Abeco Mastic

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abeco mastic

Heavy duty mastic flooring system


abeco mastic is a cold-laid bituminous Recommended laid
mastic consisting of stone chippings, 12 mm
thickness The sub-floor should be clean and free
Portland Cement, sand and a binder, 2
±24 kg/m at from dust, dirt, loose material, oil,
flintkote 3. Mass of laid mastic grease and other foreign matter.
12 mm
Indentation A load of 2 MPa Grease and oil should be removed by
USES resistance should not indent washing with detergent. The surface
the surface more must then be well washed with water
abeco mastic has been successfully than 0,5mm at and allowed to dry. Sub-floors must
used in numerous flooring applications 12 mm thickness always be surface dry.
and has more than 45 years of service at 20ºC
history on the South African market. K factor – 0,8 Surface preparation:
Single areas laid have often exceeded Thermal conductivity 2 The substrate must be dry before
Kcal/m /h/º C
10 000 m². Joints are normally Approx. 1,3 x application
unnecessary. Construction joints Volume electrical 11 Electronic moisture content tests must
10 ohm-cm at
disappear after a few days of traffic resistivity be conducted prior to application of the
12 mm
exposure. ±1 260 volts/mm priming system. Maximum moisture 4-
Also for floor repair, including timber. at 12 mm 5% max. (eg Protimeter Survey Master
surfaces Dielectric strength or equivalent)
thickness at 60
Installations include: cycles/sec. or
warehouses, railway platforms, printing Service temp limits -10º C to 80º C Dynamic Calcium Chloride moisture
works, grocery warehouses, explosive “weight gain” over 24 hours
Application temp
magazines, heavily trafficked corridors, 5º C to 40º C or
textile factories, goods sheds, loading (a practical overnight “plastic sheet
bays, paper storage and packing Fire resistance test” is also advisable approx. 1m²
wet or dry
areas, cold rooms, carpentry masked down on surface)
workshops, flour mills, ships decks. Drying time to
36 to 48 hours
abeco mastic should not be used Drying time to initial
1 – 6 hours
where it will be exposed to mineral or set
The priming solution is made by
vegetable oil, mineral or fatty acids, Resistant to water diluting flintkote 3. Stir well during and
solvents, continuous wet or abrasive spillage and after the addition of water.
conditions, point loading, such as 200 washing, alcohol, Apply a brush coat of this material to
litre drums rolled on edge. most salt the clean, dust-free sub-floor at the
Chemical resistance solutions, dilute
rate of 2 m²/l.
This coat, which goes on as a dark
resistant to oil,
brown paint, rapidly dries to a black
ƒ Produces a jointless, non-dusting, grease, fat,
warm, resilient, quiet floor surface solvents, acids
If the dry film does not completely
which is non-slip, verminproof, Kerosene or white blacken the sub-floor surface, apply a
Clean-up after laying
dampproof, non-flammable and self- spirits
second coat immediately. If the sub-
healing under traffic including the Store above 0º C floor is not fully sealed after two coats
Storage of binder
heaviest loads carried on steel, under cover of primer, a third and even a fourth
plastic or rubber-wheeled vehicles. Shelf life 12 months may be used. Allow to dry fully before
ƒ Does not produce disintegration – Surface temp. proceeding further.
Suitability for
may be laid over any firm, sound, must not exceed
underfloor heating
clean sub-flooring including 32º C. BOND COAT
concrete, asphalt, well-compacted System dries to a Immediately before the mastic layer is
crusher run, steel and timber. black finish placed, apply an undiluted coat of
ƒ Laid to a nominal 12 mm dry flintkote 3 brushed on at the rate of
thickness abeco mastic dries to a 0,75 liter / m².
dark brown colour. The mastic MUST be laid into the still
wet bond coat.
Revision 9203

