Steering Wheel Controller 15
2.3.3. RC Handheld Steering Controller 17
2.3.4. Joysticks 18
3. Methodology 20
3.1. Independent Swerve Drive Prototype 20
3.2. Cam-Pulley Prototype 21
3.3. Decision Cost Matrix 23
4. Robot Design 26
4.1. Cam Pulleys 27
4.2. Overall Steering Mechanism 32
4.3. Circuitry 34
4.4. Software 35
4.5. Drive Controller 37
5. Test Plan 39
5.1. Speed Test 39
5.2. Circle Test 39
5.3. Skid-Steered Comparison 40
5.3.1. Obstacle Course 41
5.3.2. Testing Procedure 42
5.3.3. Turning Energy Usage 43
6. Results and Analysis 44
6.1. Speed Test 44
6.2. Circle Test 44
6.3. Skid-Steered Comparison 44
6.3.1. Obstacle Course Completion Times 44
6.3.2. Voltage Drop 46
6.3.3. Turning Energy Usage 47
6.4. Achieved Goals 47
6.5. Unmet Goals 48
7. Recommendations 49
7.1. RC Controller Sensitivity 49
7.2. Direction Indicators 49
7.3. Hard stops 50
8. Social Implications 51
9. Conclusion 52
References 53
Appendices 55
Appendix A. Brainstorm Sketches 55
Appendix B: Code 57
EAS.ino 57
Controller.cpp 61
Controller.h 62
Motor.cpp 63
Motor.h 64
Pid.cpp 65
Pid.h 66
Steering.cpp 66
Steering.h 68
Util.cpp 69
Util.h 70
Appendix C: Driver Trial Results 71
List of Figures
Figure 1: Skid-Steering Diagram [1] .............................................................................................................. 2
Figure 8: The four channels that control the four functions of the airplane............................... 15
Figure 12: Joysticks from the FRC Kit of Parts [8] ................................................................................. 19
Figure 15: Prototype Cam-Pulley Angles Compared to Perfect Ackermann Angles ................ 23
Figure 23: Top Level Program Flowchart ................................................................................................. 36
Figure 26: Eight-foot radius circle with four-foot wide lane ............................................................ 40
Figure 27: Obstacle Course for Driver Trials (not to scale) ............................................................... 42
Figure 28: RC Controller's Steering Angle vs. EASP's Steering Angle ............................................ 49
All copyrighted material has been used with the permission of its owner.
List of Tables
Table 1: Motor selection requirements as stated in the FRC 2014 manual ................................... 5
Executive Summary
This Major Qualifying Project examined the capabilities of Ackermann systems in
comparison to the skid-steered system. The overall goal of the project was to design an
Enhanced Ackermann Steering Platform (EASP) that would be maneuverable at low speeds,
stable at high speeds, and could participate in a FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) game.
easy to control, maneuverable at low speeds, and easy to implement. However, one of the
biggest issues with a skid-steered robot is that it wastes energy sliding the wheels across the
ground. The Ackermann system, often found in cars, allows the wheels to turn about the
same turning center. The wheels do not skid laterally during a turn; therefore, no energy is
wasted while turning. It is traditionally implemented using linkages, which limit the range of
The EASP used a cam-pulley system to achieve Ackermann steering over 224˚ of
motion. The right wheel of the robot was steered linearly from the steering motor. The left
wheel steered using the cam-pulleys. These pulleys offset the angle of the left wheel such
that the robot maintained the Ackermann condition across its full range of motion. Because
of the pulleys, the steered wheels could turn significantly farther than a traditional
Ackermann steering system implemented with linkages. This allowed the EASP to turn about
the center point between its rear wheels, i.e. a zero radius turn.
The EASP performed a speed test and circle test. It was found that the top speed of
EASP is 12 feet per second. The robot also drove within a four-foot wide lane around an eight-
foot radius circle with a top “controllable” speed of 7.2 feet per second. The EASP was
eventually tested against a skid-steered FRC robot. The obstacle course was designed to test
the low speed maneuverability and high speed stability of both robots. Six robot experienced
drivers and seven non-experienced drivers wove the robot around a slalom of cones, around
a triangle, and U-turned in a boxed area. It was concluded that of all the drivers, the skid-
steered robot was on average, faster than EASP. However, the non-experienced drivers had
a faster average time with EASP than with the FRC robot. The robot experienced drivers had
a slower average time with EASP than with the FRC robot.
The robot was also tested for energy usage to determine whether EASP was more
energy efficient than the skid-steered robot. During the driver trials, the initial and final
voltages were taken to determine the difference. However, the team discovered that this
method was unreliable as each battery had a different surface charge each time. Therefore,
a current test was performed. An ammeter was hooked up to the battery and the current was
recorded as each robot turned in place. It was concluded that EASP used 1/10 of the power
compared to the FRC robot when robots were turning at 20 revolutions per minute.
The team also drafted several recommendations to improve EASP. The first was to fix
the sensitivity issue with the RC controller. It was determined that the RC controller’s
steering wheel turns about 90 degrees total. However, the steering angle of EASP is 224
degrees. Therefore, it would be beneficial if the angle of the controller’s steering wheel
matched the steering angle of the robot. Also, one of the robot drivers suggested adding
direction indicators on the swerve modules so new drivers would know how far they were
1. Introduction
1.1. Problem Statement
One of the most common types of steering used for robot chassis is skid-steering. In
a skid-steering system, the left wheels and right wheels on the robot are driven separately.
