Cartoon Analysis Guide
Cartoon Analysis Guide
Cartoon Analysis Guide
a political
Teachers Notes
How to analyse a political cartoon
This message
What do you see, think
and feel when you ‘read’ includes their own
a political cartoon?
ideas, attitudes and
Cartoonists use lots of techniques prejudices about political
to deliver a message to readers.
issues, otherwise
known as
How to analyse a political cartoon
Are we getting
the message?
These include:
Political cartoons can be • Symbols
filled with all sorts of • Captions
techniques used by the • Stereotypes
cartoonist to get their • References to popular culture
message across to their • Humour and caricatures
audience. • References to historic events
How to analyse a political cartoon
Are we getting
the message?
How to analyse a political cartoon
POINTS FOR DISCUSSION: Symbols can have benefits in political cartoons, including
being a visual trigger to aid understanding of the overall
Ensure you are familiar with the terms metaphor and message. However, there are also challenges with relying
analogy, define if required. Come up with a list of too heavily on the use of symbols — consider what these
metaphors and analogies on a range of topics. may be? Discuss, for example, readers familiarity with the
content and the context of the cartoon.
Using a selection of political cartoons from the MoAD
website and the on-line Behind the Lines Exhibitions,
explore the varied symbols that can be found — decipher
what these symbols may be representing. Conduct further
research on a specific cartoon.
How to analyse a political cartoon
The Incredible
Carbon Tax Machine,
John Tiedermann, 2011
How to analyse a political cartoon
How to analyse a political cartoon
How to analyse a political cartoon
References to
popular culture
By portraying
Cartoonists can use references politicians as characters
to popular culture to make it
easy for people to understand from a movie or book,
their message.
cartoonists can easily tell
a story in their cartoon –
and make
a joke.
How to analyse a political cartoon
Popular Culture
Hidden Meaning Revealed Analysing Political Cartoons 11