Karachi: Room No.1, Mezzanine Floor, Al-Hayat Chambers, A-7, Block-7/8, K.C.H.S. Tel: +92 21 4535898-99, Fax: +92 21 4558071
Lahore: 25-A, FCC, Syed Maratib Ali Road, Gulberg 4, Tel: +92 42 5763360 Fax: +92 42 5875384
damp and free of semi-dry and dry developing during drying, will close
material. under traffic.
COVERAGE A finer finish may be obtained by Where damaged areas are of the order
following up with steel trowelling just of 20 - 30 mm deep, mastic should be
flintkote 3, binder: use:- before the mastic achieves its initial applied in two layers. The first layer
4,13 liters/m for 12 mm thick abeco set. The time for this will depend upon should fill the hole to within 12 mm of
stone mastic. the drying rate of the job in hand and final surface and be allowed to dry.
2,65 liters/ m for 7 mm thick abeco can only be determined by inspection. The final levelling then proceeds as
sand mastic. If steel trowelling is excessive or described. The dried filling must
carried out too early, a large proportion receive a bond coat.
MIXING of fines may be worked to the surface Where potholes are in excess of
resulting in a weak surface layer. 30 mm deep, they should be cleaned
Mixing is normally done by hand using On large areas, it is usual to lay mastic out and patched with concrete to within
shovels. Ideally there should be at in alternate bays, the laid and cured 12 mm of final surface. As soon as
least two operators per mix. panels acting as a depth gauge for the concrete has set, the patching to final
Mechanical pan mixers with revolving subsequent adjoining areas. To level with abeco mastic proceeds as
drums and rotating paddles may also compensate for the shrinkage that will already outlined.
be used. occur as the new placing dries, a strip Where patching is shallow (below
Conventional drum concrete mixers of 3-ply malthoid must be put down 12 mm), aggregate size should not
are not suitable. on the set material to increase its exceed 3 mm size and where the
Mix sizes should be such that the thickness before using it as a screed thickness is less than 6 mm, abeco
entire quantity prepared can be laid rail for the new material. sand mastic should be used.
within 30 minutes.
Laying delayed beyond the time when SPECIALIST SUB- Repairing V-joints in concrete floors
the emulsion has started to break, will CONTRACTING FACILITIES V-joints in concrete floors often
cause rapid failure in service. present hazards to small-wheeled
The sequence of mixing is: abe will be pleased to advise traffic. These joints can be filled very
• Thoroughly blend the stones, sand prospective abeco mastic users of the easily with either stone or sand mastic
and cement. names of specialist sub-contractors using the details given in this data
• Add sufficient water to just dampen operating in specific geographical sheet.
the material. About 25% by volume areas. Prime and bond the surface as usual.
is generally sufficient if the Fill in the joint with a slight excess of
aggregate is air dry, less than this if mastic to allow for shrinkage and
abeco mastic AS A FLOOR
the aggregate is wet from rain, bedding under traffic.
REPAIR The choice of whether stone or sand
washing or other moisture.
• Add the total amount of flintkote 3 mastic is used, will depend upon joint
abeco mastic makes an excellent sizes.
to the damp aggregate. Ensure that repair material for potholed, damaged
any lumps that form are completely or ravelled concrete floors.
broken down during mixing. Repairing timber floors
Patching carried out on a Saturday abeco mastic can be used on timber
• Extra water may be added to adjust morning, is normally available for full
workability of the mix. The floors with the same modifications to
operation on Monday morning with no the foregoing systems.
consistency must be such that the danger of the patch pulling out.
vertical face resulting from a shovel • The timber must be clean and free of
cut into the mix, is just short of wax.
Patching Procedure • Ensure that all floor boards are firmly
flowing. The area involved must be freed of all
Prolonged mixing must be avoided as nailed to their supports.
dust, loose material and cracked • Staple 12 mm chicken wire mesh to
this can cause the binder to shear – a aggregate. Oily and greasy
defect not obvious in the wet mix but the boards and use this as a
contamination must be removed reinforcing for the mastic.
which leads to rapid failure in service. completely. • Lay the mastic 15 – 20 mm thick
Edges should be squared although this
LAYING PROCEDURE is not obligatory.
Surfaces to be treated must be primed
With the bond coat still wet, dump the as previously described with the
mix onto the prepared area and, using Protect the surface against traffic and
priming coats extending onto sound
a wood float or rake, spread the mix spillage until cured. See 'Laying
concrete by approximately
between screed rails to a level slightly Procedure' regarding shrinkage.
75 mm.
higher than the screed rails. Immediately before patching is placed,
Consolidate by tamping and then strike a bond coat must be applied. The CLEANING abeco mastic
off to the correct thickness, using a damaged area is then filled with mastic FLOORS
straight edge laid across the screed to some 5 mm above final level,
rails and worked to and fro with a saw carrying the mastic onto the primed abeco mastic floors can normally be
like motion whilst progressing forward. surround with a feather edge. The kept clean by washing down with
Close and smooth the surface with a mastic must be well compacted with a detergent and water. They may also
wooden float which should be kept wooden float. Any shrinkage be waxed using an emulsion based
floor wax.

Revision 9203

Karachi: Room No.1, Mezzanine Floor, Al-Hayat Chambers, A-7, Block-7/8, K.C.H.S. Tel: +92 21 4535898-99, Fax: +92 21 4558071
Lahore: 25-A, FCC, Syed Maratib Ali Road, Gulberg 4, Tel: +92 42 5763360 Fax: +92 42 5875384
direct or continuous control over where
TEMPERATURE AND RELATIVE and how abe products are applied -
HUMIDITY accept any liability either directly or
indirectly arising from the use of abe
See Physical and Chemical Properties products, whether or not in accordance
table. with any advice, specification,
recommendation, or information given
Heavy-duty mastic flooring system.
Where other products are to be used
The flooring will be abeco mastic, a in conjunction with this material, the
heavy-duty mastic flooring system relevant technical data sheets should
combining flintkote 3 bitumen be consulted to determine total
emulsion mastic binder with selected requirements. abe Construction
aggregates and cement applied in Chemicals has a wealth of technical
accordance with abe Construction and practical experience built up over
Chemicals' recommendations. years in the company’s pursuit of
excellence in building and construction
PACKAGING technology.