Figure 1 shows a diagram of a skid-steering system. To drive straight, both sides rotate at
the same speed. To turn, one side must drive faster than the other. Skid-steering is often used
because it provides high maneuverability at low speeds and is easy to implement. Skid-
steered robots are able to turn about the center of their chassis by driving the left and right
One of the main drawbacks to skid steering is that the wheels must slide along the
driving surface during turns. This induces drag, which causes the robot to waste energy. We
believe it is possible to design a steering system that has the low speed maneuverability of
skid steering and does not cause wheel slipping. To avoid wheel slipping, we look to the
1.2. Ackermann Steering
The Ackermann steering condition occurs when the axes of all the wheels of a vehicle
intersect at a single turning point. Figure 2 below shows an example of Ackermann steering
compared to parallel linkage steering. In the case of a parallel linkage, the wheels must skid
during a turn because the front wheels are turning about different points. By using
Ackermann steering, the wheels of a vehicle will never be forced to skid. This increases
organization “to inspire young people’s interest and participation in science and technology”
through robotics involvement. FIRST was founded in 1989 by Dean Kamen and is the
umbrella organization for four levels of competition: Junior FIRST Lego League (Jr. FLL) for
grades K-3, FIRST Lego League (FLL) for grades 4-8, FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) for grades
7-12, and the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) for grades 9-12.
In the 2015 season, the FIRST Robotics Competition program is projected to have
3000 registered teams with about 75,000 high school students. The FRC Season begins in
January. Teams have six and a half weeks to build a robot from a common list of authorized
parts provided by FIRST to compete in the current year’s game. Because the games are
different every year, students, along with their mentors and coaches, are expected to create
The 2014 game was called Aerial Assist. The objective was to catapult two-foot
diameter balls through a goal that was seven-feet above the ground. Along with game rules,
To provide reasonable design parameters for this project, the constraints of the 2014
The total length of the frame perimeter sides may not exceed 112in.
The robot weight may not exceed 120lbs excluding robot battery and
The only motors and actuators permitted on 2014 FRC robots include the
following: (part numbers can be found in section 4.7 of the 2014 FRC game
Table 1: Motor selection requirements as stated in the FRC 2014 manual
BaneBots Motors 5
AndyMark 9015 4
AndyMark PG 3
Electrical solenoid actuators, no greater than 1 in. stroke and rated unlimited
electrical input power no greater than 10 watts (W) continuous duty at
12 volts (VDC)
Drive motors or fans that are part of a motor controller or COTS unlimited
computing device
Fans included in the 2014 Kickoff Kit, FIRST® Choice, or as a Talon unlimited
motor controller accessory
Per the Servo Industry, Servo Max Power Rating = (Stall Torque) X (No
Load Speed)
maneuverable robot chassis that utilizes Ackermann steering system enhanced for low
speed maneuverability. The chassis must maximize energy efficiency by avoiding wheel slip.
We must also create a driver control system that allows for intuitive control of the chassis.
This project is a continuation of a previous project by Michael Cullen et al. [3] titled Optimal
Driveline Robot Base (ODRB). The design goals for this project are intended to be similar to
the goals of ODRB but with an emphasis on achieving better performance than the ODRB
The robot must be able to turn about a point that is inside the chassis and along its
longitudinal line.
The error of the steering angles compared to the perfect Ackermann angles cannot
While going at ten feet per second, the robot must be able to drive along a ten foot
The robot must complete a course that tests its maneuverability in a time that is on
average shorter than the completion time of a 2014 FRC rules-compliant skid- steered
The robot must also use less energy to complete the course than the skid-steered
The robot must have 250 square inches of continuous space, from the top to the
bottom that is by the steering mechanism. This is to allow room for any mechanisms
The robot will be compliant to the 2014 FRC rules in terms of physical size, weight,
2. Background
2.1. Optimal Driveline Robot Base Project
The Optimal Driveline Robot Base (ODRB) project started in 2013 with the goal of
developing a robotic drive system with the ability to “maintain high speed handling, low
speed maneuverability, and maximize energy efficiency by reducing wheel skid [3].” The
Ackermann Steering was chosen as the system for the project with modifications to the
wheels and tie rod linkage. The extreme proximal pivot point was located at either one of the
rear wheels, depending on which direction the robot turned For example, if the robot turned
hard right, the turning point would be located at the right rear wheel.
During testing, the robot was capable of zero-radius turning (about either of the back
wheels) and was able to maintain the 4-foot lane at full speed when driving around a circle.
The ODRB was also compared to a FRC skid-steered robot that complied with FRC rules. The
robots were driven along a course and times were recorded. The FRC robot was 1.8% faster
than the ODRB [3]. Lastly, it was discovered that the ODRB was more energy efficient than
the FRC robot. The average voltage loss for the FRC robot was 1.26 volts; the ODRB’s voltage
The 2013 project team recommended improvements for the existing ODRB. This
project adapted a few of these recommendations. The 2013 project team found that the
driver controls were too sensitive and needed to be modified for a robot driver to have better
control. The controller used was an RC airplane transmitter. The control system needs to be
improved to make driving the robot easier. The turning point of the robot would be more
maneuverable if it is between the two rear wheels, rather than on either wheel. The current
ODRB’s linkage would “lock up” when turning full left or full right. Therefore, a new system
Ackermann Steering is typically achieved using a trapezoidal linkage like the one
shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. Unlike a parallel linkage that would keep both the left and
right wheel parallel at all angles, a trapezoidal linkage can approximate the Ackermann
Ackermann condition. Also, this type of linkage only approximates the Ackermann condition
Figure 4: Trapezoidal linkage turning left [2]
Figure 5 shows a graph of the inner wheel angle compared to the outer wheel angle
with varying tie rod lengths. By changing the angle β (which changes the tie rod length), the
steering mechanism becomes closer or farther from perfect Ackermann. Also, with the best
approximation shown in this graph where beta equals 10 degrees, the linkage quickly veers
away from the Ackermann condition when the inner wheel reaches 50 degrees. Thus, there
is a tradeoff between how closely the linkage follows Ackermann and what range of steering
Figure 5: Trapezoidal linkage behaviors compared to perfect Ackermann [2]
Non-circular gears are gears that vary in pitch diameter. A diagram of a pair of non-
circular gears is below in Figure 6. Unlike typical circular gears, non-circular gears have gear
ratios that change as they rotate. This means that the rotational velocity of the driven gear
changes as the drive gear rotates a constant velocity. Similarly, the steered wheels in an
Ackermann steering system must rotate at continually changing speeds relative to each
other in order to maintain the proper angles. Zhao et al. [4] used this principle of non-circular
gears to design a pair of “Ackermann gears” that generate the desired Ackermann angles.
