Principal H.OD
2 Marks
1. Define a boiler and distinguish between fire tube boiler and water tube boiler
Boiler is equipment used to convert water into steam under high pressure
with the help of heat. It is otherwise called as steam generator and works at a
pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure. In fire tube boiler, the water
surrounds the tubes through which the hot gases are passed. In water tube boiler
the hot gases surround the tubes through which the water is passed. In fire tube
boiler the output is low. In water tube boiler the output is high.
Fusible plug is a device fixed at the surface of the boiler close to the fine
chamber. This device is made up of a gun metal which has low melting point than
the metal of the boiler shell. Under normal working conditions of the cotroller the
water in the boiler will be at the safe level and fusible plug will be immersed is the
water. When the controller fails the water lend comes down and due to
overheating of boilers the fusible plug melts the steam in the boiler flows to the
fine chamber and puts-off the fine. Thus a major explosion of boiler and its
are the only mode of transport which are moving truly vertical
Escalators are otherwise known as powered steps Escalators are very useful
to carry more number of people between one floor to the other at any instant.
Buffer: - This is placed at the pit to absorb the shock of either the cab or the
counterweight when it lands on it. Oil buffer and spring buffer are generally wed
Bumper: - This is a device which works similar to buffer and replaces buffer if
5. Write at least three special features required at lifts and escalators for
1) Lifts should be at the entrance level and should have sufficient space atleast to a
2) Internal lift control buttons should be at a height between 900mm and from the
3) Buttons should be easily operated light touch type with visual and tactile
one direction. This is used when the belt is moved is an inclined position and
during this type of movement whenever the power fails the load in the belt tends
There are several types of vibrations available for compacting the connect.
They are
Fleming’s left hand rule states that if the left hand is held in a way that the
forefinger, middle finger and the thumb are at right angles and if the fore finger
represents the direction of magnetic field and the middle finger represents the
emf is induced in the conductor causing a current to flow through it when the
energy. When a motor works with a Director current (D.C) supply, it is termed as
motor, when a motor works with Alternate current (AC) supply it is termed as AC
13. What do you mean by Escalators?
Escalators are used to carry more number of people between one floor to
1. Water is a cheap and renewable source of energy where as the fuel used in other
Flow of wind is the effect of solar heat. The energy form the sun heats up
the earth surface. As the earth rotates about its own axis and also revolves around
the surface of the earth is subjected to alternate heating and cooling. This change
is temperature results is change in pressure and thus wind starts flowing from
higher pressure zone to low pressure zone. Thus the earth atmosphere is a
marvelous solar driven heat engine that can generate about 10 million MW of
entrapped air.
17. What are the classification of vibrator?
3. Table vibrator
4. Platform vibrator
5. Surface vibrator
6. Vibratory Roller
Conveyor are used to transfer the materials from one place to the other over
a short distance
1. Continuous mixers
1. What are the various accessories used in Boilers? Explain in detail with
necessary sketches
2 Marks
Conductance: It is the property of any substance that allows the flow of current in
Resistance:- Resistance is the property of any substance that opposes the flow of
current in it. It is denoted by the symbol ' Ω ' and is measured in ohms.
Power is defined as the rate at which the work is done. It is denoted by the
Lamp -
Ceiling Fan -
5. Write the SI units for the following electrical quantities
Susceptance - Mho ( )
6. Mention any two locations in a residential building where two way switch is
frequently used
2. Lights at staircases
Pull switch:- The pull switches work with the strong mechanical action. It is
usually operated by a single pull both for ON and OFF. This switch is installed on
the ceiling and a chord is made to hang from the top for operating it.
Push Button switch: This switch is used for calling bells and buzzers. It consists
of a single blade with the insulated cover which is pushed for bath ‘ON’ and
‘OFF’ alternatively.
8. Define Electricity
automatically melts and breaks the circuits. Fuse is always provided in live wires
earth. The pursose of earthing is to ensure all parts of the system other than live
parts are at earth potential at all times (or) the purpose is to avoid electric shock to
human body.
11. Mention at least two wiring systems that are commonly adopted.
laminated core provided the secondary coils lies within the magnetic field of the
14. Write at least two applications of a transformer, Transformers are used in,
17. What are the two types of electrical supply
unforeseen current such as leakages, faults etc are immediately discharged to the
1. List the various protective devices used in electrical installation of explain each
one in detail.
2. Why is earthing important for any building? Draw neat sketches for various
3. What are the various wiring systems adopted in a building? Explain in detail
4. Draw a neat sketch of layout of electrical feltings in a residential flat & Explain
6. What are the various features that have to be ensured in locating? Substation in
2 Marks
Bright light which interferes with visual perception is called glare. A bright
area in the field of vision reduces the ability to perceive visual information needed
1. Discomfort glare
2. Disability glare
3. Direct glare
4. Indirect glare
3. What is Calorimetry?
1. Direct calorimetry
2. Indirect Calorimetry
4. What is the frequency and wavelength of FM waves?
The higher the frequency, lesser will be the wavelength and relationship
Where λ → Wavelength
γ → frequency
UV radiation IR radiation
1. UV radiation has wavelength IR radiation has wavelength slightly
slightly less than those of violet grater than those of red light
2. It is emitted by the sun and also by It can be felt as heat radiation from the
other objects at high temperature. sun and from other heated bodies
3. These radiation helps to keep the It is made use of radiant heating
body healthy but excessive devices for detecting patterns of heat
amounts can cause damage to the emesis ions for seeing in dark for
skin and eyes and can be used to communication links.
kill harmful bacteria on kitchens
and hospitals
7. What is a social angle? How is it measured?
It is defined as the angle subtended at the centre of the sphere between the
lines joining the opposite edges of a segment of a sphere with the centre. It is
denoted by ‘w’.