The binder, flintkote 3, is supplied in

5 l, 25 l and 200 l.


All abeco mastic related products

have a shelf life of 12 months if kept in
a dry, cool store in the original,
unopened packs.
If stored at high temperatures and/or
high humidity conditions, the shelf life
may be reduced.


Wet abeco mastic is mildly toxic and

non-flammable. Always ventilate the
working area well during application
and drying. Avoid inhalation of dust
and contact with skin and eyes.
Suitable protective clothing, gloves,
eye protection and respiratory
protective equipment should be worn.
The use of barrier creams provides
additional skin protection. If contact
with skin occurs, wash with water and
soap. Splashes into eyes should be
washed immediately with plenty of
clean water and medical advice

Cured abeco mastic is inert and



This data sheet is issued as a guide to

the use of the product(s) concerned.
Whilst abe Construction Chemicals
endeavours to ensure that any advice,
recommendation, specification or
information is accurate and correct, the
company cannot - because abe has no

Revision 9203

Karachi: Room No.1, Mezzanine Floor, Al-Hayat Chambers, A-7, Block-7/8, K.C.H.S. Tel: +92 21 4535898-99, Fax: +92 21 4558071
Lahore: 25-A, FCC, Syed Maratib Ali Road, Gulberg 4, Tel: +92 42 5763360 Fax: +92 42 5875384

It is common for abeco mastic to exhibit shrinkage cracking on overnight drying. Unlike shrinkage cracking of concrete screeds, THIS IS
NOT IMPORTANT. A few days of wheeled traffic will seal the cracks completely.
Shrinkage cracking is normally due to too rapid drying of mastic and may be caused by several factors such as Insufficient sealing of the
sub-floor, draughts, sunlight, hot atmosphere.
To retard cure, the trowelled surface can be covered with polythene sheets for a few hours.
However, if cracks are very wide or some other reason dictates action, the following system may be used for sealing them:
MATERIALS • CRUSHER DUST screened through fly screen 4 volumes
(14 – 16 mesh) and retained material discarded
• PORTLAND CEMENT 0,25 volume
• flintkote 3 1 volume
• WATER 3 volumes
MIXING • Blend crusher dust and cement and dampen with water.
• Mix in Flintkote 3.
• Add rest of water and mix thoroughly.
METHOD OF USE Pour the resultant sloppy slurry into the cracks and strike off with edge of a steel float.
Never use a gauge larger than 1 litre even if a considerable amount of patching has to be done.

Approximate Mix Proportions for abeco

Materials Loose bulk density Relative density
Stone (5 mm) 1 300 kg/m³ 2,70
Sand 1 100 kg/m³ 2,60
Cement 1 667 kg/m³ 3,14
Abeco 1 000 kg/m³ 1,00
Water 1 000 kg/m 1,00
Volume conversions 1 000 litres/m³ or 1 litre provides 1 m²/mm thickness

Stone mastic used for plus 7 mm thickness (thickness should double stone size)
Materials Volumetric mix Mass – kg Absolute volume
Stone (5 mm) 120 156 57,78
Sand 60 66 25,38
Cement 30 50 15,92
Flintkote 60 60 60,00
Water for dry sand 15 15 15,00
Total 347 174,09
Approximate coverage 14,5 m² for above ratios @ 12 mm thickness

Sand mastic used for 7 mm or less thickness

Materials Volumetric mix Mass – kg Absolute volume - Yield
Sand 105,45 116 44,62
Cement 30 50 15,92
Flintkote 3 45 45 45
Water for dry sand 15 15 15
Total 226 120,54
Approximate coverage 17 m² for above ratios @ 7 mm thickness
Priming: Allow 1 litre/ m² using Flintkote 3 (subject to surface porosity)

Adjust the water content for the moisture in the aggregates (i.e. less water for moist aggregates),
All quantities must be measured accurately, Clean 5 litre or 25 litre containers make excellent gauges,
Methods such as barrows or shovels must NEVER be permitted.

Recommended Sand Grading Recommended Stone Grading

Sieve Size (mm) Cumulative % Passing Sieve Size (mm) Cumulative % Passing
4.750 100 - -
2.360 85-95 - -
1.180 70-80 19.000 100.0
0.600 45-55 13.200 100.0
0.300 10-20 9.500 95-100
0.150 2-10 6.700 70-90
0.075 0 4.750 0-10
Revision 9203

Karachi: Room No.1, Mezzanine Floor, Al-Hayat Chambers, A-7, Block-7/8, K.C.H.S. Tel: +92 21 4535898-99, Fax: +92 21 4558071
Lahore: 25-A, FCC, Syed Maratib Ali Road, Gulberg 4, Tel: +92 42 5763360 Fax: +92 42 5875384
Revision 9203

Karachi: Room No.1, Mezzanine Floor, Al-Hayat Chambers, A-7, Block-7/8, K.C.H.S. Tel: +92 21 4535898-99, Fax: +92 21 4558071
Lahore: 25-A, FCC, Syed Maratib Ali Road, Gulberg 4, Tel: +92 42 5763360 Fax: +92 42 5875384

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