Though they never manufactured the gears they designed, they did find success testing them
in CAD software. Ackermann gears are promising because they can be designed to follow the
Figure 6: An example of non-circular gears [5]
Swerve steering is a steering system where the steered wheels are rotated by motors.
In a swerve steering system, each wheel could be individually steered with its own motor, or
one motor might steer multiple wheels simultaneously. Ackermann steering could be
achieved using swerve steering by having a motor for each steered wheel. Then the robot’s
microcontroller would have to use feedback from sensors in order to rotate each wheel to
the proper Ackermann angle. Like the non-circular gears, this type of swerve steering would
Table 2 below outlines the pros and cons of the three proposed solutions. The
trapezoidal linkage has too many drawbacks with little benefit, so its consideration as a
Table 2: Pros and cons of three different steering mechanisms
Pros Cons
* To simplify manufacturing, cam-pulleys could be used instead of gears. This would avoid
not appropriate for an Ackermann Steering system. The Radio-Controlled (RC) Airplane
controller was chosen for inexpensiveness and simplicity. The 2013 project team discovered
that because the driver controls were too sensitive, in a high-paced competition, robot
drivers would tend to drive at the extreme range of the turning angle. Therefore, a drive
controller that intuitively modeled a car steering and was appropriate for the high-paced
A RC Airplane controller, such as used by the ODRB team (Figure 7) has four channels
that control the four functions of an airplane: throttle, ailerons, rudder, and elevator (Figure
8). Although an RC airplane controller emulates the controls of an actual plane, this
stick does not have a spring force. Therefore, this allows operators to focus on the 3-axis
rotation of an aircraft while maintaining a constant speed in one direction. Because there is
no spring force, robot drivers would have to constantly worry about the position of the
Figure 8: The four channels that control the four functions of the airplane
Figure 9) emulates the steering wheel of an actual car. Steering wheel controllers are
ideal for racing games where the operator is in the point-of-view of the driver’s seat. This
controller is appropriate for Ackermann systems or robots with a car steering functionality.
It allows the driver to have better control of the steering capability of the robot. A foot pedal
can control the throttle control. However, in FRC competitions, the robot drivers are not in
the point-of-view of the driver’s seat. Rather, they operate at the ends of the field where they
Figure 9: A steering wheel controller with foot pedals [6]
For example, in the 2010 FRC soccer game, Breakaway, robots had to maneuver balls
into goals located at the same end of the field as the robot drivers. Therefore, if a driver drove
the robot straight into the goal, they would direct the controller to go forward, rather than
backwards. Figure 10 depicts an illustration of the blue and red teams’ scoring robots. The
Red Team’s robot has to score in the red goal and vice versa for the Blue Team, as indicated
by the arrows. The yellow line on each robot indicates the front of the robot. Therefore, if a
Blue Team’s robot driver were to score in the blue goal, they would need to navigate the
robot through a series of reverse controls since the driver’s point-of-view is facing the robot
head-on. Nonetheless, a steering wheel controller can be appropriate for this competition as
long as a team has an experienced driver that is capable of handling the ever-changing
Figure 10: Illustration of scoring robots of 2010 FRC game
Unlike the steering wheel controller, a RC handheld car controller does not need to
be situated on a platform. The controller (Figure 11) is held by the operator with the trigger
controlling the throttle and an external miniature steering wheel attachment controlling the
steering of the robot. The buttons can be customized to have a two speed transmission. Also,
with its small steering wheel, it could difficult to accurately steer the robot. Therefore, the
RC handheld steering controller might be difficult to maneuver in tight spaces and around
Figure 11: A RC handheld car controller [7]
2.3.4. Joysticks
Joysticks (Figure 12) are among the most common robot driving controllers due to
their simplicity and functionality. Depending on whether one or two joysticks are used for
driving, many different drive systems can be easily driven with joysticks, such as tank drive,
arcade drive, and swerve drive. One or wo joysticks can be used to control the Ackermann
steering robot, however, it is not intuitive to car steering. Rather than controlling the steering
angle using the steering wheel, the steering is controlled by a one-axis linear channel.
Figure 12: Joysticks from the FRC Kit of Parts [8]
3. Methodology
3.1. Independent Swerve Drive Prototype
A swerve drive prototype was made out of VEX parts. This prototype is shown below
in Figure 13. The prototype used an Arduino to control it. Only the front wheels were driven
since the goal of the prototype was only to see how well the two swerve modules could be
controlled to adhere to the Ackermann angles. Each swerve module was controlled using its
own PID loop. The Arduino calculated what the outside wheel’s angle should be based off of
The VEX prototype worked reasonably well. The swerve modules were able to meet
the Ackermann condition throughout their full range of motion. The major issue was that
when the wheels were quickly turned, one wheel would be delayed behind the other. This
was because the inside wheel got its desired position directly from the remote controller
while the outside wheel’s position was based off of the current inside wheel’s angle. To fix
this delay, the outside wheel needed to know where the inside wheel was going, rather than
where it currently was. Despite this issue, the prototype showed that this was a viable design
acrylic pieces were stacked upon each other to create the pulleys. These can be seen in Figure
14. The design of these pulleys was based on research by Zhao et al. [4] that investigated the
possibility of an Ackermann steering system using noncircular gears. Two pairs of cam-
pulleys were used so that the steering system would be symmetrical. The contour of the
pulleys was not quite correct. The arrow indicators on each pair should have been lined up
with one another when oriented straight ahead (as shown in the figure). Also, each pulley
Figure 14: Prototype Cam-Pulleys
Arduino was used to sample the potentiometer readings while the drive pulleys were turned
by hand. The data was output over USB to a PC so that it could be imported into Matlab.