Consider an area ‘A’ which is a segment of a sphere of radices ' γ ' . Let ‘C’
be the centre point of the sphere which is joined to every point on the edges of
area, A. Now he solid angle w subtended by this area at the centre of the sphere is
given by.
ω= r2
8. What is M.H.S.C.P?
sphere like in M.S.C.P then it is called as mean hemispherical candle power which
is abbreviated as M.H.S.C.P
10. Distinguish between colour temperature and colour rendering
describes how the light appears when source makes the colour of an object
illuminated bulb.
kelvin(K) index.
3. The scale that starts at ab zero (-1273 The scale has value from 0 to 1000
degrees C) percent.
a black body is used as the standard of the appearance of objects under the
Whenever a beam of light passes through a prism it get dispersed into its
of visible light.
12. Explain how the propagation of light is perceived?
behaves like a particle or corpuscle. For example when light energy comes from
(i) This energy may be carried by small material particles travelling with finite
velocity, and each particle possesses kinetic energy = MV2 and no material
medium is required for propagation of these particles. This is the basic form of
(ii) The second mode of transportation may be considered that the light energy
moves by wave motion where the actual matter does not travel. This process
requires some intervening medium for transfer of energy. This interpretation was
Down lighters:-
Down lighters cast distinct pools of light onto the surface below.
Up lighters:-
Up lighters throw light onto ceiling where it bounces off to create a soft
eight they work best in rooms where ceiling is painted white or a light shade.
They are also perfect for study or home office as the light going upwards avoids
14. Differentiate between additive colour and subtractive colour.
1. If coloured lights are added If colours are subtracted from white light
together then they will produce then other colours will be produced.
other colours
2. When the three primary additive When the three primary subtractive colours
colours are combined in equal are combined in equal propotions they
proportions they add to produce subtract components of white light to
white light produce darkness.
3. Eg:-
4. They are used for stage lighting, They are widely used for paint pigments,
Visual tasks are the tasks (work) that are carried out with the help of vision.
1. Corpuscular theory
2. Ware theory
3. Electromagnetic theory
4. Quantum Theory
1. Discomfort glare
2. Disability glare
3. Direct glare
4. Indirect glare
i) Synthesis of colour
ii) Illumination
2 marks
1. Define Thermodynamics?
i) Latent heat of fusion is defined as the i) The latent heat of evaporation (or)
mass of the substance from solid to heat required to convert unit mass of the
liquid at its melting point without any liquid into its vapour state at the same
ii) For example water exists as ice at ii) For example the water which is in
temperature (0oc) is maintained for 100oc more the water is heated more the
some amount of time till all the ice steam is generated without the change
Principle of refrigeration
thermodynanics which states that heat cannot flow from a cold body to a hot body
The cooling towers in an air conditioning system is the means by which the
heat from the condenser of the refrigeration system is rejected to the atmosphere.
Cooling towers are used for controlling the temperature of water usually in big
proper air conditioning can be a factor in the therapy of the patient and insome
• Escape routes like staircase common corridors, lift lobbies etc should not be
• Some dampers should be provided fro buildings with more than 24m
• The air handling unit room should not be used for storage of any
combustible materials.
i) The material used for pipes are generally steel with welded or flanged
ii) The water velocity in the pipe are normally in the range of 1m/s to 3m/s.
iii) Main headers in the plant room are designed fro very low velocity
around 1 m/s.
organization (or) institutions having several buildings across the campus. The
advantage of having centralized water plant over individual units in each building
Condenser Evaporator
Starters are used to establish the starting circuit for starting the motor.
Air heading units are the equipments that deals with the hot and cold air
Piping systems for water & pumps for inducing the flow of water is called
hydronic systems.
19. What are the two basic piping arrangements that are widely practiced?
b) Cooling towers.
2 Marks
1. List the significant toxic gases that are produced during fire
a) Carbon monoxide
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Hydrogen sulphide
d) Nitrogen dioxide
The structural elements made of timber ignite and rapidly destroyed in case
material, the surface of the timber is coated with paints and / or certain
boric acid, zinc chloride etc to make if fire resistant. More over it acts as
material for fire resisting construction. The concrete offers a much higher
1. A separate fire life should be provided for use of fire bridge in the event
of fire.
2. Old age and disabled person need to be included in all fire drills.
3. Flashing lights vibrating beds or variable velocity fans can alert deaf
visual alarm from the detector itself. Example : optical smoke detector.
1. It is also called wet hydrant riser It is also called dry hydrant riser which
which is installed in building of is installed in a building with the height
maximum height 60m. in the range of 18-40m.
2. It is almost similar to dry riser except It is not changed with pressurized
that the riser is always charged with supply of water.
pressurized supply of water
11. Define sprinkler head
In the automatic sprinklers the heat actuated devices known as the sprinkler
12. List the various types of sprinkler heads that are commonly used
a) Fusible link
b) Chemical Head
c) Glass Bulb
14. List the various structures where automatic sprinkler systems are
commonly installed.
3. Shopping malls
4. Theatres
15. What are the various precautions to be taken in the arrangement of
automatic sprinkler system?
1. The pipes should be fitted on the ceiling of the room at a height not
more than 4 meters.
2. In order to make the system more effective, the arrangement should be
made to cause an automatic alarm in case of a fire.
16. What do you mean by a lobby?
19. What are the structural elements that should be given due
considerations for design?
1. Walls & Column
2. Floors & roofs
3. Wall openings
4. Building fire escape element staircase.
• Smoke Detector
• Fire lightings