Figure 15 shows the data collected from the prototype compared to the perfect Ackermann
angles. The prototype followed the Ackermann curve reasonably well, but there was
noticeable error. There was also some play in the system which caused there to be two
slightly different curves depending on which direction the mechanism was being turned.
Despite the prototype pulleys not meeting the desired mechanical relationship with each
other, they still did a passable job at achieving Ackermann steering across their full range of
Figure 15: Prototype Cam-Pulley Angles Compared to Perfect Ackermann Angles
viable options based upon the prototypes. To determine which design to utilize, a cost matrix
was created that compared different aspects of each system (Table 3). Each metric was rated
on a scale of one to five, one being the worst and five being the best.
Table 3: Decision Cost Table
Steering System
Cost Metric
Swerve Drive Cam-Pulleys
Accuracy 4 5
Robustness 3 4
Footprint 5 2
Weight 3 2
Motor Usage 3 5
Center of Gravity 2 3
Software Simplicity 2 4
4 1
Innovativeness 1 4
Total Value 27 30
Ultimately, the cam-pulley steering system had a slightly higher score on the cost matrix,
so it was the system that was implemented in the final design. The following are the metrics
used to compare the two designs and the rationale behind the ratings:
Accuracy: how accurately the steering system could follow the correct Ackermann
angles. The swerve drive can closely match the perfect Ackermann angles when
stationary, but has difficulty when transitioning from one angle to another. The cam-
pulleys – given the correct equation for the contour – would theoretically follow the
Robustness: the reliability of the system. The swerve drive has twice as many motors
and twice as many feedback loops than the cam-pulley system. Thus it has more
points of failure.
Footprint: the amount of space the system would take up on the chassis. The swerve
drive would have hardly any footprint if the motors directly drove the swerve
modules. The cam-pulleys cannot directly drive the swerve modules and must be
Weight: the weight of the steering system. The swerve drive would use two motors,
but the single motor and cam-pulleys plus their sprockets and chain would probably
weigh more.
Motor Usage: how few motors are used. The swerve drive would use two motors
Center of Gravity: how low the steering mechanism’s center of gravity is on the
chassis. The swerve drive, if using direct drive from the motors, would necessitate
that the motors be on top of the swerve modules. Since the cam-pulleys are indirectly
Software Complexity: the amount of effort that goes into developing the software.
The swerve drive system is heavily reliant upon the software feedback loop. The cam-
pulley system would also use a feedback loop, but it doesn’t need to synchronize the
Manufacturing Complexity: the amount of effort that goes into creating the
the motors directly drive the swerve modules. The cam-pulleys would not be easy to
Innovativeness: how innovative and interesting the design is. Swerve drive is a
common type of robot steering system. The Ackermann cam-pulley system, as far as
4. Robot Design
The robot chassis developed in this project used the same frame as the previous
ODRB project. This includes the swerve modules and drive motors. There were only two
significant changes made. The frame was cut to be 3 inches shorter so that the perimeter fit
within the 112” limit of the 2014 FRC rules. The resulting wheel track and wheel base were
17” (unchanged) and 20.5” respectively. The other significant change was that the gear ratio
for the drive motors was changed from 0.14 to 0.1. This was because the ODRB team
incorrectly calculated the gear ratio needed to achieve a top speed of 10 feet per second. An
image of the EASP robot is shown below in Figure 16. The rest of Section 4 discusses the
4.1. Cam Pulleys
The final design for the cam-pulleys used only a single pair rather than one on each
side like in the prototype. The downside to this was that the steering system was no longer
symmetrical. However, it was mathematically simpler to derive the equations for the cam
𝑟= 2 , (1)
𝑡 𝑡
( ) ∗ sin2(𝜃) − ∗ sin(2𝜃) + 2
𝑏 𝑏
where r is the radius of the cam, d is the distance between the centers’ of rotation of the two
cams, t is the wheel track, b is the wheel base, and θ is the independent variable. This
equation was derived by Zhao et al. [4]. In the case of the EASP, the wheels must rotate such
that they can turn about the center of the rear wheels. Thus, they must turn 90˚ plus or minus
some offset φ depending on which direction the wheel is turning (Figure 17).
φ φ
φ φ
From the diagram above, angle offset φ is
φ = arctan ( ) . (2)
When evaluated by substituting 17 inches as the wheel track and 20.5 inches as the wheel
base, φ equals 22.5˚. This means that the contour of the cam is polar equation (1) when θ is
swept from -112.5˚ (-90˚ - 22.5˚) to 67.5˚ (90˚ - 22.5˚). A plot of the cam contour was
generated in Maple and is shown below in Figure 18. The point at which the two cam-pulleys
would meet when the robot is pointing straight is at θ = 0˚, where the radii of the two cams
A final prototype was made with this contour, once again using laser cut acrylic. After
verifying that the cam-pulleys mated properly, work began designing the actual pulleys in
Solidworks. One parameter that had to be determined was the distance d between the mating
cams. The smaller d was, the smaller the pulleys would be, which would result in a smaller
footprint. However the pulleys had to be large enough that some sort of tensioner device for
the pulley cords could fit on them. The acrylic prototypes used d = 3 inches, which was too
small, so the first CAD design used d = 4 inches. When trying to fit a tensioner onto the pulley,
it was determined that 4 inches was still too small, so d was increased to 5 inches.
Figure 19 and Figure 20 show the top view and an isometric view of the final CAD
model for the cam-pulley. The pulley is bolted to a sprocket that is connected either to the
drive motor or a swerve module. The pulley has slotted holes for the sprocket bolts. This
allows each pulley 20˚ of rotation for alignment purposes. The cables are tensioned using a
tensioner block. One end of the cable is tied to one pulley’s tensioner block, while the other
end is tied to one of the mating pulley’s tie-down holes. To adjust the tension, the block is
moved up or down the ¼”-20 bolt that it rides on. The block has about 1.25” of motion. The
two small holes at the bottom (Figure 19) are for 8-32 screws. These screws are used as
Cable Tie-
Down Holes
Bolt Holes
Limit Switch
Bumper Holes
Two 1/8” wide, 1/16” deep slots are cut into along the cam-pulley’s contour. These
are for the two pulley cables to fit into. The maximum cable diameter is 1/8”. The pulley rides
on a ½” axle. The pulley is fixed to the axle via the sprocket, which has a set screw to grab
the axle.
½ Inch Axle Hole
Cable Slotss
Cable Tie-
Down Holes
Cable Slots
due to lack of the proper tools, there was no way to cut the slots or to drill the tap hole for
the tensioner bolt. Instead, the parts were 3D printed out of ABS plastic. Since the pulleys
had to withstand high torques, the printed parts were filled completely, rather than using an
internal lattice structure that is typical of 3D printed parts. Even with the solid fill, it was not
anticipated that the printed pulleys would be strong enough to be a permanent solution.
However, after many hours of use, the cam-pulleys have had no issues and show no signs of
structural failure.
4.2. Overall Steering Mechanism
The cam-pulleys, while an important part of the steering mechanism, were only a part
of the system as a whole. Figure 21 shows a CAD model of the whole steering mechanism. A
Bosch van door motor powers the mechanism. It turns a 30 tooth sprocket (#25 chain) that
powers the drive gear and drive cam-pulley (both with 40 tooth sprockets). The gear ratio
between the two large gears is 1:1. They are used only to reverse the direction of the right
swerve module so that it turns the same direction as the left. The cams offset the angle of the
There are two types of feedback to control the mechanism. A VEX potentiometer
attached to the van door motor is used to set the desired angle of the wheels. An adapter was
3D printed to go from the 7/16” diameter van door motor shaft to the 1/8” square VEX axle.
The other feedback comes from two VEX limits switches. The cams use 8-32 screws as
bumpers to press the switches. These switches stop the mechanism from turning too much,
Swerve modules
The van door motor was chosen because it enabled the robot to achieve the goal of a
one second turn from one extreme to the other (180˚ for a single swerve module). This is ½
a revolution per second, or 30 RPM. The torque required to turn a swerve module on carpet
was 2.22Nm. This value was measured by attaching a lever to a swerve module and pulling
perpendicular to the lever with a force gauge. The force needed to turn the module was 7N
and the lever was 0.3175m. Because there are two swerve modules the total torque
necessary to turn them both is 4.45Nm. Assuming an efficiency of 80% due to the chain, the
required input torque becomes 5.56Nm. The van door motor is capable of about 42 RPM at
this torque [9], which meets the 30 RPM goal. However, to reduce the strain on the motor we
use a sprocket gear ratio of 3:4. This means that the motor only needs to output 4.17Nm
(5.56Nm * 0.75). At this torque, the motor spins at roughly 43 RPM, resulting in an output
4.3. Circuitry
The circuit diagram for the robot is shown below in Figure 22. The robot is powered
by a 12V lead-acid battery. Five Victor 884 motor controllers are used to control the four CIM
motors and the Van Door motor. A 5V voltage regulator supplies power to the Arduino. The
Arduino is connected to two kill switches: one is connected to the 5V peripheral power line
and the other to the peripheral ground line. This is to stop the robot if any of the feedback
Figure 22: Circuit Diagram
4.4. Software
The top level program flowchart is below in Figure 23. The code gets the
controller inputs and updates the steering angle and wheel velocities periodically. If the RC
receiver is getting atypical signals, it is a sign that reception was lost. This causes the
Arduino to perpetually reset itself until reception is regained. This prevents the robot from
going out of control when reception is lost. The Arduino will also stay in a reset loop if any
The steering system uses PID to set its position. The desired position is set
periodically using a one millisecond resolution clock. The desired steering angle is mapped
from the raw controller input to a value between -112˚ to 112˚, the min and max angles of
the inner wheels (the wheel that is on the inside of a turn) of the steering mechanism. The
desired potentiometer value is calculated from this angle. This calculation is different
depending on if the robot is turning left or right due to the asymmetry of the steering
mechanism. When turning right, the inner wheel angle is -¾ times the van door motor angle
due to the 3:4 ratio of the van door sprocket to the gear sprocket and the direction reversal
from the gears. When turning left, the cam-pulleys are controlling the inner wheel angle, so
the Ackermann equation must be used to calculate the necessary potentiometer value for a
given angle.
The motor velocities are not set using PID. Instead, the PWM signal to the motor
controllers is set directly. The velocity of each wheel must be set individually since the wheel
speed is dependent upon the wheel’s distance to the turning center. In a turn, the wheel
farthest from the turning center has its velocity set to the mapped throttle value. All the other
wheel velocities are some fraction of that value depending on how much shorter their
turning radii are. In the case of the two rear wheels, one of their turning radii can actually
become negative when the robot is turning about a point within the robot. This causes the
two channel transmitter, one channel for throttle and the other for steering. This type of
controller was chosen because it is used by RC car hobbyists, and due to the Ackermann
Figure 24: RC Transmitter
5. Test Plan
5.1. Speed Test
One of the project goals stated, “the robot must be able to go at least ten feet per
second.” In order to determine the speed of the robot, markers were taped on ground at one-
foot increments, as shown in Figure 25. The team videotaped the robot driving at full speed
along the markers and looked back on the footage to count how many markers the robot
able to drive along a ten-foot radius circle while staying within a four-foot wide lane. Due to
the size constraints of the carpet and area on the testing floor, an eight-foot radius circle was
marked with a four-foot wide lane, shown in Figure 26. The team drove the robot along the
course that tests its maneuverability in a time that is on average shorter than the completion
time of a 2014 FRC rules-compliant skid-steered robot” and “the robot must also use less
energy to complete the course than the skid-steered robot.” A test course was created and a
team of robot experienced and non-robot experienced drivers volunteered to test the
maneuverability of EASP and FIRST Team 190’s robot, 2k11, from the 2011 season. 2k11
was chosen because it was a 4-wheel tank drive with idling omni-wheels in the rear of the
chassis. Also, a team member in the project group had experience driving 2k11 and felt more
comfortable with overseeing 2k11’s operations than FIRST Team 190’s 2014 robot. Since
only 2k14 is used for Team 190’s demonstrations, 2k11 was the next readily available skid-
steered robot.
5.3.1. Obstacle Course
The obstacle course (Figure 27) was designed to test low speed maneuverability and
high speed stability of both the EASP and 2k11 robots. The field was about 15 feet wide and
50 feet long with an offshoot area of about 15 feet wide and 20 feet long. Drivers would start
at the start line and weave the robot along a slalom of six cones. Cones would be farther apart
as robots approached the end of the field. Another cone was placed about seven feet from
the end of the field where robots have to loop around. Then, drivers would navigate the
robots around an equilateral triangle with sides five feet long. Then, they would drive into
an open, 5 foot square box where they have to U-turn around and follow the same path back
Figure 27: Obstacle Course for Driver Trials (not to scale)
Each driver drove the robot around the obstacle twice to see the improvement and
learning from each trial. Drivers had one minute to practice driving the robot before driving
it around the obstacle course. They would walk along the path of the course before driving
the robot. In order to test energy efficiency, the team took the voltage measurement of the
battery before and after each trial to observe the voltage drop. The team also recorded the
number of obstacles the robot hit and the completion time. The same process would repeat
In addition to recording the energy usage based on battery voltage, an ammeter was
used to record the current drawn from the battery while the robot was turning in place. The
ammeter was hooked onto the battery and its data was recorded when the EASP and 2k11
robots were spinning at 20 revolutions per minute and 60 revolutions per minute.
6. Results and Analysis
6.1. Speed Test
After looking back at the video footage, the team determined that the robot’s top
speed is 12 feet per second. This result met the project goal that the robot should travel with
eight-foot radius circle with a four-foot wide lane. After attempting the drive EASP along the
circle, the team concluded that it is possible to navigate the robot around the circle while
keeping it within the four-foot lane at low speeds. It took approximately seven seconds for
the robot, at its highest “controllable” speed, to travel one full circle. It was determined that
the robot had a speed of 7.2 feet per second. However, at high speeds, the robot was not able
to maintain driving within a four-foot lane. If the size of the circle was increased to a ten-foot
radius as stated in the project goals, it might have been easier to stay within the circle.
drove the EASP and 2k11 robots around the obstacle course.
On average, all drivers completed the course with EASP in 3 minutes and 55 seconds
with approximately five hit obstacles. Therefore, the weighted completion time was 5
minutes and 25 seconds. With 2k11, the average completion time was 4 minutes and 12
seconds, hitting approximately three obstacles. Therefore, the weighted completion was is 5
The robot experienced drivers took, on average, 3 minutes and 31 seconds driving
EASP and hitting approximately four obstacles. The weighted completion time was 4 minutes
and 57 seconds. With 2k11, they took, on average, 3 minutes and 10 seconds to complete the
obstacle course and hit about three obstacles. Therefore, the weighted completion time was
4 minutes and 5 seconds. It would make sense that those with experience driving a tank drive
For non-robot experienced drivers, the average time completed with EASP was 4
minute and 16 seconds, hitting approximately 5 obstacles. The weighted completion time
was 5 minutes and 49 seconds. When they drove 2k11, the average completion time was 5
minutes and 5 seconds and they hit three obstacles. The weighted completion time was 6
minutes and 5 seconds. Therefore, the non-robot experienced drivers had an easier time
Table 4 shows the average results of all, robot experienced, and non-robot
experienced drivers, the robots driven, and the weighted completion time.
Table 4: Average Driver Trial Results
Results for all individual trials can be found in Appendix C: Driver Trial Results.
From the results of battery voltage data collected during the trials, it was found that
with EASP, the average initial voltage was 12.75 and the final voltage was 12.47, thus giving
a voltage drop of 0.28. However, with 2k11, the average initial voltage was 12.99 and the
final voltage was 12.57, giving a difference of 0.43. From this data (Table 5), one can see that
2k11 0.43
Results for voltage differences from all individual trials can be found in Appendix C:
In order to determine the power consumption of the robots when turning in place,
the team looked at the current data from the battery. It was found that EASP turned about
1/3 revolution per second with about 10 amps drawn from the battery. When turning 1/2
revolution per second, the ammeter read 22 amps and when turning 1 revolution per second,
it read 37 amps. When 2k11 turned 1/3 revolution per second, the ammeter read 106 amps.
After converting to revolutions per minute and power, the results are shown in Table 6:
Turning Energy Usage. EASP used 1/10 power than 2k11 did when turning 20 rpm, making
2k11 20 1256.25
20 125
60 462.5
able to perform a zero radius turn. The error of the steering angles compared to the perfect
Ackermann angle did not exceed plus or minus five degrees. The robot travels at least ten
feet per second; the top speed is 12 feet per second. The robot uses significantly less energy
than the skid-steered robot to complete the obstacle course. And the robot is compliant to
along a ten-foot radius circle while staying within a four-foot wide lane at a speed of ten feet
per second. The robot, however, was able to drive along an eight-foot radius circle while
staying within a four-foot wide lane at a top speed of 7.2 feet per second. If the robot had
traveled any faster, the controller would run into sensitivity issues and it would be much
On average of all of the drivers, 2k11 had a faster weighted completion time than
EASP by fifteen seconds. Therefore, the goal that, “the robot must complete a course that
tests its maneuverability in a time that is on average shorter than the completion time of a
2014 FRC rules-compliant skid-steered robot,” was not met. However, when looking at the
results of the non-robot experienced drivers, EASP had a faster weighted completion time
The goal that, “the robot must have 250 square inches of continuous space, from the
top to the bottom that is by the steering mechanism,” was also not met. The wooden boards
that were used for mounting the steering mechanism and electronics were also used as a
support structure for the frame. Therefore, if the boards were cut to make room for other
7. Recommendations
7.1. RC Controller Sensitivity
One of the issues the robot drivers experienced was sensitivity in EASP’s RC
controller. The controller’s steering wheel’s turning angle is approximately 90 degrees, while
EASP’s full turning angle is 224 degrees, as shown in Figure 28. To decrease the sensitivity
issue, a controller would be needed where its steering wheel’s turning angle would match or
exceed that of EASP’s. Therefore, a controller with a steering wheel that can turn 224 degrees
were turning. In FRC matches, drivers operate their robots from either end of the field. If one
were to operate EASP in a FRC match, it would be difficult for them to know how much the
swerve modules were turning without seeing them. From a comment by a robot driver, it
was suggested that there should be direction indicators on the swerve modules (Figure 29)
so drivers from a distance could see how far they were turning.
switches. To avoid damage to the limit switches, the team had to slow down the PID
response. A good improvement would be to put strong hard stops on the limit switches,
therefore, the hard stops could take the brunt of the force. This would allow for a faster PID
8. Social Implications
The EASP design would be beneficial to a number of applications requiring low speed
maneuverability and high speed stability, especially in cars and construction equipment. If
the EASP design could be implemented in cars, it would simplify parallel parking. It would
also allow the vehicle to fit into tight parking spaces. This could decrease the number of
parking accidents.
Construction equipment could benefit from the EASP design. Construction equipment
used in the city will need low speed maneuverability, especially on smaller properties. One
of the disadvantages of farming equipment was the slow speed. Therefore, if EASP’s design
was integrated in farming equipment, it would potentially increase the speed while still
maintaining tight turns. It would also greatly increase the energy efficiency of the equipment.
Also, treaded construction vehicles can tear up the ground when turning. This would be less
9. Conclusion
In conclusion, the EASP is much more maneuverable than a standard Ackermann
system. The non-experienced drivers performed better with EASP than 2k11. However, the
experienced drivers performed better with 2k11 than EASP. This is due to the experienced
drivers’ prior ability to operate a tank drive robot and are therefore, more comfortable to
operating a skid-steered robot. Because the RC controller is meant for hobby cars and our
robot drives similar to a car, driving EASP became very intuitive and the difference in
completion time between 2k11 and EASP and the experienced and non-experienced drivers
EASP was also significantly more energy efficient than 2k11, especially when turning.
Based on the current test, 2k11 used ten times more power than EASP when turning 20 rpm.
The measurement of voltage drop as a means to determine energy efficiency was too
unreliable to draw a quantitative conclusion about efficiency when completing the obstacle
course. However based on qualitative observation, the 2k11 robot ran out of battery faster
than EASP. Overall, the robot met the goal of being more energy efficient than a skid-steered
FRC robot.
In conclusion, the team met all but three goals. If recommendations were
implemented to the robot, it would be a very maneuverable robot in FRC competitions and
[1] "Wheel Control Theory," [Online]. Available:
html. [Accessed 5 October 2014].
[2] R. N. Jazar, Vehicle Dynamics: Theory and Applications, New York: Springer
Science+Business Media, 2009.
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Available: http://www.wpi.edu/Pubs/E-project/Available/E-project-043014-
014300/unrestricted/01_ODRB_Final_Paper.pdf. [Accessed 5 October 2014].
[4] J.-S. Z. Z.-J. F. Sheng Zhao, "Design of a pair of noncircular gears meeting Ackermann steering
principle," in Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet), 2011
International Conference on , XianNing, 2011.
[7] "Himoto Syclone RC Nitro Buggy 1/10 RTR 4WD (Flame 2 Speed 60mph)," [Online].
Available: http://www.rcxmodels.com/rc-car-nitro-buggy. [Accessed 5 October 2014].
[11] "Radio Control Systems and How they work," [Online]. Available: http://www.rc-airplane-
advisor.com/radio-control-systems.html. [Accessed 5 October 2014].
[12] S. Y. Nof, Handbook of Industrial Robotics, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1999.
[14] "Human Exploration Telerobotics (HET)," NASA, [Online]. Available:
Ehbpe2B. [Accessed 5 October 2014].
Appendix A. Brainstorm Sketches
Appendix B: Code
/* EAS.ino (Enhanced Ackermann Steering
* Will Parker
#include <StandardCplusplus.h>
#include <ServoTimer2.h>
#include <Math.h>
#include <TimerOne.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "Controller.h"
#include "Steering.h"
#include "Motor.h"
#include "Util.h"
// time elapsed in ms
volatile unsigned long ms = 0;
/* must initialize with dummy or else PWM won't work for every motor.
* I'm not exactly sure why, but it probably has something to
* do with initializing to many ServoTimer2 objects.
Motor dummy;
Motor drives[4] = {
dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy};
void setup() {
/* toggle steering motor direction.
* BE CAREFULL WITH THIS. If the motor is turning the wrong
* direction, the steering mechanism will crash
vanDoor.swapPolarity = false;
// limit switches
# ifdef DEBUG
# endif
void loop() {
ControlInput control = getControlInputs();
checkKS(); // check kill switches
// steering
if (ms >= nextSteeringUpdate) {
nextSteeringUpdate = ms + STEERING_PER;
# ifdef DEBUG
# endif
// throttle
if (ms >= nextDriveUpdate) {
// calculate distances from each wheel to the turning center
int maxTurnDist = calcTurnDistances();
# ifdef DEBUG
# endif
void tick() {
if (rightAng == 0) { // straight
x = INT_MAX; // largest possible int
else {
x = WHEEL_TRACK / tan(-rightAng) + WHEEL_BASE / 2;
return x;
// calculate the turn distances for all of the motors and return the maximum
int calcTurnDistances() {
int turnCenter = calcTurningCenter(vanDoor);
int dir = vanDoor.getDirection();
int maxTurnDist = 0;
return maxTurnDist;
Serial.print("Mapped Steering Input: ");
Serial.print(" Turning Radius: ");
Serial.print(" Velocity: ");
void checkKS() {
if ((digitalRead(POS_KS) == LOW) || (digitalRead(NEG_KS) == HIGH)) {
/* Controller.cpp
* Will Parker
#include "Controller.h"
#include "Steering.h"
#include "Motor.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include "arduino.h"
ControlInput getControlInputs() {
ControlInput control;
control = getRawInputs();
control = mapControls(control);
return control;
ControlInput getRawInputs() {
ControlInput control;
control.throttle = pulseIn(THROTTLE, HIGH, CNTL_TMOUT);
control.steeringWheel = pulseIn(STEERING_WHEEL, HIGH, CNTL_TMOUT);
return control;
return control;
/* Controller.h
* Will Parker
#ifndef Controller_h
#define Controller_h
// controller pins
#define THROTTLE 12
// minimum and maximum raw rc input values
#define THROTTLE_MIN 900
#define THROTTLE_MAX 1829
ControlInput getControlInputs();
ControlInput getRawInputs();
/* Motor.cpp
* Will Parker
#include "Motor.h"
#include "Util.h"
void Motor::updateVelocity() {
int writeVel = vel;
if (swapPolarity) writeVel = (MOTOR_MAX - MOTOR_MIN) - (vel - MOTOR_MIN) +
void Motor::fullStop() {
/* Motor.h
* Will Parker
#ifndef Motor_h
#define Motor_h
#include "arduino.h"
#include <ServoTimer2.h>
#include "Pid.h"
#include "Util.h"
// motor pins
#define LF_MOTOR 11
#define RF_MOTOR 6
#define LR_MOTOR 9
#define RR_MOTOR 10
class Motor {
ServoTimer2 motor;
int minWrite, maxWrite;
boolean swapPolarity; // used to swap polarity
// posistion of drive wheel relative to virtual turning center
int xPos, yPos;
int turnDist, vel;
Motor(int pin, int minWrite, int maxWrite);
void updateVelocity();
void setSwapPolarity(boolean _swapPolarity);
void fullStop();
void setPos(int x, int y);
void calcTurnDist(int turnCenter, int dir);
void calcVel(int velIn, int maxTurnRadius);
/* Pid.cpp
* Will Parker
#include "Pid.h"
#include "arduino.h"
#include "util.h"
if ((totalError > 0 && error < 0) || (totalError < 0 && error > 0))
totalError = 0;
return output;
/* Pid.h
* Will Parker
#ifndef Pid_h
#define Pid_h
class Pid {
int p, i, d;
double totalError, prevError, maxTotal;
Pid(int p, int i, int d, double maxTotal);
int calcOutput(double curVal, double desVal);
/* Steering.cpp
* Will Parker
#include "Steering.h"
#include "Pid.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include <math.h>
Steering::Steering() {
if (swapPolarity) posChange = - posChange;
turn(posChange + SERVO_STOP);
return potAngle;
double Steering::leftAngle() {
double angle = -getAngle() * MOTOR_RATIO;
if (angle != 0) { // if turning
// ackermann equation
double ackAng = atan2(1, (1/tan(angle)) - (WHEEL_TRACK/WHEEL_BASE));
if (angle < 0) {
ackAng -= PI; // offset if negative
return ackAng;
else return 0; // straight ahead
double Steering::rightAngle() {
return -getAngle() * MOTOR_RATIO;
boolean hitLeftLimit() {
return digitalRead(LEFT_LIMIT) == LOW;
boolean hitRightLimit() {
return digitalRead(RIGHT_LIMIT) == LOW;
/* Steering.h
* Will Parker
#ifndef Steering_h
#define Steering_h
#include "arduino.h"
#include "Pid.h"
#include <ServoTimer2.h>
#define STEERING_P 150.0
#define STEERING_I (130.0 * (STEERING_PER / 20.0))
#define STEERING_D 100.0
#define STEERING_MAX_TOTAL 15 // maximum total PID error
class Steering {
ServoTimer2 motor;
Pid pid;
int pot, minWrite, maxWrite;
boolean swapPolarity; // used to swap polarity
Steering(int pin, int minWrite, int maxWrite, int pot);
void updatePos(double desPos);
void turn(int vel);
int getDirection();
int readPos();
double getAngle();
double leftAngle();
double rightAngle();
boolean hitLeftLimit();
boolean hitRightLimit();
/* Util.cpp
* Will Parker
#include "Util.h"
#include "arduino.h"
#include <avr/wdt.h>
int linearDist (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
return sqrt(pow(x1-x2, 2) + pow(y1-y2, 2));
void wdtReset() {
/* Util.h
* Will Parker
#ifndef Util_h
#define Util_h
void wdtReset();
Appendix C: Driver Trial Results
Adjusted Initial Final Voltage
FRC Completion Obstacles Completion Battery Voltage Voltage Drop
Driver Experience Robot Time Hit Time Name (V) (V) (V)
Bonnie/ 13.04, 12.21, 0.83,
2k11 05:02 1 05:22 Lawrence 12.77 12.47 0.30